by Wal Thornhill from Holoscience Website
1. Preface
In a broadly interdisciplinary inquiry such as this, communication itself can pose quite a challenge.
Typically, the greatest difficulties in communication will occur when one is questioning something already "known" to be true. On matters of underlying principle, the confidence behind established ideas can be so high that discussion itself may seem quite senseless. This difficulty is aggravated by fragmentation of the process by which information is gathered and evaluated.
The specialization of intellectual inquiry carries with it certain risks when assumptions within one discipline rest upon prior assumptions in other disciplines.
No one can be an expert on everything, and when considering possibilities outside one's personal expertise, it is only natural to defer to what specialists in other studies claim to know.
But what are the consequences of this when theoretical
suppositions, though perceived as fact, cannot account for
compelling new fields of data'
To some, the prospects may appear every bit as disturbing
as Lovecraft imagined. But for those who instinctively seek out
unifying principles, the new horizons will be at once breathtaking
and hopeful.
The Electric Universe is a holistic answer to myopia * - that narrowing of vision which naturally accompanies the fragmentation of knowledge and learning.
* Myopia - a disinclination to acknowledge the existence of something.
For those with the courage to see clearly, the required "unlearning" of fashionable ideas carries no real cost whatsoever. The terror Lovecraft envisioned is only the first rush of uncertainty, when ideas long taken for granted are thrown into question by facts and simple reasoning previously ignored.
The "piecing together of dissociated knowledge" will only require us to confront the deep contradictions in things experts have long claimed to know. With the courage to see clearly, the adventure itself could well be "the most merciful thing in the world," adding new insights into the greatest dramas of early human history and vital perspective to humanity's situation in the cosmos.
Lovecraft did not realize that the "terrifying vistas" are but a mirage seen through an open door. The truth is always unified, and as such it can only be friendly to those who seek the truth first.
As we pass through the door, it is
not fear that goes with us, but the exhilaration of discovery.
It highlights repeated electrical patterns at all scales that enable laboratory experiments to explain the strange, energetic events seen, for example, in deep space, on the Sun, and on Jupiter's moon, Io.
Electric Universe works backward in time using observations rather
than forward from some idealized theoretical beginning. It provides
simple answers to problems that are now clothed in fashionable
metaphysics and mysticism. It is more interdisciplinary and
inclusive of information than any prior cosmology. It points to
practical possibilities far beyond the limits set by current
The Electric Universe is based more on observations and experiment than abstract theory. It recognizes connections between diverse disciplines. It concludes that the crucial requirement for understanding the universe is to take fully into account the basic electrical nature of atoms and their interactions.
Strangely, this is not the case in conventional cosmology where weaker magnetism and the infinitely weaker force of gravity rule the cosmos.
Such a
simplification may suit a theoretical physics based on electrical
neutrality of matter in Earthly laboratories but it does not apply
in space where plasma dominates.
A plasma is formed if some of the negatively charged electrons are separated from their host atoms in a gas, leaving the atoms with a positive charge.
The negatively charged electrons, and the positively charged atoms (known as positive ions) are then free to move separately under the influence of an applied voltage or magnetic field. Their net movement constitutes an electrical current.
So, one of the more important properties of a plasma is that it can conduct electrical current. It does so by forming current filaments that follow magnetic field lines.
patterns are ubiquitous in the cosmos.
The pieces of the Electric Universe "Big Picture" are supplied by some remarkable individuals, most of them unknown and who have lived or are living "quiet, unobtrusive lives" away from universities.
For those with a sense of history this fact should serve to increase curiosity rather than dull it. Most revolutions in science have come from people who taught themselves outside the academic system and were not constrained by the fallacies and fashions of the day.
It has been well documented that modern institutions of science operate in such a way as to enforce conformity and prevent research and publication of revolutionary ideas.
J. R. Saul argues that medieval
scholasticism was re-established during the 20th century. If so, the
new "Enlightenment" will have to come, as before, from
His method was forensic in that he looked for reports of physical events of a highly unusual nature that were nonetheless corroborated globally by totally separate cultures.
Then by applying scientific knowledge of cause and effect, it was possible to build a very detailed model of the sequence of those events.
Finally, the model enabled specific predictions to be made and confirmed - a requirement of a good scientific theory. Some of the predictions he made were outrageous at the time: Venus would be near incandescently hot, Jupiter would emit radio noise, the Moon rocks would be magnetized, and so on.
