4.- Toward a Scientific Understanding of Remote Viewing
The Russians have been the world experts in biophysics and
especially biophysical energy fields since the late fifties,
concentrating their research on military use and areas such as
telekinesis. They have also investigated the existence of specific
psi genes that promote and mediate remote viewing. Their greatest
achievements lie in the discovery of the biophysical fields involved
in psychotronics, which led them on to develop a biological basis
for remote viewing.
Advances in developmental cell biology during the last ten years
have enabled the science of biophysics to include psi. Remote
viewing uses biophysical fields to enable perception to occur
outside of the physical body. This can be explained as biophysical
awareness, or a sixth sense, and is the basis for out-of-body
experiences, clairvoyance or remote viewing, ESP and telepathy.
The physical body is surrounded by a mantle of electromagnetic
energy. In fact, our eyes pick up this low-level light emission, but
90 per cent of it is filtered out in the thalamus area of the brain,
the part that deals with attention (Figure 2). The thalamus is
controlled by the brain’s limbic system, which looks after our
emotions, decision-making and memory. The information that gets
through this mental filter is fitted into a visual mental model
which we see as reality.
The advanced mental training involved in
remote viewing enables the remote viewer to clear the neural and
mental blockages that make ordinary people perceive but a pale
shadow of the real world. Children are taught to see the world as
their parents and teachers do, and in the process they condition
themselves to block out imagery that does not conform to the norm,
such as auras around people, imaginary friends, empathic awareness
and the ability to read body language that enables the child to know
how another person is feeling.
Once visual perception is unfiltered using remote-viewing training
programmes, auras, the emission of visible light around people, can
be seen. Stimulation of the brain by the use of autovisualization
can affect brain function so that deeper more relaxed states of
mind, which are the gateway to remote viewing, can be achieved. The
Russians discovered that visualizing a set of physical actions, such
as gymnastics or shot putting in the mind's eye, enabled Soviet
athletes to train their bodies to better accomplish the athletic
They also discovered that autovisualization of the immune
system could boost its efficiency. Dr Carl Simonton developed this
methodology in the United States. He taught cancer patients to
visualize their immune system's white blood cells eating cancer
cells. Autovisualization was found to increase the life expectancy
of these terminal cancer patients. I have found that
autovisualization of the brain itself can alter consciousness and
develop remote-viewing abilities without recourse to expensive
biofeedback and EEG machines, as used by the Russian and US military
for remote viewing.
The electromagnetic field around the body consists of
infrared and visual-range radiation, together with electric and
magnetic fields. My research interest has been in the biological and
biophysical basis of paranormal phenomena. Since the body has an
intrinsic electromagnetic mantle, could this electromagnetic field
be projected outside the body? As discussed before,
Dr Ross Adey,
of the Brain Research Institute of the University of California,
carried out research on how the human brain could be controlled by
the use of pulse-modulated microwaves.
Research in this area of
microwave mind control was begun by the Russians in 1953. Dr Adey
has given us a pathway by which electromagnetic fields can directly
affect the brain and body. Research shows that tiny levels of
microwave radiation, if they carry ELF waves, can kill, make the
victim mad, or change behaviour. Could information gleaned by roving
biophysical electromagnetic field effects be the basis for remote
viewing? These electromagnetic fields could be picking up
information, then transferring them to the brain.
Could remote
viewing be a case of mental radio, one mind picking up what another
mind is seeing by mechanisms similar to a wireless tuning into a
radio station? Russian research pointed to ELF waves being the
carrier for remote-viewing information. ELF waves below 20 cycles
per second can pass through the cranium and be picked up by the
brain. Remote viewing could well work on an analogous mechanism. It
seems a valid basis for remote viewing. Unfortunately it is not the
whole picture.
The Sunday Times reported that Ingo Swann, in a remote-viewing
session, was asked to look at Jupiter. He reported that the planet
had a ring around it. At the time this was thought to be incorrect.
Swann assumed his 'discovery' was a mistaken view of Saturn. In a
1977 account of their findings, Hal Puthoff counted it as an error.
Two years later, Voyager 1 sent back pictures of Jupiter showing the
planet did indeed have a ring around it. No time delay in Ingo
Swann’s remote viewing of Jupiter had been noted. This indicates
that electromagnetic radiation is not the carrier for remote
viewing. Experiments have been conducted in which remote viewers try
to look at distant locations from shielded rooms which block out all
electromagnetic radiation. The shielded rooms offer no impediment.
