February 16, 2011 from WesPenre Website
Just like us, our ancient ancestors did the same thing; they looked at the Sun, the moon, the stars and the vast space, wondering what is the purpose?
In fact, the ancients probably knew more about this than the average
person does today, which will be obvious to the reader after
finishing this series of papers, but they still didn't know exactly
how the Universe is constructed, how it started (except through
myth), and what it would look like if we had the chance to view it
from "outside" itself, through an "avatar".
...who most likely was a scientologist as well.
I was myself a member of the church in the late 1980s, [4] so I am a witness to that RV was used within Scientology with various success, although it wasn't officially called remote viewing; it was called "exteriorization".
The Military took the technology used in the
church and brought it to yet another level.
I find this extremely fascinating, because
previously, some of this information has only been available through
metaphysical entities, channeled by, or otherwise connected with,
human instruments/vehicles/bodies. Now, pioneers in modern science
have discovered the same thing and expanded upon it to give us a
more holistic picture of
the Multiverse and its different levels of
manifestation (LOMs #).
In fact, the scientists at LPG-C have scientifically managed to prove that everything in the Multiverse (which is an infinite number of serial and parallel realities, originating in thoughts) is connected, and thus we can be (and are) in different places at the same time, while still staying put in what we perceive as our current bodies; our home station, if you will.
Basically, we are living different lives, independent of each other, simultaneously, in different time periods, on Earth, and even on other, different planets. Their research has also shown that we are capable of making a replica of our RNA/DNA setup and "teleport it" to another place in time while at the same time remaining where we started, e.g. in our home.
as I will show later, will be extremely helpful in the not-so-far
future when we start traveling over the Universe.
Dr. Luc Montagnier
It sure does, but not only has LPG-C# known about this for years; just recently, on January 31, 2011, "TechWorld" posted an article about Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Luc Montagnier, who says that he and his team of scientists have discovered how to successfully teleport DNA from one place to another.
Not only did it transport, but also made a replica of itself, so that the same DNA mockup existed simultaneously in two places. [6]
This is a major
breakthrough for human science, and the discovery also verifies what
I have been told, that many alien races use this technique to travel
through space and time; something we will discuss in a later paper.
But now, more and more people start to realize that everything is connected on a subquantum (sub-atomic) level. I am you, you are me, Earth is us and so is the entire Universe. We are all ONE. Not until science acknowledges the spirit and the two are integrated to the extent that it becomes "common knowledge" can we really take a quantum leap into the future.
This sounds like an impossible goal,
but it is achievable.
A photonic body (an avatar) is induced and through advanced technology and the person's own mental abilities, he is capable of neurologically "extending himself" wherever he wants; nearby, to the edge of the Physical Universe, or even beyond! [7]
Hence, the Physics Group has been able
to open the doors of perception to explore nature and the universe
in a manner that has never been possible before, or even been
perceived as a possibility. By expanding on the research of
scientists such as Albert Einstein and
David Bohm,
[8] they have been
able to accomplish getting astonishing results from this technique.
Now they have managed to do just that, and it has turned into something they call the "Working Model".
For them, it has been a rollercoaster ride of failure and success, lots of hard work, but for us, now presented with the Working Model, it is like an exciting journey through the Multiverse, or the Unum, as they call it.
When I was introduced to it, it
certainly blew my mind, and I am confident it will yours, too.
It's nothing less but fascinating, as we
shall see.
This is why they have more than one neurosensor. When all neurosensors have gone on the same expedition, they write down their experiences without telling the others, and then they compare notes afterwards.
Apparently, most of the time, their experiences match quite well,
and sometimes not. But this is how their research moves forward, and
eventually they can build some structure to it.
Also, after a while, the neurosensors start knowing each other and each others interpretations, and this too colors the result; especially as the science group itself consists of a small clique of members. In spite of this (and again, I can hardly even call myself a layman in the field), I believe that at least the majority of the Working Model is working.
Dr. Bordon has also told me that this model has been confirmed by some alien species, while others have shown interest in learning more from us. Dr. Bordon is excited about that, because it shows, as he says, that we humans actually have something to contribute with to the cosmic community and not just the other way around.
If so, I agree, and we should be excited, albeit we have more we contribute with to the cosmic society than even LPG-C# is aware of, as we shall see much later on, in another paper. It's called the "Living Library".
Also, it's my
understanding that ENS and some of the principals of the Working
Model were presented by ETs.
This is science
which is not only including the existence of a higher consciousness
into the equation, but is basing it upon its existence. This is the
reason I got so interested in their work, initially, but once I had
dug into their material, I found that there was so much more to it,
and I still have so much to learn about it, even on a layman's
Just recently, rogue scientist, Steven J. Smith, was most likely murdered due to what he was involved in (he was sporadically in contact with me close to his death up to a few years back from that, and he knew he was in danger; he actually told me that).
