Español |
Pudiera Traernos La "Tormenta Perfecta"
2012-2013 Solar Storm Could Be Disastrous for Our
Electrical and Communication Grids
After The EMP Comes Nuclear
An Electrical Engineer on
- Whistleblower Testimony
Español |
Aquí Viene El Sol - Cuenta
Regresiva de Erupción Solar
Español |
Ataque Electromagnético y
Tormentas Solares
- Una Guía
A Warning from History - The
Carrington Event was Not Unique
A Warning from the Trees
Be Prepared for 2012 Solar Storm
- Scientists Warn
Be Prepared to Hunker Down for
Months - James Rawles Warns...
Cost of
Electric Grid Failure From 2012 Solar Storms Avoidable
Solar Activity Is Only The Beginning of A New Wave of
Energy Hitting Earth
Cyber-Spies or Solar Storms
- The Real Threat to US
Electrical Grid
Español |
Descubren un nuevo Fenómeno
Natural dos veces más Destructivo que el 'Evento Miyake'
Español |
Campo Magnético y El Colapso de La Red Electrica
- La Nueva Energía es
Electrical Power Grid to Be Blasted by 2012 Solar Storms
Español |
El 'Evento Miyake' y sus efectos explicado por Científicos -
Nos devolvería a la Edad Media...
Español |
El Fenómeno que nos puede Devolver
a la Edad Media puede ocurrir en los Próximos Meses
EMP Attack and Solar Storms - A
Español |
Expertos Rusos Advierten que se
Aproxima una Tormenta Magnética
Extremely Rare Cosmic Phenomenon -
Solar Storm
Español |
Fenómeno Cósmico Extremadamente Raro - Tormenta Solar
Getting Prepared for An
Electromagnetic Pulse Attack or Severe Solar Storm
Government Report Confirms that a
Major Solar Event Will Be a Kill Shot for the U.S
Comes the Sun - Solar Eruption Countdown
Comes the Sun - To End Civilization...
Español |
La Actividad Solar Actual Es Sólo
el Comienzo de Una Nueva Onda de Energía Golpeando La
Español |
La Antigua Tablilla Asiria que
contiene Referencias de una Enorme Tormenta Solar
Español |
La Brutal Tormenta Solar de 1859
que estropeó el Telégrafo y permitió ver Auroras
Boreales desde el Trópico
Español |
La Erupción Solar más Poderosa en
12 Años acaba de Ocurrir y está Afectando a la Tierra
Magnetic Field and Electric Grid
- The New Energy Imperative
Plasma, Solar Outbursts, and the
End of the Last Ice Age
Español |
- ¿Podría
una Tormenta Solar dejar a la Tierra sin Conexión a
Propagation of An Earth-Directed
Coronal Mass Ejection in Three Dimensions
Yourself From Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Italiano |
Qui Arriva il Sole - Per far
Finire la Civiltà
Español |
Ráfagas Cósmicas del Espacio
Exterior podrían causar Estragos en nuestros Smartphones
Renewable Energies Are Lifeline
for Electric Grid Collapse During Severe Solar Storms
Español |
- ¿Se
Prepara EE.UU. para un Posible Ataque de Pulso
Seven Times Solar Storms have
Affected Earth
Severe Solar Storms Could Disrupt
Earth This Decade - NOAA
Español |
Sistema Solar Entrando a Una
Peligrosa Nube de Energía Interestelar
Solar Flash or 'Micronova Event'
and Pole Shifts
Solar Storm 14 Times Larger than
Earth could Unleash a Society-Crippling Electromagnetic
Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into
Earth's Upper Atmosphere
Solar Storm Hitting Earth Causes
Spectacular Aurora Displays
- August 2010
Solar Storm Risk to The North
American Electric Grid
Solar Storms Could Be Earth's Next
Solar Storms in A Nutshell
Solar System Entering Dangerous
Interstellar Energy Cloud
Solar Weather has Real, material
Effects on Earth
Sunspot AR1785 'Grows' 25,000
Miles in Size Over 24 Hour Period
Unleashes an Earth-directed X6.9 Class Flare
Super Solar Storm Could Leave
Western Nations Without Power 'for Months' - Report
The Big Blackout - Why I'm Going
Low-Tech to Prepare for an EMP
The EMP Threat - All it Would Take
Is a Couple of Explosions to Send America Back to the
The Link Between Sunspots, Global
Cooling and Agenda 21
- NASA Admits Solar Cycle is The Weakest in...
