



 -  1974 United Nations World Food Conference Set Stage for "Food as a Weapon"


 -  A Developing Evil - The Malignant Historical Force behind the Great Reset


 -  Agenda 21 and Earth Charter - Main File



 -  Agenda 21 - The United Nations Blueprint for The 21st Century



 -  Agenda 21 y La Carta de La Tierra - Main File


 -  Altas Temperaturas No Suponen "Amenaza Existencial" - Dice nuevo 'Jefe de la ONU para el Cambio Climático'


 -  Alto Asesor del Gobierno Australiano Revela Ardid de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático


 -  Anticipating World Order - Building the 'Political Kingdom of Man'


 -  Arabia Saudí elegida Miembro de la Comisión para los Derechos de la Mujer de la ONU


 -  Australia PM Advisor says Climate Change a United Nations' Led Ruse


 -  BlackRock quita apoyo a los objetivos "ambientalistas" de la ONU y se retira del programa 'Net Zero Asset...'


 -  Calentamiento Climático - El Enfrentamiento de Occidente contra el Mundo


 -  Carbon Scam by United Nations and World Bank Behind "Genocidal" Land Grabs


 -  Climate Lockdowns are Coming


 -  Common Core and United Nations Agenda 21 - Mass Producing Green Global Serfs


 -  Cómo Terminar con la Diplomacia de 'La Chequera' en la ONU


 -  Conspiracy Theories Aside - There is something Fishy about the 'Great Reset'


 -  Declaration of a Planetary Emergency to begin "The Long Term Reduction of Global Population"


 -  De qué manera la Administración de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organiza la Guerra en Siria


 -  Derrota Humillante de EE.UU. a manos de Palestina al frente del G77


 -  Desenmascaramiento Mundial de Las Naciones Unidas


 -  Destacados Científicos Critican el Ridículo Informe Climático IPCC de Las Naciones Unidas


 -  Discurso de Lavrov en la ONU - Una "Rotunda Defensa del Nuevo Orden Multipolar"


 -  Economías de América Latina y el Caribe en Trampa de Baja Capacidad - CEPAL


 -  Effective World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate Catastrophe


 -  El Calentamiento Global es el 'Mayor Fraude Científico' de la Historia


 -  El FEM, el Gran Reinicio y sus Cerebros - ¿Existe una Conspiración Mundial después de todo...?


 -  El Orden Mundial ya Cambió en 2022


 -  El Papa Francisco y la Llegada de un Gobierno Mundial Centralizado


 -  El Plan de la ONU para Controlar la Libertad de Expresión en Internet


 -  El Tratado contra la Pandemia de la OMS está Abandonado - Por ahora...


 -  En medio de la Guerra en Ucrania, la ONU inicia un Proceso para definir Mecanismos Internacionales ante...


 -  Exposed how Climate Racketeers aim to Force Us into 'Smart Gulags'


 -  Flashback 2016 - Technocracy will Rise Out of the Ashes of Western Civilization


 -  Foro Económico Mundial - La Institución detrás de 'El Gran Reset'


 -  Gates, Fauci, Daszak 'Charged with Genocide' in International Criminal Court


 -  Geneva - The Head of the Snake


 -  Global Censorship - United Nations Education Agency launches War on 'Conspiracy Theories'


 - "Globalists Doomed" as Trump cuts U.S. Funding to WEF and UN Agenda


 -  Global Warming is the 'Greatest Scientific Fraud' in History


 -  Gran Fracaso de la ONU en Protección a Civiles en los Conflictos


 -  Gun Grab in U.S. Precludes United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Talks to Disarm the World


 -  Health Tyranny Postponed? - WHO, the Reckless Power Grab


 -  How the United Nations is Quietly being turned into a Public-Private Partnership


 -  Il Riscaldamento Globale è la Più Grande Frode Scientifica nella Storia

   - 'Invasion' at U.S. Border is 'Engineered' by United Nations - Top Panama Official Warns
Español  -  La Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas - Main File

 -  La 'Agenda 21' de las Naciones Unidas Sigue Avanzando en Todo el Mundo


 -  La Agenda de La ONU


 -  La Cuidadosamente Calculada Agenda de Migración en Masa


 -  La OMS, la ONU y la Realidad de la Codicia Humana


 -  La OMS - Organización Mundial de la Salud - Main File


 -  La ONU anuncia Billetera de Identificación Digital Biométrica


 -  La ONU busca Implementar la Identificación Biométrica Universal para el 2030


 - ¡La ONU declara la 'Paz Mundial'...!


