According to 'Science',
Eating 'Too Much Salad' Now Causes Autism
A Debate Around Malathion Spraying
- Supposed To Harm Pesky
Insects - But Actually Harming The People
Español |
Algunas Razones por las
que la Corporación DuPont es tan Maligna como Monsanto
A Massive and Illegal Geoengineering Project Has Been
Detected Off Canada's West Coast
America's Farmlands to Be
Carpet-Bombed With Vietnam-Era Agent Orange Chemical if
Dow Petition...
A Moratorium On Genetically
Manipulated (GMO) Foods
Antibiotics Can Lead to Crippling Side Effects and Mental
An Unauthorized History of the
'WHO' - Ignored Warnings...
- "Aquatic
Life is Bathing in a Soup of Antidepressants" - Says Marine
Biologist |
Are Chemicals in Drinking Water
Giving People Cancer?
Are Oil and Water Shortages
Manufactured in Order to Control the Economy and Human
Are these 100 People Killing the
Argentinean Mother Sticks It to Monsanto and Wins Major
Environmental Award
- "Asbestos
of the Sky" - The Aviation Industry's Darkest Cover-up
Español |
Aspartame - Un Dulce y Mortal
- Main File
Atomic Power and the Use of Depleted Uranium (DU)
- Main File
Español |
- "Banco
Semillero del Día del Juicio Final" en El Ártico
- Bill Gates, Rockefeller y Los Gigantes de La...
Español |
Baúl de Semilla Global de Svalbard
- Genética, Agroindustria y Planes de Exterminación
Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent 'AHEAD of
Baxter Vaccine Patent Application
US 2009/0060950 A1
BAYER + MONSANTO = A Match Made in Hell
Bee-Harming Pesticides may Impact Human Nervous System
Big Government Conspiracy Theories
Become Reality
- Fluoride, Cancer, Chemicals and More
- The Healthcare Rip-Off
- Main File
Cancer Officially Number One Cause
of Childhood Death in U.S.
and CIA - A Close and Sick Relationship
Chemical Company Lobbyists
'Weaving Their Webs' as Coke, Pepsi, Kraft and General
Mills Pony Up...
Chemicals Used to make Non-Stick
Pans linked to Rapid Weight Gain
Chemical Used in Teflon and
Non-Stick Cookware Linked to Heart Disease
Children's Medicines Coated With
Brain-Damaging Aluminum
Alimentarius - Shredded the Use of "Scientific Consensus" at
CAC42 Meeting
Collapsing Cities
- The First Wave of World's Collapsing Cities
Español |
Comisión Europea Prohíbe Plaguicidas Asociados con
Muerte de Abejas
Common Food Additive E171 found to
affect Gut Microbiota
Español |
Compañias de Seguros en Salud
Invierten Billones en Cadenas de Comida Chatarra
Corporate Greed, Intellectual
Property Laws and The Destruction of Human Civilization
Cancer Industry Desperately Needs
Mammogram Screenings to Recruit Patients and Generate
Chemical in Conventional Soaps and
Toothpaste Leaves Unborn Babies Brain Damaged
Chemtrails - An Updated Look at
Aerosol Toxins
Español |
Conejillos de Indias Humanos
- España
Español |
Contaminación del Aire - Una
Pandemia Mundial con Más Muertes que todas las Guerras y
Contemporary Medicine is A Disease!
Corporations Are Psychopaths With
Zero Degrees of Empathy
Awakening - Mineral Oil Contaminates Everyone's Bodies
Death of The Birds and The Bees
Across America
Denial of Chemical and Radioactive
Español |
Diez Grandes Corporaciones
Culpables de Asesinato |
Español |
Diferentes Toxinas Para Diferentes
Clases Sociales -
A Fin de Cuentas a Todos Nos
Different Toxins for Different
Social Classes
- In The End We're All Poisoned
Español |
Dinamarca Limpiará el Desastre
Ecológico Estadounidense en Groenlandia
Español |
- ¿Dónde
se han ido Todos nuestros Insectos?
- "Doomsday
Seed Vault" in The Arctic
- Bill Gates, Rockefeller and The GMO Giants Know
Something We...
Does Everything Cause Cancer
Drug Industry Pollution affecting Food Chains, Water
Supplies and the Environment
Easter Island shows Why Humanity
will be Extinct within 100 Years
Español |
Engaño del Zika - Las 5 Cosas que Pasarán a Continuación
Elevated Levels of Toxins Found in
Athabasca River
Español |
El Caso Radithor y la Moda de los
Medicamentos Radiactivos de los Años Veinte
Español |
El Fluor y la Fluorificacion
- Main File
Español |
'Fracking' ha sido Usado Durante Décadas para Inyectar
Residuos Nucleares en el Subsuelo - Locura...
Español |
El Lobby
Farmacéutico Industrial - La Gran Estafa de La Salud
- Main File
Español |
El Mayor Contaminador del Planeta
- El Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU.
Español |
El Océano Pacífico - Un Botadero
de Basura Radiactiva
Español |
El Mundo tiene más Basura
Electrónica que Humanos
Español |
El Plástico - Basurero del Mundo
- Main File
Español |
En Perú Alertan Falta de Control
en Uso de Plaguicidas
Environmental Defenders Being Killed in
Record Numbers Globally - New Research Reveals
Español |
- ¿Es
el Litio el Próximo Fluoruro?
- Medicación Pudiera ser Agregada al Suministro de Agua
Español |
- ¿Es
la Escasez de Petróleo y de Agua una Fabricación para
Controlar la Economía y las Poblaciones...
