Subject: Planet X - 2003
Russians Are Aware Of A Large
Body/Comet Being Inbound
This information may be repeat for some here. Because of its
significance I want to make sure all here are exposed to this. James McCanney met a colleague of his from Russia in Laughlin, Nevada, and
confirmed that the Russians are aware of a large body/comet being
— Mark H.
Notes taken from McCanney’s radio talk:
He said he has interviewed a colleague in his field from Russia,
where they have decided to begin opening this subject (coming
large-body comet) up to the public. In fact he said that the United
States citizens are now the least informed in the world about this.
This interview (2/6/03) with the
Russian scientist is available on
McCanney’s archives.
He doesn't give a specific date at this point when he predicts the
arrival of the large planet-sized object that is out there and is
currently having tremendous effects on the activity of the Sun, and
on the amount of solar radiation which we are getting which is
affecting the weather as well as the amount of volcanic activity and
increasing numbers of earthquakes, but based on the behavior of all
objects in the Solar System, there is no doubt that it’s out there.
Remember the woman doctor who had to be emergency evacuated from one
of the polar stations because she discovered she had breast cancer?
Well, as an aside, McCanney mentioned that the Earth’s magnetic
field has gone to zero at the poles a number of times already, and
because of the tremendously increased radiation when this happens,
anyone exposed gets mega-dosed with x-rays and can develop cancer in
as little time as a WEEK!
He said the last time we had a major close call that no one was told
about was when Hale-Bopp passed by. He said it was about half the
size of our Moon when it entered the Solar System and (because of
its electromagnetic interaction with the Sun) grew to approximately
the same size as the Moon by the time it left. Its original orbit as
it came in would have brought it into an intersection with Earth’s
orbit, but as it passed by the Sun, it was diverted [due to the
He said if we had passed through its
tail, based on its size, we would
have been inundated by water and
hydrocarbons (combustible) thrown off from the nucleus, would have
had tremendously powerful storms, and tides three times their normal
height, which would essentially be like tsunamis which would have
completely rolled over the island of Manhattan (for example) and
penetrated one to two miles inland (this is without any “impact” of
the comet itself).
The comet that is passing through now
(NEAT), he says has a nucleus about the
size of Mercury (though the entire body,
including the out-gasing tail, has been
estimated at up to 2X the size of Jupiter as
it passed by the Sun).
And even NASA has been quoted as saying that the
CMEs (coronal mass
ejections) which this comet’s pass by evoked from the Sun were the
largest ever measured.
Bill Pawelek was also on the show and said:
There are four categories of
telescopes on the planet:
(1) 4-inch to 8-inch scopes
used by most amateurs
(2) 12-inch to 4-foot scopes
located mostly at universities
(3) 4-foot to 12-foot
scopes which represent the older mainline observatories
(4) state-of-the-art observatory scopes with clusters of mirrors,
each 25 to 30 feet across
McCanney said that most people don’t realize that
NASA reports to
the NSA (top-secret National Security Agency), and that all
employees are under strict loyalty and secrecy oaths. He said that
NASA, the NSA, and the National Science Foundation (all governmental
agencies) are the major funders of the category 2 and 3 observatory
programs, which are dependent upon this funding to be able to afford
to continue in operation and make equipment upgrades.
He said that he has been personally following the tribulations of
one graduate student who hasn’t been able to complete his degree
because the scopes at his university and every other university he
has contacted have been “down”, either for maintenance and upgrade,
or simply without any explanation at all, FOR THE LAST YEAR! He said
that all category 2 and 3 scopes have been unavailable to the public
since at least May of last year. He said that the category 4 scopes
have a 1- to 2-year waiting list to schedule scope time. He said
that an even more top-secret subsidiary of the NSA, the
Reconnaissance Organization (NRO—so secret that Congress didn’t even
know it existed until its budget for an extravagant new office
building created a scandal a few years back) is now in charge of
putting spy scopes into near Earth orbit that are the size of busses
(some already there, others on the way), some taking pictures and
film, some monitoring communications.
And the most interesting thing about
that is that some of these are
monitoring activity on Earth and some are
pointed the other way, monitoring
activity out in the Solar System,
including communications, presumably of alien craft.
He said that all top-secret programs like this have a public “mirror
agency” as front—in this case the SETI program which goes on
“listening” for possible signs of life in the universe without ever
finding any, and that its purpose is to reassure the public that
nothing is going on.
He said that the Columbia had a project onboard which used
high-resolution ground-penetrating radar which discovered a large
underground river 750 feet under the Sahara desert (as an example of
what it can do), and on this last mission this technology monitored
“something” that sent out a light signal from 40 feet to 50 feet
underground in Iraq, and received a signal back.
As posted in other threads on this forum,
Iraq is the original
territory of the people chronicled in the Sumerian tablets, which
tell the story of
Nibiru and its 3,600-year orbit, the same
Planet X
which is purportedly on its way, and Iraq has a lot of ruins which
Saddam has been excavating for some time now.
These people came from an advanced, space-faring civilization, so
their “artifacts” could be something quite unexpected. You can get
transcripts of James’ talk-shows at the website.
You can also listen to a weekly series
on Mysteries Of The Mind, on the
Millennium Radio Network
(, where they have
McCanney on every
Thursday night.