The Solar Storm Threat to
America's Power Grid
The Thermosphere is Warming Up
Español |
Tormenta Solar Sería Más
Desastrosa Que Katrina
Español |
Tormentas Solares Apuntando Hacia
la Tierra
Español |
Tormentas Solares en Pocas
Español |
Un Ingeniero Eléctrico Sobre el
- Testimonio de un Denunciante
What Are You Going to Do When a Massive EMP Blast Fries
the U.S. Electrical Grid?
What Was the Carrington Event?
Why You Need to Be Ready for Total
Grid Failure
- You've Been Warned...
Additional Information |
Are Cosmic Forces at Work on
Earth? - 'As Above, So Below'
Are The Sunspots Really Vanishing?
Atmospheric Radiation is
Español |
Clima Espacial - Implicaciones
Para El Planeta Tierra y La Humanidad
Español |
Campo Magnético Solar Cambiará la Polaridad en Unos
Meses -
Dice la NASA
Español |
El "Casco de Dios", Las Tormentas
Solares y Los Campos Magnéticos
Español |
El Efecto de Las Erupciones
Solares en La Glándula Pineal
Español |
Extrañas Emisiones del Sol Están Repentinamente Mutando
la Materia
- Descubrimiento Científico
Flashes from Normal Stars
Global Warming Theory in Chaos
After Report Finds Increased Solar Activity May COOL The
Has Something Shifted? Entering The
Twilight Zone?
Solar Storms to Impact Earth
Iran Says U.S. "Will Be Taught The
Mother of All Lessons" - Editorial Warns of
Pending Cyber Attack on...
Español |
La Antena Humana
Español |
La Tierra Podría Experimentar
Enormes Niveles de Radiación por El 2013 Dice La NASA
to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm Material
- Mega Sun Spot Cycle
Livingston and Penn Data and
Findings so Far - And Some Random
Español |
Los Ciclos de Manchas Solares y el
Cambio Global en la Conciencia
Español |
Solar' - Científicos se Preparan para Un Gran Apagón de
La Comunicación Satelital
Researcher Finds Hidden Portals in Earth’s Magnetosphere
NASA Says CME on Sun Headed for
New Ice Age 'To Begin in 2014'
- Russian Scientist to Alarmists: 'Sun Heats Earth!'
New Obama 'Executive Order' Hints
at Devastating Space Event
Español |
Obama ordena Preparar
Planes ante Posible Erupción Solar Peligrosa
Report of The Commission to Assess
The Threat to The U.S. from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
Solar Eruption Mistaken for
Refueling UFO Spaceship
Solar Storm Threat Analysis
Storm Warning
Space Storm Alert
- 90 Seconds From Catastrophe
Strange Emissions by Sun Are Suddenly Mutating Matter
- Scientific Discovery
Sunspot Cycles and the Global Shift in Consciousness
The 2012
Apocalypse - And How to Stop It
Coming - A Boeing Whistleblower’s Warning
- Will a Massive Celestial System Change Our Solar...
The Earth Could Experience Huge
Radiation Levels by 2013
The Emerging 'Sunspot Cycle 24'
and A Weakening Magnetic Field
- What Does This Mean For Our Planet...
The Human Antenna
Sun's Magnetic Effect on Weather and Humans
Sun's Magnetic Field
Sun's Magnetic Field is About to Flip
The Variable Sun
U.S. Descends Into Total Police
State as 2012 'Solar Chaos' Fears Grow
Zero Sunspots - Global
Consciousness, Solar Activity and 2012
Solar Flares - CME |
2012 May
Bring The "Perfect Storm" - Solar Flares, Systems
Astronomers Find Clues to
Decades-long Coronal Heating Mystery
Can Humans Sense Magnetic Storms?