Velikovsky was right, astronomers of the day were wrong.
you will not find any textbook that gives him credit because his
theory was judged to be wrong. Presumably they were all lucky
This allowed a dogmatic response by academia to Velikovsky's seminal breakthrough. It was said his theory didn't obey Newton's laws. But what did Newton know of electricity?
And if anyone believes that Newton's laws guarantee a stable planetary system - think again! Any gravitational system with more than two orbiting bodies is unstable.
Yet the question is
hardly ever asked, let alone answered, "what produces the observed
stability of the solar system" Velikovsky was convinced that the
clue lay in his discovery that electrical forces dominate the
incredibly weak force of gravity at times of planetary close
encounters. Although he was unable to explain at the time how this
would create the observed stability of the solar system, with his
uncanny prescience he had pointed the way to the Electric Universe.
However, his basic premise of planetary encounters has been confirmed and the details fleshed out to an extraordinary degree. Several pioneering researchers in this new field now agree that awe-inspiring planetary encounters did occur in pre-history.
To the most ancient civilizations they were a culturally defining memory.
They were the inspiration for pyramids, megaliths, statues, totems and sacred rock art. The survivors of global upheaval felt it imperative that the memory be preserved and passed down faithfully to future generations in the expectation that the "gods" would return.
The memorialization took the form of architecture, ritual and story to re-enact the apocalyptic power of the planetary gods over human destiny.
Such a catastrophic beginning explains why civilization appeared like a thunderclap out of nowhere. Unfortunately, with no reference points in the present behavior of the planets, the stories lost their real meaning. This short explanation may seem contrived until the wealth of supporting evidence can be presented.
However, it highlights the crucial distinction between the planetary catastrophism of the Electric Universe and that of neo-catastrophists who attempt to explain the evidence for planetary encounters in terms of cometary phenomena.
Modern comets simply do not fit the descriptions from the past. Nor can they account for abundant evidence of fresh looking planetary cratering and scarring. Besides, in an Electric Universe comets are not the apocalyptic threat to the Earth imaginatively portrayed by artists. Such pictures are entirely fanciful because a comet would be disrupted electrically by a cosmic thunderbolt before it hit the Earth.
The only visible evidence remaining would be an electric arc
crater like Meteor Crater in Arizona.
By accepting data over a far wider span of knowledge and human existence than conventional cosmology allows, the Electric Universe model began to provide pragmatic and common sense answers to many questions that seem unrelated.
It followed the entreaty of the Nobel Prize winning plasma physicist and cosmologist, Hannes Alfvén to work backwards in time from observations rather than forward from some idealized theoretical beginning.
The result is now a "Big Picture" that emphasizes our dramatic prehistory and essential connectedness to the universe.
No longer do we have to look at ourselves and the universe through the distorting sideshow mirrors of modern science. The implications of electrical activity between planets will be profoundly disturbing for those who have built their cosmology around the weak force of gravity, acting in an electrically sterile universe.
This strange, dogmatic oversight guarantees that nothing
will remain in future of the fanciful Big Bang theory or the
simplistic story of the formation of the solar system.
The unheralded "Galileo of the 20th century", Halton Arp, has proven that the universe is not expanding. The Big Bang theory is based on a misinterpretation of redshift.
The redshift of a distant galaxy is measured in the light coming from that galaxy. Lines in the spectrum of that galaxy show a shift toward the red compared with the same lines from our Sun.
Arp discovered that high and low redshift objects are sometimes connected by a bridge or jet of matter. So redshift cannot be a measure of distance. Most of the redshift is intrinsic to the object.
But there is more: Arp found that the intrinsic redshift of a quasar or galaxy took discrete values, which decreased with distance from a central active galaxy. In Arp's new view of the cosmos, active galaxies "give birth" to high redshift quasars and companion galaxies.
Redshift becomes a measure of the
relative ages
of nearby quasars and galaxies, not their distance. As a quasar or
galaxy ages, the redshift decreases in discrete steps, or quanta.
But now that we have quantum effects in something the size of a galaxy, this convenient nonsense is exposed. If Arp is right many experts are going to look very silly. His discovery sounded the alarm in some halls of Academe and since nobody likes a loud noise - particularly if they are asleep - the knee-jerk response was to attack the guy with his finger on the alarm button.
Arp's telescope
time was denied, papers rejected, and he was forced to leave the US
to pursue his work.
The model is able to successfully account for the observed shapes and dynamics of galaxies without recourse to invisible dark matter and central black holes. It explains simply the powerful electric jets seen issuing along the spin axis from the cores of active galaxies.
results from mapping the magnetic field of a spiral galaxy confirm
the electric model.