So not everybody in high places, being it in the mainstream science
community or the government, is thrilled over the new paradigms
these alternative scientists come up with.
I know the result is not
perfect, because when we are dealing with new concepts, we sometimes
lack words, and it's hard to know how to express them in writing.
It's all explained in great details on their website (http://www.lpg-c.org/),
but its scientific language is impossible to understand for the
layman; even highly educated people in other fields of learning
can't understand it; even those with doctor's degrees.
I am mainly going to use Strzyzewski's summary as a base for my own Science Papers, and do my best to simplify the language even more.
The reader may judge whether I succeed or not, so here we go:
The above quote by Dr. A.R. Bordon of LPG-C is describing the Working Model in just one sentence.
If the reader afterwards wants
to study up on the original essays (which is my advice, read the end
notes for references in the following subsections. But I strongly
advise you to first read this pealed off version for better
comprehension, because otherwise, this is a highly scientific
subject and very complex).
Beyond the physical realms are six other domains, which can be classified as the realms of "ultimate causation", consisting of vacuum and plenum, [11] quantum and sub-quantum. [12] [13]
In the Working Model these 7 domains are all together called the 7 Superdomains, not to be confused with the 7 superuniverses in texts such as the Urantia Papers. [14]
The dominating characteristics of
the Superdomains is form giving, and thus the term idiomaterial
Universe was born. And us being mind/body, we are idiomaterial
ourselves; thought creates matter, and there is no way to tell
matter and thought apart.
This thought form, we as biokind (biological entities) and biomind (biological entities, including mind/spirit) are accessed through something which in Life Physics is called the "T-Boundary", short for Thought-Boundary.
This is a superdomain of its own, providing us with the purpose to accomplish
the above. I should add that not all life forms in the Unum is
physical in nature; there are those who don't have bodies, or can
create them as they go along, by accessing different dimensions, and
these entities are of course also a part of the above encoding.
The ability to grasp our reality is based on our ability to process thoughts, which are manifested in the hologram experienced as earth reality, to which we now claim ownership and observership.
Perhaps we can compare it with plugging into a new computer and start it for the first time. Once it's booted up, files need to be indexed and installed, and browsers, necessary software need to be installed as well, and certain downloads have to be done before we enter the Computer World.
However, once this is done,
we're hooked up with everybody else who have a computer in the
global network we call the Internet (Earth in our metaphor).
Therefore, reality in the Multiverse is highly subjective and always
subject to change.
The Multiverse, says Strzyzewski, is in itself intelligent, seamless and completely connected on a sub-quantum level, something that's been taught in metaphysics for a long time.
However, to more easily catalogue and conceptualize the Unum, LPG-C has developed the mathematical and gnosive (communication mind-to-mind) concept of "levels of manifestation" (LOM), which works in a downward order, from implication at its top to explication further down.
This turns
Nature into a seemingly endless range, where all LOMs coexist and
interact on every level to form the Whole.
Figure 2
The 7 Levels of Manifestation (LOMs)
This may soon be the accepted way of looking at the Multiverse, so we need to get familiar with it on one level or another. [17]
Although Einstein's Theory of Relativity became the way of looking at things throughout the 20th Century and taught in school, it doesn't mean we learned how it works on its highest scientific level, including all the abstract math involved, but in a way most of us could understand.
Those, who
want to continue study physics will sooner or later run into this
complex mathematical world, but that is by choice. The rest of us
only understand the basics.
Each LOM shows to hold all outcome probabilities possible in all levels of manifestation, and we're talking forming literal histories; each LOM as time/space ratio contains timelines which include the 5 infinites:
Continuous research indicated that it was imperative to learn more
about the boundaries of all the 7 LOMs to understand the common
superfunctions of the Unum; something the Working Model refers to as
T-Boundary can be depicted as a fuzzy "shield" around the egg-shaped
Unum. Each of the Superdomains has its own ratio of space and time,
and now we have to stretch our imagination:
This, in an attempt to explain
this in simpler terms, can be compared to us humans, who are also
connected with each other and everything else in the Multiverse, but
depending on where and when we are, we experience ourselves as
separate beings at the same time as we are ONE. Figure 3 Organization of the Unum superdomains as an ovoid-shaped metastructure presented here as a 2-dimensional image
of a superdomain 8-dimensional continuum.
The entire Unum is a limitless plenum (the combination of space, including matter) of energetics organized as a super-continuum. Thought, as energy and infinite potential, can via emotion (which is a form of energy as well) and intention work itself in interconnectivity and, in singularity or in unison respectively, manifest in matter.
