

 -  Análisis de 'La Atlántida y La Lemuria según Edgar Cayce' - Los Continentes Perdidos a la Luz de los...


 -  Continentes Perdidos Bajo Dos Océanos


 -  Different Theories About Lemuria


 -  Extractos de "El Secreto de Los Andes"


 -  Evidence of Lemuria, or Mu


 -  Evidencia de Lemuria o Mu


 -  Historia de La Humanidad y Civilizaciones Antiguas - Main File


 -  Humanity's History and Ancient Civilizations - Main File


 -  James Churchward and The Continent of Mu - Main File


 -  La Influencia Lemuriana


 -  Las Tierras Perdidas de Lemuria y Mu - ¿Es Australia una Parte de un Continente Hundido?


 -  Lemuria and Homo Atlantis


 -  Lemuria - A Reflection - Germane Through Lyssa Royal


 -  Lemuria e Atlantide - Continenti Perduti e Origine delle Prime Civiltà


 -  Lemuria y Atlántida - Continentes Perdidos y Origen de las Primeras Civilizaciones


 -  Los Chamanes de Mu, los Caídos y la Corrupción de La Sabiduría


 -  Lost City of the Aramu Muru


 -  Megalithic Monuments of Mu


 -  Mensajes de Civilizaciones Andinas y Americanas - Main File


 -  Messages From Andean and American Civilizations - Main File


 -  Misterios de Civilizaciones Perdidas


 -  Mu - Hatun Pachamama


 -  Mu Map Gallery



 -  New Hypothesis Provides A Basis For The Reality Of The Legendary Continents Of Atlantis And Lemuria


 -  Nibiru and The Lemurian Connection


 -  Quest for Mu - 200,000-Year Old Sunken Pacific Continent


 -  Review of 'Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria' - The Lost Continents in the Light of Modern Discoveries


 -  The Great White Brotherhood in Peru and the Serpent Masters from Venus


 -  The Lemurian Influence - Germane Through Lyssa Royal


 -  The Lemurian And Atlantis Civilizations


 -  The Lost Lands of Mu and Lemuria - Was Australia Once Part of a Sunken Continent?


 -  The Shamans of Mu, the Fallen Ones and the Corruption of Wisdom


 -  The Solar Brotherhood of the Seven Rays



Additional Information


 -  Continental-scale Geographic Change across Zealandia during Paleogene Subduction initiation


 -  El Código Egipcio



 -  George Hunt Williamson and the 'Brotherhood of the Seven Rays'


 -  Il Continente Perduto di Kumari Kandam


 -  Kayona y los Dioses de Mu - Memorias de Lemuria


 -  La Isla Secreta - Pohnpei y el Secreto de Nan Matol


 -  Lemuria - A Reflection - Germane Through Lyssa Royal


 -  Implants, Abductions and Other Stuff



 -  Rapanui - Eastern Island - Main File


 -  Rapanui - La Isla de Pascua - Main File


 -  Religiones y Evidencia de Una Antigua Civilización Global


 -  Religions and Evidence of An Ancient Global Civilization


 -  Revelaciones de Funcionario de un Estado Miembro Europeo - Efectos en La Humanidad por ETs


 -  Revelations from An Official of A European Member State - Effects on Humanity Made by Manipulative ETs


 -  Secrets of The Subterranean Cities


 -  The Egypt Code - The Mystery of 10,500 BCE


 -  The Lost Continent of Kumari Kandam


 -  The Rise and Fall of Atlantis


 -  The Troano Manuscript


 -  Un Terremoto Masivo sumergió un Continente entero en el Océano Pacífico


 -  Yonaguni - El Edificio mas Antiguo del Mundo - Main File


 -  Yonaguni - The Oldest Building in The World - Main File




 -  A Study of the Manuscript Troano - by Cyrus Thomas


 -  Cosmic Forces of Mu - by James Churchward


 -  Edgar Cayce's Origin and Destiny of Man - by Lytle Webb Robinson


 - "El Secreto de Los Andes" - por George Hunt Williamson (Brother Philip)


 -  La Perdida Lemuria - por W. Scott Elliot


 -  Sacred Symbols of Mu - by James Churchward


 -  Secret of the Andes - by George Hunt Williamson (Brother Philip)


 -  The Children of Mu - by James Churchward


 -  The Lost Continent of MU - by James Churchward


 -  The Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria - by W. Scott-Elliot


 -  Where Were You Before the Tree of Life? - The Experiment - The True History of... - by Peter R. Farley





 -  Documentario Corto Acerca del Continente Perdido de La Lemuria (a.k.a. Hiva, Mu, Pacifica)

 -  Our Forgotten History - Lemuria


 -  Short Documentary About The Lost Continent of Lemuria (aka Hiva, Mu, Pacifica)

 -  The Lost Continent of Lemuria, Also Known as Mu...


 -  The Stargate of Aramu Muru



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 -  The Occult Reptilian Saga - Main File


 -  Vimanas - Main File


 -  White (Solar) Brotherhood - Main File


 -  Yonaguni - The Oldest Building in The World - Main File


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