In modern molecular biology and genetics, the Genome is the entirety of an organism's hereditary information.

It is encoded either in DNA or, for many types of virus,

in RNA.

El Genoma es la totalidad de la información genética que posee un organismo o una especie en particular.





 -  Alteración de las Especies - ¿Están los OMG Re-cableando Nuestro ADN?


 -  A Radical Revision of Human Genetics


 -  Artificial Life created by Craig Venter - First Synthetic Cell created in a Laboratory


 -  Artificial Womb and Ectolife - The Future of Customized Babies?


 -  Australian Aborigines carry the DNA of an Unknown "Human" Species


 -  Biodiversity - The Genetic Takeover of All Living Things


 -  Biotechnology, Ethics, and The Politics of Cloning


 -  Can Biotechnology control Human Behavior?


 -  Can our DNA Electromagnetically 'Teleport' Itself? - One Researcher Thinks So


 -  Científicos Descubren Doble Significado en el Código Genético


 - "Dark DNA" is Changing the Way We See Evolution


 -  Descubierto un Lenguaje Oculto en el ADN Humano


 -  Descubren las Claves Genéticas del Envejecimiento


 -  Descubrimientos Genéticos Cuestionan el Concepto de Individuo


 -  Designer Babies - An Ethical Horror Waiting to Happen?


 -  Detailed Map of Genome Function


 -  Distinto Genoma en Las Neuronas de Un Mismo Cerebro


 -  DNA Begins As a Quantum Wave


 -  DNA can be Engineered to Kill Individuals, Families or Entire Ethnicities


 -  DNA Data Offer Evidence of Unknown Extinct Human Relative


 -  DNA - Gateway to Scalar Energy Based Healing - A Physicist's Perspective


 -  DNA - Genetica Humana


 -  DNA Report


 -  Do you have the 'Good' or 'Bad' Covid-19 Neanderthal Genes?


 -  Drug to Fix Faulty DNA Gets Go-Ahead in Landmark Move that May Alter Medicine Forever


 - "El ADN Oscuro" está Cambiando el Modo en que Vemos la Evolución


 -  El Genoma más Grande del Planeta lo tiene un Pequeño Helecho


 -  El Silencio de los Genes


 -  Encuentran Un Reloj Biológico en El ADN que Refleja la Edad de Los Tejidos y de Los Órganos


 -  Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14 Successive Generations - Game-Changing Research Reveals


 -  Epigenomics and How Natural Nutrients Heal Genes


 -  Four Strand DNA in Human Cells - Scientists Discover Quadruple Helix


 -  Four-Stranded 'Quadruple Helix' DNA Structure Proven to Exist in Human Cells


 -  From Mad Scientist to Bad Scientist - Richard Seed as Biogovernmental Event


 -  Gene Drive Technology - What Species should we make Extinct Today? - Why are B. Gates and Military involved?


 -  Genes de la Inteligencia Descubiertos por Científicos


 -  Genetically Modified Humans? - New Gene-Altering Drug Paves Way for Mass Modification


 -  Genetic Engineering to Clash with Evolution


 -  Genetic Engineering - When Science Becomes a Menace


 -  Genetic Entropy - Is the Human Race Degenerating?


 -  Genetic Scientists create World's First 'Synthetic Embryos'

 -  Genomic evidence for ancient human migration routes along South America's Atlantic coast


 -  Gli Uomini di Neanderthal continuano a Vivere nel Nostro Genoma


 -  Hallan ADN de un 'Antepasado Desconocido' en nuestro Genoma


 -  How a DNA 'Parasite' may have Fragmented our Genes


 -  Humans Have Already Been Cloned



 -  If DNA is Software, Who Wrote the Code?


 - 'If the DNA is Genetically Altered, it can be Patented' - Dr. Chinda Brandolino


 -  Il Mistero del perché gli Esseri Umani Muoiono circa a 80 anni potrebbe essere Risolto


 -  Intelligence Genes Discovered by Scientists


 -  In Test Tubes, RNA Molecules evolve into a 'Tiny Ecosystem'


 -  Investigadores Reconstruyen el Genoma del Ancestro Común de todos los Mamíferos, incluidos los Humanos


 -  It's Time to Encrypt Our Genomes



 -  La Evolución no es tan Aleatoria como se Pensaba - Un Nuevo Estudio


 -  La Genética determina las Creencias Religiosas y Políticas


 -  La Peste Negra modificó nuestros Genes y nuestro Sistema Inmune


 -  La Peste Nera ha modificato i nostri Geni e il nostro Sistema Immune


 -  La Próxima Amenaza - Explotación del ADN


 -  Las Memorias Epigenéticas son pasadas a 14 Generaciones Sucesivas - Revela innovadora Investigación


 -  Las Personas Vacunadas Pertenecen al 'Titular de la Patente'


 -  Las Vacunas contra el Covid-19 Modifican el Genoma Humano


 -  Los Cambios Geneticos - Main File


 -  Los Científicos Demuestran que la Humanidad Cada día es Mas Tonta, Mas Pequeña y Mas Débil


 -  Los Humanos tenemos la Capacidad de Vivir entre 1.000 y 20.000 Años


 -  Los Neandertales Siguen Vivos en Nuestro Genoma


 -  Lynn Margulis - La Científica Rebelde


 -  Massive Genetic Study shows how Humans are Evolving


 -  Matching drugs to DNA is 'New Era of Medicine'


 -  Missing Mutations Suggest a Reason for Sex


 -  Modified RNA has a Direct Effect on DNA


 -  Mystery of why Humans Die around 80 may finally be Solved


 -  Neanderthal Genome


 -  Neanderthals Didn't Mate With Modern Humans - Study Says


 -  New Discovery shows Human Cells can write RNA Sequences into DNA


 -  New Genetic Study seriously Challenges Darwin's 'Theory of Evolution'


 - ¿Qué Significa la Epigenética para el Despertar de la Humanidad?