The conclusion to be drawn is that something other than
electromagnetic radiation must be involved in remote viewing.
As an experiment, I built a Faraday cage room from which to carry
out remote-viewing experiments. A Faraday cage room is a metal lined
enclosure that is earthed so that it blocks out electromagnetic
radiation. I experienced no negative effect; in fact it seemed to
boost remote viewing by blocking out extraneous signals. Russian
remote viewers regularly psychically visited US facilities
supposedly protected by electromagnetic flytrap field generators,
such as those deployed at
Dulce (a miles deep super-secret US base)
and Cheyenne Mountain, home of Strategic Air Command. All of this
adds weight to the idea that something beyond the simple mental
radio concept, where electromagnetism is used as the radio wave, is
acting as the carrier for remote viewing.
Normally, people function in the
beta state of consciousness (Figure
3), which pushes EEG measured brain-wave frequency above the 20Hz
threshold and there is no contact with calcium efflux events (see
page 00). If these events, which intimately affect brain function by
controlling the neuronal connections, are, as I believe, an integral
part of all psi operations, the general public will not be affected
or exhibit parapsychological talents to any marked degree. Since the
general public operate in beta, normal consciousness acts as a
barrier. In day-to-day life, their thoughts have no conscious effect
on what goes on in their own brains. Remote viewing can be seen as
new programming. We need to be able to input directly to our own
brains in order to alter the programming.
Alpha training, encouraging work in the 7-14Hz range, seems to open
up psi abilities. If neuronal calcium efflux events are crucial to
psi operation, we can begin to see a reason why simple techniques of
alpha training and biofeedback bring on paranormal functioning in
Ed Dames has confirmed that military remote viewers
in theta. This is a brain-wave frequency of 4-7Hz. It may be that
the lower frequencies in the 6-20Hz window, are more powerful for psi activity. Since the energy of the electromagnetic wave is
related to frequency, if we lower the frequency of the brain waves,
we can think with less energy, and more energy is available for
remote viewing, which is therefore more efficient. Theta
consciousness is the doorway to remote viewing and psi.
To understand what is really going on beyond the electromagnetic
bandwidth of remote-viewing events, we need to look at a reappraisal
of physics. In the early part of this century, Dr Erwin Schrodinger
and Werner Heisenberg formulated the basic laws of quantum
mechanics. This theory describes the physics of the subatomic world.
They maintained that in the world of quantum mechanics, subatomic
entities such as the electron could behave not only as a particle,
but also as a wave (Figure 4). This ability is supposed to disappear
as the entities get bigger, so that in the normal world it is
non-existent. What if the biophysical fields used for remote viewing
are not composed of electromagnetic radiation, but are a new form of
quantum fields? If this were so, then these large-scale
quantum-mechanical events could explain how the biophysical field
can be in two places at once - over the target site and over the
remote viewer.
Dr Tom Bell developed the theorem of quantum mechanics named after
him, which shows that a subatomic particle, or photon, which splits
in two is forever linked; each separate particle, which was at one
time a unit, shares the same characteristics. If the biophysical
body is a quantum field, then when it splits into two for remote
viewing, each component part would know what the other paired
biophysical field was perceiving. Quantum transmission could explain
how information is passed from remote-viewing site to remote viewer.
In quantum mechanics, the notion that an entity can be in two
different states at the same time is common place and is called
superimposition of states.
The whole theory of quantum mechanics is dependent on
wave equation, developed from wave theory. In this mathematical
relation, the probability of finding a particle is given by a
function that follows wave mechanical principles. So instead of a
particle being localized, it is smeared across space and one can
only give a probability of finding it until it is properly observed.
This equation states that quantum events are non-localized
potential possibilities. The observer collapses the quantum wave
function to produce an event. It is as if the act of observation
deflates the many potential quantum wave functions and forces it to
manifest in only one specific fashion.
This would mean that, in
theory, while remote viewing, the biophysical field of the remote
viewer travelling to the target site may in fact be a quantum wave
function which may be smeared into many possible states. Upon
arriving at the target site, the remote viewer's biophysical body
may have difficulty manifesting - like dreamers trying to wake up in
a dream. This could be the reason why remote viewing is hit and miss
until the viewer is adequately trained. It may also explain why
remote-viewing information is patchy, then suddenly there can be bilocation, where it seems as if the remote viewer is actually at
that distant location.
