by Brendan Kilmartin
The Supernatural World Website
According to John Lear,
William Cooper, and several
other researchers the U.S. government may have made a ’pact’ with a
non-human race as early as 1933. According to some this ’race’ is
not human as we know it, yet it claims to have it’s origin on earth
several thousands of years ago. Some sources allege that this
predatory race is of a neo-saurian nature.
This has led others to suggest that the dinosaurs which ruled the
surface of the earth in prehistoric times may not have become
entirely extinct as is commonly believed, but that certain of the
more intelligent and biped-hominoid mutations of that race developed
a form of intellectual thought equal to or surpassing that of the
human race, and then possibly went into hiding. For instance one
branch or mutation of the supposedly extinct sauroid race,
Stenonychosaurus, was according to paleontologists remarkably
hominoid in appearance, being 3 1/2 to 4 1/4 ft. in height with
possibly greyish-green skin and three-digit clawed fingers with a
partially-opposable ’thumb’. The opposable thumb and intellectual
capacity is the only thing preventing members of the animal kingdom
from challenging the human race as the masters of planet earth.
For instance the ape kingdom possesses opposable thumbs yet it does
not possess the intellectual capacity to use them as humans do. The
dolphins possess intellects nearing that of humans but do not
possess opposable thumbs or even limbs necessary to invent, etc.
Could their be an ’animal’ which possesses both of these
The cranial capacity of Stenonychosaurus was nearly twice the size
of that of human beings, indicating a large brain and possibly
advanced though not necessarily benevolent intellect. According to
researchers such as Brad Steiger,
Val Valerian, TAL LeVesque
and others this may actually be the same type of entity or entities
most commonly described in ’UFO’ encounters, as well as the same type of
creatures depicted in early 1992 in the nationally viewed CBS
presentation ’INTRUDERS’.
According to Lear and others the government may have established a
’treaty’ with this race, which they later learned to their horror
was extremely malevolent in nature and were merely using the
’treaties’ as a means to buy time while they methodically establish
certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of an
absolute domination. It is also alleged by certain deep-level
intelligence agents that
the Illuminati, or the ’Cult of the
Serpent’, is willfully working hand-in-claw with this
infernal race which has promised them part of the action once the ’New World
Order’ is established.
The Illuminati is allegedly in it for the power and ’technology’
which this non-human race is supposed to give them in exchange for
their cooperation. According to John Lear and others, many of the
deep underground bases such as those below Dulce,
New Mexico and Pine Gap, Australia are actually
’joint’ areas where the technology exchanges have been carried out,
as well as battles between the humans and ’grays’ sparked by disagreements, etc. Could
Illuminati’s plans for world domination be backed by an ’alien’
One unusual point that the following article makes is the apparent
connection between the Illuminati’s ’Club of Rome’
and the so-called ’Greys’. One might ask themselves: If an alien species desired to
establish control over a civilization, would they attempt an
outright and immediate invasion and destruction of all resistance or
would they instead attempt to manipulate situations behind the
scenes in order to turn the inhabitants of the ’target’ environment
against each other, and decimate the population to the point that
resistance would be minimal? The ’logical’ choice, presuming that
the ’aliens’ are heartless vermin, would be the latter, and there is
much evidence that the ’Club of Rome’ has ’sold out’ the human race
to such alien powers in exchange for certain promises, and that this
sold-out power group is carrying out an agenda of MASS GENOCIDE
against the human race as a whole, in obedience to their draconian
masters. If such an inhuman and alien race exists, then these
genocidal ’policies’ which the Illuminati-Club or Rome is carrying
out no doubt originated from ’them’.
As William Cooper has stated elsewhere, whether the ’aliens’ exist
or not makes no difference, since the ’idea’ of the existence of a
non-human alien race is part and parcel of the Illuminati’s
one-world totalitarian plans. This has been confirmed by several
researchers. With this introduction, the activities taking place at
such underground installations as the Pine Gap Facility may be
better understood.
