A New Physics for a New Energy Source
An Introduction to Free Energy Physics
Energy, Physics, and Soda Pop
Free Energy
Free Energy Technology
John Bedini's Formation of Negative Resistors in Batteries
Moonbeams to Power Earth
Technology Converts Atmospheric Heat to Electricity
Pure Energy Systems - PESWiki
of Zero Point and Free Energy Theory, Progress, and Devices
System for Converting Electromagnetic Radiation Energy to Electrical Energy
Tapping Zero-Point Energy
The Moray Radiant Energy Device
The Strange Birth of the Water Fuel Age
Additional Information |
Abolishing The FED and New Energy
Disclosure Key to U.S. Survival - Paul Hellyer
About The Utilization of The
Invisible Energy of The Universe
- To Act as A free and Inexhaustible Source of...
A Climate Solution that is Out of this World
Electromagnetism and Free Energy
Algae to Crude Oil - Million-Year
Natural Process Takes Minutes in The Lab
A Microwave Metamaterial with
Integrated Power Harvesting Functionality
An Inexpensive Aqueous Flow
Battery for Large-Scale Electrical Energy Storage Based
on Water-Soluble...
Another Alternative Energy
Inventor Killed?
Australia First to
Receive Ocean Wave Generated Zero-Emission Electricity
- Energy Mafia is on its Knees
Español |
- 'Baterías
Tesla' y 'Energía Eólica' para la Primera Granja
Hidropónica Autosuficiente del Mundo en Australia
Battery Storage - The Next
Disruptive Technology in the Power Sector
Biofuel Caused Food Crisis
- Secret Report: Internal World Bank Study Delivers Blow
to Plant Energy Drive
Biofuels Fallacy
- Why Burning Plants Instead of Fossil Fuels Won't Save
the Climate
Can We Escape our Predicament?
Can We Trust Dr. Steven Greer, or Not?
CERN Physicists Trap Antimatter
for 1,000 Seconds
- Unlimited Future Energy?
Español |
China sigue Riéndose de las
Tonterías Occidentales sobre la "Energía Verde"
China's Payoff for Hiding Free Energy Technology Is Real
Cause for U.S. Unemployment
Español |
Cómo Generar Electricidad si se
Produce una Catástrofe
Connective Physics
Español |
Con Abundancia de Energía el Dinero No Es Necesario
Coral Castle
- Main File
Español |
Crean un Dispositivo para
Transformar la señal Wi-Fi en Electricidad
Español |
Crean un 'Nano-Reactor' para
Producir Biocombustible de Hidrógeno
Dark Matter and Dark Energy - What Are They?
Dark Matter in the Universe
Español |
Debate en TN Ecología Sobre El Renacimiento de La
Energía Nuclear
Español |
Desarrollan Combustible Líquido que puede
Almacenar Energía Solar durante 18 Años
Desk-Size Turbine Could Power a Town
Dirty Electricity - Stealth Trigger of Disease Epidemics and
Lowered Life Expectancy
Disclosure, Contact and Energy
- Steven Greer's Interview on Coast to Coast AM Radio
with Art Bell
Español |
Dispositivo Inalámbrico Convierte Energía 'Perdida' en
Energía Eléctrica
- Convierte Wi-Fi en Energía...
Don't Jump on The Thorium Bandwagon Alternative Energy
Don't Want to Wait for Tesla's
Home Battery? - Try This Off-Grid Battery Pack
Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields
Discovery Leading to Battle for Wealth in Volatile
Middle East
Español |
El Campo Magnético y El Colapso de La Red Electrica
- La Nueva Energía es
Español |
El Consumo Mundial de Carbón
alcanza su Máximo Registro Histórico
Electrical Device Plugs Directly Into Trees for Power
Electrical Power Grid to Be Blasted by 2012 Solar Storms
Electricity Generated from Water
- BlackLight Power Announces Validation of Its
Scientific Breakthrough...