The denser the energy, the more
work to make it manifest. On certain levels, you create what you
want with your thoughts, emotions and intentions only, while in our
dense reality here on Earth, we often need to take additional steps
to make things manifest in the physical.
These experiences more often than not
show to be very coherent with each others, and if six to seven
people perceive and experience the same, or similar things, the
evidence after a while will be considered quite solid:
Thought-Boundary (T-Boundary) information is thus sent through a downward cascading effect, which is applied equally in the next 5 "lower" superdomains in the following order (each of them will be looked into separately in sequence as well):
Figure 4 (below) is showing what a thought-matrix would look like at
its inception point and the result and thought-essence it is
producing at the time. The effect is instantaneous, and will be
explained in more details in the next two sub-sections: Figure 4 A, B, and C Thought-Matrix at inception point and
result in the two next Superdomains "below"
4.2 Thought Superdomain
The two primary functions of the Thought Superdomain are:
This Superdomain also has as its function to invest in "creative impulses", originated at the Prime-Causal or 4-space/time superdomains.
This creative impulse investment has the quality of making a distinguishable and coherent "whole", so that it can be understandable as a concept. In simpler words, this means that a thought is sent down to the 4-space/time, for example, being processed there, and sent back up to be processed.
Once an accurate "photo" is taken of the original thought, the second primary function kicks in automatically.
Then the thought is instantly moved
forth to the Logomorphic (morphic meaning "form" or "shape") and
Syntonicdiffusive (syntonic = adjusted to the same, or a particular
frequency) Superdomains. [18]
Hence, one single thought eventually becomes experience, and this experience is being part of, shared, and accessible to any entity evolved enough to receive the information (in any of the 7 Superdomains, not only 4-space/time).
Metaphysically speaking here, if I may, it means one
has to be on the same frequency or above, to be able to receive and
interpret the thought.
Here is the story of the Unum, preserved forever, way after a 4-dimensional Universe dies, and anyone living in the Unum (or potentially elsewhere) has access to this ultimate "library" if they are evolved enough. We are using it on a daily basis without knowing about it, but as we evolve, we can more consciously access it and "visit" it. [19]
Then, in a downward
fashion, each planetary body has its own "Akashic Records", which
includes any and every thought and action made within that planetary
body. More about that later.
Its main function is to bring the
information on the "disk" (the thought/sound signature complex), and
propel it forward (or downward) on its way to becoming a
4-space/time object or form, making the refinements required; almost
like adjusting the quality of the contents of the disk before
bringing it forward to the next step in the process of getting the
"final product".
When I looked at pictures of the Universe and the giant galaxies, the stars, and the planets, I could hear in my head that each heavenly body was playing its own instruments, had its own sound and contributed to a larger symphony, which was that which was played by the whole galaxy.
galaxies play other symphonies and I could imagine how the whole
Universe was one big super-symphony where everything is playing its
part on God's complex, but yet so simple, musical sheet.
I also realized that music is universal, and those of us who are able to create our own music, like I have done, are basically "downloading" bits and pieces from the galactic symphony, creating something unique and personal from it with the purpose of having an emotional experience/impact on self and other-selves, and then add this minor composition to the already existing giant overall symphony of the Milky Way and the Universe as Infinite Potential and thus change the super-symphony with a few notes; or rather, add to it.
How successful we are depends on how much "in tune" we are with the Multiverse. Thus, we can compare classical composers like Mozart, Beethoven, Bach etc., with a "death metal" and low frequency music composer.
Who is most in tune with
the Harmonic Multiverse; who of the two is more in tune with
Each one of us is not only
one frequency, but we exist in harmonics of different frequencies.
The more balanced we are, and the more evolved, the more "beautiful"
the harmonics we emit are perceived by the Multiverse around us, and
we are perceived as more "pleasant" by people in our environment.
How harmonic and pleasant is the symphony played by that certain galaxy? Not so pleasant?
Well, if I enter, I'd be more alert than if the symphony is perceived as more pleasant to our sensors. Same thing would go for feeling out a particular planet.
This kind of thinking, of course, is limited to one perception only
(sound frequency), when the Multiverse can, and should be, perceived
multi-perceptional, but the thought in itself is fascinating and
The Syntonic-Diffusive
Superdomain is actively assisting in the creative impulses from the
T-Boundary of the former superdomain (in the same "downward" fashion
as described earlier). Its primary task is maintenance of
functionality; to keep the thoughts stable on their way down the
Superdomains. It has an "indexing function", which can be compared
with registering property with the Library of Congress or similar. Figure 5 A false-color facsimile of a neurocensor's holonomic experience
in the Syntonic-diffusive superdomain
visible are the downward causal transforms which have already been
conformed to a templaic specification.
