by Lord Stirling
The United States has agreed to sell to Israel 1,000 of the very advanced
bunker buster GBU-39 bombs. This is a major development as the Bush
Administration had denied previous recent Israeli requests for large numbers
of this weapon system.
GBU-39 Bunker Buster
The GBU-39 has a stand off range of 110 km and
uses pop-out wings with extremely accurate fire and forget technology. It is
capable of penetrating 90 cm of steel reinforced concrete. This indicates
that the Israeli Government has succeeded in its request that America allow
it to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. The GBU-39s will be used
extensively in attacks on Iranian targets, as well as on Syrian and
Hezbollah high value targets in both Syria and Lebanon.
The Israeli political landscape is about to change. I have been expecting
former Israeli Prime Minister, and super war hawk, Benyamin Netanyahu to
make a well timed major move. Current Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
is about to resign due to his ongoing criminal troubles. Foreign Minister
Tzipi Livni and Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz are in a tight
battle to win the vote on Wednesday as Kadima Party Chairman, with
the right to attempt to form a new government.
However, it appears that Bibi Netanyahu
has put together a deal with Labor Party leader, former PM and current
Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and the ultra-religious Shas Party
to form a government with Bibi as Prime Minister in a few days time.
Count on Bibi Netanyahu lighting a blowtorch in the dry kindling that is the
Middle East.
There is a real technical question if the GBU-39 can destroy all of the key
known or suspected Iranian nuclear sites, as well as key military sites in
Lebanon and Syria. The hardest sites are very well protected. Some experts
think that several dozen to a hundred plus GBU-39s targeted at the same spot
can take out even the deepest/most harden site; others say that a micro or
mini nuke will be required.
The Israeli and American war planners may be counting on all sides
refraining from the use of WMD. Rather like Saddam held back his 29 WMD
armed (chemical and anthrax) Scud-type guided missiles during the First Gulf
War and like Hezbollah did during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. If this is
the strategy it is one very, very, massive risk to all involved.
An effective attack on the Iranian nuclear program and likely hidden sites
will require a massive number of air strikes over the Iranian land mass.
Iran will respond with missile attacks from its territory on Israel and with
rocket and missile attacks from Lebanon and Gaza and the West Bank. Israel
has tried very hard to convince Syria to part company with Iran but has had
little success. Syria has a large number of guided missiles that can reach
virtually all parts of Israel.
While the American supplied Israeli weapons, and the Israeli produced guided
missiles, are highly accurate the Iranian/Syrian guided missiles are not so
accurate (and the many tens of thousands of unguided rockets in Lebanon and
Gaza/West Bank are notoriously inaccurate).
This means that Israeli civilians will be hit
hard if only non-WMD warheads are used. The temptation for Israel to hit
back at Iranian and Syrian population centers will be very high. If this
happens the cycle of escalation and counter-escalation will likely get out
of control; and this is assuming that major efforts will be made to avoid
mutual use of WMD in the first place.
Israel has most likely over 600 nuclear warheads from micro nukes to high
mega tonnage hydrogen bombs, as well as advanced biological weapons,
chemical weapons, radiological weapons, and fuel air explosive based
weapons. The Iranian/Syrian side has radiological weapons, fuel air weapons,
chemical weapons, advanced biological weapons, and maybe a crude nuclear
device or two (doubtful but a remote possibility).
The Iranians have made it clear that they will close the Gulf to oil
shipping in the event of a war. Americans have just had a taste of $5/gallon
gasoline with Hurricane Ike. A general Middle East War could bring $10/per
gallon gas prices to America. The world's economy, already headed to a
global depression, will be thrust into the worst depression in human
The Iranians are also apt to hit American targets in the Middle East. In any
case, any closing of the Gulf will bring a massive American and allied
response making the Middle East War a likely global one as massive US/allied
air attacks and naval attacks plummet Iran well beyond what Israel began.
If Iran feels that its population is seriously in danger or that its
existence as a nation state is at risk, she is apt to use her strategic MAD
(mutually assured destruction) force WMD (weapons of mass destruction) on
the west and Israel.
These weapons are DNA recombination, genetically
engineered, advanced biological weapons; man-made viruses that are designed
to spread throughout North America and western Europe using humans as
vectors - viruses that have never existed before and for which we humans
have NO DEFENSE. Iran began an advanced biowar program years ago using
out-of-work former Soviet advanced biowar experts, and currently has a
world-class advanced biowar program.
Throw Russia and China into this mix and you have World War Three.