Electrochemistry - Lithium Batteries Get Wet
- Major Scandal Brewing in US of Global Implications
Electromagnetic Properties of the Great
Pyramid - First Multipole Resonances and Energy Concentration
Español |
El Jaque Mate
- Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo
Español |
El Vacío en el Espacio y el
Electrón - Nuevo Estudio de Física encuentra la
auténtica Partícula de "Dios"
Español |
Energía Atómica y El Uso de Armas de Uranio Empobrecido
- Main File
Español |
Energía del Vacío - Prueba de
Energía Libre en el Espacio Alrededor Nuestro
Español |
Limpia y Eficiente - Últimos Desarrollos de Baterías Litio-Silicio
Español |
EnergyFlume - Transformando Pequeños
Canales de Agua en Centrales Hidroeléctricas de Energía Limpia
Energy Saving Bulbs 'Release Cancer
Causing Chemicals'
Energy Saving Light Bulbs 'Contain Cancer Causing
Energy Storage - Nanodiscs Stack Up
Español |
Estamos 'Salvados'
- Semillas Transgénicas
Español |
Estudio Revela que la Gran
Pirámide de Giza puede Focalizar Energía
Español |
Es Vital para la Vida, el Calor y la
Energía - Lo que usted Nunca
Supo sobre el Agua Salada
EU Carbon Emission Trading Market Price Crashes to
Record Low
Español |
Europa "Vuelve a los Viejos Tiempos" - La Creciente Demanda
de Leña por la Crisis Energética - Bloomberg
Everything Has a Beginning - Even
the Universe...
Ferroelectric, Pyroelectric, and
Piezoelectric Properties of a Photovoltaic Perovskite
Flexing with Power - How our Energy Sources
are Bending for Wearable Technology
Fossil Fuels are the Greenest of
Energy Sources
Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement
Frozen Methane
- From The Gulf Oil Spill to Climate Change
Fuel From 'Burning Water' Provided
by The Reclamation Project
Español |
Ganancias de China por Esconder
Tecnología de Energía Libre es Verdadera Causa del
Desempleo en...
Español |
Generador Magnético de Energía
German Scientist Posts Complete
Free-Energy Documentation Online
Germany hits Wall of Energy Reality -
Reconnects First Coal Power Plant to Grid
Getting Real about Green Energy -
An honest Analysis of what it CAN'T Promise
Global Smart Grid - Technocracy Endgame
Green Gets The Green
Government Bans 75-Watt Bulbs -
Replaces with Mercury-Leaking 'Efficient' Bulbs
Graphene - Keep It Moist
- Electronic, Magnetic and Superconducting
Gravity and Antigravity
- Main File
Gas Emissions from Reservoir Water Surfaces - A New Global Synthesis
Deutsch |
Debakel - Die Amerikanische Landschaft übersäht Mit
Tausenden von Verlassenen...
Gunfire in The Laboratory - T.
Henry Moray and The Free Energy Machine
- from "Suppressed Inventions"
Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits for
Your Home
LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health
How Much Energy Does it
Take to Get to Other Worlds?
How South America's Rainforests are Being Sacrificed on
the Altar of Energy
How the Government Suppresses Free
Energy Technologies
to Build a Death Star
Iceland Drills 4.7 km down into
Volcano to Tap Clean Energy
Español |
Inaugurada en Islandia la Primera Central Eléctrica de
Emisiones Negativas del Mundo - Captura CO2...
Indication of Anomalous Heat Energy Production in
Reactor Device Containing Hydrogen Loaded Nickel...
Irish New Energy Device Offers Solution for UN Climate
Is this
Tesla Energy Generator a True Free Energy Device?
