by David A. Morehouse, Ph.D.
DavidMorehouseProductions Website
If God held all truth
concealed in his right hand and in his left hand the
persistent striving for the truth... and should say,
"Choose!" I should humbly bow before his left hand and
say, "Father, give me striving. For pure truth is for
thee alone."
−Gotthold Lessing |
Let me begin by saying that as I have studied in the various
civilian and military universities I have attended, I have been
witness to, and personally held many academic and intellectual views
on what the "truth" is about many things.
The author, Felipe
Fernandez-Armesto wrote,
"truth, time and history are found
in paintings and not in books [or essays] born of the
recollections of others."
As I grow older, I have come to maintain
that truth has been and always will be, a matter of one's
perception, captured and held briefly in the moment, and then faded
into memory. I teach a segment in Phase I of the Coordinate Remote
Viewing class, on truth or reality, as it exists only in the moment,
whereas all else in the future or the past is illusion−becoming
increasing possibilities in time, increasing interpretations,
increasing angles of reconstruction, increasing notions, and
amalgams of ideas and emotions. Even when there is an alleged
consensus of opinion or recollection of the past−it is really only
interpretive data that is "agreed upon."
Recollection is not fact,
in fact, it is only fiction... a creation born in the minds of those
who agreed on a version to suit their own agenda... whatever that
agenda may be.
For those interested in the "truth" of the latter, you can search
the mathematical explanation for these notions, which are supported
in the work of physicist and Nobel laureate, P. Dirac, Ph.D. Time
drags truth into history, but history itself does not care, only
those who attempt to record and recount it care; and they fall
victim to their own perceptions and willing acceptance of what
is−according to them. The truth about Remote Viewing is trapped
between fundamentalists, who believe they have the only truth, and
relativists, who refuse to pin it down.
So, what does all of this mean, and why this approach as a preface
to a brief history of Remote Viewing?
Simple. I want you to know
that this is a version of the history. I want you to know that the
history of Remote Viewing should be used to establish a degree of
credibility for the art and science of it−and then let it go. The
great reverence of the truth of Remote Viewing waits in the future
of the human application of this great gift. Too much is wasted in
the re-raking of the past, the reconstruction of how it was or how
it could have been. Remote Viewing is the promise of what can be−of
what is possible for humanity.
When we read history, we must understand that we are reading the
account of one individual's recollection of events narrated in such
a way as to capture the consensual beliefs of others that "this
version" of the events is simply, as it really was. Therefore, I
submit to the reader that truth cannot be viewed as an objective,
rather it must be seen as a path. A path of understanding that the
only way to know truth is to explore it in a world devoid of the
interpretation and filters of others−learning Remote Viewing is one
path that will bring about this awareness and ability.
Remote Viewing is not a new phenomenon; the ability has been ours
since the beginning of time. The formulation and systemization of
theological doctrine as set forth in ancient records present us with
countless examples of humanity's learned and inherent abilities to
transcend the physical; to see in the mind's eye, people, places and
events separate from their physical reality.
From the ancient hieroglyphics carved
into the walls of forgotten Egyptian tombs, to the "Emerald Tablets
of Thoth the Atlantean", the
Urantia Book, A Course in Miracles, the
Old Testament, the Koran, the Kabbalah, the Talmud, and the New
Testament −to name but a few− all give accounts of journeys out of the
physical body, to night flights of soul, to projections of
consciousness, et cetera.
However, the most recent history began
circa 1972 when the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) learned through
various human intelligence sources that the Czechs, Chinese,
Soviets, Germans, the Israelis and even the British, were all
heavily involved in the study of various aspects of what would be
called the "paranormal."
These investigations were in many ways the spawn of very bizarre
programs initiated by the Nazi's during World War II. While exact
details are a matter of historical debate, it is widely held that
the Russians captured numerous documents and records held by Adolph
Hitler's infamous Nazi Occult Bureau, after the fall of the Third
Reich. Other documents partial and complete, became the property of
various allied intelligence services who elected to study them
further in the ensuing years or in some cases, totally ignore their
When the CIA learned of these studies the obvious question was, ‘Do
we have such a potential?' At this juncture, the United States did
not have such a capability, nor had they ever really considered
it−until now. If all these other "agencies" are involved, then why
we not involved? It was clear that the principal intelligence agency
for the United States needed to "catch up" to the intelligence
collection efforts of the others−at least in this "alternative"
method of gathering intelligence.
