6. Why They Are Secret

  • Why don't the UFOs land on the White House lawn?

  • Why don't the alien occupants step out and say "Take me to your leader"?

  • Why don't they make formal contact?

These obvious questions, which people have posed for years, deserve thoughtful consideration. Yet the questions themselves are problematic because they are based on the assumption that the aliens want to make themselves known, establish contact with humans, and speak to our leaders. This assumption is incorrect. The evidence surrounding the UFO and abduction phenomenon strongly points, not to revelation, but to concealment as the goal.

Why should the aliens want to keep the UFO and abduction phenomenon a secret? Secrecy benefits the aliens and befuddles the humans. It hides the facts and fuels endless speculations. It is responsible for prolonged and rancorous debate between proponents and debunkers over the phenomenon's legitimacy. Secrecy also has a powerful and negative influence on abductees. It causes them and the public to question their sanity. Without secrecy there would be no UFO and abduction controversy.

Yet millions of people around the world have observed UFOs. Numerous photographs, motion pictures, and videos of UFOs have stood the test of scientific analysis. Radar traces have been part of the hard evidence for many years. How can we reconcile all the overt evidence with a policy of secrecy?

Ultimately, UFO sightings do not compromise secrecy. It is impossible to base an analysis of aliens' motivations and goals on the sightings of UFOs and, occasionally, their occupants. We must conclude, then, that the aliens actively dictate the terms upon which we can study them. They have chosen not to land on the White House lawn. They have chosen not to make overt "contact."


In the 1960s, the great French UFO researcher Aime Michel succinctly labeled this "The Problem of Noncontact."


The Early Hypotheses: 1940s to 1960s

A sighting—any sighting—would seem to be inconsistent with a policy of secrecy. If the technologically superior aliens wish to keep their secret, one could argue, they would prevent witnesses from seeing them. But beginning in the late 1940s, researchers struggled with the puzzle of why UFOs did not make formal contact. They offered several hypotheses about noncontact. The first theories focused on human hostility, ethical noninterference, reconnaissance, and various combinations of these three.

The "hostile humans" hypothesis suggested that UFOs were clandestine because they feared human aggression. Instances of jet fighter pilots encountering UFOs in the air and either wanting to fire upon them or actually shooting at them gave credence to the idea that aliens believed we were a hostile species who posed a threat to their spacecraft.

The "hostile humans" hypothesis was particularly in vogue when America was involved with the military mindset of World War II, the Korean conflict, and the Cold War, and was influenced by then-current anthropological ideas that man was an innately aggressive, warlike animal. Humankind's first reaction to extraterrestrial visitation, at least on an institutional level, would be to use military force to control or destroy the UFOs. By maintaining its distance, an advanced, and presumably peaceful, alien species would avoid conflict.


As Air Force analyst James Lipp said in 1949:

"It is hard to believe that any technologically accomplished race would come here, flaunt its ability in mysterious ways and then simply go away." Lipp suggested that "the lack of purpose apparent in the various episodes is also puzzling. Only one motive can be assigned; that the spacemen are 'feeling out' our defenses without wanting to be belligerent."1

This theory first received popular expression in the 1951 motion picture The Day the Earth Stood Still, in which a UFO lands near the White House and the U.S. military, armed with guns and tanks, immediately surrounds it. A trigger-happy soldier shoots and wounds an extraterrestrial after he emerges from the flying saucer. When the alien escapes, he completes his mission on Earth only by living incognito with humans. Avoiding overt contact was seen as a preventive reaction to our inherent hostility.

Early researchers also put forward the "reconnaissance" explanation for alien secrecy. Pioneer UFO researcher Donald Keyhoe, in his 1950 Flying Saucers Are Real, advanced the idea that "the earth has been under periodic observation from another planet, or other planets for at least two centuries."


These inspections are,

"part of a long-range survey and will continue indefinitely. No immediate attempt to contact the earth seems evident. There may be some unknown block to making contact, but it is more probable that the spacemen's plans are not complete."2

According to Keyhoe, if we were exploring another planet, we would not make contact until our observations were complete:

"If we were to find that the other species was hostile or belligerent, then we would go on to the next planet."3

Building upon Keyhoe's theory, Canadian UFO investigator Wilbert Smith speculated in 1953 that when UFO occupants discover that we are a warlike people, they will depart because we are "too primitive by their standards." For Smith and other researchers, UFO occupants were anthropologists practicing a policy of noninterference when they encountered a previously undiscovered tribal society. According to this theory, aliens had a moral responsibility to protect humanity from the problems that interspecies contact could bring.