Japanese Corporation Plans to Turn the Moon Into a
Massive Solar Power Plant
Japan is Investing 8 Trillion Yen
in New Energy Technology
- Oil and Nuclear Power Will Be Phased Out
Jim Murray Solves Tesla's Secret to
Amplifying Power by Nearly 5000% - Groundbreaking Discovery
Español |
La Amazonía busca Alternativas que
pueden Revolucionar la Energía
Español |
La Batería de Grafeno Italiana que
aseguran se Recarga en 13 Minutos
Italiano |
Batteria Italiana al Grafene assicurano che si Ricarica in
13 Minuti
Español |
Ciencia del "Agua de La Vida" de Ayham Doyuk
Español |
- ¡La
Energía Fotónica Libre Está Disponible Para Todos Ahora!
- El Fin de La Esclavitud Económica de La...
Español |
La Levitación se puede Conseguir
con Ultrasonidos
Español |
La Mega Batería de 'Tesla' ha Superado las Expectativas - Australia
Laser Scribing of High-Performance
and Flexible Graphene-Based Electrochemical Capacitors
Leaked NASA Paper Shows the 'Impossible' EM Drive Really Does Work
Let's Build a Planetary Energy
Español |
LightSaver Max - Cargador Solar Portátil Ultraligero para Viajeros
Español |
Los Gobiernos Apoyan un Fraude
Gigantesco Con lo del Etanol
Español |
Los Hidrocarburos ¿Son tan Sucios
y Despreciables como Nos Cuentan
Mining Possibilities
- The Living Moon |
That Converts Plastic to Oil Fuels Bernie Karl's Big
Magnetic Energy Generator
Magnetic Field and Electric Grid Collapse
- The New Energy Imperative
Magnet Motor Free Energy Generator
- Do they Really Work?
of Impulsive Thrust from a Closed Radio Frequency Cavity in Vacuum
Meet The Scientific 'Accident' that Could Change The
Mehran Keshe's Free Energy -
Energía Libre
Español |
Metano Congelado - ¿Nueva Fuente De Energía?
Español |
Microcentral Eléctrica que se
Monta Fácilmente en cualquier Río - Para Casas...
Español |
Mina de Carbón en Kentucky se convertirá en Gigantesco Proyecto de Almacenamiento de
Energía como...
Español |
Mini Hidroeléctrica con el Tanque
de Agua de Tu Casa
Money Is Not Needed With Energy
Español |
Motor Magnético Generador de
Energía Libre - ¿Realmente funcionan?
Español |
Nanotecnología Propuesta
Convertirá el Calor Corporal en Corriente Eléctrica
NASA's 'Impossible' Fuel-Free
Space Propulsion System Works - Leaked!
News Clips on Suppressed Fuel
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
New Study Suggests EU Biofuels Are as Carbon Intensive
as Petrol
Ninety Percent of
so-called 'Clean Hydroelectric Projects' will Usher-in a
New Wave of Mercury...
Nuclear Dilemma
- Adequate Insurance Too Expensive
Nuclear Experimentation Killed
Free Power
Nuclear Fuel from the Ocean Would
Provide Thousands of Years Worth of Energy
Numerical and Experimental Results
for a Novel Propulsion Technology Requiring no On-Board
Oil, Alternatives and Nuclear
- An Interview With Marc Faber
Oil Industry
- Producers of Energy and Disasters
- Main File
Our New Civilization Will Be Based on Torsion Field
Printed Solar Cells could Provide Power for 1.3 Billion
Oil and the Low-carbon Energy Ttransition - A Net-energy perspective
- by Delannoy et al.
Español |
Permacultura - Proceso de Diseño
Holístico Para Crear Hábitats Humanos Sostenibles
- Pueblos en...
Perpetual Hope, Perpetual Resistance - Free Energy
Personalized Energy - Could this Be the Future to A
World Without Oil?
