Airplanes - The Modern Past -
Main File
Español |
- "Alienígenas
Aman los Océanos" - Revelan Informes de Armada Rusa
Alien Life is No Joke...!
An Alien Base in Alaska?
Italiano |
Antica Astronave Aliena in
Español |
- ¿Antigua
Nave Alienígena en la Antártida?
Aquamarine Dreams
- Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr
Are the Aliens 'Us'? - UFOs may be
Piloted by Time-traveling Humans - Book argues...
Español |
Astrónomos están "Escaneando" el Cielo para buscar Sondas
Alienígenas cerca de la Tierra
Español |
- ¿Cambio
en La Realidad OVNI?
CIA Document Dump reveals 70 Years
of U.S. Government UFO Info
Classified Advanced Antigravity Aerospace Craft Utilizing Back-engineered
Extraterrestrial Tech.
Español |
Congresista de EE.UU. sugiere el
"Origen Interdimensional de los OVNIs"
Español |
Congresista Estadounidense afirma que Gobierno aplica "Ingeniería
Inversa a Tecnología Extraterrestre"
Cosmospheres and Cosmo-Strategy
- from "Wisconsin Report - Complete Dr. Beter Audio
Dan Willis' 100 year Timeline
Did a UFO Dock with International
Space Station for Alien Astronaut Meeting?
Does new Webb photo of Jupiter
show a Mothership over a Thousand Miles Long?
Does Webb Space Telescope image of
Jupiter show rock debris where 'Giant ET Motherships'
are parked?
- "Electric
Flying Machines"
- Thomas Townsend Brown
Electromagnetic Vehicles - A
- from "The Ringmakers of Saturn"
Español |
El Engaño Cósmico - Una
Español |
El Estudio que Explica la posible
Presencia de una Nave Alienígena en el Sistema Solar
Español |
El FBI Revela Documentos sobre la
Presencia de Extraterrestres y su Autentica Naturaleza
Español |
El Fenómeno OVNI parece
"Preseleccionar" a sus Observadores - Según Investigador...
Español |
El Gran Encubrimiento OVNI, los
Auténticos "Men in Black" y el Papel de Hollywood
Español |
El Mundo Subterráneo y los OVNIs…
¿Otros Seres dominan el Interior de la Tierra?
Español |
El Objeto Interestelar hundido en el
Pacífico que puede Cambiar el Futuro de la Humanidad
Español |
El Pentágono admite que ha Analizado restos de Ovnis
Estrellados - Los hallazgos podrían "Cambiar...
Español |
Este Revelador de Secretos
Extraterrestres va a Lugares donde Usted nunca ha Estado
Estimates of Optical
Power Output in Six Cases of Unexplained Ariel Objects with Defined
Evidence of Ancient ETs on Earth - Is This Artifact a Sculpted
Scale Model of a Rocketship?
Español |
Ex-militares declaran bajo
Juramento que Estados Unidos oculta Ovnis y restos No
Flying Objects in Art -
Main File
German Disc Aircrafts (1922-1945 and beyond)
- Main File
Gravity and Antigravity
- Main File
Gravity Waves Detection Supports
Whistleblower Claims of Secret Development of
Antigravity Spacecraft
- 'Half-Alien'
Group Foresees Disaster
- Japan UFO Landing
Huge Cylindrical UFO Captured by Mars Curiosity Rover
of New UFO Sightings reported to Pentagon
Hypercommunication - A New Scientific
Interpretation of "UFO Experiences"
Español |
Imágenes de Radar recién
publicadas muestran Ovnis rodeando un Barco de la Armada
Español |
Informe Brodie
Español |
Intentos de Ocultar al público la
Verdad sobre Ovnis y Vida Extraterrestre - Gran batalla
Política que se libra en...
Español |
Investigadores aseguran que
"Objetos Extraños" observan los enfrentamientos entre
Ucrania y Rusia
That a Crashed UFO on Mars?
Is The Jerusalem UFO Video Proof
That Extraterrestrials Are Visiting Earth?
Español |
- ¿Jeroglíficos de Maquinas Voladoras?
Español |
Kiev tiene una Cantidad Excesiva
de Ovnis en el Cielo - Informe Gubernamental
Español |
La Historia Antigua de los Ovnis y el Documento 'no
clasificado' de Oppenheimer y Einstein
Español |
La Posible Existencia de una Nave
Interestelar oculta en el Sistema Solar según un nuevo
Español |
La Presencia potencial de una Nave
'Alien' en el Sistema Solar no amenaza nuestra
Español |
La Probabilidad de que una Nave
Alienígena en el Sistema Solar sea de una Civilización
Español |
Las Evidencias detrás de los
Informes sobre Naves Espaciales capturadas por el
Español |
Las Líneas Ley y Su Conexión a los
Leaked Photo and Classified
Reports shed light on Pentagon's UFO-Tracking Activities
Español |
Los Impactantes Comentarios del
Segundo Director de Lockheed acerca de la Tecnología
Español |
- "Los
OVNIs Existen más allá de toda Duda Razonable" - Dice
Ex-Jefe de Programa Secreto del Pentágono
Mexican DoD Acknowledges UFOs In
Mysterious "Alaska Triangle"
linked to 20,000 Disappearances and UFO Sightings
NASA Cuts Live ISS Video Feed as
UFO Appears - Real Footage
NASA Scientist Claims to have
Found a 'Massive Alien Spacecraft' hiding in Saturn's
Español |
- "No
Estamos Solos en el Cosmos" - Confirma la Segunda
Audiencia de OVNIs en el Congreso de EE.UU.
