"George W. Bush used to famously say that terrorists hated America for its freedoms.

So he and Barack Obama conveniently solved that problem

by eliminating America’s freedoms."

Simon Black





 -  Axis of Evil - Cheney, Bush and the Real Axis of Evil



 -  Before Leaving Office, Bush Approved New Protective Action Guides (PAGs) For Radiation Releases


 -  Bin Laden-Bush, Serve the Same Master


 -  Brace Yourselves - George Bush Will Soon Be Free To Do Just What He Wants


 -  Bush Administration Creates Crises to 'Enrich Themselves and Their Friends'


 -  Bush Agrees to War on Iran



 -  Bush/Clinton Crime Family Members to Be Executed as A Result of Haiti Attack


 -  Bush Faithfully Follows The Script To Destruction


 -  Bush Family History on Theater Marquee


 -  Bush Family Tied To Nazis


 -  Bush Is Certifiable


 -  Bush Like Hitler Is Vatican's Best Friend


 -  Bush - 'Machine' Politician Exposed by Photos


 -  Bush Moves Toward Martial Law - from 'Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007'


 -  Bush 'Plans Iran Air Strike by August' (2008)


 -  Bush Replaced REX-84 With New Martial Law Executive Order - Once In Control Martial Law Will Stay


 -  Bush Says UFO Promise Still On


 -  Bush Senior and Jeb Commanded to Sign Off In White House - It Took Them Ten Days to Fix Up a...


 -  Bush's New World Order Legacy


 -  Bush's New World Order - The Meaning Behind The Words



 -  Bush's Project Hammer and The 9-11 Deception



 -  Bush Sr. And Aliens?


 -  Bush vs. Clinton in 2016? - New World Order Dream Matchup Being Touted as 'Inevitable'


 -  Bush-Windsor-Piso Bloodline Chart



 -  Bush y Los Años del Miedo - Noam Chomsky


 -  Cheney-Bush Planning For New 9/11


 -  Clapper Reveals Bush-Era Docs Showing NSA Spying Dragnet Started 2001


 -  Dear Neocon



 -  De Hitler a Bush - Una Brillante Reflexión de Historia y Filosofía



 -  El Trágico Destino Del Primer Biógrafo de George Bush - La Prensa Estadounidense Trabaja En Gran...


 -  Exposing The Dirty Truth That Bush's New Memoir Tries to Cover-Up


 -  Faith, Certainty and The Presidency of George W. Bush


 -  Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty


 -  Financial Coup d’Etat in The U.S.


 -  George Bush Sr.(Scherff) - 4th Reich in The USA - Deathbed Confessions Photos Support Claims that...


 -  George Bush's Wars Set the Stage for 25 Years of Endless War


 -  George W. Bush 'Dubya' - Deaf and Blind! - How the President Hears and Sees What He Wants


 -  George W. Bush - His UFO Story


 -  If You Murdered a Bunch of People Mass Murder is Your Single Defining Legacy


 -  Imperio Reciclado - Porqué Obama Hace Lo Mismo Que Bush - Las Líneas Matrices


 -  Jeb Bush Linked to Cartel Money Laundering while Serving CIA - Exclusive Report


 -  Jeb Bush Received Comprehensive CIA Briefing when he Worked for Bank in Caracas - SPECIAL REPORT


 -  Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Team is Eerily Familiar, in one 'Venn Diagram


 -  La Continuidad de La Agenda - La Catástrofe Siria, Diseñada bajo Bush y Ejecutada al Pie de la Letra...


 -  La Familia Bush y La Alemania Nazi


 -  Listen to Bush Says He Was Watching TV and Saw 1st Plane Hit Twin Towers


 -  Martial Law in USA? - Main File


 -  Now the Pentagon tells Bush - Climate Change Will Destroy Us


 -  On the Chariot of The Sun - from 'The Endgame Series - Special Reports'


 -  Our 'Leaders' - Whose Sick Joke?


 -  Political Ponerology - A Science on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes


 -  Ponerología Política - Una Ciencia Sobre la Naturaleza del Mal Adaptada a Propósitos Políticos


 -  'Pop' Goes The Bush Mythology Bubble... - A 9-11 Special Report


 -  President Bush UFO Story



 -  Proyecto Censurado 2009


 -  Secret Bush Administration Plan to Suspend US Constitution - "Continuity of Government" Provisions...


 -  Skull and Bones - George Bush and John Kerry



 - "Tememos Que Bush Organice Un Atentado Para Beneficiar a McCain" - James Fetzer, Científico e...


