A Dozen times Pope
Francis has Openly Promoted a One World Religion and a
New World Order
Italiano |
Bergoglio "Non è il Papa" - Il
Vaticano Scomunica don Natale Santonocito a Palestrina
Bush like Hitler is Vatican's Best
Care for Our Common Home - Pope Francis
Cittá del Vaticano - from "Mystery Babylon
The Great"
Deep in Vatican Archives - Scholar
discovers 'Flabbergasting' Secrets
Does The Cosmos Know the Pope Exists?
Italiano |
Due Cose che il Papa non vi Dirà
mai sul'Inferno
Eight Ugly Sins of The Catholic Church
Español |
El Cardenal Müller advierte contra
el "Gran Reset" promovido en Davos por los "Amos del
Español |
El Falso Pedro y Los Anuncios del
Juicio Final - El Papa Francisco
Insiste en Anunciar el Juicio Final
Español |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial del Papa
Francisco - Vaticano utiliza 'Iniciativa Rothschild'
para Reformar el Capitalismo
Español |
Nuevo Papa Acusado de Haber Estado Implicado en la Detención de Dos Sacerdotes por Dictadura...
Español |
El Nuevo Papa Jesuita
Español |
El Opus Dei y Octopus Dei - La Mafia del Vaticano
Español |
El Papa confirma tener Archivos
sobre "Abusos, Corrupción y Negocios Oscuros" en el
Español |
El Papa con Tono de 'Fin del Mundo'
- "Para Aquellos que Celebran la Navidad... Puede ser su
Español |
El Papa de Hitler
- Un Polemico Libro Revela
Documentos del Vaticano Sobre el Antisemitismo de Pio
Español |
El Papa Francisco y la Llegada de
un Gobierno Mundial Centralizado
Español |
El Papa va a Decirle lo que Está
en su Futuro y es 'Mejor Que lo Escuche'
Español |
El Superpoder Germánico Que Viene
Español |
Vaticano - De Enemigo Eterno a Socio
Español |
El Vaticano respalda al Big Pharma
y se suma a la Campaña de Vacunación Mundial promovida
por los Globa...
Español |
El Vaticano y Los Estados
- Estados del Obispo de Roma
Español |
Vaticano y Los Planes de Despoblación Mundial
Español |
En Italia hay Tantas Iglesias y
tan Pocos Creyentes - Los Edificios son ahora Librerías,
Restaurantes y...
Evil and Corruption Everywhere in
The Church
- Vatican Openness in Butler Case Not Enough, Critics
Italiano |
Francesco - Il Papa della "Fine
del Mondo"
Italiano |
Francesco, un Papa per i Poveri,
un Papa per l'Ambiente o un Papa per l'Elite Globale?
Francis - A Pope of the Poor, a
Pope for the Environment or a Pope of the Global Elite?
Español |
Francisco - El Papa del 'Fin del
German priest says New Papal
Encyclical has 'Masonic' tone - Links it to St. Gallen
Italiano |
Gli Oscuri Segreti della Sala delle Udienze del Papa
- Rappresenta un Rettiliano Gigante
Español |
- ¿Hay
una Triple Alianza Mundial entre Trump, Putin y el Papa
Español |
Herencia Cristiana - Victimas de
La Fe Cristiana
- Lista de Víctimas en Nombre de La Iglesia Católica
Hitler's Pope - The Secret
History of Pius XII - Excerpts
Holy Crop! Vatican Blesses GMOs ...Though 'Unofficially'
Holy Smoke and Mirrors - The
Vatican Conspiracy
Italiano |
Il Falso Pietro e Gli Annunci del
Giudizio Finale - Papa Francesco insiste
con l'annuncio del Giudizio Finale
Italiano |
Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale di Papa
Francesco - Vaticano usa "Iniziativa dei Rothschild" per
riformare il Capitalismo
Italiano |
Il Nuovo Papa Jesuita
Italiano |
Il Papa vi dirà Cosa vi Riserva il
Futuro ed è 'Meglio che lo Ascoltiate'
Italiano |
Vaticano Apre i suoi Archivi Segreti sul Controverso Papa
Italiano |
Il Vaticano e i Piani di
Spopolamento Mondiale
Is the Pope Being Positioned as
the Head of a Planned "One World" Religion?
Español |
Jefes de Estado Presentes a Inicio
Oficial del Pontificado del Nuevo Papa Francisco
- El Caso de Costa...
Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of
Lies - 60 Years of State Terrorism
Italiano |
La Chiesa Cattolica va verso la
Strada per trasformarsi in una Setta
Italiano |
La Chiesa Romana - Un Tradimento
della Fiducia
Español |
La Iglesia Católica va Camino de
convertirse en una Secta
Italiano |
La Pandemia potrebbe essere una
"Vendetta della Natura" per aver Ignorato i Cambiameni
del Clima - Vaticano
Español |
- 'La
Prostituta de Babilonia' - El Vaticano
- Ensayo Historico de Fernando Vallejo
Italiano |
La Ragione Occulta delle
Dimissioni di Ratzinger
Español |
La Razón Oculta de La Dimisión de
Italiano |
La Vera Storia della Porta
dell'Inferno al Quirinale
Español |
La Verdadera Historia del
- Main File
Nos A Malo' - Considerations on the Great Reset and the New
World Order
List of Popes With References to
St. Malachy's Prophecy
Español |
Los Jesuitas
- Main File
Español |
Oscuros Secretos detrás de la Sala de Audiencias del Papa -
Representa un Reptiliano Gigante
Español |
Los Secretos de Wojtyla
- La Trama
Washington-CIA-Opus Dei-Mafia Financiera En El Vaticano
Genocide of Mohawk Children by UK Queen and Vatican
Uncovered in Canada
Multiple Catholic Priests Expose
the Practice of "Satanism" within The Vatican
Español |
Múltiples Sacerdotes Católicos
Exponen la Práctica del 'Satanismo' dentro del Vaticano
Español |
Obispo Retirado Explica
porqué la Iglesia Inventó el Infierno
One World Religion - Pope Francis
signs Historic Covenant with Islam
Español |
Operación Gladio - La Historia No
Contada de la Alianza entre el Vaticano, la CIA y la
Operation Gladio - The Untold
Story of the Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the
CIA, and the Mafia
Español |
- 'Orden
Mundial Jesuita' y las 13 Lineas de Sangre Illuminati
Pandemic could be 'Nature's
Revenge' for Ignoring Climate Change - Says Pope Francis...
Italiano |
Papa Francesco chiede 'Nuovo
Ordine Mondiale' dopo la 'Pandemia'
Italiano |
Papa Francesco diventa 'Comunista
Appieno' - Ha detto Dividere la Proprietà non è
Comunismo ma "Pura...
Italiano |
Papa Francesco - Il Papa Nero
Español |
Papa Francisco I - El Papa Negro
Español |
Papa Francisco - Un Peón de la
Agenda Mundial
Español |
Pedro Romano Llega el 03.13.2013 a
Las 20.13 Horas
Petrus Romanus Arrives on 3/13/2013 at 20:13 Hours
Petrus Romanus - The False Prophet
and The Antichrist are Here
Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope Is
Benedict XVI Announces His Resignation at End of Month
Benedict XVI's Leaked Documents Show Fractured Vatican
Full of Rivalries
Pope Doubles Down -
Pushes Zika Virus and Birth Control Psyop as Necessary
"Lesser Evil
Pope Francis I - The Black Pope
Pope Francis' Bait and Switch -
Traditional Theology for Global Warming
Pope Francis
calls for A "New
Global Political Authority" to Save Humanity
Pope Francis calls for 'New World
Order' after the 'Pandemic'
Pope Francis goes 'Full Communist'
- Says Sharing Property is Not Communism but "Pure
Pope Francis' New World Order -
The Vatican is using a 'Rothschild Initiative' to reform
Pope Goes Full Doomsday - "For
those Who Celebrate Christmas… It May Be their Last"
Resignation - Harbinger of Papacy's End?
Pope Says Not Right to
Identify Islam with Violence
That Roman Catholicism Is Witchcraft
Español |
Prueba de que El Catolicismo
Romano es Brujería
Español |
- ¿Quien
Creó La Iglesia Católica?
Remembering Sherman Skolnick and
His Fight to Warn Americans About Vatican Corruption
Remove 6 Billion People and
Introduce New World Order - Says Vatican Speaker
Retired Bishop Explains
Why the Church Invented Hell
- 'Sacred
Betrayals' reveals Web of Financial and Sexual Abuse by
top Vatican Cardinal protected by Pope Francis
Satanic Priests in The
Catholic Church?
Scandalo Vaticano! What Exactly
Did The Butler See?