Español |
Objetos Voladores en el Arte -
Main File
- Out Of Place Artifacts/Out Of Place Things
Español |
OOPARTS y OOPTHS - Artefactos Fuera de
Lugar/Cosas Fuera de Lugar
may be a Fully Operational Alien Probe sent to Earth's
Vicinity... - Harvard Scientist Says
Out of The Blue
- The Definitive Investigation of The UFO Phenomenon
- "Outside
The Box" - Space and Terrestrial
Transportation and Energy Technologies for The 21st
Español |
en el Antiguo Egipto? - Así parece Revelar la Misteriosa
Historia del Papiro Tulli
Español |
OVNIs - Realidad y Verdad
Español |
OVNIs y Propulsión con
- de 'Los Diarios Perdidos de Nikola Tesla'
Pentagon releases 1,500 pages of
Secret Documents about shadowy UFO Program after four
year battle
Pentagon releases its long-awaited
2022 UFO Report
Pentagon's 'Top-Secret UFO Unit'
to brief Senate as ex-official says 'Off-World Vehicles'
Español |
Podría haber Cuatro Quintillones
de "Naves Extraterrestres" en nuestro Sistema Solar
President Kennedy's UFO Quest led to
his Assassination and a Deep State Coup
Español |
- "Primer
OVNI caído se estrelló en Italia y el Vaticano estuvo Implicado"
- Revela ex oficial de Inteligencia
Project Beta - The Story of Paul Bennewitz,
Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth
Español |
- ¿Qué
tienen en común los Ovnis, Laurence Rockefeller y MK
Ultra? - Más de lo que crees...
Rand Document - UFOs: What to Do?
Roswell - The "ET Myth" Vs. the
"Nazi Legend" - An Examination of Some Mj-12 Documents
Second Director of Lockheed 'Skunk
Works' Shocking Comments about UFO Technology
Español |
Se ha hecho Creer al Público que
los Ovnis No Existen - Pero Sí Existen...
Español |
Se podría haber Descubierto los
Restos de Nave Espacial Extraterrestre en Fondo del
Océano Pacífico - Loeb
Silent Flying Disks - Is This The Real Flying
Español |
Sombras Extraterrestres
Stargate - UFO Reality Shift?
Sylphs & Chemtrails
Main File
Español |
- "Tengamos
la Mente Abierta" - La NASA se pronuncia al fin sobre los Últimos
OVNIs supuestamente Avistados
Mile Spacecraft and 60 Mile Highway Discovered in 1968 Moon Photo?
Español |
Testigos afirman que un "OVNI" se sumergió y
volvió a salir del Lago Titicaca
The 100 year of 'UFO ET Cover Up' - Timeline
of Events, People and Organizations
The Ancient History of UFOs and the
Oppenheimer-Einstein Report
The Aviary - An UFO Secrecy Group -
Main File
The Carp-Guardian Case
- The Most Controversial UFO Case in Canadian History
Colonel and The Space Alien Saucers
- Colonel Steve Wilson
The Cosmic Hoax - An Exposé
The Dragon Snake - A Solomon
Islands UFO Mystery
The Great UFO Cover-Up, the Real
Men in Black and the Roll of Hollywood
The Home of The Gods
- by Lobsag Rampa
The Intelligent and Practical
Physics of UFO Propulsion
The Mysteries of Laguna de Huaypo
The Nonlinear Zone
- UFO Experiences and Hypercommunication
The Quantum Leap - A Journey
beyond Reality
There are Over 4 Quintillion
(4,000,000,000,000,000,000) Alien Spacecraft in Solar
System - Harvard Professor
The Search for Extraterrestrial
Artifacts (SETA)
The Stargate Chronicles
The Subterranean Origin of the
Flying Saucers
- from 'The Hollow Earth' by Dr. R. W. Bernar
The UFOs of Nazi Germany
The Untold Story
- U.F.O. Files
This Extraterrestrial
Whistleblower Goes to Places You've Never Been To Before...
Time Travel and UFO Connection
Classification Systems
Italiano |
UFO nell'antico Egitto? - Così
sembra Rivelare la Misteriosa Storia del Papiro Tulli
UFO Phenomena and the
Self-Censorship of Science
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion
- from 'The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla' by Tim Swartz
UFOs and New Frontiers
- Connecting With The Larger Reality
UFOs and Nuclear Weapons - Nuclear
Historical Correlative Research
- NCP-10 Paper
UFOs and Space Travel - How do
they Get Here and where do they Come From?
UFOs and The United Nations
UFO Secret Meetings at The United
Nations - Main File
Interfering with Nuclear Weapons?
UFOs - Is Out of Sight Really Out
of Mind?
UFOs - Physical or Subtle?
UFOs - The Psychic Dimension
Español |
- ¿Una
Base Alienígena en Alaska?
Español |
Un Astrónomo de Harvard da por
hecho que los Ovnis han llegado a la Tierra - Cómo y
Cuándo fue la Primera...
Español |
Un Estudio señala que las
Estrellas más Rápidas de la Galaxia podrían ser Naves
Unidentified Flying Objects - Introductory
Space Science - Department of Physics - USAF
Congress and Pentagon briefed that 'UFOs are Not Made on
this Earth'
U.S. Covering Up Documented ETs &
UFOs Over White House Capitol
U.S. Government Releases Document
with Details of Extraterrestrial Bodies, Craft and Home
U.S. Marine's Testimony explains
what the 'Shadow Government' may be doing to Downed
Extraterrestrial Craft
Español |
Uzbequistan y 'El Hombre de Marte'
Español |
Vehículo Vimana de Cuarta Densidad
Español |
Viaje en El Tiempo
y La Conexión OVNI
Vimanas - Main File
Want to Know What a Real 'UFO'
Looks Like? - These 7 Astonishing Pictures will Give You
an Idea
War In Heaven, War On Earth - Main File
Was A Cloaked UFO Mothership Just
Revealed Near Mercury?
- "We
are Not Alone in the Cosmos" - UFO Whistleblowers tell
'What if We're the Ants in this
Network of Civilizations?' - UFO Expert says we should
Prepare for Imminent ET...
