extracted from "The
Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla"
Scribd Website
Tesla's Death Ray was instantly a
controversial and popular topic.
In his later years, after the
Wardencliff Tower project had been stopped by J.P. Morgan and
dismantled under FBI supervision, Tesla made little money
from his projects and in many cases did not even bother to seek
He was more interested in publicity and
became a favorite with newspaper reporters for his flamboyant
demonstrations, controversial predictions and incredible new
On July 11, 1934, the New York Times ran a story which was
Invention Powerful Enough to Destroy 10,000 Planes 250 Miles
Away, He Asserts.
Scientist, in Interview, Tells of Apparatus That He Says
Will Kill Without Trace.
Tesla's death ray device was a kind of
radio-wave-scalar weapon or what might be called an ultra-sound gun.
Tesla and death ray made quite a media splash at the time. In the
1930's several Death Ray weapon films came out, including The
Death Ray (1938) with Boris Karloff, and such serials as Flash
Gordon and Radar Men From the Moon.
In fact, the very first of the Max Fletcher Superman cartoons of the
1940's featured Tesla in The Mad Scientist (Sept 1941) in
which a crazed, eccentric scientist, obviously patterned after
Tesla, battles Superman while he terrorizes New York with his "electrothenasia
death ray." In the next cartoon, The Mechanical Monsters
(Nov. 1941) Superman again battles Tesla, the mad scientist who this
time unleashes an army of robots on Manhattan.
Superman battle Tesla and his Death
Ray one last time in Magnetic Telescope (April 1942),
where Tesla is using a special magnetogravitic ray that pulls
asteroids out of orbit and sends them crashing to earth. With
Japateurs in September of 1942, the Superman cartoons turned
toward War themes, featuring Japanese spies and to a lesser part,
Nazi agents.
It is interesting to think of Tesla as the model for all the "mad
scientists" of comic book and cinematic fiction.
In the Spring of 1924 "death rays," were the subject of many
newspapers around the world. Harry Grindell-Matthews of
London lead the contenders in this early Star Wars race.
The New York Times of May 21st
had this report-Paris, May 20,
If confidence of Grindell Madiew
(sic), inventor of the so-called 'diabolical ray,' in his
discovery is justified it may become possible to put the whole
of an enemy army out of action, destroy any force of airplanes
attacking a city or paralyze any fleet venturing within a
certain distance of the coast by invisible rays.
Grindell-Matthews stated mat his
destructive rays would operate over a distance of four miles and
that the maximum distance for this type of weapon would be seven or
eight miles.
Tests have been reported where the ray has been used to
stop the operation of automobiles by arresting the action of the
magnetos, and an quantity of gunpowder is said to have been exploded
by playing the beams on it from a distance of thirty six feet" Grindell-Matthews was able, also, to electrocute mice, shrivel
plants, and light the wick of an oil lamp from the same distance
Sensing something of importance the New York Times
copyrighted a story on May 28th of 1924 on a ray-weapon developed by
the Soviets.
The story opened:
"News has leaked out from the
Communist circles in Moscow that behind Trotsky's recent
war-like utterance lies an electromagnetic invention, by a
Russian engineer named Grammachikoff for destroying
Tests of the destructive ray, the Times continued, had began the
previous August with the aid of German technical experts.
A large, scale demonstration at Podosinsky Aerodrome near Moscow
was so successful that the revolutionary Military Council and
the Political Bureau decided to fund enough electronic
anti-aircraft stations to protect sensitive areas of Russia.
Similar, but more powerful, stations were to be constructed to
disable the electrical mechanisms of warships.
The Commander of the Soviet Air Services, Rosenholtz, was
so overwhelmed by the ray weapon demonstration that he proposed
"to curtail the activity of the air fleet, because the invention
rendered a large air fleet unnecessary for the purpose of
Tesla appears to have been the renegade
scientist, eccentric and brilliant.
However, after his finances had
been destroyed by Morgan, and indirectly by Westinghouse, Tesla was
constantly broke. In lieu of money on rent, in the early 1930's,
Tesla gave the management of the Governor Clinton Hotel a supposed
invention of his to be used for collateral. He said that the device
was very dangerous and worth $10,000.
In 1943, an MIT scientist, working for
the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) and
accompanied by the office of Naval Intelligence, John O. Trump,
went to the hotel to retrieve the device, after Tesla's death.
He was told that the invention could "detonate if opened by an
unauthorized person."
