Accounts of "Chemtrail
Flu" Rise
- The Geoengineering Escalation of 2016
- "Aerosol
- Chemtrails
Bio-Geoengineering - Extinction
Level Event
Español |
Bio-Geoingeniería - Evento de
Nivel de Extinción
Chemtrail Flu - Have You Got It
Chemtrailing May Be
Re-Terraforming by An Alien Species
Español |
Chemtrails - Agentes
Desinformadores de La Actual Estructura Genética
Chemtrails - An Airline Mechanic's
Chemtrails - An Introduction
Chemtrails - An Updated Look at
Aerosol Toxins
Chemtrails are Global Covert
Operation for Total Control, Detecting UFOs
- "Chemtrails
are Happening All Over The World" According to Former
British Columbia Premier
Chemtrails - Are You Seeing This
Chemtrails contain Mycobacteria,
Viruses, Pseudomonas bacteria and Human Plasma
Chemtrails - Covert Climate
Chemtrails, Cover-ups and Human
Chemtrails - Culling the Useless
Eater Population
Español |
Chemtrails en 'Cuarto Milenio'
Chemtrails Explained - Putting the
Pieces Together
Español |
Chemtrails Explicados - Poniendo
Las Piezas Juntas
- "Chemtrails"
Exposed - Global Geoengineering PsyOps Documented
Chemtrails hint at ongoing "New
Manhattan Project" to Alter Earth's Atmosphere - Exposed
Chemtrails Laced with Disease
Organisms for Population Reduction
Chemtrails - Origins and
Chemtrails Polluting Thunder
Clouds Causing Global Warming
Español |
Chemtrails - ¿Qué Son?
Chemtrails - Suppressing Human
Chemtrails - The Consequences of
Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health
Chemtrails - The Problem and The
Español |
Chemtrails, Transmutación Genética
y Transhumanidad
Chemtrails, Wireless and
Español |
Chemtrails y Morgellons - Es Peor
de Lo Que Pensabas
CIA Co-Sponsoring Geoengineering
Study to Look at Reversing Global Warming Options
Climate Engineering, Dangerous
Proposal or Lethal Reality?
Climate Engineering
- Technical Status, Future Directions, and Potential
Intervention - Strategies that Reflect Sunlight to Cool Earth
David Icke and Chemtrails,
Nanoparticles and the Gender Agenda
Death in The Air - Global
Terrorism and Toxic Warfare
Español |
De Los Chemtrails a La PseudoVida
- La Agenda Oscura de La Biología Sintética
Don't Think the U.S. Military is
Concerned with The Climate? Think Again...
Elite 'Think Tank' Admits to
Ongoing Climate Engineering Experiments
Español |
El Proyecto Escudo o 'Shield
- Fumigación Global de Chemtrails - Objetivos y
Español |
En Argentina denuncian el uso de
"Aviones Rompe-Tormentas" (Chemtrails) para Modificar el
Español |
Estelas Químicas - Suprimiendo la
Evolución Humana
Español |
Experimento Secreto con Chemtrails
- Disparan 'Aerosoles' al cielo para crear Gran
Envoltorio de Nubes
Español |
Ex-Piloto de Aviación Militar
Habla Sobre Chemtrails
- Mapa Chemtrails Mundial
Fraudulent Normalization of
Chemtrails Continues
Español |
Geoingeniería y Armas Climáticas
Español |
- ¿Hay
Una Conexión Entre los Transgénicos y los Chemtrails?
Health and Societal Consequences
of Geoengineering
Intentional Efforts to Cause
Global Warming and Glacier Melting - Indication is
Scientifically Found
Is There a GMO-Chemtrail
Español |
Los Chemtrails Pueden Ser
Modificaciones a La Tierra Por Especies Alienígenas
Español |
Los Científicos miran abiertamente a los "Chemtrails" para
Enfriar el Planeta Tierra
Español |
Los Verdaderos Asesinos del Clima
- Actualizaciones para Greta...!
Mad Science "SCoPEx" - Extinction
Scheme to Block the Sun
Map shows Thousands of
Geoengineering projects Worldwide
Military Behind 4 Different
Chemtrail Programs
Mind the Chemtrails - New Study
calls for Global "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" by
Monsanto Patents and Chemtrails
Nervous-System Damage from the Sky
Pilot Speaks Out About Chemtrails
Planetary Weapons and Military Weather Modification
- Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and...
Project Cirrus Final Report
Project Cloverleaf
- Timeline, 1994 to 2001
Español |
Qué Son Realmente los Chemtrails
Scientists Openly Look to 'Chemtrails' to
Cool Planet Earth
Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People
Italiano |
Scienza Folle "SCoPEx" - Schema di
Estinzione per Bloccare il Sole
Some Thoughts on Weather Modification
- Chemtrail Whistleblower
Skies - The Chemtrail Mystery
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Tactics and Costs in the first 15 Years of Deployment
Swedish Official Admits Toxic
'Chemtrails' are Real, Not a Wild 'Conspiracy Theory'
Ten Years Into The Chemtrail-Wars
- The Breakdown of The Immune System
The Four Horsemen of the Weather Apocalypse
The HAARP and Chemtrails
- Smoking Gun
The Midwest Respiratory Crisis -
Infected Chemtrail Beta Test?
The Purpose of Chemtrails
The United Nations exposes
Chemtrails - 100% Proof we are Being Poisoned
Unanswered Chemtrail Questions...
As Evidence Mounts
U.S. Space Shuttle Covert Mission
Was Chemtrails in Space for HAARP - Leuren Moret
What Chemtrails Really Are
What in The World are They
Spraying On Us?
What's With the Weather and Chemtrails?
Additional Information |
A Combined Mitigation/Geoengineering
Approach to Climate Stabilization
Aerosol and Electromagnetic
Weapons in The Age of Nuclear War
- Chemtrails
Aluminum Poisoning
of Humanity and Earth's Biota by Clandestine Geoengineering Activity
An Indication of Intentional Efforts to
Cause Global Warming and Glacier Melting
Archons and Chemtrails
Español |
Armas de Aerosol y
Electromagnéticas en La Era de La Guerra Nuclear
Chaff = Aluminium Coated Fibres
Case Orange
- Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and Weather
Manipulation Programs Conducted...
Chemtrails - Learn How to Protect
Yourself from These Treacherous Poisons
Chemtrails Nano-Tech and The
Hyper-Virus - Morgellons
CIA Investing in Research Aimed at
Modifying The Earth’s Climate for Unknown Reasons
Comet Elenin and Chemtrails -
Message From 'Matthew'
- July 12, 2011
Cosmic Fire and the
Destruction of Earth's Ionosphere
Español |
Días Extraños... Cielos Extraños
You Think The US Military Is Concerned With The Climate?
- Think Again
Arco Iris Manipulado
- El Verdadero Propósito Tras La Manipulación de Las
Estelas Químicas y La...
Español |
- ¿El
Fin de La Industria de La Carne?
- ¿La Mutilación de Animales Explicada?
Español |
Estelas Químicas, Nano-Tech y el
Hiper-Virus Morgellones
Evergreen Air and A Secret
Chemtrail Facility
Executive Summary of The WMO
Statement on Weather Modification
Gates-Funded Experiment to Spray
Atmosphere With Sulphur Particles
Global Risks 2013 and X Factor -
The Disturbing Report by The World Economic Forum
Global Risks Report 2013
- An Initiative of the Risk Response Network
Hand-Made Humans May Hold The Key
to 'Saving The World'
Heavy Metals and Living Systems -
An overview
Human Engineering and Climate
Illegal Aerosol Spraying
Operations Over United Kingdom Airspace
- An Informal Report
Japan Earthquake-Nuke "Accident" Are Tectonic Nuclear
- Scientist Say
Español |
Los Seres Humanos 'Hechos
Manualmente' Pueden Ser la Clave Para Salvar Al Mundo
Español |
Meteréologo da El Parte del Tiempo
Hablando de Chemtrails
Documents Reveal "Climate Change" Caused by Covert
Weather Weapons
Ocean Fertilization - 'Rogue
Climate Hacker' Russ George Raises Storm of Controversy
Pink Chemtrail Sunsets
Español |
Proyecto Cloverlead
- Carta de Un Gerente de Una Línea Aérea
Radiation Support for Your Immune
Español |
Riesgos Globales 2013 y Factores X
- El Inquietante Informe del Foro Económico Mundial
SARS and Chemtrails
- Disease Outbreaks Used as Tests for a Future
Engineered Epidemic, the...
Solar Irradiance Reduction to
Counteract Radiative Forcing from A Quadrupling of CO2
Spider Silk
- Air Force Radar Chaff Farmed from The Milk of
Transgenic Goats - Infrared Sensors/Infrared...
Strange Days... Strange Skies
Survive The Toxic Plagues
- With Essential Immune Nutrients and Detox!
The Desperation Argument for
The Direct Energy Age
The Manipulated Rainbow
- The Real Purpose Behind The Chemtrail and
Electromagnetic Manipulation...