What is the Interdimensional
Wikileaks Cable Reveals Flying
"Machines" that "Obscure" their Shape Spotted Near
Military Installations
Additional Information |
1952 Washington D.C. Sightings
2010 Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Wave Surges Around UN, Nuclear Shutdowns, Denver ET/UFO
2010 - The Year We Make Contact
441,449 Low Earth Orbit Satellites
- Operating, Approved and Proposed
Climate Solution That Is Out of This World
Admiral G.Pinon Writes to
President Nicolas Sarkozy About UFOs
Aircraft - Hi-Tech/Top Secret
Military Weapons
Air Force One and The Alien
- A Video Interview With Bill Holden
Air Force UFO Rules Vanish After
Huffington Post Inquiry
- Say Real-Life X-Files
Aliens Have Deactivated British
and U.S. Nuclear Missiles
- Say U.S. Military Pilots
Amateur Astronomers spots 'Massive
Cigar-shaped UFO' near the Orion Nebula
Ancient Secret Societies, UFOs,
and the New World Order
Anomalous Aerial Phenomena before
Antarctica - A Nazi Base?
- An Excerpt From 'Alien Agenda'
Apollo 10 Gets Glimpse of an
Extraterrestrial Monolith in Space
Apollo 19-20 and The Crashed Extraterrestrial Mothership - Main File
Are The UFOs Appearing in Russia
Skies in December 2010 Fulham's Predicted UFO Wave?
Argentina - Expedition Seeks To
Recover Crashed Saucer
Aryan UFOs and Antarctic Bases
Astronauts and Apollo's Missions - Main File
As UFOs Overfly New York, UN's Dr.
Othman States, 'ET Life Is a Possibility'
Barack Obama Not Disclosing
Extraterrestrial Presence is Top ET/UFO Story of 2009
Español |
Bases y Vehículos Submarinos
Relacionados a Los Cetáceos
Basic Patterns in UFO Observations
Big UFOs Battle Around The Sun
Bill English - Interview With an
Unnamed Source
- 'Billy'
Eduard Albert Meier and UFOs - Main File
Briefing Obama on UFOs and
Extraterrestrial Life
British Government Releases UFO
Canada Releases UFO X-Files to The
Carl Sagan Co-Founder of SETI Knew
That "UFOs Were Real"
Channeling, UFOs and The Positive/Negative Realms Beyond
This World
China Central Television Covers
Disclosure of UFO Official Documents
CIA Papers Detail UFO Surveillance
- Historic UFOs
CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs,
- A Die-Hard Issue
Circles of Power - Behind UFO
Citizens Against Unidentified
Flying Objects Secrecy v. National Security Agency |
Close Encounters of The Nuclear
Español |
Colección de Fotos de Objetos
Voladores No Identificados
Collecting Interstellar Fragments
from the Ocean Floor
Command Sergeant Major Robert
Dean, Nato's Secret UFO Assessment and Setting the
Record Straight
Confirmation & Update on Secret
United Nations Meeting Discussing UFOs &
Extraterrestrial Life
Contact - Learning From Outer
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2011
Global Competitiveness Forum and...
Cosmic Top
Secret Report
- UFO information from Command Sergeant
Major Robert O.Dean
Español |
Cosmología de la India Revisada a La Luz de Los Hechos Actuales
Could Mysterious Cosmic Light
Flashes be Powering Alien Spacecraft?
Dan Sherman - Way Above Black
- A Video Interview With Dan Sherman
Deceptive UFO Documents - Doubt,
Debate and Daunting Questions
- Majestic Documents
Did Howard Hughes View a Captured
UFO and It's Occupants?
Did International Space Station
film UFO Armada Coming to Earth?
Did Magicians Cause UFO Sightings?
Did President Kennedy Meet
Did U.S. Navy Battle UFOs Protecting Nazi Antarctic Sanctuary in
Disclosure Conference
- National Press Club 27 September 2010
Does Exopolitics Make The Scientific Study of UFOs a Dead End?
Do Moscow UFOs Fulfill NORAD
Officer Predictions?
Español |
Dos OVNIs Escoltan al Cometa ISON
Dulce and
Project Leonid - Anthony Sanchez
Earth Sized Spherical Objects
Inside Corona of SUN
- NASA Images
Español |
El 'Agujero Negro' fabricado en
Laboratorio para investigar Naves Más Rápidas que la Luz
Español |
El Invasor Anónimo
- Reto a la Inteligencia Norteamericana
of Mayan Calendar, UFO Fleets and The CIA
Esotericism and Ufology
- A Different Perspective on The UFO Phenomenon
Español |
Estamos a punto de Convertirnos en
una Civilización Galáctica
Everything Has a Beginning - Even
the Universe...
Evidence of 'Special Access
Programs' and Reverse Engineering - Admiral Wilson Leak
Evolving Political Approaches to
UFOs & the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
Español |
Ex-Oficiales de la USAF
presentarán Evidencias de OVNIs Manipulando Armas
Exopolitics and A Positive Human
- Discipline of Choice for Public Policy Issues
Concerning Extraterrestrial Life
Exopolitics - UFO Rip
Español |
Extraterrestres Desactivaron
Misiles Nucleares Británicos y Estadounidenses
- Dicen Pilotos de Los...
Extraterrestrials and The
- Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear weapons and ETs (1944 -
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
- Already Passed By Congress
Eyewitness Report of Crop Circle
FAA Release of Radar Data Signals
a New 'Openness Policy' on UFOs
Fairies and
Español |
del Calendario Maya, Flotillas de OVNIs y la CIA
First Ever "World Disclosure Day"
- July 8, 2011
First Release of Fully Translated
Russian Antarctic Documentary
Five Arguments Against The
Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects
Flying Saucers, Hidden Empire and the
Secret of World Control
Four U.S. Black Ops in 9/11
- Antigravity UFO - Tesla Time Travel - Directed Energy Weapon -
Geo-political Considerations on
The Roswell Cover-Up and The Emerging Field of
German Wonder Weapons
Giant ET UFOs Near Sun Now Visible
With Close-Up Image Technology
- Exposing Possible NASA Cover-Up
Giant UFOs Around The Sun?
- NASA Claims Malfunction, Physicist Says Giant ET UFOs
Use Sun's Stargate
Global Fraud - Global Hope
- An Address to The International UFO Congress
Google Earth Reveals Strange Antarctic Entrances
- Evidence of Secret UFO Bases?