E.U. Approval of Glyphosate Based
on Review that Plagiarized Monsanto Studies
Eugenics Alert - Oncologists Now Pushing Toxic Chemotherapy for
Pregnant Women
Español |
Excitotoxinas - El Sabor Que Mata
Federal Research Confirms Oil-Sands Contamination
- Researchers Discouraged from Speaking to...
First Long-term Study
confirms World's Most Popular Pesticide is Wiping Bees
Off the Planet
Nasty and Crazy Effects of Pesticides in Food
- Exposure
and Fluoridation
- Main File
Flu Vaccines Revealed as The
Greatest Quackery Ever Pushed in The History of Medicine
Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades - Shock
Español |
es el Primer País en Prohibir los Cinco Plaguicidas
relacionados con la Muerte de las Abejas
Front Groups Exposed
- 50 Industry Groups form a New Alliance to Manipulate
Public Opinion about Junk...
Español |
Fumigaciones Para Matar
- Agrotoxicos
Español |
Fumigar Matando a las Abejas para
Combatir a los Mosquitos
Future Impacts of Hydroelectric
Power Development on Methylmercury Exposures of Canadian
Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others
- Main File
Genetics - The Ultimate Alien
Geoengineering could Lead to Lower
Crop Yields - New Study
Glyphosate's Suppression of
Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by
The Gut...
Glutamate Overload is Slowly
Destroying The Minds of Our Children
Global Mercury-Ban Misses Numerous
Mercury-Containing Products
Glyphosate Found in Human Hair as
Unique Testing Project releases First Results
GMO Pushers Horrified at Idea of
Being Held Responsible for Their Role in Farmer
Suicides, Crop...
Governments Attack The Babies
Threat of Pesticides to Bees' Billion-Pound Bonanza Is
Now Clear
Gas Emissions from Reservoir Water Surfaces - A New Global Synthesis
Español |
- ¿Ha
Estado Expuesto A Radiación?
- El Aparato Médico Que
Produce 30 Mil Casos de Cáncer Cada Año
Halogenated Persistent Organic
Pollutants in Relation to Trophic Level in Deep Sea Fish
Have You Been Exposed? - The Medical Device That
Causes 30,000 Cancer Cases Each Year
Health Insurance Companies Invest
Billions in Fast Food Chains
Heavy Metal Contamination and Mass
Extinction - What's The Connection?
Household Chemicals Cause Cancer, Birth Defects, Wide
Range of Health Issues - WHO
Study Admits
How Big Pharma's
Industrial Waste is Fueling the Rise in Superbugs
How Biotech Corporations and GMO
Crops Are Threatening The Environment and Humankind
How Merck Views Health and Disease
How The Bill Gates Foundation is
Genetically Manipulating Nature and Devastating Our
If Mainstream Medicine Really
Works, Why Are Americans So Unhealthy?
I.G. Farben - The International
Farben Cartel
- Main File
Adjuvant Toxicity Falsifies the Safety Profile of Commercial
Italiano |
- "Il
Caveau Semi per il Giorno del Giudizio nell'Artico" -
Gates, Rockefeller e i Giganti OGM Sanno Qualcosa...
In 27 Years 3 Million Die from Prescription Drug Use
- Breaking Free From World Powers Who Gradually Destroy
Our Health
Is Lithium The Next Fluoride?
- Medication May be Added to The Water Supply
Español |
Jasón - Los Científicos y El Pentágono
- Los Robots Asesinos Del Futuro Que Remplazarán La
Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo Has
Cancer-Causing Chemicals
- Group Says
Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que
- Main File
Killing us Softly - Glyphosate
Herbicide or Genocide?
Español |
La Contaminación del Aire Reduce
la Capacidad Cognitiva
Español |
La Cúpula de Runit - Una
Estructura que Guarda 85.000 Metros Cúbicos de Residuos
Radiactivos en una...
Español |
La Desnaturalización de la
Español |
La Industria de Las Bebidas
- Sodas, Agua Embotellada y Enfermedades
- Main File
Español |
La Insana-Mortal Industria de Los
- Main File
Español |
La Medicina Contemporánea Es Una
Italiano |
La Nostra Grande Madre - Cosa Vuole da Noi?
Español |
Las 14 Empresas Globales Más
Español |
Las Ciudades más Contaminadas del
Mundo en 2018
Español |
Las Corporaciones Son Psicópatas
Con Cero Grados de Empatía
Español |
Las Naciones Unidas Solicitan un
Acuerdo Global para Eliminar los Plaguicidas y hacer una
Let's Drive Monsanto and the 'Poison Cartel's Pesticides'
Off the Market
Español |
Los Acuerdos de Pfizer Divulgados
- 'Buena Razón por la que Pfizer lidió por Ocultar
Detalles de Contratos'
Español |
Los Expertos de la Organización
Mundial de la Salud Mienten
- Pueden ser Acusados de Crímenes...
