21 and The New World Economy
- Where Happiness 'Matters'
A Line of Demarcation Through The Eurozone is Taking
All Wars are Bankers' Wars!
All Wars are Bankers Wars - The
Final Wakeup Call
All Wars are Bankers Wars - These
Banks must Go if we want World Peace
All Wars are Well Planned Banker
Wars... Including WWIII
A Lot of Nations Want Out of the
Cabal Banking System
A Monetary Policy for The 99%
- Twelve-Year-Old Reformer Goes Viral
A New Global Economic
Anonymous Hits the New
York Stock Exchange, World Bank, FED, and Vatican
- Total Media Blackout
A Public Bank Option for Scotland
Are Goldman Sachs and The
Megabanks Able to Wipe Out an Entire Economy With a
Are The 'Banksters' Wrecking The
Global Economy Through The Trilateral Commission?
Are We About to See a "European
Monetary Fund?"
Argentine Advice for Greece -
'Default Now, Bring Back The Drachma'
A Surprise Boost for Euro From
and The Confiscation of Bank Deposits - The Birth of
The New Financial Order
- "Bail-In"
Era for Europe's Banking Crisis Begins
Español |
Centrales - CBDC
- Main File |
Bankers Have Seized Europe
- Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over
Banking & Federal Reserve Quotes
Bank of England Policymaker Predicts Unprecedented
Dollar Collapse
Bank Profits Hit 5-Year High
Banks Can Legally Steal Customer
Funds from Private Checking Accounts
Banksters Threaten Brits
- Don't Brexit!….or else
Bank Transfer Day - Successful!
Barclays's Agius Is Stepping Down
BCCI - The Dirtiest Bank of
Behold The Storm and All The Mad
Your Bank' Before Your Bank BETRAYS You
Big Banks Have Criminally
Conspired Since 2005 to Rig $800 Trillion Dollar Market…
But Receive Only a...
Big U.S. Banks Confirmed As
Criminal Enterprises
- Wachovia Wanted To Sue Us For Labeling It 'A...
Black 9/11 - A Walk on The Dark Side
Black Dossier - HSBC & Terrorist
BRICS and The Bankers |
Business Culture and Dishonesty in
The Banking Industry
Canadians Sued The Bank of Canada
and Won - Mainstream Media and Government Blacks Out
Español |
S.A. - Arriba Las manos: Venimos en Plan de Negocios
Capitalist Terrorism
Central Banks
- Main File |
Italiano |
Chi Governa il Mondo? - Angoli
Oscuri delle Potenze Globali Segrete
Italiano |
Chi ha il Potere di Creare Denaro
nell'Economia Moderna?
China Announces that It Is Going to Stop Stockpiling
U.S. Dollars
Español |
China Podría Matar al Petrodólar
con el Petroyuán - El Sueño de Gaddafi No Muere...
Chinese Companies Pull Out of U.S.
Stock Markets
Italiano |
Come Funzionano le 28
Banche che Dominano l'Economia Globale
Español |
Cómo Fue Inventado 'Los Pilares
del Sistema Monetario Mundial' y Quién Se Ha Aprovechado
de Todo Esto
Español |
Cómo Funcionan los 28
Bancos Que Dominan la Economía Global
Computerized Front Running and
Financial Fraud
- How a Computer Program Designed to Save the Free...
Español |
Conozca el Mini-BOT - Italia
Romperá la Zona Euro
Corrupt to the Core - The Fire
Power of the Financial System
Español |
Covid, el Cambio Climático y el
Gran Reinicio - Una Tapadera y una "solución" para el
Fallido Sistema Financiero
Credit Suisse Fraud Exceeded $1 Billion
Español |
Crisis Del Euro, Crisis de La
Unión Europea
Currency Wars For Dummies
- How The United States is Hyperventilating The World
Español |
Denuncian Que Europa y EE.UU. Lavan el Dinero del
Despite Global Economy Plummeting
into Despair, Mega Banks Boast All-Time Record Profits
Español |
Detrás de los Papeles de Panamá -
La Mayor Estafa de la Historia
Italiano |
Dietro i Panama Papers - La più
Colossale Truffa del Pianeta
Don't Leave Your Money in The Bank
Without Reading This First
Economic Rape of Europe Nearly
Español |
El Banco Mundial y Las
Corporaciones Multinacionales Quieren Privatizar el Agua
Español |
El Banco Nacional de Suiza Provoca
una Tormenta Financiera de Consecuencias Imprevisibles
Español |
El Banco Rothschild bajo
Investigación Criminal tras la Acusación al Barón David
de Rothschild
Español |
El Complejo Militar-Financiero que
se Alimenta de la Sangre de las Guerras y Controla a los
Estados Unidos
Español |
El Debate Terminó - La
Banca se ha Convertido en una Empresa Criminal en
Estados Unidos
Español |
Dinero Sucio
- de "Los
Dioses del Eden"
Español |
El Dinero Sucio Se Hace
- de "Los
Dioses del Eden"
Español |
El Dólar es una Herramienta para
Castigar a los Países del Tercer Mundo
Español |
El Grupo Inter-Alfa o de Cómo "Dominar"
el Mundo
Español |
El Miedo de los Grandes Bancos por
el Bajo Precio del Petróleo
Español |
El Mundo Renuncia otra vez a las
Necesarias Reformas Financieras
Español |
El Plan de La Élite Para un Nuevo Orden Social Mundial
Español |
El Poder del Dinero
Español |
El Potente Ámbito
Español |
El Proceso de los Banqueros para
Esclavizar a la Humanidad
Español |
El Sistema Bancario Chino ha
entrado en Caída Libre
Español |
El Sistema Financiero
Internacional Un Sistema Mafioso
- Comprender La Estafa
Español |
El Sistema
Financiero Mundial y Sus Núcleos De Poder
Español |
El Sucio Secreto sobre el Dinero
que Finalmente está Siendo Expuesto a las Masas
Español |
- ¿El
Suicidio del Dólar?
Empire of Mammon - Secret History of the World's Financial
End of The World We Know
Español |
Estados Unidos es Un Títere de La
Banca Privada
- Entrevista de Anastasia Churkina al Cineasta A.
Español |
Euro - 20 Años de Vida, 10 Años de
Elite Using Financial Crisis to Centralize Power
Europe in 'Panic Mode' over
Economy as USA Soars
Euro vs. Dollar - Sideways, But
for How Long?
EU Summit Seals One Trillion Euro
Deal After Merkel Warns of War in Europe
Exposing The Group of 30 -
Rogues Gallery
Español |
los Banqueros Delincuentes
Español |
Falsificando Billones de Dólares
en Bonos de la Tesorería Estadounidense y Otros Crímenes
Farewell to Dollar Supremacy.
FEDs May Be Planning to Bump All
The Toxic Garbage on Bank of America
Fed to The Sharks
- Fed by The FED
Fmr. IMF Chief Sent to Jail as
Spain Prosecutes 65 Elite Bankers in Enormous Corruption
Financial Coup d'Etat
Financial Suicide
- Will The U.S. Be Unable to Pay its Bills?
Finland Prepares for Euro Break Up
Fintech could be Bigger than ATMs,
PayPal and Bitcoin Combined
Fintech Ecosystem Report
Follow the Money - How the
Monetary System is Rigged to Enslave Humanity
- "Forgive
Us for Not Arresting Those Truly Responsible for This
Crisis: Bankers and Politicians"
- Protesting...
Former World Bank Senior
Council Says a "Second Species" on Earth Controls Money
and Religion
From Global Depression to Global
- The Role of The Corporate Elites' Secretive Global
Full Reserve Banking Revisited
Funny Money
- from "The Gods Of Eden"
Funny Money Goes
- from "The Gods Of Eden"
Geithner Rushes to Sabotage German
Derivatives Ban
- Schäuble Prepares New Moves Against...
Global Bank, Global Currency
Within 15 Years
- CNBC Analyst
Global Banks Embrace Islam
Global Fraud - Global Hope
- An Address to The International UFO Congress
Global Governance Divide
Global Monopoly
Global Power and Global Government
Global Power Project -
Institutions and Individuals Who Comprise Today's Global
Power Oligarchy
Global Swamp - How Planet Earth is
being Ruined
Español |
Gobernar para Las Élites -
Secuestro Democrático y Desigualdad Económica
Banker - Italy's Mysterious, Deepening Bank Scandal
Goldman and J.P. Morgan Probed
Over Metals Warehouse Manipulations
Español |
Grecia - La Lección que Todo el
Mundo Debería Aprender
Greece - Dump The EU Now For An
Economic Recovery!
Greece Officially Defaults - UK
Prepares for Euro Collapse
Greece Urged to Give Up Euro
Guardians of Currency Race to Debase
Here's an Easy Way to Tell if your
Bank is Actually Safe
Here's how 'They' will Bankrupt
Hitler and The Banksters
- The Abolition of Interest-Servitude
Español |
Hitler - El Monstruo Creado por La
Banca Internacional
How Big Banks Run the World... at
Your Expense
How Obama Surrendered Sovereignty to The Criminal
Banking Cartel
How Reporters Pulled Off
the Panama Papers - The Biggest Leak in Whistleblower
How the EU can take on Dirty Money
- The Darker Side of Globalization
How to Crush a 'Bankers'
Dictatorship' - A Lesson from 1933
How Your Bank Account Could
How Wisconsin Could Turn Austerity
Into Prosperity
- Own a Bank
Italiano |
I Banchieri Andranno in Prigione
durante la Prossima Crisi
Iceland Jail Top Bankers
for 46 Years
- Europe 'Outraged'
Iceland - Victory Over
International Banksters
- Main File |
If We Don't Change the Way Money
is Created and Distributed, We Change Nothing
Italiano |
Il Futuro del Sistema Bancario
è... Il tuo Fallimento
Information on The International Monetary Fund
In Italy, World's Oldest Bank
Faces Uncertain Future
In Search of Justice - Summary of An International Law
Case in Finland
Español |
Instituciones Financieras Globales
Institutional Corruption Is
Killing The Economy - Americans are Losing
Trust in All U.S. Institutions
Español |
Insumisión Bancaria
International Currencies
Increasingly Rejected in The Face of Inflation
to Execute 4 Bankers on Fraud Charges
Is An Economic Deluge Nigh?
Is Greece The First Domino Toward
Widespread Banking Panic and Currency Controls?
Español |
Islandia - Victoria Sobre los
Banksteros Internacionales
- Main File |
Is The Rothschild Banking Monopoly Finally About to Be
Scandal Widens as Italy's Third Largest Bank Set to Get
Third Bailout in 3 Years - Draghi
and Monti...
