About Nikola Tesla
Español |
A Cerca de Nikola Tesla
Español |
'Tecnologías Perdidas' de Nikola Tesla que Amenazaban a la Élite
A Machine to
End War
Bright Skies -
Top-Secret Weapons Testing?
- "Broadcast
- Nikola Tesla
Earthquake Inducing
Electromagnetic Weapons used at Kobe?
Electric Generator - Tesla Patent No. 511,916
Experiments with Alternate Currents
of High
Potential and High Frequency
- A Lecture
Murray Solves Tesla's Secret to Amplifying Power by Nearly 5000% - Groundbreaking Discovery
Español |
Influencia que tuvo la Filosofía Védica en la Idea que tenía Nikola
Tesla de la Energía Libre
Español |
La "Nave
Interplanetaria" de Nikola Tesla - Una Máquina Voladora sin alas,
hélices ni combustible
Español |
Lo que Usted
Podría No Saber sobre Nikola Tesla
Man's Greatest
Eric P. Dollard - The Only Scientist Alive to Have
Recreated The Work of Nikola Tesla
New Energy Generator That "Would Not Consume
- Tesla's Letter to Robert U. Johnson
Nikola Tesla and Robotics
Nikola Tesla and The Electrical Signals of
Planetary Origin
Nikola Tesla - Great Scientist, Forgotten
Español |
Nikola Tesla - Pionero del Futuro
Nikola Tesla - Secret
Time Travel Experiments
Nikola Tesla - The Lost Wizard
Tesla's Radiant Energy System
Purple Energy Plates
- Main File
Español |
- ¿Qué
Es Lo Que Descubrió Nikola Tesla?
Scalar Wars
- The Brave New World
of Scalar Electromagnetics
- Main File
Scalar Waves and Tesla Shields
- Nikola Tesla - Father of "Star Wars"? - from 'Antigravity And...'
Some 'Lost
Technologies' from Nikola Tesla that Threatened the Global Elite
Son of Tesla
Tesla and
Ball Lighting
Tesla and
Tesla Doom
Weapons and Aum Shinrikyo
Tesla Howizters
- Longitudinal Wave Interferometers
Tesla Round 2 - The Mission of Eric Dollard
"Black Box"
Tesla's Controversial Life and Death
- from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries'
Electromagnetic Pyramids
Fuelless Generator
- Nikola Tesla's Later Energy Generation Designs
Tesla's Wireless Power Transmitter and the Tunguska
Explosion of 1908
The 10
Inventions of Nikola Tesla that Changed the World
The Aum Shinrikyo Sect
The 'Baranjawarn
Bang' Revisited
The Influence
Vedic Philosophy had on Nikola Tesla's Idea of Free Energy
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy
- With Special References to The Harnessing of The Sun's...
The Tesla
True Wireless
Español |
Todo es La
Luz - Entrevista a Nikola Tesla en 1899 para la Revista 'Immortality'
of Electrical Energy Without Wires
What You
Might Not Know about Nikola Tesla
Additional Information |
1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test
Advances in Tesla
- Extracts from 'Angels Don't Play This HAARP'
Aquamarine Dreams -
Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr
Apparatus for The Utilization of Radiant
Art Bell & Dr
James Mccanney - The Nasa Lies And Tesla Cover-Ups
Coil For Electro Magnets
Earthquakes - Natural or Man-Made?
Español |
Encuentro Con
Un Genio Desconocido - Nikola Tesla
Español |
El Jaque Mate
- Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo
Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement
Free Energy from Tesla's Wireless Electricity
- An Instant Solution to The Planetary Energy 'Crisis'
George Bush Sr.(Scherff) - 4th Reich in The
- Deathbed Confessions Photos Support Claims that...
Is this
Tesla Energy Generator a True Free Energy Device?
Let's Build a Planetary Energy
Method and Apparatus for Altering
a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or
Method and Apparatus for Electrical
Conversion and Distribution
Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy
Explosions Without Radiation
- United States Patent 4,873,928
Open Source
Plans for Modern Tesla Free Energy Generator Released to Public
- All Tesla Patents
Pentagon Aliens
- Formerly 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon'
Physicists Seek Help to Build
Nikola Tesla's 'Planetary Energy Transmitter
Quantum Energy Generator
Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) - New Paradigm
Distribution Guidelines
Humanity - Introduced by Tom Clearwater, funder of Citizens Hearing
on ET Disclosure
Scalar Weapons - Read It and Weep
Español |
Terremotos - ¿Naturales o
Hechos por el Hombre?
Tesla Proven
Right as Technology is Transmitted Wirelessly
The Black Knight Satellite -
What's this Object Nikola Tesla Concluded was
- A Legacy from Nikola Tesla
The Second Law Thermodynamics and Tesla's
Fuelless Generator
True 'Father of Electricity' - Nikola Tesla
The Underwater Communication System of Nikola
World of Free Energy
- Current State
Uses Tesla Technology to Wirelessly Charge Electric Bus
Government Gives to The United Nations Classified Tesla Technology
to Assist Sustainable...