Trump stated that he reflected
momentarily upon his life before he opened the container. In his FBI
report he stated,
"Inside was a handsome wooden chest
bound with brass... [containing] a multidecade resistance box of
the type used for a Wheatstone bridge resistance measurements—a
common standard item found in every electric laboratory before
the turn of the century!"
According to Tesla researcher Dr.
Marc Seifer, Tesla appears to have told both his pigeon
caretaker and an army engineer named Fitzgerald, a friend of
Tesla's, that he had built a working model of a Death Ray.
Dr. Seifer says that a number of people
closely associated with Tesla would recount stories, circa 1918, of
Tesla bouncing electronic beams off the moon. Seifer says
that this is not a Death Ray, but it certainly supports the
hypothesis that the inventor created working models along those
According to Dr. Seifer, Tesla drew up "artist conceptions" in the
mid-1930s that were "made of a building with a tower in the form of
a cylinder 16.5 feet in diameter, 115 feet tall.
The structure was capped at the top by a
10 meter diameter sphere (covered with hemispheric shells as in the
1914 patent).
"The inventor had also contacted
people at Alcoa Aluminum throughout 1935 who were "ready to
start as soon as Tesla advanced the funds."
Two years later, at the 81, the inventor
stated at a luncheon attended by ministers of Yugoslavia and
Czechoslovakia that he had constructed a number of beam transmission
devices including the death ray for protecting a country from
incoming invasions and a laser-like machine that could send impulses
to the moon and other planets.
According to Dr. Seifer, Tesla also said that he was going to take
the death ray to a Geneva conference for world peace:
When pressed by the columnists to
"give a full description...," Dr. Tesla said..., "But it is not
an experiment... I have built, demonstrated and used it. Only a
little time will pass before I can give it to the world."
Another Tesla scholar who believes that
Tesla built a "death ray" is Oliver Nichelson, who has
written quite a bit on Tesla, including an article entitled "Nikola
Tesla's Long Range Weapon" (1989).
Picking up the death ray stories on the wire services on the other
side of the world, the Colorado Springs Gazette, ran a local
interest item on May 30th. With the headline:
"Tesla Discovered 'Death Ray' in
Experiments He Made Here," the story recounted, with a feeling
of local pride, the inventor's 1899 researches financed by John
Jacob Astor.
Tesla's Colorado Springs tests were
well remembered by local residents. With a 200 foot pole topped by a
large copper sphere rising above his laboratory he generated
potentials that discharged lightning bolts up to 135 feet long.
Thunder from the released energy could
be heard 15 miles away in Cripple Creek People walking along the
streets were amazed to see sparks jumping between their feet and the
ground, and flames of electricity would spring from a tap when
anyone turned them on for a drink of water. Light bulbs within 100
feet of the experimental tower glowed when they were turned off.
Horses at the livery stable received shocks through their metal
shoes and bolted from the stalls.
Even insects were affected:
Butterflies became electrified and
"helplessly swirled in circles—their wings spouting blue halos
of 'St. Elmo's Fire.'"
The most pronounced effect, and the one
that captured the attention o death ray inventors, occurred at the
Colorado Springs Electric Company generating station. One day
while Tesla was conducting a high power test, the crackling from
inside the laboratory suddenly stopped. Bursting into the lab Tesla
demanded to know why his assistant had disconnected the coil.
The assistant protested that had not
anything. The power from the city's generator, the assistant said,
must have quit When the angry Tesla telephoned the power company he
received an equally angry reply that the electric company had not
cut the power, but that Tesla's experiment had destroyed the
According to Oliver Nichelson, Tesla explained to The Electrical
Experimenter, in August of 19l7 what had happened. While running
his transmitter at a power level of "several hundred kilowatts" high
frequency currents were set up in the electric company's generators.
These powerful currents "caused
heavy sparks to jump thru the winds and destroy the insulation."
When the insulation failed, the
generator shorted out and was destroyed.
Some years later, 1935, he elaborated on the destructive potential
of his transmitter in the February issue of Liberty magazine:
"My invention requires a large
plant, but once it is established it will be possible to destroy
anything, men or machines, approaching within a radius of 200
He went on to make a distinction between
his invention and those brought forward by others. He claimed that
his device did not use any so-called "death rays" because such
radiation cannot be produced in large amounts and rapidly becomes
weaker over distance.
Here, he likely had in mind a Grindell-Matthews
type of device which, according to contemporary reports, used a
powerful ultraviolet beam to make the air conducting so that high
energy current could be directed to the target The range of an
ultra-violet searchlight would be much less than what Tesla was
As he put it:
"all the energy of New York City
(approximately two million horsepower - 1.5 billion watts)
transformed into rays and projected twenty miles, would not kill
a human being."