However, Smith suggested to Keyhoe that the aliens would directly intervene if humans became too aggressive:

Suppose, for instance, our pilots discovered a lost civilization down in the Amazon country. We'd investigate from the air to see how advanced they were before risking direct contact. If they were a century or two behind us with sectional wars going on, we'd possibly leave them alone—unless they had something we wanted badly. But they might be only a decade or two behind us. In that event we'd at least keep a close eye on them in the future. ... But if for any reason they were a danger to the rest of the world, we'd have to bring them under control, by reason—or threat of force.4

Aime Michel combined the "hostile humans" and noninterference hypotheses in 1956 when he suggested that UFO occupants did not contact us because it might be physically dangerous for them. Michel said that humans are a violent people and,

"considering our bloody past, would they not be justified in thinking that their best protection is an 'iron curtain'?"

But, explained Michel, the aliens also had a selfish reason for non-contact:

"Contact would be a bad bargain for them. It would teach us far more than it would teach them and in every way reduce their margin of superiority over us. And supposing we found out the secret of their machines? Would we use the knowledge as prudently as they have done?"

Still, Michel thought that contact might happen,

"when contact does more good than harm."5 He noted with approval that they had "respect for others" because they had "never once attempted to interfere in our affairs."6

Aime Michel later suggested that the aliens had deliberately avoided overt contact because of the havoc it would wreak upon human institutions and life—and aliens would supplant us in a Darwinian survival-of-the-fittest model.7


Contact could, however, take place without our knowledge, said Michel, because the aliens are so superior and clandestine that "we will be as incapable of detecting their activity or of analyzing their motives as a mouse is of reading a book."8

In the 1950s, a very divisive element entered the debate over the meaning of noncontact—the infamous contactees. These people claimed that they were having continuing interactions with friendly "Space Brothers." They met with aliens at various places, including restaurants, bus terminals, and isolated areas. This was contact.


And although most serious UFO researchers quickly exposed the contactees as frauds, legions of people believed their yarns and concluded that aliens had already made contact and therefore the debate over the secret nature of the UFO phenomenon was moot.9 The contactees lost their popularity by the 1960s, but ever since, debunkers and skeptics have pointed to them as examples of how UFO proponents can be gullible.

In the 1960s, the "hostile humans" hypothesis declined, but the reconnaissance hypothesis remained strong. Writing in 1962, Coral Lorenzen, codirector of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, made the reconnaissance hypothesis part of the satellite program.


She said that UFOs were subjecting Earth to,

"a geographical, ecological, and biological survey accompanied by a military reconnaissance of the whole world's terrestrial defenses."

According to Lorenzen this activity had increased since the first Earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik, in 1957, and,

"succeeding space probes launched by men seem to have generated a closer scrutiny of earth by our 'visitors,' if indeed they are real."10

Researchers Richard Hall, Ted Bloecher, and Isabel Davis of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena suggested in 1969 that there was no formal contact because the aliens did not understand our civilization.

"Even in the simple matter of physical approach to human beings, the behavior of UFOs is above all contradictory; they seem to display a mixture of caution and curiosity."

UFOs did not contact humans because "the extraterrestrials ... may still be as baffled about our behavior and motives as we continue to be about theirs."11

However, a real contradiction existed between the hypotheses and the daily events. Thousands of people were sighting UFOs; investigators were collecting thousands of reports of high-level sightings, low-level sightings, and even landed UFOs; and there was an increase in the number of "occupant" reports, in which witnesses said they saw aliens in or near a UFO. The Barney and Betty Hill case, in the early 1960s, also helped bolster the argument that UFOs were making covert contact.

Did this activity mean that UFOs were displaying themselves on purpose?


What was the purpose?


The Later Hypotheses: 1970s to 1990s

By the 1970s, some researchers began to theorize that UFOs were revealing themselves slowly so that humans could get accustomed to the idea of alien visitation. Presumably, sudden revelation would be enormously upsetting to all human institutions. Fear, depression, and despair would follow. Suicides would probably rise. Widespread panic, institutional disintegration, governmental crisis, and other forms of catastrophe could follow, leading to societal chaos and anarchy. Gradual revelation would "cushion the blow" of contact and reduce disruption; the aliens did not want to shock humans by showing themselves too abruptly.

