The Living Macroscope
Dee, one of the greatest satanic occultists that
ever lived, was extremely well connected throughout the Europe.
Along with Edward Kelley and others, he set about opening portals to
other dimensions in order to speak with the “angels.” His fraternal
counterparts in Europe, under his instruction, performed similar
rites. Their obsession was to contact extra-terrestrial, or
preferably, pan-dimensional beings,
the “Archons.”
To do this, he invented what was known
as “Enochian Magic” which, due to their adroit camouflaging, has
been misunderstood to this day.
Look through the quaint images and
see the truth of this. These wizards and warlocks were involved,
and are still involved, with the summoning of pan-dimensional
entities, who were mistaken in the days of antiquity as demons
and angels (see the classic British Sci-Fi series Dr. Who,
specifically the following episodes: Planet of the Spiders,
Daemons, Masque of the Mandragora, Snakedance, Terror of the
Zygons, The Silurians, Face of Evil, State of Decay, Return of
the Mara, Pyramids of Mars, Horns of the Nimon, Nightmare in
Eden, etc).
Strangely, even with the brave attempts of writers and
movie-makers, it still comes as a shock to most to realize that
the quaint anecdotes of “magic” in the Renaissance and
Elizabethan periods are actually references to science.
Sorcery and science are not as
disconnected as is commonly insinuated, and it is not
happenstance that almost all of the pre-Industrial scientists,
cosmologists, and chemists were master occultists. When one
takes a closer look at the personalities behind the occult
societies of the Elizabethan age, for instance, an interesting
picture begins to form. Competent researchers or students of the
Occult, of Enochian Magic, etc., recall how often the magical
sigils resemble, or actually are, planetary and cosmic symbols.
The full reason for this has long been concealed.
The magic of the Middle Ages and the
necromancy of the Dark Ages was for the same purposes as the
technomancy of the modern age. The practitioners and their
lackeys are all of one clan with the self-same agenda. When we
hear of magicians in their circles of protection surrounded by
planetary sigils and calling out the barbarous names of
Archangels and familiars, we must realize that this has to do
with very physical phenomena. Let us look now beyond the masque
to see what lies at the origin of these specific occult sciences
and why the profusion of occultism among the European
aristocratic intelligentsia at this time.
“Enochian” magic is named after the Old Testament prophet,
Enoch. But the name actually goes further back to the Sumerian Enki, one of the original
Anunnaki. It is more than significant
that Dee chose this name for his divination.
Sir John Dee was actually successful in
his enterprise. He succeeded in opening his portal and entering into
dialogue with oversouls from another dimension. This was not the
first time in Earth history that this had been attempted, nor would
it be the last.
Every time it occurs the consequences
forever alter the course of history, usually for the worse.
In the late Elizabethan Age, or
shortly thereafter, the opening of another interdimensional
portal was necessitated. This time it was undertaken by members
of the “White Brotherhood,” the descendants of the
“Sons of the
Serpents,” the Lemurians. They were attempting to counterbalance
and assuage the attempt of the “Bent Ones” and to ask for
guidance them selves that they may be successful in countering
the influence of their nemesis.
(See “Epilogue: Time to Change
the Road You’re On” on page 129.)
Sir John Dee entered into dialogue with
these pan-dimensional intelligences to see whether he could learn
from them the secrets to a higher form of technology, which would
precipitate the escape from Earth of his masters.
As a living “macroscope,” Dee found out
that these pan-dimensional beings did indeed have answers.
C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien
both knew that aliens were in total control of post-diluvian
Earth, that they had replicated a race of Dragons or Reptilians,
that they were, since the experiments of the Elizabethans, in
league with pan-dimensional entities. The latter, Lewis called
them “Macrobes.” Mankind, he said, takes for granted the world
of the microbe.
Though not visible to the naked eye,
one has merely to make use of the microscope to confirm their
existence. However, on the level “above” the human, exist the
Macrobes. These cannot be seen with the naked eye either. Their
existence is known, or intuited, by the subtle inner faculties
of the sensitive or clairvoyant. The word Enochian literally
means “inner eye.” Lewis implied, that no one can ever come into
an understanding of the peculiar history of planet Earth without
a knowledge of these entities.
But Dee also discovered that the Macrobes did not take well to being contacted by creatures so lowly
and presumptuous as he. His mind was nearly destroyed by the
The knowledge that the Dark Archons
communicated through his consciousness was so vast and complex that
it was soon, thereafter, realized by all concerned that it would
literally take centuries to physically realize. It had to be decided
whether to just give up altogether and remain interned on Earth
forever, or to somehow try, against all the odds, to actualize the
complex details of what was being relayed. The
Tudor Dynasty elites
with assurances from Dee elected to press on.
They put the most gifted minds at their
disposal to the task of decoding into practical terms the strategies
given from the “beyond.” Others were commissioned to come up with
camouflage strategies to hide what was going on from those not privy
to it and from members of the Lemurian offspring.
It was the task of these intellectuals, these court appointed or
royal affiliated alchemists, necromancers, diviners, and
clairvoyants to translate into pragmatic strategies the voluminous
instructions that were transmitted. Entire societies were
established in respect of this purpose.
The controversial adepts and alumni,
such as,
William Black-house
Elias Ashmole
Robert Boyle
de Campanella
Comte St. Germain
Sir Kenelm Digby
Cornelius Drebbel
Robert Fludd
Cornelius Agrippa, etc.,
...were more often than not, either the
creators, or the members, of so-called “Invisible Colleges,” and
often in the employ of the
plutocracy, themselves - named “BlackVenetians”...

