Ultimate Truths - Part VIII

Nuclear Weapons on Earth, in Modern Times

All Roads Lead To London (& Beyond)



Further Thoughts on the Nuking of the WTC, and Future Psyops
August 12, 2007

from invisionfree Website

It behooves me to report that some claim that it doesn’t matter if the WTC, and its 3,000 human occupants were destroyed via thermite, or "DEW," or nuclear bombs. Of course, if mini-nukes were exploded, and the subsequent China Syndrome occurred, it does matter in numerous ways.

The truth matters, in and of itself - and inherently includes an infinitude of reasons, known and unknown at any given time.

  1. It matters in the legal sense, as this is also a legal matter of mass murder and high treason, and war-making crimes against humanity. And actual criminal details are part of catching and trying the perps - even if the trials are in other countries, and/or carried out by "plain" citizens for the time being.

  2. It matters to the WTC responders (and their families) who are dying of rare cancers, as are many people living in NYC who are now getting "rare" cancers. If my theories are correct, they may be dying from cancers caused by exposure to nuclear radiation - in particular, in part, from the UNSHIELDED, six months long release of the China Syndrome of radioactive fragments, at the WTC. It matters in the medical treatment and prevention of disease.

  3. It matters because nuclear bombs being used on innocent American citizens will outrage Americans more than anything else. Much more than learning about putting CGI on TV.

Is not the most important goal in this to cause the people to wake up and act, before it is too late?


Nuclear annihilation and radiation are perhaps the most odious things conceivable. This is precisely why the regime put out so many disinfo agents and "theories"! The pancakes, thermite, and DEW were all put out to keep the people from finding out that the WTC, and its thousands of human inhabitants were nuked - vaporized, irradiated - like they were less than nothing.


The PTB fear the masses finding this out and realizing they have nothing to lose with such a regime in power. Every 911 truther is only helping the regime, the mass murderers, by denying the nuking of the WTC on 911, and accepting disproven, or impossible theories, or saying let’s not dwell on this.

In regards to #3 above, and in my making preliminary extrapolations from the Chernobyl China Syndrome event, I have to report that the nearly 3,000 people who died on 9/11 may - in years, or decades - be significantly surpassed by the number who will have died from cancer, or other disease, much of which may have been caused by radiation exposure! It is also a medical matter in trying to save these people.


The responders and their physicians need to know the mechanism/cause of their cancers. So it is very wrong that some say the mechanism of WTC destruction either doesn’t matter, or it’s not important - compared to the TV fakery issue. It is just the opposite. All they ever put on TV, is fakery, like the Apollo Hoax. Demonstrating TV fakery is important.


But how they killed thousands, and what is causing many other people to suffer and die, is a [or the] most important issue.

Now, it is important to predict, and prevent, what the regime, and its many disinfo agents, may soon try to promulgate regarding the WTC/911 nuclear destruction scenario. More and more people are realizing that planes/fuel/gravity/pancaking, or thermite, and/or DEW, could not possibly have caused the WTC explosions, and the China Syndrome of high heat and molten steel months later.


More and more people are realizing that only nuclear demolition can account for all this, as well as the Electromagnetic Pulses which caused toasted cars, and not people and paper. So predictably, I have already seen the limited hangouts arising.

"Well yes it was nukes that did it, but they were foreign nukes."

Either the "Russkie" card, or the "Zionist/Israeli" card will be played as limited hangouts - or for that matter the "Al-Quaeda [Al-CIA-Duh] Card" or the "Iranian" card, or a "China card" may be played.


Whoever they might want to start a bogus war with, at the time.


The "Russkie card" has been planted a few decades ago, as the "Soviet suitcase nukes" claim. The Zionist card - well that’s a perennial, or should I say bi-millenial scapegoat ruse; and a hint at whether an author or website, etc. is a shill. Any honest research will inform you that MI5/6 control the CIA, the KGB/FSB, and the Mossad, and not the laughable vice versa.

Should the PTB, say, decide to nuke Chicago, they would likely simultaneously do the following scenario: Get some Arab (looking) dupes [Al-CIA-Duh] to be the first pawns. But they will also plant some dancing Israelis (or a single prominent one), in Chicago, and make sure to videotape them (for possible later use); or say that they were the old Soviet suitcase nukes, and try to whip up another "Cold War".


