Reason 151:
The Elite are playing mind games on
a stage wasting our time, they will assume any role to sway
opinions as necessary, and this is master chess with an
occasional Gambit, Lincoln.
This false light that has come to the world has deceived many.
It is the same false light that says it has come to Illuminate
those who are humble and worship it. Light in the Latin is
named after Lucifer the bright mourning star or Venus. The
strategy they are using is to give you two choices in which both
are no good.
The word Democratic taking its root from the Arabic
word Demos or Demon and Republican taking its root from the word
Reptile or Rephaim. So the choice is Reptiles or Demons you
choose. To prove this one simply has to note how many times
leaders and Presidents have been photographed making the sign of
Baphomet the Goat God of Mendes.
Due to bloodlines of the
Presidents of the U.S. having Merovingian origin they are
definitely blue blood reptilian hybrids walking around the White
House and Parliament hailing from the Orion constellation,
Venus, Agharta, Mars, Vulcan and who knows where else. Ruling
over us pretending they are like us. This is why they continue
with this bloodbath with the slightest show of regret or
I’m sure many reading this are familiar with
David Icke’s work so it is unnecessary to reiterate what he has been
explaining for years in detail thus I have been mainly covering
how the blending took place.

Reason 152:
Here is what commonly happens.
Because the Light cannot comprehend the Darkness many who do not
have such strong evil inclinations refuse to believe anyone,
especially their leaders who have such charisma, could be
involved in such a vile plot of enslaving humanity.
The recent
Zeitgeist movie, obviously directed by the Elite, shifts the
blame of our current world state on the by product of humanity
making the wrong decisions in regards to how the Planet is
preserved, thus their solution is
the "Venus" Project.
related to Venus you will find the Dark Lord in the midst of.
This is why it gives you power to know such things so you cannot
be easily fooled as the masses often are. The same companies
that were talked about on the first Zeitgeist were those who
funded it, they have no shame in admitting that.
Highlight the
problem, provide a solution.
First off the term itself is Animist.
An Animist is a person
that emulates worships, and sometimes mates with animals in
order to gain the ability of that particular animal. In Africa
there was no limit to how many tribes were Animist and much of
the information on how to do such things came from Africa.
ancients played a dot-to-dot with the stars in the heavens
making animal outlines in the constellations based on the energy
they "felt" was emitting from the stars. One of the main tribes
known to do this were the Nubians from the Temple of Sheba
discussed earlier. It is true the actual Garden of E.DIN was
somewhere in Kush the lush land of Nubia where the 4 Rivers
flowed and the Queen of the South was in position as ruler over
the "horn" of Africa.
Remember Nubia had all the gold mines that made the Pharaohs
rich beyond their imaginations, that is of course when they
could subdue it and collect Tribute. The Nubians proved to be a
challenge as the Annuals record lengthy wars between the Nubians
and Egypt.
Even Alexander the Great, the Legendary
"Two Horn",
known by the Arabs as Dul Qurnain who built the wall to keep the
hordes away from the Holy Land was turned back at Nubia when
faced with Candace commanding Elephants in legions for war. This
I believe fueled much of the "animosity" between the Europeans
and the darker Nubians which they later enslaved and dragged the
In the end Nubia took over Egypt completely right around the
time it was due to crumble anyway, just as Obama has taken over
the U.S.
The Nubians later inherited the "new version" of
Christianity by Missionaries infesting their country.
It is said
in Arabian Prophecy that the Nubians will rise again and destroy
the Ka’bah and it will never be restored. Ethiopia has Ether as
its root, the people have smooth dark beautiful skin, silky
hair, and lulling eyes. The first stories of the serpent who
were called
Nagas, were in Nubia first and then they migrated to
They are called by the Nubians Negusi, which is a well
respected last name in their country till this day.

Reason 153:
The Naga are more in the image of
the Serpents described in Japan and China rather than bipedal
As I said before
the Serpent races are as vast as our
own possibly a lot more diverse. It is clear man has inhabited
this Planet, along with the serpents for thousands of years
intermingling, we easily forget the Dinosaurs.
Will there ever
be a truce?
Walt Disney put so much work and emphasis on Animation because
he was deeply involved in creating the framework for the new
wave of animalistic mind control that began on a person as a
Let us examine one story of the biggest cartoon maker in
history Walt Disney. The story itself begins before Walt Disney
steps on the scene but has to do with a certain man that Walt
Disney was well acquainted with.
This man grew up in Russia
during hard times. In order for one to even seek the audience of
the Queen or the Royal Court in these times, you had to discover
something exceptionally useful for the Empire. If you were not
of wealthy stock this was the only way to turn around an
otherwise miserable life for you and your family as the Black
Plague swept over the land.
This gentleman deemed he would do it
through the Occult and soon enough he discovered what was later
called Phantasmagoria with the tag line "Optical Illusions and
Mechanical works of Art".