 -  La ONU inicia Conversaciones para Prohibir las Armas Nucleares... ¿Y lo Llaman Populismo?


 -  La ONU lanza un 'Programa Mundial de Identificación Digital' financiado por Gates


 -  La Planificación a 'Largo Plazo' de la ONU, la OMS y el Fondo Económico Mundial


 -  La Primera Piedra del Gobierno Mundial


 -  La Propuesta de Parlamento de la ONU gana cada vez Más Adeptos


 -  Las Naciones Unidas Expuesta - ¿Quién Está en Control?


 -  Las Naciones Unidas Luchan Contra La Legalización de La Marihuana


 -  Las Naciones Unidas Publica Plan para Llevar Adelante la Censura de la Internet Globalmente


 -  Las Naciones Unidas se Mueven para Imponer Tratados Internacionales, a Estados que están legalizando...


 -  Las Naciones Unidas y los Orígenes de "El Gran Reinicio"


 -  Las Sanciones Unilaterales Violan los Acuerdos Internacionales


 -  La UE Apuesta a que el Conflicto en Ucrania "No Tenga Solución en el Corto Plazo"


 -  Le Alte Temperature Non Presuppongono una "Minaccia per l'Esistenza" - Lo Dice il nuovo Capo dell'ONU...


 -  Le Elite Tecnocratiche dietro il 'Grande Reset' Globale


 -  Le Nazioni Unite Pubblicano il Piano per Continuare la Censura di Internet a Livello Globale


 -  'Libera Nos A Malo' - Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order


 -  Limits to Growth' Warnings still True - Gloomy 1970s Predictions about Earth's Fate still hold True


 -  Lockdowns have Killed what's Left of the United Nations' "Credibility"


 -  Los Engaños del Covid-19


 -  'New World Order' vs. 'Empire of Lies' - Key takeaways from Lavrov's UN Speech


 - "No hay Crisis Climática... El Planeta No Está en Peligro" - Premio Nobel de Física desafía a la COP28


 -  No hay "Emergencia" Climática - Científicos de la Declaración Europea del Clima escriben a Naciones Unidas


 - "No hay Pruebas del Impacto de los Combustibles Fósiles" - Presidente de la COP28 hace Declaraciones...


 -  Oil CEO at COP28 says blaming the Energy Industry for the Climate 'Crisis' like 'Blaming Farmers for Obesity'


 -  ONU - Historia de La Corrupción


 -  ONU - Nacimiento del Mundo Post-Occidental


 -  ONU - Storia della Corruzione


 -  Papa Francesco avverte che la Fratellanza è "La Sfida del nostro Secolo"


 -  Papa Francisco advierte que la Fraternidad es "el Desafío de Nuestro Siglo"


 -  Plan de Naciones Unidas para Salvar la Tierra es un 'Plan Encubierto' para Grandes Empresas


 -  Pope Urges Strengthening of The UN



 -  Post Encierro Covid-19 - La Jugada de Rockefeller


 -  Post Lockdown - The Rockefeller Game Plan


 - ¿Quién Diablos le da a la ONU, la OMS y la UE el Derecho de Imponer Certificados Digitales de Vacunas?


 -  Recruiting Religious Leaders as “Agents of Change” for One World Religion - United Nations Guidelines


 -  Rusia quiere obligar Estados Unidos a Respetar ‎la 'Carta de la ONU‎'


 -  Ruthless Tyrants Win Seats on United Nations "Human Rights" Council


 -  Secret United Nations Document Lays Out Plan to Seize Control of Internet


 -  Semana de Cumbres de la ONU puede Resucitar el Multilateralismo o escribir su Obituario


 - ¿Sobrevivirá la Dominación de Washington sobre la ONU?