They Are Blocking The Sun... Period
Español |
Una Guerra de Las Galaxias
Invisible a Nuestros Ojos
Español |
Una Teoría Sobre Los Chemtrails y
El Estado de La Matrix
Español |
U.S.A. en
Panico Luego de que Aviones 'Chemtrails' Fueron
Obligados a Descender en La India y Nigeria
Congress Considers Geoengineering
U.S. Reported In “Panic” After
Chemtrail Planes Forced Down In India, Nigeria
Geoengineering |
A Call for Mother Earth and
Humanity - Analysis of "Military Geoengineering"
A Massive and Illegal Geoengineering Project Has Been
Detected Off Canada’s West Coast
Bill Gates Backs Climate Scientists Lobbying for
Large-Scale Geoengineering
Bill Gates Exposed for Funding Research and Promotion of
Spraying Geo-Engineered 'Chemtrails' Across...
Bill Gates Funded Solar
Geoengineering Causing Global Warming Effects
Aerosol Geoengineering and Bioengineering
- A Massive Biological Experiment of Unknown...
Chicken Little, Is the Sky Really
China Blanketing Tibet with
Massive Rain-Making Geoengineering Project
Climate Engineering Insanity -
Manufacturing Winter Weather with Tropical Moisture
Climate Engineering is a Gateway
to Global Government
Climate Engineering
- Technical Status, Future Directions, and Potential
Climate Scientist Warns against
Geoengineering at TED Conference Vancouver
Crazy Talk - Geoengineering Goes
Mainstream at TED Conference and Stirs Controversy
- 'End
Times Villain' Bill Gates going forward with Plan to
'Block Out the Sun'
Engineered Ice Age - Congress
funds NOAA Project to Cool the Earth by Artificially
dimming the Sun
Estimating Global Agricultural
Effects of Geoengineering using Volcanic Eruptions
Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic
Chemical Geoengineering
Exposed Covert Agenda Behind
Geoengineered Global Climate Change
Geoengineered Disasters in Latin
Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around The Globe
Geoengineered Western U.S. Meltdown to Cool the Rest of the
Country... Again
Geoengineering Adds to Global
Geoengineering and Politics - Or
Why you should Not let Immature Children play with a
Loaded Gun
Geoengineering and the Aerosol
Spraying of Our Skies Affects Our Health
Geoengineering and the
Nuclear Connection
Geoengineering Causing Climate
- Alarmists Cover Up
Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, World Orders, Time
Lines and Ascension
could Cause the
Next Great Famine
Geoengineering could Disrupt
Rainfall Patterns
Geoengineering could Lead to Lower
Crop Yields - New Study
Geoengineering - First
Order Insanity
Geoengineering for Financial Gain
- A History of Weather Derivatives
Geoengineering is No Longer a
'Secret Conspiracy'
the Climate - Science, Governance and Uncertainty
Geoengineering - The Most
Important Topic of Our Time
- LIVE Updated Presentation
Geoengineering - We’ve Lost 20
Percent of The Sun’s Rays in The Last Few Decades Alone
Geoengineered Snowstorms - The Snowmen Turning
Warmth Into Winter
Geoengineers to Release
Planet-Cooling Gas into New Mexico Atmosphere
Español |
Geoingeniería, Estelas Químicas,
HAARP, Ordenes Mundiales, Líneas del Tiempo y Ascensión
Español |
Geoingeniería - Un Experimento
Biológico Masivo de Propósito "Desconocido"
Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome
Harvard Engineers plan new "Real
World" Geoengineering Experiment
Harvard shuts Bill Gates-funded
Geoengineering Project to Preserve Climate Narrative
Heavy Metal Contamination and Mass
Extinction - What's The Connection?
Español |
Importante Estudio Científico
Confirma la Existencia de Practicas Peligrosas de
Español |
Ingenieros de Harvard Planean
Nuevo Experimento de Geoingeniería en el 'Mundo Real'
Español |
La Reingeniería de la Vida y Cómo
Massive U.S. Senate Document on
National and Global Weather Modification
NASA Satellite Imagery reveals
Shocking Proof of Climate Engineering
Español |
Necesitamos Agricultura
Regenerativa, no Geoingeniería
No Natural Weather - Understanding
Severe Weather, Flash Floods, and Global Warming, is Not
Nearly as...
Operation Popeye - Weather
Modification as a Weapon of War
Owning The Weather in 2025
- A Research Paper Presented To Air Force 2025 - August
Planetary Take-Over - The Covert
Conquest of a Dying Planet
Español |
- ¿Qué
Formas de Vida Biológica son Compatibles con el
Resultado Final de la Ingeniería Inversa?