Tesla and 'Life in The
Universe' |
with Mars -
Experiments of Tesla and Hodowanec
Talking with the Planets
The Wall of
- Nikola Tesla and the Venusian Space Ship... The X-12
Tesla and
the Pyramids of Mars
Death Ray |
Russia Has a Death Ray Gun...
Scalar Potential Interferometer
- "Tesla's
Death Ray" and the Accelerated Particle Beam Weapon
- from 'The Day After Roswell'
Tesla's "Death Ray" Machine
Tesla's Death
Rays -
from "The Fantastic Inventions
of Nikola Tesla"
The Tesla
Tesla Tower |
Español |
El Misterio de La Torre Wardenclyffe
Examining the
Working Principle of Tesla Tower
Español |
Físicos Rusos
Construirían la Torre Tesla para
Suministrar Energía al Mundo
James McCanney Announces Plans to Replicate Tesla's Tower
Español |
La Tecnología
de Tesla ha sido Reestrenada
Utopia - The End of Wardenclyffe!
Mystery of Wardenclyffe Tower
Español |
Nueva Zelanda probará por Primera
Vez en el Mundo la Transmisión de Energía Inalámbrica de
Largo Alcance
Technology has been Revived...
Tower Model for Global Energy Transmission
Russia's Massive Tesla Tower Revealed in Drone Footage
The Secrets Hidden in The Pyramids
of Egypt
- Were The Pyramids Actually Tesla Towers?
External Links |
Other Nikola Tesla Links
Books-Treatises |
Don't Play This HAARP
- Advances in Tesla Technology
- by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane
Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900
- by Nikola Tesla
Español |
Los Diarios Perdidos de Nikola Tesla
- HAARP, Estelas Químicas y El Secreto de la... - por Tim Swartz
My Inventions - The Autobiography of Nikola
Occult Ether Physics
Hidden Space Propulsion System and The Conspiracy To... - by W. Lyne
Prodigal Genius - The
Life of Nikola Tesla
- by John J. O'Neill, July 1944
Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
- Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology - by
P. LaViolette
Tesla Complete Patent List
Tesla - The Lost Inventions
- by George Trinkaus
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla
- by David H. Childress
The Inventions, Researches and Writing of
Nikola Tesla
- by Thomas Commerford Martin
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla
- HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternative 4 - by Tim Swartz
Theory of Wireless Power
- by Eric Dollard
The Wall of Light -
Nikola Tesla and the Venusian Space Ship: The X-12
- by Arthur Matthews
Español |
- Yo
He Estado en Marte
- por Narciso Genovese
Multimedia |
Chemtrails and HAARP Weather
- Confirmed by History Channel
Elements of
Life - Nikola Tesla
Electromagnetic Harvester - Device Charging Batteries
With Radio and WIFI Waves
Español |
Proyecto Matriz #119
Español |
El Secreto de Nikola
Español |
Energía Libre
- La Carrera Hacia el Punto Zero
Español |
Free Energy
- The Race to Zero Point
Holes In
Heaven - HAARP
and Advances in Telsa Technology
Man Solves Tesla's Secret to Amplifying
Power by Nearly 5000%
Nikola Tesla and The Electric
Tesla's Technology
- Mad Electricity
Nikola Tesla
- The Forgotten Wizard
Nikola Tesla - The Race to Zero Point Free
Español |
Sueños Aguamarinos
- Entrevista a Ralph Ring
Español |
Tecnología de
Nikola Tesla -
Energia Desbordada
Tesla - The Master of Lighting
The BIGGG Tesla Coil
The Genius
Who Lit the World -
Nikola Tesla
The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla
The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla
They Tried to Make The World Forget His Name
- Nikola Tesla The Greatest Inventor of All Time
Tom Bearden talks Nikola Tesla
Tuguska's Explosion
Weather Warfare, Chemtrails, HAARP
Weather Warfare
- Program 'That's Impossible' History Channel
Photo Gallery |
Grupo 1
Grupo 2
Español |
Algunas Fotos de Sus Experimentos
Español |
Planos de Algunas Patentes
Related Reports |
Al Bielek's Speech at The MUFON Conference
- 1990
Antigravity And The World Grid
Brainwave Frequency Listing
Climate Changes
- Main File
Universo de La Nueva Fisica
- Main File
Echelon - La Red
- Main File
Free Energy -
Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects
- Main File
Further Speculations on The Secrets of
The Templars, The Inklings, N. Tesla, and Rennes-le-Chateau
- Main File
Las Pleyades
- Main File
Orion Technology and Other Secret Projects
- Main File
The AUM Supreme Truth Sect
(AUM Shinrikyo)
- Main File
The Electric Universe
- Main File
The New Energy
- Main File
The Unconventional Views of James M.
- Main File