 - 'Staggering Rise in Climate Related Disasters' UN Claims, but Reality is a DOWNWARD Trend in Disasters


 -  Sustainable Chaos - When Globalists Call for a 'Great Reset'


 -  Technocracy - Critics slam 'UN Climate Scientists' bid for Dictatorial Power


 -  The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda


 -  The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset


 -  The Dark Origins of the Great Reset and the Fraud that is Klaus Schwab


 -  The Elite Technocrats behind the Global 'Great Reset'


 -  The Entire World is Clamoring for the Global Pandemic Treaty


 -  The 'Final Nail in the Coffin' of the Global Environmental Agenda...? - President Trump


 -  The Horrifying Secret Agenda of the UN and WHO - Total Enslavement of Humanity Through a "Global Health...


 -  The ICC, International Criminal Court should be Abolished


 -  The Information War - The Deadly War hardly Anyone realizes we're Fighting


 -  Them vs. Us - The United Plan to Escape Global Tyranny from the WHO


 -  The Names and Faces - The 150 Bilderbergers who Influenced and Controlled the Response to COVID-19


 -  The NATO/UN Army - Perpetual War… and Bankruptcy for U.S.


 -  The Occult Character of The United Nations 


 -  The Ominous March toward a Surveillance-Dominated Future


 -  The 'Paris Climate Deal' was a Fraud - The United Nations Admits...


 -  The Real Reason Why the United Nations Wants Control Over the Internet - Technocracy


 -  The REAL Solution to the 'UN Madness'


 -  There is No Climate 'Emergency' - European Climate Declaration Scientists write to United Nations


 -  There is nothing 'Smart' about Surveillance Cities


 -  The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations - Lucis Trust


 -  The Spiritual Impulse Behind The United Nations - Let Purpose Guide the Little Wills of Men


 -  The 'Spiritual' United Nations

   -  The United Nations 2030 Agenda - Main File


 -  The United Nations admits that The Paris Climate Deal was a Fraud


 -  The United Nations and The Houla Massacre - The Information Battlefield


 -  The United Nations and The New World Order



 -  The United Nations and The Origins of "The Great Reset"


 -  The United Nations Creates New, More Powerful Global Environmental Agency


 -  The United Nations Exposed - Who Is In Control?


 -  The United Nations exposes Chemtrails - 100% Proof we are Being Poisoned


 -  The United Nations forced to admit 'Gates-funded Vaccine' is causing 'Polio Outbreak' in Africa


 -  The United Nations Global Warming Hoax is Slowly Dying


 -  The United Nations International Telecommunications Union Next Danger to Internet Freedom


 -  The United Nations Is Aiding a Corporate Takeover of Drinking Water


 -  The United Nations - On The Brink of Becoming a World Government


 -  The United Nations Pushes Back Against Marijuana Legalization


 -  The United Nations' Role in Peace and War - "The UN of The Arms Dealers - The Most Disreputable and...


 -  The United Nations vs. The Vatican


 -  The U.N. or 'Supreme World Council' - from "Interview with Ex-Illuminati Programmer"


 -  The U.N. releases Plan to Push for Worldwide Internet Censorship


 -  The U.N. seeks Control over Agriculture - Blames for 'Global Warming'


 -  The U.S. versus the World - A Majority of One, a Minority of 192 in UN General Assembly Resolutions


 -  The WEF and the United Nations join forces to initiate the Next Global Crisis: Water


 -  The WHO, the UN and the Reality of Human Greed


 -  The WHO - World Health Organization - Main File


 -  The World Bank


 -  Top Scientists Slam and Ridicule United Nations IPCC Climate Report


 -  Top Universities - Tools of the WEF


 -  Triumph of the Beast vs. Triumph of the People - UN Agenda 2030 vs. The People


 -  U.N. and Bill Gates behind "Digital Public Infrastructure" for Global Control


 -  UNEP Says Global Governance Will Reverse The Effects of Climate Change


 - ¿Un Gobierno Mundial Único de la ONU a través de la Agenda 2030?


 -  Un Governo Mondiale Unico dell'ONU nella Agenda 2030?