Late in 1972, CIA scientist Sidney Gottlieb, Chief of the Technical
Services Division procured a rather large monetary endowment to
initiate the research project that began it all. If the Soviets, and
the others were as heavily involved in this research as was being
reported − the National Security of the United States could be in
jeopardy. Probably, the simple notion that this "eerie capability"
might really be out there; and the possibility that we could do it
as well, almost certainly drove the CIA's decision process. You have
to admit−it does peek one's curiosity.
Stanford Research Institute International (SRI) in Palo Alto,
California ultimately became the proving ground for what was to
eventually be one of the intelligence services' most controversial,
misunderstood and often feared Special Access Programs. The two men
initially charged with responsibility to oversee this testing and
evaluation program were
Russell Targ and
Harold Puthoff, Ph.D.; both
laser physicists working at SRI.
In my opinion, it is Targ and Puthoff who are clearly the early
heroes in all of this. These two men (with others) risked their
professional reputations to test and evaluate the possibility that
human beings can transcend space and time for the purpose of
"viewing" persons, places and things, remote in space and time, and
collect useable intelligence information on the same.
Certainly the vast majority of their
colleagues would have loved it if this federally sponsored project
had consumed its funding and six years of study only to conclude
that there was nothing to it−that it was all worthless and the
project should be abandoned. However, this was not the case;
instead, the answer was just quite the opposite, there was something
to this. This phenomenon was credible, it was measurable and
definable and trainable. It was certainly not one hundred percent
accurate, but then again, neither was anything else in the
intelligence collection assets, they all had their limitations.
As long as one understood the limits of
the technology, then the technology could be employed as another
collector of information − another provider of ‘pieces' of the jigsaw
puzzle that was truth in the espionage game. In short, the CIA was
handed a new intelligence collection methodology − psychic spies.
To digress briefly, a New York City artist, author and gifted
natural psychic,
Ingo Swann became one of Dr. Puthoff's first test
subjects. According to Mr. Swann, he initially participated in a
number of pioneering experiments performed under the auspices of the
American Society for Psychical Research. Upon being recruited into
the project, Mr. Swann worked with Dr. Hal Puthoff at
SRI-International's Radio Physics Laboratory in Menlo Park,
California. It was here that Puthoff and Swann−and a number of
others−conducted a series of ever-more sophisticated experiments,
developing the protocol or structure they ultimately christened
"Remote Viewing," opting for this term over the much debated label
of "Remote Sensing."
According to Mr. Swann he was tasked by the CIA to train ‘others' in
the art and science of Remote Viewing, men who he claimed were
bizarre in their manner, mechanistic and cold in their approach to
learning Remote Viewing. In a sense, they were there for the
training, and then they were gone, never to be seen or heard of
again. I use this as one evidence that other Remote Viewing elements
existed in the government intelligence agencies.
I cannot accept in any way the notion
that only one Remote Viewing program existed; this would go against
all philosophies and practices within the military and government
intelligence agencies to ‘never put all of your eggs in one basket.'
Who would spend tens of millions of dollars on a program that
existed in one place and had only one life to live−I assure you,
nobody in the intelligence community.
Recognizing the potential for controversy and public ridicule (if
ever discovered), the CIA did what it has always done − distance
itself in word and deed from the project. There is an old adage in
‘the community' that I continually struggled with, ‘Always keep
someone between you and the potential problem.' Therefore, the project(s) was handed off to the
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),
under the program code name ‘Grill Flame.'
Whale Website
Major Edward Dames, formerly with the Pentagon's
Defense Intelligence Agency until 1992, was a
long-serving member of the highly classified operation
GRILL-FLAME, a program that focused on some of the more
bizarre possibilities of intelligence gathering and
remote interrogation.
Known as "remote viewers,"
GRILL-FLAME personnel possessed a marked psychic ability
that was put to use "penetrating" designated targets and
gathering important intelligence on significant figures.
The program operated with two teams: one working out of
the top secret NSA facility at Fort George Meade in
Maryland, and the other at SRI. Results are said to have
been exemplary.
Following the Oliver North debacle, the Secretary of
Defense officially terminated GRILL-FLAME, fearing bad
publicity if the program were to become known to the
public. The leading members of the project -- including
Dames -- immediately relocated to the privately owned
and newly formed Psi-Tech, and continue their work to
this day, operating under government contract.