Or more likely they will plant numerous false flag/limited hangouts (as above), to confuse and confound - what I now call "Babelizing" the matter. So as the WTC mini-nukes mechanism of WTC destruction becomes more popular, EXPECT that it may be co-opted as "Russkie nukes" or "Israeli nukes." Don’t fall for it. Look to Washington, D.C., and their taskmasters in London.


But do expect to see this. BTW, the old "Soviet suitcase nukes" claim really means, IMO, that the PTB thought about doing a NUCLEAR 9/11 WTC type event (or even the exact same event) decades ago! But probably they didn’t then have total support from the military, media etc. And one President and his brother, and others, had to die first.


And if you truly understand the whole conspiracy field, it would be clear that if the old Soviet Union really did place any suitcase nukes in the USA, it was done at the REQUEST of Washington and London. Likewise, in the present time, if there are any Mossad, or Chinese, (or other foreign) agents here (and likely there are); they would only be here at the request of Washington and London.

Finally, I call upon the survivors of 9/11 who are stricken with those radiation-induced cancers to reach out to your fellow survivors, or their families, in none other than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For it is the same monstrous regime that has nuked you all, and would like to nuke the rest of us, if not stopped.


It was not only the China Syndrome that was brought to New York City on 9/11.


With the peeling away of all the WTC destruction pysops layers, we can finally see that what was brought to New York City on 9/11 was a physically somewhat less intense, but morally just as heinous version of… HIROSHIMA.

How to Explain the Incredible Symmetrical Destruction of WTC7?
covertoperations Website

In my recent articles on the nuclear destruction of the WTC I wrote that the controlled demolition (henceforth abbreviated as CD) of WTC7 appeared to be conventional.


I reasoned that videos do not show the massive outward explosions seen during the nuclear destruction of WTC1 and WTC2. There is also the fact that much of WTC1 and 2 was vaporized and is not there in its own rubble (footprint), whereas WTC7 demolition shows numerous "pancaked" floors remaining. But further examining of the evidence requires continued thinking on this question.

As always, I caution people to overcome naiveté and inertia; and to realize the possibility that many photos and videos released on all 9/11 skyscrapers' "collapses" may have been altered. We know that most, if not all of the videos of the two "plane hits" of the twin towers have been altered, or are simply computer generated.


Having said that, here is a fairly complete set of several videos from different locations and angles showing WTC7 destruction. Can we contrast this with video of a conventional demolition of a similarly shaped wide skyscraper?


See this demolition of the 32-storey, "wide-body" Stardust Shit stuff in Las Vegas.








Ignore the added Vegas fireworks. Notice how the entire (all the way up to the top) central structure all falls down, from the very onset of demolition, with the sides collapsing on top of this at the end. Notice also that the moving plumes of smoke start after the entire edifice has hit the ground.


Contrast the latter with WTC7, which had much larger plumes of smoke flowing certainly at the start of demolition, and perhaps apparently even before (from basement explosions?)

But perhaps the most striking difference is in the near perfect, intact, ensemble "sliding down" of the upper floors of WTC7. With the exception of the initial collapse of the central penthouse, and an apparent initial kinking of the top left area of WTC7, we see an almost miraculous, perfectly uniform, even collapse. I assert that this is a demolition unlike any other, for many reasons.


But the usual destruction of mere supports does not appear to be involved here. Rather whole levels of structure below the visible top floors appear to have been vaporized-more on this later. Now we appear to see at least the top 20 floors or more just coming down as an intact ensemble.


What can account for such near-perfect uniformity? We don't see this in other CDs of similarly shaped buildings. Indeed, in other CDs, we saw that the initial central collapse followed by the outer portions falling inwards is created by the CD planners for the final footprint result, and occurs at the onset of CD.


Assuming the videos are (somewhat) genuine, was the initial, central, rooftop penthouse "collapse" a clever way to get people to think the whole thing was occurring like other controlled demolitions? When the rest of it is not. (Or was the Penthouse coupled to something in the basement, or the lowest floors?)

