Letter from Rear Admiral Gilles Pinon
to Nicolas Sarkozy
President of the French
" One does not suffer the
future, one creates it. "
(Georges Bernanos)
In the absence of any hostile
intent, the intrusion of an extraterrestrial civilization could
jeopardize our environment understood as all natural conditions,
social and cultural constituting the theatre of human
The Charter of the environment, which has constitutional
authority, provides that although uncertain in the state of
scientific knowledge, when acknowledging an injury that could
cause severe and irreversible environmental effects, public
authorities shall, by applying the precautionary principle, have
an obligation to work for the implementation of risk assessment
The UFO Phenomenon
These unusual aerospace phenomena are regularly in our airspace.
They are commonly known as UFOs. The CNES (Centre
National d'Etudes Spatiales) prefers to give them the name
of PAN (phenomenon-aero spatial- unidentified).
Before trying to give them an interpretation, we must recognize
the obvious and simple fact: they exist.
While much is the result of misconceptions, fantasy or
hallucination, an irreducible part seems to show significant
unknown physical laws and participation of an intelligent
They gave birth to a discipline, Ufology, which comprises two
distinct activities:
First, data collection; second, in their interpretation.
By convention, we will identify, later in this letter, the
generic term "UFO phenomenon," all sides of which, after review,
have not received any rational explanation with regard to our
scientific knowledge.
A study group from CNES in France, the GEIPAN
(study group and information phenomena aerospace unidentified),
has had the official mission to collect, analyze and archive
data on PANs.
Thanks to this organization and obstinate independent
investigation work, we now have databases containing several
thousand observations.
Their statistical study highlights the complexity and
incongruity of the phenomenon, which covers dozens of types of
events, from the most banal, simple abnormal light in the sky,
to the more surprising, recorded radar objects with inexplicable
kinematic performance.
But it also shows an internal coherence
and general characteristics, and rarely denied, relatively
stable physical reality and intelligent behavior, not hostile,
but discreet, stealthy and blurred/garbled.
The Interpretation
The most widespread interpretation among ufologists maintains
that the UFO phenomenon is governed by one (or more)
non-terrestrial intelligence. In this case, we must accept the
idea that conceals a potentially hostile plan, a program
supported by a strategy.
In this case, we must accept the
idea that conceals a potentially hostile plan, a program
supported by a strategy.
What is this program?
Who are the authors?
What is their strategy?
These are the questions that we have
to ask ourselves facing an unknown.
Therefore, the study of the
UFO phenomenon resorts with methods for assessing complex
situations involving intelligence games, ambiguous designs and
scarce, sporadic and garbled information.
Hypothetic-deductive Methods,
iterative and adaptive
What are these methods?
From a military conception, they
have emerged during the last global conflict, at the same time
as operational research. They are taught in war colleges (in
France, the Defense Intelligence College) and are used by
the staffs of the major powers. Large companies exposed to
economic and political constraints and facing a competition
where misinformation is commonly practiced, have adopted and
adapted them to their needs. This explains the presence of
metaphor and the military terminology in the speeches of leaders
of society.
As operational research, they are designed to overcome the lack
of intuition and applying common sense to situations with
confusing parameters, depending on many factors, relevant
objectives and subject to random natural events.
But unlike operational research, they take into account the
interference of a foreign intelligence, endowed with will and
capable of jamming and arbitrary seemingly irrational behavior.
They are particularly relevant in
the presence of disinformation and in asymmetrical conflicts
between adversaries of the different logic, the ethical and
divergent ways of dissimilar thinking as the fight against
terrorism or, where applicable, an alien intrusion.
The Data
With what kind of reasoning are these methods involved?
They are the hypothetic-deductive kind. They must make
assumptions, prior to the riddle of ethical probabilities or
technical, economic and operational likelihoods, which are
deduced from the consequences, past and future, and which could
be verified through observation and intelligence. If they find
an experimental verification, they are validated.