Español |
Italia Prohíbe Las Transacciones
en Metálico de Más de 50 Euros para 2013
Italy is 'Slave of Wealthy Jewish
Bankers' Like the Rothschilds - The Pitchfork Movement
It's The System That Is The Problem
Japan and China Bypass U.S. in
Direct Currency Trade
Español |
JPMorgan lanzará un Sistema de
Pago Biométrico como próximo paso en la Vigilancia
Financiera Orwelliana
Italiano |
La Banca Rothschild sotto
Inchiesta per le Accuse al Barone David de Rothschild
Italiano |
La Cina potrebbe Uccidere il
Petroldollaro con il Petroyuan - Il Sogno di Gheddafi
Non Muore
Español |
La Comision Trilateral
El Sistema Financiero Mundial y Sus Núcleos De Poder
Italiano |
La Corporazione di Londra -
Banchieri e Massoni
Español |
La Economía del Futuro No
Dependerá del Dinero
Español |
La Inversión de la
Jerarquía y la Sumisión a la Materia
Español |
La Muerte del Papel Moneda
Español |
La Psicopatía de la Codicia
Large Number of Countries Set to
Sign on to China-Backed Investment Bank AIIB
Largest Racketeering Lawsuit in
U.S. History Names Holder, Geitner and Others
Larry Summers and The Secret
"End-Game" Memo
Español |
Las 20 Bases Religiosas de los
Señores del Dinero
Español |
Las Naciones Imprimirán Dinero,
Quebrarán e Irán a La Guerra...
Todos Estamos Perdidos - Mack Faber
Español |
La Sorprendente Verdad sobre el
Origen del Dinero
Español |
La Verdad Detrás del Capitalismo
Leaked 1955 Bilderberg Document Outline Plan For Single European
Italiano |
L'Economia del Futuro Non si
Baserà sul Denaro
Italiano |
L'Islanda Dichiara l'Indipendenza
Dalle Banche Internazionali
Italiano |
L'Italia Proibisce Le transazioni
in Denaro liquido di Più di 50 Euro dal 2013
Lloyd's of London Preparing for
Euro Collapse
Living in A Banksters' Paradise
History of HSBC Money Laundering
Español |
Los Bancos Chinos y Rusos ya No
Dependen del Sistema Occidental
Español |
Los Bancos y el Estado
Español |
Los Banqueros Serán Encarcelados
Durante la Próxima Crisis
Español |
Los Dioses del Dinero y Su
Proyecto de un Nuevo Orden Mundial
- El JuegoFinal Ha Empezado
Español |
Los Disturbios Sociales Son
Previstos por El FMI
- La Esencia y Lo Falso de Las Privatizaciones en...
Español |
Los Grandes Bancos se Apoderan del
Agua de Todo el Planeta - Alarma Mundial
Italiano |
Lo Sporco Segreto sul Denaro che
Finalmente la Gente può Vedere
Luxembourg Takes the Heat, but the
World's Worst Tax Haven - The City of London - Remains
Make The Bankers Pay
- Iceland, Ireland Pushing Back Against Neo-Feudalism
Making The World Safe for
Meet Emmanuel Macron - The
Consummate Banker Puppet, Bizarre Elitist Creation
Meet J.P. Morgan -
Mega-Bank's Plan to Steal Your
Money and Blame Fake Muslim Cyber Attack
Modern Money Mechanics
- A Workbook on Bank Reserves and Deposit Expansion
Money-Creation in A Finite World
Money... Do We Need It?
Monopoly Money and The
International Banking Cartel
Global Elite Psycho-Attitudes
Morgan Stanley is Insolvent
- Only a Matter of Time Before Total Financial Collapse
Move Your Money!
Move Your Money - Campaign Grows
to Divest from "Too Big to Fail" Banks to Local Banks,
Credit Unions
Move Your Money Out of The U.S.
Banking System
Multiple Signs That The Smart
Money Has Completely Written Off Southern Europe
National Infrastructure Bank -
Another Trilateral Ripoff?
Nations Will Print Money, Go Bust,
Go to War… We Are Doomed - Marc
New Asian Union Means The Fall of The Dollar
New World Order - The Endgame Has Begun
Italiano |
Non Lasciarti Ingannare -
Questo è l'Obiettivo Finale dei "Documenti di Panama"
Español |
No te Dejes Engañar -
Este es el Objetivo Final de los "Papeles de Panamá"
Español |
Nueve Mitos y Errores Conceptuales
Sobre El Dinero Que Pueden Literalmente Matarlo a Usted
Español |
Operación 'Jaque Mate' del
Over 200 Senior Bankers Arrested Last Week As New
Financial System Goes Online
Party Over for Bankers
Pathocracy Rising - How Economic
Systems breed Deviants
Español |
Peligro en Aumento - Pésimas
Señales en la Economía Mundial
Pitfalls and Fallacies of The Orion Monetary System
Planetary Regime - The Globalists'
Blueprint in Their Own Words
Politicians Work for Banks - Despise
The State, but Even More The Banks!
Español |
Porqué en Occidente Las
Instituciones Financieras y La Medicina Están Ambas
Condenadas a Fallar
Español |
Porqué los Banqueros Odian La Paz
Español |
Porqué Obama tiene Tanta
Prisa por Firmar el TTIP
Español |
- ¿Porqué
Permitimos que Bancos Privados y ciertas Familias
Controlen el Dinero del Mundo?
Italiano |
Preavviso di Uscita Dall'Euro
Predatory Finance - The New Mode
of Global Warfare
Private "Trading Platforms" Have Been Shut Down in
Preparation for New Financial System
Project Prophecy - The Death of
Español |
- ¿Qué
es el Dinero Programable?
Español |
- ¿Qué
se Esconde Realmente Tras los "Papeles de Panamá"?
Español |
Qué se Esconde tras los
Escándalos de Evasión Fiscal
Questions for Washington D.C.
'Swamp Creatures'
Español |
- ¿Quién
Dirige el Mundo? - Rincones Oscuros de las Secretas
Potencias Mundiale
Español |
- ¿Quién
tiene el Poder de Crear Dinero en la Economía Moderna?
Rothschild passing Dynasty on to
7th Generation - Marking 200 Years of Banker Family Rule
Español |
Ruptura en El Gobierno Mundial
Russia Preparing for Epic Split with Global Banking
Cartel by Dumping U.S. Dollar for Gold |
Russia Readies Back-up System for
Potentially Explosive "Split with International Banking
System" |
Says World Is Nearing Currency War as Europe Joins |
Secret Financial Maneuvers Fail to
Save Copenhagen Climate Summit
Secret Meeting of 57 Finance Ministers on Ship Charts
New Financial System
Selective Leaks of The
"Panama Papers" Create Huge Blackmail Potential
Español |
Siga el Dinero - Cómo el Sistema
Monetario está Amañado para Esclavizar a la Humanidad
Español |
Si No Cambiamos la Forma en la que
el Dinero es Creado y Distribuido, No Cambiamos Nada
Six Banks Control The U.S. - They
Are Too Big to Fail and Too Big to Jail
South America Trembles Before
Argentine Devaluation
Spain Braces for its Biggest
Corporate Insolvency… Ever!
Speculating Banks Profit as
World's Poorest Go Hungry
Stunning Crimes of The Big Banks
- Worse Than Your Wildest Imagination
Español |
Suiza le Sigue a Islandia en
Declarar la Guerra Contra los Banqueros-Gángsters
Switzerland Follows Iceland in
Declaring War Against the Banksters
Switzerland Prepares Army for Euro
Zone Fallout
Español |
Tarjetas de Crédito, el 666 y el
The Acceleration of A Global
Gilded Age
- Wealth Inequality Across The Globe
The Alchemy of Synthetic Finance
and Global Governance
The Banking Criminals Exposed
The Bank of England has Just
Crossed the Line into Straight Government Financing
The Broken Global Banking System
The Building Blocks of
The Business of America
- from 'The World Order - A Study in the Hegemony of
Parasitism' by E. Mullins
Chicago Plan Revisited
The Coming Non-Linear World
- The Bernanke Fed is Playing With Fire
The Complete and Annotated Guide
to The European Bank Run
- Or The Final Phase of Goldman's World...
The Corporation of London -
Bankers and Freemasons
The Death of Paper Money
The Debate is Over -
Banking has Become a Criminal Enterprise in the U.S. |
The Dirty Secret about Money that
is Finally Being Exposed to the Masses |
The Double Standard of The U.S. Criminal Justice System - A
flowchart - The Cases of HSBC and Wachovia |
The Economic Solutions of Vampires |
The Economy of the Future Won't Rely on Money
The Elite Plan for A New World Social Order
The End of National Currency
The Entire Fiat Money System is
- Demise of The Global U.S. Fiat Dollar Reserve Currency
The EU Banking System Is In Big
European Stabilization Mechanism
- Or How The
Goldman Vampire Squid Just Captured Europe
The Eurozone's Rescue Fund - German High Court
Capitulates to Bankers
The Fall of Greece
- Yes, It Really is a Capitalist Plot
The Federal Reserve Cartel
The Federal Reserve's Explicit Goal - Devalue The Dollar
The Financial Pyramid of Power
The Financial System Failure
The Financial System in America Is On The Edge of
The Fire Power of the Financial
Lobby - A Survey of the Size of the Financial Lobby at
the EU level
The Future of Banking is… You're
The Globalizer Who Came In from
The Cold
The Greatest Crime ever
Contemplated - Former Hedge Fund Manager exposes a
scheme by Central Bankers
The History of The "Money Changers"
The Inversion of Hierarchy and Bondage to
The Karas Report
The Men Who Run the World - Inside the
Global Power Elite's Quest for Domination
The Moral Hazard of Modern Banking
- How Banks Create and Destroy Money
The New Financial System Now
Supposed to Start on May 11th But Believe It When You
See It
The New World Order is At Risk - Says Lord
The Orion Monetary System in The Historical
The Panama Papers - Biggest Leak
in History Exposes Global Corruption
The Panama Papers - What Happens
when Corruption is Systemic
The Power behind the Throne and
the Bankers' Forever Wars
Power of Money
The Project Hammer File
The Project Hammer Reloaded File
The Psychopathy of Greed
The Real New World Order - Bankers Taking Over The World
There's Millions in Those
- Canada's High-Frequency
The Rothschilds
- Main File
The Shadow Money Lenders
- The Real Significance of The Fed's Zero-Interest-Rate
Policy (ZIRP)
The Spanish Bank Bailout Begins
The Theory of Macroeconomics Promotes The Orion
Monetary System
The Threat of Financial
Transaction Control
The Truth Behind Capitalism
The Unspoken War and Silent
Weapons - The Blueprint to Control
Tightening The Noose on Credit
Spells Disaster
- Trapped in The Spiral of Basel III - Punishing Your
Time for a New Theory of Money
- By Understanding That Money is Simply Credit, We
Unleash It as A...
