by Mary Sutherland
BurlingtonNews Website
According to Sheldon Nidel, our first civilization here was etheric
intelligence and were designated to be the guardians of Earth but
this etherical intelligence also needed the help of physical
guardians of Earth.
Dinoids from the Bellatrix system in the Constellation of Orion and
Reptoid colonies from the Constellation of Sagittarius arrived later
to inhabit the Earth. The Reptoid and Dinoids allowed a mammalian
species to evolve to sentiency. These mammals were called the pre-cataceans.
The pre-cataceans provided food for all 3 colonies in exchange for
technology which in turn improved their production rate further.
These 3 civilizations co-existed in harmony trading among one
another for over 8 million years. All 3 civilizations developed
advanced forms of space/time travel. The pre-cataceans developed
their spiritual side, such as psychic abilities, extensively.
A Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance from Bellatrix , believing they were
superior to the pre-cataceans, came to Earth to cease all
cooperation with the pre-cataceans and wanted to put them under
their control. Over time, the Earth Dinoids and reptoids became more
and more influenced by the Bellatrix Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance. The
Pre-cataceans, through their high psychic abilities, began sensing
the aggression against them and came to see the threat presented by
the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations. Being given permission for the
Earth Spiritual Hierarchies, the Pre-Cataceans decided to implode
their fusion reactors located in the Ural Mountain Range. The Pre-cataceans
divided into two groups.
One group evacuated out of our solar system to the constellations of
Pegasus and Cetus and the other group altered themselves physically
so that they could enter the oceans and find haven. This group is
now our present day cataceans such as the dolphins and
whales. The
entire transformation process occurred over a period of 4 million
When the transformation was complete and the later sector was safe,
the first sector imploded the fusion reactors, destroying 98% of the
Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations, the survivors evacuated to the planet
in our solar system, Maldek. Now with the Dinoid/Reptoid no longer
present on Earth, the Earth Spiritual Hierarchies and the cataceans
had to find a suitable guardian for the land. They searched the
galaxy for 2 to 3 million years before finding what they were
looking for . They found, on the fourth planet of the Vega system ,
a primitive aquatic species that was starting to emerge from the
oceans. This species had creation myths, a language, and a hunting
and gathering culture.
The Spiritual Hierarchies of the Vega system were then asked if they
would permit this species to be vastly altered genetically to
accelerate their evolution so that they may become a guardian
species. The Vega Spiritual Hierarchies agreed. So, the traces of
the first humans came from the Vega Star System. Their technology
improved very quickly, and once they had developed star travel
technology they started to migrate into nearby star systems for a
period of 2.5 million years.
During this time the Galatic Federation was formed, Sirius B was
colonized and Earth was selected for seeding. Later Mars and Venus
were colonized and the Hybornea colony was founded on Earth. Dinoid/Reptoids
in the meantime had built up there forces and were invading the
various colonies throughout the solar system. Hyborean Earth, Mars
and Venus were victim to these attacks and the Dinoids and Reptoids
gained control over the solar system for a period of approximately
80,000 years.
In response to this the Galactic Federation planned a counterattack
to reintroduce humans into this system. They arranged for a battle
planet (4 times the diameter of the Earth) to come into the solar
system and destroy the planet Maldek - which was the Dinoid/Reptoid
stronghold. The remains of the planet Maldek are what we can now see
as the asteroid belt. After the destruction of Maldek and the defeat
of the Dinoid/Reptoids a human colony was again established on
Earth. It is what we know today as Lemuria. Over the next 850,000
years the Lemurians spread across the face of the planet. They
founded daughter colonies such as Atlantis, Yu which is now Central
China and Tibet and the Libyan/Egytian colonies.
The Atlanteans began to acquire a
feeling of uniqueness about their culture and wanted to eliminate
Lemuria so that they could become the mother country. The Atlanteans
began forming alliances with renegade Pleidans and Alpha Centaurians
which had Hierarchical systems of government . They accomplished the
destruction of Lemuria by taking the Earth's moon (Earth had 2 moons
in those times) out of orbit by using force fields until it was as
close as possible to the Lemurian empire, and then the moon was
destroyed resulting in a catastrophic shower of meteors. This
destroyed much of Lemuria, but this also resulted in many pressures
being inflicted upon the tectonic plates : resulting in the gas
chambers under Lemuria to implode and thus sink most of the Lemurian
Yu empire would not bow down to the hierarchical rule of Atlantis
and Libyan/Egyptian empires and was thus forced to literally go
underground. Today, they form what is known as the Kingdom of
Agartha or Shamballah.