Rogue Geoengineering Could 'Hijack' World's Climate
and the Geoengineering Empire |
Scientists Push for ‘Solar
Geoengineering’ With Nano Particles to Whiten Our Skies
Special Report on 1.5 Degrees -
Second Order Draft - Document for Review - SR15 -
Summary for...
Aerosol Geoengineering
The CIA Wants to Control The Weather Through 'Geoengineering'
The Engineered Winter Deception -
Chemical Ice Nucleation
Ozone Layer Recovery Lie and Climate Engineering Denial -
Both are Breaking Down...
The Reengineering of Life and How
to Prevent It
The Unholy Trinity of Geoengineering Superpowers
The U.S. Government is Officially
Funding the Study of 'Geoengineering'
U.S. Climate Change Procedure
Based on U.N.'s Geoengineering Governance and Technology
as A Force Multiplier - Owning The Weather in 2025
Weather Channel Helping to Hide
The Geoengineering Assault
Weather Manipulation, Contrails
and Chemtrails
- Atmospheric Geoengineering - A Review of The...
Weather Modification -
Programs, Problems, Policy, and Potential
- Committee on Commerce,
Welcome to New Earth - A World
Changed by Geoengineering
We Need Regenerative Farming, Not
What are the Climate Engineers
Doing in the Arctic? - Astounding Images, and Dead
What Biologicals are Compatible
with the End Result of Reverse Engineering?
What is Geoengineering?
Multimedia: |
Beyond Chemtrails
- Climate Researcher Dane Wigington on GeoEngineering
Geoengineering and The Collapse of Earth
Geoengineering and The Dying of The Trees
Geoengineering and Weaponization of the
Geoengineering - A Planet in Crisis
- The Most Important Topic For 2013
Books-Treatises |
Español |
Chemtrails - Rastros Mortales en
El Cielo
- La Verdadera Causa de Las Epidemias - por Amitié Nenki
Multimedia |
Aerosol Attack
Aerosol Crimes
- 1st Edition
Chemtrails - Aerosol Crimes
- Carnicom
Chemtrails All Around The World
Chemtrails and HAARP Weather
- Confirmed by History Channel
Chemtrails - Clouds of Death
- Subtitulado en Español
Chemtrails, Depopulation, and
Weather Control/Warfare
- Michael Murphy
Chemtrails KC-10 Sprayer Air to
Air -
The Proof
Chemtrails - The Secret
Español |
De los Chemtrails a La PseudoVida
- La Agenda Oscura de La BIOLOGÍA SINTÉTICA
Español |
Enfermedad de Morgellon por
- La Doctora Hildegarde Habla
Español |
FrankenSkies - La "Realidad
Química" de los Chemtrails y la Geoingeniería
Geoengineering-Chemtrails -
Whistleblower interview with Kristen Meghan
Holes In Heaven
How to Neutralize Radiation and
Chemtrails from The Sky, Your Garden, and Your Body
- Ken Rohla
Killer Chemtrails - The Shocking
LOOK UP! - Documentary about
Chemtrails, Geo-Engineering, and Weather Modification
Orgonite vs. Chemtrails
Español |
- ¿Porqué Están Fumigando el Mundo?
Español |
- ¿Qué
Diablos Están Fumigando?
Scie Chimiche - La Guerra
Secret Sky Experiments
- Documentary of An Exposed Chemtrails Conspiracy
Stop Spraying Us!
The Dark Agenda of Synthetic
- From Chemtrails to
The Dimming - Climate Engineering
The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH
- Chemtrails, Morgellons Disease, and Global
Toxic Sky
Unprecedented Climate and
Temperature whiplash Scenarios
Weather Warfare, Chemtrails, HAARP
What in The World are They
Spraying On Us?
Who is Spraying Us? - Raytheon,
MITRE Corporation and MIT are Prime Suspects
- Peter Kirby
- "Why
in The World are They Spraying?"
External Links |
Chemtrail Alert System
Related Reports |
Climate Changes
- Main File
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide - Dióxido de
- Main File
Earth Changes
- Main File
EndGame - JuegoFinal
- Main File
Global Cooling
- Main File
Global Warming - An Official
- Main File
- Main File
Industry "Weapons" for Earth's
- Main File
- Main File
- Main File
Non-Lethal Weapons
- "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound"
- Main File
Scalar Electromagnetics Technology
- Main File
Sylphs & Chemtrails
- Main File
Viruses - An Instrument in World
- Main File
or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
- Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD
- Main File