by Elva Thompson
October 13, 2014
HeartStarBooks Website
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When I tell the truth,
it is not for the sake of
those who do not know it,
but for the sake
of defending those that do.
- William Blake
The Lonely Road
Waking up to the truth about our manipulated reality, the human
farm, the 'loosh rote' and the nature of the fractal world, is an
overwhelming toxic shock, and as revelation upon revelation rocks
our psyche, and the rug of normality is pulled out from underneath
our feet… we are irrevocably changed.
Our preconceived ideas about reality disintegrate, and the walls of
comfortability we've built around ourselves fall like dominoes and
are swept away.
Our personal wants and desires pale into
insignificance in the face of our new awareness.
We no longer gel with family and
friends, have no time for small talk, or shallow and meaningless
conversations, and when we try to express our new found
understanding, even to those closest to us, we are often met with
apathy and ridicule.
We are changelings walking a lonely road, not knowing who to trust
or where to look for answers… but search we must… there is no choice
for us.
For a while, we are in no man's land struggling with doubt and
questioning our sanity… but one thing's for sure, we can never go
back to 'normal.'
The dark smoke
of spiritual agenda
Because of the trauma of losing normal, we can easily fall prey to
the dark smoke of negative spiritual programs in our search for
We have to learn to recognize the
carefully crafted alien agenda of organized religions, spiritual
misinformation, charismatic 'teachers', misleading theories,
esoteric cults, delusional thinking and spiritual dead-ends.
There is a ton of information on the Web, in book stores and
libraries about enlightenment and it appears that these days
anything can be passed off as 'spiritual'.
We see ridiculous displays of religious
zeal by football players after scoring, and organized religion is
awash with benign looking priests that bugger little boys, gossiping
do-gooders with their narrow dogma, and the spiritual blood crusades
of our god versus theirs.
is big business
The occult/religious world is a 'pseudo spiritual' business, a money
making scheme that preys upon the fearful and confused… run by
satanists, egoists, proselytizers, charlatans and spiritual
predators, all pedaling their personal 'spirit given' formula for
enlightenment, and toting their wares of duplicity, delusion and

Most purveyors of the dark smoke are very convincing and
charismatic, they have the rehearsed bedside manner of the doctor
and mealy mouthed politician, coupled with the fiery enthusiasm of
'the messiah and world savior' complex.
They are spiritual snake oil salesmen
pursuing money, sex and power.
Having been involved in the 'esoteric' business for forty five
years, I am amazed at the amount of 'sensible' people who get sucked
into bull shit, hand over their money, give their minds and bodies
away to liars,
sex offenders and pedophiles,
bullying self-styled gurus and teachers who wouldn't know a
spiritual truth if it hit them in the face and, in my experience, it
doesn't pay to warn the flock that the object of their devotion is a
wolf masquerading as a sheep.
Sorting the
spiritual wheat from the chaff
How can we sort the wheat from the chaff, the purveyors of the dark
smoke from the light of truth?
The old adage:
'Handsome is as handsome does' will
serve us well enough.
If we take the time to observe any
spiritual salesman that crosses our path, we will soon see who is
loving and humble, and who is a predator looking for an
'By their fruits ye shall know
and vegetarianism
'I have always found it difficult
not to consider the trade of a butcher on par with that of an
'Les Confidences'
Alphonse de le Lamartine
'It is probably safe to assume that the reader will agree that
murder is wrong, and that cannibalism is reprehensible, but
those who admit that it is wrong to kill people often believe
that man has a right to kill the animals.
This belief is based on the idea
that man alone possesses a soul that is potentially immortal.
But we have seen that it is only
man's conceit which makes him think that he alone is endowed
with a soul, and those who are best able to judge tell us that
the creatures do possess souls. The belief that they are without
souls and personality is a vain invention of the human brain to
justify man's desire to use the creatures as he likes.
The more one dares to think of the
implications of flesh eating and the welter of cruelty and
suffering it involves, the harder it becomes to believe that
religious teachers ever succeeded in foisting upon their
followers the astounding belief that it was a divinely appointed
means of sustenance.
It is easy to expose the horrors of
the meat trade, and yet it is amazing to reflect that
'Christian' men and women could consciously eat the flesh of
creatures who had been pole-axed to death under the most
appalling conditions.'
The Rev V.Holmes-Gore
These We have Not Loved
The slow
frequency of cruelty, suffering and death
All is frequency and the aspiring seeker after truth will realize,
that resonation with faster moving vibrations, the ascension
frequency, cannot be achieved if the body and spirit are saturated
with the fear fields of misery… and the rotting flesh of the soul
imbued creatures we so ruthlessly persecute, murder and feed on.
It's all about resonance, how fast we vibrate is equal to the amount
of love and compassion we carry…
Of course there will be the 'spiritual' naysayers shouting their
excuses from the roof tops in an effort to justify their 'holy cow'…
the eating of dead things! And that's okay for them…
But I've never met a spiritual ghoul!
No going back
The awakening is upon us, and as ugly as the truth of our reality
may be, we have been given a gift… a gift of vision.
We must trust our hearts and intuition to guide us
safely through the tempestuous sea of life… And as we join with
others on the road to Truth, may our thoughts be tempered by
wisdom and our hearts powered by love.
Hark ye , O man,
and list to my Voice, open thy mind space and drink of
my wisdom.
Dark is the pathway
of LIFE that ye travel, many the pitfalls that lie in
thy way. Seek ye, ever, to gain greater wisdom, attain
and it shall be light on thy way.
Open thy SOUL, O man to the Cosmic, and let it flow in
as one with thy SOUL. LIGHT is eternal, and darkness is
fleeting, seek ye ever, O man, for the LIGHT.
Knowing ye,
that ever as light fills thy being, darkness for thee
shall soon disappear.
Emerald tablets of Thoth The Atlantean
by Doreal