Therefore, the aliens allowed humans to sight UFOs as a societal "shock absorber." Researchers hypothesized that sightings allowed us to achieve a higher form of awareness about aliens in a constantly controlled manner, much like a thermostat controlling temperature. Part of the alien design was to allow the idea of UFOs as extraterrestrial objects to creep into popular culture. Thus, researchers theorized, the aliens played us like a fiddle for our own good while they carefully monitored society's knowledge of their presence.

UFO researcher Jacques Vallee expounded a version of this theory in The Invisible College (1975). The random appearance and disappearances of single UFOs and waves of sightings held special significance for Vallee.


These UFO manifestations were part of a control system designed by the aliens to,

"stimulate the relationship between man's consciousness needs and the evolving complexities of the world which he must understand."

This would lead to what Vallee called "a new cosmic behavior."12

For Vallee, the UFO phenomenon resided somewhere between the physical and psychic worlds. It was linked to man's consciousness and was called forth to condition humanity to a shift in world view, presumably about the universe and man's place within it.13


UFO appearances and disappearances were part of a human conditioning regimen, although Vallee was vague about the purpose of the conditioning.

Similar theories developed. One popular idea among Jungian UFO researchers was that UFOs were manifestations of an alternative reality that existed between the psychic and the objective. Individual people psychically called these forms into being from an "imaginal" realm. While they were here they were "real" and objective, but they vanished into the other realm.14

The growing number of "occupant" sightings in the late 1970s and early 1980s added support to the "psychic realm" hypotheses. The occupants seemed to behave in incomprehensible ways. They avoided contact, failed to communicate, seemed to inspect people who stood paralyzed, and then disappeared into their UFOs and flew off. Witnesses reported UFOs swooping down upon their cars and pacing or "chasing" them. Other reports described objects simply materializing in front of witnesses and then disappearing without the observer seeing them fly away.

The celebrated UFO researcher and astronomer J. Allen Hynek wrestled with the problems of non-contact and the seemingly absurd manner in which UFOs behaved. When the UFOs initiated what appeared to be a form of contact—being seen from time to time, buzzing cars and airplanes, scaring people, not giving humans a "gesture of good will"— it made no sense.


Why would UFOs and their occupants exhibit such bizarre behavior?

Hynek speculated that UFOs dwelled in a parallel universe or another dimension and "popped" through to Earth. Perhaps they came on the "astral plane" in which they could "will" themselves to be on Earth. Whatever the case, the ease with which they came to Earth suggested that UFOs could do what they wanted without having to make formal contact.15


Biologist and UFO researcher Frank Salisbury summed up these attitudes in 1974 by saying,

"The extraterrestrials might simply have their reasons for not wanting to make formal contact, and ... we, in this stage of our development, simply cannot fathom those reasons."16

Although theories have abounded—Earth as a refueling station for UFOS traveling to other places, Earth as a tourist spot for aliens to gaze upon—by the late 1980s most researchers had given up speculating about non-contact. Not enough evidence existed upon which to base a viable hypothesis.

Then in the early 1990s, John Mack revived the debate by postulating that the purpose of non-contact was,

"to invite, to remind, to permeate our culture from the bottom up as well as the top down, and to open our consciousness in a way that avoids a conclusion that is different from the ways we traditionally require."

Humans must look for proof of the existence of aliens in ways other than the purely rational.

"It is for us to embrace the reality of the phenomenon and to take a step forward appreciating that we live in a universe different from the one in which we have been taught to believe."17

I believe these prior hypotheses to be inadequate to explain the UFO phenomenon. As with most speculation about the phenomenon, researchers have based their hypotheses about non-contact on the most circumstantial evidence. Furthermore, most theories have placed non-contact within a human-centered context: Aliens either fear humans or want to help them. Like Ptolemy, who assumed that Earth was the center of the solar system, most researchers have assumed that aliens have come to Earth because they realize the uniqueness and importance of humans.


This is what the Judeo-Christian tradition teaches.18

Indeed, most traditional theories of formal contact have been rooted in Judeo-Christian anthropomorphism. These theories have generally assumed that an alien species would have a strong interest in the complex thought processes, civilization, and technology of humans. Aliens would respect us and share their scientific and technological knowledge with us; humans would join with aliens into a community of planets.