In one well-known experiment, Schrodinger sealed a living cat in an
airtight container with a poison gas canister which could be
activated by the decay of a radioactive isotope. The isotope had
half its life left, equalling the time for which the cat was to be
incarcerated. Since there was a fifty-fifty chance of the
radioactive isotope decaying and sending the lethal signal to
release the poison gas, the cat had a fifty-fifty chance of
But according to quantum mechanics, the cat is composed
of a wave function that, until observed, is smeared out, making the
cat both dead and alive until an observer opens the container and
collapses the quantum field of the cat, which is now linked with
that of the radioactive decay of the isotope. This experiment
demonstrates how subatomic quantum effects can indeed have
real-world effects. Superimposition of states, the cat being both
dead and alive until observed, upon which the cat suddenly becomes
either dead or alive - not both as previously.
Could remote viewing be the result of a biophysical field moving in
a parallel reality, which is contiguous with our own but only makes
itself known to us in the quantum realm? Perhaps this parallel
reality is seen in lucid dreaming and out-of-body-experiences and is
glimpsed in daydreaming states?
Australian aborigines have a range
of beliefs about this dreamtime reality. Perhaps remote viewers are
relearning abilities that our ancestors knew of millennia ago.
Perhaps we must debug old operating systems, getting rid of the
mental viruses which dictate habitual ways of thinking and acting.
It is possible to upgrade this bio-software so that you can achieve
your full potential with respect to remote-viewing abilities. To
this end, you must have a thorough understanding of the various
tools you will need to interface with your biophysical vehicle, and
of the biophysical field itself which acts as the conduit for
remote-viewing information, in order to become aware of the other
quantum reality to which modern man has blinded himself.
The former Soviet Union has been researching psi genes for decades.
KGB operatives were told to pick up people displaying paranormal
abilities for use in their vast parapsychological research projects.
One theory thrown up by current research is that there are secondary
and primary psi genes.
Secondary psi genes are those that
facilitate biophysical integration with the organism and which
produce the code for richer and higher function neural networks to
interface with the biophysical energy. These secondary psi genes
make a clearer channel between brain and energy body.
Primary psi
genes are those that give enhanced remote-viewing capability by the
specific nature of the proteins for which they produce the code for,
acting as psychotronic amplifiers, biophysical batteries, and other
more obscure phenomena which are involved with biophysical
processing, storage and utilization.
It appears that some people’s
bodies act as natural psychotronic generators, storing psi energy.
The more of these primary psi genes you possess, the more
biophysical energy is available for remote viewing. Some people are
natural power houses of such energy.
The high basal stress levels of western man release a torrent of
neuro-hormonal and electrical stimuli that appear to switch off the
psi genes. In effect, stress keeps us 'normal'.
How could stress interfere with remote viewing? It has been found
that the brain is directly connected with the immune system. When we
are highly stressed, the brain through its nerve connections and by
hormonal routes, causes a variety of stress-related proteins to be
released into the body, some of which inhibit psi-gene activity.
More importantly, the high state of anxiety keeps the person out of
the theta state, which is the doorway to the paranormal and hence
remote viewing. So learning to switch off the negative feedback
cycle that keeps you in a state of anxiety is vital to initiating
remote viewing.
Dr Gerald Edelman, a leading neurophysiologist, has formulated the
theory of neural Darwinism. This postulates that neurones, which are
the connections between brain cells, compete with each other by
natural selection. It is as if each brain cell and each connection
fight each other for survival. Only the fittest survive and in the
case of the brain, that means only those connections which are
frequently used. In the process, neural networks form which have the
capability of primary consciousness; or in plain language, the
connections make a pattern of brain cells so that the subject can be
aware of what is going on around it through the senses.
This work, taken in conjunction with Russian research and my own,
lead to the intriguing possibility that there is a mechanism by which
the biophysical body may begin to develop the ability to think
separately from the physical body. If we practiced remote
viewing, perhaps the biophysical body is developed from a latent
state to one in which it has a mind of its own?
Many cell developmental biologists believe that the human genome
does not contain enough information to turn a clump of fertilized
egg cells, called a blastocyst, into an embryo. Morphogenetic fields
are needed to switch on specific gene groupings dependent on their
position in the blastocyst in the womb. These biophysical
morphogenetic fields switch on specific genes and turn off other
genes, all based upon their location in the clump of cells. If they
are near the top axis, they become eye and gullet cells, at the
bottom axis, an anal opening, in the centre of the blastocyst the
gut tube, on the surface, skin cells, etc. Biophysical fields hold
the information to tell each identical cell to be different
depending upon position.