In the course of his work,
Dames was (and remains) close to many the leading
figures and proponents anti-personnel electromagnetic
weapons, especially those that operate in the
neurological field. During NBC's "The Other Side"
program, Dames stated that "The U.S. Government has an
electronic device which could implant thoughts in
people." He refused to comment further. The program was
broadcast during April 1995. |
It is assumed that the
other programs continued to thrive under the oversight and
administration of other military services and intelligence agencies.
However, the Army's program, which was originally begun as a
counter-intelligence effort was allegedly doing so well that its
mission was destined to morph into something else.
The original mission was to evaluate through ‘reverse engineering'
how vulnerable to ‘psychic spying' U.S. intelligence agencies and
their secrets were. This was done to such a degree of accuracy that
Department of Defense and Army officials decided to change the
emphasis from assessing friendly vulnerabilities to actively
collecting intelligence information against America's Cold War
adversaries. Unfortunately, but expectedly, the Remote Viewers had
their detractors among many generals, such as Major General Bill
Odom, and later Lieutenant General Harry Soyster; upper-level
bureaucrats in the Department of Defense and the CIA, and
politicians within the White House, Congress and the Senate.
Allegedly, by 1980 all of the Remote Viewing programs were suffering
from a lack of popular support. The Army program lost all its
funding, lacked any permanent home and was destined for extinction.
Several sources within the intelligence community; third parties who
either knew of the Remote Viewing programs, or had some level of
oversight relative to them, indicated to me that Remote Viewing was
not the target−rather is was the entire direction some elements of
the intelligence services were taking.
During this era, 1978-1980, the military
was in pursuit of such things as ‘The Golden Sphere Concept,' (the
quest for advanced human performance potentials), or the Task Force
Delta−Concept Paper,
the First Earth Battalion and the Warrior
Monk's Vision, sponsored by Lieutenant Colonel James B. Channon,
Colonel Mike Malone and a host of others. Again, not to impugn the
work of these men and others, it was simply becoming too far out on
the fringe for the comfort of a large number of people.
It could be said that the envelope was
being pressed too far, too fast, especially for people who felt that
careers could be lost over this kind of project. It didn't really
matter how you expressed it or explained it−this was the application
of what the larger percentage of the military and civilian
population would call, ‘the paranormal.' As a sort of ‘knee jerk'
response to it all, many sought to squash anything that resembled
unconventional approaches to leadership, tactics, strategy,
intelligence collection and the like − Remote Viewing would become
collateral damage in the quest to trim the fringe efforts.
Despite everyone's sudden interest to burn witches, Major General
Bert Stubblebine, Commander of the U. S. Army's Intelligence and
Security Command (INSCOM), took a personal and active interest in
the program. INSCOM was a Washington D.C. based unit. At the time,
it existed in an old building complex near the Headquarters for 3rd
Army (The Ceremonial Old Guard), and eventually ended up in a new
location at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
In 1983, General Stubblebine directed
that the Remote Viewing program be re-designated under a new code
name, ‘Center Lane' and be called the ‘INSCOM Center Lane Program.'
Under this umbrella, General Stubblebine could fund the program
directly from INSCOM's budget without the requirement to justify a
budget from any outside agencies or through the Deputy Chief of
Staff for Intelligence, the Army's ranking intelligence officer.
Funding the Remote Viewing project in
this way also meant that other units and projects within INSCOM
would have to pay the bill−not a good thing when funding is tight
across the board in the military. Most commanders would willingly
cut something as controversial as Remote Viewing in favor of having
more to spend on other more overt and successful projects. This
approach sewed seeds of despair throughout INSCOM, and of course met
with opposition within his command at the subordinate level as well
as with many of his colleagues and superiors.
I have to say that this man, General Stubblebine was another of the
unsung heroes of this phenomenon. You see little of him now, and
hear him even less. He is a man who trusted much, believed in human
possibility and potential and was willing to sacrifice himself to
promote the notion that we are indeed more than the physical. Many
who knew him before and after the service betrayed him in word and
deed−an unforgivable tragedy. Had it not been for General
Stubblebine, Remote Viewing may not have lived long enough for the
rest of us to be writing, talking about, or teaching it at all.
Fortunately, the SRI team had developed a prototype, ‘improved'
version of Remote Viewing known as "Coordinate Remote Viewing." The
term ‘Coordinate Remote Viewing' derived from the early assignment
of targeting ‘coordinates' using latitude and longitude. As the
Remote Viewer's continued to develop ever increasingly accurate
information about the targets−the scientists reevaluated the use of
latitude and longitude−assuming the Viewer's had memorized the globe
and were to a degree using the latitude and longitude ‘coordinates'
to locate portions of the globe through memory.