On the other hand, cosmologists cannot explain why spiral shapes are so common and they have only ad-hoc explanations for galactic magnetic fields.
More recently, inter-galactic magnetic fields have been discovered which is the final straw to break the camel's back.
Incredible gravitational models involving invisible "black holes" have had to be invented in a desperate attempt to explain how the attractive force of gravity can result in matter being ejected in a narrow jet at relativistic speeds.
Why do we accept such
science fiction as fact when an Electric Universe predicts spiral
shapes, magnetic fields and jets? The cosmic magnetic fields simply
delineate the electric currents that create, move and light the
The "pinch" is created by the magnetic force between parallel current filaments that are part of the huge electric currents flowing inside a galaxy. It is far more effective than gravity in concentrating matter and, unlike gravity, it can remove excess angular momentum that tends to prevent collapse. Stars will form like beads on a wire until gravity takes over.
The late Ralph
This is obvious when the Sun is looked at from an electrical discharge perspective. The galactic currents that create the stars persist to power them.
Stars behave as electrodes in a galactic glow discharge. Bright stars like our Sun are great concentrated balls of lightning! The matter inside stars becomes positively charged as electrons drift toward the surface.
The resulting internal electrostatic forces prevent stars from collapsing gravitationally and occasionally cause them to "give birth" by electrical fissioning to form companion stars and gas giant planets.
Sudden brightening, or a nova outburst marks such an event.
That elucidates why stars commonly have partners and why most of the giant planets so far detected closely orbit their parent star. Stellar evolution theory and the age of stars is an elaborate fiction.
The appearance of a star is determined largely by its electrical environment and can change suddenly. Plasma physicists and electrical engineers are best able to recognize plasma discharge phenomena.
Stellar physics is in the wrong hands.
That explains the dichotomy between the dense rocky planets and moons and the gaseous giant planets. In the Electric Universe model, gravity itself is simply an electrostatic dipolar force.
So planetary orbits are stabilized against gravitational chaos by exchange of electric charge through their plasma tails (Venus is still doing so strongly, judging by its "cometary" magnetotail, and it has the most circular orbit of any planet) and consequent modification of the gravity of each body.
Planets will quickly assume orbits that ensure the least electrical interaction. Impacts between large bodies are avoided and capture rendered more probable by exchange of electric charge between them.
Capture of our Moon becomes the only option, it cannot have been created from the Earth. Evidence of past planetary instabilities is written large on the surfaces of all solid bodies in the solar system.
That evidence
is in the form of electric arc cratering.
When it comes to dating planetary surfaces, plasmoids cause characteristic electrical arc scarring in the form of sinuous channels and neatly circular craters with steep walls and occasional central peaks.
Such craters are universally misinterpreted as impact craters. The sinuous channels are wrongly classified as riverbeds or lava channels.
Minutes or hours of electrical scarring can produce a surface like that of the Moon, which is later interpreted in ad hoc fashion to be billions of years old. Hemispheric differences in cratering are expected in this model.
And for the skeptics, subdued electric arc machining of a planet-sized body continues to this day on Jupiter's innermost moon, Io.
See the many successful predictions about the discoveries that would be made as close-up images of Io became available.
Planetary geologists are not trained to recognize electric arc scarring otherwise they would have seen at a glance the characteristic cathodic surface erosion and cathode jets on Io.
They are definitely not volcanoes as we know
them from geology textbooks.
The simplest answer is that lightning is not generated there at all. Clouds merely form a convenient path to Earth for electricity originating in space. Without clouds it is possible to have a "bolt from the blue". That is happening on Venus (although the sky certainly isn't blue).
Weather systems are driven
primarily by external electrical influences.
They are responsible for Jupiter's Great Red Spot and the "spokes" in Saturn's rings. It is why Venus has lightning in its smog-like clouds and its mountain-tops glow with St. Elmo's fire.
is why the Earth has lightning stretching into space in the form of
"red sprites" and "blue jets", and why tethered satellites "blow a
This argues against the popular
notion of what causes lightning.
Our solar system, with its widely spaced orbits and chaotic features, appears to be the result of a recent cosmic "traffic accident". This seemingly wild conjecture is supported by the global stories of prehistoric planetary encounters.
So to use our situation as a measure of a normal planetary system will give wildly misleading ideas of how life begins and estimates of the likelihood of life elsewhere in the universe. The most benign situation for life in an Electric Universe is inside the electrical cocoon of a brown dwarf star.