On the contrary, he said:
"My apparatus projects particles
which may be relatively large or of microscopic dimensions,
enabling us to convey to a small area at a great distance
trillions of times more energy than is possible with rays of any
kind. Many thousands of horsepower can be thus transmitted by a
stream thinner than a hair, so that nothing can resist."
According to Oliver Nichelson, what
Tesla had in mind with this defensive system was a large scale
version of his
Colorado Springs lightning bolt machine.
As airplanes
or ships entered the electric field of his charged tower, they would
set up a conducting path for a stream of high energy particles that
would destroy the intruder's electrical system.
A drawback to having giant Tesla transmitters poised to shoot bolts
of lightning at an enemy approaching the coasts is that they would
have to be located in an uninhabited area equal to its circle of
protection. Anyone stepping into the defensive zone of the coils
would be sensed as an intruder and struck down. Today, with the
development of oil drilling platforms, this disadvantage might be
overcome by locating the lightning defensive system at sea.
As ominous as death ray and beam weapon technology will be for the
future there is another, more destructive, weapon system alluded to
in Tesla's writings.
According to Oliver Nichelson,
when Tesla realized, as he pointed out in the 1900 Century article,
"The Problem of Increasing Human Energy,"
that economic forces would not allow the development of a new type
of electrical generator able to supply power without burning fuel
"was led to recognize [that] the
transmission of electrical energy to any distance through the
media as by far the best solution of the great problem of
harnessing the sun's energy for the use of man.''
His idea was that a relatively few
generating plants located near waterfalls would supply his very high
energy transmitters which, in turn, would send power through the
earth to be picked up wherever it was needed.
The plan would require several of his
transmitters to rhythmically pump huge amounts of electricity
into the earth at pressures on the order of 100 million volts. The
earth would become like a huge ball inflated to a great electrical
potential, but pulsing to Tesla's imposed beat.
Receiving energy from this high pressure reservoir only would
require a person to put a rod into the ground and connect it to a
receiver operating in unison with the earth's electrical motion.
As Tesla described it,
"the entire apparatus for lighting
the average country dwelling will contain no moving parts
whatever, and could be readily carried about in a small valise."
However, the difference between a
current that can be used to run, say, a sewing machine and a current
used as a method of destruction, however, is a matter of timing. If
the amount of electricity used to run a sewing machine for an hour
is released in a millionth of a second, it would have a very
different, and negative, effect on the sewing machine.
Tesla said his transmitter could produce 100 million volts of
pressure with currents up to 1000 amperes which is a power level of
100 billion watts.
If it was resonating at a radio frequency of 2
MHz, then the energy released during one period of its oscillation
would be 100,000,000,000,000,000 (1016) Joules of energy,
or roughly the amount of energy released by the explosion of 10
megatons of TNT.
Such a transmitter, would be capable of projecting the energy of a
nuclear warhead by radio.
Any location in the world could be
vaporized at the speed of light
Not unexpectedly, many scientists doubted the technical feasibility
of Tesla's wireless power transmission scheme whether for commercial
or military purposes. The secret of how through-the-earth broadcast
power was found not in the theories of electrical engineering, but
in the realm of high energy physics.
Andrija Puharich, in 1976, was
the first to point out that Tesla's power transmission system
could not be explained by the laws of classical electrodynamics,
but, rather, in terms of relativistic transformations in high energy
fields. He noted that according to Dirac's theory of the electron,
when one of those particles encountered its oppositely charged
member, a positron, the two particles would annihilate each other.
Because energy can neither be destroyed
nor created the energy of the two former particles are transformed
into an electromagnetic wave.
The opposite, of course, holds true. If
there is a strong enough electric field, two opposite charges of
electricity are formed where there was originally no charge at all.
This type of transformation usually takes place near the intense
field near an atomic nucleus, but it can also manifest without the
aid of a nuclear catalyst if an electric field has enough energy.
Puharich's involved mathematical
treatment demonstrated that power levels in a Tesla transmitter
were strong enough to cause such pair production.
The mechanism of pair production offers a very attractive
explanation for the ground transmission of power. Ordinary
electrical currents do not travel far through the earth. Dirt has a
high resistance to electricity and quickly turns currents into heat
energy that is wasted.
With the pair production method electricity
can be moved from one point to another without really having to push
the physical particle through the earth -the transmitting source
would create a strong field, and a particle would be created at the
If the sending of currents through the earth is possible from the
viewpoint of modern physics, the question remains of whether Tesla
actually demonstrated the weapons application of his power
transmitter or whether it remained an unrealized plan on the part of
the inventor. Circumstantial evidence points to there having been a
test of this weapon.