It was a profound revelation to me when I realized that the
biophysical field contains large amounts of information not held in
the genome, and that it can control gene expression. Like the neurones affected by
neural Darwinism, perhaps morphogenetic fields
could evolve through primary consciousness to high-order
consciousness? In effect, by exercising the biophysical body using
remote-viewing techniques, the morphogenetic fields of which it is
composed might evolve with long practice to become self-aware.
The theta state is important because it allows the normal person
imprisoned in consensus reality to escape the shackles of the real
world. The summation of everyone’s belief is amplified by their
group psi-fields and the six billion people on the planet produce a
very powerful psi-field that effectively hides paranormal phenomena.
In order to escape consensus reality and practice 'impossible'
paranormal phenomena such as remote viewing, the psi-operator must
attune his biophysical body with the Earth's biophysical field. By
this means, the much larger biophysical field of the Earth can erase
the effects of the PDF generated by humanity. The theta state allows
the remote viewer to resonate with the biophysical field of the
planet. This boosts the biophysical field of the psi-operator to the
extent that paranormal phenomena can become possible. The Earth
resonates at about 7.8Hz, the natural frequency of the planet. Theta
begins at this frequency. It is as if the biophysical body of the
remote viewer in the theta state resonates with the planet's
biophysical field at the magic 7.8Hz.
In order to enter the theta state, it is better if there is a group
of you. The group's biophysical fields join together when remote
viewing is carried out in unison. This merged group consciousness
boosts the remote-viewing capacity of all the remote viewers in the
group. By working in teams, there is a synergistic amplification of
remote-viewing potential in all the individual members of the group.
The leading authority on language is
Noam Chomsky, who has put
forward the idea that:
'the language organ was not an adaptation,
but a mystery, or a hopeful monster. It was something that perhaps
would be illuminated some day by physics, but not by biology.'
Chomsky proposed that the structure of language is primarily fixed
in the form of innately specified rules and all the human baby does
to learn language is to reroute a few neuronal pathways that make
that person into a Spanish speaker, say, rather than an English
According to Chomsky, the baby does not have to learn all
aspects of language from scratch. Instead the baby is born with the
equipment to express language and merely has to rule out a few
possible neuronal pathways and rule in a few others. It is as if
children have the programme for language already in place in their
brains. Chomsky goes further and maintains that it is easy for even
'slow' children to learn a language because they are not really
learning anything. A few developmental triggers set the
language-acquisition process in motion and a few environmental
factors guide the process into the shaping of whatever country's
language is spoken, for example speaking English with an Australian
accent. My theory is that learning remote viewing follows the same
It seems that babies are born with the ability to speak, and given
the correct stimulus, this innate characteristic just develops. How
can language be hardwired into the brain and if it is not, what
information storage system facilitates rapid learning of language in
infants? As we have seen some developmental biologists believe that
morphogenic fields shape the amorphous clump of egg cells into a
fully differentiated baby.
Could biophysical fields act as carriers of such information?
Could consciousness itself be in the
biohysical field?
Could this be the
scientific reality behind Athur Koestler’s phrase, ‘the Ghost in the
I believe that that the brain and the
biophysical field can both be
conscious, independently of one another (Fig 8). When they work
together, there is a synergistic amplification of function. Humans
possessing biophysical fields that have the potential to be
conscious, explains out-of-body-experiences, dreaming,
doppelgangers, and a host of other paranormal phenomena.
Sheldrake has suggested that if we are influenced by morphogenetic
fields from particular individuals to whom we are linked, then it is
possible that we might pick up thoughts, images and feelings from
them, while we are waking or dreaming, even though they may be
thousands of miles away.
In controlled ESP, the operator sends his
biophysical field to interact with the person being scanned. In
spontaneous telepathy, other people’s biophysical fields might
impinge on our own, causing their ideas to enter our heads. This for
example may be as prosaic as knowing someone is going to ring or
visit us, just before the event occurs, or it may be the remote
viewer looking inside the monitor's brain to see the target to be
remotely viewed. The world of soul and spirit is in these scientific
terms, filled with morphogenetic fields and be a place of luminous
biophysical quantum reality, a reality scientists only glimpse in
the subatomic realm of electrons and nuclear particles.
