August 2004
Originally discovered by Ancient Sumerians 25,000 years ago, their existence hidden by Sikh’s, Muslims, ancient Hebrews, early Christians and Hindus.
They were often mistaken for Gods by the early Greeks and Romans, or as Angelic beings, spirits or witchcraft/the occult, because of their ability to communicate and their early presence and interaction with Primitive Humanity, which they gradually refined into a "Hands Off" quarantine of observation and limited discussion only.
Only recently has Science been able to study the Technology behind the Orbs. This, thanks to recent discovery that they can be filmed near any open Vortex. A Vortex is an "opening" in a targeting area that is used by the ’Beings of Light’ or "Jihns", who are behind the Orbs.
Using a unique mixture of Cesium Gas, Supercooling, Quartz, Gamma Lasers and Electromagnetic/Neutrino Flux, the Interdimensional Travellers create Telescoping Communications Tunnels through Dark Energy Space between their nearest Galactic Outpost, in Orion, reaching across "Transdimensional Space" to our Earth, arriving by targeting the surface of our planet.
Where the Vortex’s originate...
The golden circle has
been added to outline the star system... When these tunnels reach our world, their computers begin the arduous task of maintaining a ’subspace’ connection with our Planet.
They must constantly realign the Vortexes so they are at a point on earth from which they dare venture, using advanced technology to protect themselves from our atmosphere. The motion of the Earth, and Sun, require constant compensation. There are 28 known "Vortexes" on Earth, and they allow their users to visit every part of our Globe.
represents a distinct Platform circling in orbit near their Outpost,
and it’s Vortex Generator. The Vortexes can be opened and
closed by them at will, traveled through or just visited in "passive
monitoring" mode.
Orbs and Orb Vortexes represent a degree of scientific development very much in advance of Earth’s own Radio Telescopes and Hubble Space Telescope. It apparently has existed for more than a Million Years, forever watching the heavens from the Beings’ home world, and from the Galactic Outposts they open as soon as they find a suitable world for their kind to visit. They spend their days and nights searching for life elsewhere in the Galaxies.
Given the choice of relying on ancient Radio Wave Technologies, each of the Orbs are a marker of a coherent ’hole’ in space and time that just barely comes into contact with our local space and time: not enough to cause a lot of harm, just enough to give its operators a portal that they can observe Earth through.
Each Vortex offsets these Orb-ic
"holes" approximately one and seven eighths "light seconds" from our
time, allowing them to pass right through solid objects with minimum
of friction. Humans placing their hands in or near Orbs or
beings using the Orbs to visit our world transdimensional-ly,
often sense a slight sensation as they come into contact with the
Beings or their technology.
Although we have
the ability to develop our own Vortex capability, the Beings
have not been willing to give us the entire design, but have
provided a few lucky humans fundamental knowledge of what one might
call a real world version of the famed "Star Gate" of the
Movie and TV series. Only, the technology is quite alien to us, so
until we develop the ability to protect ourselves from the
consequences of it’s widespread proliferation, they are only
providing us little bits and pieces of the data.
Where lakes and fish used to swim but were destroyed by mankind’s rape of the environment, empty lake and riverbeds will report images of leaping fish and storming dear apparitions. Because of their ability to scan the future, the Beings have mastered the art of predicting disasters, and have been known to create apparitions similar to "Mothman", Indrid Kold, to warn of "Tragedy on the River Ohio", predicting the Silver River Bridge Collapse, as documented by the movie starring Richard Gere.
Often, after a terrible tragedy, the Orbs will
appear near the scene of carnage, and will be filmed inadvertently
as they look at the situation from the past, one they may have
unsuccessfully tried to avert. To them life is so sacred that even
intervening in Human History to prevent a tragedy is not forbidden.
Their Orbs are like an
Interstellar Video Telephone for space exploration. Yet they have
unique ways of communicating.
