by Susanne Posel
June 3, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

The latest scheme to combat 'global
warming' is to increase the amount of
in the atmosphere.
The thinking behind this endeavor is that this will scatter incoming
solar energy from the Earth’s surface.
The side effect is that there will be an increased
whitening of the
sky during the daytime.
Researchers, Ben Kravitz and Ken Caldeira, from the
Carnegie Institute for Science, have found that by blocking a mere
2% of sunlight would cause the sky to become 3-5 times brighter, and
Climate change alarmists assert that carbon dioxide emissions have
caused the Earth’s surface temperature to rise. While volcanic
eruptions emit small particles into the stratosphere that cool the
temperature, these particles take years to fall to Earth.
Scientists are looking for a faster way to change the temperature of
the Earth.
By using solar geoengineering scientists could “mimic” the volcanic
eruptions by constantly replenishing the stratosphere with
particles to reflect sunlight back into space.
Kravtiz and Calderia, working with Douglas MacMartin from the
California Institute of Technology, studied sky color ad brightness
by utilizing a sulfate-based aerosols.
They surmised that using these chemicals
in the atmosphere would cause the daytime skies to be whiter and the
sunsets to glow brighter.
Computer models showed that although the sky would remain blue, it
would be a much lighter shade; especially over areas that experience
more geoengineeing than others.
“These results give people one more
thing to consider before deciding whether we really want to go
down this road,” Kravitz said. “Although our study did not
address the potential psychological impact of these changes to
the sky, they are important to consider as well.”
The researchers claim that plants will
grow more efficiently under the barrage of
By muting light, and creating
photosynthetic, or fake sunlight, the scientists assert that they
could reduce the greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.
However, by compromising the amount of sunlight that comes through,
the geoengineering process will have dramatic effects on the
efficiency of solar power.
While scientists are finding new ways to justify using chemtrails in
our skies, a recent study shows that
pollution trapped in
thunderclouds is making climate change worse.
That pollution is composed of,
Samples have yielded the presence of:
Mold spores
Synthetic nano-fibers
Bacillus blood spores
Radioactive thorium
The Obama administration’s science
John Holdren, has come out publicly to say that he
believes that geoengineering will assist the planet is stabilizing
its weather with regard to global warming. Holdren sees
geo-engineering as a perfectly viable way to cool the planet’s
He fully supports the process of releasing particles of barium,
magnesium, aluminum, nano-fibers, bacillus blood spores and other
chemicals to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.
One point government officials fail to mention is that using weather
modification is the cause of the changes we see in the planet’s
natural bio-spherical patterns.
Chemtrails, and the toxins they release into the atmosphere, are
having a direct effect on warming Earth’s temperatures.