Atlantis formed 10 ruling districts, each with their own king. These
kings together formed the governing council of Atlantis.- The royal
governing council of Atlantis decide that a new form of government
was desperately needed in which a superior ruling class could be
established and sustained by their pretense that they had been
empowered by a God-Force. Autocracy was thus born and was in full
control enforcing a period of peace and stability. To achieve
control over the populace, they started experiment with the people's
DNA and genetics . This resulted in the peoples consciousness being
reduced, life spans contracted and psychic/spiritual abilities
dramatically decreasing.
Throughout the years there were many wars among the various empires
due to underground movements of people that wanted to have the
Lemurian "philosophy" back in place (i.e. no hierarchy). These wars
led to vast destruction. As a last resort the warring empires
decided to attack the opponents crystal temples (which were
responsible for maintaining two frozen layers of water about 15,000
- 30,000 feet above ground which protected people on Earth from the
harmful sun's rays and also ensured a stable weather pattern at all
Unfortunately, the attacks were made simultaneously and caused the
Firmament (the water layers) to be broken down and thus millions of
gallons of water thus poured down onto the surface causing what is
known biblically as "The Great Flood" .The breakdown of the
Firmament also resulted in the polar icecaps freezing and also the
many climatic variations we have today to form.
- Only about 2 million people
survived the Flood from an original 65 known million.
Unfortunately many of the survivors were the mutant humans that
had been genetically altered by the Atlanteans into a much lower
state of consciousness. Also, the fact that the firmament was
now no longer in existence resulted in the DNA and thus
consciousness breaking down even further. A few different
renegades from Pleides, Alpha and Beta Centauri came to
different places on Earth after the Flood, seeing it as an
opportune time to establish their own desired ideologies and
also be seen as "godlike" and thus reverenced. Being already
genetically altered, the surviving humans were therefore easily
controlled by these renegades.
- Since no form of disobedience to
these new "gods" was allowed, the concept of ruling by "divine
right" became inculcated on Earth. This concept of worshipping
an elite has continued through to modern times. Culture would
rise against culture in wars claiming that the elite they
themselves worshipped were superior to the elite of the opposing
- We are now in times, though, that
will finally bring to an end an approximate 10,000 years of
"semi-consciousness" and regain our full consciousness that we
deserve. This will be due to our entire solar system coming into
contact with what is known as the "Photon Belt"
Translated by Sheldon Nidel
"You were mutated into limited
conscious Beings and your cluster of realities was also
affected. Suddenly, a new paradigm was adopted that favored
lack, limitation, power and division. You lost your connection
to your history and to a sacred set of beliefs, which the
Anunnaki and their carefully chosen minions replaced with a new
conception. As a result, they ruled you as your 'gods' and
'goddesses'. They brainwashed you to believe that they were your
'creators' and that the past wonders of Lemuria and Atlantis
were myths. They ordered their minions to institute 'writing' as
an agent of their own glorification. These acts are recorded in
the ancient tablets of Sumer, in the steles of ancient India and
in carvings found throughout Europe, Australia, Oceania, Asia
and the Americas. Now, as your consciousness expands more
quickly, you are coming to see these tales for the elaborate
fiction they truly are.
Your origins are not of this world, but are extraterrestrial in
nature, and are to be found on a planet that circles the star
Vega in the Lyra constellation. Yet, you have achieved more than
to travel a mere 26 Light Years to reach your present home. Many
millions of years ago, you became part of a vast rebellion by
the Light against the dark in this galaxy. The uprising began in
Lyra, Cancer, Gemini and Orion, as well as in many other
lesser-known star groupings ('constellations'). Eventually, this
rebellion led to the formation of the Galactic Federation of
Light, over 4 million years ago. At the very core of this battle
were the Star League of the Pleiades, the Andromedan
Confederation, the Lyra Light League and the Sirian star-nation.