Part of the problem of analyzing the WTC7 CD, is the fact that smoke, and other buildings, obscure what happens to the bottom half.


A chemist, Frank Legge, PhD stated that the upper floors of WTC7 came down just slightly slower than freefall speed in a vacuum (6.2 vs. 6.0 sec.). His article is in Steven Jones' "Journal." It concerns itself in proving that fires and gravity could not have caused the WTC7 "collapse," and that conventional CD did.


Legge even wrote, in defense of his conventional CD hypothesis, that the bulk of the WTC7,

"came straight down with extraordinary precision."

To me, all this begs the real question:

Was this a conventional CD, or was WTC7 a nuclear CD, like WTC1 and 2?

For completeness, I note that others state that the CD of WTC7 was faster than free-fall time, and that a vacuum was created by the explosions that "sucked" the building downwards. Thermobaric, or Fuel-Air Explosives (FAE), are sometimes cited with this hypothesis.


A partial vacuum is said to be created with this type of explosive. Of course, even this type of explosive does not vaporize the contents of a building that they might be used in. But these possibilities should be considered.

In more detail, we must ask, does nearly the entire visible part of the building, WTC7, just come down AS IS (without any central falling inward) because some of the lower floors are no longer there? Were they vaporized by a nuke, or nukes? Again because of either video doctoring, or smoke and building obscuration, we do not see the bottom floors. We do know that WTC7, and much of the WTC, had hotspots as seen by AVIRIS/NASA plane overflights.


For the moment, let us discuss the underground hotpsots and molten steel in general, regardless of which WTC building these are under; because I will end with an unimpeachable witness to vaporized steel beneath WTC7.


Now these AVIRIS overflights took place on 9/16/01 and 9/23/01. Temperatures as high as 1000 degrees Kelvin or 1341 degrees Fahrenheit were found. This article makes clear that these were surface temperatures. Thus, if the heat source was significantly further underground (as I will demonstrate), the source(s) would likely have been at much higher temperatures.


Now, as with the destruction of WTC1 and 2, gravitational pancaking does not allow for 1300 F. degree surface temperature days and weeks later-nor for the much higher temperatures further underground. It is also improbable or impossible that conventional controlled demolition could account for this either. But the "extreme temperatures" of a nuke might, or as I hypothesized, the remnants of unexploded nukes undergoing partial criticality could account for these temperatures.


This remarkable photo shows flaming and apparently molten steel (if you look closely) being dug out of the bottom of WTC1 in late October. It is more easily seen here. Indeed the previous link has firefighter Joe O'Toole state that in February of the next year, there still was molten steel at the WTC! Here we have firefighters describing FLOWING molten steel weeks later.


It is impossible to explain such high temperatures so long after 9/11 except for the use of nukes, and/or possible heat GENERATION via nuclear criticalities, as previously cited.

Now I wish to make a crucial assertion. I may be the first to assert that the second AVIRIS data set is bogus! It claims that nearly all the hot spots were gone by 9/23. The govt's "data" claims that the "over three dozen hot spots [on 9/16]" were reduced to "4 or possibly 5" with greatly reduced temperatures by 9/23. Curiously, the 9/16 data were released two days later on 9/18; but the 9/23 data were not released until 10/12-19 days later!


I believe that honest scientists got the first set out ASAP, but the regime had time to block and alter the second AVIRIS set. And don't forget no further testing - or more likely release - of similar plane or satellite overflights was allowed. What do I base these assertions on? When honest, intrepid firefighters, and other responders state they witnessed molten steel weeks and months later, and when photos show the removal of such molten steel weeks later, I know whom to believe.


This is analogous to the Zapruder film of President Kennedy's murder.


That film purports to show the limo moving at a steady 10 mph throughout. This despite the fact that numerous eyewitnesses stated that the limo came to a complete halt (so that the driver could do what others had failed to do.) Some of these eyewitnesses soon paid the ultimate price. Zapruder himself at the Garrison trial of Clay Shaw refused to state, under oath, that the version of his film shown in court was the one he had shot!