Reason 155:
People are made to believe Disney
was a big kid like we all wish to be playing in a fantasy world
of Castles of Medieval lure with Dragons, Princesses, and
talking mice.
Disney, along with other very sick men positioned
themselves to be the corrupters of the innocent youth. The
fantasy world of Disney was the fantasy of a satanic pedophile
that we all had to visit because our parents knew no better.
What you don’t know "can" hurt you.
Since I’m really in this for the children I have a special
assignment to dethrone this Devil Disney.
If we pull together as
a people it should be because of things like this that hurt
children no matter the color or race. He not only used
Pedophilic suggestive mind control techniques in his films, his
organization, obviously run by the Dark Lord himself, continues
to put forth mind altering media that gets worse as time goes
Phantasmagoria is the Art of evoking Demoniac Spirits which
obviously Disney knew all about since he wrote Fantasia.
a look at that movie now with your eyes open will reveal an
entirely different picture versus what you may have perceived
before. In the English language the play on the word "Kid" is
obvious. A kid is a baby goat.
In the days when Phantasmagoria first began they lacked the T.V.
so they accomplished it by smoke, pre-recorded sounds of actual
torture, and lights. Showed above, many participants claimed
they had never seen or heard anything so horrifying. They could
not tell if the Demons were real or still a part of the light
Of course the demons were real.
On the back of many Disney
titles it still contains the Trademark Phantasmagoria meaning
this special art was used while making the film. Of course
people thought this was incredible becoming lovers of horror.
That was all an outward scheme and many suffered mental and
spiritual damage while trenched in the frames of Wonderland.
This brings us to the Gregorian Chants.
A long time ago it was
discovered that when singing certain twisted hymnals you could
actually bring the lower forms forth by sound. One would have to
be a Master at singing these hymns perfectly and to this end the
Masters of the Gregorian Chants were created.
When you are
listening to certain music from Gothic times always featured on
the soundtracks of Disney films and many others, it is actually
the Gregorian Chants playing at least in the background.
Remember Gregori is another name for the Fallen Angels and is
actually the creature Nimrod is always seen holding in his hand.
I cannot put enough emphasis on how powerful sound is and how it
effects humans, animals, and even other Beings. The Chants have
lead to possession in humans just as the Serpent can be charmed
with a flute. Rap is now wrapping up the mind of the youth so
their minds are so tied up they are immobilized, but not for
long. Sound is also a key ability we can use.
A frequency can be
fired at the body causing all shells, lower life forms, to break
free from the body. It is at that moment a person knows that
they were actually on them. One can never know what it is like
to be clean until they are truly washed, but not in the blood of
a lamb, come on look what they are saying.
This is not just a
figure of speech, the sub-conscious mind has to make sense of it
all and it does it literally.

Reason 156:
On the top left you will see the
Ancient Gregorian Hymnal used by the Holy See, 3 Horned Fleur
de lis in correct position above the Venusian heart of
There is now one group of Masters of the Gregorian
Chants that even perform in Las Vegas, people think it sounds
just like good Opera. One of the Four Patriarchs of Catholicism
was Gregori; he was with no doubt incarnate Gregori.
He wrote
the Hymnals, also keep it mind it was the evil Gregori who
created the Calendar we are on, the Gregorian Solar Calendar. It
is also known that when the Arabs visited the Russians to see if
they would pay for mystical secrets the Russians made a large
Banquet for the Shah, the actual menu I will be sure to put in
the second edition, if there is one.
While the Shah was stuffing
himself the Russians were playing the Gregorian Chants in the
other room. The Shah was put into a trance also known as
Mesmerism and his tongue went lose telling them all the Secrets
of Arabia. It was not long after that the Hoard covered their
land and many feel before them, the wall could hold them no
longer, its weakness revealed.
As said above many factions have come together under one roof by
intermingling bloodlines. We will just call them the "V". The V
as a symbol is the Roman numeral 5. Five is more properly called
"Penta" the "Pent" on Penta has the same meaning as the "Pent"
on Ser"pent".
The original origin of the word "Pent" is a
feather thus the word "Serpent" actually means "feathered
snake". This also links to our main strategic defense building
the Pentagon which still means "feathered dragon/snake". If you
remember the movie The V the story line goes that some reptilian
like Beings from another Planet came to Earth saying they could
help us with technology but in all actuality they had come to
take over our Planet and enslave everyone.
They did this by
infiltrating the government replacing various key people with
clones until they could make willing servants of the rest. The
only force opposing this was "The Resistance" the name of my
first website before I even knew all of what I know now.
During the times of Oracles unity between the woman and the
serpent was elevated and many women became worshippers of the
God "S".
One of the most popular was Europa who was worshipped
in Sidon. The time center of the Earth the Serpent wrapped
itself around they call him Ouraborus. Europa moved to the
island of Crete to establish a full serpent worship and occult
training center. If you don’t believe this is a fact I will tell
you a secret. The word is actually "Se"Crete" which also means
venom that comes from the pores, a white puss or emission.
island of Crete also contains a place known as Gnosis and of
course this is where the whole Gnosticism movement began which
is where you find more roots of the Serpent. When looking at a
statue of the Goddess Europa you will see her holding snakes in
each hand. She is simply another part of the pyramid and the "Is" in Gnosis is the sign that Isis is present.
Know Isis/Know

