by Zen Gardner
August 14, 2015
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

I have questions.
Life is wonderful-full of
amazing wonders
that continue to unfold.
My quest for truth has given me
new perspectives
which lead to well springs of
that continue to inspire awe
and wonder
at the world we live in.
Dare to explore and see what
leaves you
…just wondering.
Zen Gardner
Ever wonder why you feel so
all alone during this crucial time in history?
Why the sense of isolation
yet at the same time you feel so connected to the
information field and those waking up?
And all while you still
appear to be living all alone?
Quite the conundrum. Yet the reality of
it gets louder by the day.
This is war. An all out war on a very
individual level.
We're in a battle for our planet and its
peoples and you're part of it. The more integral you are the more
isolated you may feel, I venture to say. And by design, as strange
as that may seem, though we do need to connect at this crucial time.
It's a time of immense warfare, between the forces of good
and the forces of evil, to put it in its most basic terms.
Clearly a lot is happening on many levels but essentially this is a
fight for our survival - not just geopolitically, but even
physically and most of all spiritually.
We're under attack and the awakening soldiers have been relegated to
their fighting positions - what you might call our trenches.
So don't fight it. Fight the enemy and stop thinking too much about
your own damn issues. You've been called to battle. That's pretty
much how I'm currently seeing it.
However you see all of what's going on,
it's a time to let personal issues go for the sake of the greater
good and make whatever sacrifices you need to make.
Stay Outside
There's so much more at stake than any of us individually.
Selflessness is the sign of a true
warrior; one who fights for a noble cause and the survival of
righteous principles and the lives of all those they love and care
for. This includes all of humanity and every living thing on this
It's a driving compassion that surpasses
all of the confines of social structure or so called reason.
Passion supersedes everything. It is born out of spirit and will not
cease until its goal is accomplished to the best of its ability. The
destructive tendencies we witness today are shortsighted and of very
limited lifespans.
They're a different vibration altogether
and basically a counterfeit impulse born out of entropic forces
countering the creative design.
Hence the warfare...
Why this has been set in place and at play I don't really know. The
fact remains that it boils down to personal survival and that of all
living things once you realize the agenda of these destructive
Life is clearly a struggle on many levels but today's world
is unfolding an awareness of many more dimensions of this struggle
as occult forces surface and come to increasingly bear on humanity.
Selfish, self centered orientation is anathema to truth and
love and is the most disempowering motivation anyone can
possibly have.
It may seem satisfactory in the short
term within this matrix of deceit, but anyone with any
heartfelt compassion and
empathy will recognize it falls
flat in the real scheme of things.
The true realm of empowerment is unselfish, heartfelt motivation for
the common good. Completely contrary to the
self oriented societal complex, but nonetheless a fact.
This concept is contrary to everything we're been taught.
Bravery in the face of a storm,
conscious awareness in a mind-numbed world, it's all the same. We're
standing against an onslaught of abject hate, disinformation,
deliberate confusion and very clever mind bending propaganda.
The issue I'm addressing is this very stance. Having the courage
to be who you truly are, in heart, mind, soul and spirit.
This is what withstands the
destructive Matrix and creates the new paradigm.
Is it futile? Can we change the tide?
These are no doubt questions we each
battle on a daily basis. But such is the nature of warfare.
Diametrically opposed sides endeavor to not just withstand but take
an offensive approach to their declared enemy.
We didn't set up this paradigm. It was brought on
by outside influences into our
otherwise peaceful, cooperative communitarian nature. But again,
deal with it we must.
With fortitude and the courage of our
Learning and
I don't mind thinking that this life is a learning ground. It makes
a lot of sense.
But that's at best linear, logical
thinking when you come down to it. Survival in our current
environment has a much more real ring to it. Act or be acted upon
makes much more sense to me as far as spurring us on to simply
responding to what is transpiring around us.
That's how nature
Any way you look at it, how will we react or respond, what will
individuals do in the face of such obviously parasitic forces out
for our very destruction?
Big questions, but essentially only answered individually. One by
Will you react, respond, take the
offensive, or duck for cover and self-preservation, and on and
There are a lot of options to choose
The reality remains - what we choose will determine our outcome.
There are a lot of choices before us, but the nature of our current
situation is what it is. A very real engagement with both good and
detrimental influences over which we have control.
It's ours to choose.
Once you've chosen, you will find yourself in a struggle against
those forces that seek to eliminate your freedom of choice as well
as your very right to exist. That's a pretty strong reality.
When you get it you'll understand why
you're in the trenches of the battlefield.