To become a powerful remote viewer or controlled telepath, the
biophysical fields that comprise our mind would have to evolve
through primary consciousness, the state of being aware of
surroundings, to high-order consciousness, where the biophysical
field is self-aware, a process which as we have seen is analogous to
the development of consciousness by neuronal selection in our own
To achieve this evolution of the psyche, we would have to train our
biophysical fields to become fully aware. Raising the consciousness
of biophysical fields is very difficult because we are programmed
from birth to believe they do not exist. When children mention their
awareness of this biophysical world, they are told to stop
daydreaming and grow up. Biophysical awareness is suppressed and our
psyche remains stunted. What we think is our mind is in fact the
brain, whilst the psyche lies in the biophysical arena - and we
normally only touch upon them in dreams and daydreaming states.
Remote viewers have to develop their biophysical fields to become
aware of their surroundings, which enables them to view information
in distant locations. This takes time and practice.
The brain has around it a morphogenetic field like the rest of the
body. This field effects calcium efflux, the movement of calcium
ions out of cells. Calcium efflux events effect the synaptic
connections between brain cells. Therefore the morphogenetic field
not only is influenced by the state of activation of synaptic
connections, but it influences every synaptic connection. In effect
we have a synergy between the morphogenetic field and every synaptic
connection in the brain
If the morphogenetic field is part of the biophysical field, which
the author posits is a quantum field, then every interaction in the
brain can be stored in the biophysical field’s quantum computer. The
biophysical field can be thought of as synonymous with the mind.
Whatever happens in the brain is recorded in the biophysical quantum
computer mind.
Quantum entities can be in more than one state, or place at any given
time. So the quantum computer can overlay the body and a distant
remotely viewed site simultaneously. Thus the mind can become aware
of distant events and places by its non-locality and the biophysical
field records the remotely viewed site by quantum computing.
The biophysical body can then download this information into the
brain by globally changing the potentiation of the synapses in the
brain that can pick up the remotely viewed information. Puthoff
found that the
temporal lobes of the cortex of the brain were
involved in remote viewing.
So this appears to be one of the sites
in the brain where quantum computing information of the biophysical
field is turned into synaptic changes that the brain can analyze as
remote viewing information.
In the process of developing mind-over-matter abilities, the
biophysical vehicle, which surrounds us all, needs to be developed
to the point where it can work independently of the body. This has
been known for centuries by
shamans, witch doctors and so-called
magicians, though not perhaps in those terms. For them, a long
apprenticeship is needed to energize the initiate’s biophysical
field. The teacher takes his pupil to many power spots; the
neophyte's biophysical body acquires energy from these sacred places
and swells in size. Combined with specific training to programme the
biophysical body to become self-aware and finally act independently
as a conscious biophysical vehicle, we have a well-developed
methodology for developing mind-over-matter ability.
When we factor in the paranormal forces of each individual human on
the planet, each of us can have a massive effect on the future
outcome of events. If we think of the future as a quantum-mechanical
event, along the lines discussed on page 00, it can be in all
possible states until it is collapsed by the act of observation.
Since there are six billion human observers, the particular future
that is manifested by the group is dependent on the PDF. As the
defines what is possible and what is not possible, only a small
subset of possible futures is ever revealed. Of these, only one
becomes the future we all will live in.
An example of this is the national lottery. A large percentage of
the population are willing their numbers to come up with all their
might. This situation generates a lot of emotion, which as we have
seen is conducive to generating paranormal phenomena. These people
are using all their latent paranormal powers to influence the balls
telekinetically, as well as subconsciously to remotely view the
future numbers. As we have seen on page 00,US researchers, such as
Robert Jahn, have found that people can influence the falling
pattern of ball bearings, or the random counting of a computer,
using telekinesis. By generating such emotional desperation, the
national lottery amplifies this telekinetic effect. A remote viewer
trying to foresee the outcome of events, has to look through a
paranormal blizzard of conflicting telekinetic intents where tens of
millions of people are subconsciously trying to influence the fall
of the numbered balls in the lottery machine.
On ‘The Paranormal World of Paul McKenna’ shown on British
television, the audience was asked to concentrate on six specific
numbers. When the lottery was run, two of these numbers came up and
a third came up as the bonus number. The National Lottery
immediately changed its rules, so that if too many people got three
numbers, it would not be obliged to pay them.
