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TheMilleniumGroup Website
And there
was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against
the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And
prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in
heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old
serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth
the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his
angels were cast out with him.
AND it
came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of
the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the
sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were
fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive
with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall
be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the
earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons
of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare
children to them, the same became mighty men which were
of old, men of renown. |
There’s A
Paradigm Shift On The Way
The interest rates
have been great as of late! Many here in California have refinanced
their homes, adding on and buying new cars. Here in the U.S. we’re
hustling and bustling along, working harder than ever, putting in
more and more hours every week. It seems like there’s fewer and
fewer hours in a week. And it’s almost Fall again.
This kind’ve sums
up our lives here in the U.S..

We’re spending less time with family
and more time seeking out that
almighty American dollar. More time
watching reality shows and less time living fulfilling lives. We
focus on the most foolish things, then give it all nothing more than
a moments thought. But that’s our existence.
We want bigger, newer cars and homes. We
want more comfort and more money in the bank. We compete so
rigorously against each other, it’s a wonder that we don’t have
murders and mayhem in the streets. Well... we do. But we still
ignore it. We’re more concerned with what the California Governor is
doing with his spare time and the breakup of Brad and Jennifer, more
than reality.
We believe that we’re so aware. We think that our world is all that
there is.
Let me try to squeeze in between George Bush’s
appointment and
the Media’s biased garbage.
I am convinced of the
reality of
other civilizations and species that some call aliens,
riding around in UFO’s. Further that they have and are visiting the
earth regularly.
After reading Richard Dolan’s
book on UFO’s and our
government’s conspiracy to hide them, I no longer have any doubts.
The evidence is overwhelming.
Further, the evidence that we have put
forth in previous articles, leads to a few undeniable points:
First there is a massive
invasion underway
Biblical prophecy states that we are on the verge
of what the Prophets call "The Great and Dreadful Day of The Lord"
The cleansing will come from above, not from another country on the
Earth as biblical scholars have believed
There is a political
organization in the Heavens above us
There is evidence of
contention that has gone on for sometime now
War is at hand. And it
will likely come in our lifetime. Greater war than this earth has
ever known.
Let’s start with a quote from a most
excellent article by Harry Mason:
"A large orange red spherical
"fireball" with a very small bluish white conical tail had flown
from low down in the south over observers traveling to the
north. Some observers reported that the fireball was cylindrical
in form and more yellow-blue-white in color. It was heard as a
pulsed roaring or loud diesel engine sound - well BEFORE it
arrived, it dropped off no glowing fragments, and had no long
luminous tail or sparks - as is common meteor activity.
Its speed was similar to a 747 jet liner or a fast jet plane and
obviously less than the speed of sound since loud noises were
heard before the "object" arrived.
The sounds heard before it arrived were most definitely NOT
"normal" electrophonic sounds as have been quite commonly
reported from historical meteor fireball events.
electrophonic sounds are experienced as weird "pings" and "whees"
of low volume intensity and are not fully understood at this
time, but are believed to be due to hertzian E/M waves produced
in the bolide plasma trail and propagated at the speed of light
to the observer - in advance of the bolide. These E/M waves are
thought to harmonically couple with the inner ear, or to cause
nearby objects to vibrate sympathetically thus producing the
observed low volume sounds).
No sonic booms were reported, and no observer believed that any
explosion was heard until the "object" got to ground level - or
very nearly so (behind low hills or tree line cover) - and
exploded/or impacted.