So if I have to choose between intrepid firemen with nothing to gain, versus a President-murdering, Apollo Hoaxing, its own citizen nuking, world destroying regime, the choice is clear to me. All the eyewitnesses and photos demonstrate that the long-delayed release of the 9/23 AVIRIS data is false! The release of an honest set of such data would have shown very high temperatures weeks and months later.


This not only would have shot down the official ludicrous "collapse" story, but also the regime's planned release of the shill physicist's termite, er I mean thermite story. The release of honest temperature grids at the WTC, weeks and months later, would have proven the case for nuclear demolition, and/or heat generation by nuclear reacting criticality sites! This had to be avoided at all costs.

Now let us return to the demolition of WTC7. Unlike WTC1, 2, which I hypothesized were nuclear CD's, we do not see any great outward explosions with WTC7 because they would be going off in the unseen lower floors, including perhaps most likely the basement floors. WTC7 officially had five basement levels according to one (shill) website.


Now any nuke; or nukes, used in WTC7 were either limited to the basement and lowest floors only. But was the "collapse" observed so nearly perfectly even because numerous basement and lower floors had just been vaporized? I think there is a good chance this is what happened. Especially when we also consider what would be revealed underneath WTC7 weeks later.

While we must always consider the possibility of fakery with WTC7, let us assume for now that the videos of its unique demolition are genuine. But let us further examine another of my hypotheses, from my previous nuclear demolition article. I made the novel assertion that Larry Silverstein's statement that WTC7 was "pulled", was no slip-up.


I believe the PTB have been - from the moment of WTC7's "collapse" - telling the world that WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition.


As it was happening, we had CBS' Dan Rather say "it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it down." Note the admission/allusion to conventional controlled demolition.


We saw that in the assassination of President Kennedy, Dan Rather upon being the only reporter shown the Zapruder film, stated/lied that JFK went forward in the limo, after the fatal head shot, when in fact, he was flung backwards from the frontal shot (driver). Likewise, anything he said at critical 9/11 events was also scripted for him. Then we had, years later, John Kerry "admit" too that WTC7 was imploded by conventional CD. We know that everything Kerry does is also according to his taskmasters.


When he was informed that the Ohio 2004 Presidential election was rigged, and that he was really the next president, and could prove it if he wanted to, he then immediately conceded. He acted out his script.

So why are the Rathers, the Silversteins, the Kerrys of this country so happy to publicly proclaim a conventional CD for WTC7? One possibility must be that it was a nuclear CD. Recall how I noted that whenever the regime admits to something very bad, the real truth is usually vastly worse. In this light, we must ponder why they needed about six or seven hours to demolish WTC7, after the others were destroyed?


Admittedly WTC7 harbored the FBI, the Secret Service, the CIA, the IRS, the SEC, the Mayor's Command and Control Center, and according to Guiliani, another federal govt agency that he couldn't name. The latter is often code for the NSA, which officially "does not exist (No Such Agency)". And its charter is itself classified as top secret.


Of course, there could always have been federal agencies even more secret than the NSA in WTC7. Some have speculated that WTC7 likely was the "command and control center" for the 9/11 op. Therefore there would have been things in WTC7 that were needed for the destruction of the other buildings of the WTC on 9/11!


So it couldn't be demolished until after the others were.


And perhaps it took some time to,

  1. get out things they wanted to save

  2. set things up so as to absolutely guarantee destruction (vaporization?) of certain other things

This apparently took more time than they expected.


How do we surmise this? Because we now know that they told the media to announce that WTC7 came down before it actually did!


So we can guess that either,

  1. There was something important to get out that took longer than they planned for, and/or

  2. Making certain something would be completely destroyed took longer than they planned for, and/or

  3. outside events occurred that precluded the scheduled destruction of WTC7

The last could be something like isolated military commanders tried to counter the events of 9/11 and the regime needed to counter that with the use of something in WTC7.


Of course, only the nuking of the contents of WTC7 would guarantee that said contents were totally unrecoverable (vaporized). Now there is a 4th explanation: the remarkable possibility that the federal perps drilled out sub-basement levels on 9/11 itself. See below.