 -  Remote-Controlled Genes Trigger Insulin Production


 -  Researchers Able to Make Building Block of DNA Through Simple Chemicals


 -  Researchers Perform First Surgery on the Human Genome


 -  Scientists are Close to Creating a Fully Synthetic Genome


 -  Scientists Close to Controlling all Genetic Material on Earth


 -  Scientists control human DNA with Electricity in 'Leap Forward' - Study Reports


 -  Scientists discover Double Meaning in Genetic Code


 -  Scientists finally Admit There Is a Second, Secret DNA Code Which Controls Genes


 -  Scientists finally Crack Wheat's Absurdly Complex Genome


 -  Scientists have Observed Epigenetic Memories being Passed Down for 14 Generations


 -  Scientists install 'Memories' in DNA of Human Cells


 -  Scientists just Broke the Technical Barrier to Cloning Primates, Including Humans


 -  Scientists Switch Mouse's Genes Off and On With Radio Waves


 -  Scientists Target 2026 as the Year of the First Synthetic Genome


 -  Scientists to Built 'Modern-Day Noah's Ark' to Save the DNA of All Complex Life


 -  Scorn Over Claim of Teleported DNA - Nobel Laureate Claims Teleported DNA


 -  Species Alteration - Is GMO Rewiring our DNA


 -  Synthetic Biologist - Cloned Children, 'Handpicked Genes' Right Around the Corner


 -  Synthetic Human Embryos - No Need for Eggs or Sperm


 -  Synthetic Life - Biologists Are Crafting Libraries of Interchangeable DNA Parts


 -  Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans - Main File


 -  That Artificial Womb Video isn't Real - But Scientists say it Could Be


 -  The Biology of Belief



 -  The DNA Phantom Effect



 -  The Genome's Big Data Problem


 -  The Hidden Codes that Shape Protein Evolution


 -  The Neanderthal Genome



 -  The Next Best Version of Me - How to Live Forever


 -  Todo lo que Aún No Sabemos sobre la Genética Humana


 -  Un Análisis de ADN antiguo arroja luz sobre el Proceso de Asentamiento Humano Temprano de Sudamérica


 -  Una Revisión Radical de la Genética Humana


 -  Un Descubrimiento Científico revela Nuevos Genes que demuestran que el ADN Humano sigue Evolucionando


 -  Un Nuevo Estudio Científico Demuestra que la Población es Cada Vez Más Tonta


 -  Vaccines - An Ideal Covert-Operation to Genetically Re-Engineer Humans


 -  Vacunas - Una Operación-Encubierta Ideal para Manipular Humanos Genéticamente


 -  We are Now Able to Edit DNA - But What Are the Implications?


 -  What does Epigenetics Mean for Humanity's Awakening?


 -  Why did the Genetic Code of All Life on Earth Suddenly Stop Evolving?


 -  Why do mRNA Vaccines alter your DNA? - To make You Legal Property...!


 -  Why We Have to Teleport Disbelief


 -  World's First Genetically Modified Babies 'Created' in U.S.


Additional Information


 -  A Calibrated Human Y-Chromosomal Phylogeny Based on Resequencing

 -  Accurate Predictions of Postmortem Interval Using Linear Regression Analyses of Gene Meter Expression...

 -  A Complete Neandertal Mitochondrial Genome Sequence Determined by High-Throughput Sequencing

 -  After-birth Abortion: Why should the Baby Live?

 -  A Genetic Perspective on the Relationship between Eudaimonic - and Hedonic Well-being

 -  A Genomic Region associated with Protection against severe COVID-19 is Inherited from Neandertals


 -  Agotar el ADN - ¿Cuánto Control tienes realmente sobre tu Información Genética?


 -  AI - Artificial Intelligence - Main File


 -  A Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of a Hominin from Sima de los Huesos


 -  Análisis del ADN Mitocondrial - Moderna Investigación Genética Confirma la Historia de Edgar Cayce

 -  Analysis of Protein-Coding Genetic Variation in 60,706 Humans


 -  An Ancient and Occult Genetic Code



 -  Ancient Body Clock Discovered That Helps Keep All Living Things on Time


 -  An Expanded Context For Genetic Exploration and Explanation

 -  A Prudent Path forward for Genomic Engineering and Germline Gene Modification

 -  Are Political Orientations Genetically Transmitted?


 -  Artificial DNA Could Power Future Computers



 -  Artificial Life made in Lab can Grow and Divide like Natural Bacteria

 -  Autograft-Derived Spinal Cord Mass following Olfactory Mucosal Cell Transplantation in a Spinal Cord...