Radiant energy is then evenly distributed over the
entire surface of any planet orbiting within the chromosphere of
such a star, regardless of axial rotation, tilt, or orbital
Any advanced civilization on such a
planet will be unaware that the universe exists outside its own
stellar environment, and radio communication through the glow
discharge of the star is impossible!
The Electric Universe takes a simplifying leap by unifying the nuclear forces, magnetism and gravity as manifestations of a near instantaneous electrostatic force.
Instead of being "spooked" by the
concept of action-at-a-distance, like most physicists this century,
the Electric Universe accepts it as an observational fact. Anyone
who has tried to force two like poles of magnets together has
demonstrated action-at-a-distance. "Electromagnetic"
radiation is
then simply the result of an oscillating electrostatic force.
It also rests upon the simple assumption that the proton, neutron and electron are composed of smaller charged particles, orbiting each other in a classical sense in stable, resonant orbits.
That is, the energy exchanged between those sub-particles in elastic deformation during each orbit sums to zero. Being charged, the sub-particles interact via the electrostatic force. A simple calculation shows that the sub-particles that form an electron must travel at a speed far in excess of the speed of light - some 2.5 million light-years per second, or from here to the far side of the Andromeda galaxy in one second!
So the electrostatic force must act at a speed which is almost infinite on our scale for the electron to be stable.
It is the stable orbital resonances of these sub-particles, both within and between particles that give rise to the phenomena of protons, neutrons, electrons and atoms. Other denizens of the particle "zoo" are merely transient resonant states of the same charged sub-particles.
The so-called "creation" of matter from energetic photons is an illusion in which pre-existing matter is reorganized into new resonant states that give the impression that a particle has suddenly materialized.
Antimatter is a misnomer since it too is formed from the same sub-particles as "normal" matter except that the total charge is mirrored.
Matter cannot be created or annihilated.
Quantum Theory
A quantum electron orbit is one in which the exchange of energy between all of the sub-particles in the nucleus of an atom and those in an orbiting electron, sum to zero over the orbit.
Exchange of
energy takes the form of distortion of a particle to form an
electrostatic dipole or a move to a new resonant orbit.
This leaves open the question of what we are measuring when we determine the speed of light.
The speed of light in galactic terms is exceedingly slow, requiring about 150,000 years to cross our galaxy. However, the astronomer Halton Arp has shown that the redshifts of entire galaxies are quantized which requires some form of near instantaneous, galaxy-wide communication at the sub-atomic level.
There are now several reported experiments that demonstrate faster than light effects.
With the Special Theory gone, and the universe in communication with its parts effectively in real-time, there can be no time travel as space and time are independent. Common sense has always suggested that this was so.
Einstein's General Theory was devised to explain gravity. It attempts to discard the observed action-at-a-distance of gravity by proposing a counter-intuitive warping of space in the presence of massive objects. This unnecessary complication of space is then added to the current metaphysical concepts of what constitutes the mass of an object.
But space must also "warp" at near infinite speed to produce the observed planetary orbits. Common sense, observation, and parsimony of hypotheses all suggest that the electrostatic model of gravity (see below) is superior.
There is now experimental evidence
from gravity measurements at the time of a total solar eclipse that
supports the Electric Universe model and discounts the General
Relativity model.
However, most textbooks go on to use the word 'matter' in place of 'mass.' But nowhere has it been shown that mass and matter are interchangeable. In fact, we are entirely ignorant of what constitutes the mass of an object. So it is inadmissible to imply that energy and matter are interchangeable.
The ultimate expression of this idea led to the nonsense of the big bang. It seems simpler and more sensible to suggest that both nuclear and chemical energy is released or absorbed by the rearrangement of the resonant orbits of charged particles.
It is then common sense to suggest that mass is the measured response of a system of charged particles to an external electrostatic force.
The more massive an object, the more the electrostatic force contributes to the elastic deformation of its protons, neutrons and electrons, rather than their acceleration. This is the phenomenon seen in particle accelerators and conventionally attributed to relativistic effects.
But relativity reduces to classical physics in a universe where the electrostatic force has near-infinite speed.
The first question to be asked is - if it is that simple, why hasn't it been thought of long ago? The answer seems to lie in the propensity for mathematical theory to supersede common sense and observation.
is also a problem of language when mathematicians attempt to provide
real meaning for their symbols.
First we must acknowledge our profound ignorance!
We are not hopelessly isolated in time and space on a tiny rock,
orbiting an insignificant star in an insignificant galaxy. We are
hopefully connected with the power and intelligence of the universe.