They want to help us, even though they find our warlike ways and the murder of millions of our peers in past wars a form of insanity left over from the shock of our rise from "naive gorillas, baboons, orangutans and monkeys" to our current human form... They revere Life itself. They are remarkably spiritually and scientifically advanced...
They have come to believe that God’s plan for humanity was amplified by the mutation of our predecessor species between 800,000 and a million years ago, seeing most of it’s effects in the past 500,000 years.
They have told TEAM ORB it resulted from radiation
effects - our world is highly radioactive - and from the presence of
materials like Mercury, Lead and Polonium in
our environment, that it has gradually shifted our DNA in an
effort to adapt, into intelligent, yet self-destructive humanity who
are gradually destroying our planet.
They also want us to be brought closer to the Almighty, whom they have a direct connection with as a species.
They have told us God lives, and
he has a
manifestation in our Universe and our Galaxy, a "Watchful Eye"
in the vicinity of the Crab Nebula, undetectable to us. We
are but one of many species God created in his image,
and we are as precious as the rarest of elements, his creations,
Two more ’types’, the folded Bell, and the Tetrahedron Orbs, are still being studied.
Part of the
proof of their intelligent, extraterrestrial origin, is the very
consistent nature of and behavior engaged in by these objects under
any and all kinds of lighting, physical and environmental
circumstances at the time of their being photographed.
The ORBSITE INITIATIVE represents a step towards a permanent relationship with the Distant Species.
They probably do not resemble us, one of the many bridges and cultural differences we should be prepared for.
The picture evidence located above were taken using a variety of
cameras. Over the past two years Team Orb has used a large
number of other cameras, including Sony Mavica’s, PC Cameras, Single
Use Cameras, in fact, just about every kind of camera from SLR to
non-SLR to Video, to CCD, to High Speed.
A Communicator is also under private development, and may in the future offer some limited means to display communications efforts with these Travelers from a distant world.
Announces Initiative to Introduce
the Orb
Beings to the Vatican world governments and business organizations...
ORBVortexNews Website
[June 13, 1999] WANAQUE, N.J.
The purpose of the audience
would to enable an opportunity for the Orb "Beings of Light",
alleged ambassadors from the world which owns the Orbs, to meet with
the Papal Leadership by remote communication. The ambassadors have,
by agreement, arranged to follow Team Orb to the Vatican or any
pre-arranged meeting location acceptable to the Vatican, using
the Orb Portals as a means of conveyance and as a means of
ambassadors apparently wish to discuss the various aspects of a
relationship with Humanity. The ambassadors have somehow convinced
TEAM ORB that they wish to submit themselves to "inspection,
examination and study" to afford Humanity an opportunity to convince
itself that they are very real. Apparently, these 'messengers' from
afar, have a message that they wish to convey to the Vatican
and to all of Humanity.
TEAM indicated there were no established limits as to where the TEAM
might bring the Orb Beings to, the Orb Beings were prepared
to travel as far as may be necessary around Earth for the purposes
of studying and verifying their existence. Travel Expenses for TEAM
ORB, in the case of Government or Business organizations, shall have
to be borne by the requesting party, a spokesperson indicated, as
the ORB STUDY has been entirely funded privately.
She added:
Since the Orb discovery in Northern New Jersey several years ago, TEAM ORB, which has been studying the Orbs photographically, and from the scientific, religious, spiritual and metaphysical-historical contexts, believes that those who meet the Orb Beings have a much easier time, first hand, accepting their existence as real.
Once that hurdle has been surmounted, it is far easier coming to understand the mission of these ambassadors from a distant world, than it is for those who try to rationalize just the photographic evidence, which the researchers feel can not replace a first hand encounter of any substance.
In addition, they suggested that the proclivity by denizens of the Internet to "shoot first and ask questions later" does not make the Internet a good medium for this kind of matter to be shared.
Without actual first hand contact with the Orbs, the Web can serve as nothing better than a very cursory introductory information service with photos and text.