by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
Examiner Website
Spanish version
Part One
April 1, 2009

Long scorned as “mysticism” and “parascience,”
concern about the year 2012 has now surfaced in a mainstream
report on the potential impacts on human society of solar flares
anticipated to peak in 2012.
Obama administration and other
national governments are not aggressively focused on contingency
preparations for the 2012 solar flare impacts, or on introducing
available anti-gravitic, new energy sources that would transform
centralized high-power electrical grid systems into de-centralized,
anti-gravitic and quantum process energy sources.
These new energy
sources are less vulnerable to destructive solar storms, have no
negative environmental impact, and could unleash unprecedented
economic and social transformation.
Electrical grids & anticipated solar flares of 2012
Mainstream scientific concern about 2012 has grown since a recent
National Research Council report funded by NASA and issued by the
National Academy of Sciences, entitled “Severe Space Weather Events
Understanding Economic and Societal Impact” which details the
potential devastation of 2012 solar storms on the current planetary
energy grid and because of the inter-linkages of a cybernetic
society, on our entire human civilization.
According to
New Scientist, science’s concern is a repetition of the
8-day 1859 “Carrington event,” a large solar flare accompanied by a
coronal mass ejection (CME) that flung billions of tons of solar
plasma onto the earth’s magnetosphere and disrupted Victorian-era
magnetometers and the world telegraph system.
The New Scientist states,
“The report outlines the worst case
scenario for the US. The ‘perfect storm’ is most likely on a spring
or autumn night in a year of heightened solar activity - something
like 2012. Around the equinoxes, the orientation of the Earth's
field to the sun makes us particularly vulnerable to a plasma
The next solar maximum is expected to occur in 2012.
New Scientist
reports that Mike Hapgood, head of the European Space Agency's space
weather team states,
"We're in the equivalent of an idyllic summer's
day. The sun is quiet and benign, the quietest it has been for 100
years," "but it could turn the other way."
The modern electrical high-power grid magnifies the impact of solar
flares. Since the grid is linked into major aspects of modern
society, the effects of another Carrington event would be
The National Academy of Sciences report states:
severe space weather event in the US could induce ground currents
that would knock out 300 key transformers within about 90 seconds,
cutting off the power for more than 130 million people.”
The New
Scientist states:
“According to the NAS report, the impact of what
it terms a "severe geomagnetic storm scenario" could be as high as
$2 trillion. And that's just the first year after the storm. The NAS
puts the recovery time at four to 10 years. It is questionable
whether the US would ever bounce back.”
China, which is installing a high-power electrical grid more
vulnerable than that of the U.S., Europe and other developed nations
will be similarly impacted.
The solar coronal mass ejection from the 1859 Carrington event
arrived on earth in less than 15 minutes, which is faster that our
early warning system NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) can
European Space Agency space weather head Mike Hapgood states,
don't think the NAS report is scaremongering. “Scientists are
conservative by nature and this group is really thoughtful," he
says. "This is a fair and balanced report."
More perfect storm
- the hole in the earth’s magnetic field
According to a
December 16, 2008 report, NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft
has discovered a hole in earth’s magnetic field which is 10 times as
large as previously thought. The magnetosphere, which is designed to
protect earth from the plasma of solar flares, now has a hole in it
four time the size of the earth.
According to the NASA report,
“Northern IMF events don't actually
trigger geomagnetic storms but they do set the stage for storms by
loading the magnetosphere with plasma. A loaded magnetosphere is
primed for auroras, power outages, and other disturbances that can
result when, say, a CME (coronal mass ejection) hits.”
The solar maximum is expected in 2012.
University of New Hampshire
scientist Jimmy Raeder states,
"We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For
reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles
(like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized
north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere
with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect
sequence for a really big event."
The Obama administration, 2012 and new energy
The Obama administration and most modern governmental energy
departments in the 192 U.N. member nations have focused on reducing
dependence on conventional energy grids (petroleum, coal or nuclear
power) by introducing renewable energy sources such as wind,
geo-thermal, and tidal power.
These alternative sources are thought
to supply about 10% of current energy needs.
For example, the Obama
policy with regard to the electrical energy grid is stated its
official energy and the environment agenda on the White House
“Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources
by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.”
This policy, which replicates energy grid policy in many advanced
industrialized nations, is not adequate for the challenges of 2012
solar flares.
The policy does not promote new fuel-less
non-polluting energy sources now sequestered in secret, national
security and black budget projects, and which have been developed
using U.S. tax-payer funds. These included reported anti-gravitic
technology and free energy technologies, based on Tesla technology.
So here is a key question: Is human society being set up to fail and
suffer an effective systems collapse with great loss of life and
property if 2012 solar flares materialize in the worst case
Image of areas of North America affected by 2012 solar flares:

The good news:
2012 galactic alignment...
Part Two
NOAA predicts solar cycle 24 ”weakest since 1928”
with $1 trillion damages in worst case
May 9, 2009