Plasma Reactors - The Keshe Foundation
Español |
Pozos Canadienses - Tecnología
Natural de Bajo Coste para Climatizar tu Casa Ahorrando
Warnings on Nuclear 'Wonder-Fuel', Thorium
Proposed Nanotechnology Will
Convert Body Heat Into Electric Current
Quantum Energy Generator
Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) - New Paradigm
Distribution Guidelines
Quantum Vacuum Energy Extraction
(U.S. Patent 7,379,286)
Quinton-Perception Physics
- A Theory of Existence, Perception, and Physical
Renegade - Gordon Novel on Camera
- A Video Interview
Return of Incandescent Light Bulbs
as MIT Makes them More Efficient than LEDs
Sardinia - Cancer, Contamination,
Militarization in Paradise
Scientists Gain New Insights Into 'Frozen' Methane
Beneath Ocean Floor
Español |
Seamos Realistas sobre las
Energías Verdes - Un Análisis Honesto de lo que NO
PUEDEN Prometer
Italiano |
Se c'è Energia in Abbondanza il
Denaro Non è Necessario
Skepticism vs. The "Art" of
Small Island Powered by Coconut Oil and Sunlight
Smart Grid - The Implementation of
Solar Power without Solar Cells
- A Hidden Magnetic Effect of Light Could Make it
South Korea's Most-destructive
Quake probably Triggered by Geothermal Plant
Stacking Concrete Blocks is a
Surprisingly Efficient Way to Store Energy
Startup Converts Plastic to Oil and Finds a Niche
Relation between the Vacuum Space and the Electron
Study Reveals the Great Pyramid of
Giza can Focus Electromagnetic Energy
Summary of Breakthrough Energy Technologies
- The Orion Project
The 5 Most Toxic Energy Companies
and How They Control Our Politics
The Astounding High Cost of 'Free' Energy
The Atomic Power and The Use of
Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons
- Main File
The Beauty of The Nuclear Fuel
The Control Grid
The Embedded Costs of Going Green
- "The
Energy Non-Crisis"
The Energy Non-Crisis - The Granada Forum
The Energy Solution Revolution
- A Socio-Political Journey Through The Tangled World Of
Free And Clean...
The Energy Solution Revolution
- Dr Brian O'Leary
The Future of Energy - The Searl
Effect Generator (SEG)
The 'Impossible' Quantum
Space Engine that Breaks Laws of Physics is About to Be
Tested in Space
The Keshe Foundation Announces
Spaceship Institute
Motionless Electromagnetic Generator
- Extracting Energy from
a Permanent Magnet with Energy...
The Myth of Nuclear 'Waste'
The New Biomassters
- Synthetic Biology and The Next Assault on Biodiversity
and Livelihoods
The New Energy
- Main File
The Suppression of Fuel Savers and Alternate
Energy Resources
- from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other...
The Vacuum Space and the Electron
- New Physics Study finds the Real "God" Particle
The World of
Free Energy -
Current State
This Incredible System Generates
Electricity from Living Plants
This Invention Must Be Big
- Why Else Would So Many Want to Stop It - Free Energy
This Material can Harvest Energy
from the Sun, Heat, and Movement
This Political Party is Calling
for "Free Electricity for All"
To Infinity and Beyond - Transcending our Limitations
Español |
Una Lámpara que funciona 45 Días con sólo Medio Litro de
Agua Salada
United Nations Calls on U.S. to
Halt Biofuel Production as Drought Devastates Corn Crop
Italiano |
Uno Studio rivela che la Grande Piramide può Emettere Energia
USC Scientists Create New Battery
That's Cheap, Clean, Rechargeable… and Organic
Vacuum Energy - Proof of Free
Energy in the Space All Around Us
Video shows Bill Gates admitting
"Clean Energy" solving Climate Change is a SCAM
Vital for Life, Heat and Power -
What you Never Knew about Salt Water
Water Fuel Cell - Technical Brief
Wavereaper - The Technology
Deutsch |
Grün Denkt Dem Wird ein "Grüner" Gesetzt
Why do Computers use So Much
Why is Fracking Controversial? - 10 Claims that Help us
Understand Natural Gas Drilling Controversy
Why Older Nuclear Power Plants Remain 'Cash Cows'
Despite Fukushima
Wireless Device Converts 'Lost' Energy into Electric
Power -
Breakthrough Converts Wi-Fi to Electric...