These assumptions have been based not on evidence but on the ideas and thought processes derived from the society and culture in which its adherents live.


Current Hypotheses and Abductions

The abduction phenomenon has always been more secretive than the UFO-sighting phenomenon. Researchers investigated UFO sightings for fourteen years before they came upon an abduction case. Another twenty-five years elapsed before they understood that abductions were enormously widespread and the central focus of the UFO phenomenon.

When researchers first began to investigate abductions, they assumed that an abduction was a one-time, adult-onset event. Abductions suggested curiosity rather than manipulation on the part of the aliens. As abductees recalled fragments of events, researchers decided that aliens were "studying" or "experimenting" on people. The secretive aliens were finished with their examination of Earth's flora and fauna and had turned their attention to studying humans.

As the number of abduction reports grew, many researchers adopted the ethical noninterference argument and assumed that aliens conducted their study in secret in order not to disrupt the subject's life. Memories of an abduction could be so traumatic that they would negatively interfere with the abductee's psychological well-being. In addition, researchers assumed the aliens gave abductees posthypnotic suggestions not to remember an event so that it would be buried in the subject's unconscious.

Other researchers hypothesized that an abductee would not remember an abduction because the natural defenses of the human brain repressed the traumatic event. The human mind could not cope with the impossibility and terror of an alien abduction; rather than confronting the horrendous events, the mind buried the memories deep within it and only allowed tiny pieces to "bleed" through. Investigators had to use hypnosis to recover these repressed memories.

The argument that aliens operate in secrecy in order not to disrupt abductees' lives might have merit were it not for the fact that the disruption in their lives is enormous even without conscious recollection of their abduction experiences. If the aliens were indeed concerned about not causing personal disruption, they would not abduct people in the first place, or, at the very least, not so often over the course of their lives.

The hypotheses that abductees repress memories to cope with the trauma of an abduction also have evidential problems. The mechanisms of traumatic memory repression are highly debatable, and even if the hypothesis is true, the frequency of abductions militates against repression in every case. There are many abduction events that are not traumatic and they, too, are not remembered. Furthermore, researchers have uncovered no reports of posthypnotic procedures that aliens might use to "bury" the abduction event. If these procedures existed, researchers would be seeing them during every abduction.

Although the exact neurology is not known, it is most likely that the aliens store the abduction events directly in the abductee's long-term memory system, bypassing short-term memory and preventing the triggering mechanism that allows for its reconstitution. Hypnosis restores the trigger that allows the memories to come forth.


Reshma Kamal was told that the reason the aliens do not "erase" the memories altogether is that there are aspects of them that must be retained by abductees for future reference. Thus, the memories are intact, but inaccessible through normal recall.19

For years, the abduction phenomenon has lain hidden under layers of direct and indirect protection—societal beliefs, scientific hostility, incomplete conscious recall, confabulation in hypnotically recalled testimony, and alien-induced memory manipulation. Unlike sightings of UFOs, there are no radar traces, photographs, films, or videotapes.


The evidence is primarily anecdotal, with an occasional artifact. Only one thing is certain: Whatever the reason for it, the alien secrecy strategy has been enormously successful. Most people who have had a lifetime of abduction experiences remain unaware of what has happened to them.


They would deny as lunacy any suggestion that they were involved with the abduction phenomenon, even if they had been abducted just hours before.


Methods of Protecting Secrecy

The starting point of secrecy is to prevent the abductee from remembering what happened, a strategy that is more comprehensive than just inculcating amnesia.

  • First, all those near the abduction event must not be aware of what is happening. Therefore, the aliens routinely immobilize, render unconscious, or perceptually alter potential witnesses to the abduction. In effect, they "switch off" proximate people so that they cannot interfere in the event. Husbands, wives, friends, and bystanders—all are made unaware of the abduction.

  • Second, the abductee is separated from a group. For example, if he is at a picnic, he will "take a walk" and not return for an hour and a half; when he returns, he explains vaguely that he "lost track of time," and his friends ignore the incident. Thus, the aliens maintain secrecy while abducting someone from a large group of people.

  • Third, to render memory recall more difficult, the aliens cloud what memory the abductee has by injecting confusing and "false" memories into his mind. For example, if the person is abducted from bed, he might remember an unusually vivid and realistic "dream." Other abductions might produce "screen" memories of animals staring at the abductee—owls, deer, monkeys, racoons. An abductee might think he saw an "angel," a "devil," or a deceased relative standing by his bed. Society provides a menu of explanations, and the abductees pick and choose depending on their background and culture.