Español |
- ¿Hadas
y OVNIs?
Hav-musuvs' Story - Secrets of the
Hidden in the 'COVID Relief Bill' is an
Order for the Pentagon to Disclose its UFO Files within 180 Days
How the U.S. Government Suppressed
the World's First Civilian Spacecraft Industry
Huge UFO Sighted Near Nuclear Missiles During October 2010
Launch System Disruption
Hysteria Drives 'UFO Gatekeepers'
Debunking Exopolitics Pioneers
Implications for Extraterrestrial
India Cosmology Revisited in The Light of Current Facts
Instrument Technologies for the
Detection of Extraterrestrial Interstellar Robotic
Intergalactic ORBs |
Interview to Stanley A. Fulham
- Challenges of Change
Introductory Space Science - The United States Air
Force and UFOlogy
Is Comet ISON Accompanied by UFOs?
Is FAA Covering-Up Flight Delays
Due to New York UFO Sighting?
Is Partial Official Disclosure of
UFOs as Classified Antigravity Vehicles Inevitable?
- Growing Media Interest...
Is Someone
Killing Our UFO Investigators?
Is There An Underwater UFO Base
Off The Southern California Coast?
It's Clear That They're Here - But
Who and Why? From Where and How?
Knowledge of ET Life Is Maturing
at Warp Speed
- Says Paradigm Activist
Español |
La Marina de EE.UU. cree que
algunos OVNIs podrían provenir de Bases Submarinas -
Jeremy Corbell
Español |
La NASA Reúne a Científicos y
Teólogos para Preparar al Mundo para Contacto
Español |
La "Nave
Interplanetaria" de Nikola Tesla - Una Máquina Voladora sin alas,
hélices ni combustible
Español |
La Verdad sobre los
Extraterrestres que se Perdió en el Incendio de la
Biblioteca de Alejandría
Leaked NASA Paper Shows the 'Impossible' EM Drive Really Does Work
Ley-Lines & Their Connection To
Español |
Los Escudos Voladores de Los
Documentary Changes UFO History
Massive UFO Event in Russia
- Crashed Flying Saucer?
Español |
Mecanismos de la Ocultación Extraterrestre
Meteor Broken into Pieces by UFO
NASA and Moon's Withholding Information
- from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries'
NASA brings Scientists and
Theologians Together to Prepare World for
Extraterrestrial Contact
Caught Deleting UFO Photos from Its Website
NASA's 'Impossible' Fuel-Free
Space Propulsion System Works - Leaked!
Navy UFO Group
New January 2011 UFO Display
Nibiru and The UFO Connection
NSA Recent UFO Document Release
More Interesting for What It "Could" Not Find
Obama Administration to Clash With
Corporations Over UFO Files
Obama's Choice of CIA Director
Signals Renewed Effort to Disclose CIA X-Files
Object Found in The Middle of
- It is 79,83 Kilometers Long - That is 49,61 Miles
Open Letter From a Group of French
Scientists to The Initiator of the Disclosure Project
Operation ”Highjump” and The UFO Connection
Other Worlds
Outer Space Cult Popular
Among Tech's Biggest Billionaires
Peruvian Air Force to Research
Anomalous Aerial Phenomena
Philip Corso and The Roswell Incident - Main File
Photographic Evidence of UFOs
Landing on Capitol Hill
Pilots to Tell Their UFO Stories
for The First Time
Plan 9 From Outer Space
- Fears of An Alien Invasion Created Greater Alarm in
the US Than The Threat...
Planetophysical Function of Vacuum
- Planet-Sized
UFOs In Our Sun -
Part 1
Part 2
Predicted Mass UFO Sighting - Will it Force
Disclosure to Occur?
Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - 25 June 2021
President Kennedy's Deadly Confrontation
With The CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO X-Files
Español |
- "Primer
OVNI caído se estrelló en Italia y el Vaticano estuvo Implicado"
- Revela ex oficial de Inteligencia
- "Project
JEHOVAH" - Interview With Ryan Wood
Project Paperclip - Recruitment of
Proposed White House
‘Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission' Puts Denver UFO
Examiner's on Hold
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects - Main File
Reich of The Black Sun
- Nazi Secret Weapons and The Cold War Allied Legend
with Inhabitants of
Celestial Bodies
- The Einstein-Oppenheimer Draft Document 1947
Renegade - Gordon Novel on Camera
- A Video Interview
Report of an Unidentified Aerial
Phenomenon and its Safety Implications at O'Hare
International Airport
Retired NORAD Officer Accurately
Predicts UFO Appearances Over Major Cities
Retired NORAD Officer's New Book
Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October
13, 2010
Return to Trans-en-Provence
- A UFO Case
Revelations of Dr Michael Wolf on the
UFO Cover Up and ET Reality
Rockefeller Tells Clinton to tell All About UFOs
Rockefeller - UFO Connection: An Alien Conspiracy?
Rockefeller UFO Report
- Summary
Rumors of 'Alien UFO Invasion'
- UFO Decloakings Multiply,
as Do Forthcoming 'Alien Invasion' Movies
Russia Orders Missile Alert After
Mysterious 'Vortex' Slams Into Germany
Science in Default: Twenty-Two
Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations
Secret Government Technology and
The TR-3B
Secrets of The Nazi-Bell
- Uncovering The Mystery With Joseph P. Farrell
Senate Demands 'UFO Disclosure' from
Intelligence Community as New Reports Surge
Significance of Iranian Flying Saucer Reports for The US
Military Occupation in Iraq
Solar Eruption Mistaken for
Refueling UFO Spaceship
Son of the Sun - 'Alexander Blade'
Source at U.N. Tells of Secret UFO
Meeting February 12, 2008
Sovereignty and The UFO
- 'Space
Aliens From The Pentagon'
- Synopsis of Facts
Special Research Report -
Stephenville, Texas
- A January 2008 MUFON Report
Spectacular January 18, 2011
Moscow UFO Part Fulfillment of ET Council's Prediction?
Stargate International's
Disclosure Conference
- Transcript of Interview with Bob Dean
- "Star
Wars" over Australia?