Español |
Todas Las Guerras Son Guerras de
Los Banqueros
Too Many EU Banks Fail 'Stress
Test', Exposing $31bn Shortfall
Top 5 Banks Hold 95.7% or $221
Trillion of Outstanding Derivatives
Top Economic Advisers Forecast War
and Unrest
Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic Future
Trillions Stolen by Bankers - SEC Slaps "Million
Dollar Fines" on them
Italiano |
Tu e quale Esercito...? - Banche
in Bancarotta, Ayn Rand e il nostro Triste Futuro
UBS Whistleblower Exposes
'Political Prostitution' All the Way Up to President
Español |
Un Estudio Psicológico Demoledor
sobre La Mente de Los Banqueros
U.S. Banks Experience Major
Withdrawals During First Week of January
U.S. "Quantitative Easing"
Fracturing the Global Economy
Vampire Squid
Economics - A Case Study in Full-Blown Wetiko
- from "The Wetiko Virus - A...
Warns of War - Merkel Wants
'Permanent' Supervision of Greece
Warning - Get Your Money Out
- "All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially
Was Dominique Strauss-Kahn Trying
to Torpedo The Dollar?
Western Bankers Threatened Japan
With HAARP Eco-Destruction a Year Before China Quakes
Western Banks 'Reaping Billions from Colombian Cocaine
What in The
World Just Happened in Switzerland? - Swiss National
Bank Shocked the Financial World
What Is Money Reform?
When the IMF Meets - Here's What Happened at the Global
Plutocracy's Pow Wow in Peru
Where Are The Criminal
Prosecutions for Financial Crisis?
- "Inside Job" Director Charles Ferguson...
Who is Behind the Economic
Who Rules the World? - Dark
Corners of Secretive Global Powers
Runs America? The CFR and Private Bankers
- Hillary Clinton Speaks to The Rockefeller Founded...
Why Bankers Hate Peace
Why do We Allow Private Banks and
Families to Control the World's Money?
Why The Institutions of Western
Finance and Western Medicine are Both Doomed to Fail
Why Washington Hates Hugo Chavez
Words of Warning - Get Your Money Out of European Banks
and what Army...? - Bankrupt Banks, Ayn Rand, and our Grim
Additional Information |
A Furious Cyprus Begins Investigating Who Breached The
Capital Controls
I Want for Christmas Is The Truth
All Power to the Banks! - The
Winners-Take-All Regime of Emmanuel Macron
A March 31st Deadline Has Been
Delivered to The Committee of 300 by The Gnostic
"Illuminati" Faction
American, European and Japanese
Problem Solving
- The Global Financial Crisis
Analysis of Financial Terrorism in
A New Breed of Rough Riders?
- Dollar Issuance by The United States Is "Out of
A New World Tax Regime |
Are Black-Budget Ops Stealing
Their Money from The Stock Market?
Argentina Unrest - Brought to You by Goldman Sachs
A Short History of International
- Money From Long Ago
Español |
Así es cómo China planea
Convertirse en la Economía Líder del Mundo
Audit of The Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in
Secret Bailouts
Bank Holiday Rumors Swirl Amidst Currency Crisis
Banks are Still Failing at Ten
Times the Pre-2008 Crash Rate
Español |
Banquero Suizo Desenmascara a Los
Bilderberg en Una Entrevista
Baphomet - The Secret of the Templar
Fortune -
Solomon's Treasure
Black Budgets and Black Projects
- Main File
Español |
Bush y Los Años del Miedo
- Noam Chomsky
Cabal Resorting to Desperate Tactics As They Try to
Prevent Reboot of Financial System
Español |
Cambio Climático Cósmico y
Terrorismo Financiero
- Atando Cabos
Can Governments Save the Economy
by Injecting Money Into our Bank Accounts?
Capitalism - An Alien Ideology
From Who Were As Human Beings
Capitalism is a Collapsing System - What's Next?
- Main File
Capitalism's New Era
- "Casino
Jack and The United States of Money" - A Look at Corporate
Money and Politics - DemocracyNow!
Chaos Prevails at The Highest Levels of Government in
The West as The Financial Fraud Unravels
China's Crucial Role as America's
- Strained US-China Relations
Close-Knit Financial Oligarchy
Controls All Major Corporations
College Bubble Set to Burst in
by Bankruptcy - The High-stakes Chess Match for
Revolutions - Argentina Next?
Español |
Cómo se Manipula la Economía a
nivel Físico, Etérico y Mental
Español |
Comprender La Estafa
- El Sistema Financiero Internacional Un Sistema Mafioso
Español |
Con Abundancia de Energía El
Dinero No Es Necesario
Confessions of An Economic Hit Man
- Concise Summary
Confessions of a Panama
Papers Hit Man
- A System of Control Designed by The Monopoly Men of
The Global Elite
Coup d'État - The Historical
Framework of Globalization
Español |
Crisis Sistémica Global 2015 - Petróleo, Divisas,
Finanzas, Sociedades, Oriente Medio
- ¡La Gran...
- What are the Real Targets of The E.U.? Oil Embargo
Against Iran?
Español |
- ¿Da
Europa su Sello de Aprobación a Los Colonos Israelíes?
David Icke on Terrorism,
'Totalitarian Tiptoe' and The Coming Post-Industrial
Technocracy |
Español |
Davos - La Fuente de Los Problemas
Davos People - Source of Economic
Problems, Not a Solution
Español |
- ¿Deberíamos
Ser como Islandia? - Un Enfoque Controversial y
Alternativo de la Crisis Económica
Debt and the Cyclical Rise and
Fall of Societies - Socrates
Debt - History of the Near East
Did Somebody Just Try to Buy The
British Government?
Disaster Looms when AI Runs the
Economy - Says Inventor of the Internet
Dollar Deception - How Banks
Secretly Create Money
Down Goes Britain - The UK Economy Tumbles
Deep Into Recession
Economic Crisis - The Next Round of Financial Slaughter
- The G-20 Summit Charade
Español |
El Dólar Alquímico - La Magia y El
Misterio del Dinero Estadounidense
- El Tesoro de Salomón
Español |
El Dominio Energético
Estadounidense y el Ascenso del Petroyuan
Eliot Spitzer and The Bush Bankers
Español |
El Lado Oscuro de las Irrupciones
- 'La Economía Gig' es el Nuevo Término para
'Servidumbre' |
Español |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial es "Comunismo" |
Español |
El Presente - Dominio a Través de
Dólares y Petróleo |
Español |
Sistema Capitalista Colapsa - ¿Y Después Qué?
- Main File
Español |
El Sur Global crea un Nuevo
Sistema de Pago que cambia las Reglas del Juego
End The Fed, Save The Dollar
- Ron Paul
Español |
Entendiendo el Dinero
Español |
- ¿Es
el Banco Suizo UBS el Caballo de Troya del Fisco
Español |
Estructura del supuesto Sistema
Bancario y Económico pretendido por las Razas en Control
y el Sistema de...
- The Weaponized Fiat Currency
EU's Recipe for The United States
of Europe and Seizure of Our Money Through Homemade
Examining Capitalism Through Quantum Mechanics
Federal Reserve Directors' Banks
and Businesses Took $4 Trillion in Bailouts - Report
Reserve Money Printing Is The Real Reason Why The Stock
Market Is Soaring
Italiano |
Figlio di un Generale
Cinese di Alto Livello rivela Affari inquietanti sulla
Financial Meltdown
- The Case Against The Ratings Agencies
French and Germans Explore Idea of
Smaller Euro Zone
Gauss Virus Targets Banking System
May Cause U.S. Financial Collapse
George Soros' Eight Bold
- From The 'Tiger Den'
George Soros on The Coming U.S.
Class War
Global Great Depression and
Population Reduction by 2030
- MIT and The Club of Rome Prophecy
Glossary of Global Banking Terms
Global Elite Research Center
Goldman Sachs Report warns Pharma
Companies that Curing Disease is Bad for Business
Government Banking - New
Perspectives on Sustainable Development and Social
Inclusion from...
Government to Spy on Everyone Who Banks in The U.S.
Español |
Guerra de Monedas
- ¿Cuales son los Blancos Reales de la Unión Europea?
¿Embargo Petrolero...
Gun Battle Rages Over Control of Codes to New Financial
Español |
Hijo de General Chino de
Alto Nivel revela Asuntos Inquietantes sobre China
Howard Zinn Taught Us That it's OK
if We Face Mission Impossible
How Banks and Investors Are
Starving The Third World
- Rising Food Prices and The Egyptian Tinderbox
How The Banksters Ensured US WWII
- or 'How Americans Were Hoodwinked Once Again'
How to End The Federal Reserve and The Bailout Madness
Hyper Mario and Germany on Verge
of All Out Warfare
Iceland Continues Economic
Rejuvenation by Purging Financial Parasites
Italiano |
Il Debito Globale arriva a 63
Trilioni di Dollari
Italiano |
Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale è "Comunismo" |
Español |
Ingenieros del Shock
- Investigación y Desarrollo
Initiation into The Incunabula
- The Occult Technology of Power
In Stunning Reversal IMF
Blames Globalization for Spreading Inequality - It Causes Market Crashes
Interview to Former Economic
Hitman John Perkins
- 2012, Government Corruption and More...
In The Shadow of The Dragon
Introduction of Global Taxation
Just One Step Away
Is China Part of The New World Order? |
Israel Set to Join Club of Richest Nations
- Israel in OECD
Is There a Conspiracy to Bring
'Honest Money' to the World?
Is Xi about to make Macau the Next
Financial Powerhouse?
Italy in Crisis - The Decline of
The Roman Democracy
Jim Rogers on Opportunities in Russia and Other 'Hated'
the 'Shakeup' of the Sleeping Mob - Freedom, Abundance and
Prosperity is your Reward
Español |
La "Bomba Financiera" de las
Sanciones que EE.UU. preparó para Rusia tuvo un Efecto
Italiano |
La "Bomba Finanziaria" delle
Sanzioni che gli Stati Uniti prepararono per la Russia
ha avuto un Effetto Contrario
Español |
La City de Londres y la Sociedad
- Historia y Planes Actuales
Español |
La Conspiración Del Sistema
Español |
La Crisis Económica Vista Desde La Economía Ecológica
Español |
La Deuda y el Auge y Declive
Cíclico de las Sociedades - Sócrates
Español |
La Élite Bancaria Está
Comprando Todo el Agua del Mundo
Español |
La Incómoda Verdad sobre Goldman Sachs, Trump y los BRICS
que No quieren que Veamos
Español |
La Primera Prueba del Shock
- Dolores de Parto
Español |
La Relación entre la Energía y la
Español |
Las Transacciones Financieras
Internacionales Bajo Control Estadounidense
- El Imperio Transatlántico...
Español |
La Teoría De Los Ciclos en La Economia
- Martin Armstrong y El Calendario Maya
Latin America Beware - The Imperialists are Coming for
Español |
La Última Ilusión
Español |
La Última Táctica de Los Gobiernos
Para Robarnos el Dinero
Español |
La Verdad Sobre "La Economía"
Italiano |
La Verità sulla "Economia"
Italiano |
L'Élite Bancaria sta
Comprando Tutta l'Acqua del Mondo
Lewis Cass Payseur and His Assets
- 1850-1939
- extracted from "Pandora's Box" by Alex Christopher
Lord James of Blackheath Speaks of
Extraordinary Fraud
Español |
Los Grupos Religiosos
Estadounidenses Generan Más Dinero que Microsoft y Apple
Español |
Los Hábitos de Ahorro del 1% de los Super-Ricos
exacerban la Deuda del 90 % de la Población - Estudio
Español |
Los Políticos Como Empleados
Corruptos del Poder Económico
Italiano |
L'Ultima Tattica dei Governi per
Rubarci i Soldi
Español |
Augurios para la Economía Global 2016 - 100 Dólares el
Barril de Crudo, el Dólar Cae, la Pobreza...