World Renowned Physicist Challenged Over Free Energy
World's First Magma-enhanced Geothermal System Created
in Iceland
World's Largest Carbon
Capture Plant Set to Fight Greenhouse Gasses
World's Largest Carbon-Capture
Plant to Open Soon
Zero Point Energy
- Main File
and Fusion Power |
1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful
Español |
Alemania Acaba de Realizar un
Avance Gigantesco en una Máquina de Fusión Nuclear
Breaking Through! - Cold Fusion Goes Commercial...
Bubble Fusion Vindicated in Flagship Nuclear Journal
Clean, Cheap, Abundant Fusion
Energy would Wreck Globalization
Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion
and Patent Office
Cold Fusion and RadWaste Remediation Overview
Cold Fusion and The Future
Cold Fusion and Zero Point Energy
Cold Fusion Devices Produce Far More Energy Than They
Use - Quickly Approaching
Commercial Viability
Cold Fusion - The Answer to All Our Energy Problems
Electrochemically Induced Nuclear
Fusion of Deuterium
Español |
El Imán más Potente del Mundo está
listo para el Reactor de Fusión ITER
Finally 'Fusion Power' is About to
Become a Reality
From Sodium-Cooled Fission to
Advanced Fusion - A Fresh Generation of Projects to
Rekindle Trust in Nuclear...
Germany Just Made a Giant
Breakthrough on a Nuclear Fusion Machine
Paper on 'Nuclear Fusion Reactor
for Hybrid Spacecraft' published in Prestigious Journal
Power To The People - The Return of Cold Fusion
The Future of LENR and Cold Fusion - Andrea Rossi
Discusses The E-Cat
The Plasma Compression Fusion Device - Enabling Nuclear Fusion
Thoughts on Fusion Energy Development
Español |
Un Físico Británico apuesta por la
Fusión como la Solución a la 'Crisis Energética' Mundial
What's Behind the War Against Cold Fusion?
Multimedia: |
Cold Fusion - Fire from Water
Energy Infusion
War on Cold Fusion
- The Hidden Truth Exposed
- Energías Renovables |
Español |
promete "Energía Renovable Ilimitada" - Demanda en
cualquier parte del Mundo con el Núcleo de...
Epic Renewable Energy Fail as
Solar Crashes and Wind Refuses to Blow
Español |
Japón Convierte las Tierras
Radioactivas de Fukushima en un Centro de Energía
Español |
La Energía "Verde" es una Estafa -
No está destinada a Funcionar
Renewable Energies are Lifeline for Electric Grid
Collapse During Severe Solar Storms
Renewable Energy can't solve
Energy Crisis
Responsible Minerals Sourcing for
Renewable Energy
Dirty Side of Renewable Energy
The Nazi Origins of Renewable
Energy and Global Warming
Wind Turbine Trees Generate
Renewable Energy for Urban Settings
can't make Green Energy using Only Green Energy
Off Grid Renewable Energy Solar
Wind Setup
Solar Energy - Energía Solar |
2011 Must Be the Year where We Get Serious about Wind
and Solar Power
Español |
Así es como la India quiere
Exportar Combustible Solar a Todo el Mundo
Backlash against Wind and Solar Projects is Real - It's
Global and it's Growing
Bendy Solar Cells that Can Be Printed onto Paper
Bioinspired Fractal Electrodes for
Solar Energy Storages
Boosting Solar Technologies by
3000 Percent
Español |
Desarrollan Nuevo Dispositivo que
Captura y Almacena el "Calor" Solar durante Meses
Español |
Diseñan un Sistema para Desalar el Agua del Mar sólo
mediante Energía Solar
Español |
El Delirio Verde Anti-euro-asiático
de Biden y la carrera de Estados Unidos hacia la
Español |
El Mayor Proyecto de
Almacenamiento Solar de China se pone en Funcionamiento
Español |
Parque Solar más Grande del Mundo tiene una Ingeniosa Forma
para Proveer Energía Limpia a Medio...