So in the analysis of the demolition of WTC7 on 9/11, we must consider,

  1. The possibility that videos are doctored, and need extensive analysis, as the now-proven bogus "plane hit" videos have been

  2. The probability-especially if the videos are genuine-that WTC7 was demolished through the use of mini-nuke(s) in the lower floors and/or basement levels.

Evidence of the unique, ensemble whole (upper) building "collapse" and the very high temperatures and molten steel beneath the rubble of WTC7 for days and weeks afterwards support this nuclear hypothesis.


In any case, future inquiry should be directed not to the question of if this was a controlled demolition, but rather whether it was a nuclear demolition, which appears likely.

The following section is to be regarded, at this time, as purely speculation, and is not essential to this article on the demolition of WTC7. This speculative hypothesis (apparently published here for the first time) relates to the nuclear demolition of WTC7, and possibly the other WTC buildings.


The following speculation could provide for the necessary nuclear reactors which provided either the explosive nuclear material (Tahil hypothesis), or more likely, IMO, the source for heat GENERATION weeks and months later to explain all the hotpsots, and molten steel observed at such later dates-as late as February 2002.


Note that this section is not necessary for the whole of my WTC Nuclear CD Theory, as I have already stated that blasted, unexploded mini-nukes could have provided for the nuclear reacting criticality sites, and resultant hotpsots. I write now of the remarkable Nuclear Borer. A photo of which is here- note it states that 42 levels were bored out by the Nuclear Borer.


Here is the public patent granted in 1972. A discussion of the Nuclear Borer is here. I am only concerned with what is spoken of at 2:35 seconds in. I will not comment on the rest of this video. I am only concerned with the depiction and knowledge of the Nuclear Borer.


Note that the 1972 public patent states,

"The heat source can be electrical or nuclear but for deep drilling is preferably a nuclear reactor."

We must note that if this remarkable military device had a PUBLIC patent granted in 1972, it must have been used much earlier.


And it is highly likely that 30 years later, in 2001, there would have been much faster, more powerful, smaller versions in existence. Other eyewitnesses have stated that this is precisely the case, and they have been used to quickly construct massive, very deep (thousands of feet), underground, connected bases-but this is beyond the present discussion.

This Nuclear Borer speculative aspect of my WTC nuclear demolition theory perhaps resolves the last piece of the puzzle, as follows. Apparently few people seem to be concerned with the fact that the molten steel at the WTC weeks and months later should require a source for the GENERATION of such heat, weeks and months later. I had hypothesized that these great hotspots (deep) underground were nuclear criticality sites from blasted, but unexploded mini-nukes.


But the fact that there are so many of these hotpsots indicates that these may not have been "accidents"/mishaps; rather the resultant hotpsots may have occurred because their source was built into the demolition scheme itself. The nuclear reactors in the Nuclear Borers appear to fill this last piece of the puzzle quite well.


But the earlier hypothesis of nukes blasting unexploded other mini-nukes, resulting in nuclear-reacting criticality hotpsots may still hold. In more detail, regarding this Nuclear Borer hypothesis, the requisite 20 or more floors were drilled out in the sub-basement, with stability left in, until that was exploded by the mini-nuke(s) at 5:30.


The drilling-out was possibly done that day, after evacuation after the "plane hits".


Perhaps this "perfect ensemble collapse" was perpetrated to reinforce the claim that the two towers came down via gravitational pancaking. Maybe the powers that be thought it would be easier for the masses to swallow this, if they "collapsed" at least one of the buildings - which by then had many video cameras trained on it - to look like a gravitational pancaking - which the END result does, as does a superficial understanding/viewing of the WTC7 "collapse" itself.


But recall all the chaos in the nuking of WTC 1 and 2.

  • Recall the whole chunks breaking off, and that massive, separated top part of WTC2?

  • Did the WTC1, 2 "collapses" look anything like the perfect ensemble "collapse" of WTC7?

  • Or did WTC7 demolition, look anything like any other demolition?

So perhaps the WTC7 demolition fell as such a "perfect ensemble" because it fell into its own perfectly drilled-out footprint!