Searching For The Illuminati Deep
Within The Bowels Of The Vatican
Secret Papers, The Occult,
Freemasonry In Pope's Butler's Trial
Secrets of The Vatican
- Glimpses Behind the Purple Curtain
Español |
Sexo - La Palabra de Cuatro Letras
Que Está Destruyendo El Vaticano
- The Three Letter Word Destroying The Vatican
Shocking Alien Fears, Force Pope from Office
Sorcery at the Vatican - The
Papacy's Seven Deadly Sinners
Español |
Mundi' - El Monarca Medieval Excomulgado cuatro Veces
- Main File
The Church of Rome And Freemasonry
- Transactions of Quatuor
Coronati Lodge N° 2076
The Coming German Superpower
The Criminal History of The Papacy
The Dark Secrets Behind the Pope's Audience Hall - It's a
Giant Reptilian
The Deception of The Century
- Evidence for the REAL Third Secret
The First Jesuit Pope
The Green Pope and the
Catholic Rebellion
The Holy Inquisition
- Main File
The Jesuits
- Main File
The London-Rome Beltane Ritual
The Mafia, The CIA, & The
Vatican's Intelligence Apparatus
The New Atheists
The Orsini Family
- The MAXIMUS Clan
The Pope is Going to Tell You what
Lies in Your Future and 'You Better Listen'
The Pope's and The Malachy Prophesy
- Main File
The Real History of Christianity
- Main File
The Roman Church - A Betrayal of
The Rothschild and The "Nazi" Pope
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity
and The NWO
The Vatican and The Jesuits
The Washington-Vatican Connection
Two Things the Pope Will Never
Tell You about "Hell"
Italiano |
Un Convento di Monache di Clausura
in Spagna si ribella al Vaticano - "Papa Francesco è un
Italiano |
Un sacerdote tedesco afferma che
la Nuova Enciclica Papale ha un tono "Massonico" -
Legami con il St. Gallen...
Vaccination - Vatican's Medical
Inquisition Revealed at Last!
- Vaccination Came From the Vatican via...
Vatican Aligns with The United
Nations on "World Governance"
Vatican goes 'Full Technocracy'
with 'Council for Inclusive Capitalism'
Español |
Vaticano anuncia que Mujeres
'Consagradas' ya No Tendrán que ser Vírgenes - 'Esposas
de Cristo' en shock
Vatican Opens its Secret Archives
on Controversial Pope Pius XII
Vatican-Pope and The New World
- Main File
Speaker and California Governor in Push for Massive
Pope Benedict Fired by The Knights of Malta? - Popes
Don't Resign - They Get Fired
What About The Vatican?
- from 'Secret Societies and
Their Power in The 20th Century' by
Jan Van Helsing
Who Created The Catholic Church?
Why is the Pope's Mitre Shaped
Like a Fish?
Why is the Vatican
Covering-Up the History of the Pre-Flood World? - Suppressed
WikiLeaks - New Chargé d'Affaires
Christopher Sandrolini Lobbied Vatican on Biotech Foods
WikiLeaks - The Vatican Cables
Revisited - Just a Matter of Procedure?
Additional Information |
20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity
American Churches Astronomically
- Archaeologist Says...
American Laws Most Americans Don't
Know! - But Should Know!
Annually 46 Million Abortions
- Catholic Church
Blackwater - Knights of Malta in
Council of Trent
Cover-Up for Elizabeth Windsor,
Queen Elizabeth II
- Indict Bilderberger, BC Attorney General, CFRO-FM
Español |
Decadencia de un Imperio
- Paralelos entre los Estados Unidos y Roma
Decline of an Empire -
Parallels Between the U.S. and Rome
Español |
Desencadenando la Edad Oscura - El
Asesinato de Hipatia
Español |
El Legado
de Magdalena - Revelaciones Más Allá del Código Da Vinci
Español |
El Masoquismo de Madre Teresa - ¿La Religión Demanda el
Sufrimiento para Mantener Pasiva a la Gente?
Español |
El Mosad Espía y Extorsiona al
Gobierno Italiano
Español |
El Nombre 'Vaticano' y la Diosa
Etrusca del Inframundo 'Vatika' - ¿Cuál es la Conexión?
Español |
El Origen de la Lotería
Español |
El Vaticano Respalda Los Alimentos
Español |
el Cristianismo una Mentira y una Conspiración con 2000
Años de Antiguedad?
Español |
la Religión una Fuerza para Bien o para Mal?
Español |
Este es el País Suramericano que
hace Un Siglo eliminó la 'Semana Santa' y "Sacralizó el
Tiempo Libre"
Executive Order 13427 of March 7, 2007
- Extending Privileges and Immunities to the Permanent
Germany and The Holy Roman Empire
Español |
Hay un Sello en el Alma
que No Puede ser Removido
Español |
Historia de Cristo
- Desde Damasco a Santiago de Compostela
House of Theosophy Seminar
Reveals Plans For
Last Stages Of New World Order
Italiano |
Il Nome "Vaticano" e la Dea
Etrusca "Vatika dell'Oltretomba" - Qual'è il
Is Pope Francis Laying The
Groundwork for A One World Religion?
Is Religion a Force for Good or
Is the Vatican in Shock Over a 'Newly Discovered' Bible that Says
Jesus Wasn't Crucified?
Español |
Katalin Karikó desarrolladora de
Tecnología ARNm - Francisco la nombra Miembro de
Academia para Vida
Español |
La CIA y El Vaticano Manipulan La
Español |
La Conquista Programada
- A Alguien Le Interesa Que La Cruz Triunfe
Español |
La Cruz Malta y La Sociedad
Secreta Neonazi, CIA y Vaticano
Italiano |
La Fabbrica di Migranti che Salvini Non toccherà mai
Español |
La Historia Oculta de La Mafia X - Jordan Maxwell Habla de
La Ley del Almirantazgo y Los Illuminati
Español |
La Muerte del Catolicismo y el
Nacimiento del Dogma Pandémico - No es Ciencia, es
Español |
La Religión Nos Da el Mayor
Trastorno Mental del Mundo: Religithexia
Español |
La Última Ilusión
Español |
Los Dueños del Imperio - El
Vaticano, la Corona y el Distrito de Columbia
Español |
Los Imperios, el Nacionalismo y la Leyenda
Monotheism, Inc.
- Chart
Mother Theresa's Masochism - Does Religion Demand
Suffering to Keep People Passive?
Español |
No Hay Una Crisis Energética
- Lindsey Willians: “Tras Años de Colapso, Su Intención
Es Poseerlo Todo”
Español |
Obispo Golpista en Venezuela - Las Fuerzas Contra Chávez
- Archivo
Occult Holidays And Sabbats
Owners of Empire - The Vatican,
the Crown and the District of Columbia
Papal Trivia - Fun Facts About the
Popes - Treasures of Our
Catholic Heritage
Pathocracy And Religion
- "Project
Español |
Raíces Secretas de La Religión
Español |
Raúl Castro Hace Migas con El
Español |
Reinterpretar La Biblia
Religion Gives Us the World's
Largest Mental Disorder - Religithexia
Religious Madness and
Conceptual Blindness
Sad For The Pope?
Satanic Black Masses at Vatican
- Bush Sr. and Kissinger Exposed for Attending by
Illuminati Insider
Satellite Image - Vatican City
Secretive Knights Templar Make
Astounding Bid to Save World
Español |
Secretos Ocultos del Vaticano
Acerca de la Creación del Profeta Mahoma - Alberto Rivera, Ex
Secret Vatican Briefings on The
Creation of Prophet Muhammad
- Alberto Rivera, Former Jesuit Priest
Italiano |
Segreti Occulti del Vaticano su La
Creazione del Profeta Maometto
- Alberto Rivera, ex
Sacerdote Gesuita
Español |
Sexo y Erotismo en El Convento
- El Sexo y El Erotismo en Los Monasterios Femeninos
Español |
Sobre la Teofagia y Otros Plagios
Some Present Table/Worship Spaces
in The World
Sustainable Development
- A Global Agenda Structured On Population Control
The Church's War on The Cathars
The Crooked Cross and The Cross
- Nazism and Christianity
The Donation of Constantine
The Forbidden Secrets of the
The Holy See
Long History of Witchcraft Persecution
The Masada Fraud - The Making of
Israel Based on Lies
The Masada Myth
The Name 'Vatican' and Etruscan Goddess 'Vatika of The
- What is the Connection?
The Pagan Origins of three Catholic
The Patriarchs and Saints are The Gods of
Other Cultures
The Personal Devil
The Phallic 'Savior of The World'
Hidden in The Vatican
The Religious Conspiracy
- from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the
Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"
There's a Seal on The Soul ...that
Cannot Be Removed
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta
- Main File
The Vatican Secrets Archives
The Writing on The Wall
Alliance' - Exposing the Radicals Advising Pope Francis on
- Special Report
U.S. Embassy Cable - "The Real
Story" - 01VATICAN4258
- Comparison
Vatican Radio Waves Blamed For
High Cancer Risk
Vatican Secretly OKs GMOs
- "Divinity" Divided No More
Vatican Sitting On Time Machine?
Vatican Writers Reveal Devious
Plans For America's Takeover In "Project Vatican"
Was That The Papal We? - Was
Judaism's 'Hierarchy' Designed for Enlil's Ghost Hunger?
Whose Ancient Burials are Hidden
inside the Vatican City's Walls?
Extraterrestrials and The Church |
Español |
Italiano |
Collegamenti Segreti tra Il
Vaticano e gli Extraterrestri
Español |
Conexiones Secretas entre El
Vaticano y Los Extraterrestres
Discoveries Out There Require
Preparation Right Here
Español |
El Vaticano Acepta La Existencia
Español |
El Vaticano está Preparando
Declaración sobre la Vida Extraterrestre
Español |
El Vaticano sabe de la Existencia
de Nibiru
E.T. and God - Could Earthly Religions
Survive the Discovery of Life Elsewhere in the Universe?
Español |
- ¿Estallará
una Guerra Religiosa La Declaración del Vaticano de Un
Salvador Alienígena?
- Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and The Vatican's
Astonishing Exo-Theological Plan...
Español |
- Petrus Romanus, Proyecto LUCIFER, y el Plan
Exo-Teológico del Vaticano para la...
