What prompted you to investigate or get involved with aluminum
issues as being tied in to weather geoengineering?
In the Spring of 2014, I began to see particulate trails across the
sky that were increasing in frequency and in intensity.
By November
2014 the spraying was taking place on a near daily basis sometimes
obscuring the otherwise blue sky with dark artificial clouds. I got
involved to use my training as a scientist to discover what material
was being placed in the air that I, my family, and the citizens of
San Diego are being forced to breathe.
I did that, and the first
scientific paper on the subject was just published.
Subsequently, I
have collected my own rainwater samples, had them analyzed and
discovered some really important measurements that someone made in
2011. In addition to aluminum, there are a whole host of toxic
chemicals that come out of coal fly ash. I've written this as a new
paper and submitted it for publication.
Basically, the new paper
confirms, with great certainty, the results of the just-published
paper and addresses major public health issues related to the
ongoing spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere. I first
submitted that paper to a journal called Environmental Health
Perspectives, which is published by one of the US National
Institutes of Health.
The paper was rejected immediately without
review and, despite my appeals, was rejected with finality. What
does this say?
It says that the US National Institutes of Health
whose mandate is to protect and improve public health, acts contrary
to that mandate and hides the identity of the toxic material as coal
fly ash, and hides the associated health risks from members of the
scientific community and from ordinary citizens.
US National
Institutes of Health is, in my view, complicit in an activity that I
allege constitutes crimes against humanity.
Climate change apparently began with the UN's 1988 report. Why do
you think the UN went out on a limb like that?
There are three reasons: money, power and control.
Many in the UN
thought that countries that produce large amounts of carbon dioxide
could be forced to pay poorer countries through some mechanism such
as carbon credits.
Initially, this was all about transferring money
from richer nations to poorer nations. I suspect that the UN would
like to run all of the geoengineering activities. What a frightening
What the IPCC does is to evaluate various people's climate
models. Models are not science. Models are computer programs subject
to the well-known dictum "garbage in, garbage out."
So, you have a
committee deciding on which models are more likely to be correct and
assigning a probability. That's nonsense.
The real problem is that
the scientific community, the so-called establishment, has sold-out.
They no longer act as scientists. In all of the years that people
have observed particulate trails, how many university scientists
have investigated those? None! Or at least no one has published a
scientific article on the subject until I did recently.
That is
shameful behavior for the scientific community, but it's all about
money, power and control.
I suspect there are sympathetic scientists
out there, but they are too afraid to stand up and act like
scientists on the matter. If they did, they would be
"excommunicated," lose their grants, lose opportunities for
promotion and, perhaps, lose their jobs.
Practically everyone
involved in geoengineering, and climate control and related
activities, does so for the same three reasons: money, power and
In 2008, you wrote the paper "Variables unaccounted for in global
warming and climate change models," which was published in the Sept.
2008 issue of Current Science, wherein you claim political,
financial, and self-aggrandizement interests were the "spawning"
mechanism for the idea of anthropogenic global warming/climate
change, which took hold, especially with media mainstreaming.
Why do
you think that concept or paradigm had to be invented? Do you think
any political "payback" came into play, since Democratic
presidential candidate
Al Gore lost to Republican
George W Bush? Or,
are both on the same geoengineering wavelength?
I would say that both parties are on the climate change/geoengineering
gravy train.
In that paper you claim there is another explanation other than
human activity. Will you please tell us what you think it is, and
how you came to that conclusion?
This is actually a long story that the reader might like to
investigate on my website
The story begins in
1979 when I realized that the inner core of the Earth might have a
different composition than had been thought for 40 years. My paper
on the subject was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society
London in 1979.
While I was awaiting publication, I thought that
there would be debate and discussion (as there should be), and that
people who had well-funded laboratories would take the idea and run
with it, leaving me in the dust.
That did not happen. Instead, it
was as if the paper had never been published.
It was completely
ignored, my renewal grants encountered problems, I was
"excommunicated" and out of the academic business. But, I was onto
something important and kept pursuing the matter on my own and
making one discovery after another.
Eventually, I came to understand
that when the Earth formed initially, it formed as a gas giant
planet, like Jupiter, with the rocky part crushed by about 300
Earth-masses of gas and ice. When the sun ignited, the super intense
solar wind stripped the gases from our planet leaving a compressed
rocky planet without ocean basins.
Over time, pressures built and
the earth began to decompress.
This potentially variable
decompression is responsible for the surface geology, for emplacing
heat at the base of the crust, and is the driving force for
earthquakes. There is geological evidence to support variable heat
output from the Earth. There is also evidence that the Sun's output
is not constant.
Yet these two powerful energy sources are assumed
constant in climate models.