 -  A Zombie Gene protects Elephants from Cancer

 -  A Zombie LIF Gene in Elephants is Up-regulated by TP53 to Induce Apoptosis in Response to DNA Damage


 -  Babies' Biological Clocks Dramatically Affected by Birth Light Cycle


 -  Bill Gates, China, 23andMe and your DNA


 -  Biobots arise from the Cells of Dead Organisms - Pushing the Boundaries of Life, Death and Medicine


 -  Biocomputación - El Arte de Imprimir Vida


 -  Biología Sintética o La Competencia con Dios



 -  Cambios Geneticos - por Barbara Marciniak



 -  Chemtrails - Agentes Desinformadores de La Actual Estructura Genética (ADN)


 -  Chemtrails, Transmutación Genética y Transhumanidad


 -  Chiral Water Super-Structure forms around DNA


 -  Científicos Almacenan en ADN un Sistema Operativo, una Película y un Virus de Computadora


 -  Científicos Chinos Logran Almacenar 90 GB en Un Gramo de Bacterias


 -  Científicos Confirman Similitudes Estructurales entre Células Humanas y Estrellas de Neutrones


 -  Científicos Crean unos Organismos con ADN Sintético - Nueva Forma de Vida


 -  Científicos Cultivarán "Mini-Cerebros" a partir del ADN de un Neandertal


 -  Científicos Norteamericanos Logran Por Primera Vez Que un Mono Incorpore un Gen de Otra Especie


 -  Cientos de Genes Vistos Volver a la Vida Dos Días Después de la Muerte


 -  Cómo Distorsiona nuestro Pensamiento la Incoherente "Teoría de la Evolución"


 -  Computadoras hechas de Material Genético Revolucionarán nuestro Mundo


 -  Computers Made of Genetic Material will Revolutionize Our World

 -  Converging Technologies For Improving Human Performance - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology...


 -  Cosmología Evolutiva y Evolución Biológica


 -  Could Humans One Day Live to 500? That's what a Group of Eccentric Billionaires Believe


 -  Could Software Evolve Naturally?


 -  Covid-19 alters Human Genes - Explaining mystery behind Coronavirus 'Long Haulers'

 -  Deleterious Mutations and the Evolution of Sexual Reproduction


 -  De Los Chemtrails a La PseudoVida - La Agenda Oscura de La Biología Sintética

 -  De Novo Birth of Functional Microproteins in the Human Lineage - by Nikolaos Vakirlis

 -  Design and Synthesis of a Minimal Bacterial Genome

 -  Discovery of the Interstellar Chiral Molecule Propylene Oxide


 -  DNA Analysis on Native Americans


 -  DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs



 -  DNA Exhaust - How much Control do You really have over Your Genetic Data?

 -  DNA Fountain Enables a Robust and Efficient Storage Architecture


 -  DNA has gone Digital - What could possibly Go Wrong?

 -  DNA Methylation Age of Human Tissues and Cell Types

 -  DNA Waves and Water



 -  Doing to Others... What Was Done to Us?


 -  Do Political Attitudes and Religiosity Share a Genetic Path?

 -  Earth BioGenome Project - Sequencing Life for the Future of Life

 -  Ecological Speciation of Bacteriophage Lambda in Allopatry and Sympatry


 -  EE.UU. creará un "Ejército de Supersoldados" con ADN Modificado


 -  El ADN Aclara el Origen de los Humanos de Atapuerca


 -  El ADN Humano Más Antiguo pone "Patas Arriba" la Evolución


 -  El ADN se ha Vuelto Digital - ¿Qué Podría posiblemente Salir Mal?


 -  El Final del Sexo


 -  El Lado Oscuro de la Ecografía Prenatal


 -  El Poder de La Palabra


 -  El Principio de La Astrología Demostrado Científicamente - La Posición Planetaria Graba el Reloj...


 -  El Tiempo Realmente No Existe en El Flujo de La Realidad - El Tiempo Está Únicamente Limitado al...


 -  Encuentran Similitudes Entre las Estrellas de Neutrones y el Citoplasma Celular


 -  Encuentran Un Reloj Biológico en El ADN que Refleja la Edad de Los Tejidos y de Los Órganos

 -  Epigenetics - The Science of Change


 - ¿Es La Estructura del ADN Una Antigua Imagen China?


 - ¿Está Naciendo Una Nueva Raza de Súper Terrestres o Es El Fin de La Raza Humana? - Se Preguntan...


 - ¿Estará La Integridad de La Raza Humana Acercándose al Colapso? - Mujeres, Antes de Embarazarse...


 -  Estudio y Nuevos Datos Prueban la Astrología

 -  Eukaryotic Non-Coding DNA Is Functional - Evidence From The Differential Scaling of Cryptomonal...

 -  Evolution - A Modern Fairy Tale

 -  Evolution of the Ancestral Mammalian karyotype and Syntenic Regions

 -  Evolution Runs Faster on Short Timescales


 -  Explosión Demográfica Previamente Desconocida de La Especie Humana hace 40,000 Años

 -  Extreme Genetic Engineering - An Introduction to Synthetic Biology


 -  First Life Forms to Pass on Artificial DNA Engineered by U.S. Scientists


 -  Four-foot Human with Cat's Eyes


 -  Frequency, DNA and The Human Body


 -  Friendship and Natural Selection


 -  Genes Are Considered The Property of Big Brother - Newborns' DNA Routinely Harvested for Govern...