From Dr. Jean Francois Gille, who moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico
from France, comes a translation of a French document that exposes
the relationship between several factors in the matrix of world
affairs. The article, titled - ’PINE GAP BASE: WORLD CONTEXT’, was
written by Lucien Cometta and later translated into English by
John Gille:
"In order to understand the case of the
Pine Gap US base
(near Alice Springs, Australia) better, I feel compelled to give
some explanations beforehand. I hope these explanations will help to
increase the general awareness of the extraordinary importance that
facility has for mankind as a whole.
"The majority of people, all over
the world, are not lingering in doubt as to whether UFOs and
are real. They know they are real. Here in early 1989, no one
questions their existence. The case for UFOs and ETs aroused
passions, controversies and grandstanding for many years. Some
of it has not been quite rational. The matter being relatively
settled, public opinions should cool down. It is with a serene
and clear mind that we ought to be thinking of our future
relationship with the peoples from space. However, the public
mind is not at peace. It vaguely feels that the governments are
hiding "something real big", and it wonders where our leaders
are going to lead mankind.
"During the process of research and study of
UFOs and aliens,
researchers who do not take the explanations of the scientific
establishment at face value have discovered unsettling facts;
these facts have started the lifting off (of) the lid of the coverup. The value and prestige of their sources of information
do not leave any doubt about the truthfulness of these reports;
the main outlines are summarized below.
"The United States has three major
bases in Australia. One is in South Australia (Nurranger, near
Woomera, T.N.), another in New South Wales, and the third (and
by far the largest) is located within about 230 km (143 miles)
of the geographical center of the continent, not far to the west
of Alice Springs (Northern Territory), at the foothills of the
southern slopes of the MacDonnell Range. This base is
underground, with barely visible entrances to the surface.
"This ’Top Secret’ base is entirely financed by the United
States Government, and is officially known as the Joint Defense
Space Research Facility."
When the JDSRF was first initiated,
its aim was scientific research for the supposed development of
a space defense technology. It is now known that since its
inception, its primary purpose was research into electromagnetic
What exactly is Pine Gap?
As strange as it may seem, even Australian Federal Parliament
members do not know. Among the Cabinet members, only a small number
of ’initiates’ have a vague idea of what this is all about. The only
information source available to the public is the cross-checking
done by private researchers such as Jimmy Guieu, following
statements made by the United States or Australian magazines (always
very short and terse paragraphs), and anything the locals may
"It is said that under Pine Gap is
the deepest drilling hole in Australia - about 5 miles (more
than 8,000 meters). Such a hole is likely used as an underground
antenna able to recharge the batteries of submarines in the
Pacific and Indian Ocean through ELF broadcasts. Such a gigantic
antenna could be used to generate the gigantic stationary wave
around the Earth.
"Some say that Pine Gap has an enormous
nuclear generator to supply energy to a new type of transceiver.
It seems too that there is a high-powered, high-voltage plasma
accelerator which may be put to use to transmit electric
current, or even to produce a ’death-ray’, or quite simply to
feed a plasma gun. All this is not as incredible as it sounds:
it is now known that the US base of West Cape, near Exmouth Gulf
in Western Australia (Harold E. Holt USN Communication Station),
has an older type of the transceiver used at Pine Gap which is
used to send electric current to submerged US submarines who
trail a wire antenna.
It is known that electric currents
transmitted in this way are referred to as plasmo-dynamic cells.
"Several times, locals have seen WHITE DISKS about 30’ in diameter
in the process of being unloaded from large US cargo planes at the
airports serving Pine Gap. Those disks had the USAF emblem on them.
It seems likely that disks are assembled and based at Pine Gap. The
number of disks seen at night leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind. An
amazing quantity of furniture has been delivered by plane from the
United States.
The locals also say that an enormous amount of food is stocked in
warehouses of what could well be a true multi-leveled underground
"On the other hand, Pine Gap is well known as one of the most
important control centers for spy satellites which circle the globe.
An article published in late 1973 claimed that the Pine Gap
installation, along with its sister installation in Guam, were used
to control the photographic missions of the large American
satellites in orbit above the Earth.
"Pine Gap has enormous computers
which are connected to their American and Australian central
counterparts, which collect all the information secured in these
countries, not only about finance and technology, but on every
aspect of the life of the average citizen. Those computers at
Pine Gap are also evidently connected to similar mainframes in
Guam, in Krugersdorp South Africa, and at the
Amundsen-Scott US
base at the South Pole.
"Let us say, incidentally, that the
employees (more than 1200) of the US base in South Africa all
claim to be members of the US consular mission in that country.
It may be worthy of note that the Amundsen-Scott base at the
South Pole is located on a sensitive magnetic spot of our
planet, that it holds exactly the same assets as Pine Gap, and
that all the information about most of the average citizens of
Western Europe is stored there in memory banks tens of meters
under the icepack.
"A statement made by the Australian premier about 1987, assuring
that ’France must disappear from the Pacific, from the Kerguelen
Ridge, and from Antarctica’ sheds light on the importance of
this polar base for the Anglo-Saxon world.
"The most disquieting
fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working on the
base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic
propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even
implantation of intracranial devices.
Those employees have turned into
unconditional slaves of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary,
isn’t it?
"The true point of the brainwashing of those individuals,
along with the ruthless attempts to implement the cover-up of really
advanced military technology, will become clear at the end of this
article. "For me, it all began with the construction of the new
Parliament building in Canberra, which cost billions of dollars.
Australia has only 18 million inhabitants, yet it apparently treated
itself to a building far beyond its means...supposedly to
accommodate its government even if the old Parliament building was
perfectly fine.
"This new building, enormous,
immense and magnificent would easily fit the needs of the USSR
or of the United States, which both have hundreds of millions of
citizens to rule. That building puzzled me, and I started to
talk about it until the day I bumped into an Englishman who told
me that the Australian premier, Bob Hawk, was a Rhodes scholar,
and as such he worked toward the setting up of a
One World
Government, and that this new Parliament building likely had
something to do with it.
"Sometime after, I stumbled on a
pamphlet published by the Human Rights Organization, which
talked about a group of about a hundred people well-placed in
high finance, politics, the judiciary branch and big business.
This group was called the ’Club of ROME’. According to this
pamphlet, the CLUB OF ROME was pledged to a consortium which
controls all international finance. A number of other groups
similar to the CLUB OF ROME are equally pledged to that finance
"The whole thing looked a little bit too preposterous to be
true, it seemed to me. Nevertheless, a friend of mine gave me an
audio cassette taped at a lecture given by Peter Sawyer, a
former high-ranking Australian civil servant, which exposed a
certain number of facts he had noticed while in office. He
talked, in particular, of a telephone exchange in Canberra
called ’Deacon Center’. This exchange, built in concrete with 4
ft. thick walls, cost hundreds of millions of
dollars. It is outfitted with numerous computers, arrayed on
four levels. When he tried to find out why such equipment was
needed in a country of only 18 million, he discovered that those
computers were connected to all the banks, to every post office,
to all telephones, and to all of the police stations and customs
houses; to every arrival and departure desk for air or sea
travelers; and also and above all, to the other data centers
collecting data on private citizens... in the United States as
well as in Europe.
"That facility on Deacon street is therefore a Center where all
the data pertaining to every citizen of the Western World end up
being stored. All financial, economic, political and military
information, as well as the information on every inhabitant of
those countries. As a matter of course, all people living in
Australia are put on file, kept up with and labeled.
Sawyer discovered also that the president of the
FOUNDATION came for a lengthy stay in Australia to supervise in
person the construction of 20 luxury residences in Canberra (the
Australian government footed the bill), in the wonderful setting
of a National Park, where, legally, nobody is allowed to build.