The clues are found in the chronology of Tesla's work and financial
fortunes between 1900 and 1915.
1900: Tesla returned from
Colorado Springs after a
series of important tests of wireless power transmission. It
was during these tests that his magnifying transmitter sent
out waves of energy causing the destruction of the power
company's generator.
He received financial backing from J. Pierpont Morgan
of $150,000 to build a radio transmitter for signaling
Europe. With the first portion of the money he obtained 200
acres of land at Shoreham, Long Island and built an enormous
tower 187 feet tall topped with a 55 ton, 68 foot metal
dome. He called the research site "Wardenclyffe."
As Tesla was just getting started, investors were rushing to
buy stock offered by the Marconi company. Supporters of the
Marconi Company include his old adversary Edison.
On December 12th, Marconi sent the first transatlantic
signal, the letter "S" from Cornwall, England to
Newfoundland. He did this with, as the financiers noted,
equipment much less costly than that envisioned by Tesla.
1902: Marconi is being hailed
as a hero around the world while Tesla is seen as a
shirker by the public for ignoring a call to jury duty in a
murder case (he was excused from duty because of his
opposition to the death penalty).
1903: When Morgan sent the
balance of the $150,000, it would not cover the outstanding
balance Tesla owed on the Wardenclyffe construction. To
encourage a larger investment in the face of Marconi's
success, Tesla revealed to Morgan his real purpose was not
to just send radio signals but the wireless transmission of
power to any point on the planet. Morgan was uninterested
and declined further funding.
A financial panic that Fall put an end to Tesla's hopes of
financing by Morgan or other wealthy industrialists. This
left Tesla without money even to buy the coal to fire the
transmitter's electrical generators.
1904: Tesla writes for the
Electrical World, "The Transmission of Electrical Energy
Without Wires,'' noting that the globe, even with its great
size, responds to electrical currents like a small metal
Tesla declares to the press the completion of Wardenclyffe.
1904: The Colorado Springs power
company sues for electricity used at that experimental
station. Tesla's Colorado laboratory is torn down and is
sold for lumber to pay the $180 judgment; his electrical
equipment is put in storage.
1905: Electrotherapeutic coils
are manufactured at Wardenclyffe, for hospitals and
researchers to help pay bills.
Tesla is sued by his lawyer for nonpayment of a loan. In an
article, Tesla comments on Peary's expedition to the North
Pole and tells of his, Tesla's, plans for energy
transmission to any central point on the ground.
Tesla is sued by C.J. Duffner, a caretaker at the
experimental station in Colorado Springs, for wages.
1906: "Left Property Here;
Skips; Sheriffs Sale," was the headline in the Colorado
Springs Gazette for March 6di. Tesla's electrical equipment
is sold to pay judgment of $928.57.
George Westinghouse, who bought Tesla's patents for
alternating current motors and generators in the 1880's,
turns down the inventor's power transmission proposal.
Workers gradually stop coming to the Wardenclyffe laboratory
when there are no funds to pay them.
1907: When commenting on the
destruction of the French ship Iena, Tesla noted in a letter
to the New York Times that he has built and tested remotely
controlled torpedoes, but that electrical waves would be
more destructive.
"As to projecting wave
energy to any particular region of the globe... this can
be done by my devices," he wrote. Further, he claimed
that "the spot at which the desired effect is to be
produced can be calculated very closely, assuming the
accepted terrestrial measurements to be correct."
1908: Tesla repeated the idea of
destruction by electrical waves to the newspaper on April
21st His letter to the editor stated,
1915: Again, in another letter
to the editor, Tesla stated:
Important to this chronology is the
state of Tesla's mental health.
One researcher, Marc J. Seifer,
a psychologist, believes Tesla suffered a nervous breakdown
catalyzed by the death of one the partners in the Tesla Electric
Company and the shooting of Stanford White, the noted architect, who
had designed Wardenclyffe.
Seifer places this in 1906 and cites as
evidence a letter from George Scherff, Tesla's secretary:
Dear Mr. Tesla:
I have received your letter and am very glad to know you are
vanquishing your illness. I have scarcely ever seen you so out
of sorts as last Sunday; and I was frightened.
In the period from 1900 to 1910 Tesla's
creative thrust was to establish his Plan for wireless
transmission of energy.