Symptoms of Pathological
Take a Leap Into Hyperspace
The Aldebaran Mystery…?
The Biggest Discovery of all Times
- Energy Solutions to Produce it without Destroying the
The Birth of the Modern UFO Mythos
The "Black Knight" Satellite?
The Black Knight
Satellite - Sentinel from Space
The Black Knight Satellite -
What's this Object Nikola Tesla Concluded was
The Case of The Flying Saucers
- A
1950 Lecture on UFOs
The Coanda Effect
- Flying Saucers Research and Development
The Covert Organization Responsible for the
UFO/ET Issue: PI-40
The Covert World of UFO Crash
- An Overview of Personnel Management in Majestic-12
The Dark Side of Corporations in
Space -
SpaceX Docks With ISS
The Dragon Snake - A Solomon
Islands UFO Mystery
Dropa - Main File
The Fake Second Coming
- TechnoRealities / What
Is Going On In The Skies - Are Some UFO's from...
The Flying Shields of The Hopi
The Global Crisis and The Ultimate
Secret of The Empire
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in
The Grail Quest and The Destiny of
- Visa to Magonia
The Great UFO Coverup Is Falling
Apart -
We Are Definitely Not Alone!
The Harmonic Conquest of Space
The Inferred Abundance of
Interstellar Objects of Technological Origin
The Keshe Foundation Announces
Spaceship Institute
The Majestic Documents
The Man Who Invented Flying
The Mystery of The Drones - Main File
The Pleiades... "Swiss Cheese"?
- EyePod and Billy Meier
The Railroads And Aliens
The Real ‘X-Files' - Is Uncle Sam
a Closet UFOlogist?
The Release of the French UFO
files - March 2007
- On The Death & Rebirth of Official French UFO...
The Robertson Panel
- 1952-53
The Roswell Incident
- Report Of Air Force Research Regarding The "Roswell
The Saga of John Lear - Main File
The Science of the
- 2005, the Year of Explanations
The Secret of The Saucers
- by Orfeo M. Angelucci
The Secret UFO Files Inside Indian
Space Research Organization - When Will India Reveal the
The Trilateral Commission Link to
UFO/Alien Mania? - John Podesta
The Truth about Aliens lost in the
Fire at the Library of Alexandria
The UFO Phenomenon
- A Letter to the Editor
The U.S. Antigravity Squadron
The White House Role in Crashed
UFO Retrievals
William Cooper Files -
Main File
The Zeta Reticuli Incident -
Main File
Three Steps to Integrate The
UFO/Extraterrestrial Reality
Trust No One - UFOs, Anthropology, and
Problems of Knowledge
Truth Commission Petition Gives
Mandate for UFO Disclosure
Twenty Two Years of Covert Service
in Elite UFO Crash Retrieval Teams - Exclusive Interview
with Serg...
UFO Contact from The Pleiades
UFODC-Obama Adviser Says
Documented UFO/ET Landings on U.S. Capitol "Could
Destabilize Society"
- "UFO
Disclosure" - A Covert Op to Discredit Real Disclosure
UFO Disclosure Developments
April 4, 2007
UFO Disclosure
- Implications for the Environment, World Peace, Poverty
and the Human Future
UFO Disclosure - The Insider Game
of "Reliable Sources"
UFO Lecture by Capt. Bill
Robertson - Transcript from Video
UFO Over Vatican
UFOs - A Great New Dawn for
- of Enrique Castillo Rincon
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of
Contact - A Report
UFOs and New Frontiers
- Connecting With The Larger Reality
UFOs and Reported Extraterrestrial
On Moon And Mars
UFOs and The CIA - Anatomy of a
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
UFOs and The National Security
UFOs and The U.S. Air Force
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
UFOs Crash Obama's Party and Open
Door for 'X-Files' Disclosure
- "UFO"
sightings and Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction
UFO's Over Washington D.C. in 1952
UFOs Predicted Over Moscow and
London in January 2011
UFOs, Sovereignty and Politics
UFOs, Tesla, DeLonge, ETs and
Covert Ops
UFOs - The SpaceGoatFarts Entity
- Predictions
UFOs - What the Government Really Knows
UFOs will remain 'Mysterious'
without Better Data - NASA Study Team says...
UFO - The Race to Disclosure
War Expands - Heavy Action In Antarctic Ocean
UFO War Explodes Through Entire
Pacific Ocean
- Now A Coalition War
UFO War in Antarctica - Fact or
UFO Wave Over Moscow is 3rd
Independent Confirmation of ET Council
Understanding The Alien Resource
Corporate Cartel
Underwater Bases And Vehicles In
Relation To Cetaceans
- Photographic
evidence of UFOs Landing on Capitol Hill
Vatican and UFO - Secretum Omega
Vatican, England and France
Pressure The US for UFO Disclosure
Veteran China Astronomer Claims UFOs Are Extraterrestrial Space
Von Braun's 50-Year-Old Secret
- The US Explorer I Discovery That Could Have Saved the World... |
Washington DC Is Portal for
Negative Grey ETs
- Must Invite Positive ETs
Was the Secret Service Overruled
in the Release of FAA Radar Data on the Stephenville UFO?
West Germany - Video/Battle of Two
What is The Kármán Line?
Who are They? - Strange Things
Happening in Our Skies
are UFOs Ridiculed? - The
Robertson Panel
Mount Shasta is the 'New Roswell' - UFO Sightings...
WikiLeaks Cable Confirms Extensive
Soviet UFO Investigations
World Business Leaders to Discuss
UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life
Baltic Sea Anomaly |
Español |
Objeto Encontrado en el Báltico - Peter
Lindberg Detalla la Descripción Completa
Baltic Sea Object Is a 'Glacial Deposit'
Object at Bottom of Baltic Sea Still Making News
Baltic Sea Anomaly
- 140,000 Year Old UFO Discovered?
UFO Lying on The Bottom of The
Baltic Sea?
Ezekiel's Spaceships |
Español |
El Libro de Ezequiel
Español |
El Libro de Ezequiel y el Carro
Volador de Fuego - ¿Una Malinterpretada Antigua
Tecnología Alienígena?