Otherwise, they are either rejected
or revised to make them compatible with experience. They are
constructions both iterative and adaptive. They demand formal
and rigorous thought. All things considered, they are a fairly
faithful application of the scientific method of Karl Popper.
They oppose the inductive process of thought that goes from
specific to general, which claims a general statement from a
limited number of observations. Regarding Ufology, the inductive
method is inappropriate because of sharply depreciated
It has unfortunately led to two pitfalls:
on the one hand
skepticism or rejection of any attempt to interpret because the
multiform faces and absurd events that have been at large for
sixty years do not justify a general statement
on the other hand, unfair
extrapolation may develop hazardous interpretations and
development of of conspiracy theses or ideas
A possible extraterrestrial
If we depart the a priori assumption, not scientifically
rebuttable, of an intelligence transcending the sensible world,
we must admit that we are dealing with a possibly alien
intrusion, i.e. the unwanted presence of intelligent beings
belonging to one or
more planets in the Milky Way or another
For hypothetic-deductive methods to be applied, we must again
verify assumptions that these beings can be reasonable.
The difficulty comes between their
civilizations and ours, with gaps in knowledge and developments:
Some difference in terms of science and technology, with some
likely biological, social and ethical developments.
A new form of incommensurability?
Everything comes back to the question of whether intelligent
beings at unequal levels of knowledge, mental development, and
biological ways far removed (from one another) would be able to
understand each other. On this condition alone, presuppositions
will have a meaning and may be admitted as heuristics
A proposition is now in favor among some Ufologists who claim,
Carl Sagan, that
differences in knowledge and developments would be really
insurmountable obstacles making it impossible for our
understanding, even our perception of an intrusion.
While it is true that the gap of language is forever
impenetrable between man and animal, it would not be an
impediment or contrast between our civilization and those of
other worlds, which were technologically and, perhaps,
psychologically superior. Indeed exobiology wishes that all
intelligent beings in the universe have capabilities of
inference and time management and that their mental patterns
are, in all likelihood, probably similar if not identical.
It would seem that it is legitimate to apply the methods
hypothetic-deductive methods to the UFO phenomenon and,
therefore, seek to discover, beyond their modes of travel in
space, just what are the intentions of any intruders towards us.
Presuppositions or Assumptions
Presuppositions must focus on the nature of these beings, on
their free or serf arbitrators, on their social and political
organization, their collective ethics, their intentions and
their activities.
Is alien life also of
radically different forms?
Do these biological
extraterrestrial beings of gifted intelligence have a
physiology similar to that of men?
Do they erect civilizations
in their societies?
In the event that some have
acquired control of the space, what social and political
organization would they have to reach such a level of
What would be their ethics?
Do they recognize moral
What strategy do they adopt vis-à-vis
civilizations visited?
Serving what mission?
Will they adopt a
precautionary principle?
What approach procedures
Would signs of their
presence be perceived?
Misinformation and Jamming
Since one holds that alien intrusion is plausible, we must ask
ourselves about its origin, its mobility and dangers:
Are we in the presence of
only one civilization or several civilizations operating
in concert or independent ways?
Is it a simple remote
monitoring, selective intervention or an attempt to
influence or take control?
It is futile to hope that a overt,
unveiled demonstration of the UFO phenomena may emerge one day
soon to answer these serious questions because the UFO
phenomenon is quiet, stealthy, disguised and seems unwilling to
reveal itself.
It is well established that a study
based on the induction will not come about since its origin is
the subject of operations travesty and because of distortion of
the truth:
Misinformation put out by
the confabulators and government agencies obscure
interests driven by the strategic issue and the need for
Embellishments, more or less
voluntary, by some witnesses and investigators
Interference and camouflage
by the intruders themselves
Misinformation and interference are
so present (prevalent) that it becomes difficult to distinguish
between reality and fiction, and to reconstitute credible and
reliable information only from the accounts of witnesses.
The proposed hypothetic-deductive methods are supposed to
remove these difficulties.
