A Solar Siesta
A Synopsis of The Electric
Back to Plasma - The Electric Universe
Comet Holmes
In The Electric Universe
Deep Field Image falsifies Big Bang
Discovering The Electric Sun
Earth's Richat Crater
Electric Comet
Electric Dust Devils
Electric Enceladus
Electric Galaxies
Electric Helix - Helix Nebula and
Its Electrical Structure
Electric Jets on Io
Electric Spheres
- Globular Clusters Around The Milky Way
Electric Universe
Galaxies are Born in Lightning
Hide and Seek - Astronomers claim to have found the
Galaxies Missing in their Earlier Observations
Impossible Objects stun Scientists
- Stuart Talbott
Io - The Electric Moon
Jupiter Thunderbolt
Español |
Los Verdaderos Orígenes de la
Teoría del Cometa Eléctrico
Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
Mars - Planet of a Thousand Mysteries
Martian "Blueberries" in the Lab
Megalightning at Saturn
No Iron Dynamo - Jupiter
Plasma Vortex - Jupiter
the Electrical Etching
of Io
Saturn is a Violent Electrical Environment
Italiano |
Saturno è un Ambiente Fortemente Elettrico
Science's Looming 'Tipping Point
Space Charge - The Sun resides
within an Electric Shield
Stellar Vibrations
Synopsis of The Electric Universe
The Dragon
The Electrical Etching of Mercury
The Electric Sky
The Electric Sun
- Main File
The Electric Universe Heresy
The Essential Guide to the
Electric Universe - EG2EU
The Plasma Universe of Hannes
The Safire Project - Testing The
Electric Sun
The Saturn Myth
- by David Talbot
Thunderbolt That Changed The Face of Mars
The True Origins of Electric Comet
Thunderbolts of The Gods
Tornados as
Electric Discharge
Español |
Vibraciones Estelares
Was Titan Born From Electrical
- Planetary Double Layers
Hexagonal Dune Field seen on Mars
Within Wheels - Celestial Bodies
Additional Information |
Alpha and Omega
- How The Sun’s Interior Generates Its Magnetic Field Is
a Long-Standing Mystery for...
A Nobel Prize for The Dark Side
Another Dark Matter Fail
Italiano |
Boom! - È stato un "Big Bang"?
Boom! - Was it a "Big Bang"?
Español |
Ciclones, Terremotos, Volcanes y
Otros Fenómenos Eléctricos
Español |
Científicos Rusos
Refutaron la Teoría Estadounidense sobre la Estructura
Interna de la Tierra
Comet ISON - C/2012 S1
Cosmic Web Orchestrates the Progression of Galaxies
Cycle 25
Dark Satellites
Dark Theories - Dark Matter...
- "Deflector
Shields" Protect The Lunar Surface
Detection of The Galactic Haze With Planck
- Planck intermediate
results - IX
Did An
Atomic Explosion Decimate Mars Long Ago?
- Nuclear War God
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and
Underground Lightning Discharges
Earth Trends - Are Geologic Events
Electric Earthquakes
Wind' can Strip Earth-Like Planets of Oceans and
Español |
- "Escudos
Deflectores" Protegen la Superficie Lunar
Español |
- ¿Es
la Gravedad el Motor del Comportamiento Estelar?
How Oblate is The Sun
- Main File
Io - Jupiter's Consort
It's Official - Sunspot 'Cycle 25'
is Beginning...
Español |
La Evolución y el Campo Eléctrico
de la Tierra
Español |
Lo Oscuro
del Sol
Lunar Charge Distribution
- A Change The Way We Look at The Moon
Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
Message of Valles
Mass - Density Anomalies |
My Challenge to Conventional
Views in Science
- Velikovsky’s
Challenge to Science
Mystery of
The Cosmic Thunderbolt
- Main File
New Tunguska Crater Found?
Nox Aeterna
- Do So-Called "Accretion Disks" Around Presumptive
Black Holes Generate Gamma-Rays?
Nuclear War God
- Did An Atomic Explosion Decimate Mars Long Ago?