If, as you state in your June 2015 paper, "Aluminum poisoning of
humanity and Earth's biota by clandestine geoengineering activity:
implications for India," [Current Science, Vol. 108, No. 12, 25 June
2015, 2173-2176] the idea for geoengineering apparently came from
observations of major volcanic eruptions and that their ash remains
in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) for close to a year, what do
you think, then, was the real incentive for weather geoengineering
and why?
Initially, weather geoengineering was meant to benefit agriculture,
but later it became
weaponized for military purposes. Then along
came global warming with all the political and financial benefits.
If weather geoengineering has been going on for a while, why do you
think it's been ratcheted up dramatically since 2013?
Coincidentally, USA weather patterns since 2013 have been dramatic,
especially East coast winters! Any comment about that?
"Why" is the big question!
Unlike the geoengineering academics talk
about, i.e., spraying particles into the upper atmosphere
(stratosphere), the ongoing covert geoengineering sprays coal fly
ash into the troposphere, the lower atmosphere, which mixes with the
air people breathe.
The particles do not remain suspended in the
lower atmosphere for long periods of time as they do in the upper
atmosphere, so spraying has to be done on a daily basis. If the
spraying of coal fly ash into the troposphere is being done to
counteract global warming, it is a questionable practice.
artificial clouds may block sunlight during the day, but at night
those same clouds keep heat from leaving the Earth. Moreover,
dispersed particulates pose the impediment to rainfall which
operates counter to cooling the Earth.
Coal fly ash does that plus
something even worse: it absorbs water, so it changes the natural
rainfall patterns. So one must wonder, is the intention
to combat
global warming or to cause global warming so as to melt the Arctic
ice to get at the oil beneath.
In either case, the consequence on
humans and Earth's biota [ecology] is horrific.
Weather geoengineering can be seen in the skies in the form of
airplane exhausts that widen to form what I call "blanket clouds,"
which can cause a cloud cover over a perfectly cloudless blue sky
within an hour or so.
We know that they are not jet engine exhausts,
since it's almost impossible for modern jet engines to create what
are called contrails. Some real contrails can occur when atmospheric
conditions are correct at higher altitudes. They dissipate within a
minute or so, and do not spread out to create an artificial cloud
However, the sky trails, referred to colloquially as "chemtrails,"
are created at lower atmospheric levels by deliberately spraying
"stuff" into the air. Can you please tell us what that "stuff" is?
The "stuff," as I discovered scientifically, is
coal combustion fly
When utilities burn coal to produce electricity, two kinds of
ash are formed: heavy ash that settles out and fly ash that would go
up the smoke-stack unless it is trapped with electrostatic
precipitators, as now required by Western governments because coal
fly ash contains impurities that were in the coal, but in
concentrated form in the fly ash.
These toxic impurities are readily
leached, that is, extracted into water. That is one reason why this
substance is such an environmental hazard.
Can you explain why coal fly ash is used as the principal
If it's an industrial byproduct from the coal burning
power producing plants globally, is weather geoengineering a
disposal means for a hazardous waste, similar to
fluoridation of
water supplies for aluminum wastes and the fertilizer industry?
the particle size is ideal
it's an industrial waste product
that's available worldwide on a huge scale
it's cheap because
utilities would have to pay the costs of securing the product from
the environment
the utilities already have in place the
production facilities and transportation network, out of public
But using coal fly ash has serious, deleterious consequences
for human health, Earth's biota [ecology], and natural weather
Moreover, its utility is limited unless its purpose is to
cause drought. [I find it rather interesting that you should say
In your paper you state that coal fly ash from different European
power plants was analyzed and also exposed to water for 24 hours,
and then the water was analyzed.
Some pretty dangerous elements were
found in the water that had been extracted from the coal fly ash,
e.g., radioactive uranium and thorium, aluminum, barium and
strontium! Coincidentally, those very elements have been identified
in rain water samples collected.
Please expound upon what that means
for human health, the Earth's biota, and possible species extinction(s).
In a word: Horrific. My just-submitted paper deals with the subject,
so, to prevent compromising its publication, let's wait until after
it is published.
Absolutely! However, I'd really love to interview you about it as
soon as possible after publication.
I guess my next question
apparently is moot at this point: What are the negative aspects and
effects of coal fly ash and the elements found in it? I guess I'll
just have to wait for the answer in the published paper.
Are there any health risks to what's being sprayed? Who are the most
In the just-published paper, I discussed the health risks of
aluminum in a chemically mobile state as relates to neurological
The most vulnerable are the children [fetuses] pregnant
women are carrying, children, the elderly, and those with
compromised immune and respiratory systems.
There is much more
information in my just-submitted paper.
Do you think chemtrail particulates contribute to the dramatic rise
in asthma and lung disease, plus Alzheimer's and other dementias?
Are there any other health problems that can be attributed to or
associated with "chemtrails" or coal fly ash?