It was suspected that if they were
indeed remembering a place on the face of the earth based solely on
its physical location, then their descriptions of ‘perceived' basic
textures, colors, temperatures, dimensional aspects, et cetera of
the target were not really due to Remote Viewing skills−they were
simply working on memory. In reality, this was not the case, but the
scientists did what they were supposed to do−suspect and inspect
everything in accordance with scientific protocols.
Most of us never practice science−we merely become compilers and
communicators of it. Most in this genre of work like to call
themselves parapsychologists, and that is a grave mistake. In the
quest for truth in Remote Viewing, there were no real
parapsychologists as they are nothing more than individuals
masquerading as scientists, alleging they can prove Remote Viewing,
mind reading, telekinesis,
psychokinesis and a host of other
paranormal mysteries.
Many reputable authors, scientists and
certainly skeptics refer to parapsychologists as pseudo-scientists,
meaning they espouse a system of methods and assumptions they
erroneously regards as scientific−I am very pleased to say this was
not the case at SRI. Had SRI and those scientists affiliated with
the project not worked completely and thoroughly under the protocols
of their field, the door for skeptical analysis would have been left
wide open. It was, and remains the scientific procedure used to
evaluate and develop this protocol of Remote Viewing that has kept
it from the pseudo-skeptic wolves all these years.
A note on skeptics at this point, because I feel it is critical that
the reader have a clear understanding of who is debunking this work
and exactly what their ‘scientific' background is or isn't and what
motivates their skepticism. I have been interviewed several hundred
times on radio and probably fifty times on television all over the
world. In about twenty percent of those interviews and appearances
I've had the distinct pleasure of having a counter position
representative from the Committee for the Scientific Investigation
of Claims of the Paranormal, (CSICOPs) or some other ‘skeptical'
committee. I agree with Dr. Raymond Moody's description of these
men, as he likens them to the hecklers of nightclub comedians−that
is to say, what they really crave is not excellence in science, but
more attention for themselves.
Most self-proclaimed skeptics are not skeptics at all. They are
ideologists who think they have the answers. The ideology they
espouse is known as scientism, the belief that the methods and
assumptions of the natural sciences are the only ones appropriate
for the pursuit of knowledge. Scientism is an open value judgment
that other disciplines conform their techniques of investigation to
those of the physical and biological sciences.
These ‘skeptics' are in fact not
interested in science; rather, they are fueling some sort of social
movement against the possibility and promise of humanity. Knowing
what they espouse, consider this fact: that if it Remote Viewing
cannot be explained by science (their science), then it cannot exist
at all, it must be a hoax or at best wishful thinking, certainly a
waste of taxpayers money. These skeptics openly use electricity when
there is not a physicist on the planet who can explain in anything
but theoretical terms how electricity travels along a copper wire.
The scientists at SRI could not tell you
how Remote Viewing works, not really, they can theorize and that has
been the only ‘ah ha,' for skeptics − the same people who accept the
unexplained movement of electricity because it conveniences them. I
would be a lot more impressed if they lived like Ted Kazinski and
then argued what cannot be explained in the realm of scientism.
Thank God for the real scientists at SRI.
It would be simplistic to expect the history of something once
highly classified − hidden from the reality of the masses − something
that is eventually perceived through the senses to keep an exact
pace with the revealed history of science and recall. In the Pirates
of Penzance and Call Me Madam, there are famous duets that combine
completely different tunes, sung simultaneously without confusing
the singers. The histories of the art and science of Remote Viewing
are much like this: their rhythms have matched each other closely,
but they started on different notes and beats and sustained
complementary but contrasting melodies. Again, thank God, for the
real scientists of SRI who understood this notion, and who pressed
the boundaries of human possibility beyond all expectation.
Now back to the history−after considering a number of options, the
‘coordinate system' was revised to use the random assignment of
numbers to represent the ‘concept' (or thought form) of the target;
hence, the term
Coordinate Remote Viewing. For the reader to learn
more about what all of this means, you will really need to take a
course in Remote Viewing, as this theory it is a large segment of
the lecture, and is well outside the scope of this essay.
Around the time of Center Lane's debut, the Army and SRI signed a
training contract, which led to five military and Department of
Defense (DOD) civilian personnel being trained in the new Remote
Viewing technique at SRI facilities. In 1986, INSCOM transferred the
unit to DIA, under the Directorate of Science and technology and
changed its code name to "Sun Streak." Early in the 1990s, it went
through yet another code name change−this time to "Star Gate," the
name by which it became known to world when the program was
declassified in 1995.
