by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
September 29, 2011
Examiner Website
September 30, 2011 is the deadline for public
comment on the Food and Drug Administration’s “Draft Guidance for Industry:
Dietary Supplements - New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related
Issues” that - unless stopped by public pressure and refusal - will go into
effect December 31, 2011.
According to several experts, the FDA document, introduced in stealth over
the July 4, 2011 weekend, and masked with deceptive language, is the tool
for the roll-out of the
New World Order
plan to weaponize food and support a NWO
plan to populate between 1/3-2/3 of
the Earth’s population or more by various stealth means, including the weaponization of food.
One expert
“We have reviewed the very complicated new regulations in
detail. In the hands of an agency charged with regulating supplements fairly
- one not hostile to supplements the way FDA is - they might be made to
But in the hands of the FDA, which wants
everything, supplements and drugs alike, to go through the vastly expensive
new drug approval process, we fear the new rules will be used to forbid the
development or sale of any new supplements - where “new” means anything
after 1994, when DSHEA was passed.
“Please note that many important supplements
sold today were developed after 1994. Others the FDA will say were
developed after 1994, even though they are just variants of what was
“grandfathered” by
For example, the FDA has already banned a
critical form of vitamin B6,
pyridoxamine, because that particular form
of B6 couldn’t be shown to have been sold prior to 1994, even though B6
in general was certainly sold prior to 1994.”
Prescriptions for
One result of the new FDA stealth adoption of the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS may be
that a doctor’s prescription will be necessary for vitamins.
One expert source states,
“Drug companies can exploit this process by trying
to patent common dietary ingredients as drugs before supplement companies
have an opportunity to submit their NDI notifications. Once a drug company
investigates an ingredient for drug purposes and publishes their findings,
the ingredient can no longer be used in supplements.
This has happened
before - it happened with the pyridoxamine form of vitamin B6 we mentioned
above. In other words, what was once a supplement available to consumers at
low cost will now be an expensive prescription-only drug, if it is available
at all. (And it’s not only the drug that costs more: you’ll need to pay your
doctor for an office visit just to get the prescription!)
“The draft guidance also states that a
synthetic copy of a supplement constituent, or an extract of an herb or
other botanical, is not considered a dietary ingredient at all (much
less an NDI). Isn’t this good - isn’t it better not to be an NDI? No. If
the FDA says it is not an NDI, that means they are saying it can only be
sold as a drug - period. This could knock out a number of important
supplements currently sold.
“The guidance discusses at length the evidence required for a
notification (approval) - and the requirements are extensive, including
a strong recommendation to include human studies. We sometimes forget
that human studies, in addition to being very costly, do not always fit
Expert Chantal Bocaccio
“If you’re reading this, you’re probably one
of the 3 Billion - that’s BILLION, with a “B” - people projected to die of
curable diseases in the first few years of implementation. At the risk of
spoiling the ending, the plot, so to speak, goes as follows:
“Codex Alimentarius (Latin for “Food Code”)
is a dark marriage between pharmaceutical and chemical industries and
the WTO, conceived to exact complete and regimented control over all
food products and nutrients worldwide. Codex is a complex, global,
inter-governmental program, written by Big Pharma/Chema, policed by
the United Nations, and consisting of 176 member nations, the United States among
“Codex Alimentarius was enacted in 1963 by the joint Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) Food
Standards Program of the UN.
Conceived as a trade commission, its
original objective was,
“protecting the health of consumers and ensuring
fair practices in international food trade.”
While its initial
intentions may have been altruistic, the practical applications attest
that altruism has a brief shelf life, now that all Global Food Standards
will be decided by the pharmaceutical, pesticide, chemical and
biotechnology industries that are at the helm.
“From farm to fork, companies like
Monsanto and Baxter will have
complete authority over our food supply in an all-out Global Assault on
“According to Dr. Paul Anthony Taylor,
"all member nations of Codex Alimentarius must abide by the draconian food laws dictated by this
organization, or suffer severe economic penalties. Since Codex
Alimentarius is backed by trade sanctions of the World Trade
Organization (WTO), any non Codex-compliant nation will automatically
lose in any food-trade dispute with a Codex compliant country."
line: their terrifying Food Laws, prioritized by the economic concerns
Big Pharma, are about to become our nutritional nightmare.
To further
infect the corpse of health, Codex Alimentarius operates on Napoleonic
Law, as opposed to Common Law.
Common Law dictates that if it isn’t
illegal, it’s legal.
Napoleonic Law dictates that if it isn’t listed as
legal, it’s illegal.
In other words, anything that isn’t specifically
sanctioned by Codex Alimentarius is illegal.
“So what’s on the menu?
Let’s start with what’s not on the menu,
beginning with nutrients. Under the Napoleonic laws of Codex Alimentarius, nutrients are classified as toxins, and have no place in
Health. You read that correctly.
Over 350 vitamin, mineral and herbal
supplements will be Illegal. BANNED. NOT AVAILABLE ON THIS CONTINENT
(North America).
What will be left of the few allowable vitamins will only be available
in extremely low doses. The dosages will be WELL BELOW therapeutic
levels (i.e. .05 mg rather than 100 mg), and will be available only by
prescription, since they’ll now be classified as a Drug.
A prescription
for a bottle of Vitamin C is expected to run as high as $150.”
Chantal Bocaccio continues,
“In Canada,
Bill C-51, which will HARMonize
with Codex, has been written by the same
Big Pharma companies and
represents the same pharmaceutical plan to take over nutrients.
goes so far as to redefine "sell" to mean "distributing to one, two or
more people even without consideration," making sharing, giving or
donating a "sale."
“Giving chamomile to your child can now be re-defined as selling a
controlled substance to a minor. Indoor or private home gardens -
illegal. Under Codex, growing herbs becomes a crime, and anyone caught
doing so can be charged as a drug dealer.
The penalties in Bill C-51 can
be as high as 5 million dollars and 2 years in prison for producing,
taking or "selling" vitamin C.”
can be stopped
Public pressure on legislators in the U.S. Congress and in the Canadian
parliament and visibility in the media and on the Internet is key. Please
make your personal phone calls to your Senators and Congressional
Representative, or Member of Parliament.
United States and Canada
USA - In the U.S., readers can send a
letter regarding the FDA- stealth 2012 CODEX to their Senators and
Congressional Representative
Canada - In the Canada, readers can send
a letter regarding the FDA- stealth 2012 CODEX to the FDA
U.S. Congress
U.S. citizens can call their
Senators and Congresspersons directly at the U.S. Capitol
switchboard at:
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-3121
TTY: (202)-225-1904
U.S. citizens can locate the name, local
and Washington DC phones, fax numbers and email addresses of their
Senators and Congressional representatives at:
Canadian Parliament
Canadian citizens can locate
the name, local and Ottawa, ON phones, fax and email addresses at: