by Benjamin Fulford
January 10, 2010
BenjaminFulford Website
Five senior associates of
Henry (Heinz)
Kissinger were killed on December
12, 2009 and Kissinger himself has been missing since that time and is now
presumed dead, according to senior intelligence sources.
Furthermore, the Texas law firm Troutman
Sanders, which functioned as the central nexus of the
Bush/Nazi crime
families financial operations, has been shut down by Interpol, according to
these senior intelligence sources. The firm has been contacted but has not
returned our e-mail at the time of writing this.
The heads of the Bush clan have been put under house arrest and CIA chief
Panetta has been silenced, the sources say.
We are also hearing President Obama and
Vice-President Biden will be removed from power and replaced by
Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton possibly by late January. There is a
lot of chaos and confusion on the ranks of the Nazis as a result of these
most recent developments.
We can also independently confirm much of what heroic journalist
Christopher Story wrote in his
ground-breaking January 7th report.
There is much more we cannot report but the news is very, very good...
Comment by Dr Jay
Posted on 01/12/2010 at 14:38
We are sorry if some negativity manifests
here in doubt and persecution. The plain truth is we are ALL sick and
tired and angry as heck about all the out-of-control corruption that has
been perpetuated on the world in the name of the American people. We are
a sleeping giant that is getting angrier and angrier and we are learning
who is responsible for all the insanity.
Rothschild, Kissinger,
Bushes, Clintons, Pelosi, all of them!!
It is a brotherhood of darkness and there
must be more light shined on the activities of those crazy
Jesuits and
Black Pope guy we hear so much about. We all so desperately want to
see the multi-headed hydra of evil eviscerated and wiped off the map
that sometimes as the breeds will do, we let our emotional
reptilian part overrule our more spiritual conscious
Pleiadian part.
Forgive us for we were bred to learn to
overcome that part of the genetic make up and then move the lesson into
the collective gene pool. Hey, life is a lesson and then we move on into
the next class... day after day... lifetime after lifetime.
We ALL want to see this all end so we as a world, a one love community,
can get along and develop in great and wonderful ways. These are the
changes we all really want. Let the Light of Truth be shinned on these
evil things and let the truth of their outcomes be brought to the worlds
attention. We need to win some victories against this beast thing and
please let what you say be truth and shown to all because it is the
knowledge people need to hear and see NOW.
In order to plant a garden of good food you must remove the weeds and
rocks. It is very visual and very obvious to all when the work is being
done. It is also obvious to all that the garden has been cleaned up and
that it is ready for planting new seeds for the future. There is no
hiding anything.
No un-truth that escapes everyone's careful
eyes. Maybe we are ready to plant the garden but we do not see that the
garden had been weeded and the rocks removed. Faith is one
thing... seeing and believing is another. We all just want to see it and
believe it so badly that when it is not obvious to all, it really tears
at the already fragile temperance levels of a growing community of truth
seekers. Dig that.
So you see bro, we are just angry because we really want to see all
these snakes removed from all their ivory towers and yes to all that the
hidden technologies can bring forth. Let us envision at least one of
those technologies that might come forth and lets say it was a form of
free energy as in say, Tesla type devices.
Can we collectively imagine what it would be
like if the worlds people did not have to pay energy costs?
How much stress there is in worrying about
energy bills, and overnight it would be removed from the average mind.
People would be a little nicer, more honest, and yes, respectful too
towards each other... world wide. Imagine that!
Imagine all the Oil Oligarchies all gone and
the death grip they have on the world released... coming to a theater
near you soon and Earth will give a sigh of relief.
So good points dear energy behind the letters nitinnun. May we
all work towards righteous changes and can we actually manifest this
stuff into the news of the day, or at least our real news networks of
the patriots of this country.
Let the light shine... let the double edged sword of truth and
justice be wielded... let love be our guide.
Peace... not just a concept.
Updated Information
Henry Kissinger re-appears, contacts the Black Dragon
by Benjamin Fulford
March 15, 2010
BenjaminFulford Website
Earlier reports given two us by two separate previously reliable sources
that Henry Kissinger and 5 associates were gunned down on December 12th have
been proven wrong by Kissinger’s appearance at a South Korean hospital.
We also contacted Kissinger’s office after we
were given this information to ask if he was still alive and they just hung
up the phone without answering. It is still possible therefore, that this
news event was fake but, for now, we will
assume Kissinger is in fact alive.
In fact, prior to his public appearance, we were contacted by a senior
banker who told us that Kissinger was still alive, though looking very old
and that all major financial transactions involving US dollars still had to
go past his desk. The banker who gave us this information then made a
proposal to fund the BDS (Black Dragon Society)
with astronomical amounts of money in exchange for a 50/50 split. Senior
Japanese and Chinese bankers are now doing due diligence on this deal to
confirm it is not just another scam.
If it turns out to be genuine, there will be a
public announcement in due time.