Nukes provide for lots of "uneven" chaos. Perhaps only a perfectly drilled-out hole could have accounted for the perfect ensemble collapse - drilled out by the Nuclear Borer (or successor device).

Let us look at the history of the WTC, and the nuclear Borer. The WTC was built in the late 60's and early 70's, when the Nuclear Borer had already been used for some time in drilling out underground nuclear bomb cavities. One possibility in my Nuclear Borer Speculation is thus that Nuclear Borer(s) could have been used at the WTC during its construction, and left in place for use during its destruction!


Another possibility (as per the above) is that one of them - or a more potent, yet smaller, successor device - was very busy underneath WTC7 for some 6-7 hours, drilling out sufficient sub-basement floors to allow the unique ensemble collapse of WTC7 at around 5:30 P.M.


This may answer numerous questions:

  • Could this be why they took so long, after the other buildings were destroyed?

  • Could some unexpected problem in the use of the Nuclear Borer be the reason that the PTB gave the media too early a time for the destruction of WTC7?

  • Could the exploded nuclear reactors in several Nuclear Borers, and their still critical components be the underground source for the many hotspots and molten steel weeks and months later?

  • Could the Nuclear Borer's reactors be the fission reactors that William Tahil hypothesized?

I always thought his hypothesis had some merit, but didn't quite fit.


Unlike Tahil, I believe that mini-nukes (fusion devices) brought down the towers, and possibly all the other WTC buildings and now WTC7 too. And these nukes could have also exploded the reactors in the Nuclear Borers which may have been used to drill out necessary parts of each of the WTC buildings for the other nukes to do their thing. In particular, extensive Nuclear Borer drilling may have occurred some time before WTC7 destruction, perhaps that late morning and afternoon.


This allowed for that most unique "falling in its own footprint" "collapse" ever to be seen. WTC7 did fall through its own footprint once demolition began; as many underground floors had been bored out and a mini-nuke set-off underground or at a lower floor above ground initiated its unique destruction. It then indeed proceeded to fall through its already drilled out footprint-deep underground! This ends the Nuclear Borer Speculative Hypothesis, which is not necessary for this WTC7 nuclear demolition article, as a whole.

Finally we have this remarkable WTC7 destruction article, originally in the (formerly lauded) NY Times, no less.


For the most part, the article has lie after lie, such as this statement:

"[WTC7] burned like a giant torch."

Of course, everybody has seen that only a few windows on a couple of floors had relatively minor fires that could easily have been put out.


These fires were even on lower floors, allowing for an easier task by fire crews. But the fire department was apparently called off by federal agents. But in the midst of all these now typical NY Times/Regime lies, we have this remarkable slip-up and printing of some truth.


Dr. Barnett, a professor of fire protection engineering, said, in speaking of the WTC7 rubble, that the,

"fire and structural damage would not explain steel members in the debris pile that appear to have been partly evaporated in extraordinarily high temperatures."

Here, in effect, the NY Times has allowed to be printed a statement from a fire engineering professor, and witness, that some of the steel of WTC7 was vaporized!


And he even admits that any alleged fire and structural damage could not have caused this vaporization of steel. In effect, he is telling the world, that only the "extraordinarily high temperatures" of nuclear demolition allowed for that! For when he cited the vaporization of steel, not merely the melting of steel, he has proven the case for nukes, and at WTC7, no less!


For completeness I note that the termites, er I mean thermite, of the disinfo physicist is in no way capable of vaporizing steel. It might barely be capable of melting steel, but probably not, as it barely reaches the temperature needed to do this, but since it is an explosive, it doesn't provide the time to even appreciably melt steel, let alone vaporize it.


An explosive that attains vastly higher temperatures, as do nukes (up to 100 million degrees), can and does cause vaporization virtually instantly at or near its hypocenter.

The particular WTC 9/11 nuclear demolition hypothesis of the Anonymous Physicist states that what vaporized steel-nuclear fusion bombs, and what caused molten steel up to five months later, according to firefighter/responder Joe O'Toole, were two different mechanisms.


The first (vaporized steel) was from nuclear fusion bombs (mini-nukes); and the second (molten steel weeks and months later) was from nuclear criticality sites strewn over the WTC from either damaged, unexploded mini-nukes, or the speculative hypothesis above.

