by Alex Christopher
extracted from 'PANDORA'S
BOX - The Ultimate "Unseen Hand" Behind the New World Order'
In 1988, my quiet little, somewhat simple world, quiet frankly, got
turned upside down in one short week, when I started asking
questions such as; who am I, what am I, what am I doing here on
earth and many other question.
I asked the heavens for the truth to my
questions. Just the truth and nothing else would do, the answers had
to be the truth. The last five years have been a whole new education
in my life acquiring my information.
This started me on a quest for information which has
continued until today and will never stop. In the process of
researching to find answers, I suddenly came face to face with a
subject of alien visitors; that most people laugh a lot about
and make fun of people who believe they are here, but they are the
fools the scoffers, their day will come when they stop laughing and
come to the realization that all the stories that have been put out
are just the tiny, tiny, tip of a iceberg that is infinite.
I also wish for the most staunch
skeptics to wake up some fine morning with a strange being standing
over them smiling a sinister smile as I have had happen to me. That
will make you take a real quick reality check of your world. But as
I said before, some people are fools and they will get a rude
awakening someday soon. The fact that earth is and has been
involved with aliens having benevolent and malevolent agendas since
the beginning of time on this planet, will soon stop being a
closely guarded secret by
the power elite.
To start the discovery of the truth about alien involvement in the
United States let us go back to the most recent beginnings in this
This would be the subject of the
Roswell, New Mexico
crashes. When I started my research this was the first one I
read about and found was such a vast networking of cover-up. So when
I couldn’t get what I intuitively felt was the truth of the matter I
left it alone for a while until I could gather some more pieces.
Every one who has spent time researching
the international bankers, the
Federal Reserve,
the CFR, the
corporate America, the CIA, the
etc., etc.. know that there is a common thread that binds it
together but, what the heck was that common thread?
Most people think it is
Rothschild family, no, wrong answer. Some think it is the
corporate world globally, no, wrong answer.
The common thread that binds the whole
thing together globally is the railroads and their
subsidiaries. After I had found this all out then I started
looking for one little thing that I could find out, that would lock
the railroad and its corporation into the alien-human romance that
appears to be going on.
The first subject of research was the Bechtel Corporation
(and that took some time) but there it was, the early foundings of
the Bechtel Corporation lead right back to the railroad.
This story starts back in September 12, 1872 with the
birth of Warren A. Bechtel in Freeport, Illinois,
the first of six children. When Warren was 12 his family
moved to Kansas. There his family acquired a farm and a
grocery store.
Moving ahead to the year of 1897, Warren married a girl
by the name of Clara Alice West. Me and his wife went
through three years of bad times and bankrupts.
But Warren wasn’t one to despair. From homesteader
heading south for the Oklahoma land rush, he learned
that the “Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad
Company” was extending its lines westward into what was
then still Indian Territory. A man with his own mule
team could, he was told, almost surely find work grading
track beds and hauling rails.
Moreover, the pay was
good; $2.75 per day. With his wife and their firstborn
son; his mule team and his trusty slide trombone.
Bechtel set out for Indian Territory, spending more than
a year grading track beds and living in a railroad camp
On September 14. 1900, the
Bechtels were on the move again following the railroads
to Iowa, Minnesota, Wyoming, Oregon and Nevada.
His first real chance for advancement came during the
winter of 1902-1903, when a contractor’s agent promised
him a job on a construction site in the high desert
country east of Reno. After arriving in the area broke,
while out looking for work he hitched a ride on a
buckboard driven by a Southern Pacific Railroad
supervising engineer named A.J. Barkiey.
There was something about
Bechtel, a willingness to learn and work hard, he
impressed Barkley, and by the time the ride was over, he
had offered to help get him a job on the Southern
Pacific. Bechtel signed on for $55 a month. It was less
than he had been making on his own; but the work was
steady, and Barkley had promised that there would be a
chance for advancement. He soon acquired a solid
education in all phases of the construction business, he
was promoted and dispatched to Wadsworth, Nevada, as an
Soon he found himself
building the Richmond Belt Railroad in Oakland,
California and extending the Santa Fe line into Oakland,
both projects badly in need of seasoned managerial help.
Moving some years ahead to 1919 we find Warren
convincing the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads that with his
wealth of related experience, he was eminently qualified
as a road builder. The Bureau awarded him the first
federal public road contract let in California.
In the mid 1920’s we find Bechtel with his partner
Kaiser becoming the first contractors in the United
States to tackle major pipeline projects, first for
Standard (Exxon) Oil, then for Continental Gas. The
biggest project that he under took was the construction
of the Boulder Dam, for power generation.