Undercut by Marconi's accomplishment,
beset by financial problems, and spurned by the scientific
establishment Tesla was in a desperate situation by mid-decade. The
strain became too great by 1906 and he suffered an emotional
collapse. In order to make a final effort to have his grand scheme
recognized, he may have tried one high power test of his transmitter
to show off its destructive potential.
This would have been in 1908.
The Tunguska event took place on the morning of June 30th, 1908. An
explosion estimated to be equivalent to 10-15 megatons of TNT
flattened 500,000 acres of pine forest near the Stony Tunguska River
in central Siberia. Whole herds of reindeer were destroyed.
The explosion was heard over a radius of
620 miles. When an expedition was made to the area in 1927 to find
evidence of the meteorite presumed to have caused the blast, no
impact crater was found When the ground was drilled for pieces of
nickel, iron, or stone, the main constituents of meteorites, none
were found down to a depth of 118 feet.
Many explanations have been given for
the Tunguska event. The officially
accepted version is that a 100,000 ton fragment of Encke's Comet,
composed mainly of dust and ice, entered the atmosphere at 62,000
m.p.h., heated up, and exploded over the earth's surface creating a
fireball and shock wave but no crater.
Alternative versions of the disaster see
a renegade mini-black hole or an alien space ship crashing into the
earth with the resulting release of energy.
According to Oliver Nichelson, the historical facts point to
the possibility that this event was caused by a test firing of
Tesla's energy weapon.
In 1907 and 1908, Tesla wrote
about the destructive effects of his energy transmitter. His
Wardenclyffe transmitter was much larger than the Colorado
Springs device that destroyed the power station's generator.
His new transmitter would be capable of effects many orders
of magnitude greater than the Colorado device.
In 1915, he said he had already
built a transmitter that "when unavoidable ... may be used
to destroy property and life."
Finally, a 1934 letter from
Tesla to J.P. Morgan, uncovered by Tesla biographer Margaret
Cheney, seems to conclusively point to an energy weapon test
In an effort to raise money for his defensive system he
The flying machine has
completely demoralized the world, so much so that in
some cities, as London and Paris, people are in mortal
fear from aerial bombing. The new means I have perfected
affords absolute protection against this and other forms
of attack... These new discoveries I have carried out
experimentally on a limited scale, created a profound
Again, the evidence is circumstantial
but, to use the language of criminal investigation, Tesla had motive
and means to be the cause of
the Tunguska event.
He also seems to confess to such a test
having taken place before 1915. His transmitter could generate
energy levels and frequencies that would release the destructive
force of 10 megatons, or more, of TNT. And the overlooked genius was
The nature of the Tunguska event, also, is not inconsistent
with what would happen during the sudden release of wireless power.
No fiery object was reported in the
skies at that time by professional or amateur astronomers as would
be expected when a 200,000,000 pound object enters the atmosphere.
The sky glow in the region, mentioned by some witnesses, just before
the explosion may have come from the ground, as geological
researchers discovered in the 1970's. Just before an earthquake the
stressed rock beneath the ground creates an electrical effect
causing the air to illuminate.
According to Oliver Nichelson, if the explosion was caused by
wireless energy transmission, either the geological stressing or the
current itself would cause an air glow. Finally, there is the
absence of an impact crater. Because there is no material object to
impact, an explosion caused by broadcast power would not leave a
Given Tesla's general pacifistic nature it is hard to understand why
he would carry out a test harmful to both animals and the people who
herded the animals even when he was in the grip of financial
desperation. The answer is that he probably intended no harm, but
was aiming for a publicity coup and, literally, missed his target.
At the end of 1908, the whole world was following the daring attempt
of Peary to reach the North Pole.
Peary claimed the Pole in the Spring of
1909, but the winter before he had returned to the base at Ellesmere
Island, about 700 miles from the Pole. If Tesla wanted the attention
of the international press, few things would have been more
impressive than the Peary expedition sending out Word of a
cataclysmic explosion on the ice in the direction of the North Pole.
Tesla, then, if he could not be hailed
as the master creator that he was, could be seen as the master of a
mysterious new force of destruction.
The test, it seems, was not a complete success, says Nichelson. It
must have been difficult controlling the vast amount of power in
transmitter and guiding to the exact spot Tesla wanted. Alert,
Canada on Ellesmere Island and the Tunguska region are all on the
same great circle line from Shoreham, Long Island. Both are on a
compass bearing of a little more than 2 degrees along a Polar path.
The destructive electrical wave overshot
its target.
