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New York artist and subject in many
psychic experiments.
Swann served in the US Army from 1955-8, primarily serving in the
Far East and Korea. I don't know the nature of his service, but he
describes his work as being with the highest echelons of the
military, and he retained a Top Secret clearance from his tour of
From 1958-68, he worked in the Secretariat of the United Nations.
After leaving to pursue a career in writing and art, he became
involved in a circle of parapsychologists.
He has been a longtime friend of Robert Monroe of the
Institute, and began working with Cleve Backster in September, 1971.
"At some point, I don't remember when exactly, Backster mentioned
something along the following lines: 'Boy, are the guys down at the CIA going to be interested in you.'" (Swann, Ingo,
Remote Viewing - The Real Story! Insider Tales of
America's Superpsychic Spies, 1996)
Ingo Swann heard about Hal Puthoff's proposal to study the basis of
life processes through Cleve Backster. Swann wrote Puthoff (3/30/72)
and suggested that he research psychic abilities. Swann met with
Puthoff in June, 1972 (Targ, Russell and Puthoff, Harold E,
Mind-Reach, Delacorte Press, 1977, pg 18-9).
Swann then became the subject for a series of remote viewing studies
with Puthoff and Russell Targ at SRI
Swann came to California on 6/4/72, and came to SRI two days later,
when he allegedly telekinetically perturbed a shielded magnetometer.
(Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's
Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, pg 88-9)
Swann returned to SRI in October, when he did some clairvoyance
tests. Some of these tests were observed by two CIA agents, who set
up a eight month pilot program with SRI. Swann began this contract a
few days before Christmas, 1972.
(Schnabel, 1997, pg 97-99)
Swann left SRI in mid-august, 1973, when the CIA contract ran out.
Reportedly, he left angry, and vowed never to return.
(Schnabel, 1997, pg 127-8)
After leaving SRI, Swann did some work with the American Society for
Psychical Research and the Maimonides Dream Laboratory. He also
worked for Bill Keeler, chairman of Philips Petroleum, to try to
find oil deposits. After Pat Price left SRI, Swann returned in the
fall of 1974 as a consultant, with the incentive of more money and
creative freedom.
(Schnabel,1997, pg 173-4)
Through the late 1970s and early 80s, Swann developed a strict
protocol for remote viewing, which he used to train new Center Lane
recruits in 1983. In the summer of 1984, Swann moved this training
course to New York.
(Schnabel, 1997, pg 305) According to author John Wilhelm, Swann was
a Scientologist, at OT Level VII, the highest level at the time.
Reportedly, Swann helped establish Scientology's "Celebrity Center"
in Los Angeles. (Wilhelm, John, "Psychic Spying?", Washington Post
8/7/77, B1)
According to Peter Tomkins and Chirstopher Bird, Swann "attributes
his success to techniques he learned in Scientology". (Tompkins,
Peter and Bird, Christopher, The Secret Life of Plants, Harper and
Row, 1973, pg 29)
Swann and Puthoff attended the First International Congress on Psychotronic Research in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
"Ingo was there to
present a paper on the Scientology paradigm as model for developing
and exploring paranormal abilities." (Targ, Russell and Puthoff,
Harold E, pg 42)
This paper is entitled "Scientological Techniques:
A Modern Paradigm for the Exploration of Consciousness and Psychic
Integration" in Proceedings of the First International Congress on
Psychotronic Research (Virginia: U.S. Joint Publications Research
Service, 9/6/74, Document No. JPRS L/5022-1)
Swann had previously stated that he would never work for
intelligence agents for fear of his life (Uri Geller has made
similar statements). He has recently stated that Puthoff never told
him of the CIA sponsorship of the SRI studies until 12/29/95, but
that it was common knowledge around the lab. (Swann, Ingo, "The
Emergence of Project 'SCANATE'")
"In 1983, Ingo Swann, under the direction of
Dr. Harold Puthoff at
SRI, realized a breakthrough, i.e., he developed an accurate model
of how the collective unconscious communicates (target) information
to conscious awareness. Swann believed that the ability to remote
view, like language, is an innate faculty - a birthright - but must be
learned to be effective.
Swann's model provided a rigid set of
instructions which theoretically allowed anyone to actually be
trained to produce accurate, detailed target data. To test the
model, the Army sent Major [Ed] Dames and five others to Swann as a
prototype trainee group." Swann parted with this group in late 1983.
("Ed Dames Sets the Record Straight")
Friends with Rep. Charlie Rose.
(Schnabel, Jim, 1997, pg 271)
Swann left the program in 1988. He can be reached care of Thomas
Burgin at
Author of:
Remote Viewing - The Real Story! (Insider Tales of America's Superpsychic Spies): work in progress, but the entire text is
Here is a collection of statements by Swann after the remote viewing
"flap" of 1995.
Your Nostradamus Factor, Simon & Schuster, 1993
Star Fire
Natural ESP
To Kiss the Earth Goodbye