Later Warrens son, Steve,
took over his father’s company and in 1936 the
Department of Reclamation put up for bid a contract to
build the Broadway Tunnel, a highway pass through the
hills between Berkeley and Oakland, and Steve was
awarded the contract to build it.
Some time after the Broadway Tunnel affair, Steve
Bechtel met up and became partners for a while with
a man by the name of John A. McCone, who would
later become head of the Atomic Energy commission. In
1937 Steve Bechtel and John McCone teamed up and named
the old company Bechtel-McCone, and soon after
became shipbuilders.
In 1942 Bechtel and McCone
were called into the aircraft building business in
Birmingham. Alabama.
There is an old airplane factory in Birmingham today
that has gone though many name changes. When I first
started hearing the name Bechtel and its connections
to alien underground bases I just couldn’t quite get
it out of my head, the connection, where did I know that
name from?
Then one day I finally
found information on the Bechtel family and there was
all the pieces. Since I had started the railroad
research and just knew that the aliens bases, Bechtel
and the railroads had to somehow be connected. Then I
found what I had been looking for - the missing link.
All my life, my mother has been telling me of her days
back during the war when she played “Rosey” the riveter.
During the war my mother worked in Birmingham for a
company by the name of Bechtel/McCone. Everything was a
secret that went on there in those days. B-52 airplanes
were flown in to the facility during the night time and
modifications were done to the planes during the day and
then they were flown back out by night. My mother told
me that they installed machine gun turrets and other
things that are to numerous too mention.
Bechtel/McCone was also associated with Consolidated
Vul-T. During the railroad research, I found out
that these companies were connected to Hughes
Aircraft, and later changed their name to Hayes
Aircraft, which has now changed its name to Rust
Engineering of Birmingham. All of this goes back to the
The conclusion that I have
made is that any company or anybody in this country has
to have been associated with the railroad companies at
some time in their or their ancestors, lifetime. Even
our new president is a relative of Rockefeller, and
Clinton has long been associated with a gas company
which is, by the way, owned by the railroad. |
If this corporation was involved with
the construction of the
underground bases then the railroad had to have played a big
part in the cover-up of the alien crashes and recovered craft and
the transport of them, because they could not have moved craft from
one state to another on the highway and roads starting way back in
the 1940’s without large public awareness, so the only thing that
made sense was the removals by railroad.
In the summer of 1947 there was a lot of activity in the Roswell,
New Mexico area with evidence of flying saucer crashes and the
recovery of non-human humanoids, some possibly surviving for a
period of time.
Roswell Crash
and the MJ-12
documents suggest significant activity in this area.
The support and transport requirements
have been the subject of in-depth research. The use of the
nation’s railway system was probably used for transport of
wreckage and/or bodies from the Socorro and Magdalena area to Muroc
(Edwards AFB, California). Immediate holding facilities would most
likely have been the initial concern prior to long distance
The Roswell Army Air Field, which had chronicled involvement
in the retrieval operations, no doubt was forced to act quickly once
the orders for secrecy were issued. They may have needed a friend,
someone with whom they had dealings and could trust, someone who was
nearby. That someone may well have been one of the most influential
and powerful corporate controllers of the region.
At the time Robert O. Anderson
was a thirty year prosperous oil man. He arrived in Roswell from
Chicago several years earlier and tapped into the rich Permian Basin
to support the oil refinery he operated in nearby Artesia. During
the war years he supplied gas and oil to the numerous military posts
that sprang up in the southwest. He also supplied the diesel fuel
for 468 the bomb projects at Los Alamos. You should know by now that
you don’t have positions like he had unless you are a part of the
power elite group that control everything to do with the
railroad monopolies.
Anderson might have known Dr. Edward
Teller. Teller and Anderson may have known each other earlier at
the University of Chicago, where Anderson studied geology and
economics and Teller built the atomic bomb. Today, Teller is
mentioned as a possible participant in the Roswell cover-up. Robert
Anderson was honored in a 1986 edition of Fortune Magazine,
was at one time involved with the largest land holding in the United
States with massive holdings in New Mexico and Texas.
No doubt this was railroad controlled
land used for development of the natural resources whatever they may
have been, above or below the ground. Anderson was aligned
with the U.S. military when the government took over one million
acres of land in New Mexico in 1945. Which was to become known as
White Sands Missile Range. It was there that our earliest bombs
were detonated and subsequently became the site of the famous
Trinity Project. The events at White Sands may also have
attracted the attention of an extraterrestrial culture.