The areas of the brain which are involved in remote viewing were
studied at the Stanford Research Institute by
Hal Puthoff, funded by
the CIA. His team found that the temporal cortex is active while a
person is remote viewing. The cortex is used for visualization and
the occipital cortex is used to process visual information. The
older limbic system which lies beneath the spongy grey matter we
call the cortex, is used for decision-making. All our decisions are
taken on an emotional level; we intellectualize them afterwards. The
limbic system mediates information processing, the hypothalamus
being used for memory and the thalamus for attention. The reticulate gyrus is also concerned with information processing. Since emotional
content plays such a large part in remote viewing, the amygdala, a
small structure in the limbic system, which is concerned with
emotions and is the pleasure centre, is also involved.
Research seems to indicate that remote-viewing information is
transferred to the brain by quantum mechanical interactions between
the biophysical body and the brain. At a higher level, memories from
the biophysical body and from the brain are transferred by use of
biophysical fields which affect the neurones; this is tied up with
control of calcium concentrations in the brain.
Cell developmental biologists have found that the morphogenetic
fields which control cell activity can change the calcium levels in
the cells by use of field effects. These morphogenetic fields enable
the biophysical body to control cellular chemistry and what takes
place in the cell nucleus (Figure 9). We have so many avenues of
communication between biophysical body and brain that the
interaction must be seen as hierarchical; in a similar manner to how
competitive cell death establishes primary and high-order
consciousness in the brain by means of Darwinian selection. At the
top of the hierarchy in the brain is the temporal cortex, which
combines the remote-viewing data into the complex mental image.
The areas of the brain which enable precognition are little
understood. American experiments in showing people pornographic
photographs which are present in a larger pack of non-emotive
pictures, such as those of the countryside, have shown an elevation
in physical responses five seconds before the pornographic photo was
observed. The responses were measured by sophisticated devices like
lie-detectors. This was taken to indicate that at a deep
subconscious level, precognition of emotive events occurs.
Airline records show that planes that are about to have fatal
crashes have an abnormally large number of cancellations prior to
take off. In combat, this sixth sense of danger is heightened.
Vietnam veterans tell of numerous paranormal experiences such as
remote viewing of mines, bullets being seen in flight, Vietcong
traps being sensed. Fighter pilots have to develop a sixth sense
which is called situational awareness - a brain state where both
hemispheres of the brain are working equally and in synchrony. It is
an almost Zen-like state, where there is no chaos inherent in one’s
thinking and everything seems more real. Situational awareness means
the pilot instinctively taking in a wealth of information,
evaluating it, and reacting correctly, with a panoramic view of
everything in his or her mind's eye. American fighter pilots call it
'having the clue'.
If both hemispheres of the brain working in synchrony brings about
almost precognitive vision for the fighter pilot, it points to
brain-centre balancing being a key aspect of looking into the
future. When the remote viewer enters theta, this balancing of brain
hemispheres takes place naturally.
Theta brain rhythms also enable more of the information received
from the biophysical body to be left unmolested. Ninety per cent of
the information we receive is filtered out by the thalamus, which is
in the limbic system of the brain. Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram of
Stanford University, describes perceptive filtering as the Bowery
Effect. The Bowery was an elevated railroad in New York, which was
demolished. After the late-night service ended, the police were
inundated with phone calls reporting something strange happening at
exactly the time the train would normally pass through that
neighborhood; this went on for months after the railway had gone.
People were subconsciously picking up on the lack of noise at the
time they were expecting the train and panicking because they did
not hear the train passing. Consciously they thought something was
wrong, so they phoned the police.
Theta enables us to unblock these mental filters that blinker us to
remote viewing and other paranormal phenomena. For precognitive
remote viewing, we have to look at how the brain hemispheres process
The left hemisphere of the brain deals with data and thoughts in a
step-by-step manner. It runs through data in a linear fashion moving
from a to b to c. The right hemisphere deals with thought processes
in the form of a mental map, where the relationship between data is
as important as the data itself (Figure 10). Finding patterns in
data is one of the right hemisphere’s abilities. It carries out
parallel processing. Ideas are connected to make a bigger picture,
like linking notes to compose a symphony. Perception for remote
viewing the future appears to be processed by the right hemisphere.