Español |
Los Insectos se están Muriendo
pero no se sabe a qué Ritmo
Español |
Los Mutantes de los Ríos - El
Ibuprofeno en Argentina
Español |
Los Pesticidas Comerciales No Son
tan Seguros como parecen
Español |
Los Venenos de las Transnacionales
Leaked Memo Sheds Light on Mysterious Bee Die-Offs and
Who's to Blame
Majesterium and The Tipping Point
Male Fish Now Exhibiting Female
Traits Due to Toxic Chemicals and Pharma Runoff
Mandatory Chemotherapy for
Children With Cancer?
and supply Agreement Pfizer-Albania - Coronavirus
Mass Bio-Terror Pandemic by
December 21, 2012
- Secret Revealed
Español |
Matando Gente Lentamente Usando
Alimentos Tóxicos, Agua Tóxica y Vacunas Tóxicas
Major Setback for the Biotech Industry - Insects Rapidly
Developing Resistance to GM Crops
Mercury and Thyroid Autoantibodies
in U.S. Women
- NHANES 2007-2008
Mercury Contamination and The Flu
Mercury Exposure Makes People Go
Italiano |
Meta' Acque in Italia Contaminata
da Pesticidi - Lo Afferma l'Ispra nel
Rapporto Nazionale 2013 su Settore
Español |
MICOPLASMA - EL Vínculo Patógeno en las Enfermedades del
Sistema Nervioso
MONSANTO - A Multinational Factory of Death
- Main File
More Evidence Emerges that Insecticides are Responsible
for Collapse of Honey Bee Colonies
MYCOPLASMA - The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic
Nano-Fibres are Behaving as Nano-Blenders
within Plant and Animal Structures Due to
Nanoparticles Destroy Soil and The
Environment - Study Finds
Nanotech Particles Pose Serious
DNA Risks to Humans and The Environment
NASA Confirms a 2,500-Square-Mile
Cloud of Methane Floating over U.S. Southwest
Italiano |
Nelle Acque in Italia Ci Sono 166
Baby Milk Scandal has Grown Up but Not Gone Away
New EPA-Approved DuPont Herbicide
Linked to Widespread Killing of Trees
- Authorities Unconcerned
New Study Reveals How Glyphosate in Monsanto's Roundup
Inhibits Natural Detoxification in Human Cells
News You Don't Want to Read About
Fukushima - Warning for South
U.S. Patents Could Signal the End of Pesticides and GMOs
Ninety Percent of
so-called 'Clean Hydroelectric Projects' will Usher-in a
New Wave of Mercury...
Español |
Niveles de Mercurio
Analizados en Perú Superan Seis Veces la Norma
Español |
Noticias que No Quieres Leer
Referente a Fukushima - Advertencia para
América del Sur
Not So Sexy - The Health Risks of
Secret Chemicals in Fragrance
Nuclear Disaster in The U.S. - How Bechtel is Botching
The World's Costliest Environmental Cleanup
Español |
Gran Madre - ¿Qué nos Exige?
Ocean Fertilization - 'Rogue
Climate Hacker' Russ George Raises Storm of Controversy
Oil Industry
- Producers of
Energy and Disasters
- Main File
Oil Sands Development Contributes
Elements Toxic at Low Concentrations to The Athabasca
River and...
Oil Sands Development Contributes
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds to The Athabasca River and...
Our Great Mother - What Does She Require of Us?
Professor Calls for Drugging Water Supply
Persistent Organic Pollutants Will
Soon Cause Half of All Newborns to Have Birth Defects
Pesticide Industry
Deployed Aggressive Lobby Effort to Quash Bee
Pesticide Residues Detected in
Almost All European Foods
Pesticides are NOT Needed to Feed
the World
- Says New UN Report
Pesticides on Our Food - Will the
Real Public Enemy No. 1 please Stand Up?
Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees
- Wik-Bee Leaks
Plastic - The Garbage of the
- Main File |
America - GMO Manmade Biological Threats, Plant
Diseases, Germ Warfare
Español |
- ¿Porqué
está tan Enferma Nuestra Sociedad?
Español |
Por Un Trago de Agua
Pregnant Women Now Being Dosed
With Toxic Chemotherapy Drugs
Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda
- Pump Up The Volume
Español |
Pronto Sabremos quién está
Contaminando el Mundo gracias a los Satélites y la
Inteligencia Artificial
Español |
Pura Ignorancia y Locura es el
Distintivo de la Práctica Médica a lo Largo de la
- La Prueba Está...
Español |
Qué es lo que Realmente Sucede
Cuando se Toman Antibióticos
Italiano |
Quello che Cambia i Fiumi -
L'Ibuprofene in Argentina
Español |
Ranking de las Ciudades Europeas
con más Mortalidad por la Falta de Espacios Verdes
Roundup and Birth Defects
- Is The Public Being Kept in The Dark?
Roundup Birth Defects - Regulators Knew World's
Best-Selling Herbicide Causes Problems, New Report...
Scandal Exposed in Mercury-Autism
Scientists Discover Huge Amounts
of Aluminum in the Brains of Deceased Autistic People
Español |
Según la 'Ciencia', Comer
Demasiada Ensalada Ahora Causa Autismo
Serious Birth Defects Linked to
The Agricultural Chemical Atrazine
Ignorance and Insanity is The Hallmark of Medical
Practice Throughout History - Here's The Proof
Soft Killing People Using Toxic
Food, Toxic Water and Toxic Vaccines
Some Products Linked to Cancer
that are Hiding in Almost Every Home
Some Quick Reasons to Dislike
DuPont as Much as Monsanto and Most other Biotech Giants
Some Ways Corporations are Poisoning Our Food, Water,
The Earth
State of The Science of Endocrine
Disrupting Chemicals
String The Bastards Up -
Thimerosal in Vaccines
Study Proves Bee Decline Linked to Top Insecticides
Tavistock Institute
- Main File
Español |
Teflón - 'Only by DuPont' (Solo por DuPont)
Ten Corporations that Got Away
with Murder |
The 10 Worst Chemicals in
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
The 15 Most Toxic Places in The
The 5 Most Toxic Energy Companies
and How They Control Our Politics
The Autism-Mercury-Thimerosal Saga
The Baby Killer
- Nestle
The Best, and Worst, Laundry
Detergents With 1,4-Dioxane Contamination
The Beverages'
- Bottled Water, Sodas and
- Main File
The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu
Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health
Co-Evolution of Bees and Flowers
- An Electric Symbiosis Not
to Be Interrupted with Pesticide Chemicals
The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry
- La Industria Mortal de La Psiquiatría
- Main File
The Deliberate Trashing of Earth's EcoSystem - GMOs
Are Killing the Bees, Butterflies, Birds and...?
