by Mark Sircus
31 March 2011
IMVA Website
As the news worsens from Japan we hear
that the FDA has a problem declaring or warning people that
artificial food colorings could be dangerous to your health.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
concluded long ago that there was no definitive link between the
colorings and behavior or health problems,
“and the agency is unlikely to
change its mind any time soon.”
It is a fact that this organization
exists to declare dangerous substances safe as is evident in its
support for injecting children with methyl mercury, the placement of
fluoride in public drinking water and the installation of toxic
waste dumps in people’s mouths in the form of dental amalgam.
We have made a tragic mistake and we
humans are now going to pay for it in spades.
We have been insane in terms of using toxic chemicals, heavy metals
and nuclear materials as a matter of course for the creation of our
civilization. Yes we did exactly what the native Indians of the West
thought we would do - soil our nest.
Things have gotten real nasty out there in the first world in terms
of pollution and just about everything else. And now it’s going to
get nastier. In the last video below you will see exactly where and
at what density and altitude radiation of different types is
drifting across the United States and the rest of the northern
Yet the cover-up continues...
We continue to hear everything is all
right and there is nothing we can do to help ourselves and our
children maintain our good health with the increasing nuclear storm
that is arising all around us. Authorities are totally out of their
league in dealing with catastrophes of a nuclear origin and they are
getting caught with their pants down.
In the area around the nuclear power station radiation is spreading
but officials are slow to evacuate even after radiation levels
exceed the criterion for evacuation.
the United Nations is urging that
Japan reassess the situation, adding its weight to that of
Greenpeace, which has indicated alarm for residents already told not
to drink the tap water, but not told enough about ways to deal with
the contamination - and not told to leave either.
Orthodox contemporary medicine cannot bear the humiliation of being
wrong about how medicine should be practiced in the face of toxic
It is really too bad that it is impotent
as an institution and worse. Allopathic medicine is totally caught
in a web of its own choosing, sponsoring what can only be called
pharmaceutical terrorism with their own use of highly dangerous and
toxic drugs as well as radiation for their diagnosis and treatment
of disease.
They are not exactly the ones we can trust to help us cope
effectively or even measure what is and what is not a safe toxicity.
It’s the “all is safe” boys who are the most dangerous people in
society today and of course we all know that Obama has officially
gone on record as being part of this crowd.
At least Obama fanatics can go back to
sleep since there is nothing to worry about as radiation falls at
increased levels all around them.
So tainted is the government in this regard that we are even
starting to hear obscene reports that the EPA is thinking of raising
the levels of radiation that are to be considered safe. This is
truly hard to believe because it would be such an obvious move in
the face of the nuclear disaster in Japan that is already sending
nuclear fallout to all of America.
After decades in the nuclear age they
are suddenly going to change definitions of toxicity?
Bad News on
the 30th of March
The radioactive core in a reactor at the crippled Fukushima nuclear
power plant appears to have melted through the bottom of its
containment vessel and on to a concrete floor, experts are saying,
raising fears of a major release of radiation at the site.
The warning follows an analysis by a
leading U.S. expert of radiation levels at the plant. Readings from
reactor two at the site have been made public by the Japanese
authorities and Tepco, the utility that operates it.
Richard Lahey, who was head of safety research for
boiling-water reactors at General Electric when the company
installed the units at Fukushima,
told the Guardian that at least
part of the molten core, which includes melted fuel rods and
zirconium alloy cladding, seemed to have sunk through the steel
“lower head” of the pressure vessel around reactor no. 2.
“The indications we have, from the
reactor to radiation readings and the materials they are seeing,
suggest that the core has melted through the bottom of the
pressure vessel in unit two, and at least some of it is down on
the floor of the drywell,” Lahey said.
Dr. Michio Kaku
“The three most feared words in the
lexicon of a nuclear scientist is ‘breach of containment,’ i.e.
an uncontrolled release of radiation into the environment. It
appears that we may be seeing this dreaded event unfolding in
He also said on the 28th
“Radiation levels are 1,000
milliseverts/hour. This means that workers will come down with
radiation sickness with only15 minutes of exposure. Some workers
will die after 6 hours of exposure. The meaning of all this is:
if radiation levels continue to rise, and one day all workers
are forced to evacuate, the accident will be in free fall.”
Dr. Kaku called for an immediate
entombment of the plant after the disaster began. Now it might be
too late for that and will take too long to do it.
If the workers abandon ship, and the cores will all be uncovered,
then that is the point of no return; three nuclear reactors may
inevitably have meltdowns making a tragedy worse than Chernobyl.
Time is not on their side. Already, a new 6.5 earthquake has hit
Japan, creating a small tsunami.
Earthquakes, pipe breaks, cracks,
etc. might cause radiation levels to increase until evacuation is
unavoidable, then all hell might break loose.
And in fact today Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano
said that it was highly likely that the stricken reactors at the
radiation-leaking Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northern
Japan would be scrapped.
Setbacks continue to mount with nearby
seawater testing at its highest radiation levels yet. Radiation
leaking from the plant has seeped into the soil and seawater nearby
and made its way into produce, raw milk and even tap water as far as
Tokyo, 140 miles (220 kilometers) to the south as it simultaneously
makes its way all around the northern hemisphere.
Fears are spreading even though the government keeps reassuring
everyone that none of this radiation in the air, water, rain, clouds
and food poses a health risk.
Perhaps this incident is the straw that
will finally break the camel’s back in terms of blind trust and
faith people have in their government’s faithfulness to their
responsibilities to look out for them.
Radiation in
American Milk
More bad news for people in the northern hemisphere, which according
to officials is not bad news at all.
The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) and
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say that radiation levels of
radioactive Iodine-131 has turned up in a sample of milk from
Washington State. But federal officials say consumers should not
The dosages set by the FDA, including
levels set for infants and children have not been breached by a long
shot. So don’t worry! Drink your slightly contaminated milk!
The government is not calculating the fact that 95 percent of
Americans are iodine deficient making them much more vulnerable to
thyroid poisoning from the Iodine-131. Medical and health officials
are out to lunch, asleep the switch or are just playing cards or
baseball it seems. It certainly is obvious that they are not paying
attention to the real medical situation and how to respond to it.
Nothing they say in the press leads us
to believe that they know what they are doing or that they will
protect our families and children.
Impact of the
Nuclear Disaster
Chris Martenson
“Aftershocks that may result from
the world’s third largest economy, Japan is rapidly shifting
from an exporter of funding to a consumer of it. In situations
like these, we are by definition operating with incomplete and
often confusing information, and events are developing more
rapidly than they can be fully analyzed and internalized.
Major world-changing events are now
underway and your personal preparations for an uncertain future
should either be completed or take on a new sense of urgency.”
On the basis of the information
contained here and in the past two days of posts, I am personally
ratcheting up my preparations, making purchases, and topping off
what needs to be topped off.
In this video we see actual maps of radiation flow and it is very
apparent that millions of people in the direct path of the radiation
should be purchasing and using items for detoxification and
chelation of atomic nucleoids.
This is a must-see video that you should
see to the end for it shows without doubt where the radiation clouds
are going.
Dr. David Lochbaum, a nuclear safety expert from the Union of
Concerned Scientists (UCS), an independent scientific research-based
environmental advocacy group, said,
“We have to use a disclaimer that no
level of radiation is safe, because the scientific consensus is
that there’s no threshold to the carcinogenic effect of
Of course he too goes on to say that the
levels that every Geiger counter can pick up, that scientific
consensus claims is officially not safe, actually is safe and not a
threat to public safety.
You would think they would be smart
enough to get their story straight but that seems overly difficult
for mainstream people to do.