by Phillip Corso, Jr.
Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference
Sponsored by the Exopolitics Institute
Kailua-Kona Hawaii
10 June, 2006

from ExopoliticsJournal Website


Philip Corso, Jnr. is a self-made man born into a military family in Gadsden, Alabama during World War II. His father's Army career took the family to Japan, Italy, Germany and postings in the United States.


Phil Corso grew up, married twice and had a daughter and three sons.


He parlayed his talent for mechanical engineering into a career and now builds experimental aircraft and runs his company, High Speed Composites. But his life was to take an extraordinary turn in 1997, when the senior Corso, his father, Colonel Philip J. Corso (ret.), published a memoir written with William J. Birnes.


That memoir, The Day after Roswell , is easily one of the most controversial and implicative books published in the 20th Century. Now Phil, Jr. has an additional vocation - protecting, extending and validating his father's legacy. Philip J. Corso, Sr. died in July of 1998 at the age of 83.


He had made a decision to tell his story as best he could. He spoke eloquently about the need for the United States government to tell the American people about their world. Now his son speaks for him. It is a worthy vocation, the product of which may well be a paradigm change in human affairs and world peace.


PC = Phillip Corso
CMC = Conference MC [Douglas Webster]
Q = audience questioner

[Transcribed by Gesan LahMan. All attempts have been made to transcribe this material as accurately as possible.]

CMC: OK. Let’s come on back and settle into our seats. This is part of the ongoing endeavor to bring a diverse amount of information here. We’ve heard from every sector and now we’re about to hear from an even different perspective. As we know the information that’s been coming through for the last several years has brought in new layers of unpeeling our ancient backgrounds, and perhaps our potential futures.


But one of the things that’s been brought up again and again, from the beginning, is that several individuals have stepped forward. They’ve offered revelatory information from their personal experiences that has really shocked the world – the so-called whistleblowers.

One of the most prominent names in recent history, since 1997, is Colonel Phillip Corso, who’s book, “The Day After Roswell”, was a compendium of his experiences from what he knew, then going back into history and revealing some of the information that’s been prevalent and hidden from us on the public basis.

He reached a point in his life where he said, “Well, I’m going to let it go. I’m going to let it all out.” It totally shocked the world in many, many cases, and included shocking his own family. His son grew up an Army brat, basically, then, living his life as a mechanical engineer, was going along nicely when suddenly his father comes out with this book that rocked the world as we know it. It changed his life as well, just to be affected by that.

Of course, Colonel Phillip Corso has passed on but fortunately his son has taken up the legacy. He’s taken up the cause because there’s still more information – information that was left behind in the form of notes which has subsequently been into an upcoming book.


These are some of the interesting stories that he will also be sharing with us, as well as opening up the floor to questions regarding some of the things that he knows. But, it should be very interesting because I understand that he will also bring in his father’s essence, as part of a channeling experience. So please welcome, if you would, Phil Corso, Jr. [audience applauds]

PC: Aloha! We took a ride around the [Big] Island today, on a Harley, my wife and I. I tell you, it’s a beautiful place. You ought to try it – not on a Harley, maybe. But, there’s a lot of friendly people, and the terrain is beautiful. We really are thankful to be here. I wanted to start off for about the first 15 minutes explaining how the book almost never was. I think most of you have read it. Let’s have a show of hands of whose read the book and then I’ll understand better. OK. Very good. That’s about half of you.

My father, before 1992, if I ever mentioned UFOs, which was a favorite subject of mine, he would flat deny it and say that I shouldn’t be bothered with such things. I’m going to go back slightly further than 1992 – go back a couple more years. I had a very good friend by the name of Captain David Shear.


Captain David Shear was a tall, thin fellow, black belt in karate. Very exceptionally good in defense. David also could read the Chinese [practice of] iridology. He was very good at it. He would take people that had that were very sick, and he would purge their bodies for about 3 months on special juice diets and such. Most of these people really recovered from being quite ill.

Anyway, we were sitting and having lunch in Denny’s, down in Lantana, FL. I always was quite upset at my dad about him taking away my UFO pictures that I took as a kid. He would constantly deny these pictures, saying that they were phony, don’t show them to people, don’t bother with them, and such like that. My wife can confirm that because it became a very sore subject. Well, one time when we were eating this dinner, Dad got up to go to the restroom while I was questioning him about my pictures, where they were. He always said, “Well, I gave those to Jean Dixon”, you know.

