



 -  About Nikola Tesla



 -  A Cerca de Nikola Tesla


 -  Algunas 'Tecnologías Perdidas' de Nikola Tesla que Amenazaban a la Élite Global


 -  A Machine to End War


 -  Bright Skies - Top-Secret Weapons Testing?


 - "Broadcast Power" - Nikola Tesla



 -  Earthquake Inducing Electromagnetic Weapons used at Kobe?

 -  Electric Generator - Tesla Patent No. 511,916


 -  Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency - A Lecture


 -  Jim Murray Solves Tesla's Secret to Amplifying Power by Nearly 5000% - Groundbreaking Discovery


 -  La Influencia que tuvo la Filosofía Védica en la Idea que tenía Nikola Tesla de la Energía Libre


 -  La "Nave Interplanetaria" de Nikola Tesla - Una Máquina Voladora sin alas, hélices ni combustible


 -  Lo que Usted Podría No Saber sobre Nikola Tesla


 -  Man's Greatest Achievement



 -  Meet Eric P. Dollard - The Only Scientist Alive to Have Recreated The Work of Nikola Tesla


 -  New Energy Generator That "Would Not Consume Fuel" - Tesla's Letter to Robert U. Johnson

 -  Nikola Tesla and Robotics


 -  Nikola Tesla and The Electrical Signals of Planetary Origin


 -  Nikola Tesla - Great Scientist, Forgotten Genius


 -  Nikola Tesla - Pionero del Futuro


 -  Nikola Tesla - Secret Time Travel Experiments



 -  Nikola Tesla - The Lost Wizard



 -  Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System


 -  Purple Energy Plates - Main File


 - ¿Qué Es Lo Que Descubrió Nikola Tesla?


 -  Scalar Wars - The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics - Main File


 -  Scalar Waves and Tesla Shields - Nikola Tesla - Father of "Star Wars"? - from 'Antigravity And...'


 -  Some 'Lost Technologies' from Nikola Tesla that Threatened the Global Elite


 -  Son of Tesla


 -  Tesla and Ball Lighting


 -  Tesla and Marconi


 -  Tesla Coil


 -  Tesla Doom Weapons and Aum Shinrikyo


 -  Tesla Howizters - Longitudinal Wave Interferometers



 -  Tesla Round 2 - The Mission of Eric Dollard



 -  Tesla's "Black Box"


 -  Tesla's Controversial Life and Death - from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries'


 -  Tesla's Electromagnetic Pyramids


 -  Tesla's Fuelless Generator - Nikola Tesla's Later Energy Generation Designs


 -  Tesla's Wireless Power Transmitter and the Tunguska Explosion of 1908


 -  The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla that Changed the World


 -  The Aum Shinrikyo Sect



 -  The 'Baranjawarn Bang' Revisited


 -  The Influence Vedic Philosophy had on Nikola Tesla's Idea of Free Energy


 -  The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla


 -  The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - With Special References to The Harnessing of The Sun's...


 -  The Tesla Mystique

 -  The True Wireless


 -  Todo es La Luz - Entrevista a Nikola Tesla en 1899 para la Revista 'Immortality'


 -  Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires


 -  What You Might Not Know about Nikola Tesla



Additional Information



 -  1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful



 -  Advances in Tesla Technology - Extracts from 'Angels Don't Play This HAARP'


 -  Aquamarine Dreams - Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr


 -  Apparatus for The Utilization of Radiant Energy


 -  Art Bell & Dr James Mccanney - The Nasa Lies And Tesla Cover-Ups

 -  Coil For Electro Magnets


 -  Earthquakes - Natural or Man-Made?


 -  Encuentro Con Un Genio Desconocido  - Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)


 -  El Jaque Mate - Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo


 -  Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement


 -  Free Energy from Tesla's Wireless Electricity - An Instant Solution to The Planetary Energy 'Crisis'


 -  George Bush Sr.(Scherff) - 4th Reich in The USA - Deathbed Confessions Photos Support Claims that...


 -  Is this Tesla Energy Generator a True Free Energy Device?


 -  Let's Build a Planetary Energy Transmitter


 -  Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere

 -  Method and Apparatus for Electrical Conversion and Distribution

 -  Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy


 -  Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation - United States Patent 4,873,928


 -  Open Source Plans for Modern Tesla Free Energy Generator Released to Public


 -  Patents - All Tesla Patents


 -  Pentagon Aliens - Formerly 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon'


 -  Physicists Seek Help to Build Nikola Tesla's 'Planetary Energy Transmitter

 -  Quantum Energy Generator


 -  Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) - New Paradigm Distribution Guidelines

 -  Rotoverter


 -  Scalar Humanity - Introduced by Tom Clearwater, funder of Citizens Hearing on ET Disclosure


 -  Scalar Weapons - Read It and Weep



 -  Terremotos - ¿Naturales o Hechos por el Hombre?


 -  Tesla Proven Right as Technology is Transmitted Wirelessly



 -  The Black Knight Satellite - What's this Object Nikola Tesla Concluded was Extraterrestrial?