The Denaturing of Nature
The Downfall of Science and The
Rise of Intellectual Tyranny
The DuPont Bloodline
- from "13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati"
The Dystopian Lake Filled
by the World's Tech Lust
The Fight For Health Freedom - Why Focus on Health
Freedom? Because Our Future is Worth Protecting
The Health Conspiracy
- from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing
the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"
The Larger the City You
Live in, the More Magnetic Particles enter your Brain
The Mass Poisoning of Humanity -
An Exploration of Human Stupidity
The Myth of Nuclear 'Waste'
The Pacific Ocean - A Radioactive
Garbage Dump
The Plot to Keep You Sick
The Role of Aluminum in Changing
Human Biology to Accept the Ionized Atmosphere we Live
Scam of The Zika Virus
These 10 Corporations Control
Almost Everything You Buy
These 'Big 6' Chemical Companies
Now Make 50,000 Different Pesticides
Trio of Herbicides Which Are Poisoning Us, Our Food and
Our Environment
The Truth About Tamiflu
- Has The U.S. Wasted $1.5 billion on An Ineffective
The Ubiquitous Triclosan
- A Common Antibacterial Agent Exposed
The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry
- Main File
The World's Largest Human Experiment - Monsanto's Glyphosate-Based
Roundup Herbicide
Profit, We Die - Toxic Agriculture and the Poisoning of
Soils, Human Health and the Environment
Total Health Tyranny
- The Year's Biggest Story No One is Talking About
Tar Sands - Scientists Document Spread of Pollution,
Water Contamination, Effects on Fish
The Carlyle Group
- Main File
Threats to Your Water Supply Abound - The
Devastating Impact of Fertilizers, Fracking, and
the Future - Synthetics Created in the 20th Century
Ten Ways Humanity is Being Murdered in The Name of
'Evidence-Based Science'
Twelve Unsustainable Things That
Will Soon Come to A Disastrous End on Our Planet
Unethical Corporations - The
Manipulation of our Associative Memory
United Nations calls for Worldwide
Treaty to Phase Out Pesticides and Transition to
Sustainable Farming
Español |
Un Terrible Estudio Ecológico que
Pone los Pelos de Punta
Untested Nanoparticles Showing Up
in Thousands of Consumer Products
Ignores Pesticide Ravaging Bee Population and
Threatening Global Environment
U.S. Military is a Bigger Polluter
than as many as 140 Countries - Shrinking this 'War
Machine' is a Must
U.S. Military World's Largest
Polluter - Hundreds of Bases Gravely Contaminated
Español |
Usted es Un Conejillo de Indias
Various 'Thought Provoking Images'
Show what Humans are Really Doing to the Planet
Viruses - An Instrument in World
- Main File
Español |
Virus Zika - ¿Otra Estafa Gigantesca?
War Over Monsanto Gets Ugly
- Birth Defects, Superweeds and The Science of
Waste Only - How the Plastics
Industry is Fighting to Keep Polluting the World
Are The Bees Telling Us?'
- Industry's War on Nature
What Is Geoengineering?
What Really Happens When You Take
to Blame for Our Dying Planet?
What's With All the Fracking?
What The USDA Doesn't Want You to
Know About Antibiotics and Factory Farms
Where have All our Insects Gone?
Why are Autoimmune Diseases on the
Why is Glyphosate Sprayed on Crops
Right Before Harvest?
Why is Our Society so Sick?
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File
You Are a Guinea Pig
You Really Can Protect Yourself
Against Electromagnetic Radiation - It's True and Here's
You Won't Believe How Much
Pesticide You're Eating Every Day
- So How can GM Crops be Deemed...
Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area where GM Mosquitoes were
Released in 2015
- The CDC is the Medical CIA
Additional Information |
Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers'
(NPDS) - 27th Annual Report
21st Century Inquisition - Codex
Abstract Book - Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry US 34th Annual
Español |
Aclaraciones Sobre el 'Codex
Alimentarius' y La Directiva Sobre Medicina Herbal
A Diverse Suite of Pharmaceuticals
Contaminates Stream and Riparian Food webs
Adverse Effects of Adjuvants in
Main File
Vaccines Stop Working After a Few Months
- Shocked Researchers Discover
Air Fresheners Can Trigger
Allergies, Asthma
Americans Exposed to Atomic Bomb
Levels of Radiation Through Medical Imaging, CT Scans,
Artificial Chemical Sweeteners
- Grocery Warning
Atmospheric 'Phenomena'?