During its lifetime, the Remote Viewing unit collected intelligence
against a broad range of targets: strategic missile forces,
political leaders−theirs and ours, counter narcotics operations,
research and development facilities, hostage situations, military
weapons systems, secret installations, technology developments,
terrorist groups; the list was staggering, and the successes were
many−as were the failures. Failures yes, sometimes with limited
useable results, yes. Nevertheless, consider what we are talking
We are talking about a military Remote
Viewer sitting alone or with a monitor and entering an altered state
of consciousness. In this condition, the Viewer copies a set of
randomly assigned numbers (the coordinates), that represent the
‘concept of the target in the mind of the collective unconscious.
Then, using the protocols of the process, the Viewer begins
detecting and decoding relevant visual and verbal sensory data
pertaining to the target; and does this with an accuracy level
averaging thirty to thirty-five percent−from absolutely nothing.
Even on a bad day, this innate ability within each of us−is nothing
but spectacular!
In 1995, Congress directed that CIA take back responsibility for the
program from DIA, DS-T. This was principally due to the fact that
Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA's Star Gate Program, was being
printed by St. Martin's Press despite the efforts of the agency and
former members of the unit to stop the publication. The CIA was
concerned, a book is considered durable media and will be around for
a long time, and even though this was not the first book on Remote
Viewing, it was the first book written by a psychic spy who was
linking Remote Viewing to the military and to the CIA − now that was
cause for concern. The CIA knew it was going to be spread all over
the media−even more than it was already being spread.
Historically, when there is controversy in the wind, the agency
exercises its right to opt out at the most opportune moment. When
this option fails, usually due to a timing error−then the only thing
to do is tell your version of the story first. What followed was an
extremely well executed media blitz, which included Ted Kopel,
King and a variety of major new papers across the country and in
What Americans should be asking
themselves at this point is,
"Why would the CIA make a decision to
tell the people of the world about this program?"
What purpose did
it serve? Were they suddenly afraid that the autobiographical
Psychic Warrior was going to steer you in the wrong direction? Did
they feel that they needed to make sure you knew the truth, first,
from them? Let the reader be the judge.
Later that year, under the cover of being an "objective" study by
the American Institutes for Research (AIR), a reputable Washington
DC think tank − the CIA commissioned the services of one of the most
well-known ‘scientific skeptics' in the country. The final report
was designed to skew the assessment of the accuracy and usability of
intelligence from the Remote Viewing program to such a degree that
the "program" after twenty plus years of use, would be deemed as
"totally useless" as an intelligence collection resource.
In mid-1995, the program was cancelled and two weeks before Psychic
Warrior hit the bookshelves the program was disbanded and the
buildings were bulldozed and hauled away. Coincidence−I don't think
so−the impact of a writer's work often exceeds his intention.
However, the CIA did conveniently keep for itself all the personnel
spaces that were transferred from DIA, DS-T, which is additional
evidence to fuel the suspicion that the program lives on in all of
it original service variations. As I said early in this history, the
intelligence community does not place all of its eggs in one basket.
The CIA would never have left an entire
collection methodology open to the potential destruction of one
rogue who might write a book about it. Rather, they would keep the
technology safe via a standard process of compartmentalization. If
one cell is compromised, then all others would merely go deeper
black. The government will never abandon Remote Viewing − it proved
far too valuable for the money it cost. What it will do, is make
sure that it never makes the mistake again of letting such a
controversial and potentially far reaching technology raise to the
surface, watch it more closely and watch who you train to do it.
Therein ends the history −assuming that if you read this far− you
really needed one. What is truly significant here, is that you move
past all of this, and discover what Remote Viewing is now, and what
it can be in the future. As I said to you in the beginning, there
are many variations of this story and there always will be. I'm
reminded of Kant's intuition, and scientific reliance on the senses
he called ‘Gestalt theory' or isomorphism. This theory prompted him
to maintain that, ‘Truth is whatever makes you live your life
'Only the truth which edifies is truth.'
Remote Viewing is truth! It is an
empowering art and science that
will open the possibilities within you, creating doorways to levels
of understanding never thought attainable. Accept the possibility
that you are more than the physical, learn to transcend space and
time to view persons places and things remote in space and time−and
the know you are more than the physical.
When people stop believing in something,
they do not believe in nothing; they believe in everything − never
stop believing in you. Seek truth, find knowledge − and through the
art and science of Remote Viewing − become wisdom.