 -  Genetically Engineered Human Have Already Been Born


 -  Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others - Main File


 -  Genetically Modified DNA Transfers from Food to Human Blood


 -  Genetically Modified Organons - mRNA Vaccines

 -  Genetic and Environmental Influences on Religiousness: Findings for Retrospective and Current Religio...

 -  Genetic Counseling and Screening of Consanguineous Couples and Their Offspring

 -  Genetic Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation


 -  Genetic Engineering - 'Spider Goats' Create One of the Strongest Known Substances


 -  Genetic Modification Gone Wild - 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad...


 -  Genetic Research on the Ancient Basques Yields Unexpected Results - Cayce's Atlantean History is Viable


 -  Genetics Research - A Largely Failed Science Now Used for Social Control?

 -  Genetics and Humanity's Future


 -  Gli Stati Uniti creranno un "Esercito di Supersoldati" con DNA Modificato

 -  Go Ahead, Kiss your Cousin - Heck, Marry Her if you want


 - ¿Haciendo a Otros... Lo Que Hicieron a Nosotros?



 -  Hacking The President's DNA


 -  Haplotypes spanning Centromeric Regions reveal persistence of Large Blocks of Archaic DNA

 -  How Elephants Beat Cancer


 -  How Neanderthal DNA Helps Humanity



 -  How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA



 -  How the Microbiome Destroyed the Ego, Vaccine Policy and Patriarchy


 -  How to Ethically Modify the DNA of Humans


 -  Human DNA Headed to Moon "Seed Vault" for Aliens to Find

 -  Human Engineering and Climate Change


 -  Human Modification - Spider Goat Silk to Make 'Bulletproof Human Skin'


 -  Humanos Genéticamente Diseñados Ya Han Nacido



 -  Hundreds of Genes seen Sparking to Life Two Days After Death


 - "I Am Legend" and The Depopulation Agenda



 -  Identificadas las Bases Genéticas de la Felicidad y del Sentido de la Vida

 -  Identifying Genetic Variants that Affect Viability in Large Cohorts

 -  Identifying Personal Genomes by Surname Inference

 -  Image-Based Modeling Reveals Dynamic Redistribution of DNA Damage into Nuclear Sub-Domains

 -  Induction of Biogenic Magnetization - Redox Control by a Component of the Target of Rapamycin Complex 1


 -  Intelligent Design



 -  Interstellar Find adds Life to Old Debate

 -  Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human...


 -  Introducción a La Biología Sintética


 -  Introduction to Synthetic Biology


 -  Investigación Genética de Los Antiguos Vascos da Resultados Inesperados - La Historia Atlante de Cayce...


 -  Is A New Race of Super Earthlings Being Born or Is this The End of The Human Race? - Scientists Ask


 -  Is The Genetic Integrity of The Human Race Approaching a Collapse? - Women: Before Getting Pregnant...


 -  Judge Strikes Fear Into Biotech Industry With Nullification of Patents on Human Genes BRCA1


 -  La Dictadura del Futuro - Los Magnates Invierten sus Fortunas en Alcanzar la Vida Eterna


 -  La Fine del Sesso


 -  La Frecuencia, el ADN y el Cuerpo Humano


 -  La Genética y El Futuro de La Humanidad


 -  La Inteligencia De Las Células


 -  La Jungla Interior - Esta es la Imagen más Detallada de una Célula Humana jamás obtenida


 -  La Modificación Genética Fuera de Control


 -  La Toma de Posesión de "Todo el Material Genético de la Tierra" - El Proyecto Global Expuesto


 -  Left Guessing - Left-Handed Molecules Among The Building Blocks of Life

 -  Left In The Dark - by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright


 -  Leonardo da Vinci and the New Biology


 -  Leonardo da Vinci y la Nueva Biología

 -  Lethal Gene Drive Selects Inbreeding


 -  Life's Big Leaps - Critical Moments in Evolution


 -  Los Siete Dispositivos Biológicos - Las Claves Desprogramativas del Genoma 3D - Marielalero


 -  Los Vecinos Colindantes en El Holograma Tierra - Marielalero


 -  Magnetic Yeast May Harness Nature's Magnetic Capabilities


 -  Métodos Genéticos y Ópticos de Control


 -  Microbios - Lo Último en Desintegración de Realidades

 -  Millisecond-Timescale, Genetically Targeted Optical Control of Neural Activity

 -  Mitochondria in Human Offspring Derived From Ooplasmic Transplantation


 -  Mitochondrial DNA Analysis - Modern Genetic Research Confirms Cayce's Story


 -  Modern Human Variation - An Introduction to An Introduction to Contemporary Human Biological Diversity

 -  Monsanto & Genetic Engineering - Risks for Investors Report


 -  Monsanto's Roundup is Causing DNA Damage - Glyphosate Toxic to Mouth Cells and Damages DNA...


 -  More Evidence the COVID Fake-Vaccine is 'Embedding MAC Addresses'


 -  Multidimensionalidad - Main File


 -  Multidimensionality - Main File


 -  NASA - Talleres de Reparación de ADN Roto


 -  Nanotech Particles Pose Serious DNA Risks to Humans and The Environment


 -  Nanotubes - DNA Using The Tube


 -  Natural Light From Organisms - What, If Anything, Can It Tell Us?