Español |
Manfred Max-Neef - Economía
Transdisciplinaria Para La Sustentabilidad
Mapped Economic Freedom around the
World in 2021
Español |
Max-Neef Cree que La Economía Neoliberal Mata Más Gente
que Todos los Ejércitos Juntos
the Predatory Bulldogs Hired by Major Banks to Swindle Customers
Meet The World Money Power
Español |
Me he "Apropiado" 492.000 Euros de Quienes Más Nos Roban
Para Denunciarlos y Construir Alternativas...
Modern Money Mechanics
- A Workbook on Bank Reserves and Deposit Expansion
Money Is Not Needed With Energy
More Americans Opting Out of
Banking System
Neil F. Keenan - Agent for The
Dragon Family
- Lawsuit
New World Disorder - Emerging
Division Between East and West Threatens to Plunge the
Globe into Chaos
- "Nuremberg
Trials" for The Banksters |
Español |
Obama, La Guerra Financiera y La
Eliminación de DSK
- Escándalo del Patrón del FMI
Italiano |
Obama, La Guerra Finanziaria e
l'Eliminazione di DSK
- Lo Scandalo del Patron del FMI
Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave
When First We Practice to Deceive |
Outrageous Predictions for 2016 -
Saxo Bank
Paper Money and Tyranny
Español |
- ¿Porqué
Todo el Mundo Mantiene a Flote la Economía de EE.UU.?
Español |
- "Quien
podría Sufrir Sanciones ahora es el propio Estados
Report on Negotiations With The Illuminati in Italy
Response to "Why Isn't the Stock
Market Collapsing?"
Results of 2014 EU-Wide-Stress
Revealed - The Capitalist Network
That Runs The World
Revisiting Plutonomy - The Rich
Getting Richer
Revolt In Libya - A Message to
Crony Capitalist Summit Plots Against Free Markets
Rothschild Family Representative Leaves Japan
Español |
Rusia Responde a Nuevas Sanciones de EE.UU. desechando
el Dólar
Russia Responds to New U.S. Sanctions by Dumping the
Italiano |
Se c'è Energia in Abbondanza il
Denaro Non è Necessario
Secretive Knights Templar Make
Astounding Bid to Save World
Shady Origins of Consumerism
2016 Predictions - $100 Crude, Strong Ruble
Should We Be Like Iceland? - A Controversial and
Alternative Approach to Economic Turmoil
Español |
Sindican a firmas de EE.UU. de ser "Cómplices" de
Deforestación y Abusos en la Amazonía
Six Reasons The 'Occupy'
Revolution Will Be Difficult to Co-Opt or Defeat
Español |
Sobre el Saqueo Económico de
Speculation Drives Up Food Prices
as Bankers Gamble on Hunger
Syria Could Become a Rallying
Point Against the Banksters
Español |
Tecnofinanzas - La Nueva Ola que
Privilegia a Latinoamérica sin tocar a Venezuela
Ten Shocking Quotes About What QE3 is Going to Do to
The Alchemical Dollar - The Magic
and Mystery of America's Money
- Solomon's Treasure
Banking Elite Are Not Only Stealing Our Wealth, but They
Are Also Stealing Our Minds
- "The
Best Enemy Money can Buy" - Quotations from Antony
C. Sutton's Book
The Bilderberg Plan for 2009 - Remaking
The Global Political Economy
The Cabalists Struggle in Vain to Stop The New Financial
The Chances of A War With China
Are Rising
The Code of Hammurabi
The Crashing Price of Oil is Going
to Rip the Global Economy to Shreds
The Creature From Jekyll Island
- A Lecture on The Federal Reserve
The Cults of Empire
The Dark Road - The Worst Tax Law You've Never Heard
The Dark Side of Disruption - 'The
Gig Economy' is the New Term for Serfdom
The Despicable Truth Emerges About
The Dollar Reigns Supreme By Default
The Economics of Artificial
The Eurozone Should Sort Out Its
Own Mess
The FEDs Have Sued for Peace and Detailed Settlement
Negotiations Have Begun
The Four Business Gangs That Run The U.S
Game That Goes On and On
- A Swiss Bank, A President and The Permanent Government
The Global Financial Cycle -
Robbery, Depression, Destruction and 'Recovery'
The Globalists
The High Price of Free Money - Now
U.S. Bankers Fear Financial, Social, or Political
The History of Banking - Where Did King
Solomon's Treasure Go?
The History of The "Money Changers"-
by Andrew Hitchcock
The Invisible Entity Behind The
Global Uprising Taking Place
The Libyan War, American Power and
The Decline of The Petrodollar System
The Network of Global Corporate
The Perfect No-Prosecution Crime
The Plain and Complex Truth
The 'Pole-Shift' in Global Financial Power is Almost
The 'Post-Democratic' Society
Unfolding By The Hour |
The Real Reason Behind The 9-11 Terror Was a Battle for
Control of The Global Collateral Accounts
The Relation Between Energy and
The Rockefeller Syndicate
The Rot Runs
The Science of Physical Economy
- Economics as History
The Sting - Mr. Johnston's Letter to
his Sons!
The UK Government's Latest
Moneymaking Scam
- 100 Year Gilts
The United States Remains a
British Colony
The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles
- Plus Inside Report on Secret Financial Deals
- "The
Whole Thing Is Doomed" - European Bank CEO Admits
Zeitgeist Movement
- Observations And Responses
Titanic Battle or Insider Trading?
- The S&P Downgrade and The Bilderbergers
- All Part of The Plan?
Transforming Banking for the Poor - Q&A with Jonathan
Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic
to Contain Your Laughter - Prince Charles and Lady de
Rothschild Team Up to Talk About 'Inclusive...
Twenty Facts about The Collapse of
Europe That Everyone Should Know
Twitter Mood Predicts The Stock
UBS Issues Hyperinflation Warning
for U.S. and UK
- Calls It Purely "A Fiscal Phenomenon"
Español |
- ¿Una
Dolarización Innecesaria y un FMI Impopular? - La
Experiencia y el Futuro del Dólar en Ecuador
Español |
Una Introducción a La Doctrina del
Español |
Un Balance General sobre las
Medidas de Reconversión Económica en Venezuela |
Update from Markets Entity...
- Predictions
U.S.-China Trade War Targets Rare
Earth Minerals
U.S. Religious Groups Generate
More Money than Microsoft and Apple Combined
U.S. to Let Spy Agencies Scour
Americans' Finances
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Arrested,
Questioned and Released
- Asian Negotiations Continue
U.S. - World Financial Crisis Explained
Español |
- "Vamos
Camino de la Tercera Guerra Mundial" - Expertos
Financieros de Todo el Mundo Advierten
Venezuela's Monetary Revolution
Vis-à-vis Economic Sanctions
Video Evidence of Secret Illuminati Corporation More Wealthy
Than the Combined Wealth of All Nations...
Español |
Vuelven Los Temores a Un Cierre 'Temporal' de Los Bancos
War is A Racket
What is The Mandrake Mechanism?
from Chapter 10
of The Creature from
Jekyll Island
Who Are The Controllers?
Who is Behind the Oil War, and How
Low Will the Price of Crude Go in 2015?
Why are Banking Executives in
London Killing Themselves?
Why are They Doing It?
Why Banks and U.S. Treasury Warn
Virus will Wipeout Customer Accounts
Why Does the SEC Protect Banks' Dirty Secrets?
Why We're Drifting Towards World
War 3
World Governance by The
- Chart
World's Wealthiest People Now
Richer Than Before The 2008 Credit Crunch
Italiano |
Xi è vicino a fare di Macao il
Prossimo Centro di Potere della Finanza?
Cashless Society -
War On Cash
/ Sociedad Sin Efectivo - Guerra Contra el Efectivo |
Español |
A los Bancos Alemanes se
les ha Dicho que Empiecen a Acumular Dinero en Efectivo
Program for Monetary Reform
Austria Bucking Trend against
'Digital Currency'
Backlash against "War on Cash"
reaches Washington and China
Bank for International Settlements
(BIS) Chief talks 'Absolute Control' of Money
Cash is No Longer King -
The Phasing Out of Physical Money has Begun
Chase Bank Limits Cash Withdrawals
and Bans International Wire Transfers
Covid-19 is 'Putting Cash in Early
Grave' all around the World
Criminalization of Cash - Driving
Toward Cashless Society
Digital Tyranny and Hidden Agendas
- Beware of the Government's Push for a Digital Currency
Español |
El BCE Aprieta el Lazo Sobre las
Cuentas Bancarias
Español |
El Dinero en Efectivo ya
No Es el Rey - Se ha Empezado a Eliminar el Dinero
- "Electronic
Money" under "The One World Order" (OWO)
Español |
El Mayor Banco de Noruega Exige la
Prohibición del Dinero en Efectivo
- Paso Decisivo
Español |
El Nacimiento de la 'Sociedad Sin
Even the World's Most Cashless
Nation Doesn't Want to Go Fully Cashless
Federal Reserve (FED) to
Quarantine Dollars from Asia on Covid-19 -
'Transmission' Concerns...
Español |
Hacia una Sociedad Sin
Dinero en Efectivo
- de "La Verdadera Historia Del Club Bilderberg"
Here's what a 'Cashless Society'
Really Means
How a Cashless Society
Could Embolden Big Brother
Italiano |
- "Ice-Nine"
- Il Lockdown Finanziario Globale
- "Ice-Nine"
- The Global Financial Lockdown
Italiano |
Il Covid 19 sta Mettendo i
Contanti in una "Tomba Precoce" in tutto il Mondo
IMF Issue Working Paper on Eliminating Cash
Italiano |
La Controtendenza
dell'Orientamento dell'Austria contro la Valuta Digitale
Español |
La Criminalización del Dinero en Efectivo - Conducción hacia
la Sociedad Sin Dinero en Efectivo
Español |
La Guerra Contra el Dinero en
Efectivo - Ahora los Gobiernos se Apropian o Gravan el
Dinero en Efectivo...