Yes, and if correct, there will be a big spike in their occurrence
in the USA after January 20, 2013.
Can you explain what's being found in rain water assays in Europe?
Have similar rain water assays been done in the USA, especially in
California? Do you know of any areas assayed in the USA?
Most of the post-spraying rainwater analyses are done for aluminum
and barium; occasionally strontium analyses are requested.
problem is that, comparatively speaking, there have been relatively
few chemical analyses worldwide. The reason is because there is no
well-funded research program on the subject, so individuals
typically collect the samples and pay for the analyses from
commercial labs out of their own pockets.
Generally speaking,
rainwater analyses for the above three elements are similar
throughout the world where such measurements have been made.
Regrettably, as can be seen from my recently published paper, there
are comparatively few data points.
Apparently then, rain water assays performed in both the USA and
Europe produced similar results, as those done elsewhere in the
world. I find that not only interesting, but rather incriminating.
As an aside, what do you think the "geopolitical" reason is for
creating a deliberate drought in California, which is the premiere
fresh food producing state in the USA?
That's a good question, but an unanswerable question.
It's hard to
believe that those who ordered the spraying are unaware of the
drought potential. It would make a lot more sense, if it were the
case that ISIS ordered the spraying.
Do our officials hate America
enough to destroy the potential for food production in its most
important agricultural state? The problem with covert operations is
not knowing the intent.
There may be several agendas in play here.
I'd venture to say that there may be vested interests at work to
create "water wars" that would lead to water use taxes, similar to
the much-ballyhooed "carbon taxes."
In your paper you mention that in one area of Northern California,
after an electrical storm, rainwater was collected, which contained
3,450 μg/l of aluminum when compared with a sampling of 10 days
earlier that yielded 850 μg/l of aluminum. Those are dramatic
figures, especially after the electrical storm.
What do you think
contributed to such a huge difference?
I do not know what might have contributed to such a huge difference.
As the three elements "fingerprint" were not measured, nothing can
be said as to what the source of aluminum was in that instance.
Can you please talk about why the federal or states governments
aren't doing anything about analyzing rainwater and publishing
results? Can the answer be similar as to why radiation measuring
devices in California were turned off after Fukushima?
The quick answer is that they are all "in the tank."
The EPA was
supposed to certify coal fly ash as a hazardous material, but
surprisingly did not. Moreover, the allowable limit for aluminum in
drinking water was raised significantly.
And, as I described above,
the US National Institutes of Health rejected the opportunity to
advise the scientific community and others of the identity and
public health risks of aerosolized coal fly ash.
Do you think coal fly ash has been sprayed for close to 15 years in
the USA, and what does that mean for agricultural and drinking water
quality; agricultural soils and food crops uptake of aluminum, which
should not be an element in food crops; and ambient outdoor air
I have one analysis of rainwater from 2002 showing the three element
fingerprint of coal fly ash.
Chemically mobile aluminum has
deleterious effects on plant growth. Aluminum corrupts the soil and
damages plants. But of all of the consequences, I suspect the worst
is on humans, who have breathed coal fly ash for years.
As an aside, I'm a retired natural nutritionist and I never remember
learning, or reading, about aluminum as a "nutrient" in food crops.
Caution about aluminum cookware has been known for years, since
acid/alkaline balance transfers come into play during cooking with
aluminum cookware.
You state that weather geoengineering is "clandestine." How can that
be, when its effects are in plain sight above our heads daily? Who
is doing the spraying?
I understand there are airlines devoted to
doing just that on a global basis, plus U.S. military planes, and
those planes do not file flight plans and at times have almost
caused accidents with commercial airliners.
Even when visible overhead, the operation is clandestine or covert
when specific information is withheld, especially the chemical
composition, the purpose, the public health consequences, etc. and
there exists in its place, an organized pattern of disinformation.
One of the most disturbing facts you point out in your article is
that weather geoengineering - especially the aluminum associated with
it - is associated with neurological diseases including autism,
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ADHD, and others.
Additionally, that
humans have not evolved with a natural immunity to aluminum. Of
course we haven't, because most of the aluminum was found embedded
in the earth's crust and not available to humans in "free form" in
the air we breathe, the water we drink or the food we eat.
In your paper, you mention that in the Ganga Alluvial Plain of
India, seasonal rainfall delivers toxic quantities of aluminum to
the Gomati River Basin. Also, you question where it's coming from
and also how to determine the source.
Can you please expound upon
your theory and what it would prove?
As you state above, aluminum is securely locked up in silicate
Thus, neither the plants nor creatures of Earth developed
any defense mechanism for chemically mobile aluminum. The Gomati
River is a tributary to the Ganga River, or Ganges as we call it.
The Ganga River is extremely important to the people in India. With
all of the sources of its pollution, the ritual bathing that takes
place is in relative safety. Apparently, there are organisms that
cleanse the river.