 -  Negative Selection in Humans and Fruit Flies involves Synergistic Epistasis


 -  New Data and Study Proves Astrology


 -  New Findings Tell of Magnetic Fields Effect on Humans


 -  Next Generation Bioweapons - Genetic Engineering and Biological Warfare

 -  Nuclear DNA sequences from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos hominins

 -  Personality Changes Associated with Organ Transplants - by Brian Carter


 -  Pfizer ha Mentito...! - Dopotutto, il Vaccino mRNA può cambiare il tuo DNA - Studio


 -  Pfizer Lied...! - mRNA Shot can change your DNA after All - Study


 -  Plant/Human Symbiosis and The Fall of Humanity


 - ¿Podría un Software (Programa) Evolucionar Naturalmente?

 -  Potent and specific genetic interference by double -stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans


 -  Previously Unknown Population Explosion of Human Species 40,000 Years Ago - Discovered


 -  Principle of Astrology Proven to Be Scientific - Planetary Position Imprints Biological Clocks of Mammals


 -  Programmed DNA Forms Fractal


 - ¿Que es Humano? ¿Y Porqué Nos Debería Importar?

 -  Quantifying Prion Disease Penetrance Using Large Population Control Cohorts


 -  Reality - An Enormous Interference Pattern?


 -  Reassessment of Mendelian Gene Pathogenicity Using 7,855 Cardiomyopathy Cases and 60,706 Ref...

 -  Reduced Levels of miRNAs 449 and 34 in Sperm of Mice and Men Exposed to Early Life Stress


 -  Reiniciando el Reloj Biológico


 -  Relojes Biológicos de Los Bebés Dramáticamente Afectados por Ciclo de Luz en Su Nacimiento

 -  Remote Control of Ion Channels and Neurons Through Magnetic-Field Heating of Nanoparticles


 -  Repair Shops for Broken DNA


 -  Researchers Make Long DNA Wires For Future Medical And Electronic Devices

 -  Retrotransposons as Engines of Human Bodily Transformation

 -  Revealing the world of RNA interference


 -  Revelan el Origen y la "Singularidad Genética" de los Vascos - Aislados por el Euskera desde la Edad de Hierro

 -  Reversible modulation of circadian time with chronophotopharmacology

 -  RNA-Guided Genetic Silencing Systems in Bacteria and Archaea

 -  Saturation of Recognition Elements Blocks Evolution of New tRNA Identities


 -  Scientists Create 1st Living Organism from Artificial DNA


 -  Scientists Create First Living Organism that Transmits Added Letters in DNA 'Alphabet'


 -  Scientists Create Synthetic Life in Lab


 -  Scientists Show How DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated


 -  Scientists Store on DNA an Operating System, a Movie and a Computer Virus


 -  Scientists Talk Privately about Creating a Synthetic Human Genome


 -  Scientists to Add Spider Genes to Human Genome to Create 'Bulletproof Skin'


 -  Scientists to Soon Create Unlimited Supply of Humans in The Lab


 -  Scientists Witness Birth of New Species in the Lab


 -  Scripps Scientists Isolate Genes Responsible for Transport of Vital Element


 -  Sex With Early Mystery Species of Humans Seen in DNA - University of Washington Researcher Says

 -  Shifting the Limits in Wheat Research and Breeding using a Fully Annotated Reference Genome


 -  Simbiosis Planta/Humano y La Caída de La Humanidad

 -  Single-nucleotide Polymorphisms in the p53 Pathway Regulate Fertility in Humans

 -  Somatic Mutation Rates Scale with Lifespan across Mammals


 -  Some Reasons Why Google Wants to Build the Perfect Human


 - ¿Somos Esclavos de Nuestro ADN o Tenemos La Posibilidad de Ser lo Que Nuestra Mente Nos Permita...?


 -  Spider Silk - Air Force Radar Chaff Farmed from The Milk of Transgenic Goats - Infrared Sensors/Infrared...


 -  Stanford Creates Biological Transistors, The Final Step Towards Computers Inside Living Cells

 -  Stem Cell Report - Trends and Perspectives on the Evolving


 -  Stem Cell Treatment Causes Nasal Growth in Woman's Back


 -  Synthetic Biology - Creating New Life Forms by Rearranging DNA


 -  Synthetic DNA Paves the Way for Entirely New Life Forms

 -  Temperature-Dependent Charge Transport through Individually Contacted DNA Origami-Based Au Nanowires

 -  Thanatotranscriptome: Genes Actively Expressed after Organismal Death


 -  The Chemistry of Alchemy - The Language of the Gods


 -  The End of Sex


 -  The Evolving Story of Our Evolving Earth - For the Foundation for The Future Workshop on How Evolution...


 -  The Family Tree That Rewrote Human History - Researchers Stunned to Find DNA Submitted to Online...


 -  The 'Holy Grail' of Population Manipulation and Control


 -  The Island of Dr. Moreau for Real

 -  The Major Genetic Risk Factor for severe COVID-19 is inherited from Neanderthals


 -  The Origins of Humankind - Quo Vadis - Past Surprises/Future Revelations


 -  The Origin of The Genetic Code - by F.H.C. Ckrick

 -  The Phenotypic Legacy of Admixture Between Modern Humans and Neandertals


 -  There Is No Time in The Flow of Reality - Time Is Only Limited to The Physical Realm


 -  The Shape-Shifting Army inside Your Cells


 -  The Takeover of 'All Genetic Material on Earth' - Global Blueprint Exposed


 -  Three Biochemists Win Chemistry Nobel for Directing Evolution

 -  Transgenerational Transmission of Environmental Information in C. elegans


 -  Unholy Grail - The Quest for Genetic Weapons



 -  Vigilancia Genética - EE.UU. Creará una Base de Datos de ADN Para Rastrear Personas

 -  Water as an Active Constituent in Cell Biology


 -  Water Memory and The Realization of Genetic Codex


 -  What is Human? And why should ee Care?