I said, “Well get them back!” But David said, “You shouldn’t talk to your father that way because his respiration just when up to so-and-so, and his heart rate is so-and-so”, and so on. He could tell just by looking at his eyes. So I knew my dad knew something.

Anyway, in 1992, my father was sitting there [at home]. We ran a little business called, Marine Electronics Wholesalers. Dad would sit behind the desk while I went out and worked on jobs and installed the electronic gear. Once in a while he would [answer the phone], snap up from behind the desk, and stand there like this [in a stance of military attention] and say, “Yes, Sir!”


President Reagan would call him on the phone and I wouldn’t believe it was him. But it was. He would ask his [Corso’s] advise, mainly on Russian affairs, since Dad did actually did start Colonel North’s job, or originated it, and that was liaison between Chiefs of Staffs and Capitol Hill. So, Dad would sit there behind the desk and he would be bored. So I said, “Why don’t you start writing your memoirs?” He did.

We shopped his memoirs, which is now what we call “The Day After Rome”. But it’s never been published yet. We shopped these for 17 turn-downs. Nobody’s interested in a Colonel’s, war career or otherwise. We were told war movies are not popular. It’s not what Hollywood’s doing now.

George Knapp, an Ufologist in Vegas, saw one of the books that had been sent out as we were trying to get this published. He noticed one paragraph in the book that says, “When I was in R&D, between 1960 and 1963, I saw UFO material and put it out to the public.” It was just a very short blurb in the paragraph. So, George Knapp, you know – bang! – that was his subject. He came back and said, “Can you elaborate on that?” He started sending us more material.

Well, my Dad is one of the very strangest people I’ve ever met. He had almost total recall in photographic memory. That’s what made him such a good intelligence officer. So, he began putting almost all of these facts together without any notes. He’s so good at it that when he would speak I would tell him, “Dad tone it down. You don’t have to say what color tie that guy had on 25 years ago!” But that’s the way he was.

Anyway, the book, you might say, evolved. A producer named Neil Russell picked this up in Hollywood. So Neil hurried, and the book was actually put to Simon And Schuster, through Bill Birnes, the co-author of the book. It was done so quickly that my dad didn’t have a chance to proofread it. There was no legal done on the book. Most of you people that have published books will realize that a legal is very necessary to have done on a book.

Simon And Schuster were afraid it would be squashed if they didn’t – bang – rush it out. Fastest book they’ve ever printed and got out to the public. Uh, the first part of the book had a forward by Senator Thurman. Boy, was that a mess, let me tell you! He was coming home from Neil Russell’s place in Hollywood. I got a phone call from Senator Thurman’s administrative assistant who said,

“We’re going to sue you. We’re going to sue your dad. We’re going to sue everybody.” And I said, “Well, what for?” This was a woman [on the phone], and she said, “Because your father did not have Senator Thurman’s consent.”

Well, it ended up that not only did he have his consent, but he even sent [the book with the foreword] back the second time when he changed the name to “The Day After Roswell”. The original book was called “A New World If You Can Take It".


In other words that’s where the title came from. This [holding a book] is called, “The Dawn Of A New Age”.

Now, Senator Thurman ended up saying that. Not only did he give my dad permission to put the forward in there, but he fired his entire staff – administrative assistant, all the way down and through. Simon And Schuster decided to take it out, just to not embarrass the good Senator, and keep that kind of quiet. Enough years have gone by now that I feel you can know about it.


This book [The Day After Roswell], my dad was really very upset about it because it has a lot of Hollywood in it, and, like I said, he did not proofread it. In his words, he says the first 2 chapters aren’t worth a darn, and you shouldn’t even read them. They [the publisher] put them in there [because] I guess they figured that that would sell the book because some people don’t know what Roswell is or meant.

Now, “Dawn Of A New Age”, I had no intentions to put out this book. This one here [holding a book] is all in my dad’s original handwriting. Part of it is in typing and part of it is in handwriting. What it really [contains] is the original notes. The original notes without Hollywood involved is what the people really wanted. They don’t want it edited. But it reads like a textbook, in other words. It a manual. It’s not exciting except for if you’re interested in the subject or the field, then it becomes very exciting because there’s so much left out of this book [currently published version] because of that.

Well, Dad went through “The Day After Roswell” and was yellow lining everything that he didn’t say and didn’t like. He got half way through it and quit because it was impossible. He had almost every page blacked out. “Dawn Of A New Age” was published in Italy. But the publication in Italy, you might say, shouldn’t have been published in Italy, let’s just put it that way, not to embarrass anybody because it’s all been settled. Yet out of that came something very good.

