1. Karma
As we know
Karma means action.
You will begin to notice that your
actions either positive or negative have immediate impact on you
and everyone else around you. Whatever you are putting out, you
will be getting back.
This will occur at an advanced rate,
unlike other lifetimes where you have needed to reincarnate to
tie up loose ends. This acceleration is allowing for us all to
"settle the scores" that need to be settled.
What I have witnessed is a 2-3 month
return on both negative and positive actions.
What we currently view in our surroundings is 'toned down' and
with the lifting of the veil, comes the opening of our astral
eyes. As our astral eyes begin to open once more, we will have
the innate ability to finally see as we were meant to.

What was once beautiful to you will
become ugly and shadowed and what was once overlooked will
become magnificent in grandeur.
The appearance of what was once
simple becomes intricate. The appreciation of the sky, the
grass, the trees the dirt and the beauty of earths initial
creation will far outweigh the appeal of materialistic goods and
It would be like seeing a piece of
wood and finally seeing its genetic makeup and connecting to its
essence. Or viewing the air around you, and finally seeing the
energy of electrons glinting before you.
Have you ever had a moment when you
knew that you weren't alone, yet no one else was visibly in the
room with you?
This shift will finally allow us to
see, feel and hear those who are at this time hidden from our
view able spectrum.
Structural DNA Changes
What was once considered "Junk
DNA" is no longer. Scientists have now discovered a
vital clue in unraveling these riddles.
human genome is packed with at
least four million gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that
once were dismissed as "junk" but now they turn out to play a
critical role in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues
behave and interact.

The discovery is considered a major
medical and scientific breakthrough.
These higher strands of our DNA will
bring us more in tune with our selves as we are beginning to
activate our DNA through our ever-expanding consciousness.
Within the double helix there are
additional double helix strands which fuse together.
This is the multi dimensional
spectrum of DNA manifestation that we are beginning to remember
and will catapult our species into evolved galactic being of the
4. Masculine
Since the beginning of time, the
masculine and feminine energy
have been separated.
With this separation the magic and
instant manifestation of desires has been compromised. The union
of our feminine and masculine energies within each individual is
the basis of all creation.
The feminine receives the universal
creative energy and the masculine expresses it in the world
through action - this giving us a creative process. Our female
is inspired by a creative impulse and communicates it to us
through a feeling, and our male acts on it by speaking, moving,
Our female intuition plus our male
action, equals creativity.
In order to live a harmonious and
creative life, you need to have both your inner female and male
energies fully developed and functioning correctly together.
live simply out of our intellect would be a cold unloving
experience. To simply live out of our feelings, we would be
deadlocked in surviving, but not achieving greatness."
5. Thoughts
and Emotions

Mindful control of conscious thought
is at the premise of this shift - as thoughts create
our emotions.
Careful observation of thought is
essential and will be in preparation for the following steps to
come. We will no longer allow our emotions to control our
We are energetic beings and emotions
carry wavelengths of energy and as such our thoughts and
emotions create our own realities.
6. Feelings
Feelings are different from
emotions and need to be understood as such.
Feelings are about our intuition, as
a feeling is generated from the heart center and perpetuated
through the third eye chakra, as intuition of perception.
As we evolve, our intuitive feelings
will become heightened through the amplified use of our four
major "sixth senses" being,
Our telepathic abilities will
increase to the point where "lying" is no longer possible.
Speaking through the use of "spoken
language" will no longer be used as our thoughts will become our
main communication and interaction with one another.
7. Astral
Projection and Remote Viewing
Whether you are aware of this or
astral projections are
happening now and there are many projectors around the world who
have tapped in to this level of consciousness.
Remote viewing is the ability
to astral travel to a specific place and time and witness the
activities of those on this earth plane, remember them and
returning to your own body with the knowledge.

We all have the ability to astral
project, because we all are endowed with spiritual gifts of the
"6th senses". It is up to you whether or not you will make the
conscious changes in your life to enhance this ability.
Meditation is key, as well as
enhancing your intuition through third eye exercises,
cultivating the intuitive process.
8. Endless

Unfolding consciousness is key to
understanding the endless possibilities of our own reality.
Our current reality is based upon
our choice, the actions of others and just a bit of chance. With
the understanding that we do not exist on single line, of birth
until death we can become the creators of our own future.
Each of the alternate possibilities
of reality are as real as your current reality that you
consciously perceive in this state.
With this shift, we will have the
ability to see the "alternate endings" and therefore choose the
best possible outcome giving the ability to live the life of our
While also viewing the alternate
realities of the choices not chosen.
Near the further end of this shift,
"every thought will have drastic
an immediate impact. All dreams will become reality and so
will our nightmares. The future will become a battle of
ideas and we must learn to direct our minds".
In the future, we will be the
creators out of the ether, or (aether) as it was called in
ancient times.
Our thoughts will unfold our surroundings. With every step you
take you will be creating what you are stepping on, with your
own thoughts and nothing more.
We will have the ability to create
entire worlds in the blink of an eye, as well as destroy them.

Our evolving consciousness
will no longer be singular.
The connectivity between all
things will become apparent upon this shift. Whether it be the
linking up between you and another human being, a plant, animal
and even the spiritual realm on this plane.
These can be exciting or fearful,
the choice is up to you. This evolution of consciousness is
exploding at a rampant rate and it is constantly "amping"
(amplifying) up in