Whoever was privy to Tesla's energy weapon demonstration must have
been dismayed either because it missed the intended target and would
be a threat to inhabited regions of the planet, or because it worked
too well in devastating such, a large area at the mere throwing of a
switch thousands of miles away.
Whichever was the case, Tesla never
received the notoriety he sought for his power transmitter.
In 1915, the Wardenclyffe laboratory was deeded over to
Waldorf-Astoria. Inc. in lieu of payment for Tesla's hotel bills. In
1917, Wardenclyffe was dynamited on orders of the new owners to
recover some money from the scrap.
Oliver Nichelson's exotic theory may be pure fantasy, or perhaps,
Nikola Tesla did shake the world in a way that has been kept
secret for over 80 years
Today, Stars Wars threatens to control the entire population
of this planet from earth orbit Tesla's death ray inventions can be
utilized in a variety of ways-as scalar wave howitzers, world radar,
earthquake contrivances, brain wave manipulation, particle beam
weapons, wave-train impulses, hand-held phasers and an infinite
variety of more devices.
On the good side of this technology, there is free energy and the
use of Tesla Shields, the forming of an energy shell around a city,
community or installation that is impenetrable.
Blasts from a Tesla Howitzer could
destroy the communications network of any major city with a well
placed jolt of many millions volts, and air strikes can be called in
from space.
The military applications for many of
Tesla's inventions are myriad, and so the need for a cover-up of
Tesla and his inventions would behoove the military industrial

Above & Below:
Tesla's Death Ray
popularized in a drawing from "Diabolical Rays" in the November,
1915 issue of Popular Radio Magazine.
The fear of these
"diabolical death rays," was one of the reasons given for the
dismantling of Tesla’s Wardencliff Tower.

The New York Times article on
Tesla's Death Ray of July 11, 1934.
Two illustrations from an
article in the March, 1920 issue of Electrical Experimenter
entitled Wireless Transmission of Power Now Possible. The
illustrations show his prototype devices for "directed ionized
beam transmissions," a "deathray—searchlight" device. Curiously,
powerful searchlight-beams have frequently been reported as part
of unidentified discoid and cigar-shaped craft since the late
The New York Times for
Sunday, July 11, 1937 calling Tesla a "Dinosaur." Tesla, a man
living far ahead of his time, rather than behind the times,
speaks of sending messages to Mars on his 81st birthday. Marconi
and his scientists were already preparing to journey to Mars
with their electro-gravitic spacecraft.
A recent article on Tesla's
advanced science by Oliver Nicholson in the January, 1990
issue of FATE magazine.

This electrostatic atom-smasher was
built at the Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C., and used
between 1920 and 1940. The cross-section shows a spherical
conductor, its insulating supports, and tube in which particles
are accelerated. The charging belt is shown cut-off near the top
and bottom.
This structure was also the talk of

The Van de Graaf electrostatic
generator of the Carnegie Institution in Washington
D.C. in action. Note the man-sized door at the bottom of the
building. This gives a good idea how Tesla's Wardenclyffe tower
might have appeared when operational.

The amazing Wardenclyffe Tower of
Long Island in full action as Tesla envisioned it. The tower is
broadcasting power to anti-gravity airships and electric
airplanes that hover around it. Note the powerful
searchlight-beams on the airships. These were a combination of
searchlight and death-ray, as commonly spoken of by Tesla.
by Richard L. Clark
Nikola Tesla engineered his communications and power
broadcast systems based on the Earth as a spherical capacitor plate
with the ionosphere as the other plate. The frequencies that work
best with this system are 12 Hz and its harmonics and the "storm"
frequency around 500 KHz. The basic Earth electrostatic system and
the basic Tesla designs are shown in the figure below.
All lengths or circuits must be
one-quarter wavelength or some odd multiple of it.
The elevated capacitor has really two functions:
The bottom plate only to ground is Cg,
and both plates are Ci. L2 and C3 are a resonant step-down air core
coupling system at the desired frequency. Simple calculations will
allow resonant frequency values to be determined from the Tesla
Equivalent Circuit diagram.
Be extremely careful of the high
voltages in this system.

Bearden's Scalar Wave weapons in action.
Tomorrow’s science fiction weaponry was yesterday's reality. Yet
science has apparently not moved forward with this technology for
eighty years - or has it?

Tom Bearden's idea of how a
"Tesla Howizter" system using current scalar wave technology might
work. Compare to Tesla's 1920 illustration for his "directed ionized
beam transmissions."
Was Edison adversary
father of 'Star Wars'?
by James Coates
Chicago Tribune

— Giants have trod the ground here.