Extraterrestrials and The Vatican
Getting Ready for Aliens - A
Bird's Eye View
God versus Aliens
Español |
Guerra Espacial y el
Conocimiento de Extraterrestres por el Vaticano -
Wikileaks desvela Emails
Is Homo Capensis - the Big Brain
Conehead - Earth's High Cabal and Covert Controller? |
Italiano |
La Crociata che Porterà a una sola
Religione Mondiale
Español |
La NASA Reúne a Científicos y
Teólogos para Preparar al Mundo para Contacto
Italiano |
L'Extraterrestre è Mio Fratello
Español |
Lo que el Cristianismo, el Islam y
el Budismo dicen acerca de la Vida Alienígena y el
Contacto Extraterrestre
Español |
Los Extraterrestres y Dios
- ¿Podrían las Religiones Terrestres Sobrevivir al
Descubrimiento de la Vida...
Español |
Los Lagartos y La Iglesia Romana
Manipulative Extraterrestrials
Appear to Use Religion and Capitalism to Control
NASA and Library of Congress
Prepare for Discovery of ET and Alien 'Baptism'
NASA brings Scientists and
Theologians Together to Prepare World for
Extraterrestrial Contact
Italiano |
Perché il Vaticano ha nascosto la
Storia dell'Umanità "Prima del Diluvio"
Pope Francis to Announce
Extraterrestrial "Savior" According to New Book
Español |
- "Primer
OVNI caído se estrelló en Italia y el Vaticano estuvo Implicado"
- Revela ex oficial de Inteligencia
Español |
- ¿Qué
Ocurriría con la 'Religión Católica' si Anuncian la
Existencia de Vida Alienígena?
- Main File
Español |
Sitchin y Un Teólogo del Vaticano
- Conversan de Ovnis,
Extraterrestres, Ángeles, La Generación del...
Stairway to Heaven
Are Zecharia Sitchin and Vatican official Monsignor
Balducci really climbing the... ?
The Crusade toward One World
Extraterrestrial is My Brother'
UFO Over Vatican
UFO's and Extraterrestrials... - A
Problem for the Church?
Vatican Accepts - Star Visitors
Are Real
Vatican, England and France
Pressure the U.S. for UFO Disclosure
Vatican Prepares for
Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Vatican Preparing Statement on
Extraterrestrial Life
Vatican Says Aliens Could Exist
Vatican to E.T. - Hello, Brother...
What Christianity, Islam and
Buddhism say about Alien Life and Extraterrestrial
Why the Vatican has Covered-Up
Humanity's 'Pre Flood' History
Will Vatican Declaration of
an Alien Savior spark a
Religious War?
World Religions Unite as Prelude
to Extraterrestrial Disclosure
Multimedia: |
Aliens and The Vatican 2013
God versus Aliens
Subterranean People
The Vatican's Secret Plan for The
Arrival of An Alien God
Vatican Suppression of Inner Earth
From "Vatican Assassins" |
A Summary of the Book - Vatican Assassins
Excerpts from
"Vatican Assassins"
Grand Global Merger of All Black Magick Forces Occurred When Pope Paul
VI Became Pope in 1963
Vatican Assassins
- The Diabolical History of The Society of Jesus - by
Eric Jon Phelps
Malachi Martin |
Hostage to The Devil - The Possession and
Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans
Lucifer's Lodge Found!
- The Vatican Findings of Malachi Martin
Malachi Martin and 'The Keys of
This Blood' - from "The New World Order Scam"
Malachi Martin's Background
Satanism Practiced in The Vatican
- Fr. Malachi Martin Affirms
What Is Approaching Us?
Books: |
Hostage to The Devil - The Possession and
Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans - by Malachi Martin
Multimedia: |
The Vatican Murders
- Radio Interview to Malachi Martin on Art Bell Show 1996
Vatican Conflict
- Radio Interview to Malachi Martin on Art Bell Show
July 13, 1998
Other Christian
Churches |
Inside The Mormon Church
Moriah and The Mormon Leadership
- 13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati
The Watchtower and The Illuminati
Multimedia: |
The Mormons
- A Religion in America
Pedophilia and The
Vatican |
Victims Seek International Court Case Against Pope
Child Abuse Scandals
- DOSSIER - Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, The Catholic Church
Español |
El Oficial de Más Alto Rango del Vaticano Condenado por
Abuso Sexual Infantil
Español |
El Pecado que "Avergüenza" al
Evidence Suggests Pope Francis
might help facilitate Vatican Pedophilia and Satanic
Español |
Fiestas Sexuales en El Vaticano
- Secuestran Niñas para Sus
Altos Cargos
Hague Is Asked to Investigate
Vatican Over Sexual Abuses
In "Historic Bombshell" Vatican
Official accuses Pope Francis of Covering-Up Sexual
Abuse - Calls for...