- Main File
Big Brother to Track Your
Medication Compliance With Electronic Transmitters in
Bill Gates advances 'Plan to
Vaccinate Public without Consent'
Biochip Implants
- Main File
Blinded by Science
Breakthrough Documentary "House of
Numbers" Challenges Conventional Thinking on HIV-AIDS
Cancer 'Is Purely Man-Made' Say
Scientists After Finding Almost No Trace of Disease in
Egyptian Mummies
Can Hazardous Waste Be Safely
Removed For Our Bodies?
Can We Escape our Predicament?
Chemical Contaminants and Human
- A Summary of Evidence
Chemical Emissions from Residential
Dryer Vents During Use of Fragranced Laundry Products
Español |
Cientos de Productos de Hierbas
Medicinales a Ser Prohibidas en La Unión Europea a
Principios de 2011
Codex Alimentarius Commission
- A Threat to Humankind
Codex Alimentarius Commission - Report of The
Thirtieth Session
- Rome, 2-7 July 2007 - Official Report
Congressman Waxman Sneaks
Anti-Vitamin Amendment Into Wall Street Reform Bill
- Health Freedom...
Español |
Cuatro Señales que Vivimos en una Sociedad
Profundamente Enferma
Dead Birds Fall From Sky in Sweden
- Millions of Dead Fish Found in Maryland, Brazil, New
Español |
Deforestación en Perú - La
Búsqueda de Oro Devasta la Selva
Determination of Glyphosate in
Groundwater Samples
Diapathics of a Resurrection
- Collective Action Against euthaNAZIa Doctors on An
Intensive Care Unit
Español |
de Una Resurrección
Colectiva Contra Médicos eutaNAZIs en Una Unidad de
Doctors Are More Harmful Than
Germs -
Book Review by Dr. Harvey Bigelsen M.D
Dr. Rife and The Death of The
Cancer Industry
Electromagnetic Field Intolerance
- An Epidemic in The Making
Español |
El Gran Rearme Planetario
Español |
El Instrumento Del Hambre y El
Control de La Población
- Bunge & Born Hirsch, Cartel Global de Los...
Español |
El Objetivo De Los Venenos Es La
Mente De Nuestros Hijos
- Colores de Los Alimentos Culpables del...
Español |
El Papel que Juegan las Toxinas en
el Avance Espiritual
Español |
El Problema Medio-ambiental del
Papel Higiénico - Y qué Utilizar en Su Lugar
Español |
Emergencia Mundial Por Las Abejas - Actúen Ahora!
Italiano |
Emergenza Mondiale Per Le Api - Agite adesso!
Español |
'Estamos Salvados'
- Semillas Transgénicas
Español |
- ¿Estará
La Integridad de La Raza Humana Acercándose al Colapso?
- Mujeres, Antes de Embarazarse...
Español |
Estas son las 10 Principales
Causas de Muerte en el Mundo
Ethical Issues in Human
- Fluoride
and The Future - Population Level Cognitive Enhancement
- Flying
on Drugs
- ‘Flying
Syringe' Mosquitoes Get Bill Gates Funding
Four Signs we Live in a Profoundly
Sick Society
Fragranced Consumer Products -
Chemicals Emitted, Ingredients Unlisted
Genetics Research - A Largely Failed Science Now Used
for Social Control?
Global Bee Emergency - Act Now!
- ‘Global
Warming' is Killing Us
- And It's Designed To
H1N1 Vaccine Liquidation Sale Now
On -
Hurry While Supplies Last!
Harvest of Fear
History of Organized Medicine Revealed in Investigative
History, Background and Status of
Labeling of Irradiated Foods
- Fact Sheet
We Are All Eating Questionable Nanotechnology
Huge Fines for Refusing to Buy
Health Insurance
- Americans Threatened With Jail Time
Hundreds of Herbal Products to Be
Outlawed Across EU in Early 2011
Use now Officially Linked to Cardiovascular Death
Influenza - Virus H1N1
- Unintentional
Contamination or Bioterrorism?
Main File
The Genetic Integrity of The Human Race Approaching a
- Women: Before Getting Pregnant...
Español |
Jane Burgermeister - El Interrogatorio KAFKIANO en La
Corte de Viena
- ¿Está Baxter Detrás de Esto?
Judge Strikes Fear Into Biotech
Industry With Nullification of Patents on Human Genes
Español |
Ciencia del "Agua de La Vida" de Ayham Doyuk
Lack of Security at Labs Handling
World's Deadliest Pathogens Could Lead to Epic Pandemic
Italiano |
La Commissione del Codex Alimentarius - Una Minaccia per l'Umanità
Español |
La Farmafia! - La Psicopatía del
Sistema Sanitario
Español |
La Importante Razón por la cual
las Abejas de Cuba son las Más Sanas del Mundo
Italiano |
La Medicina Moderna Ha Tradito il
- Accecati Dalla Scienza
Español |
La Medicina Moderna Ha Traicionado
al Público
- Cegados por La Ciencia
Español |
Las 15 Mayores Mentiras que le
Cuentan a Usted sobre la Salud y la Medicina Oficial
Español |
Las Puertas de La Percepción
- ¿Por Qué Los Norteamericanos Creen Casi Cualquier Cosa?
Italiano |
La Storia Nascosta della Medicina
Organizzata Rivelata in un Rapporto Investigativo
Longer Life Expectancy?
Are We Paying The Price For
Longer Lives?
Español |
Lo Que Los "Escépticos" Realmente
Creen Acerca de Las Vacunas, La Medicina, La Conciencia
y El...
