by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
January 19, 2010
NaturalNews Website
The American Chemistry Council (ACC)
has never met a chemical it didn't like.
The organization is a chemical advocacy
group whose members include all the largest chemical producers such
and many more...
It's like a Who's Who of companies whose
products pollute the world, in my opinion. Much like Big Tobacco did
with nicotine - "It's not addictive, we swear!" - the ACC says
Bisphenol A (BPA)
is perfectly safe for you. Drink all you want!
As the ACC's Lisa Harrison told CBS News,
"What's important to remember is the
FDA indicated that the BPA has not been proven harmful to
children or adults."
This is the default position of all the
chemical companies who poison our bodies and our planet: All
synthetic chemicals are "safe" until you prove them dangerous.
It's a hazardous assumption to make, of course.
The more reasonable assumption would be
that all synthetic chemicals are dangerous until proven safe, but
that position wouldn't allow these companies to sell very many
chemicals, would it?
The FDA's
conspiracy to promote dangerous chemicals
The FDA, for its part, has been
engaged in a conspiracy of silence to avoid admitting that BPA is
dangerous for human health.
This conspiracy was recently shattered
when the FDA's own science advisors blasted the agency for ignoring
over 100 published studies showing BPA was dangerous. The FDA, you
see, had discarded those 100+ studies and, instead, based its
conclusions on just two studies that happened to be funded by the
chemical industry.
That's how the FDA operates across the board: Ignore all the science
you don't like, and cherry-pick the science you want to believe,
even if it's all been funded by the chemical companies. By relying
on that gimmick, the FDA was able to maintain its intellectually
dishonest position that BPA posed no risk to human health.
There's also evidence of corruption and fraud in the FDA's position
on BPA. Did you know, for example, that the chairman of the FDA
panel making a key decision on BPA "safety" - Martin Philbert
- also sits at the top of a company that
received a secret $5 million payment.
But the scientific evidence against BPA is now so large than even
the FDA can't continue to stonewall the public on this issue. BPA is
dangerous to human health, and it should be banned from all items
that come into contact with foods (which includes soup can linings,
food packaging, water bottles and much more...).
As Kelly Wallace from CBC News discovered, just eating one
tuna sandwich caused BPA levels in her blood to soar to over five
times the average BPA level
found in the blood of American consumers
(and that "average" level is dangerous to begin with).
Sources for this story include