Español |
El Vehículo Personal de 'Dios'
para volar descrito en 'El Libro de Ezequiel'
God's Personal Flying Vehicle
described in 'The Book of Ezekiel'
The Book of Ezekiel and the Flying
Chariot of Fire - Misinterpreted Ancient Alien
The Book of Prophet Ezekiel
The Spaceships of Eziekel - by
Joseph Blumrich
The Spaceships of The Prophet
Español |
Un "OVNI Más Grande que la Tierra"
fue registrado por la Sonda STEREO de la NASA
Space Command,
Space Force - Secret
Space Programs |
40 Years as a Diplomat in a United
Nations 'Secret Space Program'
2001 - An Alchemical Spatial
A Brief History of the 'Secret
Space Program'
Alternative 3 - Secret
Space Program
America's Secret Space Program and
The Super Valkyrie
Artistic Recreation of
Extraterrestrial Visiting Space Shuttle Released by
Former Space Craft Operator
Español |
Cápsulas Médicas Holográficas - Camas Médicas
Cost to Test U.S. Global-Strike
Missile Could Reach $500 Million
Dark Fleet, Earth, Moon and Mars
Briefings - SSP Alliance Updates Resume
Did the
USSR destroy a Secret U.S. Moon Base in 1977?
Documents show Navy got 'UFO'
Patent Granted by Warning of Similar Chinese Tech
Español |
Dos Denunciantes más Divulgan
Participación en Programa Espacial Secreto - El Programa
"20 y Regresar"
Do we Need 'Space Force' to protect us
from Space Pirates?
Elon Musk just made Secret Space
Program Disclosure Inevitable
Finding the Secret Space Program -
Removing Truth's Protective Layers
Galactic Federation is Helping
Humanity build a 'Starfleet for Planetary Defense'
Gary McKinnon - Hacking Away at
Truth and the Failings of the Disclosure Community?
Hacking Away at Truth and the
Failings of The Disclosure Community?
- Gary McKinnon
History of RAND
Corporation and Secret Space Programs
Holographic Medical Pods - Med
Mystery Space Machines of John
Lenard Walson
- Strange Things Above - Main File
Navy Insiders corroborate Secret
Antarctic Space Fleet and Mission to Oumuamua
Paper on 'Nuclear Fusion Reactor
for Hybrid Spacecraft' published in Prestigious Journal
Raising the Heat on Disclosure
- The Exopolitical Implications of Night Vision
Technologies on The Extra...
Reagan Records and Space Command
Antigravity Fleet
Español |
Revelaciones del Programa
Espacial Secreto y Eventos Alienígenas de Falsa Bandera
Temperature Superconducting System for Use on a Hybrid Aerospace
Undersea Craft
Secret Space Program
Disclosures and False Flag Alien Invasion-Events
Secret Space Program Experiencers
continue to Add Weight to Idea of Breakaway Civilization |
Secret Space Programs
Battle over Antarctic Skies During Global Elite Exodus |
Secret Space Program Spooks -
Whistleblower Fail!
Secret Space War
Siemens implicated in 'Tracking
Forced Labor and Slaves' in Space
Space Command - Project Camelot
Interviews with Captain Mark Richards
Space Shuttle Cover-Up and True Story
Report -
Main File
Space Wars - The First Six Hours of World War III
Aerospace Corporation - from "Elite Watch"
The Future of Space 2060 and
Implications for U.S. Strategy - Report on the Space
Futures Workshop
The Nuclear Missile Attack on
Hawaii - A Secret Space Program?
The Plasma Compression Fusion Device - Enabling Nuclear Fusion
The USAF Space Command and What it
US Space Force's 'New Mission'? - Protecting 5G...
The Weaponization of Space
- Corporate Driven Military Unleashes Pre-emptive Wars
Trump Signs Directive to Create a
Military Space Force
Two More Whistleblowers Divulge
Involvement in Secret Space Program - The "20 and Back"
UFO Hacker Wins Battle Against
U.S. Government - Gary McKinnon
U.S. Grounds Virgin Galactic after
Space Flight 'Mishap'
U.S. National Space Policy
U.S. Space Command's Vision 2020
Was a Space Based Weapons Platform
Used Against Hawaii bound Ballistic Missile?
What is the U.S. Space Force?
Whistleblower Reveals Multiple Secret Space Programs
Concerned about New Alien Visitors
Whistleblower Reveals Serving for
3 Years on Secret Space Fleet
Whistleblowers' Evidence of NASA
UFO Fraud Might Kill UK Hacker Case
Who Owns the Moon? -
Space Law and Outer Space Treaties
Why is the Pentagon interested in
WikiLeaks Reveals USAF
General involved in UFO and Secret Space Program
Multimedia: |
Earth's Interstellar Starfleet or
An Unknown Alien Species Interstellar Starfleet
Interstellar - A Video about UFOs
Joseph P. Farrell at the Secret
Space Program Conference - 2014 San Mateo
Secret Space Program
Secret Space Program - Conference Amsterdam
Secret Space Program - Subtitulado Español
Secret U.S. Space Program Exposed
on Video
- In Support of Gary McKinnon
Space Command
- AirForce Space Today
The 1942
UFO Battle of Los Angeles |
1942 Battle of Los Angeles UFO - Stunning New Photo
Español |
Batalla Los Ángeles - Algo Más Que Una
The Battle of Los Angeles - Photo
The Most Incredible Mass Sighting
of All?
- 1942 'Battle of Los Angeles' - Biggest Mass Sighting
In History?
When America's 37th Coast
Artillery Brigade Fired Off 1,430 Anti-Aircraft Shells
at a UFO
Multimedia: |
The Battle of L.A. UFO Attacked by
U.S. Army
The Norway Lights
Affair |
A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over
Are Nuclear Arms Reductions Linked
to Russia's Pyramid UFO?
Mysterious Light Appears Over
Norway Before Obama Peace Prize Speech
Aurora Mystery
- What Is Going On In The Skies Over Norway!?