Zebujon Pike, legendary explorer of the unknown West, gave his name
to the majestic white-capped peak just outside of town.
President Dwight Eisenhower came here to
carve America's ultimate nuclear war command center, the awesome
North American Aerospace Defense Command [NORAD] bunker,
into the granite underneath Pike's Peak's neighboring summit,
Cheyenne Mountain. Most impressive of all, the man who invented
radio and who discovered the way that the world transmits its
electrical power did much of his creative work here.
But, wait. Weren't we taught that radio
was invented by an Italian named Guglielmo Marconi? And that
the legendary Thomas Alva Edison devised today's electrical
power system in his New Jersey laboratories?
"We were taught wrong," said Toby
Grotz, president of the International Tesla Society based
here in honor of a little-known flamboyant genius named
Nikola Tesla.
Two years before Marconi demonstrated
his wireless radio transmission, Tesla, a naturalized Yugoslavian
immigrant, performed an identical feat at the 1893 World's Fair in
Chicago. On June 21, 1943, in the case of Marconi Wireless
Telegraph Co. vs. the United States the Supreme Court ruled that
that Tesla's radio patents had predated those of the Italian genius.
To be sure, Edison invented the
incandescent light bulb. But he powered it and all of his other
projects with inefficient direct current [DC] electricity. It was
Tesla who discovered how to use the far more powerful phased form of
alternating current [AC] electricity that is virtually the universal
type of electricity employed by modern civilization.
And now, there are indications that
Tesla also discovered many of the devices which the United States
military-industrial complex is seeking to develop and build for the
Pentagon's controversial Star Wars antimissile defense system.
Grotz and other Tesla experts speculate
that recent puzzling reports of immense clouds forming within
minutes over Soviet arctic territory are indications that the Soviet
Union is testing devices for transmitting energy over large
distances developed nearly a century ago by Tesla.

Nikola Tesla
Is his research
helping the Soviet Union build the ultimate weapon?
Of particular interest to Tesla
researchers, said Grotz, is a widely reported April 9, 1984, event
in which at least four airline pilots reported seeing an eruption
near Japan that appeared to be a nuclear explosion cloud that
billowed to a height of 60,000 feet and a width of 200 miles within
just two minutes and enveloped their aircraft.
In late July the Cox News Service
reported that all four of these planes had been examined by the U.S.
Air Force at Anchorage, Alaska, and were found to be free of
radiation despite the fact they had flown through the mysterious
cloud in question. Grotz said that such clouds could form if someone
were attempting to implement Tesla's plans for broadcasting energy
by "creating resonances inside the earth's ionospheric cavity"
calculated in Colorado Springs during 1899 experiments by the
electrical genius.
Each year about 400 members of the Tesla
Society, sanctioned by the prestigious International Institute of
Electric Engineering [IIEE], meet here where the wizard
of electricity carried out his most startling lightning-crackling
'experiments to discuss one of the strangest stories in the annals
of American science.
It is a story of tormented genius. It also is
the story of a little-known but intensely bitter feud that pitted
Edison and the fabulously wealthy financier J.P. Morgan on
one side and Tesla and his ally, the equally powerful George
Westinghouse on the other.
And, finally, it is a spy story. Many in
the Tesla Society are convinced that foolish U.S. bureaucrats
shipped the secrets needed to build Star Wars that Tesla discovered
to communist-controlled Yugoslavia shortly after World War II,
thereby allowing the Soviets an enormous head start in the quest for
a particle beam weapon that is deemed essential to building any
missile shield.
In an interview between sessions at this Augusts' Tesla symposium,
Grotz explained that Tesla was drawn to Colorado Springs because he
needed both the dry climate and the furiously powerful lightning
storms that so often come tumbling down the sides of Pikes Peak and
Cheyenne Mountain.
"Tesla dreamed of supplying
limitless amounts of power freely and equally available to all
persons on Earth," said Grotz.
And he was convinced he could do so by
broadcasting electrical power across large distances just as radio
transmits far smaller amounts of energy, explained Grotz.
The same energy beams, of course, could be directed at the speed of
light to destroy enemy planes and missiles as well as to supply
electricity, he noted.
Such investigations take one into the realm of the most complicated
question facing science today, the so-called Unified Field Theory
that Albert Einstein himself confessed was beyond his abilities,
acknowledged Grotz, an engineer for this Martin Marietta Aerospace
company in Denver. Tesla believed that he could broadcast power by
producing vibrations in the atmosphere that were perfectly in phase
with the natural vibrations that exist in thunderstorms, said Grotz.