 -  What is mRNA? - Here's a Crash Course on What it Does

 -  Why Should Mitochondria define Species?


 -  Why We Become Friends with Genetically Similar People


 -  Will U.S. Patent Office End Gene Patent Enslavement of The Human Race?




 -  A Biosynthetic Dual-Core Cell Computer - CRISPR used to built them Inside Human Cells

 -  A CRISPR/Cas9-​based Central Processing Unit to Program complex logic Computations in Human Cells


 -  A Global Observatory for Gene Editing


 -  A New "CRISPR Pill" makes Bacteria Destroy its Own DNA

 -  A Programmable Dual-RNA - GuidedDNA Endonuclease in AdaptiveBacterial Immunity - by Jennifer Doudna


 -  Are some things 'So Taboo' that Science should Never research Them?


 -  Birth of First Genome-edited Babies causes Furore

 -  Continuous Genetic Recording with Self-targeting CRISPR-Cas in Human Cells


 -  CRISPR-Edited Babies born in China may have Enhanced Brain Functions


 -  CRISPR Gene-Editing ignites tons of Unintentional Genetic Mutations - Study


 -  CRISPR Gene-Editing Tested in a Person for the First Time


 -  CRISPR - La Guía completa WIRED sobre la poderosa Herramienta de Edición Genética


 -  CRISPR Studies Muddy Results of Older Gene Research


 -  Editing Human Embryos - So this Happened


 -  Escepticismo y Preocupación por los Bebés Humanos Modificados Genéticamente


 -  Ethics in the Age of Biotechnology - The Moral Compass of Science

 -  Evolutionary dynamics of CRISPR gene drives

 -  Evolution of Resistance against CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Drive


 -  First CRISPR Babies - Six Questions that Remain

 -  Gene Drives on the Horizon - Advancing Science, Navigating Uncertainty, and Aligning Research with Public...


 -  New Model Warns about CRISPR Gene Drives in the Wild


 -  New U.S. Experiments aim to Create Gene-Edited Human Embryos


 -  The 7 Craziest Ways CRISPR is being Used Right Now


 -  They are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains that they have Enslaved called "Organoids" to Run Computers


 -  Transhumanism - Salvation or the End of Humans?

 -  Unexpected Mutations after CRISPR–Cas9 Editing in Vivo


DNA and The Cosmos


 -  ADN, Primates y el Demiurgo - ¿Es que algo Interfirió con nuestra Estructura Genética?


 -  Anunnaki Hybrid DNA - Alien Races


 -  Anunnaki y ADN Híbrido - Razas Alienigenas


 -  Científicos Encuentran Genes Extraterrestres en ADN Humano - ¿Existen Civilizaciones de Seres...


 -  Dark Rulers are Trying to Suppress our Ascension


 -  Did Ancient Biotech Create "Nephilim"? - Will Modern Science Bring Them Again?


 -  DNA, Apes and the Demiurge - Did Something Interfere with our Genetic Structure?


 -  DNA Proven to Have Been Created by An Intelligent Source


 -  El Concejo Extraterrestre Sembró al Homo Sapiens Como un Ser Inteligente Con el ADN de 12 Hebras


 -  El Génesis Prohibido - Los Anunnaki y la Creación


 -  ET Council Seeded Homo Sapiens as Intelligent Beings With 12-Strand DNA


 -  Exoconciencia - Los Orígenes Extraterrestres de La Conciencia Humana


 -  Exoconsciousness - Extraterrestrial Origins of Human Consciousness


 -  Exopolitics and The Human Genome Project



 -  Genetic Changes - by Barbara Marciniak



 -  Genetic Techniques Presuppose Genes to Manipulate - Chronicles of The Gírkù


 -  Gli Esseri Umani Ereditarono il DNA degli Alieni?


 - ¿Heredaron los Humanos ADN Alienígena?

 -  Identifying the Wide Diversity of Extraterrestrial Purine and Pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous Meteorites


 -  Ingegneria Genetica dell'Antichità



 -  Ingeniería Genética en La Antigüedad



 -  Junk DNA Possible ET Origin? - Scientists From Human Genome Project


 -  La Amalgama de ADN en las Etapas de Creación del Avatar Humano


 -  Manipulative Extraterrestrials May Have Genetically Engineered Racial Groups to Inspire a Eugenic Social...


 - ¿Modificaron los Antiguos Astronautas (AA) el ADN Humano hace Miles de Años?


 -  Proyecto NUIDET - Núcleo Investigación Detección ET


 -  Scholars Suggest Extraterrestrial-Like DNA Fractals Floating in The Human Gene Pool


 -  Scientists Assess DNA Hair Sample From Human Being Apparently Not From Earth


 -  Scientists Confirm Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA


 -  Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA - Do Civilizations of Advanced Human Being...


