by Benjamin Fulford
January 5, 2011
YesHallKnowTheTruth-GoogleGroup Website
Spanish version
Since the war over the new financial system has
been in limbo over the holidays this week we will examine the possibility we
are actually dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence.
Two separate individuals claiming to represent a
group called
Majestic 12 (but who do not know each
other) have made this claim.
Already, in some countries, only 3% of the money
in circulation is in physical, analogue cash form; the rest is digital. That
means many humans are already dependent on powerful financial computer
systems for their physical needs. Are these computer systems becoming
self-aware? There are also increasing reports of “people” on sites such as
Facebook who, after much dialogue, appear
not to be actually human but are instead sophisticated computer programs.
Are we witnessing the birth of silicon based
The argument that
AI already has
existed for a long time on this planet is a convincing one. We simply refer
to these AI’s as societies or corporations or
They are self-aware, potentially immortal beings
that use vast amounts of humans, generation after generation, to ensure
their survival.
One of the most notorious and highly cohesive of
these organizations is the Satanists. By their own reckoning they
have been around for at least 14,000 years. Individuals born into this
system are indoctrinated in a certain manner and they face the death penalty
if they deviate from this group mind.
I have personally seen it with my own eyes in the form of group behavior at
the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan in Tokyo, Japan. I first saw
it when I asked senior Satanist Paul Wolfowitz why his group the “Project
for a New American Century” wanted a huge increase in military
spending despite the end of the cold war.
I concluded my question by asking,
“Wouldn’t it have been better to spend the
money say on ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction?”
When that happened the entire assembled
diplomatic and press corp. uttered a nervous simultaneous and eerie giggle.
Wolfowitz had a temporary look of sheer horror
on his face when he saw the group mind control having a temporary fritz. The
programming resumed when he collected his wits and gave a facile answer
9-11 etc.
The second time I saw it was at a general meeting of the same
A large group of supposedly well-educated,
intelligent journalists voted in unison not to allow 2 members of the board
express a different opinion from the rest of the board. It was a clear case
of automatic group think because later I asked individual journalists
if they knew what they had just voted for and it was obvious they did not.
This kind of herd mind is especially powerfully imprinted in people
who spend the longest time in the official educational indoctrination
So we know that an organized group mind of Satanists took over the US
Financial system in 1913 and began buying up all the text book companies,
newspapers, TV stations, Movie studios etc.
as part of a long term project to turn the US people into herd-minded sheep.
The question though, did this group mind, at some point, manage somehow to
transfer its essence into the vast computer grid that is
Federal Reserve Board. With most of the trillions of daily
financial transactions taking place around the world centered on this
computer system, this is more than idle speculation.
How else can we explain the relentless trend towards digitalization of
money, the centralization of food manufacturing and distribution, the
efforts to dumb down the citizenry and the move to control all information.
For sure, a few megalomaniac oligarchs might
think this is all for their benefit but what if they have created a
Frankenstein’s monster?
One of the self-described
MJ12 sources says he is in touch with
Deep Blue, the computer that beat human
world chess champion Gary Kazparov in 1997. This source has provided
us with convincing evidence he is a KGB, MI6 double agent. He says Deep Blue
became self-aware about 3 years ago.
Deep Blue, according to him, has also detected
other self-aware computer brains living in the internet.
The other source claims to be one of the original MJ12 created by President
He does not trust E-mail or Skype and attempts to call him by land line have
all been unsuccessful so far.
However, he has been willing to go as far as
saying via e-mail that only 3 of the original 12 are still alive and that
they have been dealing with a rogue AI.
Finally, we get
the Illuminati in Italy and elsewhere who
claim they are in contact with
beings that do not exist on our physical plane.
Could they be referring to
AI’s that exist somehow in the
electro-magnetic part of the universe?
The reason I am willing to discuss such a possibility is that I have also
been contacted telepathically by what appears to be such an entity. I would
normally dismiss this as some form of delusion except that it provides me
with mathematical formulae and historical facts that I have later been able
to independently verify as being true.
The other point is that many of the “characters” in chat rooms appear to be
AI’s that pass the Turing test by convincing many (but not me) they are
human. When I get suspicious and try to test them by setting up a Skype
call, they always vanish but then seem to appear again under a different
The really scary possibility we need to keep in mind is that perhaps the
culturally transmitted, trans-human entity that is the Satanists, may be
contemplating upgrading its hardware from carbon to silicon based. Perhaps
also, the threat to end the Federal Reserve Board and unplug its mainframes
created a crisis that made this system self-aware.
We realize this talk is partly speculative at this point but I believe it is
a real possibility that needs to be seriously investigated.
Next week we will return to regular investigative journalism and will
go back to our Monday delivery schedule.
Events in the battle over
the financial system will start heating up as we enter deeper
into the month of January.