Then, anyone with a receiver could simply tap into broadcasts and
acquire electricity just as they receive radio or TV broadcasts.
On a hilltop just where the prairies sweep up to the foot of the
Rockies, Tesla erected a gigantic version of what is known as the
Tesla Coil, a device that produces dramatic arcs of electricity by
rapidly changing its resistance. Nearly every natural history museum
and high school physics lab in the world sports a Tesla Coil capable
of making delighted students' hair stand on end or of arcing
dramatic sparks from the fingertips of someone who, standing firmly
on a rubber mat, holds the other hand over the coil's top.
At the corner of Foote and Kowia streets in Colorado Springs, Tesla
erected a coil 122 feet high. Tapping into the entire city electric
system, the electrical genius sent millions of volts of current into
the structure and bolts of man-made lightning leaped as much as 135
feet into the brooding sky to mingle with other bolts created in
The first time he threw the Switch, the entire city was blacked,
tests created artificial clouds around his installation and caused
lights to burn as much as 26 miles away, according to news reports
of the time.
The Colorado Springs artificial
lightning bolts created during the single year that Tesla lived
here, 1899-1900, have never been duplicated, said Grotz.
The experiments established that lightning storms as they
swooped down the Rockies and then rumbled across the plains into
Kansas were resonating at a frequency of 7.68 cycles per second.
This natural phenomenon was rediscovered in the 1960s by
researcher W.O. Schumann while working for the Navy on ways to
broadcast nuclear war orders to submerged submarines, said Grotz.
A paper widely circulated at the Tesla
symposium called "Star
Wars Now! The Bohm-Aharonov Effect, Scalar Interferometry and Soviet
Weaponization" speculates that the mysterious clouds that
frightened airline pilots were created when energy was drained from
one area and transmitted to another using Tesla principles.
The paper's author,
T.E. Beaden, a retired Pentagon
war games expert and active consulting engineer to the Defense
Department, said the result of such energy transmissions is a "cold
explosion" that could be enormously destructive.
Noting that the cloud covered 150 miles, Beaden wrote,
"A single shot of such a weapon
could almost instantly freeze every NATO soldier in that area
into a block of ice."
Grotz acknowledged that much of the
world's mainstream scientific community doubts the claims made by
Tesla fans like himself and Beaden.
"But," he added, "Tesla always was
rejected by the establishment."
After Tesla began building AC dynamos,
motors and other devices with financial backing from Westinghouse,
Edison and his General Electric Company waged a campaign to
discredit AC by emphasizing its dangers, according "to Tesla
biographer Margaret Cheney in her "Tesla, Man Out of Time."
Edison would force dogs and cats to stand on steel plates energized
by AC current and then throw a switch, electrocuting them. He called
the process "Westinghousing," Cheney wrote.
Ultimately Tesla lost out to Edison and other foes, even though his
AC power system prevailed.
The visionary died in 1943 in a New York hotel room he shared with
several pigeons that he considered his only friends, the biographer
After the war, Tesla's relatives in Yugoslavia petitioned Washington
to receive 17 trunks of papers and laboratory equipment that he had
stored in a New York garage.
In 1952 these items were sent to Belgrade where they are housed in a
Tesla museum.
But, said Grotz,
"What do you suppose are the chances
that everything was first copied by the KGB?"
"In the USA we don't even give him credit for inventing 'the
radio' and the Soviet bloc is building Tesla museums," said the
"Why do they respect him so much?"

Our Future Motive
by Nikola Tesla
December 1931
Right image and to the right, the arrangement of one of the great
terrestrial-heat power plants of the future.
Water is circulated to
the bottom of the shaft, returning as steam to drive the turbines,
and then returned to liquid form in the condenser, in an unending
Internal heat of the earth is great and in comparison with the
demands which man can make upon it, is practically inexhaustible:
since the heated contents of the earth are sex-trillions of tons.
This drawing illustrates the essential
parts comprising a boiler at a great depth, a condenser, cooled by
river or other water available, on the ground, a turbine coupled to
a generator, and a motor-driven high vacuum pump.
The steam or vapor generated in the
boiler is conveyed to the turbine and condenser through a insulated
central pipe while another smaller pipe, likewise provided with a
thermal covering serves to feed the condensate into the boiler by
All that is necessary to open up unlimited resources of
power throughout the world is to find some economic and speedy way
of sinking deep shafts.
Tesla's fascinating patent of Jan. 2, 1894 is for a mechanical
oscillator with a controlling electromagnetic system.