Of these, Sirius is most sacred and the place where the Great
Blue Lodge of Creation has chosen to enter this galaxy.
Originally, it was defended by a Lion people who decided to
settle only on two planets in the Sirius A star system. Later,
with their permission, Humans from Lyra were first to colonize
Sirius B and, in time, Sirius C and D.
The Sirian star system is filled with the great energy bestowed
by the Great Blue Lodge. This energy obscures its exact
configuration. The system is an anomaly. Sirius' energy defies
the physics of stars' normal construction. Sirius A and its
companions seem to be what they are not. Thus, to your
scientists, they appear, incorrectly, to be exceedingly dense.
This seeming density is due to the energy exerted upon them by
the Blue Light of Creation. From within this Light, Sirius
gathers up the great energy and disperses it to the galaxy. This
energy also transforms the way in which those who dwell here see
themselves and their sacred mission. It has led Sirius to assist
in spreading the energy of its galactic society to a multitude
of solar systems throughout this galaxy. The 'Four Great Laws'
were presented, long ago, to humanity on Vega and reached their
fullest potential on Sirius. Your ancient Lemurian civilization
brought them to Earth and they were anchored here by its
descendants - the Inner Earth realm known as Agartha (Shambala).
In the language of Sirius B, our star-nation is known as 'Akonowai',
meaning 'sacred path of Creation's Light'. The third and fourth
planets in our system circle a blueish-white star. Its light
forms a pattern in our atmosphere that creates a red-orange sky
filled with the rare blueish cloud. Most of our vegetation is
quite purple-blue in color. Infrequently, it is green, orange or
brown. On our main world, Sirius B's third planet, there is one
interconnected sea that contains cetaceans, fish and many
creatures unrelated to any aquatic species existing on your
world. We dwell in this land of lush forests, huge mountains,
enormous prairies and very high mountains. Our main cities are
located some 50 to 200 miles (80 to 320 kilometers) beneath all
this beauty. On the surface are only 144 main temple sites. The
largest is the grand temple of Atar, dedicated to the spiritual
warrior clan named after our largest bird - a six-foot tall
eagle that we call an 'Atar'.
The dimensions of the grand temple of Atar are astonishing. Its
main hall contains 576 columns, each exactly 288 perdums or 312
feet (94.8 meters) in height. Its roof is covered with a special
lacework of pure gold to let in the majesty of our Sun. Its
floor tiles are inscribed with the text of the Great Book of
Understanding, in which the Creator bestowed upon humanity the
blueprint for physicality and the wisdom to fulfill its
potential. The main hall is most sacred. The remainder of the
temple complex is designed to support and accommodate the
rituals practiced within. In the exact center of this very large
hall is our planet's main node. The temple is situated on a huge
cliff that looks out over our one great sea. The energy that
emanates from it each day forms a ring of golden Light around
it. At night, when viewed from the ocean, this Light seems like
a strong beacon signalling to a ship far out at sea.
The beauty of our world is sacred. Soon, the limitless glories
of your world will be apparent once again. Despite all that you
have done to her, Mother Earth's magnificence is clearly visible
from space. This water-world of yours is utterly exquisite.
Soon, most of its deserts and the fierce heat that envelops them
will be transformed. Ice caps will vanish and the wonders of
your most southern continent will be revealed. As you help to
return your world to its original, pristine condition, recall
what we have ever so briefly told you about our home. Like the
two water planets of Akonowai, your solar system embodies much
that is sacred. In a short time, Mars will bloom once more, and
the desolation on Venus will metamorphose into a land of
abundant oceans that teem with life. Such a destiny awaits you
and is truly not as distant as you may imagine.