NASA Hathaway
Solar cycles 23-24
a report funded by NASA, NOAA (U.S.
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) has issued a formal,
public prediction that,
“A new active period of Earth-threatening
solar storms will be the weakest since 1928 and its peak is still
four years away, after a slow start last December, predicts an
international panel of experts led by NOAA's Space Weather
Prediction Center. Even so, Earth could get hit by a devastating
solar storm at any time, with potential damages from the most severe
level of storm exceeding $1 trillion.”
The prediction, published
in a report at www.spaceweather.com,
“The panel predicts the upcoming Solar Cycle 24 will peak
in May 2013 with a daily sunspot number of 90. If the prediction
proves true, Solar Cycle 24 will be the weakest cycle since number
16, which peaked at 78 daily sunspots in 1928, and ninth weakest
since the 1750s, when numbered cycles began.”
The NOAA solar panel’s predictions appear to lessen the potential
risk to the high energy electrical grid system of 2012-13 Solar
flares set out in a Jan. 2009 National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
According to a
New Scientist article on the NAS report,
[Jan. 2009] NAS report outlines the worst case scenario for the US.
The ‘perfect storm’ is most likely on a spring or autumn night in a
year of heightened solar activity - something like 2012. Around the
equinoxes, the orientation of the Earth's field to the sun makes us
particularly vulnerable to a plasma strike.”
The 2012-13 solar maximum
The NOAA panel has conditionally predicted the 3rd calmest solar
cycle since 1755.
The report on its findings states,
“The panel also
predicted that the lowest sunspot number between cycles—or solar
minimum—occurred in December 2008, marking the end of Cycle 23 and
the start of Cycle 24. If the December prediction holds up, at 12
years and seven months Solar Cycle 23 will be the longest since 1823
and the third longest since 1755. Solar cycles span 11 years on
average, from minimum to minimum.
“An unusually long, deep lull in sunspots led the panel to revise
its 2007 prediction that the next cycle of solar storms would start
in March 2008 and peak in late 2011 or mid-2012. The persistence of
a quiet sun since the last prediction has led the panel to a
consensus that the next cycle will be ‘moderately weak’.”
2012-13 solar flares & the high energy electrical grid
Still, the report on NOAA’s solar prediction panel refers to
the Jan
2009 NAS report's risk assessment, stating:
“A recent report by the
National Academy of Sciences found that if a storm that severe
occurred today, it could cause $1-2 trillion in damages the first
year and require four to ten years for recovery, compared to $80-125
billion that resulted from Hurricane Katrina.”
Solar force multiplier
- the hole in the earth’s magnetic field
The revised NOAA solar prediction does not lessen the force
multiplier effect that large holes discovered in the earth’s
magnetosphere may have of the destructive effect of plasma from
2012-13 solar flares.
An April 1, 2009 article (above
report) on the risk of 2012 solar flares stated,
“According to a December 16, 2008 report, NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft
has discovered a hole in earth’s magnetic field which is 10 times as
large as previously thought. The magnetosphere, which is designed to
protect earth from the plasma of solar flares, now has a hole in it
four time the size of the earth.
“According to the NASA report, ‘Northern IMF events don't actually
trigger geomagnetic storms but they do set the stage for storms by
loading the magnetosphere with plasma. A loaded magnetosphere is
primed for auroras, power outages, and other disturbances that can
result when, say, a CME (coronal mass ejection) hits.’
“The solar maximum is expected in 2012. University of New Hampshire
scientist Jimmy Raeder states, ‘We're entering Solar Cycle 24. For
reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles
(like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized
north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere
with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It's the perfect
sequence for a really big event.’”
The Obama administration, solar cycle 24 and new energy
Though lessening the risk of probability of solar storms in
cycle 24 (2009-2020), the conclusions of
the April 1, 2009 Examiner.com article as to the vulnerability of the high-power
electrical grid system still stand.
“The Obama administration and
most modern governmental energy departments in the 192 U.N. member
nations have focused on reducing dependence on conventional energy
grids (petroleum, coal or nuclear power) by introducing renewable
energy sources such as wind, geo-thermal, and tidal power. These
alternative sources are thought to supply about 10% of current
energy needs.
For example, the Obama policy with regard to the
electrical energy grid is stated its official energy and the
environment agenda on the White House website:
‘Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources
by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.’
“This policy, which replicates energy grid policy in many advanced
industrialized nations, is not adequate for the challenges of 2012
solar flares.
The policy does not promote new fuel-less
non-polluting energy sources now sequestered in secret, national
security and black budget projects, and which have been developed
using U.S. tax-payer funds. These included reported anti-gravitic
technology and free energy technologies, based on Tesla technology.
“So here is a key question:
Is human society being set up to fail
and suffer an effective systems collapse with great loss of life and
property if 2012-13 solar flares materialize in the worst case