Figure 6 Human form visible in the
Templaic/Quantum Potential
Figure 7 Satellite image of a Galaxy; a massive, gravitationally bound system that consists of stars and stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas and dust,
and an important but
poorly understood component tentatively dubbed dark matter.
The first six superdomains have as one of their common functions to project, foster, promote, and support the "lowest" of the superdomains. It is here where all creative impulses, originating in the Prime-Causal Domain, move through an instantaneous process to become a templaic conformation, and ultimately an object or a "thing".
We often refer to these
objects as matter, which in certain terms is a bit misleading, as
matter in itself does not truly exist, and in reality matter is just
a range of energetic frequencies which our senses interpret as being
more or less solid.
Cosmology is more directed toward the study of
the universe as a whole as it is now, including humanity's role in
This plays an important role for the biomind; in fact, any biomind has access to any object's quantum number as it exists in the Thoughts Superdomain as an upward chain from causality (from here to Source or T-Boundary).
Hence, you basically know everything about
everything instantly.
To an outside observer, the T-Boundary would appear
as an extremely bright point; much like the opposite end of a black
hole, but without the rotating, familiar whirl that goes with it,
when viewed from inside the Prime-Causal Superdomain (Figure 8). Figure 8 Holonomic-like representation of a neurosensor's experience
of the T-boundary head-on from inside the Prime-Causal superdomain
These Logomorphic
rings are the result of a toroidal field (a surface generated by
rotating a closed plane curve about a coplanar [in the same plane]
line that does not intersect the curve) that encompasses our
Universe, the quantum-vacuum and space/time.
Figure 9
Logomorphic rings produced by Toroidal field
Life as physical information starts as thought-substance information, in the Thought-substance region of the Unum. The conformation of life, which tells us how life information begins and ultimately gets matches into a biological life form in space/time is realized in the Condensate region of the Unum.
The sub-quantum vacuum-plenum plays a
very important role in the latter, as we shall see.
Figure 10 2-dimensional representation of the two primary regions of the UNUM. Almost gives the impression of a gigantic,
aware" spaceship on a journey through the VOID.
This is the ultimate vacuum, the Subquantum which are the fundamental building blocks that defines not only space and time, but also conforms life information that exist in space/time, making this vacuum a remarkable medium with the following characteristics:
By further studying the above, LPG-C started researching the composition of the subquantum vacuum-plenum, its electromagnetic properties, interactions with matter, and behavior of waves in the medium.
It was then realized that it was the subquantum
vacuum-plenum that was the interconnected region, accessing the
quantum potential, syntonic-diffusive, logomorphic, and unisonic
intersuperdomain sets.
Figure 11
Vacuum-plenum in dark matter medium manifesting in
In simpler terms; everything is interconnected on a subquantum level, which ultimately makes everything in existence ONE; there is no separation!
This ONE-ness is "All That Is", the
ultimate definition of "God", and so it has proven to be in the
Working Model.
According to the
Physics Group, there are 12,960,000 degrees of Infinites in
interconnectivity between the Thought Superdomain and 4-space/time.
It's a mind-boggling concept, which to some extent can be
illustrated in the diagram below: Figure 12 The 12,960,000 Infinite Interconnectivity degrees
negative and positive space
It's the ultimate Akasha Record, if you will. It records all our memories, experiences, knowledge and technologies; actually every single thought we've ever had. And it's stored for Eternity.
One can say that the biokind as a "biomind" (the
mind/spirit of a biokind) becomes the sum total of its membership as
one metastructure of minds sharing the same software and the same
They start understanding the fact that they are not one-of-a-kind but we are all ONE.
This leads us to the very metafunction of the T-Boundary.
Strzyzewski says:
This has been reevaluated by LPG-C.
It is known that the previous universe was destroyed (or imploded) due to that we misused dark energy to such a degree that the light of the galaxies in the old universe literally went out. [25a]
They became "dead galaxies" and were thus depleted from life forms. Therefore, it was destroyed and this new universe was created around 13.7 billion years ago and is teeming with life. Hopefully we have learned our lessons from last time and will not repeat the same mistake in this universe. On the other hand, if we do, it's obvious that life starts all over again.
Mind you, that it is only
4-space/time that recycles; the other superdomains seem to stay
intact; at least this is my understanding.
There is, however, nothing in Life Physics which indicates that anything cycles in octaves, but there is still a lapse in acceptance between science and metaphysics. Metaphysical entities are often more than willing to merge the two, but science has always been much more reluctant.
hope that will change in the near future.
Not only do they exist in abundance throughout the Multiverse, in
many different shapes and forms, but some of them are already here
on Earth, walking among us, and we don't even notice. Figure 13 The shape and form
the 4-space/time Universe (source:
Acronyms (in alphabetical order - words followed by a pound sign #)