Secrecy extends to the physical aspect of the abduction, and "cloaking" the removal of an abductee is an integral part of it. When a person is abducted from his normal environment, he reports that he floated directly out of a closed window, or through the wall, or through the ceiling and roof and up into a waiting UFO. Yet people on the outside rarely see this because the aliens somehow render themselves, the abductees, and the UFO "unseeable" during this time.

Abductions often take place from automobiles, and the aliens institute secrecy in this situation as well. When a person is driving, the aliens cause the car to stop so that the abductee can walk to a UFO waiting by the side of the road (sometimes the abductee floats directly through the windshield). Typically, the aliens wait until there are no other cars on the road, or they compel the abductee to drive down a deserted road and wait for the abduction.


Often, the aliens take the car with the abductee, resolving the problem of having an abandoned vehicle on the side of the road.


Threats to Secrecy

Yet the secrecy policy has not been implemented perfectly. The aliens apparently cannot maintain total secrecy. Witnesses see UFOs. Traces of their existence have been left behind in the form of marks on the ground and physical effects upon the environment. Many abductees have conscious memories of their experiences. Abductees are aware of "missing time." They have unexplainable scars and other physical "clues." In addition to these symptoms of abduction activity, the secrecy policy has many other vulnerabilities.

The first vulnerable point is the mechanical device implanted in many abductees. Walking around with an implant can be risky. The monitoring system that alerts aliens to attempts to remove the implant only works in a non-emergency situation. To my knowledge, on at least twenty occasions abductees who are unaware of their abduction experiences have either sneezed out an implant or discharged it in another way.


Potentially, the discharge can compromise secrecy.


The aliens have been "lucky" that this has not been the case; the puzzled and unaware abductees have assumed that they accidentally acquired the object ("The wind must have blown it into my nose"). Or an abductee might feel compelled to discard the object. For example, a young woman discharged a two-inch yellow plastic-like object vaginally, which, of course shocked and frightened her. She "knew" that she had to get rid of the object immediately. She flushed it down the toilet, and then she flushed the toilet three more times to make sure that it had disappeared. Then she felt better.

Not being taped on video equipment or photographed is essential to maintain the aliens' secrecy. They are extremely careful to make sure that the abductee turns off photographic detection equipment before an abduction. If necessary, they can cause a power failure in the house or neighborhood to prevent the detection equipment from working.


They do not want to be seen.


Protecting the Fetus

The aliens' single most significant area of vulnerability—the one that has, by far, the greatest impact on maintaining secrecy—is the implantation of a gestating fetus. Because producing offspring is a primary goal of abductions, successful fetal implantation and extraction are critical. Virtually all female abductees have had embryos implanted, and after a period of weeks or months the fetus has been removed. Without the fetal implantation-extraction phase of the program, the entire abduction phenomenon would be crippled, if not rendered inoperative. It is absolutely essential that the fetus is protected from abortion during this phase.

Fetal implantation is precisely where security is most likely to be compromised. Once a woman has been impregnated, she continues with her normal life but she is carrying the fetus. Although few female abductees are aware of the fetus, they—and not the aliens— are in control of it and the pregnancy. For the aliens, this crucial shift in control comes at a perilous time. If the woman realizes she is carrying a fetus inserted into her by the aliens, she can elect to terminate the pregnancy. Indeed, many female abductees have sought abortions.


Alien monitoring generally reveals a planned abortion so that the fetus can be removed beforehand, but other protective methods must also be implemented.

Deceiving the woman by implanting an extrauterine gestational unit is another way to secure protection for the fetus. The unit does not change the shape, size, or color of the uterus and often does not provoke a characteristic hormonal reaction. Therefore, the abductee has little indication that she is pregnant and takes no action to end the pregnancy.

Another subterfuge is to allow the sexually active woman to think she is pregnant. There is always the real possibility that the pregnancy is a normal outcome of sexual relations even though the couple might have used contraception. If the woman elects to terminate the pregnancy, usually there is enough time between the decision and the necessary testing for the aliens to remove the fetus. In most cases, by the time the woman arrives for the abortion, the fetus is gone. Generally, the physician's diagnosis is pseudocyesis, spontaneous abortion, absorption, or secondary amenorrhea.