"The investigations lead by Sawyer exposed, first, that the new
Parliament building is meant to accommodate the world
government-to-be; and, second, that the 20 luxury residences
will be allocated to the different foreign members of that
government... Why choose Canberra as the headquarters of the
world government? Simply because Australia is a peaceful
country, with very few natives likely to turn rebellious, and,
above all, it’s an English speaking country. No other English
speaking country can offer the safety Australia will provide at
the time of the taking over by
the World Government. In
and Europe, uprisings are more than likely, and
South America
not only is not English-speaking, but its fondness for
revolutions and social disturbances is well known.
"Australia is
thus the ideal place for such an undertaking.
How is the advent of a World
Government possible in the near future?
It is relatively easy, as we will explain.
"First, who are those
’internationalists’ who want to take over the planet?
These finance moguls devised their plan after World War I, and have
been working since on an insidious undermining process aimed at
economic destabilization all over the West.
"If those financiers are
obviously labeled ’capitalists’, it is a very deceptive label,
though, for, in fact, they never stopped to pull the strings of the
progressive parties, as well as those of the conservative parties.
Their idea is logical, and lay, quite simply, in the destabilization
of the countries of the West on the political, economic and
religious levels.
"Economic destabilization is
implemented through a slower but most efficient process. This
process (already under way) will cause the entire financial
system of the West to collapse. The people involved are the same
people who cause the price of oil to go up and then, after
convincing European neighbors to agree to these price rises,
provide that the yield coming from the price rises will be paid
to the ’International Reserve Bank’, which is entirely at their
The Reserve Bank hands the money over to a ’holding
bank’ who lavishly loans the money to Third World countries for
usurious rates of interest.
"The holding bank receives the interest paid by the
underdeveloped countries, then puts it into another ’holding
bank’ which, in turn, invests the huge quantity of money on
behalf of the Arabs.
"Those investments are made into thriving
large businesses. In the meantime, only small interests are sent
to Arab countries.
"Those who engineered the plan were perfectly
aware that the leaders of the underdeveloped countries would be
tempted to pocket a good part of the received money.
"I IRB will then tell the Arab countries that the holding bank
investments have turned out badly, all their assets had vanished
and that no interest will be paid any more. The Arab countries
will then have no choice but to put all the securities they own
on the market, as well as quite an amount of property bought by
the second holding bank. A good part of these possessions will
then be frozen, because they will have been bought with the aid
of not entirely repaid loans, and they will be part of the
assets of the first holding bank, gone bankrupt. The incredible
quantity of shares put on the market at the same time will cause
a stock market crash of such magnitude that all the national
economies of the West will collapse at the same time.
planet will find itself in a desperate predicament. Cash will
not be worth a damn, and the risks of a global confrontation
(planned!) will be high.
"At this point, the usefulness of
bases like Pine Gap will become obvious. If a Global
confrontation is going to break out, those bases will serve as a
place of safety for the politicians and their staff, as well as
the international financiers, their family and friends.
"If no
confrontation breaks out, the financiers will adapt a ’saintly’
OWNERSHIP RIGHTS; and the setting up of a World Government that
will ’ensure peace’. "The masses (consciousness as a group) will
be convinced that it is necessary to ensure Peace and Social
Justice by any means, including force.
The potential achieved through the
equipment of the underground bases will make possible the
disappearance without a trace of those who do not conform and those
who ’hinder the happiness of the people’. Also, it will ensure the
swift crushing of any possible uprising. It may also happen that our
new ’masters’ will end up telling the people that they have the
aliens’ support, and that we (are) at the ’eve of the
millennium, a golden age’...... It will be the worst dictatorship
ever known to mankind.
"......It is quite certain that
other bases have been built in the united states and elsewhere
in the northern hemisphere. it may even be that the us bases
occupied by the greys, in the us mainland, are of
the same type. One rumor holds that a representative of the greys is found in each of the underground us bases
in the southern hemisphere.
"None of the above has anything to do with science fiction. All
of what I said in this text is true, and doesn’t give a very
rosy picture of the future."