Norway Light Spiral - Missile
Failure Caused by UFO/ET Intervention?
Pravda Hides Link Between Kremlin
UFO Pyramid and Norway Light Spiral
Two Researchers Attribute Norway
Light to HAARP to Anti-ET Space-Based Weapon of Mass
Norway's HAARP Facility EISCAT Responsible for The Norway Spiral?
Multimedia: |
Daylight UFO Pyramid/Triangle Over Moscow
Hovering Pyramid Over Kremlin
- UFO? Government Hologram? Hoax?
Mystery As Spiral Blue Light
Display Hovers Above Norway
Norway Cloud Spiral - Simulation of Possible
Norway Spiral, Space War, CARE,
EISCAT - Freeman
Pyramid Over Moscow
Books - Treatises - Reports |
2001 - A Space Odyssey
- by Arthur C. Clarke
2010 - Odyssey Two
- by Arthur C. Clarke
2012 - The Return of Quetzalcoatl
- by Daniel Pinchbeck
2022 Annual Report on Unidentified
Aerial Phenomena - by the Pentagon ODNI
Above Black - Project Preserve
- by Dan Sherman
Alien Contact
- Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed - by Timothy Good
Alien Encounters
- The Secret Behind The UFO Phenomenon - by Chuck
Missler and Mark Eastman
Alien Interview
- Personal Notes and Interview Transcriptions Provided
by Matilda... - by L.R. Spencer
Assessment of the
Situation/Statement of Position on Unidentified Flying Objects
Español |
Astronaves en la Prehistoria -
por Peter Kolosimo
Atmosphere or UFO? - A Response to
the 1997 SSE Review Panel Report
- by Bruce Maccabee
Behind the Flying Saucers
- by Frank Scully
Beyond the Light Barrier
- by Elizabeth Klarer
Can the Vacuum Be Engineered for
Space Flight Applications?
- by H.E.Puthoff
Español |
Incidente de
White Sands - por Daniel W. Fry
Español |
Libro de
Los Condenados -
por Charles Fort
Español |
Extraterrestre - La Humanidad ante
el Primer Signo de Vida Inteligente Mas allá de la
Tierra - por Avi Loeb
Extraterrestrial - The First Sign of Intelligent
Life Beyond Earth - by Avi Loeb
Flying Saucers Have Landed
- by
Leslie And George Adamski
Genesis for The New Space Age
- Secret
Development of The Round Wing Plane, the Extra... - by J.B. Leith
Identified Flying Objects - A
Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO
Phenomenon - by Michael Masters
Plain Sight
- by Ross Coulthart
Inside The Space Ships
- by George Adamski
Interstellar Meteors are Outliers
in Material Strength - IM1 and IM2 - by Amir
Siraj and Abraham Loeb
I Rode a Flying Saucer
- by
George W. Van
Español |
Los Ovnis en La Mente -
Interferencias Alienígenas
- por Corrado Malanga
Mirage Men
- by Mark Pilkington
Other Tongues - Other Flesh
- by George Hunt Williamson
Operation Trojan Horse
- by
John Keel
Optical Power Output of an
Unidentified High Altitude Light Source
- by Bruce Maccabee
Español |
Pasaporte a Magonia
- Sobre OVNIs, Folclor y Mundos Paralelos - por Jacques
Passport to Magonia
- On UFOs, Folklore and Parallel Worlds - by Jacques
Pentagon Aliens
- Formerly 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon' - by
William R. Lyne
Physical Analyses in Ten Cases of
Unexplained Aerial Objects with Material Samples
- by JF. Vallee
Physical Constraints on
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
- by
Avi Loeb
Project Blue Book
Project Preserve
Destiny -
Above Black - by D. Shernan
Pyramid of Thoughts - by Daniela Giordano and Jan Pajak
Saucers of The Illuminati
- by Jim Keith
Secret Cipher of The UFOnauts
by Allen H. Greenfield
Secret of The Saucers
- by Orpheo Angelucci
Secret Rituals of The Men in Black
by Allen H. Greenfield
Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
- Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology - by
Paul LaViolette
Secrets of The UFO
- by Don Elkins with Carla Rueckert
Español |
Sobre Cosas Que Se Ven en Los
- C.G. Jung
Special Operations Manual
- SOM1-01 - Extraterrestrial
Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal
Story of A UFO Investigator - by Barbara Bartholic
Suppressed Inventions and Other
- True Stories of Suppression, Scientific Cover... - by
The Case For The UFO
- Unidentified Flying Object
- by Morris K. Jessup
The Cometa Report
Computer Inside You
- The Caretakers - by
Kurt Johmann
The CONDON Report
- by Dr. Edward U. Condon
The Day After Roswell - by Philip J. Corso
The Energy Grid - Harmonic 695
- The Pulse of The Universe - by Bruce L. Cathie
The Ether Ship Mystery and its Solution
- by Meade Layne
The Flying Saucers Are Real
- by Donald Keyhoe
The Gods of Eden
- by William Bramley
The Hunt for Zero Point
- Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology
- by Nick Cook
The Hynek UFO Report -
by Dr. J. Allen Hynek
The New Astronomical Frontier of
Interstellar Objects -
Avi Loeb
Amir Siraj
Ringmakers of Saturn
- by Norman R. Bergrun
The Rockefeller
UFO Report - The UFO Briefing Document / The
Best Available Evidence
The Secret of The Saucers
- by Ofreo M. Angelucci
Spider Stellar Engine - A Fully Steerable Extraterrestrial Design?
- by Clèment Vidal
The True Origin of The Flying
- Greatest Geographical Discovery in History...
Adm. R.E. Byrd...
Truth -
by Joseph P. Firmage
The UFO Technology Hackers Manual
- by Michael McDonnough
The White Sands Incident
- by Daniel W. Fry
UFO Contact from Andromeda
- by Wendelle Stevens
UFOs and AntiGravity - Piece for A
- by Leonard G. Cramp
UFOs and Nukes - Extraordinary Encounters
at Nuclear Weapons Sites
- by Robert Hastings
UFOs Are Real
- Extraterrestrial Encounters Documented by the U.S.