 -  UNICEF - Dietro la Satanica e Occulta Raccolta Fondi Mondiale "Children's Charity"


 -  UNICEF - Inside the Satanic, Occult themed Fundraiser of the World's Leading "Children's Charity"


 -  United Nations 2.0 - A Whole-Of-World Technocracy


 -  United Nations - A Brief History


 -  United Nations 'Agenda 21' Still Advancing Worldwide


 -  United Nations Agency may Reappoint Boss Despite Scandals and Helping Tyrants


 -  United Nations Already Moving In to Take Control Over Internet


 -  United Nations Ambition to become the World Government - 'Legal Officer' caught on Camera


 -  United Nations and Bill Gates Foundation Push Deadly HPV Shots on Poor Nations Under 'GAVI Alliance'


 -  United Nations and Obama, Flog Global-warming Alarmism - As More Scientists Defect


 -  United Nations and WEF admit Owning and Controlling "Science" and Big Tech


 -  United Nations 'Anti-Human Push' to De-Carbonize the World


 -  United Nations approves 'New Internet Convention' backed by Russia and China


 -  United Nations Asks How Many People Could Live on Planet Earth


 -  United Nations Bosses Secretly Plot Global Government through "Green Economy" for Rio+20


 -  United Nations calls for Economic Ruin to 'Diffuse the Climate Time-Bomb'


 -  United Nations calls on U.S. to Halt Biofuel Production as Drought Devastates Corn Crop


 -  United Nations calls Special Meeting to Address Food Shortages Amid Predictions of Riots


 -  United Nations Carbon Regime would Devastate Humanity


 -  United Nations Climate-Smart Revolution Begins with Agricultural Land Grabs


 -  United Nations Defends NATO's Premeditated Genocide in Syria

 -  United Nations "Education for All" - The Elite Mono-Minding Global Plans for All Children


 -  United Nations Farce - Saudi Arabia to Head UN Human Rights Council


 -  United Nations Moves to Impose International Treaties on States Legalizing Marijuana


 -  United Nations New Urban Agenda in Latin America calls for Paradigm Shift


 -  United Nations Plan to Save Earth is "Fig Leaf" for Big Business - Say Insiders


 -  United Nations Plotting to "Dramatically Alter" Your Views and Behavior


 -  United Nations Policy Paper Outlines 7 Building Blocks for 'Heavy-Handed' World Government

 -  United Nations Report on Global Warming has "Life or Death" Warning

 -  United Nations Review Claims Monsanto's Glyphosate 'Not' Carcinogenic...


 -  United Nations Shenanigans on Syria


 -  United Nations Staff Member says 5G is 'War on Humanity'


 -  United Nations Tackles Mental Disorders - Supervise World Sanity Via 'People's Charter for Mental Health?'


 -  United Nations (UN) digital World Brain seeks to 'Track Everything and Everyone'


 -  United Nations Upcoming Summits may Foreshadow a Revival of 'Multilateralism' or an Obituary for 'World Order'


 -  U.N. May Switch Blue Helmets to Green - Then Launch Climate Change Peacekeeping Wars


 -  U.N. Rolls Out Bill Gates' "Digital ID" in Sierra Leone


 -  U.N. seeks Urgent Climate Action to prevent "Greening" Sahara Desert - Proving Climate Change is 'Death Cult'


 -  U.N.'s World Water Forum closes with Calls to Action on 'Justice', Human Rights and Youth


 -  U.N. wants $4-$6 Trillion to Prop Up its 'Failing Global Warming Program'


 -  U.S. Climate Change Procedure Based on U.N.'s Geoengineering Governance and Technology Policy


 -  U.S. Exit from United Nations could Become Reality with Fresh Bill


 -  Vatican Aligns with The United Nations on "World Governance"


 -  What The U.N. Doesn't Want You To Know


 -  Who in Hell gives the UN, WHO and the EU the Right to Impose Digital Vaxx Certificates?

 - "...Who Masters those Technologies, in some way, will be the Master of The World" - Klaus Schwab


 -  WHO's Pandemic Treaty is Dead - For Now...