Español |
Los Ambientadores Pueden Causar
Alergias y Asma
Español |
Los Bloqueadores Solares al
- 9 Sorprendentes Verdades
Español |
Los Médicos Son la Tercera Causa
de Muerte en Los EE.UU.
- Causan 250.000 Muertes Por Año
Magnetite Pollution Nanoparticles
in the Human Brain
Litter Distribution and Density in European Seas, from the Shelves
to Deep Basins
Medical Authorities Attack Natural
Medicine in Cyprus!
Micro-Organisms... They "Built" Us
- Avatar The Movie, Morgellons and The Global Warming
Contamination in an Urban Area - A case of greater Paris
Mining the Heart of the Mother of
God - Peru's Gold Rush Claims
More Forest
Modern Medicine Had Betrayed The
- Blinded by Science
Mortality and Morbidity Trends -
Is There Compression of Morbidity
Español |
Mosquitos Usados Como "Jeringas
Voladoras" Reciben Financiación de Bill Gates
Most Modern Day Diseases Are
- Main File
Nanotechnology, Terraforming,
Transhumanism, and You...
Español |
Nanotecnología, Terraformación,
Transhumanismo y Usted...
New Model Predicts Human Health
Risks From Over 80,000 Chemicals
Español |
- ¿Nos
Estamos Medicando sin Saberlo?
Oxford Professor Calls for
Drugging Water Supply
Pandemic Charges Filed With FBI in NYC
- Len Horowitz
Substances and Changes in Body Weight and resting Metabolic Rate in
response to Weight...
Perfluorooctanoic Acid,
Perfluorooctanesulfonate, and Serum Lipids in Children
and Adolescents
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Facility Discharges can substantially Increase the
Pharmaceutical load to...
Plutonium May Enhance Human Health
- Junk Science Update
Potassium Deficiency Scam Kills
and Maims Millions
Warnings on Nuclear 'Wonder-Fuel', Thorium
Protect Your Family From The
Hidden Hazards in Air Fresheners
Seasonal Flu Vaccines Increase
Risk of Pandemic H1N1 Flu
- Stunned Scientists Discover
Shocking Truth About AIDS Exposed
on World AIDS Day With "House of Numbers" Un-Cut Footage
Español |
Hecho Por El Hombre
Main File
Silver Hydrosol "Nanotechnology"
- NanoScam Earns Mega-Profits - Environmental Groups...
Surge in Insect Resistance to
Transgenic Crops and Prospects for Sustainability
Ovary Removal Leads to Cognitive Decline
Synthetic Life
- Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans
- Main File
Terminal Madness of The 'Endtime'
The Action of Fertilizers
- Use of Chemical Fertilizers Accelerate the Domination
of The World's Grain...
The Age of Treason - 1958 Book
Exposes Chemical Attack on Humanity
The AMA's Charge on The Light
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
The AUM Supreme Truth Sect
- AUM Shinrikyo
- Main File
The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu
Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health
The Government War on Raw Milk is
An Attack Against Food Freedom
The History of The "Business With
The Impact of Exposure to Air
Pollution on Cognitive Performance
Link Between Mushrooms, Bees, and Mass Extinction
The Most Mysterious Diseases Known
To Man Are Not So Mysterious At All
The Palliative Machine - Medical
Monopoly Under the Corporation-State
The Role of Toxins in Spiritual
The Specter of Biological Weapons
The Use of Nanomaterials in
Consumer Products
The Wolves of Psycho Street - America's Economic
Enslavement by the Psychopathic Corporate Elite
The World's Rivers Are In a State
of Crisis of Ominous Proportions
Thousands of Americans Died From H1N1 Even After
Receiving Vaccine Shots
Time to Do More Than Worry
- Impact of The Nuclear Disaster
Toxic Waste Behind Somali Pirates
- Top 25 Censored Stories for 2010
Unholy Grail - The Quest for Genetic Weapons
Vaccine Adverse Reactions
- EMEA Document Reveals That Were Very Common in...
Vaccine Revolt!
- Swine Flu Vaccine Support
Crumbles as Flimsy Rationale for H1N1 Shots Becomes...
Español |
Vacunas de La Gripe Estacional
Incrementan el Riesgo de La Gripe Pandémica H1N1
- Asombrados...
Weather War
- Main File
What "Skeptics" Really Believe
About Vaccines, Medicine, Consciousness and The Universe
What Vitamins to Take
- Stop Throwing Your Money Away
Why Almost Everything You Hear
About Medicine Is Wrong
Bisphenol A - BPA |
Are Bisphenol A (BPA) Plastic
Products Safe?
Bisphenol-S Disrupts Estradiol-Induced
Nongenomic Signaling in A Rat Pituitary Cell Line
BPA in Food Packaging - FDA to Decide by March
BPA in Toilet Paper, Canned Soup…
- Is Anything Safe Anymore?
BPA Levels in Humans Far Higher Than Previously Thought
Despite FDA Concern, American
Chemistry Council Insists "Bisphenol A" is Safe
How Canned Foods Are Poisoning Us
Industry Corruption -
FDA, WHO, etc. |
Bioterrorism - WHO and What is
The Threat?
Corruption at FDA - Certified FDA
Letter to The President - April 2, 2009 - FDA's
Official Recognition
Ending Vaccination Humanicide
- Medicine Corrupted
The 5 Most Blatantly Corrupt
Industries in The World
- And What You Can Do About It
The 5 Most Surprisingly Corrupt
Industries in The World - And What You Can Do
About It
The Failure of Peer Review -
Especially in Medicine...