It flew apparently parallel to the Earth’s curvature in a long
"nap of the Earth" arcing trajectory at low altitude (some
1-2000 meters?) from low down on the southern horizon, not with
a "normal" meteor inbound high angle high altitude trajectory.
The fireball lit up some observers and their vicinity as it
passed overhead. It’s flight trajectory was observed over a
distance of least 250 km. (although it probably had a much
longer flight path from well out over the Antarctic Ocean). It
then appeared to arc down towards the ground and disappeared out
of sight behind trees or low hills.
This was followed by a near blinding massive high energy burst
of blue-white light that rippled for about 3-5 seconds. This lit
up the night (windless, cloudless, and moonless) sky as if
daylight. Observers could see for + 100 km. in every direction
at ground level - "AS CLEAR AS DAY". The energy intensity
involved in this light flash was similar to the light flash
generated by a significant nuclear blast, and in many respects
the incident strongly resembled a night time nuclear test.
A huge red colored flare then shot vertically skywards for some
considerable distance (several kilometers?), and this was
immediately followed by a massive seismic ground wave that hit
the observers nearest to "ground zero" such that rocks and beer
cans vibrated off of tables and the ground shook violently so
that persons tending a camp fire fell over.
A very loud major explosive blast then followed that was heard
over a 250 km x 150 km corridor, minor quake damage was reported
as far as 150 km southeast of the "ground zero" - the other
directions (excepting Leonora to the southwest) being largely
uninhabited. One engineer situated that night in Laverton, with
Gulf war experience of missiles and aircraft breaking the sound
barrier, described it as "definitely a major explosive
concussion wave blast (not a sonic boom) - similar to, but MUCH
bigger than, a normal open pit mine blast".
A large deep red-orange colored
hemisphere of opaque light with a silver outer shell lining then
rose from ground level to hover around over the "ground zero
location". This structure when fully developed was approximately
three times the size of a typical Goldfields setting Moon as
seen by observers located 30-50km from it - (i.e. it was very
big), and it "bobbed around a bit for NEARLY TWO HOURS, before
disappearing suddenly - as if someone threw the light switch
This "half soup plate structure " (looking like a "deep red very
large and half set Sun") was seen by two observers from widely
separated locations, one at the Banjawarn station buildings, and
one at the Deleta station buildings.
Dogs at both locations went totally berserk whining and howling
and attempting to get off their leads - whilst the aerial light
hemisphere was up; presumably there was an ultra-sonic or vlf
E/M wave propagation that the dogs were extremely sensitive to.
Aboriginal prospectors who were camped very near to ground zero
at the Freeman’s Find gold prospect were extremely spooked by
the event believing that it was "the end of the world"
Some of them thought that they had witnessed a "jumbo jet" crash
behind a range of low hills. They gathered their swags (bed
rolls) close together - as they were too scared to sleep apart.
In the morning they climbed a hill to look for fires in the
distance but could see no smoke. They quickly departed the area
for the safety of Leonora.
One Aboriginal stockman observer located at the Banjawarn
station buildings believed that he was witnessing a fairly slow
moving "UFO" and became very worried that they were going to
land and abduct him and his two companions - since it flew
directly at him and then passed very noisily low overhead -
going into it’s final downwards arcing plunge .....
Almost exactly one hour after the first big event three
observers (located at the Banjawarn station buildings) also saw
a second much smaller fireball - more blue-green-white in color,
which appeared to rise from ground level ?, but which definitely
rose from behind distant trees well south of the station
perimeter, and flew to the north in a high mortar shell type arc
before coming down to ground level, behind distant bush. It’s
flight path was divergent to the north northeast when compared
to that of the first major "fireball" event of that night."
The article is long but I definitely
recommend that you read it. To read it
So where are these bursts of plasma originating from? Where are they
They have been seen virtually all around the planet.
Now to another part of this story. One
that is heavy to heart and difficult to relive.
On February 1, 2003
space shuttle Columbia fell to the
earth in pieces and the entire crew died.

