May 18, 2004

To All Concerned,

A good man and good friend was murdered as an example to the rest of us, it appears, after we had given our word that we would say no more. Our promises meant something to us but apparently your words meant nothing now do they?

You demanded, and Wayne and I acquiesced to your demand for us to remain silent while you destroyed our reputations for the reasons that we all had agreed upon. On our part we have more than kept our part of the agreement, with me having to go so far as to leave the United States.

Your own fears however are about to be justified, not because of our doing but because of your actions to further silence us without our having done anything to provoke you.

When in Paris we agreed that on the Coast to Coast program, and with the full knowledge of George Noory and Art Bell, our information had to be publicly subverted due to the vast number of people listening, and your estimate, not ours, of over 25 million people would be affected and "take action" if the truth be told.

In my last interview with Jeff Rense, and again with his knowledge, we agreed that this interview would, in your terms, be the final "nail in the coffin" for "David Booth" to further destroy my credibility. And again we had no problems with this based upon the assertions you had made to us.

Now you decide to change the rules of the game you yourselves have established and in this action seem to believe that we are powerless to respond. Think again!

By the time this is posted on the Internet I'll have already been back in the United States for at least a day, so much for your security.

To the vast majority of you who are reading this and have no idea what is transpiring I can only say that what you are seeing in the popular media is but the tip of the iceberg of the real war that is going on all around you. Do not expect the next few weeks to be pretty but most of all do not believe anyone who says that either your President or your government is against you, they aren't! President Bush and his family are the only thing standing between you an abyss that you couldn't even imagine in your worst nightmare.

David Booth