Reason 157:
Old Ouroborus knows many
things but it is a Deceiver trapped in the abyss of the Universe
and will never ascend.
Here is a secret, the planetary symbols
you see on the right are all the Planets that are already in on
the Agenda.
On the left you will see the cycle of life. This
cycle can be moved about fast or slow forward or reverse
depending upon your outellect and intention, it is the wheel.
it not better to be an ant when you need to eat and a mountain
when you wish to rest? I will give you some advice, never serve
anything that has been created and you will get far. Keep the
Most High as your focal point only and you will fare well in the
future. If you come to a fork in the road, go straight. I will
not be with you long already my place has been prepared, I see
it, and I long for it, if I must taste death I will dine with
all courses.
The word "Present" is actually an anagram for Serpent. This
means that every time you say to someone "I have a present for
you" you are telling them you have a snake for them. This is why
I became so persistent at cracking The Code because I realized
that we owe our children to stand against this.
Some adults will
read this book and due to the mental and physical damage that
each person has been put through all their life this work may at
times fall on deaf ears, but the youth of today are clever and
they sense something is up so this lets them know. Remember if
they get our youth we have lost our greatest result, we must
free them from the loop known also as the Halo.
With that being said I will explain a little of what has
happened during our days as a child that has lead ultimately to
most not being able to perceive what is right in front of them.
This of course starts as a baby the moment that you exit the
womb of your mother. While a child is in the womb it is in all
actuality seeing in 5D.
The reason this is possible is due to
the baby looking through the water bag or amniotic fluid of the
mother. Anyone that has seen Spirits often note that they appear
more superfluous with no clear edges and at times gaseous. This
is what the baby is seeing so it becomes easy for them to
recognize the mother. They are looking more at the mothers
design or pattern rather than her actual physical appearance.
When the child is born the damage begins through the procedures
the doctors are using. Remember that Doctors are under the Oath
of Caduceus and have sworn to uphold many things detailed in the
Oath that most Doctors don’t even understand what they really
mean. It is almost like putting your right hand over your heart
and pledging your allegiance to the flag.
You don’t really know
what you just did, but that will not stop it from having an
If the eye on a stove
is on but you do not know it and put your hand on it, will it
still burn you, of course. This is by no means saying that all
Doctors are initiated into some Serpent mystery school and
intend to kill off the youth, of course that would be extreme,
but what they do has an effect and this is its ultimate
intention whether they know it or not.
Those that created the backbone of the studies entailed, along
with the procedures of medical care, were completely aware of
what they set out to do as far as hindering the mental,
physical, and Spiritual growth of people seeking their help.
This has been done through their constant introduction of new
medicinal "potions" more properly called "poisons".
Along the
way many practitioners notice several things that can be done
much better and some even switch to becoming Naturopathic
Doctors. Most remain involved and when they become Doctors they
simply become prescribers of medication not healers. It becomes
as easy as locating the symptom and then prescribing the drug.
The drug company will be sure to let them know which drug takes
care of what along with at times free vacations if they promote
the drug.
I don’t need to remark here about the many side effects of
drugs, however, there is greater damaged done to the actual
Chakra system of the person than anything else. For example when
a person experiences heart problems Rejuvenators know that there
is some type of blockage in the heart Chakra. This could be due
to a lost loved one, intense stress, or various situations
related to the heart.
The correct healing method is to begin
working on the persons heart Chakra so they can get clearance.
This removes the Spiritual ailment from the soul which will in
turn remove the physical ailment from the body. The physical
ailment itself is just another method the body uses to tell a
person about a mental or spiritual problem when it is not
getting a solution for it.
This fact was known heavily in the mystery schools of the
ancients, especially Egypt. These types of treatments free a
person however and that is not the goal. They would rather begin
to administer medicines that actually block Chakra centers
giving the person a false sense of temporary relief.
There are
many more Chakra centers than just 7 and each play a unique
roll. Blocking them will bring temporary relief but cause long
term damage over time.
Another example is when one takes an Aspirin for headaches the
Aspirin tells the brain to kill the headache sensation. This
does not fix the reason why the headache originally occurred.
When you do this too many times whatever was initially causing
the headache will choose another center to convey the
information of the problem which could then be the stomach.
the person may begin to experience stomach aches, then they will
take something like Pepto Bismal which is more like a liquid
Aspirin that dulls the stomachs senses blocking the Chakra and
not curing the original problem. This goes on and on until the
person is now taking drugs for everything, which will of course
increase the problem. After awhile the over-the-counter drugs
cease to work and the person finds they are very sick being
totally polluted by over-the-counter drugs.
So they move on to
stronger prescription drugs.

Reason 158:
Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Reflexology, Colon Therapy, and several other techniques, have
showed Western Medicine is about Psychotropic Mind Drugs,
When a baby is born the incandescent light located on most birth
tables does extensive damage to the child’s retina. This begins
the process of stopping the child from naturally seeing other
dimensions thus other life forms. Full spectrum lights are the
only lights found not to cause damage to the eyes.
If the child
remains able to see other dimensions when it gets older it can
easily see that this world is an Illusion. They can see all the
different Entities that inhabit the world on a different
vibration, children often call them "special friends". Of course
the agenda is to take this ability away from the child.
Next they begin the shots which lower the child’s vibration
dramatically through the injection of viruses that are foreign
to the system. All vaccines contain the actual virus it is
designed to prevent in lower dosages in order to so-called
"develop" your systems immunity to it.
It also means the virus
is now in your body at low levels and that can’t be good for the
natural system especially as a child. Not to mention the Doctors
hands all over the babies head during the time the "soft spot"
is still fresh. Many doctors are stressed and have been
delivering several babies in one day. Some even smoke cigarettes
between deliveries and when they touch the child’s soft spot all
of that energy is transferred to the child.
The delivery
procedure has now reached a state of barbarism with the advent
of the Caesarian Section/Caesar/Sea Snake. The child no longer
experiences even coming through the mother’s birth canal which
is a very sacred time for a baby which prepares them for entry
into this world.
Instead the baby is cut out.