 -  Why The United Nation's Push to Control The Internet Isn't Over


 -  World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework

 -  You'll own Nothing, You'll be Unhappy and...


Additional Information


 -  40 Years as a Diplomat in a United Nations 'Secret Space Program'


 -  A 1992 United Nations 'Climate Crisis' Redux - "We're a Group of 12-Year-Olds trying to Make a Difference"


 -  Acusan a La OMS y a Obama de Bioterrorismo Por La Gripe Porcina


 -  After Losing Vote, U.S.-EU Threaten to Undermine Treaty to Prevent Human Rights Abuses by Transn...


 -  'A.I. Robots' could run the World better than Humans - United Nations Summit


 -  Alan Greenspan-United Nations Now Implicated in $134.5 Billion Bond Scandal?


 -  Alice A. Bailey - Mother of the New Age or the New World Order?

 -  America in Peril


 -  A New Global Partnership - Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies Through Sustainable Development


 -  Anthropocene - How Eco-Fascist Want to Criminalize The Human Race


 -  Antichrist - The Contemporary Data


 -  Bush's New World Order - The Meaning Behind The Words

 -  Centering People in Smart Cities - A Playbook for Local and Regional Governments


 -  Climatologists Call for United Nations to Get Out of Climate Change


 -  Conferencia de Las Naciones Unidas Sobre El Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo


 -  Declaración Conjunta Sobre Wikileaks - ONU y CIDH


 -  Depopulation of A Planet - Thinning Out The Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda

 -  Depopulation Secrets - International System to Commit Genocide


 -  Did Donald Trump Kill the Liberal-Globalist "New World Order" at the United Nations?


 -  Dr. David Martin calls for the Destruction of the World 'Health' Organization (WHO)


 -  El Discurso de Reagan ante las Naciones Unidas y la Guerra de las Galaxias


 -  El Discurso de Trump a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas 2018


 -  El Gran Reinicio avanza hacia la Tiranía Global


 -  En 2050 habrá más Plásticos que Peces en los Océanos - Advierte la ONU


 -  Experto Independiente Nombrado por la ONU visitó Ecuador y Venezuela


 -  Expertos Advierten a Panel de Naciones Unidas sobre Peligros de la Súper Inteligencia Artificial


 -  Experts Warn United Nations Panel on the Dangers of Artificial Super Intelligence


 -  First Ever Blueprints for World Government Revealed



 -  Former Thatcher Advisor Lord Monckton Evicted from United Nations Climate Summit After Challenging...


 -  Frenemos la 'Toma de Poder Ilimitado' de la Organización Mundial de la Salud - ¡NO al "Tratado de Pandemias"!


 -  Hail Caesar! - Queen Gives Marching Orders to The United Nations


 -  How Much CO² is in a Raindrop? The Ocean? The Air?


 -  How the Great Reset is 'Accelerating into Global Tyranny'


 -  How United Nations Scientists are Preparing for the End of Capitalism


 -  Israel Fue Denunciada con Contundencia en La Conferencia de La ONU Contra El Racismo


 -  Joint Statement on Wikileaks - UN and IACHR



 -  Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and U.N. for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder


 -  Journalistin erstattet Anzeige gegen WHO und UN wegen Bioterrorismus und der Absicht des Massenmordes


 -  La Administración de Trump estudia Salir del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU


 -  La City de Londres y la Sociedad Fabiana - Historia y Planes Actuales


 -  La Despoblación de Un Planeta - Reduciendo la Cantidad de Comelones Inútiles - Una Agenda No...


 -  La Historia de 'Usar Niñas para Promover Agendas Políticas'


 -  L'Amministrazione di Trump Studia il Modo di Uscire dal Consiglio dei Diritti Umani dell'ONU


 -  La ONU e Israel Sobre Armas Nucleares


 -  La Resolución de la ONU sobre el Conflicto Sirio Demuestra que Rusia Tenía Razón


 -  Las Naciones Unidas Solicitan un Acuerdo Global para Eliminar los Plaguicidas y hacer una Transición...