Paula Harris found a person in Mexico that wants to publish the book. He now has made a contract with Corso Holdings, which owns a stack of materials that my father left behind. By the way, I hid those in an attic of a friend of mine for 3 years because we had so much trouble over this book. I don’t want to go into too much detail over it, but all I’ll tell you is there were lawsuits by people that we didn’t even know. One of my partners in Corso Holdings is the attorney that got us out of all that, free of charge. So, we’re very beholden to him.

In today’s society, if you get off in the wrong direction, or you start stepping on toes, the way that you’re silenced is with lawsuits. Let me tell you, they do silence you, very much so. They not only silence you, but then the next method that’s used is a personal attack on your finances. If that doesn’t work then there’s a lot of gifts given to you. I’ve built airplanes that people don’t even pick up. We get people from the White House and so on and so on and so on. Very prominent people.

I will tell you this. I don’t want to talk about being threatened, but they have their way of letting you know what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. It’s not just through lawsuits, it’s through this system, I call it, of shutting you up. So, be careful out there – anyone that is publishing on the subject matter. Today they may not attack you directly, because I think they are busy with the war, but they will put you under observation. They have other ways too, of remote viewing and such like that, where they can cause a lot of problems to you and your family.

I have three sons that work with me in the business. They do not care anything about the subject matter. They’ll deny it. They’ll tell me to be quiet and not say anything else. It’s not so much that they’re afraid, but they have actually been witness to the vans that pull up in front of our hangar, or a bus, with one side completely loaded with electronic gear.


I go out and knock on the door, and there’s a black gentleman in there named Darrell, and I said, “Look, if you’re going to take pictures of me, you might as well come on in the hangar, and come home for lunch. You can use the bathroom facilities,” and such like that. And he did! He came home for dinner. He gave us the pictures that he took. He invited me in [his van] and he said, “We’re just here for your protection.” OK. Great!

Once in a while I say to myself, Is all this real? Does it really mean anything? and then I start thinking about him, and I start thinking about being at forty-thousand feet with a CIA agent in my face, and going out to Burt Rutan. By the way, he’s the father of composite aircrafts. He just went to space -- the first civilian to go to space. He’s a very prominent person, and I know him very well. When I walk into his building with a CIA agent, he actually gets up and runs, because he recognizes the guy. He calls me outside and we run around the hangar and hide from the guy.


He says,

“Phil, do you know who that guy is?!” And I said, “Of course I know who he is. He’s here to protect me.”
“Oh, yeah, sure!”

Anyway. Enough on that subject. So, be careful.

I had a whole thing prepared, and I’m not going to do it that way now. I’ve only done 2 other conferences. One was the X-Conference in Washington D.C., 3 years. Then there was the original Fort Walton Beach, which was a disaster. I had some CIA agents that infiltrated me, as a “friend”. They took the hangar next door and started building an airplane.


They were going to put everything up on a website for me. I was going to put some of it up there free. The website closed down in 2 weeks, and a whole bunch of material stolen and taken – photographs, everything, was out of there. They even admitted, also, who they were. But they took the material anyway.

I was told in these first 2 conferences that it was more like my father speaking than me speaking. I’m even starting to look like him – the cheeks are hanging a little bit and the tummy, and such like that. So I think it’s much more effective for you to ask questions. Now, I am not an Ufologist. I don’t know anything about abductees. I don’t know anything about if the world’s going to come to an end, if the meteors are going to hit us, and such. So if you ask me that kind of question, I’m just going to be truthful and say, I don’t know.

What I would like you to do is stay with the book. I know some of you don’t know what the subject matter is in the book, but I think you’ll pick [it] up real quick. Basically, my father, between 1960 and 63, with General Trudeau, was in charge of Foreign Technology Branch. Now, Foreign Technology means, Europe and the rest of the world, but it also meant anything outside of the world. General Trudeau trusted my father very much. If he said he would appropriate a research, it was done automatically. My father didn’t even need to ask his permission. He spoke for the good General. He was recruited for the job.

Basically, they put out super-tenacity fibers, which I work with every day – the carbon fibers and such that you have, Kevlar. They put out the integrated circuit, which he held the very first one in his hand. Bell Laboratories went, overnight, from the transistor, which was an earth invention by the way, to all of a sudden having thousands of transistors on a little tiny chip so small that you really could hardly even see it. A chip is about so big, with all the little legs on it, as you probably know, black, and plugs in. But the actual electronic part is a dot in the middle, and it’s too small to handle so they put it in this case about 20 times larger, where at least a machine can handle it and plug it in.