Reason 159:
The body consist of wheels of
Chakras all sensitive to light and energy.
The Chakras control
the images and sensations that are projected to your mind. The
thread or cables that connect us all plug into the Chakra
centers. Learning how to stimulate and manipulate Chakras is a
major part of dissolving Indra’s Net.
After the horror show the baby arrives at the home. If they are
put on Formulas and not breast fed the Formula changes much of
the genetic makeup of the baby. As one can see this stuff is not
called milk but a Formula indicating some type of special
mixture for transformation. The mother’s breast milk contains
all the specific nutrients needed for the baby that are uniquely
calibrated for it.
Anything else besides water or pure juices
will alter the babies Ph balance on many levels.
Next the baby is placed in a crib which normally is fitted with
bars. The baby has its first maddening experience with the
cage/cube. Most parents place the same toy that was placed over
their cribs when they were babies, that circling chiming toy
with the animals dangling. What this toy does is begin the
frequency programming.
Has one never noticed that the nursery
rhymes from long ago still survive today being played by these
chime boxes? The famous "Go to sleep, Go to sleep, go to sleep
little baby," you can hear it even now. With this thing spinning
over the babies head in a circular motion using certain sounds
the baby is tuned even more. One can imagine the results of
thousands of hours the baby spends alone with this insane toy in
the cube.
As the tot begins to get older it is introduced to cartoons. The
word begs one to ask what exactly is being "Tuned". A quick
search will show that "Car" was actually a blood thirsty Deity
that abused children but is that such a stretch to what’s really
going on in an innocent children’s cartoon?
When the cathode ray tube was invented many men including Disney
used it as a catalyst to the next level of mind control through
Hexagonal Color Embedding. Next the Widescreen Digital
Television was introduced. The key is the "aspect ratio" which
is a way to "open the mind" of the viewer.
When a person is
viewing a widescreen their eyes become slightly cocked in
separate directions in order for them to be able to view the
whole screen. Those studying Metaphysics know that the position
of the eyes equate to different states of consciousness. When
your eyes are spread wide your third eye is stretched open.
is a much more effective portal for mind control.
Even now many tribes maintain that they are descendants from
Serpent races, however, what they are always excluding is that
the Serpent races generally cross bred with them in a forcible
These types of Serpents, which are not your common
garden snake, do not stay on the surface but remain in
underground cavern systems; few report actually encountering
these Beings face-to-face although some have, like myself. I
will tell you they are Shape Shifters and take on a Humanoid
form however it still becomes evident by the shape of their
skull and brow, which is something like a diamond, that they are
It would be of value to know that the Serpent races
are far more advanced than we are at this particular moment.
They bought many things that made them appear as Gods to the
indigenous people who were discovering a new world after the
These Entities were so far ahead they had already
hyperdimensional space travel.
The Serpent races
are resource gatherers and it is known they have been robbing
the Earth and other Planets in this system of various resources
since day one.
They have interfered "Enter Fear" with our
natural cycle.
Pyramid means Fire "Pyra" in the Center. This symbolizes the
flame or fiery nature of the Serpent. These Pyramids the Serpent
races used to not only access there underground cavern systems
but also as way points for hyperdimensional jumps much like
what’s depicted on the movie Stargate.
Earth has a history of great cataclysms that not only put many
of the pyramids underwater but also removed their capstones. The
Earth itself has a cleansing mechanism that seems to activate
approximately every 12,600 years. During these times the Earth
is inundated with water or scorched by fire. Many of the members
of the Serpent races during these times simply burrow deeper
into the ground towards the center of the Earth in order to
escape the damage that is wreaked on the surface.
Even as this
is being written deeper tunnels are being constructed to house
more underground facilities due to the fact that the Earth is
currently due for another cleaning.

Reason 160:
Pyramids are everywhere not
because it was just a popular style.
This was the pattern of
construction given by
the Serpent Races in order to allow energy
to be harnessed developing working portals that could transport
more than one Being or person. When the stars realign the
feathered serpents known also as Pendragon/Quetzacoatl will
return to this dimension to escalate chaos. If you remain, you
must be spiritually equipped to fend them off.
Basically the
Elite members of R1 A1
haplogroup such as Serbs, Poles, Slavs,
Goths, Ashkenaz, and many others have sealed their fate in being
servants of the Dark Lord.
They see themselves as creations of
the Dark Lord and are awaiting the line-up for the return. They
believe they will "morph" into the same type of creature the
Dark Lord is and will commence to the feast upon flesh.
matter how sick and sadistic this may sound this is the backbone
of their belief in the Old Ones.
The entire structure built on
duality it is scheduling its next showdown or Armageddon within
the next year and a half. This is an age old battle that existed
before our consciousness evolved so we have little internal
memory of our role in all of this.
The dark-siders have however
accepted their role, sealed their fates, and are willing

Reason 161:
Time travel is a thing of the past, it has already been discovered and is in constant use.
Disinformation has tried to make us believe the Pyramids were
tombs and it is true many wanted to be buried in the Pyramids to
ensure their soul would have no problem making the trip into
their next existence, memory intact.
The next existence for us
is supposed to be Ethereal not taking on another physical body,
what a drag, this has been happening since the Elite have been
manipulating this technology and using it to hold souls in
The Earth has a fail-safe due to the type of Beings that are
living on and inside of it. Because many races do not get along
for reasons that I will explain next, Planets tend to go through
many wars. A large set of visitors came from the Sirius Star
System better known as the Dog Star.
To understand how these
races have become more advanced then Humanoid Earthlings is a
matter of:
Their Star Systems in distance which is time have
been around Light Years longer than ours and life has developed
similar to the way we are now evolving on their worlds but much
Just as you may see an insect go through an entire
metamorphosis phase within the span of only one month while it
may take a Human several lifetimes to go through that same
genetic leap, some Beings evolve faster than others especially
when they are unhindered.
A word on time, the English language does work two-fold. When
not knowing what the words really mean it does begin a sequence
of mind control. On the other hand when knowing what the words
mean it puts you in the loop of secrets.
It is obvious that we
should exist outside of time, this is immortality.
The mistake
many Magicians have made when being offered Immortality is not
considering these two things.
We are already immortal and if
we were not purposely made to forget that profound fact, we
would know that.
Just because you are immortal does not mean
anything more than ye shall not perish, it says nothing of the
details of your lifestyle in immortality.
What does it mean to be locked in a perpetual cage for eternity?
The conditions of solitude may have been lifted however I have
seen several lions trapped in one cage and those born in
captivity lack the images to imagine what it was like to be
free, thus they cannot conceive it and perceive the current
condition has always been as such. They think they are really
free, an illusion.
This is what it also means not to fly and
have hyperdimensional and extra-spatial capability you are
grounded your wings stripped and you now think you always walked
because you don’t have images of you flying, except in your
dreams and you think they are just you imagination.
The Most
High said I will make them in my Image/Imagination so thus your
imagination is not to be taken lightly.
Many think they have time so they may give it another week they
are too weak, not knowing they are in a daze they go about this
for days not knowing time does not actually exist for the
Immortal. Master knowledge is knowing that the movements of
things hold great external knowledge, but there are parts of
that knowledge that should never be placed internal as it will
effect the Host as something foreign, changing the entire makeup
of the Host.
Imagine if the Sun never rose again, would people
sleep all the time because it was dark?
Of course not, however,
people still consider when the Sun goes up and then back down
one day can be counted. They age themselves with ideas of their
birthday but we will not stray to far down the path of the
wisdom of agelessness.
It is known that the Moon better known by the ancients as "Sin"
was placed into our solar system at some point in time however
it was not originally here. Many of the indigenous tribes who
had already made contact with other constellations had maps that
did not include the Moon on them. Then at a certain time in
history all of a sudden the Moon begins to appear on
astrological outlines. One should inner-stand the effects of this
particular Moon on this Earth.
The Moon controls "Moo"ds. The
Moon controls tides, the Moon controls growth and thus decay,
and most importantly things like gravity and magnetic energy. I
noticed when the Moon eclipses it is easy to get out of the
body. So it is easy to see that there would be a big difference
in the energy of our world if the Moon was not here. Many do not
know that the change would actually be positive.
Many have done
studies on the notion that the Moon was somehow towed here and
by the size of many of the ships belonging to these Entities
that is entirely possible.
So I know you may be saying the Moon, okay maybe it could be
towed because it is not hot but nothing can tow the Sun. Today
you will find information on a top secret project known as the
Lucifer Project. In this project an attempt is being made to
detonate a plutonium payload into Saturn thus causing it to go
Super Nova and become a Sun.
Other Planets have also been
This was already put into trial when NASA detonated
the Cassini Space Probe with Plutonium on board into Jupiter
creating a whole the size of Earth. The idea was to create a
chain reaction; it is good that did not succeed or maybe it did.
It would then appear as if we had two Suns in our sky and we
would begin to receive lots of Planetary energy through the rays
emitting from the new Son.
One would have to look deeper into things to understand where
man received this type of knowledge from. If our current Sun was
not transported here through black holes it could have been
another Planet already, perhaps Vulcan, that had been given a
boost by detonating various types of elements that make Planets
go from frigid worlds of Ice, to Suns, let there be light!
word Ice comes from Isis in their theories men are
Suns and
women are Ice, not Moons, two opposites.
This entire matter
becomes a little more difficult to exactly pinpoint due to the
fact that most of us have never traveled into the cosmos thus
all the information we receive is second and third hand and
surely altered.
The Elite of course have never been famous for
telling the truth.