 - ¿Terroristas en La Administración Bush? - Terrorismo Internacional


 -  The 9/11 Events - Main File


 -  The Bailout - Bush’s Final Pillage


 -  The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda



 -  The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire


 -  The Bush Impeachment Movement - Main File


 -  The Common Links of Bush and Kerry


 -  The Despoiling of America - How George W. Bush Became The Head of The New American Dominionist...


 -  The End of The United States - The Bush Administration Plan


 -  The Forgotten Legacy of George H.W. Bush that the Media Won't Tell You About


 -  The GW Bush Gang - I.G. Farben 2001



 -  The "Legacy" of George H.W. Bush


 -  The Madness of George W. Bush - A Reflection Of Our Collective Psychosis


 -  The Merovingians - The Windsor-Bush Bloodline



 -  The Number One Issue in the Presidential Debates is George W. Bush's Mental Illness


 -  The Ponerological Dysfunctions of G.W.Bush


 -  The So-Called 'War on Terror' has Killed over 801,000 People and Cost $6.4 Trillion


 -  The 'War on Terror' - Main File


 -  The World's Foremost Terrorist - The US Government



 -  Trump = Obama = Bush = Clinton on 4 Core Issues

 -  Two Famous Bilderberger Participants - George Herbert Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton


 -  USA Leaders = Psychopaths? - By, For, And of Psykopaths


 -  U.S. Constitutional Crisis? - Bushfraud, Martial Law, Treason From Within Government...


 -  U.S. President Bush Insists He Talks to 'God'


 -  Was George Bush Jr. Delivered a Coffin as A Warning?


 -  Will Chavez Murder Be Finishing Touch For the Bush Administration?


Additional Information



 -  9-11 - Eternal Pretext, Eternal War


 -  America - Death by Terminal Madness and Stupidity


 -  An Unfolding Saga of Villains, Scape - The B-52 Incident


 -  Biden, Geithner, Emanuel Taking Bush Bribes to Thwart Payouts - Formal C.I.A. Elimination Order Issued...


 -  Bush Asks Court To Seal MMR Vaccine Records


 -  Bush Wipes His Hand on Clinton’s Shirt After Shaking Hands With Haitian Residents


 -  Cheney's Ouster May Be Last Chance to Stop World War III


 -  Electrogravity - Major Scandal Brewing in US of Global Implications


 -  Eliot Spitzer and The Bush Bankers



 -  El Jaque Mate - Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo


 -  George W. Bush Tiene Asco al Darle La Mano a Un Haitiano



 -  Hitler - El Monstruo Creado por La Banca Internacional


 -  How Our "Elected" and Appointed Politicians Are Connected By Bloodlines


 -  I.G. Farben - The International Farben Cartel - Main File



 -  I Think I know The Answer, Mr. President, But I'd... Like To Hear Yours...


 -  Kucinich - Bush Close to Igniting WWIII



 -  La "Ciencia" Contra el Cambio Climático


 -  Middle East Madness


 -  NSA Security Running Amok to Plug Leaks About 9/11


 -  Patriot Act - H.R. 3162 - Received October 24, 2001



 -  Periodista Americana Advierte De Que La Crisis Manufacturada Es La Antesala De Un Golpe De Estado


 -  Putin's Winning Hand - Once The Atlantic Alliance is Shattered, America's Lifeline to The World is Kaput


 -  Something Funny Is Going On - Our Government Is Not What It Appears to Be


 -  State of War - The Secret History of The CIA and The Bush Administration


 -  St. George and Saddam's Secret Treasure


 -  The B-52 Incident - An Unfolding Saga of Villains, Scapegoats and Heroes


 -  The Carlyle Group - Main File



 -  The Demon-cratic Cryptocracy "Puppet Show" Book - How the New World Order Cult Communicates &...


 -  The Elkhorn Manifesto - Shadow of The Swastika - The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate...


 -  The Hidden Power - David S. Addington - The Legal Mind Behind The White House's War on Terror


 -  The Illuminati Pledge of Allegiance


 -  The Iran-Qaeda Scandal - Cheney’s Covert Plan


 -  The New Pearl Harbor - Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11


 -  The Octopus Is Dying - 5 Kissinger Associates Killed - Kissinger Missing-Presumed Dead


 -  The Orwellian Global State - The Next Stage Begins



 -  The Pegasus File



 -  The Redirection - Is The Administration’s New Policy Benefitting Our Enemies in The War on Terrorism?