These adepts were skilled in magical
practices and could keep in contact with each other then, as they
also do today, via telepathic resonance:
Their close world-wide cooperation
has been maintained by instantaneous intercommunications by
telepathy which is taught them.
(Ekial Kueshana, The Ultimate
The notorious antics of some of these
characters were indulged by intellectuals and nobility throughout
Europe. They could literally get away with murder, because they had
the sanction of the highest in the land. Their occasional run-ins
with the law or the more conscientious descendants of the “Sons of
the Serpent,” like Christopher Marlowe, did not trouble them much
either. Marlowe was finally dispatched by his enemies.
Eventually, it was realized that no single scholar or group could
hope to unravel the complex data in one lifetime and that for many
centuries scholars would have to consciously and unconsciously work
on the material.
They solved the problem by creating the
bastions of learning which we now know as the great universities of
the world. These were not opened for the good of the world or for
the spiritual uplifting of all mankind. They were seats of learning
and research for the pan-dimensional data. Along with many churches
and monasteries, universities became the epicenters for collation of
the myriad researches that were frantically going on throughout the
globe (see or read The Name of the Rose).
These “colleges” housed and preserved
the information gleaned through time.
To make sure that only initiates had
access, the Masonic-based “fraternity” structure was instigated.
Virtually all the Royal Society
founding members were Freemasons. One could reasonably argue
that the Royal Society itself, at least in its inception, was a
Masonic institution.
(Michael Baigent, Holy Blood and
Holy Grail)
It was only much later to stifle curiosity and prevent class war
that the universities were finally opened to the masses. The
study of the architecture, symbolism, and geomantic positioning
of the world’s great seats of learning, such as the Smithsonian,
comprises an entire subject in itself.
One of the personalities that was set to
work on the Magnum Opus of the Atlantean Necromancers was
Bacon, whom some consider the father of modern science.
In fact, the new scientific paradigms
that came out of this period, the laws that were “discovered” about
the universe and the nature of biological life, mostly arose from
these thinkers and specialists recruited by
Europe’s Black Nobility
to work on the meta-plan.
To cover this up it has been put
before us that there are certain times in history when, for no
apparent reason, knowledge of a kind flourishes and similar
ideas become vogue.
It is possible that many of the figures
of early science were in the employ of the Dark Brotherhood. History
reveals how many scientists were adroit occultists. And so are they
today also, although it is very well covered up. The descent into
our world of this knowledge on a wholesale level gave rise to the
Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Age.
In fact, like Marlowe, William
Shakespeare was also aware of what was going on behind the façade of
events. Cryptically, he referred to the occult plan in his plays and
seems to have warned against it.
Shakespeare’s plays contain complex
alchemical and occult anecdotes, yet, for some strange reason few
academic scholars have drawn proper attention to them.
There is also the controversy of the
actual identity of Shakespeare. It has been surmised that the
personage responsible for the plays was none other than Sir
Francis Bacon, but that has not been confirmed. It is more
likely that an exceptionally gifted descendant of the “Sons of
the Serpents” was responsible for them. The works themselves
contain encrypted ciphers which may reveal the authorship.
(Francis Bacon - Our Shakespeare
and Francis Bacon and His Secret Society by Mrs. Henry Pott,
Bible Fraud by Tony Bushby)
The information transmitted (channeled)
by the pan-dimensional oversouls was that there were indeed keys to
the “Stargate.” But what these were and the manner of their
implementation was not immediately attainable. In fact, the Macrobes
revealed that mankind would have to continue to advance
technologically to the point where the secrets of how energy turns
into matter could be studied and mastered.
However, to even begin to understand the
permutations of this first goal, centuries would first have to be
spent learning about the exact opposite phenomenon–how matter
becomes energy. This was the motivation behind the majority of
Post-Industrial scientific research and experimentation and,
obviously, not because mankind was evolving for the first time
toward technical mastery.
Phase one of Macrobe lesson one was
finally concluded when the Atlantean demigods succeeded in splitting
the atom in the 1950s.
A study of the lives and careers of
those involved with atomic energy, like Leo Szilard and
Oppenheimer, will prove an interesting line of research for
those interested in corroborating our disquisition.
Only now, after almost a millennia, are
they capable of embarking on the discovery of the reverse–how energy
becomes matter.
Sun Microsystems (with its
suggestive serpentine logo),
SRI (Stanford Research
Institute), and
MIT (Massachusetts Institute
of Technology) are three of many
corporations, funded by the Black Nobility, which are fronts for
this research.

Secret Societies are a presence not only behind industry, but
governments also. The symbol for the present European Union, for
instance, was first suggested for the flag of the United States
of Europe by the super-secret
Priory de Sion, which is said to
be headquartered in France. The grand masters and illustrious
members of this order are descended from the medieval
Merovingian kings who dated their ancestry back to the
Israelite, King David. The word
Merovingian comes from Merovee,
meaning “born from the sea.”
This does not, however, refer to the
physical sea, but to the greater abyss, the night sky. The word
and image of the sea have long been used as a cryptic simulacra
for the heavens. So that, what is said to be born in it is
really born extraterrestrially.
(See 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
by Jules Verne.)
...the Greek word amphibios means simply 'life on two
planes'... the word was often applied in antiquity to those men
who, though still wearing a human form, had made themselves
almost divine through knowledge, and lived as much in the
spiritual supersensuous regions as on Earth.
(The Theosophical Glossary).
The most common symbol used by the Merovingians was
the serpent,
or the dragon. Indeed, the most well known amphibian god was
Dagon, whose name connotes Dragon.
One of the Merovingian kings
bore the name
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