ADAPTIVE ENERGY: the bodies biophysical energy used to empower the
immune system, fight internal and external stressors and uphold the
structural integrity of the body and mind.
ALGORITHMS: the step by step series of mathematical operations which
computers use to process data.
BILOCATION: the highly developed form of remote viewing in which the
psychic viewer sees the target location as if actually there. A form
of lucid dreaming while awake.
BIOPHYSICAL FIELD: the energy body around the physical form which
can be detached from the human body and used for remote viewing.
Composed of fields unknown in the West.
CIA: the Central Intelligence Agency - a branch of the U.S.
intelligence service.
CINEMA METHOD: the use of a mental cinema screen to receive
information broadcast from the biophysical fields when remote
viewing. Fixes attention on a TV image which we are conditioned to
A technique of psychic viewing
invented by Ingo Swann, in which map co-ordinates are used, in a
state of normal consciousness, to enable a trained remote viewer to
give precise information on that location using a set of
DIRECTED ATTENTION: a focused, relaxed state of mind,
centered on one
specific function, this being RV. A tool to switch off internal
chatter by use of the Cinema Method. A mental laser of attention
emanating from the thalamus and used to command and control Psi-operations.
DIA: the Defense Intelligence Agency - A branch of the military
which is involved with intelligence gathering.
EEG: electroencephalograph, a device which is used to monitor brain
ELF: extremely low frequency waves - This form of wave penetrates
the skull and is the set of frequencies that the brain uses for behaviour. Therefore ELF signals are used on microwave carrier waves
to influence the behaviour, make ill, or kill.
ENTROPY: a function of chaos, the more entropy the more chaos.
EPICENTER OF ATTENTION: the place the I part of your mind inhabits,
place recreated to conform to reality so the I part of you can
perceive itself and perform optimally inside or outside of your
ERV: extended remote viewing - An advanced form of psychic spying in
which the clairvoyant descends into the theta state of
consciousness, from which accurate psychic viewing can be
established by following a special set of protocols.
ESP: extra sensory perception, the ability to use psychic sensory
means to read minds, see into the future, or to remotely view
distant locations.
COMMON CONSENSUS: the perception of reality
agreed upon by the group, not necessarily correct and very limiting.
GROUP REALITY: the picture of reality the group takes to be the
absolute truth but in fact is only a construct, a list of what is
thought possible and what is not.
HIGH-ORDER CONSCIOUSNESS: a heightened state of self-awareness, e.g.
when the biophysical field is aware of itself.
MEME: A contagious idea that spreads through the population; term
first coined by Dr Richard Dawkins. A biophysical field that is
MENTAL BIOFEEDBACK: using the mind to initiate changes in the body.
MENTAL FEEDBACK LOOP: conscious thought is redirected back onto
itself to fixate thoughts on one idea group. In this case fixating
attention on the mental activity, or perception of reality.
biophysical field used by the developing
embryo to tell genes in cells to differentiate into different cell
types such as eye cells or hair cells. Cell development is
controlled by these morphogenetic fields.
NEGATIVE ENTROPY: order and structure.
PDE: the Paranormal Damping Effect - A creation of negative memes
and meme structures which is used to suppress all paranormal
abilities, to make agreed upon things and events real, while
strongly exorcising events and phenomena that do not agree with the
common consensus.
PDF: PSI Damping Field
PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS: being aware of ones environment.
PRECOGNITION: foreknowledge of the future through extrasensory
PRV: precognitive remote viewing is the ability to use psychic
viewing to see what may occur in the future.
PSI: the use of psychic energy. Overall term encompassing remote
viewing, remote influencing, psychotronics and all psychic ability.
PSYCHOTRONICS: the Russian research on the use of Psi-energy to
effect people and influence reality. Also included are Soviet
research on mind control using Psi and electromagnetic carrier waves
for ELF signals.
RI: REMOTE INFLUENCING: the use of telepathic hypnotism to plant
thoughts in another person’s mind, to control that person’s
thoughts, or to cause bodily changes.
RK: REMOTE KILLING: the advanced application of Psi that enables
high-level operators to telepathically influence the brain of the
victim to give them a heart attack, or to use telekinesis to rupture
capillaries in the victim’s brain to cause a stroke. Advanced remote
influencing to switch on suicide genes in the victim...
RS: REMOTE SENSING: the ability to psychically scan other people to
telepathically sense what condition their body is in, or to begin to
read thoughts and emotions running through their brain.
RV: REMOTE VIEWING : The facility to use
clairvoyance to psychically
view distant locations.
SCANNING: the military use of remote sensing to psychically
interrogate the brain of the victim to gain information by ESP and
SCHUMAN RESONANCE: the natural frequency which the planet resonates
at, this being 7.82 Hz.
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: having the clue, instinctively taking in a
wealth of information, evaluating it, and reacting correctly.
SHAMAN: a holy man of northern Asia in touch with spirits; also a
medicine man.
SIGNAL TO NOISE RATION: a method of determining the accuracy of
remote viewing information; reproducing exactly what you see
(signal) without any attempt at interpretation (noise).
SUPRAMEME: the collection of memes which rule each person’s life.
TELEKINESIS: psychokinesis.
TELEPATHIC KNOCKOUT: Form of remote influencing which knocks people
TOTAL ORDER: a state of affairs in which chaos is an absolute
minimum and order is the rule.
nature of things stripped free of preconceptions and
unfiltered by programming in the brain solid
matter and influencing other people’s brain functions by the power
of the mind.