Energy Transition a 'Dangerous
Delusion' - Report
Flexible Solar Panels for Any Roof
Innovative Solar Grills - The Solution to Intermittent
Sun and able to Cook at 450F for 25 Hours Straight
Español |
Los Precios de los Paneles Solares Fotovoltaicos Caen en
Discovery' Primed to Unleash Solar Revolution
- Scientists Mimic Essence Of Plants' Energy...
Nighttime Photovoltaic Cells - Electrical
Power Generation by Optically Coupling with Deep Space
Español |
Nuevo Sistema Energético almacena la Energía
Solar hasta 18 años y la Libera a Demanda
Organic Solar Cells
- One Layer at a Time
Paper-Thin Printed Solar Cells
could Provide Power for 1.3 Billion People
Español |
Revelan que los Paneles Solares liberan 5
veces más Dióxido de Carbono de lo que se pensaba
Italiano |
Rivelano che i Pannelli Solari liberano
Diossido di Carbonio Cinque volte superiore a quanto si pensava
Scientists are Developing Solar Panels that
Generate Power at Night
Scientists can now Bottle Solar
Energy - Turn It into Liquid Fuel
Español |
Sistema de Refrigeración Pasiva
sin Electricidad - Con Materiales de Bajo Coste, capaz
de Enfriar nuestras...
Solar Cells
- The Dyes Have It
Bottle Bulb - Illuminating Houses for Even the Poorest
Families, During the Day without Electricity
Solar Energy produces 300 Times more Toxic
Waste than does Nuclear Power
Stunning Drops in Solar and Wind
Costs turn Global Power Market Upside-Down
Español |
Tejas Solares Fotovoltaicas - El
Futuro de la Energía Solar en Viviendas
The Age of Space-Solar Energy
- Vision for The Future
The World's Largest Solar Power Project begins running in
Español |
Una Escuela se Transforma en
Modelo de Energía y Agua en Rapa Nui
What the 'Tesla Powerwall' Home
Battery Means - Inexpensive
Time-Shifting for Solar Energy
Why Everything they Said about
Solar Panels was Wrong
World's Largest Solar Farm has an
Ingenious Way to Provide Clean Energy to Half-a-Million
Multimedia: |
What's Wrong with Wind and Solar
Energy Needs?
Tesla and Energy
Transmission |
Examining the
Working Principle of Tesla Tower
Español |
Físicos Rusos
Construirían la Torre Tesla para
Suministrar Energía al Mundo
Free Energy from Tesla's Wireless Electricity
- An Instant Solution to The Planetary Energy 'Crisis'
Español |
La Influencia que tuvo la Filosofía Védica en
la Idea que tenía Nikola Tesla de la Energía Libre
Eric P. Dollard - The Only Scientist Alive to Have
Recreated the Work of Nikola Tesla
Source Plans for Modern Tesla Free Energy Generator Released to
Physicists Seek Help to Build
Nikola Tesla's 'Planetary Energy Transmitter
Tesla Round 2 - The Mission of Eric Dollard
Influence Vedic Philosophy had on Nikola Tesla's Idea of Free Energy
Government Gives to The United Nations Classified Tesla Technology
to Assist Sustainable...
Nikola Tesla - The Race to Zero Point Free Energy
Transportation - Hydrogen and Electric |
Español |
Alemania dice Adiós a los Coches
Eléctricos - Vuelve al Diésel
Amazing Locomotion and Energy
Systems Super Technology and Carburetors
- from "Suppressed...