In the Closet of the Vatican -
Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy - by Frédéric
Martel |
In the U.S. 800 Thousand Children
Missing Each Year
Italy's Bishops Pass
Vatican-Backed Rule that Child Molestation does Not Have
to Be Reported
Joseph Ratzinger and The Secret
- Why The Pope
is to Blame
for the Sex Scandals
Español |
'Clave' para Nuestra Esclavitud es La Energía Sexual
Español |
La Disculpa del Papa por Los
Abusos Sexuales Cometidos en Irlanda Parece Carente de
Español |
Raíces Reptilianas de La Pedofilia
Español |
"Amores Santos" - El Documental Brasileño que Amenaza al
Español |
Los Horrores del Coro de Niños
Alemán que Condujo por Años el Hermano de Benedicto XVI
Español |
Muchachos de Compañía y Satanismo
en El Vaticano
- Afirmaciones Reveladas por El Sacerdote Pedófilo...
Papal Resignation Linked to Inquiry Into 'Vatican Gay
- Says Paper
Pedophiles and Popes
- Doing The Vatican Shuffle, Protecting The Perpetrators
Pedophilia in The Catholic Church
- Cover-Up Operation at The Vatican? - Pope Ratzinger's Swan
Philippines President Duterte
Calls Out Vatican for Pedophilia and Gold Hoarding
Pope Acknowledges Thousands of
Cases of Priests Raping Kids with No Recourse
Pope Benedict to Seek Immunity and
Protection from Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on
February 23
Pope Francis Exposed Quietly
Letting Pedophile Priests Off With Little or No
Has Immunity in Abuse Trials - Vatican
Priest Removed from Ministry Due
to Sex Abuse Allegations Now Works at Philadelphia
International Airport
Ratzinger a.k.a. Pope Benedict XVI
- Main File
Roman Catholic Church Continues to
Support Bishop Convicted of Covering Up for Pedophile
Satanic Apologetics and The Church
Sex Abuse Scandal
TESTIMONY by His Excellency Carlo
Maria Viganò - Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana - Apostolic
The Catholic Church's Grim History
of Ignoring Priestly Pedophilia and Silencing Would-be
The 'Culture of Secrecy' and
Blackmail that Perpetuates Abuse in the Catholic Church
The Highest-Ranking Vatican Official ever Convicted of Child
Sexual Abuse
The "Key" to Our Enslavement is The Sexual Energy
The Pope's Apology for Sex Abuse
in Ireland Seems Hollow - Sinead O'Connor
Reptilian Roots of Pedophilia
United Nations vs. The Vatican
Vatican Rentboy and Satanism - Claims Revealed by
Paedophile Priest Don Patrizio Poggi
Multimedia: |
A Culture of Secrecy That Perpetuated
Español |
Maxima Culpa - El Silencio en la Casa de Dios
Maxima Culpa - Silence in the House of God
of The Vatican
- Documentary Frontline
The Vatican' Finances |
A Vatican Auditor says 'He Dug Up
too Much Dirt' and Was Buried
Español |
Cómo la Iglesia Católica Reclamó
la Propiedad de Todo el Mundo
Did Somebody Just Try to Buy The
British Government?
Español |
El Papa Francisco planea 'Arreglar'
el Capitalismo Global con la ayuda de los Rothschild,
Rockefellers y...
Español |
El Vaticano es el Mayor
Accionista de la Industria de Armamentos en el Mundo
Miles de Personas se...
Español |
El Vaticano Siempre Ha Sido Una
Empresa de Negocios - Lo de La Religión es Secundario
Fired Top Official sues the
Former 'God's Banker' Could Blitz
Vatican With Cache of Secret Documents
Germany and The Vatican Are Moving
Toward a Financial New World Order
- The Vatican Exploits the...
Banker - Italy's Mysterious, Deepening Bank Scandal
Italiano |
Hotline Vaticana per il Vaccino,
Come posso aiutarla?
How Much Wealth does the Vatican
How the Roman Catholic Church
Claimed Ownership of the Entire World
How the Vatican Built a Secret
Property Empire Using Mussolini's Millions
I Banchieri di Dio - God's Bankers
- Masons, P2 and The Vatican
Italiano |
Il Capo della Banca del Vaticano è
Legato ad Affari Militari
Italiano |
Il Vaticano è Stato Sempre Un
Business Aziendale - La Religione Viene Dopo
Italiano |
Il Vaticano perde $135M in Losco
Affare per una Proprietà a Londra - Frode tra le Accuse
In Desperation, The BIS and
Vatican Bank Order Assassinations
- But Mossad, The CIA and The Yakuza...
Español |
del Banco del Vaticano Tiene Nexos Militares
JPMorgan Chase Closes Vatican Bank Account
Leaked Documents show FBI
investigated Ties between Mafia, Masons and Vatican in
Assassination Plot
Español |
No Existe tal Cosa de "Redistribución
Legítima" de la Riqueza
- El Vaticano
Italiano |
Papa Francesco ordina alla Santa
Sede di Trasferire Tutti i Beni alla Banca Vaticana per
proteggere le Finanze...