On Mars
Things Only Get More Weird
Plasma Physics, Space Research and The Origin of The
Solar System
- Arid Regions Are
Influencing Their Weather Using Electrical Technology
Español |
Relámpagos Solares
- Las Llamaradas Solares Pueden Ser Vistas Como
Gigantescas Descargas de...
Rocks That Crackle and Sparkle and
Glow -
Strange Pre-Earthquake Phenomena
Solaria Binaria - Origins and
History of The Solar System
Solar Lightning
- Solar Flares Can Be Thought of As Giant Lightning
Solar Magnetic Polarity Reversal
Solar Physics - Swirls in The
Space Shuttle Struck by
and Space Weather
Spiral Galaxies & Grand Canyons
Sprites and Elves
- Lightning's Strange Cousins Flicker Faster Than Light
Stars that Bend Time
Sun Stroke
Español |
Tendencias de La Tierra - ¿Son
Cíclicos Los Eventos Geológicos?
Español |
Terremotos, Volcanes y Descargas
Subterráneas de Relámpagos
That One Story Again - The
The Body Electric
- by
Robert O. Becker
The Dark of The Sun
The Dragon's Den
The Dragon's Den
- Saturn's Atmosphere Erupts in Spectacular Fashion
The Dust of Creeds Outworn
- Collapsed Stars, Exploding Stars, Windy Stars, and
Dusty Stars Call for...
The Electric Comet
The Electric Comet - The Elephant
in NASA's Living Room?
The Electric Wind of Venus - A Global and Persistent
'Polar Wind' like Ambipolar Electric Field sufficient...
The Great Comet Venus
The Great Titan Desert
The Scars of Miranda
- A Uranus Moon
The Sombrero Galaxy
The 'Spiral Galaxy' at Saturn's
Sun's Magnetic Field
The World Won't End The Way You've
Been Told
Thunderstorms Make Antimatter
Titan - A Rosetta Stone for Early
Venus Isn't Our Twin!
Multimedia |
Bang' Busted Again - Wal Thornhill
Birkeland Currents and Weather -
Donald E. Scott
Birkeland Currents in the Cosmos -
Eugene Bagashov
Breaking the Science Barrier - The
Electric Universe's bold push against Big Science
Did Ancient Man See a Different
Electrical Craters on Earth
Electrical 'Form and Function' -
Michael Clarage
Electrical Shaping of Biology -
Michael Clarage
Electric Comets - Reasons the
Universe is Electric
Electricity Hiding Behind 'Dark
Electric Quakes on Mars - Stuart Talbott
Electric Universe - An Invitation
to Progress in Science
Gigantic Jets and the Electric
Instant Fossilization - Peter
Mungo Jupp
Is Mysterious South Polar Heating
Electrical? - Donald Scott
Español |
Los Rayos de Los Dioses
- El Universo Eléctrico
Mars Geology gets Even "Weirder"
Mass Extinction thru Cosmic Force
Nikola Tesla and The Electric
Lightning-Scarred Moon - The Evidence Grows
Plasma Cosmology
- Introduction
Red Sky Paradox in an Electric
Seeking The Third Story
- The Electric Universe
Sun's Effects on Life on Earth -
Geomagnetic Effects and Electricity of Life
Symbols of An Alien Sky
- Selections
Symbols of An Alien Sky
- The Video
The Cosmic Fireball - Electric Universe
The Electric Universe Theory - An
Alternative Model of Cosmology?
Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars
The 'Safire' Sun
Time to Wipe the Chalkboard Clean
- Cosmos
of The Gods
Understanding Human Nature - Wal
Venus and Forgotten History - Wal
Mars and Catastrophism - The Reconstruction
Space Telescope and Stellar Discovery
Wings of a Butterfly - The Electric
Reports |
Comets and Meteorites
- Main File
Dramatic Changes in Our Sun
- Main File
Immanuel Velikovsky
- Main File
Mystery of the Cosmic Thunderbolt
- Main File
Nikola Tesla
- Main File
Our Solar System and Moons
- Main File
The Holographic Universe
- Main File