If mobile aluminum were to destroy those
organisms, it would cause a massive problem.
I proposed that Indians conduct experiments to determine whether
other countries' coal fly ash geoengineering is causing the high
levels of mobile aluminum, or is it a consequence of India's coal
burning power plants that do not sequester coal fly ash.
India has an Alzheimer's disease problem, as do many countries of
the world. According to this, "Alzheimer's in India is quickly
becoming more and more common…"
According to a paper published in
2012, southern India has a much higher rate of Alzheimer's than
rural northern India. What prompted your interest in India's
Alzheimer's problem and not the USA's?
My interest in aluminum-implicated neurological disorders caused by
coal fly ash is the same throughout the world. I suspect that the
aerosolized coal fly ash may be a leading cause.
"Worldwide, Alzheimer's is found in at least one among 10 persons
who are more than 80-year-old and one out of four persons who are
above 90 years.
In India, there are nearly 50 lakh [in 100,000]
dementia patients of which, roughly 70 to 80 percent have
Alzheimer's. The Indian numbers are expected to double by 2030, and
the costs involved are expected to increase three times." (Source)
In India, more than 4 million people have some form of dementia.
Worldwide, at least 44 million people are living with dementia,
making the disease a global health crisis that must be addressed
Here is a map representing the death rates per 100,000 globally from
Isn't weather geoengineering a blatant disregard and breach of the
Nuremberg Code, especially since there is no citizen informed
consent about what apparently is a global "scientific experiment"
going on for years for some ultimate purpose?
Would you like to guestimate as to what that purpose may be?
As I understand it, there are UN prohibitions against using weather
modification against other countries, but it is permissible within
one's own country. In reality, weather is a global phenomenon.
[Realistically, couldn't weather modification be considered an act
of aggression against another country - interfering with a country's
ability to raise food or experience severe floods or drought?]
In the USA, Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death! In
2015, Alzheimer's and other dementias will cost the nation $226
BILLION. By 2050, those costs could rise as high as $1.1TRILLION. In
the USA, every 67 seconds someone develops Alzheimer's. [2]
I note that you state in your paper that "After the US President
Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in for a second term in office on 20
January, 2014, geoengineering activities escalated sharply, becoming
a near-daily occurrence in many parts of America."
Could you please elaborate further on why you think that has
That it happened, I observed firsthand, as did many people who look
at the sky with concern.
Why? Perhaps an unholy alliance between
scientists without moral values, who are arrogant enough to think
they can control nature, but who are ignorant of why they cannot,
and those with vested interests, who have the same absence of moral
(humanitarian) values.
However, in a January 2014 Press Release didn't President
Obama say,
"Hundreds of countries are carrying out weather modification
programs, and we're doing it better than any of them. However, this
has been secret for too long. The American People need to know about
what we do to make sure our children have something to eat each and
every year.
It's true we need more oversight for geoengineering
projects, so I've signed an executive order establishing an
international third party oversight group to not only investigate
for abuse but also to keep the public informed about new and
existing geoengineering programs."
"Geoengineering is necessary for our country's agricultural
industries and keeps millions of Americans employed every year.
efforts in high altitude microwave technology at HAARP combined with
the innovations in cloud seeding technology introduced by
the jet fuel industry gives the American People a level of
control over the elements unprecedented in the history of
American Scientists are quickly
approaching capabilities which will not only curb global
climate change, but also to put an end to disastrous
hurricanes and typhoons. For decades these programs have
been kept secret out of concern for national security, but I
have decided there is no need to keep this program a secret.
Sensational reports that the United
States will exist in a 'bubble' as the rest of the world
heats up uncontrollably have no basis in scientific fact."
Geoscientists seem to have little understanding of that which is not
known, especially, the multitude of diverse and complex interactions
that keep nature in a state of equilibrium.
More realistically than
the above optimistic-nonsense, due to geoscience tinkering with
nature, our planet and its life-forms will suffer severe
consequences unleashed by the foolish and inhumane.
Here is a NOAA National Climatic Data Center map showing land and
ocean temperature percentiles from January to December 2013.
Personally, I wonder how factually realistic it is, especially
what's shown for the eastern Pacific Ocean, where the legend
indicates a "new average."

Furthermore, I'd like to point out that scientifically-speaking,
what's seen in the skies sprayed above us is referred to as "weather
geoengineering" or weather modification or even atmospheric
engineering, and not chemtrails, the colloquial term most readers
are familiar with.
However, chemtrails also are known as the Jet
Fuel Cloud Seeding Program (JFCSP) working in conjunction with the
classified High Altitude Auroral Research Project (HAARP) which,
apparently, are being managed by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and
Thank you, Dr. Herndon, for sharing your scientific expertise. We
look forward to another interview with you in the near future about
the effects of aluminum on humans and all life forms.