This realm is shifting in accordance with the sacred decrees of
the divine plan which have established a timetable for your
transformation into fully conscious Beings. As a result of this
process, we have come from all sectors of this galaxy to form
your first contact team. We are totally dedicated to completion
of the mission that Heaven has entrusted to us. Right now, dear
Hearts, when much is unfolding in your world, you must continue
to focus closely upon your sacred intentions. Be firm in your
commitment. Know that your victory is inevitable. Know also that
you are not alone. Heaven has sent many to assist you. They have
come from this and many nearby galaxies, and from the vast
Orders and Life-streams of Heaven. The will of the divine will
manifest upon this realm, dear Ones. Feel it in your heart and
remain united in your intentions.
Today, we have examined the elements that are transforming your
reality. In doing so, we have given you a brief glimpse of our
beautiful realm, which we all deeply Love. We in this most
sacred organization of Light salute you and fully support what
you are actively accomplishing. We now take our leave.
Blessings, dear Hearts! Know in your hearts and souls that the
countless Abundance and Prosperity of Heaven is yours!
Amen. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian
for Be One! Be in Joy!)
Was the Leumurian and
Atlantean Technical Civilizations helped by the Star People

(click above image to
This is an image from
the Russian Venera spacecraft.
Last modified prior to September, 2000 by the Windows Team
The source of this material is Windows to the Universe,
at the
Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000
The Regents of the
University of Michigan;
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. All Rights

Above: Three
Venusians . Val Thor reported to have lived in the
sub-levels of the White House for a period of time.
Venus-Anomalous Triangle
Although Venus has been reported as a
planet that could not sustain intelligent lifeforms because it being
too hot, the atmosphere too heavy and dangerous gases... we find life
right here on earth adapting to conditions that us human could not.
Highly intelligent dolphins, with a brain capacity larger than the
humans are underwater in an environment that would kill us humans
very quickly without a dive suit and oxygen supply. These dolphins
would also die within a half hour in our atmosphere, which is deadly
to them! This proves that flesh and blood physical intelligent
beings can live in an environment that would kill us and vice-versa!
So how can so- called "experts" claim
that intelligent life absolutely cannot live in another kind of an
atmosphere on a different planet? Furthermore, 7,000 feet under the
ocean in pressures that would instantly crush us humans without a
heavy diving suit, biologists have found crabs, shrimps, snails, and
worms living in 530 degrees F. temperatures, and large worms living
in poisonous chemicals from vents erupting from the sea bottom.
These creatures ate the deadly chemicals to live! This discovery
proves that heat and pressures and chemicals that would kill us are
perfectly livable to other types of physical beings.
In the early 1950s, the Canadian Government established
MAGNET to investigate UFOs. The director of that project,
Wilburt B.
Smith, publicly wrote that a top U.S. Pentagon official said that
UFOs was the biggest secret they had, even greater than the H BOMB.
PROJECT MAGNET has been able to work with Canadian scientists who
had continued working on inventions of
Nikola Tesla, one of the most
prominent scientists in history. Tesla, who invented the AC/DC
electrical current, helped invent radar and much military
technology, was the holder of hundreds of successful patented
inventions. He had told some associates and friends he had invented
an interplanetary communications device with ideas given to him by
Arthur Matthews was the last person to have worked with Nikola
Tesla; In the 1940s, Matthews and Tesla co-authored a book called
'The Wall of Light.' This was the only non-technical book Tesla ever
wrote. Matthews claimed to have had a close encounter with
Venusians. They landed on his property in Canada and told him that
Tesla was one of them. In Matthews own words we read ,
'Tesla had
strange ideas. He always thought he came from the planet Venus. He
said as much to me, and the crew of a Venus spaceship said in one of
their first messages that a male child was 'born' on board their
craft during its trip from Venus to Earth in July, 1856. The little
boy was called Nikola, which is the reverse of his family town on
Venus. That town is ALOKIN. The ship landed at midnight between July
ninth and tenth in a remote mountain province in what is now
Yugoslavia. There, according to arrangements, the child was placed
in the care of a good man and his wife.'
Although we have such negative reports about
Venus, it seems that
more is going on with this planet then meets the eye. While we are
still theorizing on the possibilities of life in our solar system ,
around the world we are finding evidence that not only did life
exist in our solar system but these life forms came to earth and
helped build our technology . Ancient writings in hieroglyphics can
be found on the Temple of the Sun, in
Tiahuanaco in the Andes,
describing how a golden spaceship from Venus had landed there in the
dawn of time. The ancient writings tell how a beautiful Venusian
women, Orejona, had emerged from the ship and taught the ancients
the basics of farming, and the skills to begin civilization.