Since the right hemisphere is visually connected to the left eye and
field of vision, future events which are remotely viewed can appear
to glide into one’s mental field of vision from the left-hand side
of one’s awareness. The left hemisphere seems to process past
events. It is connected to the right eye and field of vision. In
one’s mind's eye, events the left hemisphere processes can appear to
come into the left field of vision. When remote viewing the past,
the mental image appears from the right-hand field of our mind's
This apparent flow of mental images can be explained by the
different activities each hemisphere of the brain undertakes. The
right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and since
this part of the brain can handle patterns and parallel processing,
it finds it easier to look at data concerned with probabilities,
which describe possible futures. The many possible scenarios we run
through our heads before making important decisions to try to
evaluate the wisdom of our choices is mainly right hemisphere based.
This type of evaluation of possible futures is the mind-set we run
to forecast the future of our actions, which is also used by the
right hemisphere of the brain.
When the left and right hemispheres are working in synchrony, you
experience ‘having the clue’ and there is some evidence to show that
pilots may be naturally better at remote viewing. The theta state
enables situational awareness, where the information can be quickly
passed between right and left hemispheres for evaluation. Theta
consciousness enables right-hand dominant brain action such as
dreaming to take place and therefore is the perfect state for
precognitive remote viewing.
The hundredth monkey effect
As we have seen, groups of people concentrating on the same site at
the same time amplify their remote-viewing capabilities. There is a
merging of the biophysical quantum-state functions of the field
effects involved that boosts remote-viewing efficiency. This is the
hundredth monkey effect. A Japanese monkey learned to get rid of the
sand in its wild rice by washing handfuls of it in the sea. Other
members of its troop copied this behaviour. Once a hundred or so of
its peers had learnt this action, the behaviour miraculously
appeared in other monkey troops on other islands, far removed from
its original progenitor, even though the monkeys never came in
contact with each other.
My research into biophysical field effects
and how they can interact with other members of the species seems to
indicate that when a threshold number of biophysical fields
belonging to a group have learnt a new meme (see Page00), the intent
for that meme is spread by spontaneous telepathy. The first US
remote viewers spent 12 hours a day, seven days a week, for 18
months, learning remote viewing. This training time has now been cut
to six months. I am informed they are also more accurate than the
original trainees. Remote viewing is becoming easier to learn
because of the hundredth monkey effect. In the future, many more
people will be able to practice remote viewing and with greater
In remote viewing, the paranormal operator develops his biophysical
body in a way akin to the training shamans used to inculcate
paranormal ability in their students. Once the biophysical body has
been developed, it can be projected and can become aware of its
distant surroundings and can then return to the physical body.
In remote influencing, the biophysical vehicle of the paranormal
operator then travels to the target and the biophysical field merges
with that of the victim. Since the paranormal operator has a more
developed biophysical body, he or she can overpower the victim's
undeveloped biophysical body. Taking over the victim’s biophysical
body, the remote influencer's biophysical body can then upload the
codes which are used to interact with the victim's brain. By this
method the remote influencer can begin to operate the natural
calcium efflux in the victim's brain.
A considerable number of the memes we acquire throughout our lives
degrade health and mental and physical capacity and capability.
Memes are acquired mental software which mould our neural networks
in unique ways. Speaking a language, driving a car, are all acquired
memes. Memes are highly contagious and resist being eradicated once
they are in your consciousness. An example is giving up smoking -
once it has become a habit it is hard work to stop. These negative
memes will resurface unless they are replaced by positive ones.
Memes - mental software
Ideas have the power to spread through a population almost as if
they have a life of their own. It was
Dr Richard Dawkins, the
eminent biologist, who first called these contagious ideas
they have also been called mental viruses. In remote-viewing
parlance, positive memes used to inculcate the remote-viewing state
of mind are referred to as new mental software or success software.
These switch off the negative mind-sets that keep individuals in a
state of anxiety, inhibiting remote viewing. If you imagine a world
full of infectious mental viruses and their mutants, which use
humans as their breeding grounds and carriers and which are passed
on to other humans by word of mouth, culture, the media, or by
biophysical means, you can see the sense in which our world is
shaped by memes.