The woman makes no overt connection between the "disappearance" of the fetus and the abduction phenomenon.


Reasons for Secrecy

The critical question still remains: Why are the aliens so secretive?


The answer can be found in the motives and purposes of the Breeding Program. Because the fetus must be protected, the most effective method to prevent the abductee from knowing about the pregnancy is to keep it secret from her.


In response to Lucy Sanders's questions one alien was uncharacteristically forthcoming. He told her:

We have our own interest because we are removing your ova and using it for our own genetic purposes. We know this will be very disturbing to the human female because she is a reproductive organ between the two of the species, she is the host for reproduction, and we only remove those that we need.

When Lucy asked him what that meant, he replied:

We sometimes use the female human as a host for genetic reproductive purposes. We feel that if the female of the species knows that her body is being used as a host, she may wish to remove what she feels isn't hers. So we put a very strong blank [block] on her memory process so that she has no idea that the implant has been put there. We will do the same for you when we, as we have in the past, implant you.

We feel that it is better for the female if we do not leave the implant in. We are able to bring the fetus to term using our own females, but the first, within the first trimester it must be removed so that the female human does not realize she is host to an implant.

We find psychologically, within the first trimester, if the female host is unaware of the implant, she goes about her normal routine, and it does not have a debilitating effect on the fetus. Upon removal, we put another blank on the female human host so that in the future we can do this same procedure and she will be accustomed to it.20

Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational phenomenon in which the children of abductees are themselves abductees, then one of the aliens' goals is the generation of more abductees.

Are all children of abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence suggests that the answer is "yes." If an abductee has children with a nonabductee, the chances are that all their descendants will be abductees. This means that through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage, and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly throughout the generations. When those children grow and marry and have children of their own, all of their children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee, will be abductees.

To protect the intergenerational nature of the Breeding Program, it must be kept secret from the abductees so they will continue to have children. If the abductees knew that the program was inter-generational, they might elect not to have children. This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt, which the aliens cannot allow.

The final reason for secrecy is to expand the Breeding Program. To integrate laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee children. If abductees were aware of the program, they might decide not to have children at all or to mate only with other abductees. Thus, the number of childbearing unions between abductees and non-abductees would decline, endangering the progress of the Breeding Program.

The Breeding Program must be kept secret, not only from women, but also from men and society as a whole.


When Claudia Negron was six years old, a young hybrid girl explained at least part of the program to her.

I ask her why they're doing this. She says it's for the good of everybody and that they have to do this. It's very important and that I'm not the only one. There are many... . And one day I will know what it's all about, but not just yet. Because if they tell people what it's all about, then their project is ruined. So they have to keep it a secret for now. I ask her what kind of a project is it. She says to make a better world, to make a better place.21

It could be argued that since we have evidence of the Breeding Program, secrecy has effectively been compromised.


But this is not the case.


The aliens' wall of secrecy will only be penetrated when many people within our society, perhaps the majority, fully realize what has been happening to them and understand the implications for them and their descendants. After fifty years of public awareness of UFO sightings and abductions, the debate continues about whether the phenomenon is "real," and the scientific community refuses to study it.

Thus, at this point in time, the aliens' policy of secrecy has been and continues to be enormously successful, despite the millions of UFO sightings and abduction reports.


The vast majority of abductees have the memories of their experiences locked in their minds, entwined within a labyrinth of dreams, confabulation, false memories, and induced images—exactly where the aliens want them to be. And if abductees recover these experiences, they endure societal strictures, ridicule, disbelief, and condescension.

Secrecy is not necessary to protect society from the "shock" of revelation of "contact." Nor is it necessary to protect the individual's life from disruption. Secrecy is necessary to protect the alien Breeding Program. It is a defensive measure, not against the hostility of violent and frightened humans, but against the hostility of a host population who would object to being the victims of a widespread program of physiological exploitation.

Now we can understand why the aliens will not land on the White House lawn. If they were to do so, the reasons they have come to Earth might be discovered, and they might not be able to continue with their Breeding Program. Most of the past secrecy theories have assumed the aliens concealed themselves to hide their existence. It is now clear that the primary reason for secrecy is to keep their activities hidden and therefore they must keep their existence a secret.

Because it is covert, the abduction phenomenon that is essential to the Breeding Program has grown to enormous proportions.


And both its purpose and its magnitude have profoundly disturbing implications for the future.

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