There has been the usual hours and hours of media coverage on the
reason believed to have caused the horrendous destruction. There
have been numerous press conferences at NASA explaining the
accident. And all that they have come up with was that a piece of
foam hit the wing on takeoff and this caused the massive destruction
that we are now very familiar with. But the explanation don’t match
the reports given by some witnesses.
An image taken by an amateur astronomer, has clearly shown a bolt of
"plasma" hitting the Columbia space shuttle just before the break up
of the craft.
It didn’t take NASA long to abscond with the photo and
start their disinformation campaign and debunking tactics.

Here’s a
"NASA investigators of the
space shuttle disaster have set up a study group to analyze a
photograph, taken by an amateur astronomer from a San Francisco
hillside, that appears to show a bolt of electricity striking
the doomed orbiter as it streaked across Northern California."
This report came from a San Francisco
newspaper as local news. It accurately states that a "bolt of
electricity [struck] the doomed orbiter". This report came out very
soon after the disaster occurred. It was kind’ve one of those things
that slips out of your mouth before you wanted it to, and you can’t
get it back into your mouth - it’s already said and said too late.
Of course the photo was impossible to find after the crash.
This photo to the left was actually posted with the story above in
different papers. The paring of this photo with this story might
fool those that didn’t look closer. This picture was taken at
Kirtland Air Force Base. In the caption of the image it pushes the
misinformation even further.
They call it "the original photo", when
it had nothing to do with the photo referenced in the SF news story.
Then the caption reads that the picture was "turned over to NASA".
This once again sounds like the photo referenced in the San
Francisco paper. Then the lies were off and running.
Here’s another
"planted" news story blaming the above "bolt of electricity" on the
Nikon digital camera.
Camera catching
shuttle ’zap’ had own glitch Nikon admits digital devices sometimes show purple aberrations Posted: February 6, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Joe Kovacs 2003
As interest skyrockets in an
unreleased photograph purporting to show the space
shuttle Columbia being "zapped" by some kind of
purple electrical phenomenon,
WorldNetDaily has learned that the
digital camera model which took the picture has been known to have
its own color glitches.
You have to give them one thing - this disinformation was in print
only five days after the Columbia disaster. Notice how they are
framing it - "zapped by some kind of purple electrical phenomenon".
Framing the event this way makes you look foolish if you could
possibly ever think that the space shuttle was zapped by some purple
electrical thing!
Here’s the real picture, recently posted at
Holoscience.com side by
side with the Time cover.
The real image is time lapse and the
long diagonal line is Columbia and the plasma blast finds its target
just like a heat seeking missile.
But it’s pretty incredible to
watch the P.R. campaign surrounding the current shuttle mission; the
pieces of cloth peeking out between the shuttle tiles.
The guy
grabbed it with his thumb and forefinger and without any effort
yanked it out.
On to another piece of the story.
Earlier this year, a story reported in the country previously known
as the Soviet Union (but not reported in the states), revealed some
new evidences that support this idea:
"July 10, 2005
Earth Emits Massive Cosmic Blast in First Recorded Event of Its Kind
as Scientists Warn Of
‘Catastrophic’ Earth Changes
by Sorcha Faal
a.k.a. David Booth
Russian Scientists are reporting today that a 5.5 Magnitude Event
Earthquake that occurred in the Northwestern Balkan Peninsula was
caused by a strange, and previously unheard of, Cosmic Blast
discharged from our Earths atmosphere towards an as of yet
undetermined ‘object’ in space.
But to the effects upon our Earth from the Massive Blasts we have
been receiving from space (and which we have previously mentioned
such as in our December 26, 2004 report titled "Unknown Energy
Surges Continue to Hit Planet Causing Massive Earthquakes in
Southern Hemispheric Regions") perhaps no place has been as
drastically affected as the Southern Hemispheric continent of
Australia where the scouring of the Earth has reached such dramatic
proportions they are calling these times their new ‘Dust Age’.
To the confused minds of these Western Scientists about all of these
events, and with the Earth now sending out into space Cosmic Blasts
of its own, Russian scientists suggest that instead of working to
make new theories these Western Scientists should instead relearn
the legends of the Earths Older Peoples, and who spoke of a time
when the
Planets were ‘gods’ and threw Lightning Bolts at each
This smacks of
Velikovsky, however it may more closely relate to
Harry Mason’s material as referenced above.
There have been reports of similar kind of strikes in other areas of
our local galaxy. One remarkable proofs of the ongoing or historical
war can be found on the crust of the moons of the solar system.
Astronomers have tried to say that these "chains" of impact craters
are from asteroids. Unfortunately, this is not possible. This effect
is found nearly everywhere in the solar system, which brings up
another bit of info,
the issue of Tunguska. (more
There are signs at
Tunguska that have
been reported as of recent months that the belief in what caused
Tunguska was not an asteroid strike. The theory has been shifting to
that of a destroyed UFO. A destroyed UFO from a battle over the
skies of Russia. On June 30th, 1908, something exploded 8 km above
the Stony Tunguska river. About 2150 square kilometers of Siberian
taiga were devastated and 80 millions trees were overthrown.
This is
Space.com report from 2004 on an expedition to
Russian Alien
Spaceship Claims Raise Eyebrows, Skepticism
posted: 12 August 2004 02:39 pm ET
An expedition of Russian researchers claims to have found evidence
that an alien spaceship had something to do with a huge explosion
over Siberia in 1908. Experts in asteroids and comets have long said
the massive blast was caused by a space rock. The latest claim was
written up by news wires and was making the Internet rounds Thursday
According to Agencies France Press, the scientists say
they’ve found "an extraterrestrial device" that explains "one of the
20th Century’s biggest scientific mysteries," a catastrophe that
flattened some 800 square miles of Siberian forest in a region
called Tunguska. Various other news reports told of a "technical
device" and "a large block made with metal."
The researchers were
said to chip a piece off for laboratory study.
’Plan to
uncover evidence’
The Russian research team is called the
Tunguska Space Phenomenon
foundation and is led by Yuri Labvin. He said in late July that an
expedition to the scene would seek evidence that aliens were
"We intend to uncover evidences that
will prove the fact that it was not a meteorite that rammed the
Earth, but a UFO," Labvin was quoted by the Russian newspaper
Pravda on July 29."