 -  Se observan más Componentes del ADN en los Meteoritos - Se refuerza la Teoría de la Panspermia


 -  The Kur and their Role in the Altering of the Human Genome


 -  The World's First DNA PCR Investigation of Biological Evidence From an Alien Abduction


 -  Why ET's Genetic Code Could Be Just Like Ours - A New Thermodynamic Analysis Suggests That 10...



 -  Return of Enki - ETs Preventing Nuclear War and Restoring Adamic DNA


DNA Communication


 -  Are Fungi The Earth's Natural Internet?


 -  Biofotones - Responsables de la Organización y Comunicación Celular

 -  Biophoton Emission - New Evidence for Coherence and DNA as Source


 -  Biophotons and The Universal Light Code


 -  Biophotons - The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light


 -  Biophotons - The Lights in Our Cells


 -  Cells Talk and Help One Another via Tiny Tube Networks


 -  Cómo el ADN es Reprogramado por Palabras y Frecuencias


 -  Cómo la Internet de las Células tiene Murmullando a los Biólogos


 -  David Icke on Earth's Artificial Moon and Why Humanity, Ultimately, is One Big, Biological Internet


 -  Descubrimientos Rusos del ADN Explican Acontecimientos Humanos 'Paranormales' - El ADN es...


 -  Digital Information Can Be Written Onto DNA



 -  DNA Nanotechnology - On The Right Track



 -  DNA's Hyper Communication - The "Living Internet" Inside of Us


 -  El ADN Transmite Electromagnéticamente Información al Agua - Luc Montagnier


 -  El Universo Físico es Un Sistema de Información


 - ¿Es el ADN el Próximo Internet? - ¿Son los Humanos Realmente Seres de Luz? Su ADN Puede Hablar


 -  Estamos Hechos de Luz - La Ciencia lo Dice


 -  Habilidades Extraterrestres Para Modificar el ADN a Través Una "Internet Biológica" - Proyecto Ruso del...


 -  Hiper Comunicación del ADN - El Internet Vivo Dentro de Nosotros


 -  How DNA is Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies


 -  How the Internet of Cells has Biologists Buzzing

 -  Increased Photon Emission from the Head while imagining Light in the Dark is correlated with Changes in...


 -  Información Digital Puede Escribirse en El ADN


 -  Is DNA The Next Internet? - Are Humans Really Beings of Light? Your DNA Can Talk


 -  La Biología de La Creencia



 -  La Luna de la Tierra es Artificial y Porqué en Ultima Instancia La Humanidad es un Gran Internet Biológico


 -  Las Células Hablan y se Ayudan Mutuamente a través de Pequeñas Redes de  Minúsculos Tubos


 -  Las Células tienen su Propia Internet - Es más Sofisticada que la Red Informática y se llama Cell-Wide Web


 -  Listening to the Whispers of Individual Cells

 -  Living in A Wireless World


 -  Luminoterapia

 -  Nanotubular Highways for Intercellular Organelle Transport

 -  Prions Hijack Tunnelling Nanotubes for Intercellular Spread


 -  Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human 'Paranormal' Events - DNA Is Reprogrammable by Words and...


 -  Russian Human Genome Project Discovers Extraterrestrial Abilities to Modify DNA Through a “Biological...


 -  Science Discovers Intelligent Life-In Every Cell! - Breaking News - An Interview with Bruce H. Lipton, PhD


 -  Science Theory Shows We Can Reprogram our DNA to Heal Ourselves with Vibration


 -  The Biological Chip in Our Cells - Revolutionary Results of Modern Genetics

 -  The Origin of Mutants - John Cairns


 -  The Physical Universe Is An Information System


 -  The Wisdom of Your Cells


 -  Transition to The Age of Frequencies - Schumann Waves, Weather and Mind Control


 -  Viviendo en un Mundo Inalámbrico


 -  Your thoughts 'Control Your DNA' - Biologist


Human Genome


 -  Exopolitics and The Human Genome Project


 -  From Helix To Hologram - An Ode on The Human Genome


 -  Human Genome Project



 -  Human Genome Project Opens the Door to Ethnically Specific Bioweapons

 -  Human Genome Project - The MITRE Corporation - JASON Program Office


 -  Humans 2.0 - Geneticists Pursuing Artificially Synthesized DNA


 -  Junk DNA Is Still A Mystery - Human Genome Project


 -  Junk DNA Possible ET Origin? - Scientists From Human Genome Project


 -  Russian Human Genome Project Discovers Extraterrestrial Abilities to Modify DNA Through a “Biological...


 -  Sensacional Descubrimiento Sobre El Genoma Humano


 -  Sensational Human Genome Discovery


 -  The Genome Project-Write




 -  150 Human Animal Hybrids Grown in UK Labs - Embryos Have Been Produced Secretively for The Past...


 -  Anunnaki Hybrid DNA - Alien Races


 -  Human-Animal Hybrids - Sick and Twisted Chimeras are Being Created in Labs All Over The Planet


 -  Scientists Create Animals that are Part-Human - Stem Cell Experiments Leading to Genetic Mixing of...


 -  Scientists Create Embryos Containing Both Human and Animal DNA


 -  The disturbing True History of 'Animal-human Hybrid Experiments'


 -  UK Scientists Secretly Grew Human-Animal Hybrids in Laboratory Experiments - A Real Planet of The Apes?