Español |
La Guerra Contra el Dinero en
- Llega la Tiranía Global
Español |
- "Los
Bancos están Creando una Idea Romántica de los Pagos
Electrónicos para conseguir Más Poder"
Español |
Los Riesgos Ocultos del Abandono
del Dinero en Efectivo
Español |
Porqué Necesitas
Prepararte para la Sociedad sin Dinero en Efectivo
Español |
Reunión Secreta en Wall
Street para Implantar el Dinero Electrónico
Italiano |
Riunione Segreta a Wall
Street per dare Avvio al Denaro Elettronico
Smart Cards, E-Cash and the
Cashless Society
Español |
Tecno-Cash - La Guerra al
Dinero en Efectivo es sólo la Mitad de la Historia
Techno Cash - The War on
Cash is Only Half the Story
Depends on the Digitalization of Money - CBDC
The Banksters Ultimate Dream
- A Cashless Society, Starting With The Military
The Cashless Society is a Con, and
Big Finance is Behind It
Cashless Society is Almost Here - And with Some Very
Sinister Implications
The Emerging 'Mark of the Beast'
System - Sleepwalking into the Surveillance Society
The Global War on Cash -
Lessons from History |
The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing -
IMF Working Paper
The Money System is your Slavery
The War on Cash - COVID Edition |
The War on Cash - Governments
Grabbing or Taxing Cash At Will Now |
The War on Cash is Actually a War
on Liberty and Privacy |
Unification of CBDCs? - Global Banks are telling us the 'End
of the Dollar System is Near'...
Ushering in a Totalitarian Police
State in Cashless "Smart Cities" |
Visa Trying to Bribe Merchants to
Stop Taking Cash |
War on Cash ALERT in the EU - Now
Pushing "Restrictions on Payments in Cash" |
Preservation - The Final Assault in the 'War on Cash' |
Why You Need to Prepare
for the Cashless Society
Currency Reset - Basel III |
America's Largest Creditor - Will
China end U.S. Trade War with a "Debt Reset" by Dumping
U.S. Treasury...
Basel III - A Global Regulatory
Standard on International Banking
Basel III - A Global Regulatory
Framework for More Resilient Banks and Banking Systems
- Post BCBS...
China has Been Preparing for a
Trade War for Over a Decade
Currency Reset and Gold Backed
Trade Note on 2014
Italiano |
È da Oltre un Decennio che la Cina
si sta Preparando alla Guerra Commerciale
Español |
- ¿Estamos
al Borde de un Reset Financiero Global?
G20 Proposes Buffer to end 'Too
Big to Fail' Banks
Italiano |
Il Più Grande Creditore
dell'America - Finirà la Cina la Guerra Commerciale
Americana "Resettando il Debito"...
Reining in the Banks
- Toughest Basel III Rules
Rothschild Shake-Up
Italiano |
Siamo al Limite di Un Reset
Finanziario Globale?
The Global Banks at The Edge of
The Precipice
- Trillions of "Toxic Waste" in The Global Banking
The Global Economic Reset Has
Begun |
Top CEO Warns of Global Reset -
"It's in The Cards for Sure… It Could Happen this Year"
Christine Lagarde on a New
Multilateralism for the Global Economy
Global Currency Reset - Interview
with Christine LaGarde IMF
Dedollarization -
Desdolarización |
Español |
Datos del FMI muestran que el
Dominio del Dólar se Desvanece
De-Dollarization - Europe Joins
the Party
De-Dollarizing the American
Financial Empire
Español |
- ¿Hacia
una Desdolarización de la Economía Mundial?
Español |
La Desdolarización - Europa se Une
a la Fiesta
Español |
Los BRICS tendrán su Propia
Criptomoneda - Será un "Cambio de Paradigma" en medio de
la Desdolarización
Español |
- ¿Que
hará la FED para combatir los Efectos de la
Desdolarización de los BRICS?
Español |
Rusia está a Punto de Asestar un
Duro Golpe al Petrodólar
Russia is
on The Verge of Dealing
a Massive Blow to The Petrodollar
- De-Dollarization
Italiano |
Russia Sta per Assestare un Duro
Colpo al Petrodollaro
Español |
Sancionando a los Sancionadores -
La Desdolarización y la Desamericanización son Ideas que
han Madurado
The World is Dedollarizing
U.S. Dollar faces New Challenges
amid BRICS push for Dedollarization
Weaponizing the U.S. Dollar is
Accelerating Global Dedollarization
Economic Collapse -
Colapso Económico |
2011 - The Coming Collapse of The
World Economic Order
A Day of Reckoning for The Euro
has Arrived - 26 TRILLION in Currency Derivatives at
Español |
Algunas Predicciones Económicas
para el 2015 - Por Expertos a Nivel
Español |
Bancos Centrales del Mundo se
Deshacen de los Bonos del Tesoro de EE.UU. a un Ritmo
Banks Ready Contingency Plans in
Case of Greek Eurozone Exit
- Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, ICAP...
Central Bank of Central Banks says "The World is Unable
to Fight Next Global Crash"
Checkmate - Game Over
Español |
Colapso Económico y Hegemonía del
Dólar - ¿Cuándo Comenzó Todo?
Collapse at Hand
- Fmr. Asst. Treasury Secretary Says 'Economic Collapse
Collapse of Fiat Money System
Collapsing Financials
Español |
Cómo Prepararse Mentalmente para
el Épico Colapso Económico que se Avecina
Global Economy Passes Point of No Return
Debasing the Currency is Leading to Financial
Collapse... Just As It Has for Thousands of Years
- 'Doctor
Doom' predicts World is Headed for Stagflation
ECB Seeks to Inject Up to 1.1
Trillion Euros into Economy in Deflation Fight
Economic Collapse - Let's Hope the
Irrational Optimists are Correct about 2023
Eight Years after U.S.
Banking Collapse, Implosion of Megabank Poised to
Decimate the Global Economy
Español |
El Colapso Económico es Inminente
y le Echarán la Culpa a Trump - Dice Ron Paul
Español |
El Colapso Económico - ¿Qué Ocurrirá a Partir de Ahora?
Español |
El Colapso Planificado de EE.UU. y
Eleven Red Flag Events that Just
Happened as we Enter the Pivotal Month of August 2015
Español |
Gran Crash Global del 2008
- El Colapso del Sistema
Financiero Mundial
- Main File
Español |
El Hombre que Predijo el Colapso
del Euro ante el Franco Suizo hace una Predicción
Español |
- "El
Rescate Financiero es la Mayor Inmoralidad de la
Historia de la Humanidad" dijo Manfred Max-Neef
Español |
El Sistema Económico Occidental
está a punto de Expirar
Español |
El Sistema Financiero dominado por
el USD Caerá
of Cycle brings 'Economic Collapse'
Español |
€uro - La Hipótesis de Lo Peor
- Crisis y Murmullos
Español |
Europa - Lo Que No Se Dice de La Crisis
€uro - The Worst Case Scenario
Crisis and Whispers
Fall of The Dollar on G-20 Finance Ministers Agenda
Finance 'Guru' reveals Financial
Collapse and COVID Jab Data
Financially Sovereign Man
Financial Red Alert
- Europe Stands on Verge of 'Apocalyptic' Debt Crisis
with Only Days Remaining
Global Debt
is More than Twice as
Big as the Entire World Economy… - What Does It Mean?
Global Economic Collapse In Process
Español |
Goldman Sachs Apuesta por el
Debilitamiento del Dólar Estadounidense
Español |
Grecia, China... ¿Estamos al
Inicio de un Colapso Financiero?
Italiano |
Grecia e il Euro - Verso Una
Implosione Finanziera
Español |
Grecia y la Burbuja de 26 Billones
de Dólares en Derivados que Puede Hundir la Economía
Greece and The Euro - Towards
Financial Implosion
Español |
- ¿Ha
Llegado el Momento del Colapso Económico?
Hard Evidence - "We are In a Full
Blown Global Depression"
How do You Know when Your Society
is in the Midst of Collapse?
How to resist Central Bank Digital
Currencies - Five ways you can Opt Out of this Dystopian
Italiano |
Il Collasso Pianificato di Stati
Uniti e Europa
Italiano |
Il Crollo Economico è Imminente e
Daranno la Colpa a Trump dice Ron Paul
Español |
La Bolsa China se Recupera... a Punta de Pistola
International Finance Leaders hold
'War Game' Exercise simulating Global Financial Collapse
- Should we be...
Investors Prepare for Euro
- Currency's Days Feared Numbered
Is the FED Preparing for a
"Controlled Demolition" of the Market? - Europe's Biggest Bank Dares
to Ask...
Is this The Most Terrifying
Interview of 2015?
It Is About to Get Ugly - Oil is
Crashing and So is Greece
Italiano |
La Grecia e la Bolla di 26 Bilioni
di Dollari di Derivati che Può Affondare l'Economia
Español |
La Guerra Psicológica detrás del
Colapso Económico
Español |
La Poco Conocida Historia del Euro
- La Crisis fue 'Horneada' desde el Principio
Italiano |
La Poco Conosciuta Storia
dell'Euro - La Crisi era "Preparata" Fin dal Principio
Español |
La Relación entre el Despliegue de
la OTAN, la Guerra Económica, Goldman Sachs y el Próximo
Español |
- "Las
Crisis Están Creadas para Beneficiar a los Ricos" - Dice
Nobel de Economía 2015
Español |
La Siguiente Gran Crisis
Financiera Europea ha Comenzado
Español |
Ultima Arma de "Destrucción Masiva Económica" de Rusia
contra el Sistema Occidental
Italiano |
Le Banche Centrali del Mondo si
Disfano dei Buoni del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti a tempo
di Record
Little-Known History of the Euro -
Crisis Was Baked In from the Start
Looming Economic Collapse
Scenarios Facing the United States - Lessons from the Soviet
Español |
Lo que Ningún Economista se Atreve
a Decir sobre la Economía
- Impresionante Entrevista a
S.Niño Becerra
Español |
Los Preocupantes Datos del 'Baltic
Dry Index'
Italiano |
L'Uomo che ha Predetto il Collasso
dell'Euro grazie al Franco Svizzero fa una Predizione
Man Who Predicted Collapse of Euro
Against Swiss Franc Makes Second Terrifying Prediction
Markets Are Sick
- Medic! Medic!
Markets Are Sick
Massive 'Contagion' Will Lead to a
Worldwide Financial Catastrophe - Will a Desperate U.S. Start
Mega-Banks Plan for Collapse with
Contingency Plans and Private Police Force
Español |
Mientras el Mundo se
Despierta, el Mundo se Desmorona
Español |
No hay Lugar donde Esconderse del
Colapso de 'La Burbuja de Todo'
Not Quite Ready to Leave (your
Español |
Otra Crisis Acecha a los Países
del Sur en Desarrollo
Español |
Nos Quieren Llevar a una Tercera Guerra Mundial...
Putin Targets U.S. Monetary System - "Aims to Eliminate
the U.S. Dollar and the Euro from Trade"
Español |
- ¿Qué
le Espera a las Monedas Latinoamericanas en los Próximos
Días de Enero 2016?
Bank CEO Says Euro is Doomed as Currency Woes Resurface
Español |
- "Se
Acerca una Gran Catástrofe y Sólo se Salvarán los que
Tengan Oro y Tierras"
Español |
Se Desintegra el "Orden Económico
Español |
- ¿Se
está Preparando George Soros para un Colapso Económico?