 -  Latest United Nations' Syria Report on War Crimes - Compiled by Washington Think-Tanker


 -  Leaked United Nations Report Claims Swine Flu Could "Kill Millions" and Cause "Anarchy" in Poor Nations


 -  Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations - Opinion


 -  Los Dioses del Dinero y Su Proyecto de un Nuevo Orden Mundial - El JuegoFinal Ha Empezado


 -  Lucis (Lucifer) Trust - Main File



 -  Lucis Trust - U.N. Tool for One World Religion



 - ¿Mató Donald Trump al Liberal-Globalista 'Nuevo Orden Mundial' en las Naciones Unidas?

 -  Navigating The Anthropocene - Improving Earth System Governance


 -  New World Order ELF Psychotronic Tyranny



 -  Occultists Worship Numbers


 -  Of Foxes and Chickens - Oligarchy & Global Power in the UN Security Council


 -  Only Two Companies, Vanguard and BlackRock, Control the Planet - While World's Richest 1% Own 82% of...


 -  Our Global Neighborhood - Report of the Commission on Global Governance - A Summary Analysis


 - "Pardon Us for Our Country's Existence in the Middle of Your Military Bases" - Russian Foreign Minister...


 -  Pope Blesses U.N. Flag - Calls for "Binding International Rules"


 -  Population Bomb - Half The World's Population is Below Replacement Fertility Rate

 -  Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space

 -  Regional Action Plan for the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean...


 -  Rise of Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq - World Health Organization Refuses to Release Data


 -  Salve Cesare! La Regina Dà Direttive alle Nazioni Unite


 -  ¡Salve César! - La Reina le da Órdenes de Marcha a Las Naciones Unidas


 -  Sensitivity International - Network for World Control


 -  Shocking UN Document Divulges Climate Cult Brainwashing


 -  Smart Cities - An Attempted Crime against Humanity


 -  Spirituality at The United Nations


 -  Some Present Table/Worship Spaces in The World


 -  Sustainable Development - A Global Agenda Structured On Population Control


 -  Syria Under Attack by Globalist Death Squad Experts


 -  Syrien unter Beschuss von Todesschwadron-Experten der Globalisten


 -  The Ancient League of Nations - from 'The Secret Destiny of America' by Manly P. Hall

 -  The Closing Window - Climate Crisis calls for rapid Transformation of Societies

 -  The Goal is Government of All the World


 -  The Green Pope and the Catholic Rebellion


 -  The History of The Powers And Authorities - Of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam


 -  The History of Using Children to Push for Agendas

 -  The Next 40 Years - Transition Strategies to The Virtuous Green Path  - North/South/East/Global


 -  The Report From Iron Mountain - Main File


 -  The Rise of Global Governance


 -  The Trillion Dollar Crime Trail Leads to Davos and The United Nations


 -  The Trillion Dollar Criminal Case Against Top Davos, UN Officials & Others - Will Go Ahead Despite...


 -  The United Nations Warns That Food Prices May Rise Up to 20% in 2011

 -  The United Nations-World Economic Forum Strategic Partnership Framework for the 2030 Agenda


 -  Thirty Years Later Alarmists are Still Predicting a Global Warming 'Apocalypse'

 -  Top UN-Secret - What Would Happen if a Society of Counterfeiters Ruled The World?

 -  Transformation is Feasible - How to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries


 -  Trump's Speech to the United Nations General Assembly 2018


 -  UFO Secret Meetings at The United Nations - Main File


 -  UN "Green Light" for a Pre-emptive US-Israel Attack on Iran? Security Council Resolution Transforms Iran...


 -  UNICEF Using African Refugee Crisis to Target 300,000 Kenyan Children for Vaccination


 -  United Nations calls for Worldwide Treaty to Phase Out Pesticides and Transition to Sustainable Farming


 -  United Nations Conference On Environment & Development


 -  United Nations Could Prosecute Bush for War Crimes - Says Ex-U.S. Terror Czar

 -  United Nations Envisions Transhumanist Future Where Man is Obsolete


 -  United Nations Mulls Internet Regulation Options


 -  United Nations Talks on Internet Regulation Labeled "Offensive"


 -  UN Predicts 'Internet of Things'


 -  U.N. to Debate Contact With Extraterrestrial Civilizations


 -  U.N. Urged to Freeze Climate Change 'Geo-engineering' Projects


 -  U.S. Government Gives to The United Nations Classified Tesla Technology to Assist Sustainable...