Español |
OMS - Acusan de Corrupción al "Papá de La Gripe A"
Systemic Corruption and Wrongdoing
Permeates All Levels of FDA
World Health Organization (WHO)
'Taking Cash Handouts from Coca-Cola to Plug Black Holes
in Budget'
- The CDC is the Medical CIA
Medical and
Industry's Human
Experimentation - Experimentación Humana Médica e
Industrial |
A Current US Program of Involuntary
Human Experimentation
Amish Girl being Forced into
Experimental Chemotherapy Taken Out of U.S. and Recovers
with Natural...
Are We All Just Human Lab Rats in A
Medical Experiment? - Government Collusion In Human Medical...
Chemtrails, Cover-ups and Human
Español |
Cómo los Gobiernos siguen
Experimentando con sus Ciudadanos
Español |
Experimentos Médicos en Seres
Humanos en Los Estados Unidos - Impactante Historia de
La Medicina...
Guatemalan Sexually Transmitted
Disease Medical Experiments
- Were Just One Crime in A Long History...
Human Experiments - Nonconsensual
Medical Experiments on Human Beings
Human Medical Experimentation in
The United States
- The Shocking True History of Modern Medicine and...
Human Subjects Research -
Radiation Experimentation
- Hearing
before the Committee on Labor and...
Investigation Panel Concludes U.S.
Government Conspired With
Doctors to Commit Murderous Medical...
Español |
Operación Sea-Spray - El
Experimento Bacteriológico Secreto realizado sobre San
Francisco en 1950
Replication of Milgram's Shocking
Experiments Proves 70 Percent of People Will Torture
Others if Ordered
Español |
Si Alimentaron a Niños
con Harina de Avena Radioactiva, ¿Que no Harían Ahora?
The 13 Most Evil U.S. Government
Experiments on Humans
The Dark Side of Science
- Video Examines Horrors of Science Pursued Without
The Story of Pfizer Inc. - A Case
Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption
Español |
Un Ejemplo de
Experimentos Biológicos sobre la Población
- No es 'Conspiranoia', es Historia
is Causing the Blood Clots from "Died Suddenly?"
Whistleblower Terminated from
Northwestern for Revealing Human Experimentation
Multimedia: |
Here's What Scientists Don't Want
You to See
- The Dark Side of "Science"
Microwaving |
Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation
- Main File
Español |
Efectos Sobre La Salud por
Radiación de Microondas - Hornos de Microondas
Español |
El Agua Calentada en el Microondas
Mata las Plantas
- Un Experimento
Effects of Microwave Radiation
- Microwave Ovens
If You Don't Mind Cancer Causing
Radiation Passing Through Your Food, Keep Using a
Español |
La Ciencia Arroja Luz del Porqué
Calentar sus Alimentos con Radiación de Microondas Puede
Ser una...
Español |
Los Peligros Ocultos de Cocinar
con Microondas
Microwave Cooking - Cancer for
Dangers - Why You Should Not Use a Microwave
Microwaved Water Kills Plants
- Experiment
Español |
Peligros del Microondas - Del
Porqué Usted No Debe Utilizar un Microondas
Español |
Rusia Prohibió el Uso de los
Hornos de Microondas - 1976-1992
Banned the Use of Microwave Ovens
- 1976-1992
Sheds Light why Heating your Food with Microwave Radiation
Might Be a VERY Bad Idea
Español |
Si No le Importa que La Radiación
Causante del Cáncer Pase a Través de Sus Alimentos, Siga
Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking
The Dangerous Truth Behind
Microwaves - Updated
Cooking With a Microwave Destroys Cancer-Fighting
Nutrients in Food and Promotes Nutritional...
Energy Bulbs |
Dirty Electricity - Stealth Trigger of Disease Epidemics and
Lowered Life Expectancy
Energy Saving Bulbs 'Release Cancer Causing Chemicals'
Energy Saving Light Bulbs 'Contain Cancer Causing
Energy Saving Light Bulbs 'Could
Trigger Breast Cancer'
Government Bans 75-Watt Bulbs -
Replaces with Mercury-Leaking 'Efficient' Bulbs
Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits for
Your Home
LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health
LEDs have Damaging Health Effects
- French Assessment Says
Return of Incandescent Light Bulbs as MIT Makes them
More Efficient than LEDs
Multimedia: |
Español |
La Mentira de las Bombillas de
Bajo Consumo
Rays of Rash - Toxic Light Bulb
The Dangers of LED Lightbulbs -
Dr. Mercola and Dr. Wunsch Interview
- Food and Drug Administration |
Federal Inspectors Again Dismiss
Scientists' Claims They Were Pressured Into Approving
Recalled Children's Tylenol
Products Were Knowingly Contaminated
- Says FDA
FDA Accused of Mass Homicide of
One Million Americans Each Decade
FDA Attacks Alternative Clinics
- Cancer Patients' Lives Threatened
FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg
Pushing to Eliminate Conflict of Interest Laws
- Would Allow...
FDA Defeated in Federal Court Over
Censorship of Truthful Health Claims
FDA Deliberately Deceiving
Americans Over Arsenic in Rice, Chicken and Other Foods - Contamination...
FDA Dupes Interpol to Achieve
Illegal Kidnapping and Deportation of Herbal Formulator
Greg Caton
Running Extortion Racket
- Natural Supplement Companies Threatened With Arrest If
They Don't...
FDA's New Claim: "Your Body Is a
Drug - and We Have the Authority to Regulate It!"
