by S.D. Wells
January 30, 2012
NaturalNews Website
Aluminum Lake food coloring, used to
heavily coat liquid medicines for children, contains dangerous
amounts of aluminum and harmful synthetic petrochemicals.
These "petrochemicals" are carcinogens
containing petroleum, antifreeze and ammonia, which cause a long
list of adverse reactions. Aluminum poisoning can lead to short and
long term central nervous system (CNS) damage, such as memory
impairments, autism, epilepsy, mental retardation, and dementia.
Research shows that just 4ppm of aluminum can cause the blood to
coagulate. This is what causes Alzheimer's Disease and has been
documented to inhibit learning. Aluminum consumption can also be
associated with the development of bone disorders, including stress
Also known as
tartrazine, FD&C Yellow Aluminum Lake is a chemical
concoction derived from coal tar. It is known to be a reproductive
All artificial colors contain Aluminum
Lake, so when your child gets to pick between red, blue or green
medicine, they're really choosing which poison they get to consume.
Several chemically enhanced food colorings contain ammonia and
therefore produce compounds proven to cause various cancers in
animal studies,
according to CSPI, the Center for
Science in the Public Interest.
Most widely used food colors and their damaging actions:
Blue #1 - Research shows it
causes kidney tumors in mice.
Blue #2 - Research shows even
higher incidence of tumors, specifically gliomas in male
rates (a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine).
Red #2 - Toxic to rodents, even
at modest levels, and causes tumors of the bladder.
Red #3 - FDA recognized it in
1990 as a cause of thyroid cancer in animals. It was banned
in cosmetics, but still allowed in food and medicine.
Red #40 - Most popular dye of
all. Debilitates the immune-system in mice. Allergic
reactions common.
Green #3 - Causes bladder and
testes tumors.
Yellow #5 - Affects behavior and
induces severe hypersensitivity reactions.
Yellow #6 - Causes adrenal
tumors in animals.
The following is taken directly from
FDA's Regulatory Process and Historical Perspectives:
"Color additives are important
components of many products, making them attractive, appealing,
appetizing, and informative. Added color serves as a kind of
code that allows us to identify products on sight, like candy
flavors and medicine dosages."
Really?! Decoding medicine dosages on
There has been a 55% increase in U.S. toxic food dyes just since the
year 2000. There are over
15 million pounds of dyes put in
foods, drinks, candy and medicine every year, and the FDA does
nothing to protect consumers from the colorful barrage of poison.
Studies reveal
that children have consumed as much as three pounds of dye by the
age of twelve
Here are some popular product and "brand" names you may mistake as
exempt products:
American companies doing business in
Europe currently have to change their products to natural colorings
to meet European Union strict regulations.
The FDA's rationale is that because
artificial food colorings are used mainly in foods and medicines of
low or no nutritional value, that the American public should
"already be aware" of health implications, so it doesn't matter if
other toxins are added.
What are your options as opposed to poisonous medicines? Consult a
naturopath (ND) for advice on ingredients in food and medicine.