 -  The Reporter Whose Scoops Give the Bush Administration Sleepless Nights


 -  The US Feds Invasion of Haiti Was Aimed at Taking Over The Haitian Central Bank


 -  The U.S. Presidential Election and Extraterrestrial Disclosure


 -  The Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols - Following The Money Backwards Leads to President Reagan...


 -  The War On Consciousness


 -  Top UN-Secret - What Would Happen if A Society of Counterfeiters Ruled The World?


 -  Torturers in The White House - Why Is This Story Being Ignored?


 -  Una Búsqueda Sobre El Gobierno de Los Estados Unidos



 -  Uttering Seven Infamous Words that Would Change Everything - Bush and Monsanto


 -  Why America Needs War


 -  Will a Missing Nuke be Used in a Simulated Terrorist Attack? - Dick Cheney & Vigilant Shield


 -  Zeitgeist - Main File



The Bushes' Paraguay 'Ranch'



 -  Bush and Moonies Make Huge Land Grabs in Paraguay


 -  Bush Family Paraguay Hideaway Update


 -  The Bushes and The 2012 Paraguayan Putsch


 -  The Guarani Aquifer - Protecting The Hidden Treasure


 -  U.S. Seizing Vast South American Water Reserve - Conspiracists Allege


 -  Water Is The Next Oil - Beautiful Paraguay






 -  George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order - by Paul Goldstein and Jeffrey Steinberg


 -  George Bush - The Unauthorized Biography - by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin


 -  Hitler Ganó La Guerra - por Walter Graziano



 -  Hitler Ha Vinto La Guerra - De Globalizzazione e Bugie - da Walter Graziano


 -  Irak - Bush bajo la Lupa - por Alfredo Jalife Rahme


 -  Tales From Time Loop - by David icke





 -  Al Jazeera Analyses Bush's Checkpoint Gaffe - 10 January 2008

 -  Bush - A Nazi Spy


 -  Bush and Obama - Age of Terror - Untold History of United States - Oliver Stone

 -  Bush Family Aided Hitler


 -  Bush Family Fortunes (2003)


 -  Bush's Hideous Legacy - Baghdad, 5 Years On - City of Walls


 -  Bush's Iran Lies - Olbermann Special Momment



 -  Bush y Obama - La Era del Terror - La Historia No Contada de Estados Unidos - Oliver Stone

 -  Censored Images of War


 -  Control Room


 -  David Icke Exposes George H.W. Bush

 -  Dirty Secrets of The Bush's and The Clinton's


 -  Dr Griffin BBC1 Sunday 10 September 2006 interview about 9/11

 -  Farenheit 9-11 - en Español



 -  George Bush Padre es Confrontado por Crímenes y el Nuevo Orden Mundial

 -  George Bush Senior - Confirmed Reptilian Humanoid


 -  George H.W. Bush Declares the New World Order in 1991


 -  George W. Bush - American Idiot


 -  George W. Bush... You Can't Veto the Truth!


 -  Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined



 -  La Doctrina del Shock



 -  La Mano "Un Poco Sucia" de Bush el "Poco Amado"...



 -  La Verdad Jamás Contada - Zeitgeist


 -  Mena Connection - Clinton, Bush and The CIA Drug Smuggling

 -  Patriot Act - Civil Liberties Threatened?



 -  Sala de Control


 -  The Best Democracy Money Can Buy


 -  The Bush Connection - Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination


 -  The Israeli Lobby


 -  The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein


 -  The Yes Men - Subtitulado en Español



 -  Votaciones Fraudulentas en USA - Hacking Democracy


 -  What Was The Question, George?


 -  When War BackFires! - Delusions of A Maverick As President


 -  Why Fallon's Resignation is Frightening



Related Reports


 -  CIA - The Central Intelligence Agency - Main File


 -  Germany's ET Contacts? - Its Legacy On The Twentieth Century And After... - Main File


 -  Osama Bin Laden and The 9-11 Events - Main File


 -  Ponerology - The Science of Evil - Main File


 -  Psychopaths and Psychopathy - A Ponerological "Branch" - Main File


 -  Skull and Bones - Main File


 -  Technocracy - Main File


 -  The 2008 Big Crash - The Collapse of World's Financial System - Main File


 -  The Actual Iran Case - The Beginning of World War III? - Main File


 -  The Biggest Secret - The Book


 -  The Clintons - America Politics - Main File


 -  The Dragon Court - Main File



 -  The Elite's Drug Management - Main File



 -  The Endgame Series - Special Reports


 -  The Occult Reptilian Saga - Main File


Return to Ponerology - The Science of Evil


Return to Germany's ET Contacts?


Return to The New World Order


Return to "American Empire"




Return to The Illuminati