Reason 162:
There are so many habitable
Planetary bodies in Space, it is hard to know what is going on
until we have the opportunity to travel
the Cosmos, which can be
done with the body.
There are Planets and Beings that have long since graduated
beyond such petty things as what we are now experiencing on
Earth thus we take notes from them. They are entirely
self-sustained like a person can become when they are fully
"unlocked". In these stages one does not need to eat food or
breathe air thus his or her higher dimensional imprint has
reached a phase of totality.
Once that phase has been reached
you will "Awake", currently most are asleep literally walking
around a dream world, a dream within a dream, or a T.V.
displaying another T.V. displaying another T.V. ad infinite...
Strong persistence is necessary to be revived out of such a
debased state. Inside of you, there are those that want to work,
those that want to play, and those that want to disrupt your
Be mindful of which one is controlling you. There is The
World, You, and the Outer Forces. You must consider your
Arrival, Transition, and Breakthroughs. Your states are
Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual. Being conscious of how
you perceive things through all of these channels is key.
One can easily see that dissecting the Gnostic story in the
Bible takes heavy pondering. It would be good to remember that
when the Bible came into wider circulation in 1611 most people
could not read. The Bible was kept as a Talisman or something of
the sort that was believed to ward of evil by having it around.
This is the clear indicator that when they begun swashbuckling
lands and beating the people into submission they where in no
position to examine anything about Iesu, Nazarites, Grails,
Illuminati, Jesuits or anything of the sort.
They were following
blindly their lusts for riches and rank. So truly it is only
recently that the Bible has ever been properly dissected by
someone who is none partial and not in fear of death and
excommunication, after all that is already happening. The path
our parents chose was generally what their parent chose and so
on down the line.
Another point is what takes place in the Universities. This is
normally where lots of trickery begins. Often times many embark
on professions that really contain no skill without the aid of
some type of Machine. This is the other part of the war against
the Machines. A false sense of intelligence is created when a
person learns how to operate lets say an Electron Microscope or
Array Device.
Without this device however there would be no
place for their particular skill. Having the ability to operate
it proficiently falsely elevates them in mental status. The
person usually cannot build these devices from scratch because
they lack the knowledge and especially the equipment for
fabrication. If they ever go into a country where the basic
skills like agriculture, irrigation, construction, and other
core abilities are required they will go from Rocket Scientist
to Janitor.
Nothing they have learned is really of value; they
have not learned or understood the true inner workings to
This is very similar to how many people view the world,
all the real information about what really controls things they
simply don’t possess, that’s now about to change.
We have witnessed this with the fall of Silicon or should I say
"Silly Con". In places like the United States the Elite find the
people very hard to control now and much too independent. This
is why jobs have been moved to places like India and China where
the people are much more passive and less opinionated due to
thousands of years of Dominant Monarchist rule. Even now there
are plans being discussed about a population decrease.
You can
the Elite have made the people build a world to its
capacity and now they want to enjoy it all for themselves and
remove those that are not a part of their groups from the more
pristine places. In the event there is all out chaos
they will
watch from the Moon.
All major cities are located on energy centers, the middle of
the vortex being given the name "Down Town" alluding to the
center of a vortex. People are naturally attracted to these
energy centers like pigeons, so they tend to pile up in cities.
When looking at states like Texas you see miles and miles of
unused fertile land that could ease the tension of the masses if
they were allowed to inhabit these territories.
When going to
some of these places you will find one or two people own
thousands of acres that they are doing nothing with. What kind
of buffoonery is this when a person can just come and say "this
is my land and if you want it, it will cost you "X" amount of
dollars" when that land was stolen from the original inhabitants
in the first place.
In various countries were there are limited resources and harsh
weather, if borders did not exist they could easily inhabit
other parts of the world. The Elite have created a false sense
of prejudice that makes the people hate each other but love
their Leaders and I"cons".
When the United States joined World
War II which seemed to turned the tides, the stage was set for
America to appear as if it had saved the world from the terrible
Anti-Christ Hitler. Nothing could be further from the truth. As
thousands of soldiers died on both sides the rulers of many
countries began to orchestrate the division of the people,
drawing new borders and boundaries.
When the war was over high ranking officials from the Nazi party
depending on rank went to other places to enjoy their plunder.
Hitler and members of the Theosophical Society went into
Antarctica after long stays in Argentina sipping the finest wine
from Argentinean Vineyards. They eventually returned to the
Hyperborean entrance to the Pole.
Other officials went from
Argentina and traveled through South and Central America through
the extensive cavern systems located there also. The only ones
who did not get an upgrade where the regular people who
succeeded in only killing each other. They received a war torn
nation that had been reduced to rubble, a sound hatred for their
neighbor, and a secularism that has yet repair itself.
While the Elite laugh and toast a job well done they began
another phase. The Theosophical Society set up right in
United Nations and proclaimed itself the religion of the future.
This will be how the world is prepared for the Beast, the
Dragon, and the False Prophet.
Thule/Cthulhu is the brain behind
New Age Movement and the return of the Golden Age of
All decisions are made by the Ascended Masters of
Thule and those decisions are then passed to their proper
representatives in the U.N. This is already going on so this is
not a warning of something to come. This is something that is
already happening. The 800 Billion borrowed by Obama was to
allow those high enough on the Pyramid to go abroad, change over
the currency, and set up elsewhere before they snatch the carpet
from underneath the U.S. They are only waiting for the green
light that most in the inner circle have secured themselves.
When the U.S. market crashes the spiritual leaders of the world
will come together once more like they did in 1986 is Assisi
Italy at St. Francis Basilica. They will once again play the
show of all coming together and the belief in the same God. Then
they will unveil God’s new representative to everyone.
The Power
behind this individual will be Sanat Kumara I anagram this as "A
Mark Satan" there is a U "You" left over. When these Beings come
on the scene if one did not prepare before you saw their actual
arrival, it is too late.
In known interviews that where done with the gentleman on the
left in Reason 21 with Maitreya in the middle. He does the
traveling about bringing portents of Maitreya. When I personally
saw the turn out I was amazed. Not to mention this was done in
one of the nicest Convention Centers in NY. His current talent
is he can "oversoul" Maitreya.
This means when he is talking he
will shift to Maitreya although the two, of course, look nothing
alike. Then he will change back at certain points. I tell you
the truth people will wander astray when they see these signs
and wonders which can be done through spiritual powers or
technology and they have both.
Look at how they show up for
Chris Angel and he doesn’t have an ilk of charisma compared to
the Ascended Masters.
In all works it speaks of this time when humans will have a
final moment in making a choice to give there freedom and souls
up for what will appear to be an answer to their problems. It
will appear there are no other options for those who do not
begin to prepare now. Most will accept it no problem as they see
their leaders and Icons direct them to it, just like they did
when they wanted to endorse Obama, that was a test run, but not
without its drawbacks.
It will last for only a moment if it is a
second and then they will see why they should have listened to
all the redundant warnings that everyone keeps getting and
ignoring on some level or another.
I believe this also to be a pivotal point in our future
existence on a level extending into our afterlife. This is all
happening now in you primary reality, so no matter who tells you
"it’s a hologram" or "it’s your perception", if I pinch you will
it hurt?
Our world needs us to begin to act like who we really
are. Simply imagine if you were "fully activated" all Chakras
on, could you not make a difference that would echo across the
world? Indeed you witness it now before you. This was my first
move and do believe I have gone straight through demons to get
to you my beloved.
The world is in desperate need of anyone who
will have the courage and take the time to see what their talent
may be and how they can use it to rescue more from the fate of
the future.
We are in Malkuth the Kingdom, ancient law states this dimension
to be lower than the higher 9 Steps on the Tree, one still must
consider the Inverted Tree which has also been created and is
indeed functioning, it is the Demon world. Below us it extends
10 "mapped" dimensions down, the Abyss being uncharted.
This is
the point also in religion where the confusion of adding terms
like Netzach and Geburah in addition to what those terms really
mean according to Rabbi Lietman, however Rabbi Ashlog says
entirely different his analysis from the Kether while Illumed in
Shekinah, but let us not forget Rabbi Weisman who was in
mystical Daath the hidden 11 Sephiroth blah blah blah...
is what religion has done to something that is plain and simple.
Live Human and uphold your race and your kind with all your
strength and in it you will learn to ascend continuously, this
is the Great Reward in which eludes Kings and rest in the hands
at times of Slaves who We disguise as such for a test to man and
woman. They know the last will come first, say it isn’t so, the
Most High can make a crippled a climber of Trees.
The Final Warning had been set upon the chariot and rode through
the land day and night, the ancient books had been sealed and I
could open them no longer less I become infested again with the
horrors spoken within whispering in my mind night and day
continuously, but I had to know.
The new message was spoke to me
and I wrote it down and as I wrote the words began to disappear
off the page.
A Voice said,
"Do not write that which is for those
who will escape the great test that shall come upon man, woman,
beast, and jinn. I have placed this before them as a mirror that
they may see who they are inside and cease from pretending that
they have vanquished darkness but in reality have nursed it. Now
it shall rear up and devour. Lo, there is no Honor amongst the