Italiano |
Papa Francesco pianifica di "Risolvere"
il Capitalismo Globale con l'aiuto dei Rothschilds, dei
Rockfeller e...
Benedict XVI's Leaked Documents Show Fractured Vatican
Full of Rivalries
Pope Francis orders Holy See to
transfer All Assets to Vatican Bank to protect the
Church's Finances
Pope Francis plans to 'Fix' Global
Capitalism - With the help of the Rothschilds,
Rockerfellers and Mastercard
Struggled to Lift Sacred Secrecy of Vatican Finances
Español |
- ¿Sabían
que el Vaticano Posee la Cantidad de Dinero Suficiente
para Acabar con la Pobreza Mundial Dos...
Scandal and Skulduggery at The
Scandalo Vaticano! What Exactly
Did The Butler See?
The Pope's Banks in America, The
Giannini Family and The CIA
The Pope's Three Banks In America
The Vatican Bank is Reportedly
Under Investigation for Laundering Millions for A Mafia
The Vatican Pipeline - U.S. intelligence
document links $170 million in Nazi gold to the Vatican
Toward Reforming the International
Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a
Global Public...
Vatican Bank Account Closed At JP Morgan
- Image May Be Hurt
Vatican Bank Chief Tedeschi Dismissed
Vatican Bank Hit By Financial
Scandal... Again
Vatican Bank Sued for Alleged War Crimes
Vatican loses $135M in 'Shady London Property Deal' amid
Allegations of Massive Fraud
Vatican Official tied to BP,
Goldman Sachs and Media Censorship in The Oil Fiasco...
- Increasing Evid...
Vatican SpA - Bribery and Mafia
Criminal Finance
Vatican Vaccine Hotline, How Can I Help You?
Vatileaks - Pope's Butler arrested for stealing Confidential
Video Evidence of Secret Illuminati
Corporation More Wealthy Than the Combined Wealth of All Nations
Behind The Leaked Letters Roiling The Vatican?
Facts Philippines is the
Richest Country - A Million Metric Tons of Gold
Bank of God
Viganò |
Abp. Viganò warns US Bishops about
COVID Vaccine - The 'Great Reset' wants 'Billions of
Chronically Ill People'
A False Pandemic and the
Imposition of a False Vaccine - A Criminal Plan of World
Depopulation - Viganò
Archbishop Viganò warns of coming
Ecological Dictatorship
Archbishop warns of 'Collusion
between Deep State and Deep Church' to overthrow Trump
and bring in NWO
Español |
Arzobispo Viganò advierte a
Obispos de EE.UU. sobre Vacuna COVID - El 'Gran
Reinicio' quiere 'Miles de...
Carlo Maria Viganò address at the
'Bornholm Conference 2023' - Lashed out to the WEF
Español |
Declaración de Mons. Carlo Maria
Viganò sobre la 'Crisis Rusia-Ucrania'
Español |
Discurso de Carlo Maria Viganò en
la 'Conferencia de Bornholm 2023' - Arremetió contra el
Español |
El Arzobispo Viganò revela los
Perversos Planes del Globalismo en una impactante
Español |
El Vaticano inició Juicio Canónico al Arzobispo Carlo Maria
Italiano |
L'Agenda del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale
richiede che l'Italia dovrebbe soccombere - Arcivescovo
Carlo Maria Viganò
Italiano |
L'Arcivescovo Viganò avverte che è
in arrivo la Dittatura Ecologica
Italiano |
L'Arcivescovo Viganò finisce a
processo in Vaticano per Scisma - Le Critiche a Papa
Pope Francis is a 'Zealous
Cooperator' of the Globalist 'Great Reset' Plot -
Archbishop Viganò
TESTIMONY by His Excellency Carlo
Maria Viganò - Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana - Apostolic
The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda -
"SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu" - C.M.
Viganò and S. Bannon
The COVID 'Pandemic' Farce served
as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order - Archbishop
Viganò |
- 'The
New World Order Agenda requires that Italy should Perish' -
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Italiano |
Un Arcivescovo avvisa di una
Collusione tra 'Lo Stato Oscuro e la Chiesa Oscura' per
rovesciare Trump e...
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
warns Humanity for 'New World Order'
Italiano |
La Voce di Carlo Maria Viganò e il
The Viganò Tapes - The Complete
Books and Treatises |
Español |
Biografía No Autorizada Del
- Nazismo, Finanzas Secretas, Mafia, etc...- por Santiago Camacho
Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy to Invent
Jesus - by Joseph Atwill
Español |
Cincuenta Años de La Iglesia
- por
Español |
El Cristianismo - Un Mito Más
- por Salvador Freixedo
Español |
El Holocausto Canadiense
- Ocultado de la Historia - por Kevin D. Annett
Freemasonry and Catholicism
- by Max Heindel
Hitler's Pope - The Secret History
of Pius XII - by John Cornwall
Italiano |
Il Fungo Sacro e la Croce
- da John Marco Allegro |
Index Librorum Prohibitorum |
In the Closet of the Vatican -
Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy - by Frédéric
Martel |
Español |
La Prostituta de Babilonia
- por Fernando Vallejo |
Matrix of Power
- How The World Has Been Controlled
By Powerful People Without Your... -
by J. Maxwell |
Operation Gladio - The Unholy
Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia - by
Paul L. Williams
Petrus Romanus - The
Final Pope is Here
- by Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam
Español |
- ¿Por
Voluntad de Dios?