Ancient writings to validate this can be
found left by the Babylonians, Sumerians, Egyptians, Phoenicians,
Chaldeans, Mayans, Aztecs, Aryans, Assyrians, and the inhabitants of
ancient India and Tibet. For all of these ancient civilizations to
have fabricated the same lie would have been next to impossible and
then we should ask ourselves why would they have fabricated these
stories. For what benefit would have come from it. None. Next ask
yourself why would our governments and corporate religions hold back
the truth.
answer there is obvious
There are scientists who theorized that Venus could have once had an
atmosphere like Earth has today, before a huge "greenhouse effect",
greatly changed the atmosphere and raised temperatures. Why is it
that most ancient civilizations in our school history books left
written records clearly stating that they were in contact with
visitors from Venus? The Sumerians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Aztecs, Mayans, Hopis,
prehistoric Andeans, and peoples of ancient India and Tibet ALL
claimed that they were taught civilization from sky people and gods
in flying machines from Venus.
Six volumes of books, Robert Charroux
(Robert Grugeau) a great French prehistorian, who spent decades studying ancient writings around the
world, detailed the ancient Venusian colonizations on Earth and
their intervention with human evolution here. These books are backed
up by carvings and drawings of advanced technology and space travel
found in many nations. In large national libraries in Asia there are
also many ancient histories over 4,000 years old, which explain in
great detail Venusian spacecraft, their pilots, their missions on
Earth, intervention in Earth affairs, and involvement in ancient
interplanetary wars fought on Earth.
Some of these writings explain the
method of propulsion of these alien craft in great technological
detail, which sounded like legend until recent scientific
discoveries proved this science was accurate. Among these ancient
writings are:
Furthermore, a famous 1950s
anthropologist/archaeologist, Dr. George Hunt Williamson, published
research describing how he studied ancient manuscripts, hidden in a
temple high in the Andes of South America, detailing Venusian
landings, contacts, and intermingling with Earthians in ancient
From Charroux's book , 'One Hundred Thousand Years of Man's Unknown
History', we again read about Andes evidence of Star Visitors. The
book tells us that high in the Andes Mountains are ruins of one of
the oldest cities ever excavated,
Tiahuanaco, where there are
monolithic ruins so incredibly constructed, that archeologists
cannot explain how they could have possibly been constructed by
ancients. Inscriptions found there have been translated to state
that in the dawn of civilization, a golden spacecraft from Venus
landed there, occupants emerged from the craft, and a beautiful Venusian woman began teaching the primitive Indians in the basic
skills of civilization!
The Venusians were there then and are still here today, humanoid in
appearance, working and living among us. Many staying here on Earth
and others traveling back and forth from their home planet to here.
Our governments have known about their visitations for sometime,
along with other races coming here to Earth but chose not to tell
the public, rationalizing that this type of information would cause
world panic.
All it doesn't cause the world to panic during the days of our
ancients, why would we react any differently today. Knowing that the
government was not going to inform the public, the Venusians have
made numerous attempts to bring attention on themselves to the
public. One such attempt was during our Independence day, July 4th,
1952. On this momentous day, they took part in the famous
UFO airshow
over Washington D.C. flying in formation for Congress, the Pentagon,
President, and national PRESS over the White House! This sighting
made international newspaper headlines and the six o'clock national
television news! The incident was widely believed by the public
until our government hired the prominent astronomer Menzel to invent
a hoax explaining away the sighting with too many witnesses.
The disinformation released to the PRESS
to hide the truth was that the truth was that the UFOs flying in
triangular formations were a "temperature inversion", a weather
atmospheric illusion of light reflections caused by air of different
temperatures in layers with clouds. If this was the case, why did
the Air Force panic and send up jet fighter aircraft to chase and
try to intercept a temperature inversion? "How can a temperature
inversion fly in perfect triangular formation at supersonic speeds,
dodge and out-maneuver chasing jets and , make 90 degree angle high
speed turns?.