Reason 163:
This is the Symbol of Thule of
course bringing us right to the Serpents as usual.
meditation room has been placed inside of the U.N. Many world
leaders visit the room before they make world decisions. The
room is shaped like a Trapezoid, a Pyramid with no capstone. The
lighting is recessive as you go away from the Mural.
The Mural
is clearly Saturnalian as you can see the scythe of Saturn along
with the staff and the Serpent twinning around it. The stone has
been removed from their sacred mountain and placed inside the
room for its frequency. Many of the dark-siders are seeking
revenge for what happened during the Inquisition, they are
releasing this anger upon the masses and feel no remorse or
Dag Hammearskjold, "Secret"ary General of the U.N. placed
Black Stone of Light" in the United Nations in 1953. It is a
six-and-a-half ton block of "programmed" iron ore. It is
polished on the top such that it brings forth a sheet of minute
lights that shine like billions of tiny stars. It is a natural
magnet emitting waves of energy.
This is the "foundation" of the
New World.
In Stanley Kubricks Film
2001 -A Space Odyssey the
main character of the story, David Bowman, discovers that such a
stone serves as a space portal leading to a distant part of the
universe. In the movie it is placed on Earth from the stars and
brings technological enlightenment to an otherwise ape man tribe
who live at the "dawn" of true humanity.