 -  U.S. Says NO to United Nations' Anti-Free Speech Effort


 -  Viejos Planes para Nuevas Masacres


 -  We Are Watching The US, Israel and The United Nations Destroy Syria


 -  What is this UNICEF Commercial Really Trying to Tell Us?


 -  WHO Refuses to Publish Report on Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq Caused by Depleted Uranium...


 -  Wir sehen zu, wie Syrien Zerstört wird von USA, Israel und UN




 -  A 1991 Document describes what Constitutes the New World Order - All Nations will be given "Quotas for Popul...


 -  Agenda 21 - The Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World by 2030

 -  A UNA Environment and Development Conference (1991) - Initiative for ECO-92 Earth Charter


 -  Cities 2030 - Implementing the New Urban Agenda


 -  Doomed Prospects for Achievement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030


 -  La 'Agenda 2030' de las Naciones Unidas - La Fuerza Impulsora del Covid-19


 -  La 'Agenda 2030' delle Nazioni Unite - La Forza che Manovrea dietro il Covid-19


 -  La ONU Busca Implementar la Identificación Biométrica Universal para el 2030

 -  Macroshift - Navigating the Transformation to a Sustainable World - by Ervin Laszlo 


 -  The Integration of Trade Agreements into the United Nations '2030 Agenda'


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership - Enforcement for United Nations '2030 Agenda'


 -  The United Nations Agenda 2030 - A Recipe for Global Socialism


 -  The United Nations wants to be Our World Government by 2030


 -  Transforming Our World - The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


 -  United Nations 2030 Agenda Will Be Crucial for the Economic Empowerment of All Migrants - Lakshmi Puri


 -  United Nations 'Agenda 2030' - Driving Force behind COVID-19






 - ¿Sabes lo que Implica la Ejecución de 'La Agenda 2030' en Paraguay y America Latina?


António Guterres


 -  António Guterres calls for UN to have the 'Power to Declare a Crisis and Dictate the Response Worldwide'


 -  El Jefe de la ONU Antonio Guterres hace Llamado para un Cuerpo Supremo de "Gobernanza Global"


 -  The UN's New Rules for 'Ruling the World' and what does Secretary-General of the UN António Guterres...


 -  World must Choose between Action and 'Suicide' - Said United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres




 -  Klaus Schwab WEF and UN General Secretary Guterres signed an Agreement to accelerate Agenda 2030


'Codex Alimentarius' and Food Safety Modernization Act


 -  21st Century Inquisition - Codex Alimentarius


 -  Aclaraciones Sobre el 'Codex Alimentarius' y La Directiva Sobre Medicina Herbal Tradicional


 -  Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines


 -  Codex Alimentarius Commission - A Threat to Humankind


 -  Codex Alimentarius Commission - Report of The Thirtieth Session - Rome, 2-7 July 2007 - Official Report


 -  Codex Alimentarius - Government and Corporate Control of Our Food Supply


 -  Codex Alimentarius Loves Toxic Fluoride



 -  Codex Alimentarius - Shredded the Use of "Scientific Consensus" at CAC42 Meeting


 -  Codex Nutrition Committee Chooses Malnutrition


 -  Exactly what is Behind the United Nations and WEF 'Insects as Food Agenda'?

 -  FDA Food Safety Modernization Act - Amendments - December 19, 2010


 -  Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization and Grants FDA Authority to Police Food Safety of Foreign...


 -  Geschichte der Gesundheits-Tyrannei - Codex Alimentarius

 -  Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements


 -  La Commissione del Codex Alimentarius - Una Minaccia per l'Umanità


 -  Monsanto's Baby - S 510 - The 2009 Food ‘Safety’ Bills Harmonize Agribusiness Practices in Service of...