"Junk" DNA - Genome's "Dark Matter" / ADN Basura


 -  12 Strands of DNA - Our Spiritual Heritage



 -  97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose and Is Not 'Junk' as Labeled by Scientists


 -  Bits of Mystery DNA far From 'Junk' - Play Crucial Role


 -  Brain Development is Guided by Junk DNA that isn't Really Junk


 -  Consciousness and Our DNA


 -  'Crucial Regulatory Segments' in 98 Percent of DNA Control Thousands of Genes


 -  El 97% de Nuestro ADN tiene un Propósito más Alto y No es 'Basura' como Etiquetado por Los Científicos


 -  El ADN Basura - Nuestro Portal Interdimensional a la Transformación


 -  El ADN Basura y la Conciencia Humana


 -  Genetic Dark Matter and the Return of the Goddess


 -  Il DNA Spazzatura e la Coscienza Umana


 -  Junk DNA


 -  Junk DNA and Human Consciousness


 -  Junk DNA is Still a Mystery - Human Genome Project


 -  Junk DNA Possible ET Origin? - Scientists From Human Genome Project


 -  La Materia Oscura Genética y el Regreso de la Diosa


 -  Physicists Discover a Second Layer of Information Hidden in Our DNA

 -  Possible role for microRNAs as inter-species mediators of epigenetic information in disease pathogenesis...

 -  Science Meets Spirituality



 -  Scrapheap Challenge - How do you Make a Human?


 -  Second Layer of Information in DNA Confirmed



 - ¿Un Mensaje 'Divino' Cifrado en nuestro ADN?


 -  When "Junk" DNA Isn't Junk


The Ashaninkas and The Cosmic Serpent



 -  An Anthropologist's theory on Shamanism and the Origins of Knowledge Completely Rewrites our...


 -  Butchered Ashaninka Indians


 -  DNA and The Origins of Knowledge - Cosmic Serpent - by J. Narby


 -  Entrevista a Jeremy Narby


 -  La Serpiente Cósmica


 -  Posesión y Depredación - Alienígenas, Predadores, Clones y Reptiles - El Enigma de Los Parásitos...


 -  Possession and Predation - Aliens, Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians - The Enigma of Extraterrestrial Parasites


 -  Scholars Suggest Human DNA Shows Signs of Being An Invasive Extraterrestrial Parasite


 -  Teoría de un Antropólogo sobre el Chamanismo y los Orígenes del Conocimiento que Reescribe completa...


 -  The Cosmic Serpent - DNA and The Origins of Knowledge


 -  The Secret of Life - from "The Cygnus Mystery"





 -  Contingency, repeatability, and predictability in the evolution of a prokaryotic pangenome - by James McInerney

 -  Endosymbiotic Origin and Differential Loss of Eukaryotic Genes - by William F. Martin


 -  La Biología de La Creencia - La Liberación del Poder de La Conciencia, La Materia... - por Dr. B.H. Lipton


 -  La Mente de Las Células - o La Mutación de Nuestra Especie - por SATPREM

 -  Left In The Dark - by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright

 -  Life Itself - Its Origin and Nature - by Francis Crick

 -  Potentiate Your DNA - A Practical Guide to Healing and Transformation with the Regenetics - by Sol Luckman

 -  The Biology of Belief - by Bruce H. Lipton


 -  The Cosmic Serpent - by J. Narby


 -  The Food of The Gods - by H.G. Wells


 -  The Naked Ape - by Desmond Morris


 -  The Origin of Mutants - John Cairns

 -  The Selfish Gene - by Richard Dawkins






 -  ADN Biológico y ADN Energético



 -  Antropología Humana Anunnaki - Lloyd Pye


 -  Complete Neanderthal mt Genome - Evidence for Evolution

 -  Covid Injections indeed change the Human DNA

 -  David Icke Interviewed by BBC5 - 2009


 -  EctoLife - The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility


 -  El ADN y la Semilla de la Re-Civilización - La Historia Jamás Contada


 -  El Código de la Vida que Reformará el Futuro


 -  Electrical Shaping of Biology - Michael Clarage


 -  Epigenetics - How Does Your Mind Reprogram Your Genes?

 -  Extraterrestrial DNA


 -  Genetic Armageddon - Humanity's Greatest Threat



 -  La Ciencia de las Células que Nunca Envejecen - Elizabeth Blackburn


 -  La Teoría de Los Seis Grados - Sincronicidad y La Estructura de Redes


 -  Matriz de La Vida


 -  Mitochondrail DNA - Prometheus' Gift or Pandora's Box?

 -  Purpose of DNA - Dan Winter


 -  Redesigning Life - Playing God


 -  Resonance - Beings of Frequency



 -  Revolucion en La Ciencia - Los Transhumanos y El Perfeccionamiento Humano


 -  Sanación - Ancestros e Inteligencias


 -  Something Strange is Happening to Our DNA


 -  Stone Age Apocalypse - Human Evolution


 -  Synthetic Biology - The Potential and The problems of Re-Engineering Life - Prof. Jamie Davies


 -  Temor-Amor - Emociones Vinculadas al ADN 


 -  The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology - From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life

 -  The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins


 -  The Life Code that Will Reshape the Future


 -  The Real Superhumans - Quest for The Future Fantastic 

 -  Using The True ET History of DNA - Ending Religion Wars


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