A Risk of Global Ethnocide
Even though it does not show hostile intentions, an alien
intrusion presents the danger of chaos that could lead to
"Ethnocide" if, by accident, it manifested in broad daylight
without leaving any doubt as to its origin. In the absence of
prior psychological action (in preparation), men could lose
confidence in their ability to control their future. The balance
of the world would be upset.
While genocide is the extermination of an ethnic group or
religious group, "Ethnocide" is the destruction of its
culture. This disorder is not unique to physical systems.
Chaotic developments are to be encountered as well in other
complex natural systems, composed of several sub-systems that
interact strongly. The external events that economists call
"shocks," could play a decisive role in triggering irreversible
But can we conceive a culture shock
more violent, more destabilizing than impromptu contact with
extraterrestrial beings who have the world under their
observation and scrutiny?
The risk of Ethnocide can not be ignored or neglected. It must
be taken into consideration at the highest level of government.
Again, only hypothetic-deductive methods can provide valuable
assistance in the decision.
Given the general considerations above and considering:
that France has an official
body, GEIPAN, for collecting and analyzing data on the
Phenomenon Aerospacial Non-identifie (PAN)
that the GEIPAN and its steering
committee have not been tasked to interpret the UFO
that, would they be charged with
this mission and have to conduct it, GEIPAN has neither the
competence nor the means nor the method
that the UFO phenomenon is
possibly a manifestation of the intrusion or invasion of one
or more extraterrestrial civilizations
that, if the intrusion is not
scientifically proven, GEIPAN's strong presumptions work in
favor of extraterrestrials' strategy, as was written in his
own name in a recent book Mr. Yves Sillard, chairman
of the steering committee of GEIPAN, former Director General
of CNES and former Delegate General for Armaments
that an extraterrestrial
intrusion necessarily proceeds from a policy regarding
ethical elements and involves a program served by a strategy
that a strategy under a foreign
intelligence with uncertain reasons could jeopardize our
environment, understood as all natural conditions, social
and cultural constituting the theatre of human activities
that there should be conducted,
in a suitable manner, a risk assessment study, including the
ethnocidal risk, by applying the precautionary principle in
accordance with Article 5 of the Charter of the environment
that the only appropriate method
to confront a vague threat is the method of assessing
complex situations developed by major states
that the UFO phenomenon is too
serious to be left to only GEIPAN, ufologists, ufological
associations, and the public rumor mill
that (for all one knows so far)
no formal study on interpretation of the UFO phenomenon has
been conducted in France
that following the publication
of the report Condon, such a study was presumably carried
out in the USA in confidence and that its conclusions would
be sufficient to explain the disinformation that the country
seems to have put in place to preserve its dominant position
and, perhaps, avoid the risk of Ethnocide
We, the undersigned have the honor
to ask Mr President of the Republic kindly order a comprehensive
study of the UFO Phenomenon (phenomenon ovnien) under a
hypothetic-deductive method borrowed from the major states. The
study is expected to meet with high skills in disciplines
directly involved: political, military, scientific, sociological
and philosophical ufology.
It would aim to deny or confirm the
interpretation extraterrestrial and, where appropriate,
highlighting the strategy pursued by the intrusion and, if
possible, its means.
Thus the Government of France would be able to save up for audit
purposes, specific actions of scientific investigation and
intelligence, then build its own strategy, and finally stop the
national policy that should be applied on defense, security,
research, health and information literacy.
It would also consider relevant
factors in deciding to hold the position on the international
scene and information that might be necessary to bring to the
attention of institutions and public opinion.
Gilles Pinon
(2S) |
Francis Collot
Surgeon |
Alain Labèque
Engineer CNRS |
Rémi Saumont
Director Research INSERM |
Claude Lavat
Engineer- ESME
Vincent Morin
MCU Doctor of
Jacques Costagliola
Doctor of
Robert D. Morningstar
Editor, UFO
May 9th, 2008
New York City |