 -  The Hum - A Legacy from Nikola Tesla


 -  The Second Law Thermodynamics and Tesla's Fuelless Generator


 -  The True 'Father of Electricity' - Nikola Tesla


 -  The Underwater Communication System of Nikola Tesla


 -  The World of Free Energy - Current State


 -  University Uses Tesla Technology to Wirelessly Charge Electric Bus


 -  U.S. Government Gives to The United Nations Classified Tesla Technology to Assist Sustainable...


Tesla and 'Life in The Universe'


 -  Communicating with Mars - The Experiments of Tesla and Hodowanec


 -  Talking with the Planets


 -  The Wall of Light - Nikola Tesla and the Venusian Space Ship... The X-12


 -  Tesla and the Pyramids of Mars



Tesla's Death Ray


 -  Russia Has a Death Ray Gun...


 -  Scalar Potential Interferometer


 - "Tesla's Death Ray" and the Accelerated Particle Beam Weapon - from 'The Day After Roswell'


 -  Tesla's "Death Ray" Machine


 -  Tesla's Death Rays - from "The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla"


 -  The Tesla Howitzer



Tesla Tower



 -  El Misterio de La Torre Wardenclyffe


 -  Examining the Working Principle of Tesla Tower


 -  Físicos Rusos Construirían la Torre Tesla para Suministrar Energía al Mundo


 -  James McCanney Announces Plans to Replicate Tesla's Tower


 -  La Tecnología de Tesla ha sido Reestrenada


 -  Missing Utopia - The End of Wardenclyffe!



 -  Mystery of Wardenclyffe Tower


 -  Nueva Zelanda probará por Primera Vez en el Mundo la Transmisión de Energía Inalámbrica de Largo Alcance


 -  Tesla Technology has been Revived...


 -  Tower Model for Global Energy Transmission







 -  Russia's Massive Tesla Tower Revealed in Drone Footage


 -  The Secrets Hidden in The Pyramids of Egypt - Were The Pyramids Actually Tesla Towers?


External Links



 -  Other Nikola Tesla Links





 -  Angels Don't Play This HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology - by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning


 -  Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900 - by Nikola Tesla


 -  Los Diarios Perdidos de Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Estelas Químicas y El Secreto de la... - por Tim Swartz


 -  My Inventions - The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla


 -  Occult Ether Physics - Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and The Conspiracy To... - by W. Lyne

 -  Prodigal Genius - The Life of Nikola Tesla - by John J. O'Neill, July 1944

 -  Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion - Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology - by P. LaViolette

 -  Tesla Complete Patent List


 -  Tesla - The Lost Inventions - by George Trinkaus


 -  The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla - by David H. Childress

 -  The Inventions, Researches and Writing of Nikola Tesla - by Thomas Commerford Martin


 -  The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternative 4 - by Tim Swartz

 -  Theory of Wireless Power - by Eric Dollard


 -  The Wall of Light - Nikola Tesla and the Venusian Space Ship: The X-12 - by Arthur Matthews


 -  Yo He Estado en Marte - por Narciso Genovese




 -  Chemtrails and HAARP Weather Warfare - Confirmed by History Channel

 -  Elements of Life - Nikola Tesla Technology


 -  Electromagnetic Harvester - Device Charging Batteries With Radio and WIFI Waves


 -  El Proyecto Matriz #119 - NIKOLA TESLA



 -  El Secreto de Nikola Tesla



 -  Energía Libre - La Carrera Hacia el Punto Zero



 -  Experimentos Tesla


 -  Free Energy - The Race to Zero Point


 -  Holes In Heaven - HAARP and Advances in Telsa Technology

 -  Man Solves Tesla's Secret to Amplifying Power by Nearly 5000%

 -  Nikola Tesla and The Electric Universe


 -  Nikola Tesla's Technology - Mad Electricity


 -  Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard


 -  Nikola Tesla - The Race to Zero Point Free Energy



 -  Sueños Aguamarinos - Entrevista a Ralph Ring



 -  Tecnología de Nikola Tesla - Energia Desbordada


 -  Tesla - The Master of Lighting


 -  The BIGGG Tesla Coil 


 -  The Genius Who Lit the World - Nikola Tesla


 -  The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla


 -  The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla


 -  They Tried to Make The World Forget His Name - Nikola Tesla The Greatest Inventor of All Time

 -  Tom Bearden talks Nikola Tesla


 -  Tuguska's Explosion


 -  Weather Warfare, Chemtrails, HAARP


 -  Weather Warfare - Program 'That's Impossible' History Channel


Photo Gallery


 Grupo 1



 Grupo 2



 -  Algunas Fotos de Sus Experimentos


 -  Planos de Algunas Patentes



Related Reports


 -  Al Bielek's Speech at The MUFON Conference - 1990


 -  Antigravity And The World Grid


 -  Brainwave Frequency Listing


 -  Climate Changes - Main File


 -  El Universo de La Nueva Fisica - Main File


 -  Echelon - La Red - Main File


 -  Free Energy - Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects - Main File



 -  Further Speculations on The Secrets of The Templars, The Inklings, N. Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau


 -  HAARP Project - Main File


 -  Las Pleyades - Main File


 -  Orion Technology and Other Secret Projects


 -  Quantum - Main File


 -  The AUM Supreme Truth Sect (AUM Shinrikyo) - Main File


 -  The Electric Universe - Main File


 -  The New Energy - Main File


 -  The Unconventional Views of James M. McCanney - Main File


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