Reason 164:
Thule is not the run of the mill
They have perfected channeling, astral travel, evocation,
and as you see, they are the willing servants of the Unseen
Our greatest ability as humans is we create our Destiny, there
is no pre-determined future for us no matter how much someone
tries to tell you it is. If you perceive everything about you
already written, this means you are in fact moving backwards not
forward. If you where moving forward what you will achieve next
is based on you and cannot be recorded until you make the actual
This is Supreme Knowledge. Our individual worlds are
set in motion by a series of our own thoughts.
This cycle
delivers our expectancies at various times depending upon how
powerful our thoughts are. For example a person could
concentrate on getting a new job and it still take a year to get
one. This is due to the amount of energy they carry that
manifests thoughts. A person fully alkalized, breathing
properly, and with a clear mind can think "I want a new job" and
get fired at that moment beginning the chain reaction.
When we control our reality what we focus on begins to take its
steps into our primary world.
Many beginning to unlock this
power are surprised that things just come out of thin air. Then
begins the training of thinking things fully through in detail
for optimal results. In addition learning how not to think about
things that when they manifest they will actually hinder you
thus creating your worst nightmares. There is a fail safe so
this type of thing doesn’t happen often, they call it powerless.
The biggest fear
the Elite have of releasing the
secrets of
power are the result of what a capitalist minded world would
How many people would immediately use the power to make
themselves rich to have lots of lovers, and be irresistibly
beautiful? If everyone had the power to create their own reality
within this reality there would not be enough metal for all the
cars they would have, enough plastic for all the gadgets they
would have, enough water for the pools and waste of water that
would go on.
One should just ask for Knowledge, Wisdom, and
Inner-stand then you can decipher anything. Knowledge is all the
information, non-partial, Wisdom is the ability to sort through
that information and find the perfect calibration for your life,
Inner-standing is coming to terms with why all things happen and
thus you escape Duality.
Duality will always exist on this
Some may ask does this book represent Duality, since I’m clearly
challenging the Gods and Devils. I will say yes this is Duality
which takes place when you reach back from higher dimensions
into Binary Worlds. The Creation of the strong will always be to
protect the weak just as a house built of stone will securely
shelter its fleshly inhabitants.
We should never shrink away
from what is right no matter how Enlightened we become. In
certain meditations you can get so high you don’t know your name
or even where you are, but when you come back you are in this
primary reality thus the Most High has placed us here for a
reason. I know my reason; I’ve given the reader now several to
determine theirs.
This is only to give you a fuller life of
meaning rather than the redundant cycle of time where humans are
harvested for energy and go about Feeding, Fearing, and
Fornicating until they perish back into atoms.
This system which exist has with it certain secretes that allow
it to carry on as such. We can call them the rules of the Matrix
in which some can be bent and others broken. This is also the
secret to the "ME’s". One of those ME’s is called the Tablet of
Destiny and remains in the possession of the Elite. It was said
that whoever had it could control many things.
These ME’s where
the names, relics, and even spirits of power. Amongst all the
Gods stories it describes a plot by the Female Goddess Inanna to
obtain the Tablet of Destiny from the Gods by cunning. In the
society of the Anunnaki the female of their breed are not
allowed to rule. Without taking you through the whole story
which can be found in the Sumerian tablets it will suffice to
say that one female of their species gained control over the
Tablets of Destiny.
Isis in legend slips a Serpent on Ra to
poison him and he cannot cure himself. Isis then makes Ra
promise to give her His true creative name in this case an
actual Spirit or Ba of Ra. Ra agrees and Isis cures him and then
the power is transferred to her bosom.
This Ba/Spirit has now been placed in a stone called the
of Scone.
The Queen of England sits upon it as if it’s an egg
waiting to hatch. In fact it is also referred to as the Ben Ben
stone named after the Benu bird that was in legend the Ba/Spirit
of Ra/Marduk.
This relic along with many others, are all in the
possession of the Queen of England who rules just about the
whole world. In secret societies and religious circles various
types of worship and sacrifices take place that continue to give
these relics power. This is how one group can rule such a vast
amount of people, it is done through devices, vices that they
implore and make the people pray to.
They are kept by the rulers
who know how to extract the power of these devices and use it to
continuously elevate themselves over the people.