When “Mac” Brazel went
into town on July 7, 1947 he heard stories about “flying saucers” in
the Roswell area. That was when he began to wonder about the
explosion he heard out on the J.B. Foster ranch several days
earlier that he had discounted as an electrical storm.
Perhaps Anderson was contacted for assistance; perhaps even some of
his own land had to be searched and sealed off; perhaps he had heard
of the events and called on his friends at the Roswell Army. If the
New Mexico crash retrieval operations involved an extraterrestrial
craft, what might have happened to the occupants?
Since field operations would be
inappropriate, were there any facilities nearby that could provide
the pathological analysis? Maybe they were sent to a well known
government subsidized research institute which had at least two
medical divisions located at the base at Kirkland A.F.B. in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. They needed a facility that had advanced
technology and tools.
According to Medical and Health
Sciences, their current capabilities included studies that focus
on the chemical and radioactive properties of materials,
pathogenesis of respiratory diseases, treatment for inhalation of
radio nuclides, toxico-kinetics, research in pulmonary physiology,
hematology, microbiology, aerospace medicine, and design and
development of a traumatic diagnostic instrumentation.
The Institutes are part of a parent foundation of the same name and
are associated with a major Albuquerque medical center. The
foundation began in 1947, the year of the crash incidents.
Robert Anderson serves
prominently on the Board of Directors at this medical Foundation. He
is described as a progressive thinker and humanitarian. This former
CEO of the sixth largest oil company in America still resides in
Roswell, New Mexico. He also operates a local oil company and the
Diamond A Cattle Company. The company’s vice president is
Anderson’s son who resides in Albuquerque, both incidentally are
members of the
Council on Foreign Relations adding yet another interesting
twist to these odd non-coincidental connections.
Anderson was the Director of the
Council on Foreign Relations from 1974 to 1988. Have you just
for fun, every ask yourself just how Foreign these relations
reach. Anderson is the former Chairman and now Honorary President
of The Aspen Institute, (one of the most elite think tanks in
the world) with branches around the globe.
Research has repeatedly shown a deliberate government cover-up,
proving that corporate and institutional cover-up was of an even
greater magnitude.
The Jim Harber Story gives great details about another New
Mexico saucer railway transport in 1949. In the summer of 1949,
Jim Harber was eleven years old and lived on a farm in Newbern,
Tennessee. The Illinois Central Railroad ran right through
town. Jim’s fascination with steam engines once got him in the dog
house when he hopped up on one of the freight trains that was sided
at the local depot.
It seems the train conductor caught him
and paddled his behind good and proper, leaving him with a healthy
dose engraved memory of the preceding events.
On this summer afternoon when Jim went
into town, to once again check out the steam engine locomotive that
had pulled off on the side spur. The train was about ten to fifteen
cars long consisting mostly of box cars. Two flat cars were coupled
behind the Tinder, one carried harvesting equipment but the other
flat car is what really got Jim’s attention.
Covered with a tightly drawn tarp was
what appeared to him to be a large domed shaped object that
protruded over the sides of the flat car by about a foot.
In a still noticeable southern drawl, he
asked the trainman standing next to the flat car,
“What ya got on there”? He replied
“That’s one of them Flying Saucer things”.
His inquiries also revealed the craft
had come from New Mexico and it was being transported to Washington
His curiosity got to him and he decided to investigate the flying
saucer. The curious eleven year old boy climbed up onto the flat car
and sneaked under the tarp. He found the craft to be slick as if
waxed and upon tapping the side of the craft found that it sounded
hollow, (it was estimated that the walls of the craft were about a
quarter of an inch thick.)
The disc was about 14 feet in diameter,
like two inverted bowls coming together at a 20-25 degree angle.
With the tightly drawn tarp, he only got a look at the under side.
The color was gray like stainless steel, only darker. It was
perfectly round and sat on three legs which were the same color as
the craft. The legs each sat in pie pan looking pods about one foot
in diameter.
There were no markings visible and no
signs of damage.
If the craft really came from New Mexico, the possible route the
flat car could have taken, would have been across through Arkansas
to Memphis where it was put on the Illinois Central track and
brought up to Ohio (with a possible stop at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base) and sent on across to Washington, D.C. It’s not at all
odd that freight going all the way through to some place like
Washington would be routed through such a small side spur like
Newbern, unless it was to avoid large cities and curious people.
It only makes sense that if you wanted
to transport something across country without drawing attention to
it, then taking the least populated rural route might be your best