American Computers, which was formerly Westinghouse, had just invented the miniature test tube. So with the miniature test tube, all of a sudden Westinghouse found themselves out of the electronic business. American Computers nearly folded. Now, what does this mean? This means unfair economic advantage, brought on by ETs help. In other words, his technology.

This is something that needs to be addressed if the civilian part wants to take care of UFO retrievals, because if a company would pick up on this, they would instantly become a world conglomerate – probably 200 years advanced over where we are now.


That’s what my father and General Trudeau estimated where we are right now. We’re 200 years ahead of where we should be. It’s a different timeline. Then Russia came down. General Trudeau and my father used to sit and laugh at the Russian inventions, he said.


They would try to put an SST up, or they would try to put a space shuttle up, they would imitate ours and they would look like one on the outside, but it didn’t have the electronics. It was a joke. The same with the aircraft. The MIG 15s that defected to Japan, they were made out of steel, and they had the miniature test tubes still in them when we were already in the computer age.

Fiber optics came out of this. My dad said he held the first ones in his hand. He said they didn’t know what they were. They thought they were some kind of wire. But, we [still] haven’t quite got there yet, because when he closed his hand around it, it began to glow! So it has something to do with the biology of the body. The same thing with the night viewing. The night viewing originally was the lens. The little Gray has a lens that peels off, and he has two more lids underneath. He has the eyeball and then another protective lid such as a shark has.

He would hold it up in the hallway, dad said, and the first time [they did so], they saw green images of people walking in the backgrounds and such. Now, did they give this material out? No, they did not. They would go out into the civilian market. If someone was working on night vision – whether it was a military like Fort Belvoir that was funded by them, or if it was a general GE, or whoever it was – they would not give them the technology, but they would see how far they’d already got.

For instance, the first laser. I guess many of you have also seen the recent History Channel hours that was made on my father’s technology. The first part of it was very good. The second part debunked it completely. But that’s all right. Controversy is good. It sells books. Wonderful. Keep it up Stan Friedman. Anyway, they would fund the company that had already started working on it. The first lasers were as big as this stage. Within 3 years it’s down to a pencil size.

Now, what they would do is, they would fund them. They would tell them that it was possible to make a laser, hand size. Then if they began to flounder, or fumble, or not make it, then they would bring the artifact to them -- let them hold it, let them see it, let them research it, and then take it back. So it wasn’t reversed engineered, like the artifact was thrown in their lap and [they] said, “Go at it, boys.” It wasn’t that at all. Here’s the most important part.

They wanted to hide this from Stalin. My dad felt that we were greatly infiltrated at the time. Stalin’s dad said that their number one mandate was to steel Roswell technology. The way that they hid it was, not only did they tell them [the chosen companies] to invent the thing, but to take credit for it, to take the patents for it and run with it. Now, think about this. Dad says that only 10% of that technology ever got into our civilian hands. Who has the rest?

He says part of it is just probably fumbled away and gone somewhere. The other part is with the Air Force. The number one person that my father was against was the Secretary of the Air Force, because they hog the material, they keep it in their own little brain pool instead of putting it out to the world’s brain pool which is much larger. They do it just where they can have superiority over the other services. How stupid! Don’t you agree?

[Audience responds with “yes”]

OK. Now, let’s start with questions. Just go ahead. M’am.

Q: Hello. My name’s Debra Warren from Cologna Canada. The question is not about the book, but around the publicity that happened around the time of the book’s release. I’ve always been intrigued that they gave it a straight-up interview, and then at the very end – I can’t remember if it was ABC or NBC that did it – when they started to interview him, your father started to talk about time travel and timelines. They used that as the opportunity to write him off as a nut bar. That was the book end of the interview. It was like, OK, you don’t really need to pay attention to anything that’s going on here. Move along, folks.

PC: Correct.

same Q: It intrigues me because I just finished reading Daniel Pinchbeck’s book, “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl". It’s about how the change in consciousness that’s coming to us right now is really about a change in relationship to time. So it seems like this is really an important thing for us to be aware of at this time.

PC: Yes it is. Boy, were we upset about that! I mean the family climbed all over poor granddad for saying that. We warned him not to. We wanted him to keep it credible. We didn’t want anything said about his ET encounters and such like that. Go back to 1997. Times have changed quite a bit. You’re absolutely correct. I only do a conference like this every three or four years to see the difference. And there is a difference. You people are amazing. Every one of you is educated in this subject, and I haven’t found any one of you that is saying things that are just totally off the wall. Everything that you say is logical, and I’m interested in it. Everyone that I’ve talked to.