 -  Parlamentarios de América Latina y el Caribe piden Acciones Urgentes ante el Aumento del Hambre


 -  Results of Codex Alimentarius Meetings 2012 - Frankfurt, Germany


 -  S. 510 Food Safety Bill is Still Alive and May Unleash a New Army of FDA Agents


 -  S. 510 - Private Gardens To Be Illegal


 -  Stanford Anti-Organic Study Plays into United Nations Codex Alimentarious Outline for Global Depopulation


 -  Stealth 'Codex Alimentarius' Regulations Postponed in U.S... For Now


 -  The History of Health Tyranny - Codex Alimentarius


 -  The Language of Health Tyranny - Decoding The Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Vitamins and...


 -  Top Ten Lies About Senate Bill 510







 -  Codex Alimentarius - Lecture by Ian R. Crane


 -  Urgent Call to Action On Senate Bill 510 Food Safety Modernization Act


Pact for the Future - Pacto del Futuro


 -  How to Dominate the Masses - The UN's New "Pact for the Future"


 -  Milei estalló ante Todos los Presidentes en la Cara de la ONU - Pacto del Futuro y la Agenda 2030


 -  Pact for the Future - A Planetary Technocracy to Manage Global Crises on behalf of the Global Corporatocracy


 -  The UN's "Pact for the Future" translated from the 'Globalese'


 -  The UN will Sign the 'Pact for the Future' in 60 Days - Here's Why It Matters


 -  U.N. 'Pact for The Future' draws Concerns over CCP Backing


World Taxes


 -  A New World Tax Regime


 -  The Dark Road - The Worst Tax Law You've Never Heard About


 -  United Nations may Tax and Censor Post-U.S. Internet - Experts Warn



 -  Behind the Green Mask - U.N. Agenda 21 - by Rosa Koire


 -  Diplomacy by Deception - An Account of Treasonous Conduct by The Governments of Britain and United...

 -  For the Conservation of Earth (Part 1 - Part 2) - Editor, Vance Martin

 -  Global Biodiversity Assessment (GBA) - V.H. Heywood and R.T. Watson - LARGE FILE


 -  Global Tyranny... Step by Step - The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order - by W.F. Jasper


 -  Informe Brundtland


 -  La Cara Oculta de la ONU - por Michel Schooyans

 -  Of Foxes and Chickens - Oligarchy and Global Power in the UN Security Council - by James A. Paul

 -  Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is Here - by Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam

 -  The Earth Brokers - Power, Politics, and World Development - by by Pratap Chatterjee and Matthias Finger


 -  The United Nations Exposed - by William F. Jasper


 -  UNESCO - Its Purpose and Its Philosophy - by Julian Huxley


 -  United Nations (UN) Concentration Camps Program In America - by Serge Monast

 -  Weapons of Mass Migration - Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy - by Kelly Greenhill




 -  America - Destroyed by Design


 -  Breaking The Taboo - The United Nations Sanctioned War on Drugs

 -  COVID-19 Plandemic - A Known Live "Training and Simulation Exercise" under WHO


 -  El Gran Reseteo Mundial

 -  Global Warming Threat (pre)Arranged 1961?


 -  La OMS, la ONU y su plan de Golpe de Estado Global contra nuestras Libertades - Dra. A. Stuckelberger


 -  La ONU está detrás de la Estafa del Cambio Climático - Agenda 2030

 -  Lucis Trust and The U.N. New Age Agenda


 -  Lucis Trust - U.N. Tool for One World Religion


 -  MD Whistleblower leaking Plans for 'Staged Viral Release' triggering United Nations 'Takeover and Depopulation'

 -  Putin on Greta Thunberg's United Nations Rant - It's Deplorable that the Girl is Being Used by Some Groups


 -  Secretos de las Naciones Unidas - Lo que Todo el Mundo debe Saber - Reiner Füllmich

 -  Secrets of The United Nations - What everyone should Know - Reiner Füllmich


 -  Segreti delle Nazioni Unite - Quello che Tutti dovrebbero Sapere - Reiner Füllmich

 -  The Office of The International Treasury Control - Dr. Ray C. Dam

 -  The Real Agenda of UN "Reform"


 -  The United Nations - A Look Into the Future


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