Reason 165:
The Ben Ben Stone rests underneath
the Coronation Chair where all from the Royal Bloodlines have
been crowned King or Queen.
The Stone was carried by Tamar from
Israel into Europe when the bloodlines began to mix.
Ultimately reserved for the highest ranking dark initiate the
Leontocephales or Lions Penis and the Pahanuk or
Penis of the
Dragon equated with Mithras, Phanes and Ahriman, the Zorostrian
devil, all as one God. According to Orpheus/Morpheus who I still
have chained down and being hacked to pieces, there would be One
Zeus, One Hades/Underworld, One Sun and One Dionysus.
This is
Saturn called also Zurvan and Mithras Helios the nocturnal Sun
beneath the Earth voyaging round the invisible world, doubt it
According to the rites of Mithras which is Christian Gnosticism
not written but divined, the beginning of all things was the Law
which proclaimed Christ, and the Holy Spirit existed at the
Creation. The Brazen Serpent was a Symbol of Christ. Abraham was
a type of God the Father, and Isaac a Symbol of Christ the Ram
of Sacrifice.
Eve slew mankind, but the Virgin Mary gave them
life. Mary was the "door" and that it was closed symbolized her
virginity, which was God’s Seal upon her. She was the Burning
Bush described by Moses; she was also the censer used by High
Cohen, the coals were Christ, and the perfume of the incense was
his perfume the Myrrh of the Martyr, on which prayer ascended to
Heaven. The Chains of the censer were Jacob’s ladder. Aaron’s
rod was Mary, and the bud thereof was Christ.
The Ark made by
Moses was the abode of God on Earth; it symbolized Mary, and the
indestructible wood of which it was made symbolized the
indestructible Christ who will rise every time he is Crucified.
The pot that held the Manna was Mary, and the Manna inside was
the body of Christ; the Words of the Law also were Christ.
Pearl in Mary’s body was Christ. The rock smitten by Moses was
Christ, and Moses smote it longwise and breadth-wise to
symbolize the Cross. Moses’ rod was the Cross, the water that
flowed from the rock was the teaching of the Apostles. The
darkness brought upon Egypt for three days symbolized the
darkness of the Crucifixion. The Amalekites symbolized the
devils, Aaron and Hor, who held up Moses’ hands, symbolized the
two thieves who were crucified with Christ.
the entire
Bible feeds from one story placed in several allegories and
parables. I bore of the Riddler who does nothing more than
confuse what is simple.
A man develops the fertilizer while a woman makes the egg. Many
never sit and think how mystical this is that an actual egg is
inside of the woman’s body at various stages. Now we get to the
meat of things. The Adepts know that when a woman is due to
bring forth a special child the fertilized egg itself contains
the child before it "hatches".
The period of incubation that
takes place before it cracks open is called "ruling from the
Egg". How many remember the tale of the Goose who laid the
Golden Egg? Of course that tale had a hidden meaning.
There is an egg that is about to hatch as some already have and
inside those eggs are things I’m not even at leisure to discuss,
since we have shined light on more than enough to keep one up
thinking long into the night.
I will say that those who will
come from these eggs will be different then the normal human and
possess abilities that we can unlock, but most do not use at
this moment and trust you will need them. You can see this all
as a way used to give you a sense of urgency.
Reptiles lay eggs
thus they have to wait for the eggs to hatch, some take longer
than other depending upon what is being brought forth.

Reason 166:
We can nor denied what has been
placed in stone. The reptilian affiliation is clear. Knowing all
this now, what will you choose to do?

Reason 167:
Unlike Mammals, Serpents and
Amphibians lay eggs. The incubation period of that egg is
dependant what type of creature laid the egg. Some eggs can stay
in incubation for hundreds of years before they are ready to
If you look closely at the picture of Mary above, you
will see a silhouette of a Dragon on the shawl covering her
hair. Gnostic Christianity is about bringing forth the seeds or
eggs and to raise the Brazen Serpent for everyone to fall down
and worship, it appears that whole plan is happening now.
only await the final arrival of the "Feathered Serpent",
Quetzacoatl. The return of Q.
We are looking for more ways to get this information across, the
Author, who is 30, is ready and willing to speak to the people
whether it is one or thousands.
The writer is currently doing
this with little Human assistance to save our race. If you would
like to contribute in any way there are multiple portals to
contact me. Remember we are asking for nothing, if you feel like
giving that is up to you, money is by far not the only way you
can be of aid, if you have rare pictures, rare books, contacts,
groups that you need spoken to or you would like me to include
something in future editions, if there are future additions,
contact me.
All contributions can be made discreet however I
will tell you there is nothing to fear a loophole has been
created, in every horror movie someone always gets away, we have
never lost our love for a happy ending.
In all this knowledge I have also discovered ways to enhance the
body and open pure energy portals. This cannot be done with only
one person and needs infrastructure such as a facility and
certain devices that change the consistency of the air and
atmosphere we breathe. If you can seriously entertain this
project contact me by the information provided at the very end
of this document. If you have questions We will give you
All these cycles are only dreamlike moments of time in the
divine consciousness we call Life.
The individual souls are
myriad fragments in self realization, the individual
consciousness goes beyond this duality of subject and object and
is subsumed in a timeless and blissful divine consciousness
independent of time, space, and causality, which melt away after
the illusion is destroyed and the Matrix is broken.
Even before I inscribed this note to you my beloved I was fast
in contemplation of the Most Exquisite Source. Keeping in
continuation I will never tire in mentioning my Sustainer which
is Inexhaustibly Cherished by High Emanations beyond Perception
which can be sometimes grasped by mortals.
It is indeed good it
can be gleamed and harvested by the wise to pollinate the minds
of the Guided.
The field is plentiful and the harvest ripe,
intelligent minds are waiting for counsel and it shall be
granted to them. We tarry too long already and We will wait no
longer in bringing the news to you of your evolution. I will
explain your sequence which is not foreign to all living things.
You must first know what you where before, in order for you to
calculate what you desire is to be next. I would suggest
addition only, we do not like to subtract, that will decrease
our ranks, we do not divide because we will never suffer a
conqueror, and we do not multiply into an unexpected stage which
is premature. Addition is the true and only math for us that are
intelligent and wise.
Did I ever fail in bringing forth profound
truth beyond fear or emotion?
Nay, I shall never fail to arise to
the noble cause of bringing the most precious elixir of rare
essence to all corners of the earth. If you but knew its true
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