Español |
Signos Inquietantes en la Economía
que Debes Tener en Cuenta
Some Predictions of Economic
Disaster in 2015 from Top Experts All Over the Globe
Some Ways to Survive "The Great
Summarizing the "Black Monday"
Carnage So Far
The Bankruptcy of the Planet
Accelerates - 24 Nations are Currently Facing a Debt
The Birth of Predatory Capitalism
The Controlled Demolition of the
The End of Tax Havens?
The Global 2008 Big Crash - The Collapse of World's
Financial System
- Main File
The Global Banking Cartel Has One
Card Left to Play
- The Road to World War III
The Global Economy is About to
Implode - Shocking Chart: 'Inching
Closer to… The Lowest Level Ever'
The Psychological Warfare Behind
Economic Collapse
The Revolution after the Crisis -
Coronavirus affects Global Stock Market
The U.S. and EU will Collapse
Regardless of Economic 'Contagion'
Español |
Todo es Una Gran Mentira - La
Verdad Sobre la Manipulación de Los Mercados Financieros
Italiano |
Tutto è una Grande Menzogna - La
Verità sulla Manipolazione dei Mercati Finanziari
Español |
Un 'Contagio' Masivo Conducirá a
una Catástrofe Financiera Mundial - ¿Empezará un Desesperado...
Unsound Banking - Why Most of the World’s Banks are
Headed for Collapse
USD Dominated Financial System
Will Fall Apart - The Road to 2025 Part 3
U.S. Warns Allies Not to Join
China-led Development Bank
We are All Lab Rats in the
Largest-Ever Monetary Experiment in Human History
Whilst the World Wakes
Up, the World Falls Apart
Political Risk
- Casey Research on "Going Global"
The Secret of OZ
The Third Industrial Revolution -
A Radical New Sharing Economy
Global Debt - Deuda Global |
America's Largest Creditor - Will
China end U.S. Trade War with a "Debt Reset" by Dumping
U.S. Treasury...
Debt, Fraud and Other Secrets of
the Banking System - Did You Know All Debts
Are Prepaid and...
Debt Slavery - Why It Destroyed
Rome, Why It Will Destroy Us Unless It's Stopped
- Hammurabi Knew...
Español |
Deuda, Fraude y Otros Secretos del
Sistema Bancario - ¿Sabía que Todas las
Deudas son Prepagadas y...
Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt
Español |
El Gran Colapso - El Nivel de la
Deuda Global es Insostenible
Europe's Web of Debt
- In and Out of Each Other's European Wallets
Financial Red Alert
- Europe Stands on Verge of 'Apocalyptic' Debt Crisis
With Only Days Remaining
Former Wall St. Banker
Suggests Global Debt May Not be Owned by Humans
Weighs Up Federal Europe Plan to End Debt Crisis
Global Debt Crosses $100 Trillion,
Rises by $30 Trillion Since 2007 - $27 Trillion is
Global Debt
is More than Twice as
Big as the Entire World Economy… - What Does It Mean?
Global Debt is Now an Insane $164
Trillion but, Who Exactly Do We Owe?
How Third World Debt is Created
How to Cancel Third World Debt
Italiano |
Il Debito Pubblico Netto della
Russia scende a Zero
Español |
La Bancarrota del Planeta se
Acelera - 24 Naciones Enfrentan Actualmente una Crisis
de Deuda
Español |
La Deuda Global se Dispara a los
63 Billones de Dólares
Español |
La Esclavitud por Deudas - Por Qué
Destruyó a Roma y Por Qué Nos Destruirá a Menos Que Sea
Español |
La Estafa de La Deuda
- de "...Y La Verdad Os Hará Libres"
NIA Exposes U.S. Debt Ceiling
Drinking Water in Venezuela Until Bankers Get Paid Back
Español |
Oficialmente ahora hay 3 Veces Más
Deuda en el Mundo que Dinero
Español |
- ¿Quien
Está Comprando Secretamente la Deuda de EE.UU.?
Russia's Net Public Debt falls to
Debt for Territory - A New Global Elite Swap Strategy
The Bankruptcy of the Planet
Accelerates - 24 Nations are Currently Facing a Debt
The Debt Scam
- from '...And The Truth Shall Set You Free' - the Book
The European Union Is a Neo-Feudal
- 500 Million Debt-Serfs
The Financial Road to Serfdom - How Bankers Use The
Debt Crisis to Roll Back The Progressive Era
The Myth That Japan Is Broke
- The World's Largest "Debtor" Is Now The Largest
There is Now Officially 3 Times
More Debt in the World than Money
The Spectre Haunting Europe
- Debt Defaults, Austerity, and Death of The "Social
Europe" Model
The Speculative Endgame - The Government "Shutdown" and
"Debt Default", a Multibillion Bonanza for...
The U.S. is Insolvent and Faces
Bankruptcy as A Pure Debtor Nation
- China Calls Our Bluff
What's Really Behind Quantitative
Easing QE2?
- The Looming Threat of A Crippling Debt Service
Vulture Funds Threaten Poor
Nations' Debt Relief
- from 'Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007'
Who is The New Secret Buyer of
U.S. Debt?
Gold - Oro |
Alabama Law will Help Encourage
the Use of Gold and Silver as Money - Signed by the
Español |
Arizona Introduce una Ley que podría Acabar con el Dólar
y la Reserve Federal
Bernanke is Wrong - Gold is Money
Central-Bank Gold-Buying Signal The Top Is Near?
Español |
Apocalipsis del Dinero Fiduciario - Cada vez más Bancos
Centrales cambian Dólares por Oro
Español |
El Sistema de Pago de Gaddafi
respaldado por Oro Panafricano
to Bring Home Gold Stored in U.S. and France
Crashes Most in 30 Years… What Does It Really Mean?
Gold for Humans and Others...
- Main File
Manipulation and $1.2 Quadrillion in Derivatives
Gold Standard - Ukraine and
Gold vs. the U.S. Dollar - The Big
Greece Is Not Poor - It Actually
Has Massive Untapped Reserves of Gold, Oil and Natural
Italiano |
Il Sistema di Pagamento di
Gheddafi supportato da Oro Panafricano
Iran, Gold and Oil - The Next
Banksters War
Deutsch |
Iran, Gold und Öl - Der nächste
Krieg der Großbanken
Español |
Los Grandes Inversores encuentran
una Sustitución al Dólar Americano
Rothschild Emerges from the
Shadows for the Centenary of the London Gold Fixing
Español |
Rusia y China Liderarán el Regreso
a las Divisas Respaldadas por el Oro
Russia and China Declare All-Out War on U.S. Petrodollar
- Prepare for Exclusive Trade in Gold
Signs of The Gold Standard Emerging in China?
Spendable Gold
Texas Senate Passes Bill to
Establish Bullion Depository - Help Facilitate
Transactions in Gold and Silver
The Gold Standard Manifesto
Real Reasons that Germany Is Demanding that The U.S.
Return Its Gold
Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Exposes
Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty and Funding of
Extraterrestrial Projects
What Happened The Last Time We Saw
Gold Drop Like This?
Where Is World's Gold
Multimedia: |
Silver and Gold - Hidden Secrets of Money
New Global Monetary Systems
- Nuevos Sistemas Monetarios Globales |
23 Countries Begin Setting Up Swap
Lines to Bypass the U.S. Dollar
Español |
Arabia Saudita NO renovó el
Acuerdo de "Petrodólar" con Estados Unidos
Are the Banksters Creating their
Own Cryptocurrency called 'Utility Settlement Coin'?
Brazil, Uruguay Move Away from
U.S. Dollar in Trade
BRICS - Potential and Future in an Emerging New World
Calls for a New Global Currency
Accord - What About the Existing One?
Challenging the Dollar - China and
Russia's Plan from Petroyuan to Gold
China-Japan Currency Deal Points
Way to New Monetary Order
China and Russia are Ruthlessly
Cutting the Legs Out from Under the U.S. Dollar
China Plans to Break Petrodollar Stranglehold
China, Russia Quit Dollar on
Bilateral Trade
China's Official Press Agency Calls for New Reserve
Currency and New World Order
China to Set Yuan Clearing Banks
in Luxembourg and Paris
China Wants to Have a Reserve Currency
Coming Soon - A New Global
Monetary System
Español |
Cómo se Desarrollará el Próximo
Colapso del Dólar Americano
Deal or No-Deal, BREXIT Dooms the
Debt = Serfdom
Digital Currency - The FED moves
toward Monetary Totalitarianism
Does China Plan to Back The Yuan
With Gold and Make It The Primary Global Reserve
Dollar Strong... Compared to What?
Español |
El Gran Teatro - ¿Que hay Detrás de La Falsa Pugna entre
Putin y Occidente?
Español |
El Nuevo Sistema Financiero
Internacional propuesto por BRICS
Español |
En Un Mes, Todos en Islandia Serán
Propietarios de la Criptomoneda
Español |
- ¡Es
Oficial! - El Banco Central de Rusia anuncia la
vinculación del ¡Rublo al Oro!
Italiano |
È Ufficiale! La Banca Centrale
Russa annuncia il Rublo legato all'Oro!
EU, Russia, Iran, and China unveil
New Global Payment System Independent of U.S.
False East/West Paradigm Hides the
Rise of Global Currency
France, Germany and Holland Are
Planning New Currency to Follow The Demise of The Euro
Italiano |
Addetti Prevedono 5 Giorni Festivi Della Bancha in
Europa Prima della Fine dell'Euro
- Renminbi Può...
Global Plans to Replace The Dollar
Goodbye Petrodollar, Hello Agri-Dollar?
the U.S. Dollar Will Be Replaced
How to resist Central Bank Digital
Currencies - Five ways you can Opt Out of this Dystopian
In One Month, Everyone In Iceland
Will Own Cryptocurrency
Insiders Predict a 5-Day Bank
Holiday in Europe Before Euro Ends
- Renminbi May Replace U.S. Dollar...
Italiano |
I Piani della Cina per spezzare la
Forza del Petroldollaro
Iran is China's Secret Weapon for
Killing off the U.S. Dollar's Global Reserve Status
Official! - Russia Central Bank announces Ruble bound to
Español |
Bolsa de Moscú Suspende Oficialmente todas las Transacciones
en Dólares y Euros
Italiano |
La Borsa di Mosca Sospende
Ufficialmente tutte le Transazioni in Dollari e Euro
Español |
La Moneda Única Mundial se Parecerá mucho al BitCoin
List of Alternative Currency
Systems from Around The World
Español |
- Main File
Masters of Metal - China, the Rothschild Fix, and the
"New World Currency
Medvedev Unveils "World Currency"
Coin At G8
Money and The Rise of The
Alternative Currency
Español |
Muralla Ruso-China de Oro Frente
al Dólar
New Currency - The Next Great
Nothing Lasts Forever - World Bank
Ex-Chief Economist Calls for End to Dollar as Reserve
No Way Out - The FED Committed to Destruction of The
Parallel Currencies and The
Roadmap to Monetary Freedom
Italiano |
Perché i Globalisti sono decisi a
tutto pur di Distruggere il Dollaro Americano
Italiano |
Piani Globali per Rimpiazzare il
- Il Tramonto degli Stati Uniti
Español |
Planes Globales Para Reemplazar Al
Dólar -
El Ocaso de EE.UU.
