by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
September 29, 2009
from Website
About the author
Mike Adams is a holistic nutritionist
with a mission to teach personal and planetary health to the public
He has authored and published thousands of articles, interviews,
consumers guides, and books on topics like health and the
environment, reaching millions of readers with information that is
saving lives and improving personal health around the world. Adams
is an independent journalist with strong ethics who does not get
paid to write articles about any product or company.
In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a
maker of energy efficient LED lights that greatly reduce CO2
emissions. He also founded an environmentally-friendly online
retailer called
BetterLifeGoods.com that uses retail profits to help
support consumer advocacy programs.
He's also a noted technology pioneer
and founded a software company in 1993 that developed the HTML email
newsletter software currently powering the NaturalNews
Adams is currently the executive
director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit, and
pursues hobbies such as Pilates, Capoeira, nature macrophotography
and organic gardening.
Known by his callsign, the 'Health Ranger,'
Adams posts his missions statements, health statistics and health
photos at
www.HealthRanger.org |
There's a popular video circulating on the 'net
right now about how to escape handcuffs without using a key.
Americans are watching the video to bone up on
essential skills that will soon be needed for health care reform, it seems,
since the new laws that are about to be put in place call for Americans to
be arrested and thrown in jail if they refuse to buy health insurance.
This has now been confirmed by Tom Barthold, the Chief of Staff of
the Joint Committee on Taxation. And it's not merely about jail time; it's
also about the $25,000 fine that could be levied by the IRS against
individuals who refuse to buy health insurance.
That this is even being considered just boggles the mind. If a person is too
broke to afford health insurance right now, how are they supposed to be able
to buy it after paying a $25,000 fine and spending a year in prison?
As Paul Craig Roberts brilliantly pointed out in a recent essay, this is
like trying to solve the homeless problem by forcing homeless people to buy
a home, then throwing them in prison when they can't afford to.
There's never enough
money to pay for a nation full of sick people
The current health care disaster in America is not simply a problem of
people refusing to buy health insurance; it's an issue of people not being
able to afford to buy health insurance.
When the annual insurance premium for a family
of four is something above $13,000, that's a terrible financial burden that
many Americans simply can't afford to pay - especially when so many people
have lost their jobs due to the faltering economy.
The brutal facts of the matter are inescapable: The American people are too
broke to buy their own health insurance, and the American government is too
broke to buy it for them. The whole nation is going bankrupt over runaway
health care costs.
And why?
I hate to invoke the "I told you so"
phrase in a crisis like this, but the reasons for all this have been
apparent for many years, and we've been regularly reporting them on
Our national "health care" system is really
a "sick care" system that pushes deadly chemicals and
medically-unjustified surgical procedures instead of teaching people how
to stay well.
As long as junk food companies and
pharmaceutical companies are allowed to run advertisements on television,
and as long as the
FDA and
FTC continue their campaigns of censorship
nutritional cures and natural remedies, we will always have a health
care crisis.
You know why?
Because no nation in the world can afford to
foot the bill for a country full of sick people.
Why I don't carry
health insurance
I don't have health insurance. Well, not the kind people normally think of
as health insurance. As a result of not paying premiums for over five years
now, I've saved a small fortune in premiums.
Why don't I need health insurance? Because I don't visit doctors and I don't
get sick. If you don't get sick, you don't need health insurance.
Of course, silly doctors ask,
"Well what if you suddenly get sick out of
the blue?"
What, you mean through voodoo or something?
Sickness without cause? Do doctors really believe in spontaneous sickness
that magically appears without reason?
All sickness has a cause. That much should be obvious. And if you eliminate
the causes of disease, you won't experience disease. That's why I have a
different kind of health "insurance" - my nutrition.
Yep, my nutrition is the only health insurance I need.
In my garden in
Ecuador, we grow huge quantities of health-protecting foods and superfoods.
Those foods, combined with high-end nutritional supplements (Moxxor,
Boku Superfood, etc.) provides the perfect nutritional environment for
outstanding health. That gets further supported with daily sunshine and
exercise, plus the complete avoidance of toxic chemicals in consumer
products (I don't use conventional shampoos, soaps, deodorants, hair
products, skin products, etc.).
Given this level of natural health, why would I bother with conventional
health insurance in the first place? Pharmaceuticals are of no use to me.
Neither are prostate screening procedures, annual checkups or vaccinations.
I have no need for western medicine.
So why should I be forced to financially support
the health insurance companies that push these poisons onto health
We're all criminals?
Barack Obama wants to label me a
criminal. He wants to fine me twenty-five thousand dollars and throw me in
prison for one year for my refusal to pay money into a corrupt, broken sick
care system.
Note that the people who are destroying their own health - and putting huge
cost burdens on the health care system - are not considered criminals at
all. People can destroy their own bodies through junk foods, toxic chemicals
and substance abuse... but as long as they pay up, they're considered "good
Americans" who are participating in the health care system.
Meanwhile, people like me who take care of our
own health, who place no burden whatsoever on the health care system, and
who refuse to pay mandatory premiums into a corrupt health insurance
industry are going to be threatened with arrest and imprisonment.
This disturbing fact tells me that Obama, much
like Bush before him, has forgotten what freedom is.
America is being turned into a medical police state where parents have their
children stolen away by cancer clinics (true story), where chemical
injections are enforced at gunpoint (also true), and where unaffordable,
inefficient and utterly ineffective "sick care" is forced upon citizens with
or without their consent.
The whole premise of democracy is being
destroyed in this quest to appease the sick care system that preys on upon
the American people with each passing year.
"But wait," some people say. "Full
participation is all for the greater good."
No, not really.
What would be best for the greater good would be
the transformation of the FDA and FTC into agencies that actually protect
the public instead of
Big Pharma. The greater good would be served by
legalizing free speech for nutritional supplements and natural remedies,
ending the tyranny of attacks against medical marijuana, and sending all the
MDs back to medical school so they could learn something about nutrition.
The greater good is in no way served by forcing Americans to funnel yet more
money into a corrupt, broken system of dishonest insurance companies and
unethical hospitals pumping people full of deadly pharmaceutical chemicals.
That system is dead. It has failed, and it has no place in the future of any
successful nation.
If we don't soon recognize this fact and seek to advance into a new era of
natural medicine and disease prevention, this sick-care medical industry
will wring every last dollar from the U.S. economy until the American people
find themselves diseased, penniless and medically enslaved. (And we're
already half-way there...)
Thanks to the sick-care policies of previous presidential administrations,
the American people today have already lost their health.
And now, with Obama's reform proposals, they are about to lose their freedoms, too.
Albert Einstein once said,
"Problems cannot be solved by the same level
of thinking that created them."
And yet Obama is bringing no genuinely new
thinking to the table on health care reform; he's just changing who pays for
Now, more than ever, our national leaders need
to not just think outside the box; they need to stomp on the box,
disassemble the box, throw the box in the recycling bin and forget there
ever was a box. They need revolutionary solutions that can help this country
overcome its addiction to pharmaceuticals and junk food while unleashing a
new era of personal health combined with personal responsibility.
Until that happens, all this talk about health care reform is just the
senseless animation of lips and vocal chords without purpose.