For that to stop, the media does it to create sensation. I don’t think they mean to discredit the media. But, Dan Rather, and such like that, all belong to Skull and Bones and such, and they might mean it. There might be a few in there who absolutely do mean it. Whenever you’re interviewed by anybody like that, make sure that you have the ground rules down. And they did discredit us quite a bit that way.

same Q: Is there any additional information you’d be able to share at this time, because I found that the most fascinating part of the interview. It didn’t really get started until he started to talk about that stuff. Is there anything you’d be willing to share with us now, that he might have shared with you?

PC: There’s tons of stuff. I don’t even know where to begin. Yes. I would come home from building my airplanes, and I’d be all full of fiberglass and I would sit on the floor beside my dad, because I couldn’t sit on the furniture, and I’d say, “What did you write today?” He did live with us the last 3 years. When my mother passed away he came and lived with me and my 3 sons and my wife.

So, I would say, “What did you write today?” He would write stuff, and then the argument would start. And I’d say, “I know Einstein better than you!” But he didn’t mean it that way. So, yes, I know my father’s subject matter more than what’s in the book. Absolutely. Any particular item you would want to know about?

same Q: Well, it’s the aspect of time travelers that he was starting to talk about in the interview, but they kind of shut it down.

PC: Yeah. He had an encounter in the desert. I guess it was the very first Men In Black -- actually he called them Range Rovers. They were military men, though. They were a division, I guess, of the CIA MPs and everything put together – NSA and such like that. So, what happened was, my dad was flying back in one of those little puddle-jumpers, because he’d moved from White Sands up to Red Canyon. He was flying back and he saw on his radar something doing 3500 miles an hour, in 1957. They followed it until they thought it hit the ground.

So he, the next day, was flying back, and he saw a shining object on the ground. He didn’t want the pilot to know what it was so he told him to turn around and “Bring me back up”. And he got in the staff car. He went out in the staff car and found the thing. Alone, by himself, with his gun strapped on his side. He first sees the craft stuck into the side of a hill -- the same as the Roswell one’s are pictured. But it was injured. He knew that because it was fading in and then fading out, he said, and then it would fade in.

Well, he figured that he was hallucinating because it was so hot in the desert. So he took a piece of tumbleweed threw it under it. He figured that when it would fade back in, it would crush it, and then when it would fade back out he would see it would crush. Well, that is exactly what happened.

Then he went up and touched the thing. He said it was cold. Then he turned and looked into the cave that was beside it, and that’s where he had the encounter with The New World If You Can Take It. He asked him, “friend or foe”. I guess you’ve heard the story said here tonight. I can talk about that story now. I mean, mentally I can talk about it. Back in 1997, if you would have asked that question I would have said that I didn’t know a thing about it and gone on. Not that I had been hushed-up, but just because it was embarrassing.

He got afraid. So he came out, got back in his staff car. The creature asked him if he wanted to come aboard. He said no. Now that’s something I just can’t imagine. I would have said yes, and I think most of you would have said yes, too. He says then, that it wasn’t injured as bad as he thought. It had been there overnight, and he [the ET] repaired it, or whatever. I’m just guessing. I’m just speculating.


But he said when it [the spacecraft] took off, it folded within itself. He says it – whomp -- and then [went] through a doughnut, and was gone. He backed his car up and he wrecked it – the staff car. He actually spun it out and wrecked it, and the engine stalled out and everything. That’s how afraid he was. So, it was not exactly a pleasant encounter.

He later told Dr. Oberth, one of the German scientists who worked with Von Braun, a rocket scientist. He [Dr. Oberth] told him, “You’re a magnificent person if they chose to reveal themselves to you!” He was very impressed. Then he said, “We also have had such things happen in Germany before the war.” So the UFOs, yes, they did have one in Germany. That’s where their superior, you might say superior, knowledge came from of war vehicles and such. They had far more than what the public knows about, too.

same Q: So, if I could just clarify; he felt that it was a time related incident because the vehicle was appearing and disappearing? He didn’t interpret that as being interdimensional, or phase-shifting, or anything?

PC: Well, I don’t want to get into the details of what time is and time travel because, Lord knows, that’s one of my favorite subjects and you wouldn’t get me out of it. But, he knew enough about such things, even at the time that it happened. That’s the way he interpreted it – as a time traveling machine.

To be continued …