Español |
Presentación de La Moneda Mundial
en La Cumbre del G-8
Rise of The PetroYuan
- How The Chinese Currency is Replacing The U.S. Dollar
in Global Oil Markets
Español |
Rusia, China y Arabia
Saudita ponen en Jaque a la Hegemonía del Dólar
Español |
Rusia Propone Seis Divisas
Deals - Another Nail in the Coffin for U.S. Dollar
Italiano |
Russia, Cina e Arabia
Saudita mettono a Repentaglio l'Egemonia del Dollaro
Russia Returns Favor - Sees
Chinese Yuan as World Reserve Currency
Saudi Arabia ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar U.S. Agreement -
Joins China-Led Central Bank Digital Currency...
Secretive Plan For a Global
- Excerpt from "The Global Economic - The Great
South American Union Will Also
Have Common Currency
- Main File
Dying Dollar and The Rise of a New Currency Order
The Economic 'End Game' Explained
The Eurozone Should Sort Out Its
Own Mess
The Financial New World Order - Towards a Global
Currency and World Government
The New World Money System
- from 'Global Tyranny... Step by Step' by William F.
These Countries are Quickly and
Quietly Dumping the Dollar
The Tower of Basel - Secretive
Plans for The Issuing of A Global Currency
This Is It! - China Surpasses U.S. As Number One Global
Trading Power
Italiano |
Tra un Mese, Tutti in Islanda
Saranno Proprietari di Criptomoneta
Español |
Triple Golpe de China a EE.UU. -
Petroyuán con Oro y Armas Nucleares Rusas
Venezuela is About to Ditch the
Dollar in Major Blow to U.S. - Here's Why it Matters
Deutsch |
Vor dem Ende des Euro werden, laut
Insidern, Banken in Europa 5 Tage zu bleiben
- Renminbi könnte ab...
What to Make of China's Rejection
of the Dollar? - Washington is Destroying American Power
When The Dollar Dies
Why The Globalists are Hell-Bent
on Destroying the US Dollar
Will The Chinese Renminbi Replace
The U.S. Dollar as The Primary Reserve Currency of The
Yuan Tipped to Replace U.S. Dollar
and Euro in Southeast Asia
Amero: |
Amero Preparations in Full Swing
- China Gets a Special Deal, The Federal Reserve Board
is History and...
Español |
El AMERO, La Declaración de Fuerza Mayor y El Pánico
The AMERO - One Currency For
Canada, America and Mexico
Crypto-Currencies and
Digital-Currencies -
Bitcoin, Criptomonedas y Monedas Digitales |
Are the Banksters Creating their
Own Cryptocurrency called 'Utility Settlement Coin'?
Baffling Bitcoin |
Bank for International Settlements
Blasts Crypto-Currencies as Fatally Flawed as Money
BIS General Manager 'Outlines
Vision' for Central Bank Digital Currencies
Bitcoin Bonanza - Cyprus Crisis
Boosts Digital Dollars |
Italiano |
Bitcoin è più Vicina che Mai a
irrompere nel Mainstream
Bitcoin is Closer to Breaking into
the Mainstream than ever Before
Bitcoin - The New World Order's
Plot for A World Currency?
- 'Challenging
The Dollar' - Bitcoin Total Value Tops $1 Billion
Español |
China Muestra la Realidad sobre las Criptomonedas y los
Bancos Centrales
new Digital Currency' spells the End for the US Dollar's
Global Dominance and will Change the World...
Italiano |
Rivela la Realtà sulle Criptomonete e le Banche Centrali
Coinbase Expands Internationally -
Now Available in 14 Countries
CV-1984: China rolls out 'Test of
Digital Currency' in Four Cities - Western Businesses
Español |
De Escéptico a 'Criptoídolo' - El
giro radical de Trump hacia los Activos Digitales
ECB Report Says Bitcoin Is 'A
Threat' to Central Banking
Edward Snowden explains Blockchain
to his Lawyer and the Rest of Us
Español |
El Banco Central de Rusia ahora está
Probando Monedas Estables vinculadas a Activos Reales
Español |
El Bitcoin para 'Dummies' en 6
Everything You Need to Know about
Blockchain but were Too Embarrassed to Ask
Evidence Points to Bitcoin being
an NSA-engineered Psyop to roll out One-World Digital
How Bitcoins May Change the Global
- Money 3.0
How Does the Blockchain Work?
to Make a Mint - The Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash
Arrival - A Sequel to the Survey on Central Bank Digital
Turns to Bitcoins to Thwart Sanctions
Español |
Los BRICS tendrán su Propia
Criptomoneda - "Será un Cambio de Paradigma en medio de
la Desdolarización"
Español |
Naciones BRICS discuten
Criptomoneda Compartida para Romper con USD y SWIFT
Paul Krugman Calls Bitcoin "EVIL" Because It May Damage
Central Banks
Español |
Suiza otorga Licencias a los
Primeros 'Bancos de Criptodivisas' en el Mundo
Español |
Economist' presentó la Era de las "Govcoins"
The Global Elites' Secret Plan for
Cryptocurrencies |
The Rise of 'Corporate Nations'
The Venezuelan "Petro" - Towards a
New World Reserve Currency?
Venezuela Launches the 'Petro' -
Oil and Gold Backed Cryptocurrency to Fight U.S.
Financial Blockade
Venezuela - Petro Sales Exceed $1
Billion in Just Two Days
Virtual Currencies - Gold
2.0 or Mirage?
is The Government Going to Shut Down Bitcoin?
Why China Wants to Dominate Bitcoin
WikiLeaks Bypasses Financial
Blockade With Bitcoin
World's First Crypto Banks seen as
Game Changer for Switzerland
Multimedia: |
on Bitcoin' - The Latest Bitcoin Documentary
Italiano |
Il Mondo si sta Allontanando dal
Dollaro USA
the New BRICS Bank a Challenge to U.S. Global Financial
Español |
Los Secretos más Oscuros de la Élite al fin Revelados -
Mario Conde
Español |
- ¿Que
es un BITCOIN y que son las CRIPTOMONEDAS? - Explicado
magistralmente por Jose Miró
World Moving Away from the U.S.
Offshore Banking -
Paraísos Fiscales |
About the Pandora Papers
Banking in Hong Kong and China,
and UnionPay
Español |
El Verdadero Origen del Secreto
Bancario Suizo
Fabricated Putin Link to Leaked Panama Papers
- Secret Offshore Money
Five Best Countries for Offshore
Foreign Real Estate is the New Swiss Bank Account
Is the Global Taxman Coming?
It Begins - Activists Launch
Movement to Make Taxation Voluntary
Español |
Los Papeles de Pandora
Español |
Los Papeles de Pandora - EE.UU. es
uno de los "Principales Actores del mundo 'Offshore'"
Offshore Banking
Pandora Papers - Massive data leak
Exposes World Leaders' Offshore Millions
- 'Pandora
Papers' - New Leaks reveal how World Leaders use
Offshore companies to Dodge Millions of Dollars...
Español |
- ¿Qué
son los 'Pandora Papers'?
Español |
Secretos Financieros al
Descubierto - Publican los 'Papeles de Pandora', la
Filtración más Extensa que...
Reasons Why You Need an Offshore Bank Account
Switzerland's Struggle Against
Fiscal Imperialism
Thanks to 'Swiss Leaks' we Know
How Much Money Rich People are Hiding from the World
The Benefits of an Inefficient
The Best Offshore Banks that I
Used |
The Economic Alamo
The End of Tax Havens?
The End of the Safe Deposit Box
for Wealth Storage |
The Moral Case for Tax Havens |
The Right International
- A Properly Structured International Trust |
What Is Offshore Private Banking? |
Multimedia: |
Español |
Paraísos Fiscales y Economistas
"Traviesos" - Conciencia Sur
The Pandora Papers - How the World
of Offshore Finance is still Flourishing
The Spider's Web - Britain's
Second Empire
Covert Banking System - El Sistema Bancario
Encubierto |
Alan Greenspan-United Nations Now
Implicated in $134.5 Billion Bond Scandal?
America's Shadow Banking System
- A Web of Financial Fraud
A "Modern Day Monaco"
- Report on Failed Hedge Fund DD Growth Premium
A Pogrom of Offshore Companies or
Operation "Offshore Leaks"
Approved HSBC Settlement for Drug
Money Laundering
Banks are "Where The Money Is" in The Drug War
BIS engages AI to Monitor all
'Global Bank Transactions'
Bizarre Claim for $1 Trillion
Bush's Project Hammer and The 9-11 Deception
Humanity - The Global Power Elite's 'Product of the
Español |
El Gobierno de Israel organiza el
Mayor Grupo de Estafas Internacionales
Español |
El Pulpo del Complejo Financiero-Digital -
Desvelando el 'Pulpo Financiero' |
Financial Tyranny
FinCEN Files Investigations from
across Asia
Geithner Arrested? 116 Major Bank
- What The Finance is This?
How the World's Leading Banks help Launder $2 Trillion a
HSBC Let Drug Gangs Launder Millions
- First Barclays, now Britain's Biggest Bank is Shamed
Huge Financial
Corruption - 100s of Arrests Due in
Italiano |
Il Governo di Israele organizza il Gruppo Più Grande di
Truffe Internazionali
Italiano |
I Retroscena dell'Inganno Globale
Italian $1 Trillion Theft Incident to Be Discussed in
Parliament - Berlusconi Implicated
Deutsch |
Klage vor US-Gericht Könnte die Gangsterherrschaft in
der Westlichen Zivilisation Beenden
Español |
Amenaza para la Economía Global de la Que Nadie Habla
Español |
Las Nuevas Armas Financieras de
Occidente y la COP26
Español |
Los Archivos Filtrados - Bancos Globales
sirven a Oligarcas, Narcotraficantes y Terroristas en medio de un...
Mass Banking Resignations Signal a Purging Has
Massive New Lawsuit Filed Against
U.S. Federal Government in Bond Theft Scheme
Laundering and The Drug Trade - The Role of The Banks
Money Laundering - Why the UK does
not Prosecute It
Operation StillPoint to 'Take
Down' The United States
Project Hammer
- Covert Finance and the
Parallel Economy
- Main File
Español |
Putin llamó a Liberarse de la "Dictadura
del Modelo Financiero" cuyo objetivo es "Endeudar y
Secret "Occult Economy" Coming Out
of The Shadows?
Secret Files Reveal Rothschild's
Offshore Domain
Shadow Banking Hits $67 Trillion Globally
Shadow Banking - The $67 Trillion Threat to The U.S.
Statement of A Senior European
Agent -
About Daniele Dal Bosco, Giancarlo Bruno and The World...
