April 6, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
Spanish version
In recent meetings with various self-described members of the “Illuminati,”
I have been told about how they have monopolized powerful
technologies in order to enforce their secret rule over humanity.
In fact
they have even provided me with several books describing in exact detail how
to summon various “entities” who control primeval forces.
According to them, if a modern human goes to visit a primitive tribe and
shows them something like a pair of binoculars, then it will seem like magic
to those people. In the same manner, they say, their ancient technologies
will seem like “magic” to us.
The Illuminati members say they were entrusted with this technology
thousands of years ago and told to use it to guide human history according
to a predetermined plot that ends on
December 21st, 2012. That is the date
they say that a once in 25,920 years known as a precession of the equinoxes
takes place.
That date will mark the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
say they do not know what happens after that date and that they are very
Normally I treat such talk with extreme skepticism but I have seen something
totally mysterious with my own eyes that has made me open my mind to the
possibility of this being true. The
entities the Illuminati say they can
summon each have a special symbol.
When I was in the Philippines on December
21st, 2009 with some disciples of
Nikola Tesla and various
shamans, we held
a ceremony on a large lake near Manila.
On the day of the ceremony there was
extremely heavy rain and the skies were almost as dark as night because of
the cloud cover. I asked the Tesla disciple if the rain wouldn’t interfere
in the ceremony.
She responded by saying,
“do not worry, it will not rain
during the ceremony.”
When the ceremony took place they threw a tablet of
transparent material with various Illuminati symbols on it into the lake.
The sky above where the ceremony was being held immediately cleared up but
the heavy rain and thick cloud cover remained all around us. This extremely
unusual phenomenon was almost certainly captured by satellite and so can be
independently confirmed.
We are planning to carry out an Illuminati ceremony designed to summon an
entity in the presence of a huge array of scientific measuring instruments
including high-definition video cameras.
The Illuminati said it would be incredibly risky to carry out such an effort
because these entities are extremely powerful. They say they can cause
earthquakes, set off volcanoes and set off a large variety of natural
forces. They tell me they have used these powers throughout history to
manipulate human affairs.
This brings me to the story of Queen Elizabeth the 1st’s magician
John Dee.
According to his diaries and other documentation, when the Spanish fleet
invaded England, Dee advised Queen Elizabeth to keep her fleet in port. He
said he would summon a storm that would destroy the fleet. Please note how
this year paint conveniently fell of a portrait of Elizabeth the 1st showing
that she was holding a snake not flowers in her hand.
The snake is an
Illuminati symbol. The storm could have been a coincidence but then there
have been many such coincidences throughout history.
A similar one that pops to mind is the Kamikaze or divine wind that twice
stopped Mongol attempts to invade Japan.
Again, according to
the Illuminati, the US military uses this ancient
technology to run its
HAARP and other
earthquake causing and weather
manipulating technology.
Let us quickly re-examine various “once in 500 year” events of recent years.
First the Indonesian Tsunami of 2004. Before the Tsunami the US had
requested Indonesia’s cooperation on the “war against terror” and access to
the straits of Malacca. The Indonesians refused. Then the Tsunami struck.
great coincidence the US had a large fleet filled with “aid” material
standing by just at the time and place of the tsunami.
In a similar way, the US had a fleet standing by at the time of the storm
that killed hundreds of thousands of people in Myanmar in 2008.
Also, the US was standing by when the earthquake killed 500,000 people in
Haiti this year.
Other corroborating evidence abounds. For example, in 1997 the US secretary
of defense said at a press conference that in the future “terrorists” would
cause earthquakes and set off volcanoes. The transcript for this is
available on the Pentagon home page.
We also have treaties signed by the Soviet Union and the US in the 1970’s
not to use weather and earthquake weapons against each other.
Thomas Jefferson once said,
“I would rather believe that two gentlemen
scholars from Harvard would tell a lie than that rocks would fall from the
Just like the idea of meteorites went against the common sense of his
time, the idea there may be something to “magic,” goes against the grain of
our scientific training.
However, the Illuminati say that what we call "Aliens" are beings known to
them as angels, demons and genies etc.
I believe their claims merit
scientific testing. And, if these entities really exist, then hopefully we
can establish a means to contact them other than the arcane bizarre rituals
described in the Illuminati books.
Your correspondent is on an overseas trip for secret negotiations this week
and will provide a full account of the negotiations in our next newsletter.