So was it a dog fight over Siberia?
Ending in a plasma hit and a powerful nuclear explosion?
Again the
press frames this as nutzoids talking about UFO’s and conspiracies.
Here are some other examples of this
struggle going on in the skies above us. This first image is of one
of our "cubes" over
Nazca, cloaked and firing upon another unknown
The GOES image below was
taken in 2002 during the G8 conference in Kananaskis, Alberta
Canada. You may want to open this image in a separate page so you
can get the detail. In the exploded box you can see a number of
geometric shapes that seem to hover above the clouds.
There are a
number of images from different GOES satellites during the same
period of time showing these objects to be directly over the G8
conference during the time that the leaders of those nations were
meeting. The G8 was organized in 1975 in Rambouillet, France.
original members were France, Germany, Italy,
Japan, UK, and the US
of course.

Now it also includes Canada and
Keep in mind that these respective countries do not send
representatives or emissaries, the head of the country is the
primary speaker for the country.
That’s not to say that they don’t
bring along with them a huge entourage (they limited the aides to
forty per country during the Canada conference). But the thrust of
the meetings are handled by the heads of state. Of course they are
always accompanied by riots and protests. Needless to say similar
images were taken above Scotland this year. These geometric shapes
bare a remarkable resemblance to the cubes mentioned in the above
articles. So what am I suggesting? It seems fairly clear. Around
each of their meeting sites there is created a security buffer.
The buffer is an area of 4 miles
completely around the hotel where the conference is being held. Air
restrictions are enforced in addition to road access near the
conference. The security costs at the Canadian conference was almost
300 million dollars. That number paled in comparison to the Genoa
conference a few years earlier.
It is said to have cost one billion
What could be so important?
Is it possible?
Could we
possibly suggest that there may have been more countries represented
there than just the G8?
Maybe a country from another planet????
look at the pictures and see what you think.
Over the last few years, since the SOHO/LASCO
satellite was put into orbit, the general public has had one of the
greatest opportunities ever, in discovering anomalies as above.
Unfortunately since the SOHO/LASCO image were made available to the
public, there have been days of interrupted service and other
information from other satellites has become extremely restricted.
For instance, the HST (Hubble) images are severely restricted.
the images that have been released at times had areas blackened out,
not unlike secret government documents with stripes of black marker
over half the page. However the anomalies have been too numerous for
the spooks to cover up. The following images show actual craft
firing and being fired upon.
They may appear to be close to the sun,
however they are likely closer to the satellite than the sun.
click images to
These are only a few of hundreds, if not thousands of examples. The following image, also from the SOHO
satellite, has a familiar look to it. Compare this image to the
image above of the GOES satellite over the G8 conference.
geometric shapes, or "cubes" if you will, are so similar it’s

So what’s going on here?
What does all
of this mean?
Is there a connection between all of these images and
Does this prove that there is a war going on?
Maybe not.
Maybe it isn’t a war, maybe these are just skirmishes.
If our
government has made contact, if our government actually has some
current contact with at least one of these visitors, then perhaps
these images and our conclusions are accurate. It sure seems that
our current president - President
Bush, has become very religious
over the past few years.
Is that just imagination?
One last contribution to consider:
If we (the U.S. government) have
actually been in possession of alien technology... technology like
that mentioned in
Corso’s writings, then we should expect that we
have been able to duplicate some of it or all of it.
Besides the
desire to duplicate the obvious, the craft/propulsion, the next
choice would’ve had to be their weapons. In the images above, their
weapons are very powerful. Recall if you will, the articles written
by Harry Mason. Recall the images of what looks like at a glance is cratering. Remember the
SOHO images of plasma shots through space.
Now consider if you will, the following image.
This image is of
Phobos and it is comparing Phobos to an object in a
GOES weather satellite image. They appear to be the same object.
two following images have been false colored to bring out more

There are a couple of things to take
note of here. First of course is the similarities between the two
objects. If you disagree please feel free to register your points on
TMG Blog.
Then please notice the "field" around the object. The
field appears to be either some kind of protective field, or it
really looks like "Cubes" or those geometric shapes surrounding the
object. If it were simply pixilation they would be all over the
There is one more thing in the image you should be made aware
of. Between the 10 and 11 o’clock position from the object is a
relatively bright line that appears to be bent in the middle away
from the object. In the additional image below we can see the flying
path of the object from the north of the US toward the south. You
can clearly see the wash behind the object.
You can see the complete wash of the object from above the Canadian

The pixilation is seen around the false
drawn in border, but not around other areas of the image - except
around the object.
The black arrow is pointing to the
feature to consider. This is a considerably hotter item on the IR
photo than the rest of the image. We would like to suggest that this
is a plasma shot at the object, from one of a number of facilities
in the US capable of producing such an attack.
It is not a cloud,
simply compare its shape and texture to the surrounding clouds.
The conclusions are yours.