A New Material is Able to Create
Hydrogen Fuel from Seawater
Consumers are Rejecting 'The Great
Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of
Electromagnetic Zero Point Oscillations into Classical
Diesel Vehicles found to be Less
Polluting than some Hybrid Cars - 'Cleaner than Petrols'
Español |
El Abandono de los Combustibles 'Fósiles'
es una Fantasía - Dice la OPEP
Español |
El Apocalipsis del Petróleo que
nos Ocultan
Español |
El Coche Eléctrico está Acabando
con las Reservas de Cobalto
Español |
Ejercito Americano Incorpora un Nuevo Todoterreno de
Español |
El Etanol Consume Mas Energıa De
La Que Produce
Español |
- ¿El
Fin de los Coches Eléctricos? - VW desarrolla Nueva
Tecnología de Hidrógeno: "2.000 Km. con un depósito"
Español |
El Hidrógeno - Combustible,
Alimento y Medicina de la Vida
Español |
El Hidrógeno - El Combustible del
Futuro planta cara al Petróleo
Elon Musk and Twitter-'X'
- Main File
EVs release More Toxic Emissions
and are Worse for the Environment than Gas-Powered Cars
- Study
Español |
Verde - El Nuevo Potencial de Chile
Español |
Hidrógeno Verde - Generación, usos
y perspectivas
Hydrogen History
Hydrogen the Fuel, Food and
Medicine of Life
Hyperloop Alpha
Italiano |
Il CEO di Tata Motors si "Suicida" Poco Prima del
Rilascio della Sua Auto ad Aria
Español |
LINA - El Primer Coche
Biodegradable del Mundo
Español |
Llegan a China las Bicicletas que
Comen Contaminación
MIT Admits that Electric Cars are
Not Green - Pollute More than Petrol Cars
New "Instantly Rechargeable"
Battery Deals a Fatal Blow to Fossil Fuels
New Water Splitting Technique Could Produce Hydrogen
Personal Vehicles Evaluated
against Climate Change Mitigation Targets
Railroad for 14,000 Mile-an-Hour Travel Completely Open
- Wunderkind Elon Musk
Español |
Primera Bicicleta
Eléctrica que Funciona con Hidrógeno y Emite Agua
Tata Motors Managing Director Karl
Slym 'Suicide' and the Air Car
Green New Scam is Dying
The Pantone Motor
The Troubling Future of the Green
Electric Revolution
The World According to Hydrogen
Two Armageddon threats to Electric
Cars - Cancer and Global Cooling
Faces Huge Loss from Electric Vehicle Adoption
Water Powered Car Unveiled - Yes It's Real
Multimedia: |
Hydrogen Fuel Cell - Run Your Car On Water
The Water Fuel Cell
The Water
Fuel Cell - Historic
Energy Breakthrough on The Line
Wind |
Abandoned Wind Turbines in The USA
Deutsch |
Verlassene Windkraftanlagen In den USA
2011 Must Be the Year where we Get Serious about Wind
and Solar Power
Advanced Wind Turbine Design Eliminates Need for
Environmentally-Harmful Rare Earth Metals
A Green Paradox - Deforesting the
Amazon for Wind Energy in the Global North
Backlash against Wind and Solar Projects is Real - It's
Global and it's Growing
Climatic Impacts of Wind Power
Energy Transition a 'Dangerous
Delusion' - Report
Epic Renewable Energy Fail as
Solar Crashes and Wind Refuses to Blow
Español |
Fuentes de Energía Renovables - ¿Cuán 'Verdes' son en
Deutsch |
der Windenergie
Germany's Green Movement has 'Run
Amok at the Expense of People and Nature'
Debacle - Tens of Thousands of Abandoned Wind Turbines
Now Litter American Landscape
Observation-based Solar and Wind
Power Capacity Factors and Power Densities
The Cold, Windy Voyage to
Unreliable Green Energy
The Madness of worshipping Wind
to Bankruptcy - Europe's Wind Turbine makers face Massive
Financial Collapse
Español |
Turbina O-Wind - La Microturbina
Esférica que captura el Viento en Cualquier Dirección
Wind Energy's Ghosts
Wind Farms
are Net Carbon Dioxide Emitters
Wind Farms cause Global Warming
Wind Farms keep being Wiped Out by
Wild Weather
Wind Farms Will Create More Carbon
- Say Scientists
Wind Turbine Makers selling at a
Loss and in a 'Self-destructive Loop' - Bosses admit...