So in the final analysis, regarding the hypothesis of nuclear destruction of WTC 1, 2, 5, 6, and now 7, the evidence herein, and in my earlier articles, including the great surface hotspots (implying far greater temperatures below the surface), and the molten steel witnessed and photographed weeks and months later, and the fire professor's admission of vaporized steel in the WTC7 rubble and his admission that the vaporized steel present proved that "extraordinarily high temperatures" could only have caused that.


Along with the logistics, and other facts previously cited (such as much EMP evidence), prove that only nuclear explosives and/or nuclear reactor criticalities can account for all the above.




The Number 33, 9/11, the Freemasons/PTB, and All Things Nuclear
October 20, 2007
from Anonymous-Physicist Website

recovered trough WayBackMachine Website

Here I will present a world first. I will connect the code (number 33) of the Powers That Be (Freemasons on one level) to 9/11, and to both nuclear bombs, and all things nuclear.


Other events such as the assassination of President Kennedy and the recent VA. Tech killings are also tied in. I should note that each time I cite the number 33, it might only be happenstance, and not anything conspiratorial; there’s no way to prove otherwise in each case.


But never forget what high level British secret agent, and later novelist, Ian Fleming had his Goldfinger character say,

"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action."

Readers who want to know where all this leads should read or re-read what I have written here. If you are new to the deeper levels of the global/historical conspiracy, I would advise you to read much on,

While my cited article will save you many years, and lead you to the "Ultimate Truth" behind these groups, learning about these nefarious groups, commonly called the Powers That Be (PTB) will help you learn about what I call "the interfacers" - the seeming ultimate powers, until you learn of that final level I have revealed in that article.

I trust the reader knows that the number 33 is perhaps the most "beloved" of the Freemasons. It is the "official" highest degree of membership in Freemasonry - most of whose membership likely does not know these things, and join to get a job, or "lose" a parking ticket.


Others have said there may be Freemason levels higher than 33, known only to a few. Now the origin of the importance of this number throughout Man’s recorded history, can only be hypothesized, and is both beyond the scope here, and is not crucial to this article.


(You can read clues in my article cited on top; whether it relates to trigonometric relations of the Giza pyramid lengths and angles, the belt stars in Orion, and other matters, is up to you to learn and decide. But it is beyond the scope here, and not necessary for what I will reveal.)

Numerous cities have been built on 33 degree latitude locations, including Dallas, TX, and Baghdad, Iraq. Dallas, of course, is where President Kennedy was killed, and indeed you can find articles on all the Freemason symbols present at Dealey Plaza. Also the month and day add up to 33 (11 + 22 = 33).


A recent mass murder, the Virgina Tech killings, by who I coined was the ManCHOrian Candidate, led to 33 official deaths including Cho, who like Oswald was likely just a patsy, and not the shooter. I have found that the PTB were really telling their "fellow travelers" and anyone else who knows, that they were responsible for many things that day. At that same time, the official death toll of U.S. service men and women in Iraq was the double 33 - 3333.


And Congressman Kucinich, on that day, issued 3 articles of impeachment (of Cheney/Bush) in his Resolution 333 - or 3333.

Before I conclude with the 9/11 connection to the number 33 and the PTB, I wish to release (perhaps for the first time) its crucial connection to all things nuclear. Now you may know that the world’s first, official, man-made, controlled, nuclear chain reaction, on December 2, 1942, was led by Physicist, Dr. Enrico Fermi, in a converted squash court underneath the football stadium at the University of Chicago.

Fermi officially let it run for - "NATURALLY" - 33 minutes. Now, IMO, I do not necessarily believe the pile went critical that long.


Rather the number is code to all their members, in the highest places, both in the U.S. Govt and their controllers in London and Rome, and elsewhere, that,

"we now have and control nuclear power."

I conclude this because of several things:

These physicists’ instruments told them they were successful likely within seconds; and they have themselves acknowledged that they were endangering the survival of a large percentage of the human population of Chicago with matters that were allegedly new to them.

So I doubt it really was run for 33 minutes; and even if it was, stopping it at 33 minutes was code.