Table manners, throwing Frisbees, wearing fashion shoes are all
memes. Our culture is built up from a complex composite of memes
that define who we are, what we think and what we do. hey are
pre-eminent in defining society. It might be thought that we all
have free will and can do whatever we want. Unfortunately, the
situation is not so simple. People can only think and do what they
know. In my view, memes are biophysical fields that mould the
brain's neural network, i.e. the ideas that are carried in the
biophysical field of the meme are transferred into a patterning of
the neural network of our brains. The memes that comprise our
culture are hardwired into our brains. As explained earlier,
language is itself a set of memes found in the biophysical field.
How can remote influencing interact with the brain to plant hypnotic
suggestions which are subconsciously acted upon by the victim? A
brain structure which seems a likely candidate for the
remote-influencing effect of biophysical fields is the supplementary
motor area (SMA). Researchers in this field have postulated the
interface between mind and body is in the SMA, an area which lies in
the top centre of the brain, underneath where the soft spot used to
be (see Figure1, page 00). When you decide to carry out any
conscious action, the SMA is the first part of the brain to register
an excitation potential. Every time you decided to do something,
this is the first area which generates electrical activity.

The SMA was first identified in the 1920s by the late Canadian
neurophysiologist Wilder Penfield. It was a chance discovery in his
search for the epileptic initiator in the brain. Neurophysiologists
Robert Porter and Cobie Brinkman surgically placed micro electrodes
in the SMA of a monkey. They found that one tenth of a second before
the monkey pulled a lever to obtain food, the brain cells in the
monkey's SMA fired off electrical signals. SMA activity was well
ahead of the cells in the motor cortex, the area of the brain
concerned with muscular control.
In the 1960s, the neurophysiologists Luder Deeke and Hans Kornhuber
discovered a method for measuring tiny electrical signals that ran
through their patients' scalps. They discovered a readiness
potential, i.e. nearly one second before carrying out a simple
conscious action, the brain generated a gentle increase in negative
electrical impulses. This negative electrical potential was the
brain's means of preparing to make a conscious action, and was
greatest in the SMA.
A research group headed by neurophysiologists Per Roland and
Lassen of the University of Lund in Sweden, in the 1980s, used radioisotopic scanning to look at blood flow through the brain. They
found that blood flow in a specific area of the brain which is in
use is proportional to brain activity. They discovered SMA and motor
area excitation during conscious action. It was when they carried
out a variation of the motor sequence test that they discovered
their momentous and controversial results. In a slight modification
of the experiment called the 'internal programming test', a patient
was asked to perform the same difficult motor sequence test in his
mind but with no physical action.
When patients carried out this
test, there was no increase in the blood flow through the motor
area; in comparison, the SMA had as much increase in blood flow as
if the actions had been carried out. When the action became habitual
and could be carried out with no conscious thought, the increase in
blood flow in the SMA vanished. This meant that the SMA had been
pinpointed as the part of the brain that determined conscious
action. If you told someone you were going to do something and your
SMA did not fire, you had no intention of carrying out that action.
Similarly, if the SMA fired, you would carry out the action as
stated. The SMA is the conscious intent beacon in the brain, which
lights up every time you consciously will yourself to carry out an
Sir John Eccles, a famous neurophysiologist, was excited by this
discovery. He stated:
‘It is important to recognize that this burst
of discharge of the observed SMA cell was not triggered by some
other nerve cell of the SMA or elsewhere in the brain... So we have
here an irrefutable demonstration that a mental act of intention
initiates the burst of discharges of a nerve cell.’
Eccles drew the
conclusions that each conscious activity produced different
excitation potentials in the SMA; a neurological code is being
played through the SMA; and the non-physical mind is actually using
the 50 million or so neurones in the SMA region as if they were
controls of some sort, rather like a pianist playing the keys of a
piano. These learned sets of sequential neurological code, Eccles
believed, are the process of a lifetime of learning physical action,
and language.
It seems then that the SMA mediates the flow of information between
the biophysical body and the brain. This occurs because every time
you make the conscious decision to do something and you carry it
out, the SMA fires. By using directed attention on your own SMA, you
can programme your brain to carry out actions you wish to do but
always make excuses not to do, e.g. giving up smoking.
Self-activation of the SMA is the best means of self-motivation and
if done correctly is invariably successful. Visualizing an action in
your mind's eye has almost the same effect on your body as carrying
out that action. I come back to the example of athletes who go
through their performance in their mind's eye to get into 'the Zone'
of ultimate performance. Alpha and theta states are normally
necessary for getting into 'the Zone’ but by programming your SMA
while visualizing performance, the brain is programmed to carry out
the action no matter what negative stimuli.
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