Español |
Cómo las Llamaradas Solares
afectan la Salud Humana, nuestra Mente y Cuerpo
Español |
De Cómo Las Llamaradas Solares
Afectan Directamente a La Conciencia Humana
Español |
De Cómo Las Recientes Llamaradas
Solares Están Afectando a Los Seres Humanos
Earth Doomed - Humans must Flee to
Colonize Outer Space - Elon Musk Unplugged
Geomagnetic Storms Can
Trigger Stroke
Geomagnetic Storms
- OECD/IFP Futures Project on "Future Global Shocks"
How Recent Solar Flares are
Affecting Humans
How Solar Flares affect Human
Health, our Mind and Body
How Solar Flares Directly Affect
Human Consciousness
Español |
La 'Purga' por Nuestro Sol
Mechanics of Coronal Mass
Ejections Revealed
NASA Releases Images of M-class
Solar Flare -
2 April 2014
NASA Spacecraft Observes New
Characteristics of Solar Flares
Observational Quantification of
the Energy Dissipated by Alfvén Waves in a Polar Coronal
Hole -
Observations suggest Sun-like
Stars emit Superflares once per Century
Español |
Plasma - Materia Prima de la Realidad
Powerful Solar Flare Causes Radio
- 31 March 2014
Español |
Relámpagos Solares
- Las Llamaradas Solares Pueden Ser Vistas Como
Gigantescas Descargas de...
Schumann Resonances - A Plausible
Biophysical Mechanism for the Human Health Effects of
Español |
Síntomas Producidos por Las
Llamaradas Solares
Solar Flares - How They Affect Us
Solar Flares Targeting Earth - February 2011
Solar Flares - What Does It Take
to Be X-Class?
Solar Flare Symptoms
Solar Lightning
- Solar Flares Can Be Thought of As Giant Lightning
Sun Goes Wild - NOAA Issues Alert - Earth Directed X-Class
Flare is on Its Way with Chance of More
Sun-like Stars produce Superflares
roughly Once per Century - Valeriy Vasilyev
Sun's Far-side Explosion touches
Sun Unleashes Largest Solar Flare
in Years - August 2011
The Effect of Solar Flares on The Pineal Gland
The "Purging" by Our Sun
Solar Flare that Wouldn't End
The Strange Case of Solar Flares
and Radioactive Elements
Español |
Un 'Apocalipsis de Internet'
podría llegar a la Tierra con la Próxima Tormenta Solar
- Advierte una Nueva...
What if... A Perfect CME Hit Earth?
When Solar Flares meet
Cyberattacks at the Confluence of Global Mayhem
Multimedia: |
Coronal Mass Ejection Headed for
SOHO - Sun Flares
Sun Flares 1 -
April 18-21, 2002
Sun Flares 2 -
July 23, 2002
Sun Flares 3
- October 25-28, 2003
Sun Flares 4
- October 22 - November 07, 2003
Kill Shot - Solar Flare to 'End' Humanity in 2013
- Remote Viewing with Major Ed Dames
Space Weather - Clima
Espacial |
A New Form of Space Weather - Earth Wind
of Severe Space Weather on The Electrical Grid
Severe Space Weather Events
- Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts
Severe Space Weather - Social and
Economic Impacts
Space Weather - Implications for
Planet Earth and Humankind
Space Weather - Its Effect on
Human Health and Behavior
Italiano |
Una nuova Forma di Meteorologia Spaziale - Il Vento
Books-Writings |
Español |
La Profecía de Orión
- por Patrick Geryl
The Adam and Eve Story - The
History of Cataclysms
- by Chan Thomas
Multimedia |
Cosmic Disaster - CIA 'Classified'
Español |
Golpe Mortal - Gran Llamarada Solar en 2013
- Visión Remota por el ex-Comandante del Ejército...
Español |
OVNI se Recarga de Energia en El Sol
- Marzo 2012
Massive Solar Eruption - Sunspot 1092
Massive UFO Re-fueling at The SUN - March 2012
Español |
Peligro Urbano - Salgan de Las
Sun's Effects on Life on Earth -
Geomagnetic Effects and Electricity of Life
The Rim of Fire
Unstoppable Solar Cycles
- The Real Story of Greenland
Urban Danger - Leave The Cities
Related Reports |
Current Solar Data
- from NOAA
External Link
Magnetic Poles Changes
- Main File
Solar Storm Warning
- External Link
The Electric Sun
- Main File
The Future and Beyond
- Parameters for A New Civilization
- Main File
The Photon Belt - El Cinturon de
- Main File