Wind Turbine Trees Generate
Renewable Energy for Urban Settings
Multimedia: |
What's Wrong with Wind and Solar
Energy Needs?
Books-Treatises |
Conversion of The Vacuum-Energy of
Electromagnetic Zero Point Oscillations
- by Claus Wilhelm
Growth Isn't Possible
- Why We Need a New Economic Direction -
by The New Economics Foundation
Implosion - Viktor Schauberger and
The Path of Natural Energy
- by Leopold Brandstatter
Shape Power - A Treatise on How
Form Converts Universal Aether
- by Dan Davidson
The Hunt for Zero Point - Inside
The Classified World of Antigravity Technology
- by Nick Cook
Theory of Wireless Power
- by Eric Dollard
Multimedia |
- ¡¡Agua
Salada Reemplaza al Petroleo!!
Antimatter Spacecraft Propulsion
- The Future Is Now
Auto Que Funciona Con Aire
Battery Powered Homes
Brian O'Leary and Henry Deacon on Free Energy
- Zurich Conference 2009
Collapse - A Documentary by
Michael Ruppert
Comparing Earth and Pleiadian
Scientific Knowledge of Crystals for Energy, Propulsion
and Healing
Dark Energy and The Runaway
Agua de Mar Produce Energia Para Todo
- John Kanzius
Electromagnetic Harvester - Device Charging Batteries
With Radio and WIFI Waves
Energía Libre
- La Carrera Hacia el Punto Zero
Energías Libres
Energy from The Vacuum
Energy Scales of The Universe
- Black Holes and Cold Sparks
Audio |
Free Energy
Free Energy
- The Race to Zero Point
Fusioneer - Home Built Fusion Reactor
Keshe Under Threat and Free Energy
- Project Camelot
La Revolución de La Energía Libre
Luz Tóxica - El Lado Oscuro de Las
Bombillas de Bajo Consumo
Man Solves Tesla's Secret to Amplifying
Power by Nearly 5000%
Plasma Reactors - The Keshe Foundation
Project PROTEUS - Clean
Energy-Floating Production Storage and Offloading
Mató al Coche Eléctrico?
Rays of Rash - Toxic Light Bulb
Massive Tesla Tower Revealed in Drone Footage
Sea Water Produce Energy for Everything
- John Kanzius
Solar Roadways
- The Prototype
Study Sheds Light on Dark Energy
The Coconut Revolution
The 'Safire' Sun
The Search for Dark Energy and
Dark Matter
- Patricia Burchat
Italiano |
Thrive 1 - Cosa diavolo ci vorrà?
Español |
Thrive 1 - ¿Cuánto le Costará al
Thrive 1 - What On Earth Will It
Thrive 2 - This is What it Takes
Top 10 Exotic Free Energy
- Sterling Allan, Hawaii
Un Inventor No Reconocido - Juan Luis Fernández Garrido
Water Power
Who Killed The Electric Car?
Zero-Amp Technology
- Energy Extraction from The Quantum Vacuum - Tom Valone
Related Reports |
Atomic Power and The Use of
Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons
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Cambios Dramáticos en Nuestro Sol
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CO2 - Carbon Dioxide - Dióxido de
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El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones
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Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience
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Nikola Tesla
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Scalar Electromagnetics Technology
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Tom Bearden
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