FDA Stealth-CODEX 2012 Bans
- Can Cause Disease and Mega-Death
FDA Sued Over Lack of
Nanotechnology Oversight Labels
FDA Warns Against Disease-Killing
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Former Monsanto VP Attaining Top Position at The FDA
- Sign The Petition to Stop It
Harvard Says FDA 'Cannot Be
Trusted' - New Paper Slams Agency
Hidden in Plain View -
FDA-Approved Drugs Kill A Million Americans per Decade!
Institutional Corruption of
Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs
Español |
La FDA Advierte en Contra de La
Terapia de Oxígeno Hiperbárico
Español |
La FDA Deliberadamente Engaña a
Estadounidenses Sobre Arsénico en Arroz, Pollo y Otros
Español |
La FDA está Matando Nuestras
Libertades y Destruyendo Nuestra Salud
Major Drug Research Company Faked
Thousands of Documents to Get Drugs Approved
- FDA Says...
Español |
Nueva Reivindicación de La FDA:
"Tu Cuerpo es Una Droga y Nosotros Tenemos La Autoridad
de Regularlo"
Risky Drugs - Why The FDA Cannot
Be Trusted
S. 510 Food Safety Bill is Still
Alive and May Unleash a New Army of FDA Agents
The FDA Fights Natural Foods
- Support The Free Speech About Science Act and Restore
Freedom of...
- from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
The FDA Has Killed Far More People
Than Contaminated Eggs or Lettuce
- Senate Bill 510 Food Safety?
The FDA is Killing Our Freedoms
and Destroying Our Health
Using Oxygen to Recover and Wipe
Out All Disease
- Suppressed Therapy in the
Books-Treaties: |
Inside The FDA - The Business and
Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the... -
by Fran Hawthorne
Multimedia: |
War on Health - Gary Null's
Documentary Exposing The FDA
Books-Treatises |
Death by Medicine
- by Gary Null,
Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio, Dorothy
El Libro Negro de Las Marcas
- El Lado Oscuro de las Empresas
Globales - por Klaus Werner y H. Weiss
El Milagroso Suplemento Mineral
del Siglo 21
- por Jim V. Humble
Emerging Viruses - AIDS and Ebola
- Nature Accident or
Intentional? - by Leonard G. Horowitz
How to Stop your Doctor Killing
- by Vernon Coleman
Español |
Las Raices Nazis de La "UE de
- por Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Mm Rath y...
Murder by Injection
- The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America -
by Eustace Mullins
Natural Cures They Don't Want You
to Know About
- by Kevin Trudeau
Seeds of Deception
- Exposing Industry and
Government Lies About Safety of Genetically... - by J.M. Smith
The Corporation - The Pathological Pursuit of Profit
and Power -
by Joel Bakan
The Medical Mafia
- How to Get Out of It and Take Back Our Health and
Wealth - by G. Saint-Pierre Lanctôt
The Medical Terror of Vaccinations
- Cry of The Heart - Stop Hurting The Children - by Mark
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of
The 21st Century
- by Jim V. Humble
The Nazi Roots of The "Brussels EU"
- by Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki,
Matthias Rath...
The OneMinute Cure
- The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases - by
World Without Cancer
- The Story of Vitamin B17 - by G. Edward Griffin
Multimedia |
An Unholy Alliance - Dealing With
The Demon
Autism Made in The USA
Bayer's Trasylol Cover-Up
- 1,000 Lives Per Month
Centinelas de La Vida
- Documental Sobre La SQM
Under Siege - How Big Business Targets Children
Codex Alimentarius-
Lecture by Ian R. Crane
Collapse - A Documentary by
Michael Ruppert
El Fin del Letargo
Elite Undeniably Engaged in
Poisoning The Masses
- Slow Kill Holocaust
GasLand - La Película
GasLand - The Movie
Graveyards of Trash in Ocean
Ridges and Canyons
La Conspiración Médica - Desde La Sombra
La Cospirazione Medica - Desde La Sombra
La Historia Secreta de La
Obsolescencia Programada
- El Motor de Nuestra Sociedad de Consumo
Luz Tóxica - El Lado Oscuro de Las
Bombillas de Bajo Consumo
Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural
Health, Vitamins, and Herbs
Obsolescenza Programmata
- Il Motore
Segreto Della Nostra Società di Consumo
Océanos de Plástico - El Basurero
de La Humanidad
One Night in Bhopal
Operación Pandemia
Pharmaburger - Food Investigations
Plastic Planet
Poisoned Waters
- New Wave of Pollutants Entering Our Water Ways
Real Life Avatar
Español |
Silicona - Moldes y Espátulas
Super Size Me!
Suppressed Cures For Cancer
- The Beautiful Truth - Creating A Better World
The Corporation
- 'The
Corporation' - Instituciones o Psicópatas
The Insect Apocalypse
The Puppet Masters
The Story of Cosmetics
- 2010
Transgénicos - La Nueva Bioesclavitud
Vacunación 101, con Ghis
(Ghislaine Lanctôt)
Varones En Desaparicion
We Become Silent
- The Last Days of Health Freedom
What The NWO Doesn't Want You to
Know About
- Kevin Trudeau on Alex Jones TV
Related Reports |
A Different View of 'The
Holocaust' - Una Vision Diferente del 'Holocausto'
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- Main File
- Main File
- Main File
Global Food Control
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- Main File
- Main File
The Defeat of Cancer - La Derrota
del Cancer
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- Main File
or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
- Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD
- Main File