The Assets of The World
The Green Hilton Agreement
- Geneva 1963
The History of The Powers And
Authorities of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam
The Lawsuit That Could End The Gangster Rule of Western
The Size of The Derivatives Bubble
Hanging Over the Global Economy hits A Record High
The Trillion Dollar Crime Trail Leads to Davos and The
United Nations
The Trillion Dollar Criminal Case
Against Top Davos, UN Officials & Others
- Will Go Ahead Despite...
The Trillion Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial
- NWO Global Economic Dictatorship Exposed
Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Exposes
Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty and Funding of
Extraterrestrial Projects
Unprecedented Lawsuit Reveals Bizarre Worldwide Banking
Update on Silver, China and
Surviving The Sudden End of The American Government
U.S. Dollar Collapse and Japan's Sham Currency War
- The Hidden
Agenda Behind Japan's Kamikaze...
Wave of Banking Resignations
Likely Foreshadows Financial Collapse
Why The Battle Over The $1 Trillion in Bonds Will Decide
The Future of The Planet
Multimedia |
Collateral Accounts
Mass Arrests of 10,000 Global
Cabal Members
- Imminent Televised Event - 2012
The Office of The International
Treasury Control - Dr. Ray C. Dam
Three 'City States' Rule the World
Vatican and The Global Banking System |
I Banchieri di Dio - God's Bankers
- Masons, P2 and The Vatican
In Desperation, The BIS and Vatican Bank Order
- But Mossad, The CIA and The Yakuza...
The Pope's Banks in America, The
Giannini Family and The CIA
The Pope's Three Banks In America
Vatican Bank Hit By Financial
Scandal... Again
Vatican Bank Sued For Alleged War Crimes
Vatican SpA - Bribery and Mafia
Criminal Finance
Multimedia: |
The Vaticans
Wall Street |
An Open Letter to Wall Street
Argentina and Wall Street's
Vulture Funds
- "Economic Terrorism" and the Western Financial System
Bank of North Dakota Outperforms
Wall Street - WSJ Reports
Español |
Bernard Madoff - El Estafador de Wall
Street, Da Un Poderoso Golpe de Mano a Favor de La
Justicia Social
Catherine Austin Fitts on Wall
Street's Corruption, The Austrian School and Who's
'Really' in Charge
Financial Warfare Against Russia,
Multibillion Dollar Bonanza for Wall Street
- The Malaysian Airlines MH17...
High-Tech Highway Robbery on Wall
- "High Frequency" Financial Trading
How Wall Street Manipulates and
Manufactures Atrocities
Español |
Los Documentos Secretos de Wall
- La Estafa Más Gigantesca de La Historia al Descubierto
New "Water Barons" - Wall Street
Mega-Banks and the Tycoons are Buying Up Water at
Español |
Reunión Secreta en Wall
Street para Implantar el Dinero Electrónico
Italiano |
Riunione Segreta a Wall
Street per dare Avvio al Denaro Elettronico
Shocking Revelations About Wall
Street's "Secret Government"
Startling Evidence that Central
Banks and Wall Street Insiders are Rapidly Preparing for
Something BIG
The Bi-polar World of Rich Bankers
- Wall Street "Take-Off" 2012-2013
The Food Bubble - How Wall Street Starved
Millions and Got Away With It
The Merchants of Wall Street -
Banking, Commerce and Commodities
The State, the Deep State and the
Wall Street Overworld
The Ukraine Crisis and Vladimir
Putin - A New Financial System Free from Wall Street and
the City of...
Wall Street and The Bolshevik
Antony C. Sutton
Wall Street
and The Rise of Hitler -
Antony C. Sutton
The Wall Street Pentagon Papers - Biggest Scam In World
History Exposed
Español |
USAID y Wall Street - Conflictos,
Golpes y Conquista
U.S. Congress Sells Out to Wall Street
Wall Street Analysts Everywhere
Are in Agreement - 'The World is Ending'
Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed's
Secret Loans
Wall Street Bankster Soros to Open
"Official Presence" in Myanmar
Wall Street Trader Stuns World by
Telling The Truth About Coming Economic Collapse
Ex-Federal Government and Wall Street Executives are Going
Into Hiding
Books-Treatises |
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
- by Stephen Mitford Goodson
Architects of Deception
- by
Jüri Lina
Español |
Arquitectos del Engaño
- por
Jüri Lina
Confessions of An Economic Hit Man
- by John Perkins
Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against The U.S.
- by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team
Growth Isn't Possible
- Why We Need a New Economic Direction -
by The New Economics Foundation
Guide to Surviving and Thriving
during an Economic Collapse
- by Nick Giambruno and Jeff Thomas
How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic
Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man
- by Mary Elizabeth Croft
Español |
Doctrina del Shock - El Auge del Capitalismo del
- por Naomi Klein
Español |
Manifiesto para Una Vida Libre de
- por Mark Boyle
Sacred Economics
- by Charles Eisenstein
The Babylonian Woe
- A Study of The Origin of Certain Banking Practices -
by David Astle
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
Antony C. Sutton
The CIA Covenant - Nazis in
Washington - by Gregory Douglas
The Creature of Jekyll Island
- A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - by
G. Edward Griffin
The Great Red Dragon
- London Money Power -
by L.B. Woolfolk
The Great Taking - by
David Webb
The New Depression - The Breakdown
of the Paper Money Economy - by
Richard Duncan
The Next 100 Years - A Forecast
for The 21st Century - by
George Friedman
The Police State Road Map - by Michael Nield
Trading With The Enemy - An Expose
of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 -
Charles Higham
Tragedy and
Hope -
Carroll Quigley
UBUNTU - A Blueprint for Human
Prosperity - Exposing the Global Banking Fraud -
Michael Tellinger
Multimedia |
97% Owned - Monetary Reform
A Conversation With John Perkins
- Democracy Now
Abolishing Capitalism
After The DOLLAR CoLLaPSe and
Currency WARS
All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
Español |
Ante La Crisis Crean Su Propia
- "Austerity"
Comes to America
Banksters & Government Exposed
FINALLY by Mainstream News!
Español |
Big Pharma - Llamamiento del Dr.
Rath a La Población de Alemania, Europa y al Mundo
Black 9/11 - Money, Motive,
Technology, and Plausible Deniability
Black Money
- A Tale of International Bribery
Break Up The Euro and Restore
Human Dignity
- UKIP Nigel Farage - 22 May 2012
Capitalism Hits The Fan
Español |
Capitalismo - Historia de Un
- Capitalism - A Love Story
Casino Jack and The United States
of Money
Español |
Cortafuego - En Defensa Del Estado Nacional
Wars - The Making of The Next Global Crisis |
David Icke - Melbourne 2009
- Human Race Get Off Your Knees! |
David Icke - The Parasite Society |
Death of The Dollar Menu
Democracy in Shambles - "Money
First, People Second... If At All" - Bill Moyers
Discussing Financial Terrorist
Bankers and Politicians
Español |
El Banquero
Español |
El Dinero Es Deuda - Parte 1 - ¿De
Donde Viene El Dinero?
Español |
El Dinero Es Deuda - Parte 2 -
Promesas Incumplidas
Español |
El Gran Flujo de Dinero - Como los
Ricos se vuelven Mas Ricos
Español |
El Llamado - The Calling
Español |
El Truco de Las Políticas de La UE
de Convertir Deuda Privada en Deuda Pública
- Crisis Económica
End of Liberty
Essential Knowledge for a Wall
Street Protestor
- David Icke
European Union Corruption
- Christopher Story
Firewall - In Defense of Nation State
Foreclosure Fraud by Gov-Co & Banks
- Indymac Boys Get Sweetheart Deal
Four Horsemen |
Global Economic Update
- Benjamin Fulford
Sachs Dictatorship - Hitler's Dream'
Secrets of Money - Currency Vs Money
How Economic Hitmen Enslave
Nations For Generations
Inflation - 'The Day The Dollar
Died' Goes Viral
Inside Job
Inside The Bank That Ran Out of
Money -
The Royal Bank of Scotland
Inside The Meltdown
- America's Financial System Unraveled
Into The Fire
John Perkins "Confessions of an
Economic Hitman"
- Extended Interview 2008
Jon Corzine is Above The Law - Rick Santelli
Karen Hudes Predicts Lawlessness
when U.S. Dollar Loses International Currency Status
Español |
La Conspiración del Capitalismo
Español |
La Doctrina del Shock
Español |
La Historia de los Judíos - Su
Origen Jázaro
Largest Financial Scandal in World
- Shocking NIA Interview With Bill Murphy
Español |
La Verdad Jamás Contada -
Banks Go Bankrupt' - Says
Olafur Ragnar Grimsson Iceland President
Life and Debt - De Como el FMI
Ayuda a "Mejorar la Vida"
Español |
Los Planes de La Oligarquía
- Los Banqueros Internacionales y Sus Planes Para El
Money As Debt
Money-Creation in A Finite World
Español |
Operación Gladio
Español |
Palabras Desde Atenas - Words From
Project Prophecy - The Death of
Quants - The Alchemists of Wall
Secret History of The Credit Card
- Frontline 2004
Some Common Sense Answers to The
Major Financial Questions of Today
- Richard Kovacevich
The Banker
The Bank of God
The Big Picture - An Economic
Forecast For Coming Times
The Calling
- Expose of The New World Order
The Capitalist Conspiracy
The Coming Collapse of The Middle Class
The Corporatocracy and Central and
South America
The Death of Money
- With Jim Rickards
The Debt Collapse
The "Dispatches Reports"
- Banks and The Big Crash
The Global Ponzi Scheme
- Adrian Salbuchi
The Looting Of America - Catherine Austin Fitts
The Madness of A Lost Society
The Money Deluge -
How the Rich get Richer - Money in the World Economy
The Money Masters
- How International Bankers Gained Control of America
The Office of The International
Treasury Control - Dr. Ray C. Dam
The Power of The Purse
Italiano |
Thrive 1 - Cosa diavolo ci vorrà?
Español |
Thrive 1 - ¿Cuánto le Costará al
Thrive 1 - What On Earth Will It
Thrive 2 - This is What it Takes
The Shocking Truth of The Pending
EU Collapse!
Español |
Trabajo Confidencial - Dinero
Unintended Consequences -
Victoria para El Mundo - Paul
Victory for The World - Paul
Español |
Wall Street, Los Nazis y La
Revolución Bolchevique
- Antony C. Sutton
Wall Street Whistleblower
- Proves That Money Never Sleep
What Happened to Strauss-Kahn, Was
No Accident
- New Political Shift in Progress...
What is Money?
- An Excerpt From "Radical Truth Knowledge and
Revolution" by David Icke |
What The Elite Have Done to
- Gaylon Ross on Alex Jones Show
Where Did $1.5 Trillion Dollars Go?
Why the U.S. is Becoming an "Underdeveloping
- Chilean Economist Manfred Max-Neef on...
Why the Whole Banking System is a
Scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP
WW3 and The Global Recession
- from Warning To The World
You Are a Stock on The Stock
Exchange of USA
- Jordan Maxwell
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