- por
David Yallop
Terror Behind Locked Doors
- The Hidden Secrets of
Convent Life -
by Maria Monk
The Broken Cross
- The Hidden Hand in the Vatican - by Piers Compton
The Canadian Holocaust
- Hidden From History - by Kevin D. Annett
The Dictator Pope
- by Marcantonio Colonna
The Empire of “The City” (World Superstate)
- The
Jekyll/Hyde Nature of the British...
- by E. C. Knuth
The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross
- by
John Allegro
The Secret History of The Jesuits
- by Edmond Paris
The Vatican Billions
- Two Thousand Years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar
to... - by Avro Manhattan
The Vatican in World Politics
- by
Avro Manhattan
The Vatican Jesuit Global
- by Dr. Ronald
The Vatican's Holocaust
- by Avro Manhattan
The Vatican Mafia - by Monseñor Dr. Rafael
Rodriguez Guillen
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ
- by Nicolas Notovitch
Vatican Assassins
- The Diabolical History of The Society of Jesus - by
Eric Jon Phelps
Multimedia |
Español |
Advertencia a Toda la Gente a
Nivel Mundial sobre la Vacuna para el Coronavirus
Aliens and The Vatican 2013
Angels And Demons Revealed
BBC Conspiracies - Satanic Panic
Behind the Closed Doors of The
Biblical Horrors - A Trip Through
Some of the Most Insane Acts of Violence in the Bible
Catholic Nazi Connections
Conspiracy of Religion
Español |
El Gran Reseteo Mundial
Español |
El Papa Francisco a Favor de la
Inquisición Climática |
Español |
El Papa - Vacunarse es un "Acto de
Español |
Fabricando el Consenso
- Noam Chomsky y Los Medios de Comunicacion
Faith, Power, Manipulation - The
Secrets of the Opus Dei Sect
Español |
La Iglesia Católica Paga Por
Ocultar Abusos Sexuales
Español |
La Sociedad Más Secreta de Todas Que
Conspira Para Controlar el Mundo
Español |
La Verdad Jamás Contada -
Español |
Los Illuminati - "Angeles y Demonios"
- Documental Sociedad Secreta
Manufacturing Consent
- Noam Chomsky and The Media
Italiano |
Monsignor Viganò al "No Paura Day
5" de Torino
New World Order - The Devil In The
Español |
Nosotros Los Esclavos
Español |
Operación Gladio - Los Maestros
del Círculo
Operation Gladio Behind False Flag
Italiano |
Ratzinger e il Nazismo
Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope Is
Here -
Steve Quayle, Tom Horn and Cris Putnam on Omegaman Radio
Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth - Arrest Warrants - USA
Bishop Breaks With Vatican
Francis declares Lucifer as God
Pope Francis
launches the New
World Order
Pope Francis "urges people" to Get
Vaccinated against Covid-19
Pope's Resignation Follows Damaging Information
Ring of Power
- The Empire of "The City" - World Superstate
Roman Empire Rules Today
Satanism, Ritual Abuse and
Pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church
- William H. Kennedy
Secrets of The Vatican
Sex Crimes and The Vatican
Should This Video Be Banned? YOU
- "Sun of God?"
The Art Behind the Pope's Throne
depicts Jesus Rising from a Nuclear Bomb Crater
The Crimes of Religions
- Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide
The Four Horsemen
The London-Rome Beltane Ritual
- David Icke |
The Naked
Truth -
Documentary by Jordan Maxwell
Secret of Vatican 2012
The Story of 'God'
The Vatican's
The Vatican's Secret Plan for The
Arrival of An Alien God
Three 'City States' Rule the World
Through The Eyes of A Slave
True Legends of the Giants
- The UnHoly See
Intelligence Service Leaking Planet X Information
- Occults Control The World
Vatican Secrets Exposed!
- Jordan Maxwell
Victims of Sexual Abuse Point
Finger at Pope
Which One Is Your Jesus? -
Caesar's Messiah
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Ciencia Real - Main
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Fatima - The Prophecy
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The Lucis (Lucifer) Trust - Main
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The Kolbrin - Main
The New World Order - Main
The Robots' Rebellion
- The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance - by David Icke
The Vatican Bank Claims - External link