TheMilleniumGroup Website
Revelation 17:1 And there came one
of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with
me, saying unto me, Come hither, I will shew unto thee the
judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.
Revelation 17:15 And he saith unto me, the waters which thou
sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes,
and nations, and tongues.
Isaiah 30:25 And there shall be upon every high mountain, and
upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of
the great slaughter, when the towers fall.
Biblical symbolism:
So is Isaiah saying that when the "great
and terrible day of the Lord" comes, there will be many
"...peoples... multitudes... nations... tongues" in space above the
earth - and it will occur "when the towers fall?" (that last phrase
needs no translation!) Is this reaching?... Is it?
We have reported sightings of craft coming in to orbit above the
earth via the galactic conduit, the sun and then our atmosphere.
we nuts?
Are we misled - deceived?
Is it merely our imaginations?
so why is everything fitting so well?
Why are we finding scriptures
and ancient mythology and stories that support this idea?

click image to
In this image above you can see what we have seen over and over again.
This image was taken on July 7th of 2002. If your computer has the
memory, click on the image to see its entirety. Simply count the
cubes that are there. Look closely. Note that each black or white
square is encompassed by a larger cube that is, for a lack of a
better word, is "blurry." This is the cloaking that we have
previously referred to.
Something about the IR imaging, the angle,
the solar glare or activity, or maybe even their own volition is
allowing us to see them from time to time. The number are incredible
and are supported by ongoing GOES magnetometer readings, and other
instrumentation that we follow on a daily basis. They can be seen
over the land, water and sky. They appear white, black, doubled,
shaded, in the foreground and in the background. Imaging drop outs?
No way. If they were, why not tell us? Why not fix the problem?
We have watched the
magnetometer jump every time we have thought
another group of these craft were coming in. We were up to almost
two thousand of them. We thought "no way could there be that many of
these things!" After all, they appear to be approximately a mile
across in size. We have seen missiles shot at them over the Pacific,
seen them in pictures taken by readers, on other satellites, and now
we believe we have seen them coming in over Turkey (as seen in the
image below). You can download the full video at:
After a thorough evaluation we could determine that the points
highlighted appear to be cubes. Further, that they are literally the
same size as what we have seen from a number of different sources.
It is our belief that what this video shows is a group of these
craft coming into our atmosphere.
The size is literally exact, the
speed is the same as we have previously tracked them (100 mps), and
the group size is the same. This particular shot is similar to the
shuttle reentering the atmosphere. There are a number of
eyewitnesses that saw this from different angles and they moved from
one horizon to the other. They never hit the ground and they never
burn up, as you might see with meteorites. However these objects are
a little less than a thousand miles away and moving at about 100mps.

click image to
The image above was taken by the GOES satellite on
11th, 2002 (you can click on the image to get the big picture!). The
increase in numbers related to the above photo is obvious, yet
consistent with all indicators, further ruling out camera
aberrations. Again the "fuzzy" area around the black cubes can be
seen. Is this the true size of the craft? Perhaps the black cube is
an exhaust port that only shows up on the ultraviolet? And again, on
the larger image, you can see some closer to the camera and some
further away.
In the past and currently we have seen these cubes in both GOES 10
and GOES 8. However, the images that reflect a large number of cubes
have generally been seen in the GOES 10 images as in these above.
This is possible and again reviewing the size of the objects in this
image, places them at about 500 miles from the satellite. Remember
the satellite is at 23,000 miles above the earth. So it is very
possible that these objects would be in the field of view of the
GOES 10 satellite, but not the GOES 8 satellite. Now why would they
congregate in this area? No idea. If you have any thoughts please
let us know. The GOES 10 satellite does remain in orbit in one
particular place above the earth.

click image to
The image above was taken by GOES on November 25, 2002. The
number continues to grow. You can click on the image to see the
larger picture (careful, the picture is large and takes up a lot of
Over the past two years, we have seen a dramatic change in another
instrument aboard the GOES satellites. That instrument is the
magnetometer. The magnetometer measures electrical and magnetic
pulses as they come in proximity to the earth. In 1999 as the first
image shows the amplitude of the indicator needle is reasonably
smooth, moving up and down as the earth turns. Remember the GOES
satellites are in what is called a geosynchronous orbit. They are
above the earth 23,000 miles and stay relatively close to points
over the west and east coasts.
You can see the dramatic change in amplitude. This has not been a
one day difference. We have watched everyday, with few exceptions,
the solo spikes and erratic behavior has been there. These two
charts are a good average representation of the difference between
the two dates.
Why the difference? When you consider the
GOES images
from above it does start to come together. What kind of propulsion
in a ship would it take to cause these upsets? Would it simply take
only a "zip" by within range of the instrument? Groups of craft
would cause multiple quick spikes.
So here’s a couple of questions:
1) Why is President Bush
so intent on attacking Iraq? Don’t you sense that he’s a
little too intense about it all - or if he has a reason to
be what is it?
2) And now everyone must have Small Pox vaccinations,
why? Did you know that they are going to use live virus? Not
dead virus like they did thirty years ago. Is it the same
strain? What if only a few are inoculated before a breakout
happens? If there’s something else about the seriousness of
the threat, why aren’t they telling us? They didn’t
inoculate everyone for Anthrax.
3) Why is
Saddam Hussein so interested in uncovering
Ancient Babylon and Assyria? Why are the sites protected as
if they were military bases?
4) I am convinced that our government has been in
some type of relationship with extraterrestrials since at
least the early forties, if not before. Does this have
anything to do with Bush’s intense attention to Iraq?
5) Is there a superweapon buried in the ruins of
Babylon? Or knowledge that could tip the powers that be?
6) Or is this all a cover for the Biblically promised
cleansing that is headed down the slippery tracks of our
day? A cover for the recent increase in numbers of sightings
all over the world?
7) What is in our very near future?