Government - by Clifford E. Stone
UFOs - Declassified FBI Official
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena I -
Observations of Events - Ucraine
War of The Worlds - by H.G. Welles
- An Introduction to The Scientific Study of
Extraterrestrial Life, Intel... -
by Robert A. Freitas Jr.
Español |
Yo Visité Ganímedes...
- El Mundo Maravilloso de Los OVNIs - por Yosip Ibrahim (José Rosciano Holder)
External Links |
UFO Documents Index
- from The National Security Agency
Multimedia |
2001 - A Space Odyssey
2010 - The Year We Make Contact
Alien Reproduction Vehicles
Alien Technology Operated by The
Canada Admits
Ancient Aircraft and Spaceship
Ancient Astronauts - Alien Gods
A UFO War in Antarctica? - An Untold Story
Bizarre Space Anomaly
Comet ISON - Visitation
Preliminary Report by The Andromeda Council
Dead Alien Found in UFO Hotspot in
Deep Sea UFOs
Disclosure Conference
- National Press Club 27 September 2010
Drone Mystery deepens with
accusations of Government Cover-Up
El Espacio Secreto - Secret Space
ETs In Space, On Moon
- NASA Shuttle Footage
Exposing The Military UFO Cover-Up
Fastwalkers Files Disclosure -
Ellos Están Aquí
Florida Man Captures Triangle UFO
On Tape in Pasco
Flying Objects - A State Secret
From Here to Andromeda
Gigantesco OVNI se Recarga de
Energia en El Sol
- Marzo 2012
Hi-Res Image of An Alien Spaceship
Leaked on NASA Server
Hyperdimensional Plasma Ship
Interstellar Starfleet Caught on
Amateur Telescope
Is Our Sun a Massive UFO Stargate?
La Mayor Historia en La Historia
de La Humanidad
La Ovniología en El 2010
- Salvador
Freixedo - Tercer Congreso Ciencia y Espíritu Mayo 2010
Larry King Live Exposes Nuclear
Facilities Shutdowns by UFOs
Leaders Share Real UFO Sightings
on CNN Broadcast
Los Recuerdos del Futuro
- Teoría de Los Antiguos Astronautas
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary! - Alien Encounters: From
New Tomorrowland
Massive Crashed Disk (UFO) on
Mercury Found by NASA
Massive UFO Re-fueling at The SUN - March 2012
Mysterious Explosion Over North Wales - UFO Crash in Llandrillo,
New Documentary strongly argues that
Aliens Exist - The Phenomenon
OVNIs, Aliens y La Cuestion de Contacto
Out of The Blue
Presencia Extraterrestre
- Fundación Audiencia Ciudadana - Abril-Mayo 2013
Quantum Cosmology
- Lord Desmond Leslie on Adamski
Robert Salas - A Question of
National Security
Russia Today Coverage of Norwegian
Secret Access - UFOs on The Record
Secrets of The 3rd Reich - Secret Nazi Research in
Alien Technology
Strange Cloud Formation
- UFO Mothership Over Moscow October 6, 2009
Sueños Aguamarinos
- Entrevista a Ralph Ring
The Battle of L.A. UFO Attacked by U.S. Army - 1942
Best UFO Evidence Ever Captured on Video
- Nazca, Peru January 2011
The Day Before Disclosure
The MJ-12 Documents - UFO Cover-Up
The New Area 51
- UFO Leaked 2014
The Orion Conspiracy
- The Only New Things Are Those Which Have Been
The Secret - Evidence We Are Not Alone
The Truth About UFOs
- Brad Steiger
The Ultimate Question - Aliens, UFO's,
Anunnaki - Documentary 2014
The Unknowns - Mystifying UFO Cases
The Untold UFO War in Antarctica
Third Reich - Operation UFO
- Nazi Base In Antarctica
Transcending The Dualistic Mind
- Transpersonal Psychology - John E. Mack
UFO Area 51 - The Alien Interview
UFO Contactee - Alex Collier
UFO Disclosure
- Huge UFOs Orbiting The Sun
UFO Files - Deep Sea UFOs
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers
UFO-NASA - Unauthorized Document!
UFO - Out of The Blue
UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of Contact
UFOs and Nukes
- Exopolitik-NPC Press Conference - September 27, 2010
UFOs and The National Security
State -
Richard Dolan at The Project Camelot 'Awake and Aware...
UFOs Are Here! - The Deyo Diaries Volume
1 with Stan Deyo
UFOs - It Has Begun
UFOs on NASA Space Shuttle Mission
- "UFO
Sized Earth" on Sun 2011
- Nassim Haramein
UFO - The
Greatest Story Ever Denied
UFO - The Secret NASA Transmissions
- The Smoking Gun (2004)
Ultimate UFO's!
USOs - DeepSea UFOs
- HistoryChannel Documental Unidentified Submerged
Visitantes del Universo - Seres y Maquinas
War of The Worlds
- Orson Welles - Radio Broadcast 1938
- The Film - 1983
West Germany - Video/Battle of Two
What Are These Objects Near Our
World UFO-OVNI Disclosure Day Tribute
X-Conference 2008
- Press Conference at The National Press Club, April 21
Related Reports |
About Branton
- Main File
Ancient Hi Tech Evidence - The Modern Past
- Main File
Antarctica Rediscovered
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Antigravity And The World Grid
Astrosciences - Exploring The
Mysteries Of The Universe
- Main File
Ciencia Real
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Dimensions and Hyperdimensions
- Main File
- Main File
Earth and Celestial Conflicts
- Main File
Galactic History
- Main File
Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects
- Main File
Jacques F. Vallee
- Main File
Lucid Dreaming
- Main File
Occult Ether Physics
- Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and The
Conspiracy To Conceal It
Scalar Electromagnetics Technology
- Main File
Time Travel
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The Aviary
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The Majestic Project / MJ-12
- Main File
The Psychic Universe
- Main File
Vida en El Universo
- Life in The Universe
- Main File