The New Age movement is a Western 'spiritual' movement

that developed in the second half of the 20th century.


Its central precepts have been described as

"drawing on both Eastern and Western spiritual

and metaphysical traditions

and infusing them with influences from self-help

and motivational psychology, holistic health, parapsychology,

consciousness research and quantum physics."


The term New Age refers to

the coming astrological Age of Aquarius.






 -  Alice A. Bailey - Mother of the New Age or the New World Order?


 - ¿Donde se han ido Todos los Niños de las Flores?


 -  Education in The New Age - Interview with Benjamin Creme


 -  El Engaño Final - La Monstruosa Mentira de La Nueva Era


 -  El Movimiento New Age y Su Servicio al "Plan"



 -  Fundamentalists are Slandering New Age Groups


 -  Illuminati Hell or Aquarian Heaven?


 - ¿Infierno Illuminati o Cielo Acuariano?


 -  La Hermandad (Solar) Blanca - Main File



 -  La Liberación Femenina - El Plan - Como los Rockefellers Re-Diseñaron a Las Mujeres


 -  La 'Nueva Era' es una Religión de Sueño de las "Élites"


 -  Lucifer Rising


 -  'New Age' is a Dream Religion of the "Elites"


 -  New-Age Paradoxes and Confusions



 -  Paradojas y Confusiones de La Nueva-Era


 -  The Georgia Guidestones - Do They Contain The Ten Commandments of The Anti-Christ?


 -  The New Age Movement



 -  The New Age Movement and Service to The Plan 


 -  The New Age Religion - Brought to Us by The Ascended Masters


 -  The Roots of The New Age



 -  What "New Age" Really is About and Christian Religion Must Change or Perish


 -  White (Solar) Brotherhood - Main File


 -  Why America No Longer Needs New Age Charlatans, But A True Revolution


Additional Information



 -  Cambio de Paradigma - Inicio de la Curva Ascendente


 -  Creacion de La Verdadera Realidad


 -  Deeper "Secret"


 -  El "Secreto" Mas Profundo



 -¿Está Usted Listo para el Conocimiento Cósmico y la Nueva Era?


 -  Extraterrestrial Contact and Integral Theory



 -  False Teachers - The Masks are Coming Off


 -  Falsos Maestros - Las Máscaras están Cayendo


 -  Fragmentary Aquarian Chronology


 -  La Carta de La Tierra y La Nueva Era


 -  La Llegada de Las Eras


 -  Lucis (Lucifer) Trust - Main File


 -  New World Order or Occult Secret Destiny?


 -  Sensitivity International - Network for World Control


 -  Spirituality at The United Nations



 -  The Aquarian Conspiracy - Fact or Fiction?


 -  The Anti-Christ - Main File


 -  The Coming of Ages


 -  The Deeper "Secret"


 -  The Master File - Revelation of Awareness with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter - Main File


 -  True Reality Creation



Aquarius - Acuario



 -  Age of Aquarius - 21 New Rules for 2021


 -  Aquarius Rising - A New Age Dawning?


 -  Aquarius Rising - Crossroads in Time


 -  Behold the Dawning of the 'Age of Aquarius' - An astrological reading for Planet Earth at a time of Great Mutation


 -  Contempla el Amanecer de la 'Era de Acuario' - Lectura Astrológica de la Tierra en momento de Gran Mutación


 -  Creeping Dread in The Rage of Aquarius


 -  Ecco l'Alba della "Età dell'Acquario" - Una lettura astrologica del Pianeta Terra al tempo della Grande Mutazione


 -  El Amanecer de Acuario - Cruce de Caminos en El Tiempo



 -  La Evolución Espontánea ha Llegado



 -  La Era de Acuario - 21 Nuevas Reglas para 2021



 -  La Era de Acuario - Una Puerta se está Abriendo



 -  New-Age of Aquarius



 -  Russia vs. Ucraina... e gli Anglo-Americani - La Dimensione Esoterica


 -  Russia vs. Ukraine... and the Anglo-Americans - The Esoteric Dimension


 -  Spontaneous Evolution Has Arrived!



 -  Aquarius - La Era del Mal - ¿Un Análisis Religioso o Propaganda Religiosa?

 -  Aquarius - The Age of Evil - A Religious Analysis or Religious Propaganda?







 -  America's Subversion - The Enemy Within - NWO, Illuminati's One World Government - by S.R. Stermole


 -  La Conspiración de Acuario - por Marilyn Ferguson

 -  Not in His Image - by John Lamb Lash


 -  The Aquarian Conspiracy - by Marilyn Ferguson

 -  The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow - by Constance E. Cumbey


 -  The New Age and The Illuminati - by William Josiah Sutton




 -  Lucis Trust and The U.N. New Age Agenda



Related Reports


 -  Buddhism and The Kalachakra System - Main File


 -  Georgia Guidestones - Main File


 -  The Ashtar Command - Main File


 -  The First Earth Battalion - Dare to Think the Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere


 -  The Ultimate Delusion - The United Nations - Main File