In August of 1945, the culmination of the "Manhattan Project" [or was 9/11/01 in Manhattan’s WTC, the culmination?], of which the U. of Chicago experiment was part, took place when the U.S. regime dropped nuclear fission bombs on the women, children and old men living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Hundreds of thousands died immediately (from the two cities) and many more would die from the radioactive aftermath. Who officially ordered this monstrosity? President Harry Truman who was both a 33rd degree Freemason, and the 33rd President of the USA. You might say a double 33 again. The official story is that Truman, was kept in the dark about "the Bomb" as Vice-President, until President Roosevelt died.


This may or may not be true.


But never forget where all this leads, so even 33rd degree Freemasons may not know what they are to be used for, until after it happens. Also, in passing, I note that George Washington was a 33rd degree Freemason, and that appears on his tombstone - above reference to his being the first President of the USA. Other Presidents were 33rd degree Freemasons as well.

The final nuclear matter I wish to include relates to radiation released from low levels of nuclear reactions such as are found in medicine and science, and even in smoke detectors. The original symbol for radiation released from these low level nuclear reactions is the logo which has 3 triangular shaped entities; i.e. 3 3-sided figures, or 33.


See this for example:





So, I have found, all things nuclear seem to have the 33 associated with them! Informing those in the know, just who controls all things nuclear, on this Planet.

Finally regarding 9/11, we have reference to Freemasons (see below the all-seeing eye at the subway station near and under the WTC), and the number 33 in several ways.



This is in the subway stop formerly named "World Trade Center."
It still connects directly to the site, but the part of the station closer has been re-built.
A viewing platform has been set up in the closer area to view the "Big Lie Hole."
It appears that the mosaic below was not destroyed or damaged and it dates from before the attack.




But one way has apparently escaped virtually everyone. It concerns someone the PTB have proclaimed as a hero, namely William Rodriguez - the former TV magician, cum janitor, cum Gov. Mario Cuomo press agent, cum janitor - cum 'hero'!


And he was not in his usual place (high up in the tower) at his usual time that morning. Now I have detailed how likely nuclear radiation victim Felipe David’s hanging skin was due to heat without fire, in David’s own words. But when the story is told by Rodriquez, fire is added.


Here we have Rodriquez, at 4:53, saying,

"I was on the 33rd floor…"

He cryptically describes hearing goings on at the 34th floor, but is afraid of going there, and "few have the key for that floor."


Maybe he really was there at the 33rd floor, listening in on the 34th floor where he cryptically dare not enter. But historically the number 33 has been used to "promote this guy," or "give him a pass" or "get this religion going around the world, it’s part of our thing." The last item, of course, relates to the alleged age of death of the alleged "son of God", Jesus Christ.


Those who know the conspiracy matter well, know that similar psyops of the "son of God", sometimes with "12 disciples" was perpetrated on mankind several times - besides Jesus, we had Alexander, Horus, Buddha. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. and died in 323 B.C., a difference of 33 years.


Now these individuals/"gods", if they existed at all, and some researchers are doubtful in one or more cases - were not the ones to make the "son of God" claim; others did that - usually much later. Horus was said to be both the son of God and the "Sun God." The many similarities in the psyops/stories of Jesus and Horus is noted here.


And the "all seeing eye" noted above, that is in the subway station underneath the WTC is also known as the "eye of Horus." Yes, the 9/11 event was likely planned a long time ago! The 9/11 date is itself a favorite of the PTB. Pentagon ground was broken to start its construction on 9/11/42.


George HW Bush announced his beloved "New World Order" in his speech before Congress, and the world, on 9/11/91.






Let’s get back to Rodriquez saying he went to the 33rd floor, and looked/heard "beyond" where some important action was going on, that he could not rise to, nor enter.


Was the number 33 (and beyond) code in the matter of the William Rodriquez story?


Was that floor number cited to,

"give this guy a pass and promote this guy and his story, around the world and quickly."

Like all things nuclear, like with the assassination of President Kennedy, 9/11/01 was replete with code from the PTB, that the official story is bogus, and hinting at who was ultimately responsible and why.

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